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Células MCF-7 como modelo 3D no estudo de câncer de mama humano. / MCF-7 cells as a 3d model in the study of human breast cancer.Jonatas Bussador do Amaral 22 March 2011 (has links)
O diferencial da cultura de células em 3-dimensões é permitir que as células explorem as 3-dimensões do espaço, aumentando assim as interações com o ambiente e entre as células. Em estudos relacionados à biologia do câncer de mama, vem ganhando espaço a utilização de esferóides para estudos que visam à compreensão da morfogênese do espaço luminal. Neste trabalho foi mostrado que as células MCF-7 reorganizam-se em estruturas tubulares e acinares. Em ambas as situações, a formação do lúmen veio acompanhada pelo estabelecimento de uma camada de células polarizadas, arranjo este muito semelhante ao encontrado em glândulas mamárias. Os resultados apresentados apontam para a existência de uma população de células na linhagem MCF-7 que não estão totalmente comprometidas ao fenótipo tumoral. Mantidos diferenciados, os esferóides de células MCF-7 apontam como um novo modelo para estudos relacionados à formação do lúmen, permitindo assim explorar o papel de diferentes vias como as relacionadas a apoptose, autofagia, diferenciação e sobrevivência celular. / As a particularity, a 3D cell culture permits cells to explore the three dimensions of the space thereby increasing cell-cell interactions, as well as interaction with the environment. In studies related to breast cancer biology, spheroids are becoming widely used in the aim to comprehend luminal space morphogenesis. We showed that MCF-7 cells reorganize themselves in tubular and acinar structures. In both situations, lumen formation was accompanied by the establishment of a layer of polarized cells, an arrangement that is very similar to that of breast glands. The presented results suggest the existence of an MCF cell line population not completely committed to the tumor phenotype. When maintained as differentiated, MCF-7 cell spheroids can be a new model for studies regarding lumen formation, thereby exploring the role of diiferent pathways, such as those related to cell apoptosis, autophagy, differentiation and survival.
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Avaliação da ativação linfócitária por diferentes combinações de células apresentadoras de antígenos. / Evaluation of lymphocyte activation by different combinations of antigen presenting cells.Lilian Sally Chin 06 December 2010 (has links)
Acredita-se que as células dendríticas (DCs) sejam as mais eficientes na ativação de linfócitos T (LT) naive. Com a possibilidade de geração in vitro de DCs, muitos protocolos explorando este potencial vêm sendo desenvolvidos, principalmente em abordagens imunoterapêuticas para o câncer. Todavia, em situações fisiológicas a apresentação antigênica dificilmente ocorre por um tipo celular único. Deste modo, este trabalho investigou os padrões de reposta de LT induzidos por DCs maduras (mDCs) em combinação com diferentes APCs, incluindo linfócitos B, monócitos, macrófagos e DCs imaturas. Os padrões de resposta gerados pelos LT foram analisados por citometria de fluxo, ELISA e BIOPLEX. A estimulação dos LT pelas mDCs isoladas apresentaram o maior poder de estimulação, seguidas pelas outras APCs. Todas as combinações diminuiram a resposta induzida pelas mDCs, principalmente de LT CD4+. Deste modo, os dados confirmam o efeito das interações de APCs na estimulação de LT provendo ferramentas para o refinamento de abordagens imunoterapêuticas. / Dendritic cells (DC) are the main APC able to activate T cells (TC). Since they may be generated in vitro, many protocols based on their immunostimulatory potential are currently underway, mainly in immunotherapeutic approaches for cancer. In physiological conditions, however, other APC may participate in antigen presentation, thus influencing the immune response pattern developed. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the TC response patterns induced in vitro by mature DC (mDC) combined with different APC, including B cells, monocytes, macrophages and immature DC. The response patterns were analyzed flow cytometry, ELISA and Multiplex flow immunoassay. The TC stimulation by isolated mDC presented the highest capacity of stimulation, followed by the other APC. All combinations decreased the response induced by mDC, mainly CD4+ T cells. These data confirm the effects of APC interactions upon TC stimulation and may provide a tool for fine-tuning of immune response induction in immunotherapeutic approaches.
