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Characterization of TCDD-inducible poly-ADP-ribose polymerase (TIPARP/ARTD14) catalytic activityGomez, A., Bindesboll, C., Satheesh, S.V., Grimaldi, Giulia, Hutin, D., MacPherson, L., Ahmed, S., Tamblyn, L., Cho, T., Nebb, H.I., Moen, A., Anonsen, J.H., Grant, D.M., Matthews, J. 2018 October 1929 (has links)
Yes / Here, we report the biochemical characterization of the mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin poly-ADP-ribose polymerase (TIPARP/ARTD14/PARP7), which is known to repress aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR)-dependent transcription. We found that the nuclear localization of TIPARP was dependent on a short N-terminal sequence and its zinc finger domain. Deletion and in vitro ADP-ribosylation studies identified amino acids 400–657 as the minimum catalytically active region, which retained its ability to mono-ADP-ribosylate AHR. However, the ability of TIPARP to ADP-ribosylate and repress AHR in cells was dependent on both its catalytic activity and zinc finger domain. The catalytic activity of TIPARP was resistant to meta-iodobenzylguanidine but sensitive to iodoacetamide and hydroxylamine, implicating cysteines and acidic side chains as ADP-ribosylated target residues. Mass spectrometry identified multiple ADP-ribosylated peptides in TIPARP and AHR. Electron transfer dissociation analysis of the TIPARP peptide 33ITPLKTCFK41 revealed cysteine 39 as a site for mono-ADP-ribosylation. Mutation of cysteine 39 to alanine resulted in a small, but significant, reduction in TIPARP autoribosylation activity, suggesting that additional amino acid residues are modified, but loss of cysteine 39 did not prevent its ability to repress AHR. Our findings characterize the subcellular localization and mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase activity of TIPARP, identify cysteine as a mono-ADP-ribosylated residue targeted by this enzyme, and confirm the TIPARP-dependent mono-ADP-ribosylation of other protein targets, such as AHR. / This work was supported by Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) operating grants [MOP-494265 and MOP-125919]; CIHR New Investigator Award; an Early Researcher Award from the Ontario Ministry of Innovation [ER10-07-028]; the Johan Throne Holst Foundation; Novo Nordic Foundation; and the Norwegian Cancer Society to J.M. This work was also funded by grants from the Johan Throne Holst Foundation; and the Novo Nordic Foundation to H.I.N.
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Hepatocyte-specific deletion of TIPARP, a negative regulator of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor, is sufficient to increase sensitivity to dioxin-induced wasting syndromeHutin, D., Tamblyn, L., Gomez, A., Grimaldi, Giulia, Soedling, H., Cho, T., Ahmed, S., Lucas, C., Kanduri, C., Grant, D.M., Matthews, J. 04 June 2018 (has links)
Yes / The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) mediates the toxic effects of dioxin (2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin; TCDD), which includes thymic atrophy, steatohepatitis, and a lethal wasting syndrome in laboratory rodents. Although the mechanisms of dioxin toxicity remain unknown, AHR signaling in hepatocytes is necessary for dioxin-induced liver toxicity. We previously reported that loss of TCDD-inducible poly(adenosine diphosphate [ADP]-ribose) polymerase (TIPARP/PARP7/ARTD14), an AHR target gene and mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase, increases the sensitivity of mice to dioxin-induced toxicities. To test the hypothesis that TIPARP is a negative regulator of AHR signaling in hepatocytes, we generated Tiparpfl/fl mice in which exon 3 of Tiparp is flanked by loxP sites, followed by Cre-lox technology to create hepatocyte-specific (Tiparpfl/flCreAlb) and whole-body (Tiparpfl/flCreCMV; TiparpEx3−/−) Tiparp null mice. Tiparpfl/flCreAlb and TiparpEx3−/− mice given a single injection of 10 μg/kg dioxin did not survive beyond days 7 and 9, respectively, while all Tiparp+/+ mice survived the 30-day treatment. Dioxin-exposed Tiparpfl/flCreAlb and TiparpEx3−/− mice had increased steatohepatitis and hepatotoxicity as indicated by greater staining of neutral lipids and serum alanine aminotransferase activity than similarly treated wild-type mice. Tiparpfl/flCreAlb and TiparpEx3−/− mice exhibited augmented AHR signaling, denoted by increased dioxin-induced gene expression. Metabolomic studies revealed alterations in lipid and amino acid metabolism in liver extracts from Tiparpfl/flCreAlb mice compared with wild-type mice. Taken together, these data illustrate that TIPARP is an important negative regulator of AHR activity, and that its specific loss in hepatocytes is sufficient to increase sensitivity to dioxin-induced steatohepatitis and lethality. / This work was supported by Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) operating grants (MOP-494265 and MOP-125919), CIHR New Investigator Award, an Early Researcher Award from the Ontario Ministry of Innovation (ER10-07-028), an unrestricted research grant from the DOW Chemical Company, the Johan Throne Holst Foundation, Novo Nordic Foundation and the Norwegian Cancer Society to J.M.
