Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aswedish educationization"" "subject:"aswedish education.action""
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"Boksamtal är betydelsefullt" : En studie om boksamtal i svenskundervisningen i årskurs 3Sekulovska, Flori January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how book conversations goes in the swedish education in grade 3, and also which perception teachers have of book conversations in their own education. The survey is supported by theories that focuses on book conversations in the education. These are text to text, text to world, text to self, qualitative book conversation, multi-purpose classroom, proximal zone and scaffolding. To achieve the aim, following questions has been formulated: • How do book conversations go in the swedish education in grade 3? • Which perception do teachers have on book conversations in their own education? In summary, the results of this study are that there are three types of book conversations in the swedish education called a structural book conversation, open book conversations and closed book conversations. These three types of book conversations explain how book conversations go in the swedish education in grade 3. Beyond this, the results of this study are also that teacher’s perception on book conversation in their own education are that book conversations are significant and of importance in the swedish education.
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Flerspråkighet i svenska skolor : -En systematisk litteraturstudie om synsätt på flerspråkighet och lämpliga arbetsmetoder i skolan för elever med ett annat modersmål än svenskaBrundin, Lisa January 2017 (has links)
In recent years, Sweden has become more multicultural than before. This is due, among other things, to the fact that an increasing number of refugees have applied here. The increased flow of immigrants has caused a lot of prejudice in society, which has also entered the school. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate how these prejudices appear in society and schools and also how they may have arisen through relevant research and literature, based on an identity perspective. Since I address problems, I also want to introduce solutions, therefore, are also methods that teachers can use in second language education suggested. In order to answer these questions, research and literature on multilingualism at school have been studied. The result shows that the prejudices are various, for example it is a common idea that pupils who are multilingual are disorderly and monolinguistic students are not. One reason why people think like that is because of the media. Media has a big role in spreading preconceptions that becomes self-fulfilling prophecy. Thus, thoughts and ideas are built upon each other in society onto the incorrect truths published in the media. It is also common that it exists a “us and them feeling”, where Swedes and immigrants separately stick together. In order to challenge these prejudices in school, working methods that include all can be used. In this essay, translanguaging and genre pedagogy, using the circular model, is recommended as favorable teaching methods.
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”Alla är överens” : En diskursanalys av ett antal partipolitiska debattexter om svensk utbildningspolitik / “Everybody agrees” : A discourse analysis of party political debate texts regarding Swedish education policyAxelsson, Isabelle January 2013 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen handlar om utbildningspolitik och syftar till att undersöka hur svenska politiska partier talar om skolan i ett antal debattartiklar och repliker, samt om de är överens i några aspekter och vilka dessa i sådant fall är. Utgångspunkten är att det sker en avpolitisering av politik, där kampen mellan ideologier inte längre existerar på samma sätt som tidigare. Genom diskursanalys har ett antal texter analyserats med ett resultat som visar att det mycket väl verkar stämma att partierna inte längre kämpar ideologier emellan, utan att man är övergripande överens och först och främst förvaltar ett redan existerande system. Den politiska kampen, eller spänningen, är inte särskilt stark då samtliga partier är eniga på flera punkter. Däremot existerar en diskursiv spänning kvar i aspekten av att man ständigt försöker underminera varandras kapacitet att vara i regeringsställning. Alla är överens, och alla vill ha makten. / This essay is about education policy and its purpose is to analyze how Swedish political parties talk about school in a number of debate articles and replies, to see whether they agree in some aspects and if so – what these aspects are. We learn of a depoliticization of politics, where the struggle between ideologies no longer exists the way it used to. Through discourse analysis, a number of texts have been analyzed showing that it seems to be true that parties no longer struggle between ideologies, but that they instead agree widely and that they first and foremost administrate an already existing system. While the political struggle, or tension, is weak – since all parties analyzed are unanimous in several areas – but nonetheless a discursive tension still exists in the aspect of trying to undermine each other’s capacity of governing the state. Everybody agrees, and everybody wants to be in power.
