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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Přístup mezinárodního práva k mučení / General approach of international law to torture

Albert, Lukáš January 2021 (has links)
General approach of international law to torture Abstract The prohibition of torture exists at national and international level. The author focuses only on the general approach of international law to torture. He analyzes the individual elements of the definitions of torture contained in international documents. At the same time, he does not forget to mention the cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment that is inextricably linked to torture. He also highlights the importance of the threat of torture, which may under certain conditions separately constitute torture. He provides an overview of the current international regulation of the prohibition of torture enshrined not only in international human rights treaties, but also in the field of international humanitarian law and international criminal law. He also emphasizes the reflection of international regulation in the practice of individual protection mechanisms ensuring effective control over compliance with the prohibition of torture, specifically universal, European, Inter-American, African and other functioning mechanisms. Also, he places torture in the context of crimes under international law. He refers to the practice of the International Criminal Court and ad hoc criminal tribunals, which have even granted status of jus cogens to the...

Aurores étripées ; suivi de, Henri Michaux ou l'incapacité prodigieuse

Uribe, Justina 08 1900 (has links)
Mémoire en recherche-création. / Le fragment comme blessure, comme forme fracturée qui, dans les brèches du langage qu’il incarne, fait signe à l’indicible, est au centre de ce mémoire en recherche-création. Dans le roman Aurores étripées, la forme fragmentaire sert à sonder l’imaginaire de la postmémoire. En effet, le parcours de la protagoniste est marqué par des deuils collectifs et personnels ; sa douleur de vivre est liée, de façon intime, inextricable, à la dictature Pinochet et à ses retombées. Des récits de torture, de collaboration, mais aussi de combats menés, de solidarité à travers l’horreur hantent la narratrice. Dans cette traversée du silence qui l’entoure et menace toujours de l’engloutir, elle sera accompagnée par des voix de femmes de sa famille, surtout par les paroles de Carmen, ancienne résistante. L’essai Henri Michaux ou l’incapacité prodigieuse explore les formes que prend le mal-être dans l’œuvre du poète, notamment dans La nuit remue. L’on observe que chez Michaux, la douleur de vivre est indicible en cela qu’elle est infigurable : élusive et paradoxale, elle ne saurait prendre une forme définitive, pourtant, dans cet univers marqué par le changement et la métamorphose, elle est la seule constante, et, on le pense, la seule essence. À la fois fatalité et façon d’être au monde, sa sentence est à la source de ce que Michaux appelle l’espace du dedans. / The fragment as injury, as the fractured form which in the fissures of the very language it incarnates, gestures at the unutterable, is at the center of this research-creation thesis project. In the novel Aurores étripées, the fragment-form serves to probe the imaginary aspect of postmemory. The protagonist’s course is beset by both collective and individual grief ; her existential anguish is intimately, inextricably linked to Pinochet’s dictatorship. Stories of torture, collaboration, as well as those of combat and solidarity in the face of horror, all haunt the narrator. The female voices of her family, above all that of Carmen, a former member of the resistance, help the protagonist traverse the silence that threatens to engulf her. The essay Henri Michaux ou l’incapacité prodigieuse explores the various forms which existential malaise comes to inhabit in the work of the poet, most notably in La nuit remue. One notes that in Michaux’s work the anguish of living is unutterable, and in that very fact is also nonfigurable : both elusive and paradoxical, it is incapable of adopting a determinate form, however, in a universe characterized by change and metamorphosis, it is the only constant, and one may well think, the only essence. At once fate and the way of being in the world, its determination is the source of what Michaux terms the space within.

Porodnictví doby pobělohorské: Infanticidium. / Midwifery of Period Called Pobelohorska Infanticide

Surá, Alexandra January 2015 (has links)
I initially explored historic figures of European accoucheur of the 17. and 18. century. Beyond this I focused on a period called "Pobělohorská" in Czech countries. I summarized the health conditions of the population during this period, and described medical professions, midwifery and emergency Christening ceremonies. One chapter discusses partnerships and considers women who hid their pregnancy to avoid the prospect of caring for their children in the future. For this reason I present questions relating to how women hid their pregnancy during the Early Modern period. In the next chapter I discuss aspects of the process of giving birth, the locations where women gave birth and the moments thereafter. I present the circumstances of the death of the baby and the possible causes of death. The process of investigation of the scene, an assessment of the body and the search for the mother of the baby (as a potential murderer) are all considered. The assessment of the body was in the hands of the regional physiciusurgeon and a midwife. In my work I describe how the body was assessed, how they judged the maturity of the newborn baby and if the baby was born dead or alive. Further chapters explain the treatment of the umbilical cord, the inquisition of the witnesses and the suspect, and the next steps of...