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Isolation and Functional Characterization of a Dioxin-Inducible CYP1A Regulatory Region From Zebrafish (<em>Danio rerio</em>)ZeRuth, Gary T 11 April 2008 (has links)
Cytochrome P4501A1 (CYP1A1) is a phase I bio-transformation enzyme involved in the metabolism of xenobiotics via the oxygenation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) including the carcinogen, benzo(a)pyrene. Induction of the CYP1A1 gene is regulated at the transcriptional level and is ligand dependent with the prototypical 2,3,7,8,-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) being the most potent known inducer of CYP1A1 transcription. This process is mediated by the AHR/ARNT signaling pathway whereby ligand binds AHR in the cytoplasm allowing its translocation to the nucleus where it binds with its hertrodimerization partner, ARNT and subsequently binds DNA at cognate binding sites termed xenobiotic responsive elements (XREs) located in the 5' flanking region of the CYP1A1 and other genes.
The zebrafish (Danio rerio) has recently become an important model system for the study of TCDD-mediated developmental toxicity due to their relative ease of maintaining and breeding, external fertilization, abundant transparent embryos, and sensitivity to TCDD similar to mammalian models. It is therefore essential to vii characterize the molecular mechanisms of AHR mediated gene regulation in this organism.
The upstream flanking region of a putative CYP1A gene from zebrafish was identified by the screening of a PAC genomic library. Sequencing revealed a region which contains 8 putative core xenobiotic response elements (XREs) organized in two distinct clusters. The region between -580 to -187 contains XRE 1-3 while the region between -2608 to -2100 contains XRE 4-8. Only XRE 1, 3, 4, 7, and 8 exhibited TCDD-dependant association of AHR/ARNT complexes when evaluated by gel shift assays. The use of in vitro mutagenesis and Luciferase reporter assays further showed that only XRE's 4, 7, and 8 were capable of conveying TCDD-mediated gene induction. The role of nucleotides flanking the core XRE was investigated through the use of EMSA and reporter assays. Similar methods were employed on additional transcription factor binding sites identified by in silico analyses revealing two sites conforming to an HNF- 3α and CREB motif, respectively, which demonstrate importance to regulation of the gene.
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TCDD represses 3'<i>Igh</i>RR activation through an AhR-dependent shift in the NF-κB/Rel protein complexes binding to κB motifs within the hs1,2 and hs4 enhancersSalisbury, Richard L., Jr. 29 May 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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No description available.
