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Future time perspective and satisfaction with life across Iife span / Perspectiva temporal futura y satisfacción con la vida a lo largo del ciclo vitalMartínez, Patricia 25 September 2017 (has links)
The present research studies Satisfaction with Life and Future Time Perspective, in itsdifferent dimensions (goals, temporal location of goals and temporal altitudes), from adolescence to elder ages. This study evaluated 570 males and females between 16 and 65 years old, from two different socioeconomic levels in Lima, Peru, through a non experimental, evolutionary transversal design. Tools used in this research were the Motivational Induction Method (MIM) and the Temporal Altitudes Scale (TAS) by Nultin (1985), and the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) by Pavot & Diener (1993). Results show that there are significan! differences on the construction and temporal Iocation of goals, altitudes towards present, past and future and in the levels of Life Satisfaction due to the variable age. lt was also found that socioeconomic leve! influences these processes more than gender. / Este estudio aborda los constructos de Perspectiva Temporal Futura, en sus diferentes dimensiones (Metas, ubicación temporal de las metas y Actitudes Temporales) y de Satisfacción con la vida, desde la adolescencia en adelante. A través de un diseño no experimental, evolutivo transversal, se evaluó a 570 personas de ambos sexos entre los 16 y los 65 años, de dos niveles socioeconómicos de Lima, Perú. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron el Método de Inducción Motivacional (MIM), la Escala de Actitudes Temporales (TAS) de Nuttin (1985) y la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida (SWLS) de Pavot y Diener (1993). Los resultados muestran que la edad supone diferencias importantes en la construcción de las metas y su ubicación temporal, así como en las actitudes hacia el presente, pasado y futuro y en los ni veles de satisfacción. Asimismo, evidencia que el nivel socioeconómico, más que el sexo, influye en estos procesos.
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Future Time Perspective, Socio-emotional Regulation, and Diurnal Cortisol Patterns in Post-secondary Engineering StudentsJanuary 2017 (has links)
abstract: Built upon Control Value Theory, this dissertation consists of two studies that examine university students’ future-oriented motivation, socio-emotional regulation, and diurnal cortisol patterns in understanding students’ well-being in the academic-context. Study 1 examined the roles that Learning-related Hopelessness and Future Time Perspective Connectedness play in predicting students’ diurnal cortisol patterns, diurnal cortisol slope (DS) and cortisol awakening response (CAR). Self-reported surveys were collected (N = 60), and diurnal cortisol samples were provided over two waves, the week before a mid-term examination (n = 46), and the week during students’ mid-term (n = 40). Using multi-nomial logistic regression, results showed that Learning-related Hopelessness was not predictive of diurnal cortisol pattern change after adjusting for key covariates; and that Future Time Perspective Connectedness predicted higher likelihood for students to have low CAR across both waves of data collection. Study 2 examined students’ future-oriented motivation (Future Time Perspective Value) and socio-emotional regulation (Effortful Control and Social Support) in predicting diurnal cortisol patterns over the course of a semester. Self-reported surveys were collected (N = 67), and diurnal cortisol samples were provided over three waves of data collection, at the beginning of the semester (n = 63), during a stressful academic period (n = 47), and during a relaxation phase near the end of the semester (n = 43). Results from RM ANCOVA showed that Non-academic Social Support was negatively associated with CAR at the beginning of the semester. Multi-nomial logistics regression results indicated that Future Time Perspective Value and Academic Social Support jointly predicted CAR pattern change. Specifically, the interaction term marginally predicted a higher likelihood of students switching from having high CAR at the beginning or stressful times in the semester to having low CAR at the end the semester, compared to those who had low CAR over all three waves. The two studies have major limits in sample size, which restricted the full inclusion of all hypothesized covariates in statistical models, and compromised interpretability of the data. However, the methodology and theoretical implications are unique, providing contributions to educational research, specifically with regard to post-secondary students’ academic experience and well-being. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Family and Human Development 2017
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Du chômage à la réinsertion professionnelle : vers un modèle intégratif temporel / From unemployment to vocational integration : toward an integrative temporal modelCamus, Gauthier 09 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif de proposer un cadre global dans l’étude de l’influence des conséquences identitaires du chômage sur la réinsertion professionnelle. La Partie I propose une revue de littérature ancrée dans les théories du Soi, et pointe l’intérêt de la prise en compte de la perspective future dans l’étude du chômage et de la réinsertion. La Partie II s’intéresse aux stéréotypes des demandeurs d’emploi (Manuscrit 1) et montre l’influence négative du chômage sur les concepts de soi actuels et futurs de ces personnes (Manuscrit 2). Elle traite aussi de l’influence des processus d’identification actuelle à l’endogroupe et future à l’exogroupe de salariés (Manuscrit 3) sur le pessimisme. Un dernier manuscrit œuvre à déterminer différents profils d’identification et leur impact sur le stress (Shortnote 1). Les études présentées dans la partie III sont centrées sur les antécédents de la recherche d’emploi. Un premier manuscrit présente la validation d’une nouvelle mesure, celle de motivation à (re)travailler (Manuscrit 4). Deux autres manuscrits s’intéressent au construit de Considération pour les