Of course, but maybe: the absolute prohibition of refoulement and threats to national security and public safety : Legal and practical effects of undesirable but unreturnable refugees

Aftonfalk, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
States are routinely confronted with conflicting duties of maintaining full respect for human rights, on the one hand, and protecting national security and public safety, on the other. This is not least noticeable when States’ sovereignty and the right to control who enters and leaves their territories clash with the obligation to afford protection to refugees fleeing persecution. Some refugees are bound to be dangerous criminals, presenting a serious threat to national security and public safety in the host State. Refugee law prescribe that allegedly serious criminals must be excluded from refugee protection. However, the principle of non-refoulement, as developed and interpreted under international and regional human rights law, prohibits removal of persons if there is risk for torture or ill-treatment in the country of origin. This thesis explores the fact that a person can be considered fundamentally undeserving of protection under refugee law, while protected against removal under human rights law. Persons like this have fittingly been coined undesirable but unreturnable.      The relationship between the relevant provisions on refoulement and exclusion from refugee protection is examined and analyzed, followed by a recount of the effects that this clash of legal regimes and legitimate interests has on the individuals concerned, on the States, and on the integrity of refugee law. Possible solutions to adverse effects are identified and discussed, including the question of whether the principle of non-refoulement, as understood today, is viable in light of the challenges presented to national security and public safety.

Une autre journée : de la destruction dans le cinéma extrême

Bouthillier, Julien 08 1900 (has links)
Ce projet de recherche-création s’applique à analyser le motif de la destruction dans le cinéma extrême. M’intéressant plus particulièrement à une frange underground et «infréquentable» du genre et au lien souterrain unissant celle-ci et l’oeuvre du Marquis de Sade, j’étudierai la façon dont la destruction y est représentée (et épuisée) à travers un passage de la destruction de l’autre à la destruction de soi. La partie écrite de ce mémoire s’accompagne d’un moyen-métrage, Une autre journée (voir Annexe 2) ainsi que d’une installation vidéo préliminaire, Your heart out (voir Annexe 1). / This research-creation project aims to analyse the motif of destruction in extreme cinema. With a specific interest toward an underground and « unacceptable » part of the genre and its unspoken connection to the writings of the Marquis de Sade, I will attempt to show how destruction is represented (and exhausted) therein through a passage from the destruction of others to a destruction of one’s self. The written portion of this thesis is accompagnied by a medium-lenght film, Une autre journée [Another day] (see Annexe 2) as well as a preleminary video installation, Your heart out (see Annexe 1).

Las “brujas” en las carceles clandestinas de Argentina: La prisionera politica embarazada y otra madres en la imaginaria cultural del terrorismo estatal

Cotter, Brianne 21 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.

The Monster I Have Become. An Analysis of Media Representations of Torture Allegations Against U.S. Soldiers in Iraq from April 2004 to October 2005

Page, Phillip 21 October 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Kriget mot terrorismen: Från krigshandling till brottshandling?

Nordman, Mattias January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien var att komma till insikt om huruvida Bushadministrationens ageranden kring behandlingen av internerna i det nordamerikanska fånglägret på Kuba kan betraktas vara legala eller inte. Mina analyser visar att USA har brutit mot internationella såväl som nationella lagar.Jag har kommit till denna insikt genom att identifiera de viktigaste handlingarna – och dess syften – i anslutning till USAs ageranden och genom att jämföra dessa med internationell rätt och med USAs nationella lagar och avtal. Tre handlingar har stått i fokus; upprättandet av fånglägret på Kuba, med syfte att eliminera fångarnas konstitutionella skydd genom att internera dem utom USAs landsgränser; instiftningen av begreppet "illegal kombattant", med syfte att tillintetgöra internernas krigsfångestatus och därmed det internationellrättsliga skydd som tillfaller krigsfångar genom krigets lagar och; den hårda fysiska och psykiska behandlingen av fångarna, med syfte att erhålla information för att förhindra terrorism.Med en juridisk arbetsmetod har jag således prövat dessa handlingar mot USAs konstitution och mot instiftningen av nya nationella lagar, mot Genèvekonventionerna med dess tilläggsprotokoll och mot FN-konventioner. / The purpose of this study was to come to realization on whether the Bush administration's conduct regarding the treatment of inmates in the American prison camp in Cuba can be considered legal or not. My analysis shows that the U.S. has violated international and national laws.I have come to this realization by identifying the most important single actions – and their purposes – related to the U.S. conduct, and by comparing them with international law and U.S. national laws and agreements. Three single actions have been in focus; the establishment of the prison camp in Cuba, with the purpose to eliminate the prisoners' rights to constitutional protection by detaining them outside U.S. land borders; the establishment of the term "unlawful combatant", with the purpose to eliminate the prisoners' POW status, and thus the international legal protection accruing prisoners of war within the laws of war and; the rough physical and psychological treatment of the prisoners, in order to obtain information to prevent terrorism.With a legal method of working, I have thus tested these actions against the U.S. Constitution and the establishment of new national laws, against the Geneva Conventions and its additional protocols, and against UN conventions.

