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Pre-service teachers' TPACK and experience of ICT integration in schools in Malaysia and New ZealandNordin, Hasniza January 2014 (has links)
Information and communication technologies (ICT) are common in schools worldwide in the 21st century, in both developed and developing countries. A number of initiatives have been made in the development of ICT related training in Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programmes. These initiatives aim to develop future teachers’ ability to teach and deliver the school curriculum, including using ICT in the classroom. Sufficient field experience is essential since the process of undergoing such placements would prepare them in creating new ideas and implementing strategic ways as to how they can effectively incorporate the use of ICT in their lesson plan, class management, and in teaching.
The key research question in this study is “Do pre-service teachers in a New Zealand and a Malaysian ITE programme use their field experience to develop their potential to integrate ICT in schools and, what are the similarities and differences between these case studies?” Effective use of ICT in teaching and learning requires the teacher to understand how ICT weaves with pedagogy and content. The Technological, Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) theoretical framework introduced by Mishra and Koehler (2006) clarifies the need to understand and develop TPACK to inform integration of ICT in teaching.
This research provides two case studies of ICT in ITE in the Asia Pacific region, one in a developed country, New Zealand, and the other in a developing country, namely Malaysia. Both case studies are of ICT in an ITE programme with a particular focus on field experience in secondary schools, within which there are embedded cases of ITE students. This study illustrates how pre-service teachers’ experience and development of ICT knowledge and skill and their understanding of TPACK can support an increase in their teaching competencies. This research provides evidence that field experience is important to support pre-service teachers to develop their teaching competencies with ICT and understanding of TPACK in ways that are transferable into their own practice. This study has also contributed to increased reliability and validity of TPACK instrumentation. The comparative findings of the New Zealand and Malaysian case studies indicate the importance of a range of contextual factors, which suggest that the Initial Teacher Education programme, school curriculum and ICT availability as well as student maturity contribute to the development of TPACK.
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IKT i So-undervisningen : En kvalitativ studie om IKT i de samhällsorienterade ämnena i årskurs F-3Teller, Rikard, Jacobson, Lotta January 2018 (has links)
I denna kvalitativa studie undersöker vi hur några lågstadielärare använder IKT i samhällsorienterade ämnen och vilken uppfattning de har om IKT i So-undervisningen. Empirin samlades in med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet visar att lärarna har en positiv inställning till IKT men att det visar sig vara ett stort och svårdefinierat begrepp där lärarnas uppfattning av begreppet styr deras undervisning. Resultatet visar även att lärarna i studien uttrycker en önskan om att kunna använda IKT mer i sin undervisning. De uttrycker att de skulle kunna det dels genom att få mer kompetensutveckling för att känna en trygghet med att använda digitala verktyg, dels en önskan om att få tillgång till fler digitala verktyg. En dator till varje elev står högt på lärarnas önskelista, så kallad en- till- en. Det skulle enligt lärarna skapa bättre förutsättningar att undervisa i och med digitala verktyg och öka elevernas digitala kompetens. Det framkommer också att de efterlyser en bättre teknisk support och nätuppkoppling så att en undervisning med digitala verktyg kan möjliggöras.
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An evaluation of teacher development in using technology during the first decade of Thai education reform 1999-2009Jivaketu, Pattarasak 12 March 2016 (has links)
This study is a historical analysis of teacher development for using instructional technology in Thailand beginning with the early origins of educational reform efforts through the National Education Reform Act of B.E. 2542 (1999) and for one decade of its implementation (1999-2009). Data sources for this study included both primary and secondary sources. These sources were historical records, government documents, newspaper and magazine articles, and scholarly books and articles. They were analyzed to determine which policies, proposals, and plans related to teacher development in using instructional technology and which of them promoted a constructivist or student-centered teaching environment.
The findings indicated that many of the proposed reforms led to new instructional techniques that challenged the previous Thai education system, which had relied on a teacher-centered, top-down approach. Despite many government-sponsored teacher trainings, teachers were still uncomfortable with teaching in a student-centered environment.
