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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estrutura urbana e viagens a pé / Urban structure and walking trips

Larrañaga Uriarte, Ana Margarita January 2012 (has links)
Planejadores têm recomendado políticas de uso do solo e desenho urbano visando à promoção do transporte não motorizado e a consequente redução do uso do automóvel. A grande parte destes estudos foi desenvolvida em países industrializados. Em cidades em desenvolvimento, com rápido crescimento urbano, e problemas de transporte intensificados, tais como congestionamento e poluição do ar, qual o impacto que é possível esperar de mudanças na estrutura urbana no padrão de viagens a pé? Esta tese pretende responder essa questão no contexto de América Latina, focando o estudo na cidade de Porto Alegre, Brasil. O desenvolvimento do trabalho ocorre através de cinco etapas, que são apresentadas em formato de artigos. Os artigos procuram analisar através de diferentes abordagens e diferentes fontes de dados a interação entre estrutura urbana e viagens a pé. Assim, em alguns artigos os dados de viagens são coletados através de questionários domiciliares realizados especificamente para fins do estudo, em outros, são utilizados dados de pesquisas domiciliares Origem- Destino realizadas em Porto Alegre. Os dados da estrutura urbana analisados são de dois tipos: (i) subjetivos percebidos pelos entrevistados, e (ii) objetivos, medidos e processados através de Sistema de Informação Geográfica (GIS). Os resultados obtidos apontam que existe uma relação entre estrutura urbana e viagens a pé. Ainda, a relação existente é primariamente uma função das características socioeconômicas dos viajantes, e, secundariamente, função da estrutura urbana. Dentre as características urbanas, densidade populacional, padrão viário em forma de grelha, topografia pouco acentuada e comércios e serviços próximos à residência mostraram ser as mais significativas. Resultados similares foram obtidos em estudos realizados em cidades em desenvolvimento, como é o caso de Santiago (Chile), Bogotá (Colômbia) e São Carlos (Brasil). Efeitos decorrentes de mudanças na estrutura urbana serão positivos. Porém, efeitos maiores serão obtidos, provavelmente, por políticas que tornem a posse do carro menos desejável ou mais cara. Enquanto no longo prazo os esforços devem ser dirigidos à construção de estruturas urbanas que melhor acomodem e estimulem a realização de viagens a pé, no curto prazo deve ser destacada a importância de ações que influenciem a atitude e as percepções das pessoas sobre a caminhada. / Researchers have studied the impact of policies for land use and urban design in order to promote non-motorized trips and the consequent reduction in car use. However, the majority of these studies had been performed in cities of developed countries. In developing countries, cities undergo rapid urban growth, fast increase in car ownership rates and this enhanced transportation problems such as congestion and air pollution. This dissertation aims to better understand what impact can be expected from changes in urban structure in the pattern of walking trips, in the context of Latin-American city such as Porto Alegre, Brazil. The research conducted in this dissertation is structured in five stages, which are presented in the form of five scientific papers. These articles seek to analyze through different approaches and different data sources, the interaction between urban structure and walking trips. Thus, in some of them travel data were collected through household surveys, which were conducted specifically for this study, while in others, data from household surveys obtained from the Origin-Destination Study for the City of Porto Alegre was used. The data about the urban structure analyzed are of two types: (i) subjective perceived by respondents, and (ii) objective, measured and processed using Geographic Information System (GIS). The results indicate that there is a relationship between urban structure and walking trips. Though, this relationship is primarily a function of socioeconomic characteristics of travelers and secondarily a function of urban structure. Among the urban characteristics that favor walking trips, the following proved to be the most significant: population density, road pattern in a grid, topography without high slopes, and shops and services close to home. Similar results were obtained in studies conducted in developing cities, such as Santiago (Chile), Bogotá (Colombia) and San Carlos (Brazil). Effects arising from changes in the urban structure will be positive. However, larger effects are obtained, probably due to policies that make car ownership less desirable or more expensive. While the long-term efforts should be directed to the construction of urban structures that better accommodate and encourage walking trips, in the short term should be highlighted the importance of actions that influence individual’s attitudes and perceptions towards walk.

Direitos de propriedade intelectual e o controle das práticas restritivas da concorrência à luz do acordo TRIPs/OMC / Intellectual property rights and the control of anti-competitive practices in light of the WTO TRIPS Agreement.