Conséquences Futures, le premier en proposant une validation française de l’outil (Manuscrit 5) et un second ayant pour but de montrer l’intérêt d’étudier ce construit à un niveau contextuel (Manuscrit 6). Ces deux nouvelles mesures permettent de proposer un modèle temporel de la recherche d’emploi présenté dans un dernier document (Shortnote 2). Enfin, la Partie IV présente les premiers éléments statuant de l’influence de l’identification sur le modèle de la recherche d’emploi. Une discussion sur les apports et les ouvertures de ce travail doctoral conclut ce document. / This thesis aims to provide a comprehensive framework in the study of identity consequences of unemployment on vocational rehabilitation. Part I offers a review of the literature rooted in the theories of the Self, and points to the interest of taking into account future time perspective in the study of unemployment and reintegration. Part II takes an interest in the jobseekers’ stereotypes (Manuscript 1) and shows the negative impact of unemployment on current and future self-concepts of jobseekers (Manuscript 2). It also deals with the influence of identification processes –actual to the in-group and future to the out-group of workers- on the pessimism of job-seekers (Manuscript 3). A last manuscript aims at identifying specific identification profiles and study their impact on perceived stress (Shortnote 1). Studies presented in Part III focus on job search antecedents. A first manuscript presents the creation and validation of a new measure of the motivation to work again (manuscript 4). Two other manuscripts deal with another important construct – the Consideration for Future Consequences-, the first with the objective of validating a version of the tool in French (Manuscript 5) and the second with the aim of showing the interest to consider this construct at a contextual level of generality (Manuscript 6). Those two new measures helped to test for a temporal model of job search that is presented in a last manuscript (Shortnote 2). The fourth part focuses her to present the first elements which argue in favor of identification influence on the temporal job search model. A discussion on the contributions and openings of this doctoral work concludes this document.
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Perspective temporelle future et communication engageante : une approche psychosociale du rapport au futur dans le domaine de l'environnementDemarque, Christophe 28 June 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à apporter des éléments de réponse au sujet du statut théorique de la Perspective Temporelle (PT) et plus précisément de l’extension temporelle future (mesurée par l’échelle Consideration of Future Consequences - CFC). Nous centrant sur l’idée de double contextualisation, nos résultats montrent, d’une part, que la CFC a bien un rôle contextualisant puisqu’elle influence la façon dont les individus appréhendent les problématiques environnementales. Si cette dimension contextualisante est bien établie dans la littérature, nous montrons d’autre part que l’effet de la CFC est un effet contextualisé, dépendant des enjeux sociaux associés à la situation. Cet angle d’approche de l’expérience temporelle est moins exploré dans la littérature, alors que c’est justement cette nécessaire prise en compte du contexte qui fonde l’approche psychosociale et la distingue d’une approche plus différentialiste. Afin de mettre en évidence cet effet contextualisé, nous avons d’abord montré que la CFC était dépendante de l’insertion sociale des sujets. Nous avons ensuite mis en évidence le caractère dynamique et socialement inscrit de la relation entre CFC et comportements écocitoyens, médiatisée par la perception des risques écologiques, variable sociocognitive. Dans une visée de triangulation, nous avons également réalisé une série de recherches expérimentales dans le cadre du paradigme de la communication engageante. Les résultats indiquent que le score de CFC des sujets influence leur sensibilité aux arguments présentés dans un message persuasif et leur acceptation face à une requête coûteuse engageante (rôle contextualisant), ces effets étant modulés par le contexte (condition contrôle vs. communication persuasive vs. communication engageante). Enfin, nous avons observé qu’il était possible de modifier, au moins momentanément, la sensibilité des sujets aux conséquences à long terme de leurs comportements dans le cadre d’une procédure de communication engageante. / This thesis aims to provide elements about the theoretical status of Time Perspective (TP), and more specifically of future time extension (as measured by the Consideration of Future Consequences scale - CFC). Focusing on the idea of double contextualization, our results show, on the one hand, that CFC plays a contextualizing role since it influences the way in which individuals apprehend environmental issues. If this contextualizing role is well established, we show on the other hand that the effect of CFC is a contextualized effect, depending on the social issues associated with the situation. This way of dealing with time experience is less explored in the literature, whereas it is precisely by taking account the context that a psychosocial approach distinguishes itself from a more personality-based conception. To highlight this contextualized effect, we first showed that CFC was dependent on the social insertion of the subjects. We then put in evidence the dynamic and socially marked character of the relationship between CFC and pro-environmental behaviors, mediated by the perception of ecological risks, a socio-cognitive variable. In an aim of triangulation, we also conducted a series of experimental research based on the binding communication paradigm. The results indicate that the CFC score influences the sensitivity to the arguments of a persuasive message and the acceptance of a costly query (contextualizing role), these effects being modulated by the context (control condition vs. persuasive communication vs. binding communication). Finally, we observed that it was possible to modify, at least momentarily, the sensitivity about long-term consequences of behaviors through a binding communication procedure.
