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Análise do papel da prostaglandina E2 na proliferação, migração e apoptose na linhagem de glioma humano T98G e o efeito do ácido gama-linolênico e ibuprofeno sobre este prostanóide. / Analysis of the role of prostaglandin E2 on proliferation, migration and apoptosis in the T98G human glioma cell line and the effects of gamma - linolenic acid and Ibuprofen on this prostanoid.Renata Nascimento Gomes 11 August 2011 (has links)
Gliomas são tumores do sistema nervoso central e o glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) é sua forma mais comum e de pior prognóstico. A proliferação desordenada, migração estão entre os processos biológicos que conferem ao GBM um comportamento altamente agressivo. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar in vitro o papel de PGE2 na proliferação, migração e apoptose da linhagem de glioma humano T98G através de tratamento com ácido gama-linolênico (GLA), Ibuprofeno (IBU) e adição de prostaglandina E1 (PGE1) e prostaglandina E2 (PGE2) exógeno. Nossos resultados demonstraram através uma diminuição nas taxas de proliferação e de migração e uma indução de apoptose nas células T98G tratadas com GLA ou IBU. Por outro lado, a adição exógeno de PGE1 ou PGE2 resultou num aumentou da proliferação e da migração e numa inibição da apoptose. Esses resultados demonstram a influência de PGE2 na linhagem T98G. / Gliomas are tumors of the central nervous system and glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common form with the worst prognosis. Uncontrolled cell proliferation, migration are among the biological processes that give GBM a highly aggressive behavior. The aim of this study was to analyze in vitro the role of PGE2 the proliferation, migration and apoptosis of the T98G human glioma cell line through treatment with gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), ibuprofen (IBU) and the addition of exogenous prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). Our results demonstrated through various tests a decrease in the rates of proliferation and migration and an induction of apoptosis in T98G cells treated with GLA or IBU. On the other hand, the addition of exogenous PGE1 or PGE2 resulted in increased proliferation and migration and inhibition of apoptosis. These results demonstrate the influence of PGE2 in the T98G cell line.
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Análise de alterações histopatológicas e celulares em tecidos de camundongos C57BL/6J inoculados com células de melanoma experimental B16F10 por via subcultanea e tratados com o imunomodulador Imiquimod 5%. / Histopathologic analysis of murine C57BL/6J tissues and cells innoculated with B16F10 melanoma cells subcutaneously, treated with the immunemodulator Imiquimod 5%.Eric Marcel Guzovsky 17 October 2011 (has links)
Imiquimod é uma imidazoquinolina, agonista do TLR-7, ativador de células dendríticas (DC) e indutor da transcrição de diversas citocinas. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o crescimento tumoral, a formação de metástases em órgãos internos, a atividade do sistema imune e o tipo de morte celular induzido devido ao tratamento tópico. Camundongos foram inoculados com células de melanoma murino B16F10. O fármaco, na dose de 5mg, foi aplicado no local da inoculação uma vez por dia até o fim do experimento. Foram estudados quatro grupos experimentais, dois inoculado com células tumorais, sendo um tratado e outro não, e outros dois grupos, um recebeu somente o tratamento com o fármaco e o outro não recebeu tratamento. Os animais foram pesados e seus tumores medidos periodicamente. Exemplares dos grupos foram sacrificados em quatro tempos diferentes, imediatamente submetidos à necropsia para a análise de massas tumorais por citometria de fluxo com caspase-3 e anexina-v para investigar a indução de apoptose e/ ou necrose tumoral, e remoção do tumor, pele, Baço, linfonodo e pulmão, que foram fixados, inclusos em parafina, cortados e corados com HE, para análise histológica. / Imiquimod is a TLR-7 agonist and activator of dendritic cells (DC), and induces transcription of several cytokines. This study`s objective is to evaluate tumor growth, development of metastasis within internal organs and the immune system`s function, due to the topical treatment. Two groups of C57BL/6J mice were inoculated with B16F10 melanoma cells subcutaneously, and only one of the groups was treated, applied topically at the injection site once a day, followed by a second round of two groups, one treated and the other as a healthy group. Every two tumors and weight were measured. In order to observe the tumor progression and treatment effects, groups of animals were sacrificed on four days apart and immediately submitted to necropsy for a tumor analysis by flow cytometry, to evaluate the induction of apoptosis and necrosis, and to macroscopically observe the tumor development within internal organs, vascularization and posterior inclusion of the organs in paraffin for histological analysis. Tumor, skin, spleen, limph node and lung were colored with HE for histological analysis of migrating immune system cells and tumoral cells in the organs and describing its integrity.