Paulo Eduardo de Campos Lilla 14 June 2013 (has links)
A presente tese de doutorado tem como objetivo a análise da interface entre propriedade intelectual e direito da concorrência no contexto do enquadramento jurídico oferecido pelo Acordo sobre Aspectos de Direitos de Propriedade Intelectual Relacionados ao Comércio Acordo TRIPS da Organização Mundial do Comércio OMC. As disposições relevantes sobre concorrência foram incluídas no Artigo 8.2, que autoriza os Membros a adotarem medidas apropriadas para evitar abusos dos direitos de propriedade intelectual e práticas que restrinjam o comércio e a transferência internacional de tecnologia; no Artigo 40, que dispõe sobre o controle das práticas restritivas em acordos de licenciamento; e no Artigo 31(k), que trata do licenciamento compulsório de patentes para remediar práticas anticoncorrenciais. Essas disposições acabaram sendo incluídas no Acordo TRIPS como resultado de concessões feitas pelos países desenvolvidos aos países em desenvolvimento, em troca do fortalecimento dos padrões mínimos de proteção dos direitos de propriedade intelectual, podendo, portanto, ser consideradas no contexto das flexibilidades constantes no Acordo. No entanto, ainda que essas disposições representem um elemento essencial de equilíbrio, também deixaram importantes questões sem resposta. Além de serem vagas, não fornecem diretrizes adequadas para os países em desenvolvimento implementarem políticas públicas nacionais para coibir práticas restritivas da concorrência relacionadas à exploração de direitos de propriedade intelectual. Assim, enquanto os países mais industrializados possuem autoridades antitruste e tribunais com sólida experiência e recursos necessários para lidar com questões envolvendo a interface entre propriedade intelectual e direito da concorrência, os países em desenvolvimento, em sua maioria, mesmo possuindo leis antitruste nacionais, ainda não adquiriram a experiência e capacitação para tratar de tema tão complexo. Desse modo, a tese deverá abordar as circunstâncias nas quais eventuais abusos de direitos de propriedade intelectual podem restringir a livre concorrência nos mercados, com ênfase nas práticas restritivas em acordos de licenciamento, pools de patentes e licenças cruzadas, bem como nas condutas unilaterais de exclusão relacionadas à exploração desses direitos. Para tanto, propõe-se a interpretação dos dispositivos do TRIPS sobre concorrência a partir da experiência prática das autoridades antitruste e tribunais dos Estados Unidos e da União Europeia. Será também abordada a relação entre propriedade intelectual e direito da concorrência no contexto do ordenamento jurídico-constitucional brasileiro, especialmente a partir da Lei n.º 12.529/2011, nova lei antitruste que altera e define o Sistema Brasileiro de Defesa da Concorrência (SBDC), e de casos recentes julgados pelo Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (CADE). Ao final, serão analisadas as possíveis abordagens que poderiam ser adotadas pelos países em desenvolvimento na implementação de políticas de concorrência nacionais, que sejam eficazes e compatíveis com o Acordo TRIPS, de modo a contribuir com eventuais discussões futuras sobre o tema em foros internacionais. / The purpose of this thesis is to assess the interface between intellectual property and competition law in light of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights TRIPS Agreement of the World Trade Organization WTO. The provisions regarding competition were included in Article 8.2, which authorizes the Members to adopt appropriated measures to prevent abuses of intellectual property rights by right holders or practices which restrain trade and international transfer of technology; in the Article 40, which deals with the control of anti-competitive practices in contractual licenses; and Article 31(k), which deals with the compulsory licensing of patents to remedy a practice considered to be anti-competitive. These provisions were included in the TRIPS Agreement as a result of concessions made by the developed countries to the developed countries, in exchange for the strengthening of the minimal standards for the protection of intellectual property rights. Therefore, these provisions can be considered within the context of the flexibilities set forth in the Agreement. However, even if such provisions represent an essential element of balance, they also left important issues unanswered. Besides being vague, they do not provide adequate guidance for emerging countries to implement national public policies to prevent restrictive practices related with the exploitation of intellectual property rights. As a consequence, whereas the most industrialized countries already have antitrust authorities and courts with strong experience and the necessary resources to deal with issues related with the interface between intellectual property and competition law, most of the emerging countries, even those which have national antitrust laws, have not yet acquired experience and technical capacity to deal with such a complex matter. Thus, the thesis should tackle the circumstances in which possible abuses of intellectual property rights might restrain competition, especially with regard to restrictive practices in licensing agreements, cross-licenses and patent pools, and unilateral exclusionary abuses related with the exploitation of such rights. In this sense, it is proposed to interpret the provisions of TRIPS on competition from the practical experience of the antitrust authorities and courts of the United States and the European Union. We should also tackle the relationship between intellectual property and competition laws in the ambit of the Brazilian legal and constitutional system, especially with regard to Law No. 12.529/2011, the new Brazilian antitrust law, which alters and defines the Brazilian Defense of Competition System SBDC (Sistema Brasileiro de Defesa da Concorrência SBCD), as well as with regard to recent cases judged by the Administrative Counsel of Economic Defense CADE (Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica CADE). Finally, it will be examined possible approaches that could be adopted by developing countries in implementing national competition policies, effective and compatible with the TRIPS Agreement, so as to contribute to future discussions on the issue in international fora.