This study also focused on Thai methods of teacher training and identified problems with the quality of training courses, with the methods of training, with the effectiveness of the courses teachers were taught, and with the assessment of the follow-up and evaluation provided after a given course or workshop. The evidence showed that teachers resisted many aspects of the new approach. This dissertation proposes ways to help teachers out of their reluctance and resistance to reforms using instructional technology.
This dissertation provides a number of recommendations to help Thai educators begin to use modern instructional technology. Among these are included a call for greater improvement of teacher education and the adoption of new concepts of teaching and learning to elevate the skill level of Thai teachers. Chief among these was treating Thai teachers as adult learners so that they would take responsibility for their development according to their specific learning needs and teaching situation.
Thus, this dissertation provides a historical, methodological, and pedagogical approach to the issue of Thai teacher development in using instructional technology in a constructivist learning environment.
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Higher education technological knowledge and patterns of technology adoptions in undergraduate STEM coursesAli, Zarka Asghar 13 March 2017 (has links)
Identifying, examining, and understanding faculty members’ technological knowledge development and the process of technology adoption in higher education is a multifaceted process. Past studies have used Rogers (1995, 2003) diffusion of innovation theoretical framework to delineate the technology adoption process. These studies, however, have frequently reported the influencing factors based on the statistical analysis such as regression analysis-based approach, and have not focused on the emerging process of technology adoptions or the developing process of technological knowledge and pedagogical knowledge.
A mixed method study was designed to see how faculty members acquire different technologies and develop technological knowledge that might help them adopt technologies in their classrooms and online using different pedagogies. A sample of STEM teaching faculty members with different ranks, tenure, teaching experience, and varied degree of experience in the use of educational technologies participated in the study. A survey was designed to identify internal and external factors affecting technology adoption and its effective use in different teaching activities. To elaborate survey results, the study also included class observations as well as pre- and post-observation interviews. Online classrooms used by the faculty via Blackboard learning management system, online flipped classrooms, or other websites such as Piazza were also examined for data triangulation.
The findings of the study indicate that faculty members are influenced by their own professional motivations and student learning to improve their teaching methods and to enhance student interactions and learning through the use of different educational technologies. The adoption process was identified as spreading over a period of time and it looked at how faculty members’ developed their technological knowledge and pedagogical knowledge. With the recognition of the social, organizational, and professional motivational factors both expert faculty members, university administrators, and technologist could be made aware of the critical components necessary to construct and support a bottom-up or user-centric successful innovation adoption decision process. The bottom-up approach would use expert professors as change agents and educational designers that would encourage exchanges and meaningful dialogues about educational technology adoptions and effective uses of technology with pedagogy within each discipline and department.
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Docência em tempos digitais : análise do perfil e da ação do professor frente às tecnologias em cenários escolaresVieira, Maristela Compagnoni January 2017 (has links)
Ao longo das últimas décadas, a progressiva redução do custo e do tamanho dos recursos computacionais contribuiu para o surgimento de diferentes configurações espaçotemporais, tornando as tecnologias digitais de informação e de comunicação (TDIC) cada vez mais presentes em cenários educacionais. O deslocamento do laboratório de informática, baseado no modelo desktop e gerenciado pela Lógica da Escassez, para a tecnologia móvel (notebooks, tablets e smartphones), com dispositivos que impulsionaram o exercício dos conceitos de conectividade, ubiquidade e mobilidade, oportunizou a emergência de condições de possibilidades para a construção de metodologias pedagógicas diferenciadas, mas, também, paralelamente, condicionou um conjunto de competências no âmbito tecnológico com relação à composição do perfil do professor. As