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University Teachers’ Perspectives on the Use of Educational Technology in the Research Supervision Process : A case-study on the supervision process of students during their final thesis at the Jönköping University in SwedenOehne, Christian, Bardua, Sascha January 2019 (has links)
Educational technology has been proven to potentially impact higher education institutions, but the true extent of this potential often remains vague. In times when higher education and research become increasingly relevant for the economic welfare of society, research supervision itself emerges as an important field of research. This qualitative research investigates the teachers’ view and approaches to the use of educational technology during the research supervision process of undergraduate and graduate students at the Jönköping University. Through the application of the TPACK framework in higher education, we gained a better understanding of the teachers’ personal values when using educational technologies in their supervision process. Furthermore, we are contributing an empirical example of a TPACK application in higher education while shedding light on the decision-making of supervisors when using or not using educational technology. We conducted seven interviews with research supervisors and answered the questions of (1) how educational technology is used during research supervision and (2) why educational technology is used or not used during the supervision process. The findings showed five main use cases for educational technology. We observed that supervisors mostly used educational technology when collaborating with their students whereas they preferred a more analog or hybrid approach to technology for executing individual tasks like reading and commenting. Educational technology has a supporting role for supervisors, and it is creating personal value to them through convenience, reading comfort, increased efficiency and effectiveness. For further research we suggest investigating how the personal value for teachers can be accounted for in the existing TPACK framework, and the possible benefits the application of the original or an extended version of the TPACK framework has for the field of information system research.
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Fjärrundervisning - Skolans verktyg för likvärdig utbildning? : En aktivitetsteoretisk analys av fjärrlärares syn på fjärrundervisning och pedagogisk digital kompetens / Remote teaching - The school's tool for equivalent education? : An active theory analysis of remote teachers views on remote teaching and pedagogical digital competenceStenman, Saga January 2019 (has links)
Skolan idag står inför stora utmaningar i att erbjuda elever en likvärdig utbildning oavsett varman bor i Sverige. Detta avspeglas framförallt i glesbygdsskolan där det råder brist i behöriga lärare och elevunderlag, vilket som fjärrundervisning kan råda bot på. Denna studie har därför ur ett lärarperspektiv, samt inom ramen för kulturhistorisk aktivitetsteori ämnat att analysera och förstå fjärrundervisning samt strukturella och organisatoriska förutsättningar förutveckling av PDK som en förutsättning för fjärrundervisning. För att besvara syftet användes följande forskningsfrågor: Hur förstår lärarna objektet med fjärrundervisning inom ramen för svensk skola? Hur upplever fjärrlärare sin pedagogiska digitala kompetens och hur kan det förstås som en förutsättning för att utveckla och bedriva fjärrundervisning? Hur upplever fjärrlärare möjligheter och begränsningar i det skolorganisatoriska stödet som förutsättning till att utveckla pedagogisk digital kompetens som ett stöd för fjärrundervisning? Undersökningen genomfördes på 10 stycken fjärrlärare där TPACK-enkätundersökningar samt intervjuer analyserats, diskuterats och presenterats inom en hermeneutisk metodansats samt i grund av kulturhistorisk aktivitetsteori. Resultatet visade genomgående att samtliga skolorganisationer med huvudmän och ledning bör arbeta ytterligare för att skapa en gemensam samsyn på vad fjärrundervisning är samt förutsättningar för PDK då det saknas på flertalet skolor, men slutsatsen framförallt är att förutsättningar måste skapas på nationell nivå då det blir avgörande för en likvärdig skola nu och i framtiden.