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Papel do gene da síndrome de Wiskott Aldrich (WASP) na leucemia mielóide crônica. / The role of Wiskott Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP) in the chronic myeloid leukemia.Welbert de Oliveira Pereira 04 November 2011 (has links)
Bcr-Abl é a tirosina quinase (TK) responsável por causar a Leucemia Mielóide Crônica (LMC). Os últimos estudos de follow-up mostram que apenas 50% dos pacientes tratados com a segunda geração de inibidores de TK atinge a remissão completa, o que significa que metade desses pacientes necessita de um algo melhor do que está disponível. Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome Protein (WASP) é um gene essencial para o bom desenvolvimento e função das células hematopoiéticas. Ante esse contexto, decidimos investigar se WASP poderia ter algum papel ou relevância na LMC. Em conclusão, Bcr-Abl suprime a expressão WASP por um mecanismo epigenético. A re-expressão de WASP torna as células mais suscetíveis à apoptose em resposta ao Imatinib. Sugerimos que a recuperação da expressão WASP deve ser discutida como estratégia para a terapia da LMC. / Bcr-Abl is the tyrosine kinase (TK) responsible for causing Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML). This fusion protein up- and down-regulates several genes and pathways, producing a strong resistance to apoptosis and a blockage of cell maturation in the hematopoietic compartment. The last follow-up studies provided that only 50% of the patients treated with second generation achieve complete remission, what means that one-half of these patients needs something better. Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome Protein (WASP) is an essential gene for the proper development and function of the hematopoietic cells. In the light of this background, we decided to investigate if WASP could have some role or relevance in the CML context. In conclusion, Bcr-Abl suppresses WASP expression by an epigenetic mechanism. The re-expression of WASP makes the CML cells more susceptible to apoptosis and contribute to respond to Imatinib. We suggest that recovery of WASP expression should be discussed as a new and additional strategy for CML therapy.
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Identification et caractérisation des cellules tumorales circulantes dans le cancer colorectal / Identification and characterization of circulating tumors cells in colorectal cancerGrillet, Fanny 30 October 2015 (has links)
La présence de métastases est un facteur de mauvais pronostic dans les cancers solides et une meilleure compréhension de la dissémination tumorale est nécessaire afin d'améliorer la prise en charge de ces formes avancées. Les cellules tumorales circulantes (CTC) représentent un intérêt majeur dans la pathologie tumorale, d'une part sur le plan clinique en tant que marqueur prédictif et pronostique et d'autre part sur le plan de la compréhension des mécanismes impliqués dans la formation des métastases. Les CTC sont rares et hétérogènes et restent mal caractérisées, et ce, particulièrement dans le cancer colorectal. Une partie de ces cellules aurait un phénotype de cellules initiatrices de tumeur (CIT) leur permettant de former des métastases, de résister aux traitements et par conséquent d'être responsables des rechutes. Une meilleure connaissance des CTC possédant un phénotype de CIT représente donc un enjeu majeur. L'objectif de ce travail a été d'identifier et de caractériser les CTC avec un potentiel de cellules initiatrices de tumeur dans le cancer colorectal en se basant sur les propriétés fonctionnelles des CIT. Nous avons ainsi, pour la première fois, pu établir deux modèles permettant de répondre à cet objectif. D'une part des lignées de CTC avec un fort potentiel de CIT obtenues à partir d'échantillons sanguins de patients atteints de cancer colorectal, et d'autre part, nous avons mis en place un modèle murin de dissémination tumorale par xénogreffe orthotopique permettant d'isoler les CTC. / Liver or lung metastases represent a poor prognosis in colorectal cancer patients and better understanding tumor spreading became essential to improve patient care. Circulating tumor cells (CTC) is considered as a promising tool, both as prognostic marker and as tool to study mechanisms involved in metastasis development. CTCs are rare and heterogeneous and remain poorly characterized especially in colorectal cancer. It is accepted that at least some of the CTC have a tumor initiating cell (TIC) phenotype that could be responsible for metastasis, chemoresistance and consequently lead to relapse. A deep characterization of CTC became thus an urgent unmet need. The aim of this work was to identify and characterize CTC with TIC properties in colorectal cancer, on the basis of their functional properties. To reach this aim, we established for the first time and characterized CTC lines from blood sample of colorectal cancer patient, and we also developed an orthotopic xenograft mouse model in which tumoral cells are circulating in the blood.