Qualidade de viagens em rodovias e conseqüências de reconstrução e manutenção / Quality of trips and consequences of reconstruction and maintenance in highways

Marilda Serra Ávalos 22 September 2005 (has links)
Nota sobre a qualidade de viagem é uma classificação associada à opinião emitida por um indivíduo em uma escala ordenada de números naturais. Setenta e dois quilômetros de rodovias vicinais próximas a Araraquara, estado de São Paulo, foram submetidos à reconstrução e manutenção durante os anos 2001 e 2003. Sobre estes segmentos de vias existem dados sobre características e estado de componentes de segmentos, e distribuição de notas sobre a qualidade de viagens obtidas a partir de opiniões emitidas por avaliadores, datados de períodos anteriores às ações de manter e reconstruir segmentos nestes quilômetros de vias. Este trabalho resume e discute resultados de uma tese de doutorado cujo objetivo principal foi mostrar que conseqüências de ações para reconstrução e manutenção de rodovias podem ser usadas para prever alterações em nível de qualidade de viagens expressas por relações entre distribuição de notas que expressem opiniões de avaliadores e ocorrências de medidas sobre características de componentes de rodovias. Depois de mantida e reconstruída a rodovia, as novas características de estado de componentes podem ser medidas em campo, e a qualidade de viagem pode ser levantada por opiniões de avaliadores. Os argumentos usados para atingir o objetivo foram obtidos por manuseio e processamento de dados com uso de estatística descritiva e análise de regressão. Espera-se que a informação sobre o comportamento de relações entre notas e medidas físicas possa contribuir para verificar as conseqüências de reconstrução e manutenção de segmentos de via, do ponto de vista de usuários. E também, orientar critérios e métodos que definam prioridades de ações para reconstruir, manter e melhorar a qualidade de viagens em rodovias. / Scores on trip quality is a classification associated to the opinion emitted by an individual in an orderly scale of natural numbers. Seventy two kilometers of close local highways Araraquara, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, were submitted to reconstruction and maintenance in the years 2001 to 2003. One have some data reporting measures on characteristics and state of segments and distribution of scores on quality of trips obtained from opinions emitted by appraisers and dated from previous periods of maintaining and rebuilding those kilometers of roads. This work summarizes and discusses results of a doctorate thesis whose main objective went to show that consequences of actions for reconstruction and maintenance of highways can be used to foresee alterations in level of quality of expressed trips for relationships among distribution of notes that express appraisers' opinions and occurrences of measures on characteristics of components of highways. After having maintained and rebuilt the highway, the new characteristics of state of components can be measured in field, and the trip quality can be lifted up from other appraisers' opinions. The arguments used to reach the objective were obtained by handling and data processing with use of descriptive statistics and regression analysis. It is waited that the information about the behavior of relationships between notes and physical measures can contribute to verify the reconstruction consequences and maintenance of road segments, of the users' point of view and, also to guide criteria and methods that define priorities of actions to rebuild, to maintain and to improve the quality of trips in highways.