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Docência em tempos digitais : análise do perfil e da ação do professor frente às tecnologias em cenários escolaresVieira, Maristela Compagnoni January 2017 (has links)
Ao longo das últimas décadas, a progressiva redução do custo e do tamanho dos recursos computacionais contribuiu para o surgimento de diferentes configurações espaçotemporais, tornando as tecnologias digitais de informação e de comunicação (TDIC) cada vez mais presentes em cenários educacionais. O deslocamento do laboratório de informática, baseado no modelo desktop e gerenciado pela Lógica da Escassez, para a tecnologia móvel (notebooks, tablets e smartphones), com dispositivos que impulsionaram o exercício dos conceitos de conectividade, ubiquidade e mobilidade, oportunizou a emergência de condições de possibilidades para a construção de metodologias pedagógicas diferenciadas, mas, também, paralelamente, condicionou um conjunto de competências no âmbito tecnológico com relação à composição do perfil do professor. As condições de possibilidades instituídas pela mutabilidade tecnológica, no entanto, não têm apresentado resultados significativos em termos de qualificação dos processos de ensino e de aprendizagem, o que tem sido evidenciado, frequentemente, no subaproveitamento do potencial dos recursos computacionais. Da esperança de que a tecnologia em si seja capaz de transformar esse cenário e na ausência de abordagens que a integrem em uma perspectiva pedagógica do conteúdo, repousa sobre os professores a expectativa da inovação educativa mediada pelas TDICs Nesse contexto, insere-se este estudo, que analisou a influência de elementos identitários docentes e escolares na composição do perfil de conhecimento tecnológico pedagógico do conteúdo (TPACK) de professores e nos usos da tecnologia educacional em uma rede privada de ensino de âmbito nacional. A pesquisa, de objetivo explicativo e abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, foi realizada junto a 606 sujeitos e 17 escolas e está fundamentada em dois frameworks teóricos, TPACK e Substituição, Aumento, Modificação e Redefinição (SAMR). Para a análise e a discussão dos dados coletados por meio de questionário online, foram utilizadas a técnica de análise textual discursiva e a aplicação de recursos estatísticos. Os resultados indicam a existência de relação entre o perfil TPACK e o desempenho SAMR (p < 0,001); o perfil TPACK e a faixa etária (p = 0,001); o desempenho SAMR e o nível de formação docente (p = 0,048), a capacitação docente na área da tecnologia educacional (p = 0,002) e a área de atuação docente (p<0,001); bem como um elevado índice de práticas pedagógicas centradas no professor e que mobilizam a tecnologia na forma de melhoria de ações que poderiam ser realizadas sem suporte tecnológico. O estudo entrega à comunidade científica ampliações dos modelos TPACK e SAMR, novos instrumentos com alta consistência interna para análise do perfil docente e do contexto metodológico e tecnológico escolares e ainda um modelo matemático para avaliação do parque tecnológico de instituições educativas. / Over the last few decades, the progressive reduction in the cost and size of computing resources has contributed to the emergence of different spatiotemporal configurations, making digital information and communication technologies increasingly present in educational scenarios. From the Laboratory of Informatics, based on the desktop model and managed by the Logic of Scarcity, to the mobile technology (notebooks, tablets and smartphones), devices that promoted the exercise of the connectivity, ubiquity and mobility concepts, this displacement allowed that conditions of possibility were conquered, forging the construction of differentiated pedagogical methodologies, but also, in parallel, conditioning a set of competences in the technological scope in the composition of the teacher profile. The conditions of possibilities established by technological mutability, however, they have not presented significant results in terms of qualification of the teaching and learning processes, which has often been evidenced in the underutilization of the potential of computational resources. From the expectation that technology itself will be able to transform this scenario and the absence of approaches that integrate it in a pedagogical perspective of the content, the expectation of the educational innovation mediated by the ICT rests on teachers. In this context, this study analyzes the influence of teacher and school identity elements in the composition of the profile of the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) of teachers and in the uses of the educational technology in a private network of teaching of national scope The research, with explanatory objective and qualitative and quantitative approach, was carried out with 606 subjects and 17 schools and is based on two theoretical frameworks, TPACK and Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition (SAMR). For the analysis and discussion of the data collected by an online questionnaire, the Discursive Textual Analysis technique and the application of statistical resources were used. The results indicate the existence of a relationship between the TPACK Profile and the SAMR Performance (p < 0.001); The TPACK Profile and the age group (p = 0.001); (p= 0.048), with the teaching qualification in the area of educational technology (p = 0.002) and the teaching area (p < 0.001); as well as a high index of pedagogical practices centered on the teacher and that mobilize the technology in the form of improvement of actions that could be carried out without technological support. The study provides to the scientific community extensions of the TPACK / SAMR models, new instruments with high internal consistency for the analysis of the Teaching Profile, the school methodological and technological context, as well as a mathematical model for the evaluation of the Technological Infrastructure of educational institutions.
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Uppdrag: Stärkt digital kompetens : Attityder och förutsättningar bland lärare som undervisar grundsärskoleelever / Mission: Strengthened competence among special education teachersNilsson, Helen, Olsson, Yvonne January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study was to shed light on the current situation regarding teachers' conditions and attitudes considering the new updated version of curriculum. This study was carried out amongst teachers teaching special education pupils in primary and secondary school through semistructured interviews. The result showed some successful exampels of intentional quality management both on principal level and beyond but on the other hand the study also made clear there are some shortcomings to be considered before we seriously can speak of equivalence in digital competence education for all Swedish pupils. The authors suggest structured developement, SKA (Systematiskt kvalitetsarbete) together with the TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) framework to successfully implement the revised curricula to achieve digital competent teachers who can educate digital competent pupils to match future digital challanges.