condições de possibilidades instituídas pela mutabilidade tecnológica, no entanto, não têm apresentado resultados significativos em termos de qualificação dos processos de ensino e de aprendizagem, o que tem sido evidenciado, frequentemente, no subaproveitamento do potencial dos recursos computacionais. Da esperança de que a tecnologia em si seja capaz de transformar esse cenário e na ausência de abordagens que a integrem em uma perspectiva pedagógica do conteúdo, repousa sobre os professores a expectativa da inovação educativa mediada pelas TDICs Nesse contexto, insere-se este estudo, que analisou a influência de elementos identitários docentes e escolares na composição do perfil de conhecimento tecnológico pedagógico do conteúdo (TPACK) de professores e nos usos da tecnologia educacional em uma rede privada de ensino de âmbito nacional. A pesquisa, de objetivo explicativo e abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, foi realizada junto a 606 sujeitos e 17 escolas e está fundamentada em dois frameworks teóricos, TPACK e Substituição, Aumento, Modificação e Redefinição (SAMR). Para a análise e a discussão dos dados coletados por meio de questionário online, foram utilizadas a técnica de análise textual discursiva e a aplicação de recursos estatísticos. Os resultados indicam a existência de relação entre o perfil TPACK e o desempenho SAMR (p < 0,001); o perfil TPACK e a faixa etária (p = 0,001); o desempenho SAMR e o nível de formação docente (p = 0,048), a capacitação docente na área da tecnologia educacional (p = 0,002) e a área de atuação docente (p<0,001); bem como um elevado índice de práticas pedagógicas centradas no professor e que mobilizam a tecnologia na forma de melhoria de ações que poderiam ser realizadas sem suporte tecnológico. O estudo entrega à comunidade científica ampliações dos modelos TPACK e SAMR, novos instrumentos com alta consistência interna para análise do perfil docente e do contexto metodológico e tecnológico escolares e ainda um modelo matemático para avaliação do parque tecnológico de instituições educativas. / Over the last few decades, the progressive reduction in the cost and size of computing resources has contributed to the emergence of different spatiotemporal configurations, making digital information and communication technologies increasingly present in educational scenarios. From the Laboratory of Informatics, based on the desktop model and managed by the Logic of Scarcity, to the mobile technology (notebooks, tablets and smartphones), devices that promoted the exercise of the connectivity, ubiquity and mobility concepts, this displacement allowed that conditions of possibility were conquered, forging the construction of differentiated pedagogical methodologies, but also, in parallel, conditioning a set of competences in the technological scope in the composition of the teacher profile. The conditions of possibilities established by technological mutability, however, they have not presented significant results in terms of qualification of the teaching and learning processes, which has often been evidenced in the underutilization of the potential of computational resources. From the expectation that technology itself will be able to transform this scenario and the absence of approaches that integrate it in a pedagogical perspective of the content, the expectation of the educational innovation mediated by the ICT rests on teachers. In this context, this study analyzes the influence of teacher and school identity elements in the composition of the profile of the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) of teachers and in the uses of the educational technology in a private network of teaching of national scope The research, with explanatory objective and qualitative and quantitative approach, was carried out with 606 subjects and 17 schools and is based on two theoretical frameworks, TPACK and Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition (SAMR). For the analysis and discussion of the data collected by an online questionnaire, the Discursive Textual Analysis technique and the application of statistical resources were used. The results indicate the existence of a relationship between the TPACK Profile and the SAMR Performance (p < 0.001); The TPACK Profile and the age group (p = 0.001); (p= 0.048), with the teaching qualification in the area of educational technology (p = 0.002) and the teaching area (p < 0.001); as well as a high index of pedagogical practices centered on the teacher and that mobilize the technology in the form of improvement of actions that could be carried out without technological support. The study provides to the scientific community extensions of the TPACK / SAMR models, new instruments with high internal consistency for the analysis of the Teaching Profile, the school methodological and technological context, as well as a mathematical model for the evaluation of the Technological Infrastructure of educational institutions.