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Development of microfluidic device for high content analysis of circulating tumor cells / Développement d'un système microfluidique pour l'analyse haut-contenu de cellules tumorales circulantesTulukcuoglu Güneri, Ezgi 20 October 2016 (has links)
Le cancer est l'une des principales causes de décès dans le monde. D'après la société américaine contre le cancer; en 2015, un quart des décès aux Etats-Unis est du au cancer du poumon avant même les maladies cardiaques. Cette situation nous incite et bien d'autres scientifiques dans le monde à développer des moyens plus efficaces de traitement, le diagnostic et le dépistage de la maladie. Parce que près de 90% des décès par cancer sont dus à des métastases, de nombreuses études se sont concentrées sur le mécanisme de métastases et sur son impact clinique. Les cellules tumorales circulantes (CTC) sont les cellules s’échappent de tumeurs primaires ou métastatiques pour rejoindre le flux sanguin périphérique, ces cellules sont un élément de transition dans le processus métastatique et portent ainsi des informations cruciales sur ce mécanisme encore mal compris. Les CTCs ont déjà montré leur potentiel comme biomarqueur de pronostic de la progression de la maladie et de l'indicateur de l'efficacité du traitement en fonction l’augmentation ou de la diminution de leur nombre. Leur caractérisation moléculaire peut également donner des informations vis à vis de cibles thérapeutiques possibles et des mécanismes de progression de la maladie ou de la résistance aux médicaments. Leur comptage au cours du traitement combiné avec leur caractérisation moléculaire devrait améliorer la prise en charge des patients dans le cadre de la médecine personnalisée. Cependant CTCs sont extrêmement rares, 1 à 10 cellules / ml de sang parmi les 106 globules blancs et 109 globules rouges, leur capture à partir du sang reste donc un challenge analytique. Dans les dernières décennies, Une grande variété de techniques d'enrichissement et de capture a été mise au point et l'approche microfluidique est l'une des méthodes efficaces, flexibles et à haut débit. Au sein de notre équipe, un dispositif microfluidique (système Ephesia) puissant pour la capture et l'analyse des cellules tumorales circulantes a déjà été mis au point précédemment. Le principe de capture est basé sur l'auto-assemblage de billes magnétiques greffées par des anticorps, grâce aux quelles les cellules sont enrichies via l’interaction Ab- l'antigène de surface EpCAM que l'on trouve communément dans les cellules cancéreuses d'origine épithéliale. Ce système a déjà été validé avec des lignées cellulaires et des échantillons de patients. Cependant, le système n'a pas permis l'isolement / détection des sous-populations de CTCs ou d'effectuer une caractérisation moléculaire très poussée. Par conséquent, mon projet de thèse vise à améliorer encore les capacités du système sur les deux principaux aspects: le ciblage sous-populations de CTC et à l'étude des interactions des protéines à la surface des CTCs dans le Système Ephesia... / Metastasis is the advanced stage of cancer progression and is the cause of 90% of deaths in cancer disease. During metastatic cascade, it is suggested that the successful metastatic initiation depends on the survival of circulating tumor cells (CTCs). CTCs are the cells that shed from the primary or secondary tumor sites into the blood circulation. it is now widely recognized as potential biomarker for companion diagnostics in which high number of CTCs in blood can indicate association with poor survival or high risk of disease progression. Besides, following the number of CTCs during the course of treatment can help to adapt the selected therapy and predict the treatment efficacy. On the other