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Perceptions of High School Teachers on Integrating Technology Following Professional DevelopmentRay, Charnice Starks 01 January 2015 (has links)
Teachers integrate technology to make the learning environment interactive and appealing to students. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore perceptions of teachers at one high school working to integrate technology into instruction following participation in professional development. Guided by Dewey's constructivist theory and Mishra and Koehler's technological pedagogical content knowledge model, this study explored teachers' perceptions of pedagogy and technology integration following participation in professional development and the strategies they used to overcome barriers to integrating technology. Twelve purposefully selected high school teachers from English, social studies, mathematics, science, electives, health education, and special education provided triangulated data in the form of interviews, lesson plans, and classroom observations. Through the qualitative coding and analysis process, emergent themes were developed. Teachers suggested that professional development for technology integration should benefit the learning environment, be relevant to course content so that teachers can make connections to real-world learning experiences, and that there should be consistent follow-up training. Findings suggested that teachers have limited access to hardware and software and lack time to develop technology-rich lesson plans, and students lack technical skills. The implications for this study include that district and school administrators should plan and implement relevant professional development, assess the needs of teachers through effective communication, and identify additional resources or training to help teachers who struggle to integrate technology.
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A Multiple Case Study Analysis of Middle Grades Social Studies Teachers' Instructional Use of Digital Technology with Academically Talented Students at Three High-Performing Middle SchoolsSheffield, Caroline C 11 March 2009 (has links)
Appropriate education for academically talented students incorporates the use of complex thinking skills, and encourages the development of interpersonal and leadership skills. One potential tool to achieve these goals is the use of instructional technology. Siegle (2004a, 2005) suggests that it is particularly appropriate to utilize technology with the highly-able because they often possess skills that are effective when using today's technology, specifically abstract thinking and rapid processing.
This mixed methods multiple case study explored middle school social studies teachers' instructional use of digital technology to teach highly-able students. The participant teachers were from three high-performing schools, as identified by each school's performance on the state standardized test, and in the school's achievement of AYP. The participants at each school were asked to complete the Internet Use Survey, modified from VanFossen's survey (1999, 2005) and participate in a group interview to gather related information not addressed in the survey. From this larger group of teachers, ten teachers were asked to participate in further study. These ten teachers participated in an interview, submitted instructional-related documents for one month, and were observed in a self-identified, typical technology integration lesson.
Findings from this study indicate that the participant teachers viewed technology integration as being beneficial to the education of the academically talented student. However, their practice did not reflect this importance. The participant teachers largely used available classroom technology for teacher-centered activities, including information gathering and presentation. Students were rarely engaged in higher-order thinking tasks using the available technology. The participant teachers identified a number of barriers to their technology integration, primarily equipment functionality and availability.
Despite the widespread equipment concerns, one teacher utilized the school's available technology to engage academically talented students in student-centered instructional activities. The Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) conceptual framework can be used to examine why this one teacher used technology differently than the other participant teachers. Additionally, using this teacher's example and the TPACK framework, suggestions for teacher professional development are provided.
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Lärares användning och integrering av IT i undervisningen : En studie med sex verksamma lärare i grundskolans tidigare årHallberg, Johan, Jonsson, Jessica January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Teachers' experiences in a technology-infused lesson study professional developmentJones, Sara Jolly 10 July 2012 (has links)
Lesson study professional development, LSPD, is a technique during which teachers work collaboratively to create, implement, revise, and reflect on a specific lesson (Fernandez, 2002). This research proposed that using LSPD on integrating technology into teaching would provide teachers a collaborative and safe way to explore technology use in their classrooms.
Technology adoption is not a single occurrence, but a process that takes time (Fullan, 2007; Roger, 2003). Unlike traditional forms of training, LSPD provides sustained support and a way to test technologies in low stakes situations through collaboration and observation. Both of these aspects, experimentation and observation, are important in the adoption of technology (Rogers, 2003).
This study was aimed at understanding how teachers in a technology-infused LSPD change their beliefs and practices over time. Research questions included the following: a) how would teachers in a technology-infused LSPD develop their attitudes toward technology and in their technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK)?, b) how would teachers in a technology-infused LSPD change their lesson planning and teaching behaviors?, and c) would certain features of the group play a role in the teachers’ development?