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Västerländsk kanon i litteraturundervisning : En kvalitativ undersökning på gymnasiet / Western canon in literary studies : A study of the Western canon in Swedish literary studies in upper secondary schoolKaragic, Mirela, Mimic, Adela January 2012 (has links)
Huruvida det ska finnas en västerländsk kanon i skolan eller ej är ett omdiskuterat ämne. Från att ha varit en självklarhet i svenskundervisning och sedd som någonting berikande har den kommit att bli uppfattad som elitisk och uteslutande i vissa hänseenden. I den här uppsatsen diskuteras detta vidare genom att undersöka frågor som vad som egentligen är västerländsk kanon och vilken litteratur som ingår i den, varför man ska läsa denna litteratur, samt ta reda på verksamma lärares och elevers åsikter om kanons legitimitet i skolan. Undersökningen är baserad på kvalitativa intervjuer med två verksamma svensklärare på gymnasiet, samt fyra elever varav hälften läser studieförberedande gymnasieprogram, och den andra hälften yrkesförberedande dito. Undersökningen visade att lärarna hade både skilda åsikter men även kunskaper om kanons legitimitet i skolan; den ena var emot den, men använde sig av litteratur ur den, medan den andra förespråkade den. Elevernas kännedom om kanon var mindre, likväl stämde deras kunskaper om varför den är berättigad i skolan väl överens med rådande forskning som menar att den är allmänbildande, för vidare kulturarvet, och mer språkutvecklande än exempelvis populärlitteratur. Med detta inte sagt att man bör utesluta det ena eller det andra, utan de kan berika varandra. / Our investigation is based on qualitative interviews with two working upper secondary teachers and four second year students; two of these students attend university preparing programs and the other two attend work preparing programs. The results of the investigation show that the teachers have different opinions about the importance of the literature in the Western canon: one was against it and the other participant acknowledged it and even praised it. Despite the differences in opinion they both use it in their teaching because “it is classical literature that we all can learn something from”. It tells tales about the past - society, economy and politics. The students who were interviewed knew considerably less about the Western canon, although they knew such a thing existed they were insecure about what kind of literature it contains. When being shown the list of Western literary canon they recognized quite a few authors and books, because they had, at some point, read them or about them in their literary studies. All of the students recognize the canons importance and understand why it exists. It educates the general public about a way of life that has had a great impact, and still has, on our society and all aspects of it. It gives us the opportunity, through reading these canonized books, to see with our own eyes, past life and understand why some things have happened and developed the way they did.
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Cinelitteracitet i svenskämnet : En granskning av filmmediets position i skolanNicoobayan Shiri, Azadeh January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this essay has been to investigate the research and national initiatives regarding film and Cineliteracy in the Swedish curriculum. The results show that, after all research, national initiatives and the continual clarification from the Swedish National Agency for Education concerning film's place in the Swedish subject, the vision of students cineliteracy not at all obtain an obvious place in the curriculum. The research points out the main causes behind this result to be teachers' lack of expertise and the fact that the formal education for future teachers in the subject still upholds traditional views on the subject of Swedish. The initiative presented in this essay also show lack of continuity, lack of adequate professional development opportunities for teachers and lack of practical guidance manuals to help teachers to develop and educate their pupils in line with current research and visions. / Syftet med arbetet har varit att undersöka den svenska forskningen och satsningarna kring film och cinelitteracitet i svenskämnet med utgångspunkt i kursplanen för svenska på gymnasiet. Resultaten visar att trots all forskning, nationella satsningar och skolverkets ständiga förtydligande av filmens position i svenskämnet, är visionerna om elevernas cinelitteracitet inte alls självklart i svenskämnet. Forskningen visar att det är lärarnas bristande kompetens på området och lärarutbildningens fortsatt traditionella syn på svenskämnet som är de största orsakerna bakom detta resultat. Satsningarna som presenteras i detta arbete, visar även brist på kontinuitet och skapande av tillräckliga kompetensutvecklingsmöjligheter och handfasta vägledande handböcker för att underlätta att svensklärarna kommer i takt med forskningen inom medie- och filmdidaktik.