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Avaliação das respostas imunológicas e protetora de uma vacina de DNA contra tumores induzidos por HPV-16. / Immune responses and anti-tumor therapeutic effects generated by a DNA vaccine against HPV-16-induced tumors.Mariana de Oliveira Diniz 14 December 2010 (has links)
No presente trabalho, desenvolvemos uma estratégia vacinal baseada em vacinas de DNA que codificam proteínas do HPV-16, o tipo viral de maior relevância epidemiológica, fusionadas à glicoproteína D (gD) do vírus herpes simplex tipo 1 (HSV-1). A vacina que contêm o gene da E7 de HPV-16 fusionada à gD de HSV-1 (pgDE7), administrada em regime vacinal de quatro doses, foi capaz de gerar significativa ativação de células T CD8+ E7-específicas e apresentar 40% de efeito protetor anti-tumoral terapêutico em camundongos desafiados com células transformadas que expressam as proteínas E6 e E7 do HPV-16 (células TC-1). A partir das evidências geradas, desenvolvemos um novo vetor vacinal que codifica as proteínas E7, E6 e E5 do HPV-16 (pgD-E7E6E5). Em ensaios em modelo murino, apenas uma dose da vacina foi capaz de gerar ativação de células T CD8+ específicas e 70% dos camundongos previamente desafiados com células TC-1 e inoculados com 3 doses da vacina mantiveram-se livres de tumores. Como tentativa de potencializar o efeito protetor terapêutico encontrado, adotamos duas medidas: a co-administração de plasmídeos que codificam citocinas e a otimização de códons da sequência gênica que codifica a proteína quimérica. A combinação das vacinas pgDE7 ou pgD-E7E6E5 com plasmídeos que carregam os genes das citocinas IL-2, IL-12 ou GM-CSF foi capaz de aumentar a proteção terapêutica para 100% em regime vacinal de dose única. A adequação da sequência antigênica ao sistema de expressão humano, aumentou em cerca de 5 vezes o potencial terapêutico do vetor vacinal pgDE7. Em conjunto, os dados apresentados nesta tese demonstram a evolução do desenvolvimento de uma estratégia vacinal contra tumores induzidos por HPV-16 e encorajam seu potencial para uso em futuros ensaios clínicos. / The development of immunotherapeutic strategies against human papillomavirus (HPV) is a priority for the control of HPV-induced lesions and cervical cancer. In this study, we developed DNA vaccines encoding HPV-16 proteins fused to glycoprotein D (gD) of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) as an approach to control HPV-16 induced tumors. The vaccine encoding HPV-16 E7 fused to HSV-1 gD (pgDE7), when administered in a four doses vaccine regimen, was able to generate significant activation of E7-specific CD8+ T cells and showed 40% of therapeutic anti-tumor effect in mice previously challenged with tumor cells expressing HPV-16 E6 and E7 proteins (TC-1 cells). Following these evidences, we developed a new vaccine vector encoding HPV-16 E7, E6, E5 proteins fused to HSV-1 gD (pgD-E7E6E5). Only one vaccine dose generated antigen-specific CD8+ T cell responses and three doses conferred 70% protection to mice previously challenged with TC-1 cells. As an attempt to enhance the observed therapeutic anti-tumor effects, we tested two approaches: co-administration of cytokine-expressing plasmids and codon optimization of the gene encoding the chimeric protein. The combination of the vaccines pgDE7 or pgD-E7E6E5 with plasmids encoding the cytokines IL-2, IL-12 or GM-CSF increased the therapeutic protection to 100% of the vaccinated animals following a single dose. The gene sequence adaptation increased by a factor of 5 the therapeutic potential of the pgDE7 vaccine. In summary, the data presented in this thesis demonstrated the development of a vaccine strategy against HPV-16 induced tumors and reinforces its potential use in future clinical trials.