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A study on the implementation of the Strengthening Innovation and Practice in Secondary Education initiative for the preparation of Science, Technology, English and Mathematics (STEM) teachers in Kenya to integrate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching and learningHooker, Mary January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this research study was to critically appraise the innovation model in relation to teacher development for ICT use in classroom practice associated with the Strengthening Innovative Practice in Secondary Education (SIPSE) project conducted in Kenya secondary schools. The model integrated an ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (ICT-CFT) and a Technology Pedagogy and Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework into a phased modular approach for teacher professional development. The research addressed key questions related to: the object of ICT use as perceived by head teachers and teachers; and the characteristics of teacher design for ICT use in STEM teaching and learning as evidenced in classroom activities at different stages of their professional learning journey. The study used a qualitative design based research (DBR) methodology that was enhanced with the use of a ‘TPACKtivity’ lens combining TPACK and Activity Theory (AT) to explore, explicate and communicate the findings. The study was conducted with a purposive sample of twenty-four teachers, four head teachers and four schools drawn from the wider SIPSE programme intervention. The qualitative research methods included interviews and focus group discussions. Data were also drawn from documentation of lesson plans and peer-to-peer lesson observations. The findings presented participant accounts of tensions and dissonances with the introduction of technology into their school and classroom practices that reflected similar issues in the literature. However, the findings elucidated some unexpected teacher design narratives for technology use to support and innovate STEM teaching and learning. They further revealed the importance of classroom processes as the centre stage for fostering teacher collective design conversations for ICT use solutions. In this the research contributes to the current discourse by offering a TPACKtivity framework centred on authentic classroom settings as a basis for developing and appraising models of professional development for ICT use that can inform practice, policy and research.
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Världsbäst i digitalisering? : En explorativ fallstudie om den pågående digitaliseringsprocessen av den svenska skolanAndersson, Joakim, Jeppsson, Viggo January 2018 (has links)
Swedish society is constantly evolving and growing into higher levels of digitalisation. The school system plays an important part in creating a nationwide competence regarding the proper use of digital tools, by growing alongside the society as a whole. In the spring of 2017 the Swedish government issued a public document called the national strategy of digitalization, which defines certain goals for the school system to achieve. The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SKL) is in the process of developing a plan of action, which is to be a document used for guiding people working within the school system towards reaching the goals within the national strategy of digitalization. A few initial changes have now been made to the general curriculum and it has raised several questions, regarding the good, bad or even unmanageable consequences that such changes will lead to. This study aims to look into the ongoing discussion and define specific areas of future research. A number of key actors with different roles within and in relation to the school system have been interviewed. Among the results is a model depicting several major actors within the digitalization process and how they relate to each other. The theoretical framework TPACK is used to analyze and discuss the complexity of a general level of competence that is required of teachers working within a digitalized school system. Two areas of future research have been defined: (1) Continuous study and evaluation of the action plan; (2) Proper use and integration of digital study material.
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Docência em tempos digitais : análise do perfil e da ação do professor frente às tecnologias em cenários escolaresVieira, Maristela Compagnoni January 2017 (has links)