To address these questions, the study took qualitative approach to understanding teachers’ experiences during the lesson study process. Using interview transcripts, lesson plans, group meeting transcripts, and field notes, group cases were compiled to examine the experiences of the groups. Although three groups of teachers were followed during the semester, only one team was able to plan, teach, and re-teach a lesson.
The LSPD process was disrupted by several factors independent of the lesson study model and more related to mandated testing and its results at the individual school level. The focus of the study shifted to describing the factors that contributed to and interfered with the carefully planned professional development model. The findings in this study can help us better understand the impact and intricacies of LSPD. / text
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Perceptions of High School Teachers on Integrating Technology Following Professional DevelopmentRay, Charnice Starks 01 January 2015 (has links)
Teachers integrate technology to make the learning environment interactive and appealing to students. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore perceptions of teachers at one high school working to integrate technology into instruction following participation in professional development. Guided by Dewey's constructivist theory and Mishra and Koehler's technological pedagogical content knowledge model, this study explored teachers' perceptions of pedagogy and technology integration following participation in professional development and the strategies they used to overcome barriers to integrating technology. Twelve purposefully selected high school teachers from English, social studies, mathematics, science, electives, health education, and special education provided triangulated data in the form of interviews, lesson plans, and classroom observations. Through the qualitative coding and analysis process, emergent themes were developed. Teachers suggested that professional development for technology integration should benefit the learning environment, be relevant to course content so that teachers can make connections to real-world learning experiences, and that there should be consistent follow-up training. Findings suggested that teachers have limited access to hardware and software and lack time to develop technology-rich lesson plans, and students lack technical skills. The implications for this study include that district and school administrators should plan and implement relevant professional development, assess the needs of teachers through effective communication, and identify additional resources or training to help teachers who struggle to integrate technology.
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Integrerad IT i skolvärlden? : IT som verktyg i skolanLundborg, Nathalie, Persson, Lena January 2013 (has links)
Sammanfattning I det här examensarbetet undersöker vi IT som verktyg i skolan. Hur lärare använder sig av dator, smartboard, smartphone, surfplatta eller digital kamera, dessa kallar vi digitala redskap, i undervisningen. En smartboard är en interaktiv tavla med touchfunktion som är kopplad till en dator och projektor. Vårt syfte är att undersöka i vilken omfattning de digitala redskapen integreras i undervisningen och de frågor vi ställer oss är: I hur stor omfattning använder sig lärare av digitala redskap i undervisningen? Hur beskriver lärare sina möjligheter- tankar kring-att använda IT i undervisningen? Det material studien bygger på är inhämtat genom intervjuer och observationer på två skolor. Intervjufrågorna är utformade efter den litteratur vi läst och utifrån det vi vill undersöka. Intervjuerna spelas in för att underlätta vår bearbetning och sammanfattning av resultatet i del fyra. Eftersom det behövs fullmakt vid videoinspelning, av både lärare och elevernas föräldrar så valde vi att endast observera lärarna och de digitala redskapens påverkan på klassen. Vid sidan av detta har vi även valt att titta närmare på hur arbetet kring IT är formulerat i läroplanen. Riktlinjerna och målen relateras till den tidigare forskning som presenteras i studien och de resultat som framkommit i vårt eget arbete. Ett flertal statliga projekt har varit aktiva sedan 1970-talet för att införa digitala redskap i skolan. Vi har tagit del av en modell, TPACK och en teori, Pull-and Push. TPACK modellen används som ett redskap för att synliggöra användningen av digitala redskap i undervisningen. Eftersom vi menar att eleverna visar ett större intresse för lektionens innehåll när läraren använder digitala redskap. TPACK uppstår, som vi senare går in på, när lärarna använder sig av sin faktakunskap, pedagogisk kunskap samt den tekniska kunskapen samtidigt. För att uppmärksamma effekterna av samhällets användning av digitala redskap och vad samhället kräver att man bör kunna, använder vi Pull-and push teorin. Det visar på en efterfråga som resulterar i ett större användande av till exempel digitala redskap i skolan. Studiens resultat visar bland annat att lärarna vill använda de digitala redskapen mer men att de saknar kunskap och utbildning i de digitala redskapen. Majoriten av de intervjuade lärarna uttrycker att det behövs satsas mer på tekniken i skolan så att den blir lättare att arbeta med samt mer tid.
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