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Influência do hormônio tireoideano na atividade do gonadotrofo. / Influence of thyroid hormone on gonadotrope activity.Renata Marino Romano 15 August 2011 (has links)
Problemas reprodutivos ocorrem no hipo e no hipertireoidismo, mas pouco se conhece a respeito das bases moleculares destas alterações. Avaliou-se o efeito da administração de triiodotironina na atividade do gonadotrofo em ratos Wistar tireoidectomizados. O hipotireoidismo ocasionou elevação no TSH e do LH sérico, aumento do conteúdo do mRNA e redução do conteúdo protéico do LH e do FSH, redução da cauda poli (A), redução da testosterona e do FSH séricos, redução da expressão do receptor de LH, aumento da expressão do receptor de andrógenos testiculares e epididimais. O tratamento com T3 acarretou a diminuição do mRNA e aumento do conteúdo protéico de LH, aumento do FSH sérico, diminuição do conteúdo do mRNA e aumento do conteúdo protéico do FSH, aumento da expressão do receptor de LH, redução da expressão de receptores de andrógenos testiculares e epididimais. Esses resultados sugerem que o T3 age na modulação da função do gonadotrofo e na modulação da expressão dos receptores em tecidos-alvo. / Reproductive disorders occur in hypo and hyperthyroidism, but little is known about the molecular basis of these alterations. The effect of administration of triiodothyronine (T3) on the activity of gonadotropes in thyroidectomyzed male Wistar rats was evaluated. Hypothyroidism caused increased on TSH and LH serum concentrations, increased of mRNA content and decreased in protein content of LH and FSH, reduction in the length of poli(A) tail of LH, reduction in testosterone and FSH serum concentrations, reduction in the expression of LH receptor, increased in the expression of androgen receptors in the testis and epididymis. T3 treatment caused reduction on mRNA and increased on mRNA of LH and FSH, increased serum FSH, increased the expression of LH receptor, and reduction of the expression of androgen receptors in the testis and epididymis. These results suggest that T3 modulates the function of gonadotrope and the expression of the receptors in target-tissues.
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Rôle de l'autotaxine dans la dissémination métastatique à l'os : implication des plaquettes sanguines, de l'intégrine Alpha V/Beta3 et du protéoglycane syndecan-4 / Autotaxin in cancer cell dissemination to the bone : involvement of blood platelets, alphaV/Beta3 integrin and Syndecan-4Leblanc, Raphaël 19 December 2014 (has links)
L'autotaxine (ATX) est une glycoprotéine sécrétée qui grâce à son activité lysophospholipase D est à l'origine d'un lipide biologiquement actif, l'acide lysophosphatidique (LPA), dans la circulation sanguine. L'expression de l'ATX par les cellules tumorales contrôle la dissémination métastatique spontanée des cellules de cancer du sein et la formation des métastases osseuses. Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons observé que le ciblage thérapeutique précoce de l'ATX dans un modèle animal préclinique bloque de façon remarquable la dissémination métastatique des cellules de cancer du sein. Cependant les mécanismes moléculaires à l'origine de l'action du LPA sur les cellules tumorales sont mal caractérisés. Nous avons ici montré, via des expériences in vitro et in vivo, que l'ATX circulante d'origine non tumorale libérée par les plaquettes sanguines sous l'action des cellules tumorales, contrôle les évènements précoces de la dissémination métastatique. Cependant, le LPA est un lipide extrêmement sensible à l'action des phosphatases, présentes en grande quantité dans les milieux extracellulaires : l'activité du LPA serait dépendante de sa production locale, au voisinage de ses récepteurs présents à la surface des cellules. Ces travaux ont ainsi mis en évidence que le pouvoir pro-métastatique de l'ATX dépend à la fois de son interaction avec l'intégrine Alpha V/Beta3exprimée par les cellules tumorales, mais également d'un protéoglycane, Syndecan-4 présent en surface cellulaire. En conclusion, le ciblage de l’ATX via son activité ou via ses interactions présente un haut potentiel thérapeutique chez des patientes atteintes d'un cancer du sein à fort risque métastatique / Bone metastases are a frequent complication of cancer, occurring in up to 70 percent of patients with advanced breast or prostate cancer. Despite the improvement of current therapies, the survival of bone metastasis patients is only 24 months. This study aims to find new mechanisms involved in bone metastasis formation. Autotaxin (ATX/NPP2) is a secreted glycoprotein that generates lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) through its lysophospholipase D activity. Our lab previously demonstrated that ATX is overexpressed in multiple types of cancers and together with LPA generated during platelet activation promotes skeletal metastasis of breast cancer. However, the pathophysiological sequelae of regulated interactions between circulating LPA, ATX and platelets remain undefined in cancer. In this work we show that ATX is stored in a- granules of resting human platelets and released upon tumor cell-induced platelet aggregation, leading to the production of LPA. Our in vitro and in vivo experiments using human breast cancers cells that do not express ATX demonstrate that non-tumoral ATX controls the early stage of bone colonization by tumor cells. However, LPA is extremely sensitive to phosphatases, which are highly expressed in extracellular environment and at cell membranes. The molecular mechanisms involved in the local production of LPA at the bone metastatic site are still not well characterized. The present results establish that binding of ATX to alphaV/Beta3 integrin and/or the proteoglycan syndecan-4 allow LPA delivery to its receptors present at the surface of tumor cells. These results may have important implications in the development of new therapies for patients with bone metastases