L'accord sur les ADPIC : les perspectives du droit vietnamien de la propriété intellectuelle / The TRIPS Agreement : the prospects of the vietnamese intellectual property law

Pham, Thuy duong 04 July 2014 (has links)
Les droits de propriété intellectuelle sont les droits conférés à l’individu par une création intellectuelle. Ils donnent généralement au créateur un droit exclusif sur l’utilisation de sa création pendant une certaine période. L’Accord de l’OMC sur les aspects des droits de propriété intellectuelle (DPI) qui touchent au commerce (ADPIC), négocié au cours du Cycle d’Uruguay, qui s’est tenu de 1986 à 1994, a introduit pour la première fois des règles relatives à la propriété intellectuelle dans le système commercial multilatéral. Le Viet-Nam est devenu le 150ème Membre de l’OMC le 11 janvier 2007. Comme le Viet-Nam l’a déclaré au Conseil des ADPIC en 2008, le Code civil de 1995, qui a introduit les principes de base de la propriété, y compris la propriété intellectuelle, était le texte fondamental qui a constitué un tournant dans les efforts déployés par le Viet-Nam pour devenir une économie de marché. Le Code civil a été révisé en 2005 par la Loi n° 33/2005/QH11, qui a réitéré les principes civils de base des DPI. Le Code civil constitue le fondement sur la base duquel toutes les catégories de droit de la propriété intellectuelle sont réglementées, conformément à la législation vietnamienne pertinente. La Loi n° 50/2005/QH11 du 29 novembre 2005 sur la propriété intellectuelle a été modifiée et complétée en 2009 (Loi n° 36/2009/QH12). Elle couvre tout l’éventail des DPI, dans leur intégralité. Les dispositions d’application sont généralement énoncées dans des décrets et des circulaires. La recherche des textes nationaux nous permet de comprendre l’intégration de cet Accord dans le système interne. Mais il nécessite toujours un système normatif plus efficace en faisant des recherches sur les problèmes juridiques posés. / Intellectual property rights are the rights given to persons over the creations of their minds. They usually give the creator an exclusive right over the use of his/her creation for a certain period of time. The WTO’s Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), negotiated in the 1986-94 Uruguay Round, introduced intellectual property rules into the multilateral trading system for the first time. Vietnam became the 150th member of the WTO since January 11, 2007. As Viet Nam stated in the TRIPS Council in 2008, the Civil Code of 1995, which introduced the basic principles of property, including intellectual property, was the fundamental text representing a turning point in Vietnamese efforts to become a market economy. The Civil Code was revised in 2005 by Law No. 33/2005/QH11, re-stipulating the basic civil principles of intellectual property rights. The Civil Code is the basis on which the whole universe of IPRs is regulated by IP legislation in Viet Nam. The Law on Intellectual Property (Law No. 50/2005/QH11 of 29 November 2005) was amended and supplemented in 2009 (Law No. 36/2009/QH12). This Law covers comprehensively the full range of full IPRs. Implementing provisions are generally regulated by decrees and circulars. Research of national legislation allows us to understand the integration of this Agreement in the domestic system. But it still requires a more effective regulatory system by doing research on legal problems.

History field trips in and around East London as related to the standard eight Cape history syllabus

Marshall, B I C January 1984 (has links)
No description available.

Plán marketingovej komunikácie pre prémiové vlakové zájazdy / Marketing Communication Plan for a Premium Train Trips

Gálik, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
Diplomová práca sa zameriava na plán marketingovej komunikácie vybranej spoločnosti. Špecifikuje marketing, marketingovú komunikáciu a analytické nástroje marketingového výskumu. Práca obsahuje odporúčania na zlepšenie komunikačného mixu v oblasti cestovného ruchu.

The flying Classroom : Study trips in Education for Sustainable Development

Paul, Leonie January 2020 (has links)
Higher education in any area of sustainable development is increasingly seen as aremedy to solve the currently faced climate crisis. However, the complex,interdisciplinary, and even personal nature of Education for Sustainable Development(ESD) questions the status quo of traditional pedagogic approaches and learningtechniques. Using the example of a study trip provider specialized in ESD, therelevance of experiential real-life studies in a foreign setting is investigated and theirpotential for Sustainability Education highlighted. An online questionnaire serves as afundament for understanding the impacts of multidimensional study trips regardingpersonal but especially professional choices. Data of more than 100 formerparticipants of sustainability-related study trips were gathered and evaluatedquantitatively as well as following a deductive analysis. Focus is drawn topro-environmental behaviors and beliefs that are potentially nourished by theexposure to natural treasures and first-hand expertise in Sustainable Development.The results of this study substantiate the great potential for knowledge transfer,behavioral changes, and shifts in mindsets based on experiential learning taking placein the context of traveling. Participants are encouraged and determined to follow acareer in sustainability after participating in the program. Half of the examined alumnigroup is already in a position that supports Sustainable Development in some form,leading to the overall success of the utilization of study trips in ESD, despite existingweaknesses.