hand molecular characterization can provide patient stratification and identifying the therapeutic targets. However they are extremely rare in the bloodstream, estimated between 1-10 CTC among 6×106 leukocytes, 2×108 platelets and 4×109 erythrocytes per one mL of blood which makes their isolation very challenging. A very attractive way of isolation of CTCs is to integrate microfluidics. Microfluidics offers great advantages such as low volume of reagent consumption and short analysis times with automation as well as isolation and detection analysis can be integrated resulting in highly efficient biomedical devices for diagnostics. As parallel to state of the art, a powerful microfluidic device for circulating tumor cells capture and analysis had already been developed previously in our laboratory. The principle of capture is based on self-assembly of antibody-coated (EpCAM) magnetic beads in which the cells are enriched by EpCAM surface antigen which is found commonly in epithelial origin cancer cells. This system was already validated with cell lines and patients samples. However, the system did not allow isolation/detection of subpopulations of CTCs or performing high content molecular characterization. Therefore, my PhD project aimed at further improving the capabilities of the system on the main two aspects: targeting subpopulations of CTC and studying of protein interactions of CTCs in Ephesia System...
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Efeito da caquexia associada ao câncer em componentes da matriz extracelular do tecido adiposo. / Effects of cancer cachexia on the components of the adipose tissue extracellular matrix.Michele Joana Alves 25 November 2011 (has links)
A profunda perda de tecido adiposo é considerada um marcador na caquexia associada ao câncer. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da caquexia associada ao câncer em componentes da matriz extracelular do tecido adiposo subcutâneo (TAS) de pacientes. Pacientes do Hospital Universitário (HU) foram divididos em dois grupos: portadores de tumor com caquexia (TC) e controles (C). Amostras de TAS foram analisadas quanto aos aspectos morfológicos, morfométricos, ultraestruturais, moleculares por RT-PCR em tempo real para os genes: COL1A1, COL3A1, COL6A1, FN1 e MMP2, e por imunohistoquímica para colágeno (III, VI), fibronectina e metaloproteinase 2 (MMP2). O presente estudo relata alterações das características morfológicas dos adipócitos, bem como na expressão gênica do COL6A1, FN1 e MMP2 no TC. A imunopositividade observada estava modificada para colágeno III, VI, fibronectina e na MMP2. Conclusão: A caquexia associada ao câncer afeta profundamente o tecido adiposo conduzindo à fibrose tecidual. / Profound loss of adipose tissue is a hallmark of cancer cachexia. Nevertheless, the changes caused by cancer cachexia regarding the adipose tissue extracellular matrix have not yet been fully described. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of cancer cachexia upon extracellular matrix components of the subcutaneous adipose tissue (TAS) of cancer patients. Patients of the Hospital University (HU) were divided into two groups: tumour cachexia (TC) and control (C). Samples were analysed for morphological aspects, ultrastructurals, morphometric, molecular analyses by real time RT-PCR for gene COL3A1, COL1A1, COL6A1, FN1 and MMP2, and immunohistochemistry for collagen (III, VI), fibronectin and metalloproteinase 2 (MMP2). This study shows modifications of the morphological characteristics of the adipocytes as well as in gene expression of COL6A1, FN1 and MMP2 in TC. The imunopositivity also was modified to collagen III, VI, fibronectin and MMP2. Conclusion: cancer cachexia affects deeply the adipose tissue, leading to the emergence of tissue fibrosis.