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O papel do jaspamídeo na dinâmica do citoesqueleto de actina das células de melanoma: relação com migração e invasão. / The role of jaspamide in the actin cytoskeleton of melanoma cells: the relation between migration and invasion.Michelle dos Santos Menezes 17 November 2011 (has links)
No processo de metástase os movimentos de migração e invasão tem um papel essencial e em ambos a função dos microfilamentos é de grande importância. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho buscoui analisar os efeitos da droga jaspamídeo e após a determinação das concentrações de IC50 para as linhagens HT144 e NGM foram estudados os efeitos da droga. Os tratamentos mostraram que o fármaco atua desorganizando o citoesqueleto de modo dependente de sua concentração. Os ensaios de ferida mostraram diminuição da taxa de fechamento da área livre após os tratamentos e os ensaios de migração com placas de transwell mostraram que os grupos tratados sofrem aumento desse parâmetro. Nos ensaios de invasão com câmara de Boyden o tratamento mostrou-se efetivo apenas para a célula NGM quando tratadas com 75 nM de jaspamídeo e 30 <font face=\"Symbol\">mM de Y-27632. Quanto à migração, a linhagem NGM não completava este processo quando tratada com as concentrações do IC50 e do IC50/2 acrescido de Y-27632 e a linhagem HT144 apresenta aumento deste parâmetro quando tratado com jaspamídeo e 200 <font face=\"Symbol\">mM de NSC23766. / Many signaling ways are involved in metastasis and the cellular migration and invasion are important in this context. The role of microfilaments is essential in mesenchymal and amoeboid migration. In this context, the present work aimed to analyze the effects of the drug jaspamide and. after the determination of the IC50 concentrations for the HT144 and NGM cell lines, the effects of the treatment with jaspamide were studied. The wound assays indicated a decrease in the free area after the treatments, and the migration assays with transwell showed that, after the inoculation with the drug, the cells increased the process of migration. In the invasion assays with Boydens chamber, the treatment with jaspamide was effective only in NGM cells, when they are treated with 75 nM of the drug plus 30 <font face=\"Symbol\">mM of Y-27632. Regarding the migration process, the NGM cell line did not show movement when treated with the IC50 concentration and the IC50/2 concentration plus Y-27632, and the HT144 cell line increases this parameter when treated with jaspamide and 200 <font face=\"Symbol\">mM of NSC23766.
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Interferindo na progressão do ciclo celular para avaliar possíveis alterações de ploidia em célula tumoral de mama humana. / Interference in the cell cycle progression to analyze possible alteration of ploidy in tumor cell of human breast.Marina da Costa Rosa 05 December 2011 (has links)
A maioria dos tumores sólidos apresentam características aneuplóides. Porém a relação entre aneuploidia e transformação maligna, ainda não está definida. Nos últimos anos diversas proteínas têm sido descritas como reguladoras de eventos durante a divisão celular, principalmente as relacionadas com a formação do fuso bipolar e segregação equacional dos cromossomos. Neste estudo propomo-nos a analisar os efeitos da interferência em dois pontos críticos da mitose, a segregação cromossômica e a citocinese, em relação à aneuploidia e à instabilidade genética tumoral. Nossos dados mostraram que o tratamento sequencial de Monastrol e Blebistatina determinou o surgimento de fusos mitóticos anormais, amplificação centrossômica, localização ectópica de Aurora A e aumento de micronúcleos. Esta interferência pode levar a um quadro de instabilidade genética e, consequentemente a progressão tumoral, abrindo novas possibilidades para o estudo dos mecanismos moleculares envolvidos na regulação do ponto de checagem mitótico e resistência a quimioterápicos. / Most solid tumors have aneuploid feature. Therefore the relationship between aneuploidy and malignant transformation is not yet understood. In the last years it has been described many proteins involved in regulation of mitosis, mainly those related to bipolar spindle and chromosome segregation. In this work we propose to study the effects of the interference on two mitotic critical points, the chromosome segregation and cytokinesis, in relation to aneuploidy and genetic tumor instability. Our data showed that sequential treatment with Monastrol and Blebbistatin led to abnormal mitotic spindle, centrosome amplification, Aurora A ectopic and micronucleus increased. This interference can lead to genetic instability and may be involved in a tumor progression, opening news possibilities to study the molecular mechanisms involved in regulation the checkpoint mitotic and resistance to chemotherapy found in genetically unstable cells.