Ao longo das últimas décadas, a progressiva redução do custo e do tamanho dos recursos computacionais contribuiu para o surgimento de diferentes configurações espaçotemporais, tornando as tecnologias digitais de informação e de comunicação (TDIC) cada vez mais presentes em cenários educacionais. O deslocamento do laboratório de informática, baseado no modelo desktop e gerenciado pela Lógica da Escassez, para a tecnologia móvel (notebooks, tablets e smartphones), com dispositivos que impulsionaram o exercício dos conceitos de conectividade, ubiquidade e mobilidade, oportunizou a emergência de condições de possibilidades para a construção de metodologias pedagógicas diferenciadas, mas, também, paralelamente, condicionou um conjunto de competências no âmbito tecnológico com relação à composição do perfil do professor. As condições de possibilidades instituídas pela mutabilidade tecnológica, no entanto, não têm apresentado resultados significativos em termos de qualificação dos processos de ensino e de aprendizagem, o que tem sido evidenciado, frequentemente, no subaproveitamento do potencial dos recursos computacionais. Da esperança de que a tecnologia em si seja capaz de transformar esse cenário e na ausência de abordagens que a integrem em uma perspectiva pedagógica do conteúdo, repousa sobre os professores a expectativa da inovação educativa mediada pelas TDICs Nesse contexto, insere-se este estudo, que analisou a influência de elementos identitários docentes e escolares na composição do perfil de conhecimento tecnológico pedagógico do conteúdo (TPACK) de professores e nos usos da tecnologia educacional em uma rede privada de ensino de âmbito nacional. A pesquisa, de objetivo explicativo e abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, foi realizada junto a 606 sujeitos e 17 escolas e está fundamentada em dois frameworks teóricos, TPACK e Substituição, Aumento, Modificação e Redefinição (SAMR). Para a análise e a discussão dos dados coletados por meio de questionário online, foram utilizadas a técnica de análise textual discursiva e a aplicação de recursos estatísticos. Os resultados indicam a existência de relação entre o perfil TPACK e o desempenho SAMR (p < 0,001); o perfil TPACK e a faixa etária (p = 0,001); o desempenho SAMR e o nível de formação docente (p = 0,048), a capacitação docente na área da tecnologia educacional (p = 0,002) e a área de atuação docente (p<0,001); bem como um elevado índice de práticas pedagógicas centradas no professor e que mobilizam a tecnologia na forma de melhoria de ações que poderiam ser realizadas sem suporte tecnológico. O estudo entrega à comunidade científica ampliações dos modelos TPACK e SAMR, novos instrumentos com alta consistência interna para análise do perfil docente e do contexto metodológico e tecnológico escolares e ainda um modelo matemático para avaliação do parque tecnológico de instituições educativas. / Over the last few decades, the progressive reduction in the cost and size of computing resources has contributed to the emergence of different spatiotemporal configurations, making digital information and communication technologies increasingly present in educational scenarios. From the Laboratory of Informatics, based on the desktop model and managed by the Logic of Scarcity, to the mobile technology (notebooks, tablets and smartphones), devices that promoted the exercise of the connectivity, ubiquity and mobility concepts, this displacement allowed that conditions of possibility were conquered, forging the construction of differentiated pedagogical methodologies, but also, in parallel, conditioning a set of competences in the technological scope in the composition of the teacher profile. The conditions of possibilities established by technological mutability, however, they have not presented significant results in terms of qualification of the teaching and learning processes, which has often been evidenced in the underutilization of the potential of computational resources. From the expectation that technology itself will be able to transform this scenario and the absence of approaches that integrate it in a pedagogical perspective of the content, the expectation of the educational innovation mediated by the ICT rests on teachers. In this context, this study analyzes the influence of teacher and school identity elements in the composition of the profile of the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) of teachers and in the uses of the educational technology in a private network of teaching of national scope The research, with explanatory objective and qualitative and quantitative approach, was carried out with 606 subjects and 17 schools and is based on two theoretical frameworks, TPACK and Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition (SAMR). For the analysis and discussion of the data collected by an online questionnaire, the Discursive Textual Analysis technique and the application of statistical resources were used. The results indicate the existence of a relationship between the TPACK Profile and the SAMR Performance (p < 0.001); The TPACK Profile and the age group (p = 0.001); (p= 0.048), with the teaching qualification in the area of educational technology (p = 0.002) and the teaching area (p < 0.001); as well as a high index of pedagogical practices centered on the teacher and that mobilize the technology in the form of improvement of actions that could be carried out without technological support. The study provides to the scientific community extensions of the TPACK / SAMR models, new instruments with high internal consistency for the analysis of the Teaching Profile, the school methodological and technological context, as well as a mathematical model for the evaluation of the Technological Infrastructure of educational institutions.