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Exposition gegenüber Dioxinen und verwandten SubstanzenAbraham, Klaus 28 January 2003 (has links)
Die Akkumulation von lipophilen und biologisch persistenten Chlorkohlenwasserstoffen in der Nahrungskette und die infolgedessen auftretende relativ hohe Belastung gestillter Säuglinge hat zu Besorgnissen hinsichtlich möglicher negativer Folgen für die Gesundheit dieser Kinder geführt. Ein Fokus der Arbeit ist Frage, ob der Kontamination von Humanmilch mit polychlorierten Dibenzo-p-dioxinen (PCDDs, 'Dioxine'), Dibenzofuranen (PCDFs, 'Furanen') und Biphenylen (PCBs) in Deutschland zu messbaren Veränderungen sensibler biologischer Parametern führt. Blut wurde im Alter von 11 Monaten von gestillten (für mindestens 4 Monate, n=80) und nicht gestillten Kindern (n=21) entnommen zur umfangreichen Untersuchung des Immunsystems, von biologischen Parametern im Plasma und von Parametern der Schilddrüsenfunktion. Die direkte Messung von PCDDs, PCDFs und PCBs im Plasma bei den Kindern und deren Müttern konnte die erwartete Akkumulation dieser Verbindungen bestätigen, die etwa 4-fach höheren Werten beim Kind (im Vergleich zu mütterlichen Werten) nach einer langen Stillperiode vom 40 Wochen entspricht. Es konnte keine signifikante Korrelation von den untersuchten biologischen Parametern mit den Fremdstoff-Konzentrationen gefunden werden. Somit konnten keine biologischen Effekte dieser in der Muttermilch ungewünschten Verbindungen nachgewiesen werden, und die bestehende Stillempfehlung konnte bekräftigt werden. Der zweite Fokus der Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Frage von biologischen Wirkungen bei zwei Frauen, die gegenüber der am meisten toxischen Dioxin-Verbindung exponiert wurden: 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlordibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). Diese Frauen hatten die höchsten je beim Menschen gemessenen Konzentrationen, eine der beiden leidet unter einer schweren Chlorakne. Es wurde ein breites Spektrum immunologischer Parameter untersucht sowie die Aktivität der Cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) Aktivität in der Leber, die mit dem Koffein-Test gemessen wurde. Zum Vergleich wurden zwei Kontrollgruppen bestehend aus 30 Nichtrauchern bzw. 20 starken Rauchern untersucht unter Verwendung der gleichen Methoden. Die Ergebnisse des Koffein-Tests zeigen eine ca. 10-fach höhere CYP1A2-Aktivität bei den hoch TCDD-exponierten Frauen, während Tabakrauch (durchschnittlich 28 Zigaretten pro Tag) zu einem maximal 1,8-fachem Anstieg führte. Die immunologischen Untersuchungen zeigten keine Hinweise auf einen starken Einfluss von TCDD bei den hochexponierten Frauen. Es bestätigte sich, dass der Mensch relativ wenig sensibel ist in Hinblick auf die toxischen Effekte von TCDD. / The accumulation of lipophilic and biologically persistent chlorinated hydrocarbons in the food chain and the following relatively high exposure of breast-fed infants has caused concern about possible negative health effects in these children. One focus of the document is the question whether the contamination of human milk with polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs, 'dioxins'), dibenzofurans (PCDFs, 'furans') and biphenyls (PCBs) in Germany leads to measurable changes of sensitive biological parameters. Blood was taken from breast-fed (for at least four months, n=80) and formula-fed infants (n=21) at the age of 11 months for extensive investigations regarding the immune system and biological parameters in plasma including those of the thyroid function. From direct measurements of PCDDs, PCDFs and PCBs in plasma of the children and their mothers, the expected accumulation of the compounds was confirmed, corresponding to about 4-times higher values in the infant (compared to maternal values) following a long duration of breast-feeding of 40 weeks. For the different biological parameters investigated, no significant correlation with concentrations of the xenobiotics was found. Therefore, biological effects of these unwanted compounds in human milk. could not be detected, and the existing recommendation for breast-feeding was emphasized. The second focus of the document is the investigation of biological changes in two women exposed to the most toxic dioxin: 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). These women had the highest concentrations of this compound ever measured in adults, one of them suffering from severe chloracne. A broad panel of immunological parameters was measured as well as hepatic cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) activity using the caffeine test. For comparison, two age-matched control groups of 30 non-smokers and 20 heavy smokers were studied using the same methods. Results of caffeine tests showed an about 10-fold increase of CYP1A2 activity in the highly TCDD-exposed women, whereas tobacco smoke (28 cigarettes per day on average) was found to increase the activity 1.8-times maximally. Immunological investigations did not reveal a strong impact of TCDD in these highly exposed women. These results confirm that humans are relatively insensitive to the toxic effects of dioxins.