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Nanoparticules à base de poly(L-glutamate de γ-benzyle) pour l’interception et la destruction des cellules tumorales circulantes dans la circulation sanguine / Poly(benzyle glutamate)-based nanoparticles for intercepting and destroying circulating tumor cells into the bloodstreamTaylor castillo, An Young 11 September 2018 (has links)
En dépit de progrès considérables, le cancer reste l'une des principales causes de morbidité et de mortalité dans le monde. Actuellement, 90% des décès liés au cancer sont causés par la propagation de cellules cancéreuses vers des organes distants. Une fois implantées et disséminées, les métastases sont beaucoup plus difficiles à détruire par les moyens de la chimiothérapie.A la suite d’un processus d’intravasation, certaines cellules tumorales s’échappent de la tumeur primaire et empruntent les systèmes circulatoires avant d’être ensuite extravasées, puis distribuées et finalement disséminées dans divers organes. Ainsi, dans l’environnement circulatoire, ces cellules tumorales circulantes (CTCs) se trouvent particulièrement accessibles aux agents thérapeutiques. Dans ce cadre, nous avons imaginé d’utiliser des nanoparticules à architecture contrôlée, afin d’intercepter de manière sélective ces cellules dans l’environnement sanguin.Dans cet objectif, nous avons synthétisé par ouverture de cycle de la lactone correspondante des copolymères amphiphiles di- et tri-blocs du poly(glutamate de benzyle). Leur auto-assemblage a permis d'obtenir des nanoparticules amphiphiles de taille inférieure à 100 nm et de potentiel ζ négatif, dont la géométrie contrôlable va de la forme sphérique (rapport d'aspect 1.3) à la forme ellipsoïdale (oblats) (rapport d'aspect 2,6) et qui présentant en surface des chaînes de PEG sous des conformations et des densités de surface contrôlées.En raison de leur capacité de circuler dans le compartiment sanguin, ces nanoparticules ont une probabilité d’interaction optimale avec les CTCs.L’impact de la modification de leur architecture a été établi en étudiant les capacités d’interactions des différentes nanoparticules préparées, d’une part avec les protéines plasmatiques et d’autre part, avec les différents types cellulaires rencontrés dans le compartiment sanguin.Les résultats les plus marquants montrent que l’élongation des nanoparticules (oblats) et l’anisotropie de leur surface, caractérisée par leur balance hydrophile/lipophile, gouvernent profondément leurs interactions. De manière fort intéressante, il apparaît que l’élongation des particules dont la surface est uniformément hydrophile diminue l’intensité de leur capture par les différents types cellulaires modèles étudiés (HUVECs modèle de cellules endothéliales), cellules RAW 276.7 (modèle de macrophages) et cellules PC3 (cancer de la prostate) et B16 (mélanome). En revanche, lorsque ces nanoparticules présentent une anisotropie de surface, leur capture par ces différents types cellulaires est augmentée avec l’élongation des particules (facteur d’élongation de 2,1).Dans un dernier volet expérimental, ces nanoparticules ont été modifiées par greffage de la protéine MART1 à leur surface. Ces immuno-nanoparticules ont montré une certaine capacité de reconnaissance des cellules B16 (modèle du mélanome). Leur efficacité après injection intraveineuse devra toutefois être précisée in vivo. / Despite the considerable progress, cancer remains one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Currently, 90% of cancer deaths are caused by the spread of cancer cells to distant organs. Once implanted and disseminated, metastases are much more difficult to destroy by means of chemotherapy.Following a process of intravasation, some tumor cells escape from the primary tumor and migrate through the circulatory systems before being extravasated, then distributed and finally disseminated in various organs. Thus, in the circulatory environment, these circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are particularly accessible to therapeutic agents. In this context, we have imagined the use of nanoparticles with controlled architecture, in order to selectively intercept these cells in the blood environment.For this purpose, we have synthesized by ring opening of the corresponding lactone, amphiphilic di- and tri-block copolymers of poly (benzyl glutamate). Their self-assembly made it possible to obtain amphiphilic nanoparticles smaller than 100 nm in size and with a negative ζ potential, whose controllable geometry ranges from spherical (aspect ratio 1.3) to ellipsoidal (oblates) (aspect ratio 2, 6) and having PEG chains on the surface under controlled surface conformations and densities.Due to their ability to circulate in the blood compartment, these nanoparticles have an optimal probability of interaction with CTCs.The modification impact of their architecture has been established by studying the interaction capacities of the different nanoparticles prepared. On the one hand with the plasma proteins and on the other hand, with the different cell types encountered in the blood compartment.The most striking results show that the elongation of the nanoparticles (oblates) and the anisotropy of their surface, characterized by their hydrophilic / lipophilic balance, strongly govern their interactions. Interestingly, it appears that the elongation of particles whose surface is uniformly hydrophilic decreases the intensity of their capture by the different types of cell models studied (HUVEC model endothelial cells), RAW 276.7 cells (macrophage model) and cells PC3 (prostate cancer) and B16 (melanoma). Although, when these nanoparticles exhibit surface anisotropy, their capture by these different cell types is increased with the elongation of the particles (elongation factor of 2.1).In a final experimental part, these nanoparticles were modified by grafting the MART1 protein on their surface. These immuno-nanoparticles showed a certain recognition capacity of B16 cells (melanoma model). However, their efficacy after intravenous injection should be specified in vivo.