La cagoule du tortionnaire : monde construit et mécanismes discursifs moteurs de la mise en actes des sévices infligés à Abou Ghraïb en Irak

Bélanger-Vincent, Ariane 11 April 2018 (has links)
Ce mémoire a comme objectif principal de mettre à jour les mécanismes discursifs qui ont rendu possibles les actes de torture commis par des militaires étasuniens à l'encontre de détenus de la prison d'Abou Ghraïb en Irak. Pour ce faire, je montrerai en quoi le discours des instances gouvernementales et militaires a permis de créer une réalité, un monde qui tolère et/ou encourage des pratiques tortionnaires au niveau local. J'identifierai deux processus sociaux - la déshumanisation et l'autorisation - émergeant de documents gouvernementaux étasuniens tels que des mémorandums et des rapports militaires qui ont mis en place une torture-sustaining reality révélée au niveau local par le scandale d'Abou Ghraïb.

Quand les gendarmes font la loi : la pénalisation du droit des réfugiés au Canada

Janik, Kinga 09 1900 (has links)
La recherche analyse le traitement réservé aux demandeurs d'asile au Canada.Plus spécialement, elle se penche sur l'interprétation et l’application de l’article 7 de la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés. La réflexion observe que la mise en œuvre des droits fondamentaux des revendicateurs du statut de réfugié est affectée, selon les époques, par des considérations à dominance « humanitaires » [arrêt Singh, 1985] ou, comme cela est le cas depuis le 11 septembre 2001, par des impératifs allégués de sécurité nationale [arrêt Suresh, 2002]. D’un point de vue analytique, la thèse considère que lorsqu'il s'agit de protéger des populations vulnérables – ce que le Canada s'est juridiquement engagé à faire – le droit public ne peut pas se limiter à la communauté de ses propres membres, citoyens et résidents. D'ailleurs, la Charte reconnaît la protection de ses droits fondamentaux à « toute personne » du fait de sa seule qualité de personne, qu'elle soit ou non citoyenne et la garde des abus. Des exceptions aux droits reconnus à l’article 7 doivent être considérées à la mesure du principe démocratique qui guide nos sociétés. Sur ce fondement, l’analyse interroge l’argumentation et les motivations de certaines décisions judiciaires et législatives qui ont déconsidérées les implications de notions porteuses de valeurs impératives, telles que l'équité, la dignité humaine, la liberté et la sécurité de l'individu, en privilégiant les intérêts étatiques conforment à la conception classique de la souveraineté. / The research analyzes the treatment of asylum seekers in Canada. In particular, it focuses on the interpretation and application of Section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The analysis underscores how the implementation of refugee claimants’ human rights is affected, according to the times, by humanitarian considerations [Singh, 1985], or, as is the case since September 11, 2001, by the imperatives of alleged national security. [Suresh, 2002]. From an analytical point of view, the research considers that when it comes to protecting vulnerable populations - which Canada is legally bound to do- public law is not limited to the constituents of its own community, (members, citizens and residents), but also to strangers and more specifically, to refugees. Moreover, the Charter recognizes that “everyone” is entitled to the protection of his or her fundamental rights, including migrants and refugees. This protection prevents the state from acting against the life, liberty and security of the person. Exceptions to these rights recognized under Section 7 must be narrowed to the very essence of what a democratic society could allow. In this context, the research questions the arguments and justifications of some judicial and legislative decisions that have discredited the implications of carrying notions of mandatory values, such as equity, human dignity, freedom and the security of the individual, instead favoring state interests based on the classical conception of sovereignty.

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