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Aspects psychologiques et sociaux de l'expérience de la douleur chronique / Psychological and social aspects of chronic pain experienceLaguette, Vanessa 01 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la compréhension de l'expérience de la douleur chronique à travers les rôles de facteurs psychosociaux : Douleur chronique comprise en tant que « douleur en situation » et socialement construite, et expérience de la douleur enracinée dans et par la vie sociale. L'expérience est ainsi fonction des significations et du sens que le sujet donne à ses situations de douleur, par l'importance des théories subjectives ou 'profanes' et des représentations sociales. De ce fait, la compréhension de l'expérience de la douleur nous amène à penser le rôle du savoir expérientiel des patients, et ainsi la place du « patient-expert » dans le système de soin. Nous explorons, par ailleurs, le fait que l'expérience, le sens donné à la douleur et le vécu auraient un lien avec la qualité de vie et la souffrance psychologique. Nos intérêts s'élargissent ainsi à la compréhension des déterminants de la qualité de vie et de la santé psychologique, notamment à travers le rôle du rapport au temps et des insertions sociales des patients. De façon plus élargie, cette thèse porte également sur les déterminants de la participation aux études longitudinales et à la prise en charge des patients au long court. En conséquence, nous inscrivons cette présente thèse dans un cadre pluriméthodologique avec des données quantitatives et discursives dans un objectif de triangulation. / Our research cover the comprehension of the experience of chronic pain through the role of psychosocial factors. These diseases are understood as "pain in situation" and socially constructed; their experience is related to and conditioned by social life. Experience becomes function of meanings and sense that patients give to their pain situations, by the importance of subjective and 'profane' theories, and social representations. Therefore, the understanding of pain experience leads us to question the role of patients' experiential knowledge and the position of the "expert patient" in the health care system. In addition, we explore the fact that the experience and the meaning gave to the pain may be related to quality of life and psychological suffering. Our interests thus broaden to include the understanding of quality of life and psychological health determinants, especially through the role of the relation to psychological time and patients' social insertions. More generally, we study the determinants of involvement in longitudinal studies and long-term patients care. Consequently, we incorporate our research interests within a multi-methodological framework using quantitative and discursive data to create triangulation
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Time Perspective and Self-Reported Everyday Memory Problems : Associations Beyond Perceived StressVerburg, Charlotte January 2022 (has links)
Time Perspective (TP) describes the attitude individuals have towards the past, present, and future. This study investigated the associations between TP and self-reported everyday prospective and retrospective memory problems, controlling for stress. Ninety-five participants (18-60 years) completed an online survey which included the Swedish Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (S-ZTPI), the Prospective Retrospective Memory Questionnaire, and the 10-item Perceived Stress Scale. Bivariate correlation analysis revealed that Past Negative, Present Fatalistic, and Future Negative views were associated with more self-reported prospective and retrospective memory problems. Moreover, a Future Positive view was associated with better prospective memory scores. TP biases were assessed using the Deviations From a Balanced Time Perspective measure (DBTP). Hierarchal regression analyses revealed that DBTP accounted for almost 30% of the variance in prospective memory scores and for 25% of the variance in retrospective memory scores, beyond stress. Taken together, the results show a significant link between TP and self-reported everyday memory problems. Future studies should take other variables such as depression, anxiety, mood, and personality into