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AsiDNA, a Unique DNA Repair Inhibitor, Triggers Sensitization and Bioenergetic Adaptation in Cancer Cells / AsiDNA, un inhibiteur unique de l’ADN, conduit à la sensibilisation et l’adaptation bioénergétique des cellules cancéreusesKozlak, Maria 15 May 2019 (has links)
Le but d’un traitement anticancéreux est d’être spécifique et efficacité dans la durée vis-à-vis des cellules tumorales. De nombreux agents chimiothérapeutiques ont rencontré des obstacles quant à leur utilisation en raison de leur toxicité pour les cellules saines ou de la résistance développée par les cellules cancéreuses. Cela souligne la nécessité de développer des médicaments alternatifs. Notre laboratoire a développé une classe d'inhibiteurs de réparation de l'ADN, Dbait, qui agissent en détournant et en hyperactivant les protéines de la réparation de l’ADN, telles que la protéine PARP et DNA-PK. Cela conduit en conséquence à des modifications de la chromatine, visualisées par la phosphorylation pan-nucléaire de l’histone H2AX, et en l’inhibition du recrutement aux sites des dommages de plusieurs protéines de réparation. AsiDNA, une forme active de Dbait, sensibilise les tumeurs aux radiations, à la chimiothérapie, à la thérapie ciblée, sans effet sur les cellules non tumorales et les tissus sains. Dans la mesure où la chimiothérapie consiste en des traitements cycliques de l'agent anti-cancéreux, l'objectif de cette étude était d'étudier in vitro les conséquences d’un traitement répété d’AsiDNA sur les cellules tumorales et non tumorales, plus particulièrement pour ce qui concerne l’émergence de clones tumoraux résistants ou inversement de clones non tumoraux devenus sensibles au traitement. Dans un premier temps, nous avons conçu des expériences dans le but d'isoler des clones résistants au traitement par AsiDNA. Nous montrons que des traitements cycliques ne conduisent pas à des clones résistants, mais au contraire à la sélection de cellules tumorales caractérisées par une hyper sensibilité à l'AsiDNA. Cette sensibilité acquise est stable dans le temps et n'a jamais été observée en traitant des cellules non tumorales. Afin d’identifier le(s) mécanisme(s) responsable(s) de cette sensibilité acquise, nous avons comparé des cellules de sein non tumorales (MCF-10A) et tumorales triples négatives (MDA-MB-231) après 3 trois cycles de traitement par AsiDNA. Nous montrons que les traitements cycliques d'AsiDNA causent une inhibition de l'expression génique, essentiellement au niveau de gènes impliqués dans la réparation de l'ADN, le cycle cellulaire et la prolifération. Néanmoins, aucune différence dans la capacité de réparation de l'ADN, la progression du cycle cellulaire et le taux de prolifération n'est observable. Les cellules cancéreuses augmentent les voies métaboliques énergétiques pour produire d’énergie nécessaire à leur prolifération. En tenant compte du fait que l’expression de certains gènes impliqués dans les voies métaboliques sont aussi dérégulées par le traitement cyclique d’AsiDNA, nous avons émis l’hypothèse que l’épuisement métabolique pouvait être responsable de la sensibilisation des cellules tumorales à l’AsiDNA. Une étude du métabolome a révélé une dérégulation de plusieurs métabolites incluant NAD+. Nous montrons que cette dérégulation bioénergétique est responsable de l'hypersensibilité acquise des cellules cancéreuses suite au traitement par AsiDNA. Une étude bioénergétique des cellules tumorales non traitées et sélectionnées après