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Aprendizagem e desenvolvimento profissional de professores do ensino superior: práticas pedagógicas com o uso de tecnologiaBratti, Marilia Pizzatto 31 August 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-08-31 / This research, regarding professor training, aimed to make the analysis of learning ways and professional development of higher education professors who has used information digital technologies in classroom. This theme has come from the current need, which sometimes is imposed to professors, to use digital technologies during their classes overcoming the technical aspects of it. However, it is not possible to ignore that the incorporation of digital technologies during teaching practice does not happen naturally. The use of these technologies is procedural and continuous. It is related to issues such as broad access to technological tools; higher education, which ensures to professors a knowledge base besides the technical aspect; and a professional development program which stimulates the use of digital technologies. From offering these tools to professors, there is a possibility to set a debate and a reflexion about the importance and the pedagogical contribution that the use of technologies can cause during classes and during teaching and learning processes. This research is qualitative, with an analytical descriptive approach. Ten experienced professors of higher education were interviewed about the usage of digital technologies in their classes. They answered a semi-structured questionnaire and helped to build the following idea: the integration process of digital technologies during classes is not an improving assurance on the quality of teaching practice. The effective integration process of digital technologies will only occur when professors assume themselves as protagonists of their practice, this means that professors have the responsibility and the permanent commitment to vocational training processes and when educational public policies consider teaching beyond plans’ performer and planned programs unrelated to their participation. / Esta pesquisa, sobre a formação do educador teve por objetivo efetuar a análise das trajetórias de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento profissional de docentes do ensino superior que utilizam as tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação em sala de aula. Esta problemática surgiu a partir da necessidade, que ora se impõe ao docente, de efetuar a incorporação das tecnologias digitais em sua prática pedagógica superando o caráter tecnicista dessa ação. No entanto, não é possível ignorar que a incorporação das tecnologias digitais na prática docente não acontece de maneira natural. Essa incorporação é processual e contínua e encontra-se relacionada a questões como: amplo acesso às ferramentas tecnológicas; uma formação superior que garanta ao docente uma base de conhecimento para que as tecnologias digitais sejam incorporadas para além do seu caráter tecnológico; e um programa de desenvolvimento profissional que estimule o uso das tecnologias digitais. A partir do oferecimento dessas ferramentas ao docente, há a possibilidade de se estabelecer um debate e uma reflexão acerca da importância, e da contribuição pedagógica, que a incorporação das tecnologias digitais podem desencadear na prática pedagógica do docente e no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Esse estudo embasou-se nos princípios da abordagem qualitativa de cunho analítico-descritivo, no referencial teórico e na contribuição de dez docentes com tempo de experiência significativa no campo da docência no ensino superior e que desenvolviam sua prática pedagógica a partir da incorporação das tecnologias digitais. Os docentes entrevistados responderam um instrumento de pesquisa – questionário semiestruturado – e forneceram informações e subsídios que contribuíram para a construção da seguinte consideração: o processo de incorporação das tecnologias digitais na prática pedagógica não se constitui numa garantia de melhoria na qualidade da prática docente. Somente se dará uma incorporação efetiva das tecnologias digitais quando os docentes se assumirem como protagonistas de sua prática, isso significa dizer que os docentes possuem a responsabilidade e o compromisso permanente com processos de formação profissional e quando as políticas públicas educacionais considerarem que o trabalho docente se desenvolve além da esfera de executor de planos e programas planejados alheios a sua participação.
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Matematikundervisning med digitala verktyg : Hur elever upplever undervisning och lärande med digitala verktygÅhlander, Lotta January 2018 (has links)
Hur kan man undervisa med det digitala verktyget Excel inom matematiken på ett effektivt sätt? Forskningens teorier visar att för att lyckas måste undervisningen planeras och genomföras med ett tydligt syfte om hur det digitala verktyget ska användas för att skapa lärande. Det som krävs är att läraren har kunskaper inom samtliga av de tre delarna ämnesinnehåll, det digitala verktyget och pedagogisk förmåga samt hur de ska integreras. Utifrån forskningens teorier har jag planerat och genomfört två lektioner inom statistik för årskurs sju, för att undersöka hur elever upplever undervisning och lärande med digitala verktyg. Metoden som har valt för att påvisa om digitala verktyget påverkar elevers upplevelse av undervisningen är experiment. Halva klassen har arbetat med det digitala verktyget Excel och den andra halvan med papper och penna. För att undersöka skillnaderna mellan grupperna har jag genomfört en enkätundersökning och intervjuat den delen av klassen som arbetade med Excel och hela klassen har gjort en avslutningsuppgift. Eleverna upplever att undervisningen med digitala verktyg är motiverande med hög delaktighet och att de får mycket skolarbete gjort. Studien visar inte att elevernas upplevda lärande påverkades av undervisning med digitala verktyg. / <p>Matematik</p>
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