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Man måste ta sig tid att lyssna : Talhandikappade elevers möjlighet att tillgodogöra sig svenskundervisningen inom RiksgymnasieverksamhetenBredberg, Johan January 2008 (has links)
<p>En enkätundersökning, en intervjustudie och en observationsstudie har gjorts. Undersökningarna handlar om talhandikappade elevers syn på sin utbildning och sin framtid. Resultatet visar att eleverna ser positivt på sin framtid och att få jobb och att eleverna känner sig kränkta i vissa situationer. Intervjuerna gjordes med tre lärare, en rektor samt en logoped, alla verksamma inom Riksgymnasieverksamheten för rörelsehindrade elever. Frågeställningarna i denna uppsats var:</p><p>• På vilket sätt arbetar skolan för att elever med talhandikapp ska uppfylla kursmålen för svenska?</p><p>• Hur ofta och på vilka grunder används Gymnasieförordningens undantagsbestämmelser i undervisningen?</p><p>• Hur ser eleverna själva på sin framtid, sin utbildning och sitt funktionshinder?</p><p>Resultatet visar också att man inom verksamheten har god kunskap och erfarenhet med elever med talhandikapp och de har utvecklat strategier för at kunna ge dessa elever en så god undervisning och skolgång som möjligt. Observationsstudien visade att det är gott socialt klimat bland elever som undervisas i mindre undervisningsgrupper</p> / <p>A study with help of interviews, inquiries and observations has been made. The surveys is about students with speech disorders and their views on their education and their future. The result shows that pupils welcomes their future and to get jobs and that students feel wronged in some situations. The interviews were carried out by three teachers, a headmaster and a speech therapist, all active in Riksgymnasieverksamheten för rörelsehindrade elever (special schools for disabled students). Issues of this essay was:</p><p>• In what way are the school working to help students with speech disorders to meet the course goals in Swedish education?</p><p>• How often and on what grounds are the Act`s exemptions beeing used in teaching?</p><p>• How do the students see themselves and their future, their education and their disability?</p><p>The result also shows that,Riksgymnasieverksamheten have a good knowledge and experience with students with speech disorders and have developed strategies to give these students a good education and schooling. The observations showed that there are good social climate among students who are taught in smaller teaching groups</p>
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Sharpening the Lens: Exploring the Turnaround Process Based on Visibility of Underperformance in Swedish Schools : A multi- case study investigating if the turnaround process in Swedish schools depends on visible underperformance.Axelsson, Erik, Friberg, Gustav January 2023 (has links)
There is currently a gap in performance among Swedish schools. Statistics show some schools demonstrating great results, while others are facing significant challenges. This study focuses on schools that have been underperforming and managed to turn this negative trend around. This is what is known as a turnaround, which occurs when an organization manages to improve negative results to positive through various measures. Turning an organization around requires extensive efforts, time and resources from its leadership and employees. Breaking down existing routines and practices to impose new ones may create discomfort and uncertainty among those that these changes are exerted upon. This especially when the organization in question does not view itself as in need of change. Calling for turnarounds to be enacted requires the organization to be aware of its shortcomings or even crises that they face. Awareness of underperformance is the main contention this thesis explores and its relation to a turnaround process. This study delves into schools that have demonstrated awareness of underperformance and acted upon it.
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Svenskundervisningens nytta för integrationJohansson Aronsson, Philip January 2023 (has links)
Syfte- Studien syftar på att belysa lärares erfarenheter av utbildning i svenska för nyanlända och dess möjlighet till integration i det svenska samhället med hjälp av det svenska språket. Studien kommer även utgå från ett elevperspektiv för att se hur utbildning i SFI (Svenska för Invandrare) hjälper elever att integreras i det svenska samhället. Syftet är även att med hjälp av Lefebvres teori om det sociala rummet tolka och förstå om svenskundervisning är till hjälp för integration i det svenska samhället. Metod- Det empiriska materialet kommer att samlas in genom kvalitativ metod, då semistrukturerad intervjuer kommer att användas. Deltagarna i intervjuerna är en rektor med stor erfarenhet av migration i skolan, en SFI- lärare och även en SFI-elev. Resultat- Att migranter får lära sig det svenska språket ökar migranters möjlighet till integration. Likaså är det av stor vikt att migranters kunskapsnivå kartläggs för att kunna erbjuda rätt undervisning. Migranters möjlighet att använda det svenska språket på fritiden utanför skolan är också en erfarenhet som har framkommit vilket ger migranter möjlighet till integration. Slutsats- Det sociala rummet vid svenskundervisning ger migranter stora hjälpmedel att lyckas integrera sig till det svenska samhället. Då deras tal och skrivning etableras som hjälper migranter att lyckas känna sig ett medlandet. / Purpose- The study refers to highlight teachers experiences in education in Swedish for new arrivals and its possibility for integration into Swedish society with help of the Swedish language. The study will also start from a student perspective to see how education in SFI (Swedish For Immigrant) helps students to integrate in Swedish society. The purpose is also to interpret and understand, with help of Lefebvres theory of the social room, whether Swedish education is helpful for integration into Swedish society. Method- The empirical material will be collected through a qualitative method and semi structured interviews will be used. The participants in the interviews are one principal with great experience of migration in school, one SFI teacher and one SFI student. Result- That migrants learn Swedish language increases the migrants opportunity for integration. It is also of great importance that the migration level of knowledge is mapped in order to offer the right education. One experience that emerged is migrants' ability to use Swedish language in their free time outside school will give migrants the opportunity for integration. Conclusion- The social room in Swedish education gives migrants great tools to successfully integrate into Swedish society. As their speech and writing are established that help migrants succeed in feeling integrated with the country.