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Impacts des oxystérols par le biais des LXRs et du AhR dans la myélinisation / Impact of oxysterols on myelination processes through LXRs and AhRShackleford, Ghjuvan'Ghjacumu 17 June 2014 (has links)
La formation de la gaine de myéline est un processus complexe et finement régulé. Une altération de l’expression des gènes codant pour les protéines structurales de cette gaine entraine de graves neuropathies démyélinisantes. Notre objectif est d’identifier de nouvelles voies de signalisation capables de moduler l’expression de ces gènes. Les cellules de Schwann et les oligodendrocytes contiennent et synthétisent de grande quantité de dérivés oxydés du cholestérol : les oxystérols. Ces molécules sont connues pour leurs rôles dans le maintien de l’homéostasie du cholestérol et dans la progression des maladies neurodégénératives. Les oxystérols peuvent être classés en deux groupes : ceux dont l’oxydation a lieu sur la chaine carbonée latérale (25OH) et ceux qui portent une oxydation sur l’un des cycles du cholestérol (7KC). Nous nous sommes tout d’abord intéressés à la première catégorie d’oxystérols. Nous avons montré que le 25OH, réprimait l’expression des gènes de la myéline périphérique P0 et PMP22. Cette activité répressive était le fruit d’un mécanisme direct conduisant à une augmentation de la quantité des LXRs liés à leurs éléments de réponse sur les promoteurs des gènes de la myéline, et d’un mécanisme indirect provoquant une diminution de l’activité de la voie Wnt/β-caténine. En revanche, dans le SNC, nos résultats indiquent que le 25OH active l’expression des gènes de la myéline PLP et MBP. Le traitement, par ces oxystérols, de cultures organotypiques de cervelet démyélinisées par la lysolécithine permet une remyélinisation des axones des cellules de Purkinje. Nous nous sommes ensuite penchés sur le rôle du corégulateur transcriptionnel RIP140. Ce dernier peut soit agir comme un corépresseur soit comme un coactivateur. Il peut interagir avec le LXR. L’invalidation de RIP140 dans le poisson zèbre altère les gaines de myéline. Nous avons montré que RIP140 possédait des rôles bivalents dans la régulation de la myélinisation. En effet, il est capable d’activer mais aussi de réprimer l’activité transcriptionnelle de P0 et de PMP22. Enfin, nous nous sommes intéressés à la seconde catégorie d’oxystérols. Le 7KC est l’oxystérol majoritairement présent dans le SNP et la CS. Il est connu pour moduler l’action du récepteur aux dioxines : le AhR. Ce récepteur a été très largement étudié dans un cadre toxicologique. Cependant ses rôles et ses ligands endogènes restent à ce jour encore assez méconnus. Nos résultats indiquent que le AhR est impliqué dans le contrôle de l’expression des gènes de la myéline périphérique. L’invalidation du AhR, chez la souris, provoque des anomalies structurales de la gaine de myéline conduisant à des déficits moteurs. Cette étude a permis de mieux comprendre les dialogues entre les voies de signalisation gouvernant le processus de myélinisation. Ce travail apporte également de nouvelles perspectives thérapeutiques des maladies neurodégénératives comme la CMT1A ou la sclérose en plaques. / The myelination of axons is a complex process performed by Schwann cells (SC) and by oligodendrocytes (OL) respectively in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and in the central nervous system (CNS). A slight change in expression of myelin structural proteins has a deep impact on the development and preservation of nerve fibers and their myelin sheaths, as observed for example in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease or in Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease. Our aim is to identify new signaling pathways able to control the expression of these structural proteins. SC and OL contain and synthesize high amount of reactive molecules generated from the oxidation of cholesterol: the oxysterols. Their implication in cholesterol homeostasis and in the progression of neurodegenerative disorders is well known but few data are available for their functions in myelination of PNS and CNS. Firstly, we demonstrate that oxysterols inhibit peripheral myelin gene expression: MPZ and PMP22. This downregulation is mediated by two mechanisms: by increasing the binding of LXRs to myelin genes promoters and by inhibiting the Wnt/β-catenin pathway leading to a decrease of b-catenin recruitment at the levels of the MPZ and PMP22 promoters. However, in the CNS, our data demonstrate that activation of LXRS by oxysterols stimulate myelin genes expression (PLP and MBP). Interestingly, by using demyelinated organotipc culture of cerebellum, we show that oxysterols enhance OL differentiation and promote remyelination, via LXRs. Then, we studied the role of the transcriptional coregulatory, RIP140, in myelination. RIP140 is able to act as a corepressor or as a coactivator and can interact with LXRs. In Zebrafish, the knocked down of the orthologue of RIP140 led to a decrease of peripheral and central myelin gene expression and to a defect in myelin sheath ultrastructure. Finally, we focused on impact of AhR in myelination process. AhR is a ligand activated transcription factor mostly known to interact with environmental pollutant like dioxins to mediate their toxic and carcinogenic effect. However, its detoxifying activity is posterior to the apparition of the gene and its physiological roles and endogenous ligands remain elusive. We show that the main oxysterol in the nervous system is 7-ketocholesterol which is an endogenous modulator of AhR. We report that the constitutive absence of AhR in mice leads to defects in locomotion behaviors. We studied the impact of this invalidation on the myelin of sciatic nerve. We observed a severe demyelinating phenotype and deregulation of myelin genes expression. Moreover, we demonstrated a cross-talk between AhR and Wnt/β-catenin pathways. Our data reveal a new endogenous role of AhR in myelination process.