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Citoesqueleto e Alterações Nucleares em Celulas Tumorais: Uma Abordagem Tridimensional ao Microscópio Confocal. / Cytoskeleton and nuclear aberrations in tumor cells: a confocal microscope 3D approach.Renata Manelli de Oliveira 14 April 2000 (has links)
O mecanismo de formação e origem das alterações nucleares ainda é pouco conhecido, sendo o micronúcleo a mais estudada. As células tumorais geralmente apresentam vários tipos de alterações nucleares que estariam associadas à instabilidade genética. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar as possíveis associações entre alterações nucleares e citoesqueleto em células HK2 e A549, derivadas de carcinoma de pulmão humano. Otimizamos a metodologia de uso do MCVL para redefinir as alterações nucleares e caracterizar os principais filamentos do citoesqueleto em preparações coradas por Feulgen ou imunofluorescência. As células da linhagem HK2 apresentaram fibras de actina dispostas concentricamente e em "clusters" e os filamentos de tubulina apareceram de forma radial, enquanto que o padrão de distribuição em A549 foi mais semelhante ao das células normais (BRL3A). Os filamentos de lamina B foram os mais importantes para evidenciar as alterações nucleares, porém essas alterações não puderam ser relacionadas com alterações do citoesqueleto. / The origin and mechanism of formation of the nuclear alterations is largely unknown, with the micronucleus being the most well studied alteration. Tumor cells generally present various types of nuclear alterations witch can be associated with genetic instability. The propose of this study was to analyze the possible association between nuclear alterations and the cytoskeleton in the human lung carcinoma cells HK2 and 549. The method of LSM was optimized to redefine the nuclear alterations and to characterize the principal cytoskeletal filaments in preparations stained with Feulgens reagent or submitted to imunofluorescent methods. The HK2 cells presented actin fibres arranged either concentrically or in clusters and tubulin filaments arranged radially, while in the A549 cells the distribution pattern was similar to that of normal cells (BRL3A). The lamin B filaments were the most important to identify nuclear alterations, as these alterations could not be related to cytoskeletal alterations.