account to shed further light on the association between TP and everyday memory problems. Regarding practical implications, interventions that are aimed at promoting a balanced TP might be used to enhance everyday memory ability. / Tidsperspektiv (TP) beskriver attityden individer har till det förflutna, nuet och framtiden. Denna studie undersökte sambanden mellan TP och självrapporterade vardagliga prospektiva och retrospektiva minnesproblem, som kontrollerat för stress. Nittiofem deltagare (18-60 år) fyllde i en onlineenkät som inkluderade Swedish Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (S-ZTPI), Prospective Retrospective Memory Questionnaire och 10-item Perceived Stress Scale. Bivariat korrelationsanalys avslöjade att tidigare negativa, nuvarande fatalistiska och framtida negativa åsikter var associerade med mer självrapporterade prospektivt och retrospektivt minnesproblem. Dessutom var en framtidspositiv syn förknippad med bättre prospektivt minnespoäng. TP-biaser utvärderades med hjälp av måttet Deviations From a Balanced Time Perspective (DBTP). Hierarkiska regressionsanalyser visade att DBTP stod för nästan 30 % av variansen i prospektiva minnespoäng och för 25 % av variansen i retrospektiva minnespoäng, bortom stress. Sammantaget visar resultaten ett signifikant samband mellan TP och självrapporterade vardagsminnesproblem. Framtida studier bör ta hänsyn till andra variabler som depression, ångest, humör och personlighet för att ytterligare belysa sambandet mellan TP och vardagsminnesproblem. När det gäller praktiska implikationer kan interventioner som syftar till att främja en balanserad TP användas för att förbättra vardagsminnesförmågan.
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Exploring the impact of future orientation on preference for illness-prevention vs. illness-detection health behaviorsCapps, Karigan P. 26 July 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Time on My Mind and My Moral Judgment : Effects of Time Perspective and Temporal Distance on Moral Judgment / Tid i mina tankar och mitt moraliska omdöme : hur tidsperspektiv och tidmässigt avstånd påverkar moraliska bedömningNordhall, Ola January 2011 (has links)
The present study examined the effect of Time Perspective (TP), i.e. cognitive arrangement of the human experiences into temporal dimensions, and Temporal Distance (TD), i.e. the perceived proximity of an event in time, on moral judgment. The study included 132 participants that completed the Swedish version of Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (S-ZTPI) and made moral judgments of transgression of ethical rules depicted in the near vs. distant future. A main effect of TP was revealed meaning that transgression of ethical rules, as predicted, was judged more immoral by Past-Positive and Future orientation compared to Present-Hedonistic and Past-Negative orientation. No main effect of TD was revealed. The interaction of TP x TD was significant and in the predicted direction, but only Present-Hedonistic orientation was significantly affected by TD: distant compared to near future scenarios were judged less immoral by this TP. Importance, limitations and elaborations of the present study were discussed. / I föreliggande studie undersöktes hur Tidsperspektiv (TP), d.v.s. kognitivt inordnande av mänskliga erfarenher i tidsmässiga dimensioner, och Tidmässigt Avstånd (TA), d.v.s. upplevd närhet av händelser i tid, påverkar moralisk bedömning. Studien omfattade 132 deltagare, vilka fyllde i den svenska versionen av Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (S-ZTPI) och gjorde moraliska bedömningar av överträdelser av etiska regler framställda i en nära vs. avlägsen framtid. En huvudeffekt av TP framkom, vilken innebar att överträdelse av etiska regler bedömdes som mer omoraliskt utifrån Positiv-Dåtidsorientering och Framtidsorientering jämfört med Hedonistisk-Nutidsorientering och Negativ-Dåtidsorientering. Ingen huvudeffekt av TA framkom. Interaktionen mellan TP och TA var signifikant och i linje med prediktionerna även om endast Hedonistisk-Nutidsorientering påverkades signifikant av TA: tidsmässigt avlägsna vs. närliggande scenarion bedömdes som mindre omoraliska utifrån detta TP. Vikten av studien samt begränsningar och tänkbara uppföljningar av studien diskuteras också.