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Ligand selective regulation of cell growth by the Ah receptor through activation of TGFβ signaling / Ligand selective regulation of cell growth by the Ah receptor through activation of TGF-beta signalingKoch, Daniel C. 28 March 2015 (has links)
The Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) is a ligand-activated transcription factor and member of the basic helix-loop-helix Per/ARNT/Sim (bHLH/PAS) family of chemosensors and developmental regulators. As a member of the PAS domain family of transcription factors responsive to exogenous signals, the AhR exerts influence on many processes relating to cellular fate.
The activation of AhR is widely associated with toxic endpoints related to dioxin exposure. However, the AhR also activates endogenous gene programs related to development, cellular growth, and differentiation. The AhR is able to bind a variety of ligands, leading to a wide range of biological outcomes. Recent reports have shown that the AhR can mediate tumor suppressive effects. As a ligand-activated transcription factor, the AhR has the potential to actuate a variety of transcriptional programs that are dependent on the AhR ligand.
Our central hypothesis is that AhR ligands can be identified that are capable of initiating tumor suppressive functions of the AhR.
We utilized complementary cell-based and in silico virtual screening approaches to identify potential AhR ligands. We developed homology models of the AhR ligand-binding domain (LBD) for virtual ligand screening (VLS) of small molecule libraries. This led to the identification of new AhR ligands 5,7- dihydroxyflavanone!and 5-hydroxy-7-methoxyflavone. Additional small molecule libraries were screened in parallel that led to identification of flutamide as a putative AhR ligand. Flutamide is clinically approved for the treatment of prostate cancer due to its ability to antagonize androgen receptor mediated transcription. We investigated the biological effects of flutamide in AhR positive cancer cells that do not express the androgen receptor and found that flutamide inhibited the growth of HepG2 cells. Suppression of AhR expression reversed the anti-proliferative effects of flutamide.
We tested 15 structural analogs of flutamide, including the flutamide metabolite 2-hydroxyflutamide for activation of AhR transcriptional activity. Flutamide is unique in its ability to activate the AhR, and suppresses hepatoma cell growth. These data suggests that flutamide-induced AhR transcriptional activity is required to initiate the tumor suppressive effects. We examined changes in cell cycle checkpoint proteins after flutamide treatment and discovered increased expression of cell cycle inhibitory proteins p27[superscript Kip1] and p15[superscript INK]. We also found that transforming Growth Factor β1 (TGFβ1), which
regulates both p27[superscript Kip1] and p15[superscript INK], is upregulated by flutamide. We demonstrate
that TGFβ1 is upregulated by flutamide in an AhR-dependent manner and is
required for suppression of proliferation by flutamide. We identify specific and
unique transcriptional signatures of the AhR upon activation by flutamide, that
are distinct from the potent AhR agonist 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin
In summary, we characterize flutamide as an AhR ligand and demonstrate
its AhR-dependent tumor suppressive effects in hepatoma cells. We provide the
first direct evidence that AhR regulates TGFβ signaling in a ligand dependent
manner. We demonstrate that the AhR-induced downstream transcriptional
signature and subsequent biological effects are specific to the AhR ligand. Our
studies have broad impact for characterizing the AhR as a new therapeutic target
in hepatocellular carcinoma. / Graduation date: 2013 / Access restricted to the OSU Community at author's request from March 28, 2013 - March 28, 2015
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The IM-9 cell line: a model for evaluating TCDD-induced modulation of the polymorphic human hs1,2 enhancer within the 3' immunoglobulin heavy chain regulatory regionChambers-Turner, Ruth C. 26 March 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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