Le règlement des différends relatifs a la propriété intellectuelle dans le cadre de l'OMC / Dispute settlement related to intellectual property within the WTO framework

Ben Merad, Nadia 20 October 2017 (has links)
Les négociations de l’Uruguay Round ont été l’occasion d’introduire la propriété intellectuelle dans le cadre du GATT avec la conclusion de l’Accord sur les aspects des droits de propriété intellectuelle qui touchent au commerce (ADPIC) et l’application du système renforcé de règlement des différends de l’OMC aux différends découlant de ce nouvel accord. La présente thèse vise à analyser comment ce système administré par l’ORD organise, traite et règle les différends relatifs au respect des obligations découlant de l’Accord sur les ADPIC. La question est d’une grande importance en raison des singularités de l’Accord sur les ADPIC. Les études menées tout au long de cette thèse ont permis de faire état des règles et procédures encadrant le règlement des différends ADPIC ; de révéler certaines spécificités, en ce qui concerne le type de plaintes pouvant être portées devant l’ORD, et certaines difficultés spécifiques soulevées par l’application de son système de rétorsion à l’Accord sur les ADPIC ; de mettre en avant le rôle central que joue l’ORD, lequel s’est révélé crédible et efficace, non seulement en traitant les différends ADPIC par le truchement des Groupes spéciaux et l’Organe d’appel, mais encore en contribuant à en régler un nombre appréciable au stade des consultations ; et enfin de souligner la manière prudente dont ont fait preuve les Groupes spéciaux et l’Organe d’appel dans leur mission. / The Uruguay Round negotiations gave an opportunity to include intellectual property within the GATT framework, with the conclusion of the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and the application of the reinforced system of the WTO dispute settlement to disputes deriving from this new agreement. The present thesis aims at analyzing how this system, managed by the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) organizes, drafts and rules disputes related to the respect of the obligations born of the TRIPS Agreement. The question is of great importance because of the TRIPS Agreement singularities. The studies undertaken throughout this thesis help report on the rules and procedures framing the TRIPS disputes settlement ; reveal some specificities, with regard to the type of complaints which can be brought before the DSB, and some specific difficulties generated by the application of the DSB retaliation system to the TRIPS Agreement ; highlight the central role that plays the DSB, which appeared trustworthy and effective, not only in dealing with TRIPS disputes through the establishment of panels and the Appellate Body, but also in contributing to the settlement of a significant number of disputes at the consultation stage ; and finally underline how the panels and the Appellate Body precautiously lead their own mission.

Historien runt hörnet : Lokalhistoria i teori och praktik i svenska skolan / History around the corner : Local History in theory and practice in the Swedish school

Roth Kalla, Sarry, Karlsson, Martin January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to find out to what extent Swedish teachers use locally significant history as a part of their teaching, how they define it, and how they value the use of it. By doing qualitative and open-ended interviews with two teachers at upper-secondary school and two high school teachers from different parts of Sweden, we managed to see a pattern in which all the teachers expressed similar experiences related to the subject. By coding, we discovered that the teachers' answers could be grouped in different themes regarding the teacher's own interest in the subject, local history as a tool for teaching along with its practical possibilities and obstacles. The geographical area in which the teachers worked, the financial aspect of arranging for field trips or visits as well as adapting to the Swedish curriculum for history were mainly discussed in the latter. Although there were slight differences between the answers, the four teachers expressed mostly positive attitudes towards using local history as a method in their teaching. If they were given the possibility to do so regarding funding, they expressed a desire to further implement it in their teaching. This would make it easier to arrange school trips or be able to hire people from historical and cultural institutions to come and visit the school.

Effect of Service, Temporal, and Weather Variables on Short Bus Transit Passenger Trips: Investigations of OSU’s Intra-campus Transit Demand

Hertler, Gregory Scott 26 July 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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