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All set in stone? How essentialist beliefs about aging affect older workers' motivation to continue working beyond retirement ageWeiss, Mona, Weiss, David, Zacher, Hannes 04 April 2024 (has links)
Although population aging requires that employees increasingly work beyond traditional
retirement ages, negative age stereotypes often portray older workers as
unwilling or unable to work longer. However, recent lifespan developmental research
suggests that there are significant individual differences in how fixed versus malleable
people perceive the aging process possibly affecting how they envision their
occupational future. We develop and test a theoretical model on the role of essentialist
beliefs about aging (i.e., the extent to which people believe that aging is an
immutable, genetically determined process) in shaping occupational future time perspective
and, in turn, motivation to continue working beyond retirement age. Specifically,
we hypothesized that older workers (40–65 years) who more strongly endorse
essentialist beliefs about aging will be less motivated to continue working beyond
retirement age, because they have a more constrained occupational future time perspective.
On the basis of a three-wave study (N = 617) and an experiment
(N = 358), we find evidence for our proposed indirect effect model, above and
beyond previously established control variables (e.g., age, income, health, and age
stereotypes). Our findings advance theorizing on work motivation in later adulthood
and have important organizational implications in the context of demographic
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Approche psychosociale de la structuration des perspectives temporelles en contexte d'incertitude d'emploi : le cas des intermittents du spectacle / Time perspective construction in professional precariousness situation : social comparisons in entertainment jobsBeder, Aude 26 September 2017 (has links)
La présente recherche s’inscrit dans un contexte d’emploi particulier, celui de l’intermittence du spectacle qui est un mode d’affiliation spécifique au régime de l’assurance-chômage. Si, au départ, ce régime est avantageux dans la mesure où il s’adapte à des métiers qui ne permettent pas de travailler de manière continue par la compensation, sous forme d’indemnités-chômage, des aléas de la vie professionnelle, les réformes successives, dont il a fait l’objet, et notamment le protocole de 2003, ont profondément modifié les règles qui prévalaient jusqu’alors en matière de gestion temporelle de l’emploi et de l’activité de travail pour les techniciens et les artistes du spectacle, introduisant un principe de « double incertitude ».L’objectif de cette thèse est de contribuer à la production des connaissances sur la manière dont se construisent les Perspectives Temporelles dans des contextes socio-professionnels marqués par une forte instabilité et une incertitude accrue, en appréhendant le rôle des processus comparatifs mis en œuvre par les individus dans le sens qu’ils accordent à leurs expériences.Nous avons rencontrés 20 intermittents du spectacle, dont 10 techniciens du spectacle (annexe 8) et 10 artistes (annexe 10). Selon une approche essentiellement qualitative (Delory-Momberger, 2013), nous avons effectué des entretiens semi-directifs de type « récits de vie » (Bertaux, 1984). Les données recueillies ont fait l’objet d’une double analyse lexicométrique et phénoménologique. Nos résultats montrent que la relation existant entre les modalités d’inscription dans une situation plus ou moins précarisée et la construction des perspectives temporelles est médiatisée par des processus de comparaison sociale mis en œuvre par les individus dans leurs différentes sphères de vie et dont l’issue va contribuer à l’orientation (ou à la réorientation) de ces perspectives temporelles et au vécu de cette situation. / This research deals with a particular context of employment: occasional work in the entertainment industry, which is a mode of affiliation which is specific to the system of unemployment insurance. At first, this system was advantageous, insofar as it was compatible with jobs which cannot provide continuous work - thanks to the compensation of the hazards of work life through unemployment indemnities. However, the succeeding reforms - especially the 2003 protocol – deeply changed the regulations which had up to then prevailed in the time management of jobs and professional activities for technicians and artists in the entertainment industry, by initiating a principle of « double uncertainty ».The aim of this dissertation is to contribute to widen the knowledge about the way Temporal Perspectives develop in socio-professional contexts amid which heavy instability and increased uncertainty occur. In order to do so, this paper attempts to grasp the role of the comparative processes carried out by individuals in the meaning they attribute to their life experiences.We have met with 20 occasional entertainment workers, among whom 10 entertainment technicians (appendix 8) and 10 artists (appendix 10). Following a thoroughly qualitative approach (Delory-Momberger, 2013), we have carried out semi-guiding interviews in form of « life narratives » (Bertaux, 1884). The data gathered was submitted to a double analysis: lexicometric and phenomenological.The results show that the connection found between the ways individuals join into a situation more or less unsecured and the creation of temporal perspectives is mediated through social comparison processes carried out by individuals in the different spheres of their lives. Subsequently, the outcome of these processes will help direct (or redirect) these temporal perspectives and contribute to their life experience.
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