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Avaliação imunológica da vacina proteica E6E7 fusionada a Ubiquitina contra cancer cervical induzido por HPV16. / Immunological evaluation of E6E7 protein vaccine fused to Ubiquitin against cervical cancer induced by HPV16.Liliane Maria Fernandes de Oliveira 04 December 2012 (has links)
O câncer cervical é o terceiro tipo de câncer mais comum entre as mulheres, sendo a infecção por HPV16 o principal fator de risco para sua etiopatogênese. Neste trabalho avaliamos o potencial profilático e terapêutico da vacina proteica E6E7, constituída de epítopos imunogênicos de E6 e E7 do HPV16, com ou sem Ubiquitina (Ub) fusionada (E6E7Ub e UbE6E7), contra tumor de células TC-1. A vacina E6E7 conferiu total proteção contra a formação de tumores em animais C57BL/6 selvagens, CD4 nocautes e TLR4 deficientes previamente imunizados e posteriormente desafiados com células TC-1. Entretanto, em animais imunizados após desafio, a fusão da Ub no antígeno E6E7 foi crucial para a vacina promover a regressão do tumor em 60% dos animais. Além da fusão da Ub na extremidade N-terminal do antígeno (UbE6E7) aumentar a poliubiquitinação in vitro, essa estratégia de fusão promoveu uma melhor resposta imunoterapêutica contra o tumor que E6E7 e E6E7Ub, sendo promissora para o desenvolvimento de vacinas terapêuticas contra câncer cervical e também contra outros tipos de câncer. / Cervical cancer is the third most common cancer women worldwide and HPV16 infection is a major risk factor for its ethiopathogenesis. In this study we evaluated in mice the prophylactic and therapeutic potential of the E6E7 proteic vaccine, consisting of immunogenic HPV16 E6 and E7 epitopes, with or without Ubiquitin-fused (E6E7Ub and UbE6E7), against TC-1 tumor cells. The E6E7 vaccine conferred complete protection against tumor growth in previously immunized wild-type, CD4 knockout and TLR4 deficient mice challenged with TC-1 cells. However, immunization of previously challenged animals with TC-1 cells, Ubiquitin-fused antigens promoted tumor regression in 60% of mice against 0% in non-Ubiquitinfused antigens. Besides, the fusion of Ubiquitin at the N-terminus of the antigen (UbE6E7) seems to enhance polyubiquitination in vitro, this Ubiquitin fusion strategy promoted an effective immunotherapeutic response against the tumor, being promising for the development of therapeutic cervical cancer vaccines and also other types of tumor.
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Identification de biomarqueurs de sensibilité et de résistance aux inhibiteurs de tyrosine kinase dans les cellules tumorales circulantes de patients atteints de cancers bronchiques non à petites cellules - Cas des remaniements ALK et ROS1 / Identification of biomarkers of sensitivity and resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in circulating tumor cells from non-small-cell lung cancer patients - Examples of ALK- and ROS1-rearrangementsPailler, Emma 21 November 2016 (has links)
Les cellules tumorales circulantes (CTC) représentent un large champ de recherche susceptible de fournir des informations tant cliniques que fondamentales. Les CTC proviennent de tumeurs primitives ou métastatiques et représentent une population hétérogène de cellules très rares dans le flux sanguin. Leur caractérisation moléculaire est un défi technologique qui requiert des méthodes très sensibles et spécifiques. Dans les cancers bronchiques non à petites cellules (CBNPC), les CTC ont un véritable intérêt car les biopsies tumorales ne permettent pas toujours de réaliser les analyses moléculaires nécessaires au choix du traitement. De plus, elles ne sont probablement pas représentatives de l’hétérogénéité tumorale.L’objectif de ma thèse a été de rechercher dans les CTC de patients atteints de CBNPC porteurs du remaniement de gène ALK, des anomalies génomiques connues pour être des biomarqueurs de sensibilité et de résistance aux thérapies ciblant cet oncogéne, ainsi qu’à caractériser les CTC porteuses de ces anomalies. La première partie du projet a consisté au développement d’une méthode d’hybridation in situ de l’ADN (fluorescent in situ hybridization, FISH) adaptée à un système d’enrichissement des CTC par filtration, la FA-FISH (filter adapted FISH) (brevet PCT/FR2011/052688). Nous avons ensuite développé une approche de microscopie semi-automatisée permettant la digitalisation et l’analyse de ces CTC enrichies par filtration (Pailler, BMC Cancer, 2016). Dans la seconde partie du projet, nous avons mis en œuvre cette méthode et montré pour la première fois qu’il est possible d’identifier le remaniement de gène ALK dans les CTC de patients porteurs de ce réarrangement dans la tumeur (Pailler, J Clin Oncol, 2013). Les CTC remaniées présentent un unique réarrangement de type break-apart, y compris chez des patients présentant exclusivement une autre forme de réarrangement dans la tumeur, et un phénotype mésenchymateux. Cette observation nous a amené à émettre l’hypothèse que ces CTC ont acquis des propriétés migratoires et d’invasivité, et pourraient résulter d’une forte sélection clonale. Nous avons ensuite étendu cette observation aux patients porteurs du remaniement ROS1 et rapporté pour la première fois la détection de ce remaniement dans des CTC (Pailler, Ann Oncol, 