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Compulsory school teachers’ strategies to incorporate ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) into teaching practicesTrofymenko, Mariia, Smelkova, Ekaterina January 2024 (has links)
This thesis explores the strategies compulsory school teachers employ to integrate Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) into their teaching practices in Sweden. Given the increasing importance of sustainability in education, this study investigates how ESD is incorporated into the curriculum and the challenges educators face. The research is framed within the Swedish education system context, which mandates ESD inclusion under the national curriculum guidelines. Using qualitative methods, including interviews with teachers and analysis of educational practices, the study identifies key factors that drive and hinder the effective integration of ESD. The findings reveal that while teachers are motivated by a solid commitment to sustainability, they often encounter obstacles such as a lack of resources, insufficient training, and the interdisciplinary nature of ESD, which contrasts with traditional mono-disciplinary teaching methods. The thesis contributes to the theoretical understanding of ESD by highlighting teachers’ resilience and adaptive strategies for overcoming these challenges. It also provides practical recommendations for enhancing ESD integration through improved teacher training, policy support, and curriculum development.
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Man måste ta sig tid att lyssna : Talhandikappade elevers möjlighet att tillgodogöra sig svenskundervisningen inom RiksgymnasieverksamhetenBredberg, Johan January 2008 (has links)
En enkätundersökning, en intervjustudie och en observationsstudie har gjorts. Undersökningarna handlar om talhandikappade elevers syn på sin utbildning och sin framtid. Resultatet visar att eleverna ser positivt på sin framtid och att få jobb och att eleverna känner sig kränkta i vissa situationer. Intervjuerna gjordes med tre lärare, en rektor samt en logoped, alla verksamma inom Riksgymnasieverksamheten för rörelsehindrade elever. Frågeställningarna i denna uppsats var: • På vilket sätt arbetar skolan för att elever med talhandikapp ska uppfylla kursmålen för svenska? • Hur ofta och på vilka grunder används Gymnasieförordningens undantagsbestämmelser i undervisningen? • Hur ser eleverna själva på sin framtid, sin utbildning och sitt funktionshinder? Resultatet visar också att man inom verksamheten har god kunskap och erfarenhet med elever med talhandikapp och de har utvecklat strategier för at kunna ge dessa elever en så god undervisning och skolgång som möjligt. Observationsstudien visade att det är gott socialt klimat bland elever som undervisas i mindre undervisningsgrupper / A study with help of interviews, inquiries and observations has been made. The surveys is about students with speech disorders and their views on their education and their future. The result shows that pupils welcomes their future and to get jobs and that students feel wronged in some situations. The interviews were carried out by three teachers, a headmaster and a speech therapist, all active in Riksgymnasieverksamheten för rörelsehindrade elever (special schools for disabled students). Issues of this essay was: • In what way are the school working to help students with speech disorders to meet the course goals in Swedish education? • How often and on what grounds are the Act`s exemptions beeing used in teaching? • How do the students see themselves and their future, their education and their disability? The result also shows that,Riksgymnasieverksamheten have a good knowledge and experience with students with speech disorders and have developed strategies to give these students a good education and schooling. The observations showed that there are good social climate among students who are taught in smaller teaching groups
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