2015). Dans la troisième partie du projet, nous avons émis l’hypothèse que certaines sous-populations de CTC anormales pour le gène ALK, mesurées avant et à deux mois de traitement par le crizotinib, pourraient prédire l’évolution clinique des patients traités. Dans une cohorte élargie de patients, nous avons montré que l’évolution sous crizotinib du nombre de CTC présentant exclusivement des gains de copies natives du gène ALK est un biomarqueur « surrogate » d’efficacité du traitement pouvant permettre d’identifier les patients qui ont un risque élevé de progresser rapidement (Pailler, soumis). Finalement, dans la quatrième partie du projet, nous avons recherché dans des CTC des mutations de résistance aux inhibiteurs de ALK. Nous avons mis au point des technologies permettant de caractériser phénotypiquement, isoler et analyser moléculairement (séquençages ciblés et d’exomes) des CTC à l’échelle de cellule unique. Les expériences sur lignées cellulaires ont permis de valider les approches et les analyses d’échantillons de patients sont en cours.Dans ce travail, nous montrons qu’il est possible de caractériser des anomalies génomiques dans les CTC de patients porteurs du remaniement ALK à différentes étapes de leur maladie, et ainsi d’identifier des biomarqueurs de sensibilité et d’efficacité à une thérapie ciblée. Ce travail ouvre des perspectives sur la personnalisation des traitements qui pourraient reposer sur l’analyse génomique non invasive des CTC. Il apporte en outre des éléments nouveaux sur les caractéristiques biologiques des CTC chez ces patients, certaines étapes du processus métastatique et la diversité génomique de ces cancers. / Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are a broad field of research which may provide both clinical and basic information. CTCs migrate from primitive or metastatic tumors and represent a heterogeneous population of very rare cells in the blood stream. The molecular characterization of CTCs is a technical challenge requiring highly sensitive and specific methods. Because tumor biopsies are invasive and in some cases associated with risk in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), CTCs may offer an attractive option to analyze tumor genomic alterations and detect molecular biomarkers. CTCs could provide a more comprehensive picture of the tumor content than single tumor biopsies.The aim of my thesis was to characterize genomic abnormalities in CTCs from ALK-rearranged NSCLC patients and identified biomarkers of sensitivity and resistance to targeted therapies. The first part of the project consisted in the development of a fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) method adapted to CTCs enriched by filtration, the FA-FISH (filter-adapted-FISH) (patent PCT/FR2011/052688). Then, we developed a method for the semi-automated microscopy of filtration enriched CTCs (Pailler, BMC Cancer, 2016). In the second part of my project, using this method, we provided the first proof-of-concept that ALK-rearrangement can be detected in CTCs of patients with ALK-rearranged NSCLC (Pailler, J Clin Oncol, 2013). We showed that CTCs from these patients harbor a unique ALK break-apart rearrangement, including patients presenting another form of rearrangement in the biopsy, and a mesenchymal phenotype. This suggests that these CTCs may arise from a clonal selection of tumor cells that have acquired invasive and migratory properties and possibly the potential to drive metastatic progression. Then, we characterized CTCs from patients with ROS1-rearranged NSCLC and reported for the first time the detection of ROS1-rearrangement in CTCs (Pailler, Ann Oncol, 2015). In the third part of the project, we evaluated whether CTCs with abnormal ALK-FISH patterns monitored under crizotinib (baseline and early sampling at 2 months) may inform on treatment benefit in a cohort of ALK-rearranged patients treated by crizotinib. In an extended cohort of patients, the dynamic change in the numbers of CTCs with a gain of ALK-native copies was associated with the progression-free survival and thus may be a surrogate biomarker for crizotinib efficacy (Pailler, submitted). These results show that the molecular analysis of CTCs performed under treatment could help to stratify patients at risk of early resistance to crizotinib. Finally, in the last part of my project, we sought to evaluate whether CTCs could be used for identifying resistance mutations to ALK inhibitors. We developed technologies to characterize, isolate and molecularly (targeted sequencing and exome sequencing) analyze CTCs at the single cell level. Experiments on cell lines allowed to validate these technical processes; Experiments on patient samples are ongoing.In this work, we characterize genomic abnormalities present in CTCs from ALK-rearranged patients at different stages of the disease and identify biomarkers of sensitivity and efficacy to targeted therapies. Our results provide new perspectives on the potential of CTCs for personalizing treatments in NSCLC patients. Furthermore, our findings may offer new insights on the biological characteristics of CTCs in ALK-rearranged patients, their overall role in the metastatic progression and the genomic diversity of these cancers.
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