les traitements cycliques par AsiDNA confirment une diminution de glycolyse aérobique et de la phosphorylation oxydative dans ces dernières. En conséquence de cette réduction énergétique, les cellules cancéreuses ont perdu leur caractère malin, ce qui est démontré par une inhibition de la migration et de la formation de tumeur. Nous montrons que les cellules tumorales dérivées de traitements cycliques par AsiDNA sont dépourvues de cellules souches cancéreuses dont les caractéristiques sont leur résistance aux drogues et leur phénotype invasif. En conclusion, à côté de son rôle dans l'inhibition de la réparation de l'ADN, AsiDNA interfère également avec le métabolisme énergétique des cellules cancéreuses. / The goal of anti-cancer treatment is long term specificity and efficacy towards cancer cells. Many of the clinically available chemotherapy have encountered obstacles due to their toxicity towards healthy cells or to development of resistance by the cancer cells. This emphasizes the need for development of alternative drugs. Our laboratory developed an original class of DNA repair inhibitor, Dbait, that acts by hijacking and hyper activating DNA repair proteins involved in repairing DNA breaks, such as PARP and DNA-PK. Consequently, this leads to chromatin modification, as revealed by pan-nuclear phosphorylation of H2AX, and inhibition of the recruitment at the damage site of several DNA repair proteins at the damage site. AsiDNA, an active form of Dbait linked to a cholesterol moiety, sensitizes tumours, and not non-tumour cells, to radiation, chemotherapy, targeted therapy. As most of clinical protocols of chemotherapy involve cyclic treatments, the aim of this study was to investigate consequences of cyclic AsiDNA treatment in vitro on non-tumor and tumor cells, conditions that experience cancer patients during chemotherapy. Particular emphasis was paid to emergence of resistant clones during cyclic AsiDNA treatment of tumour cells and emergence of toxicity toward normal cells. At first, various tumor and non-tumor cells were exposed to cyclic treatments consisting of one week of treatment and one week of drug-free recovery. After few cycles of treatment, we didn’t observe toxicity toward normal cells and we failed to isolate resistant clones to AsiDNA from tumor cells. Importantly, this treatment protocol induced resistance of MDA-MB-231 cells to imatinib or PARPi. Unexpectedly, we observed that sensitivity to AsiDNA increased with repeated cycles in tumor cells. This acquired sensitization was stable over time and was never observed in non-tumor cells. In an attempt to understand the specific and acquired sensitization of tumor cells along treatment, we compared non-tumor (MCF-10A) and triple-negative breast cancer (MDA-MB-231) cells that were exposed (3CAsiDNA) or not (3CMT) to 3 rounds of AsiDNA. Transcriptome analysis of MDA-MB-231 revealed global downregulation of transcription after cyclic AsiDNA treatment. Although the expression of genes involved in DNA repair, cell cycle and proliferation, was highly affected, strikingly no clear difference in DNA repair capacity, cell cycle or proliferation rate was observed between MDA-MB-231_3CAsiDNA and MDA-MB-231_3CMT. In contrary, modification of gene expression was weakly affected in non-tumor cells.As impaired DNA repair capacity or cell cycle deregulation couldn’t explain this acquired sensitivity, therefore alternative mechanisms should account for the higher mortality of cyclic treated AsiDNA cells. Cancer cells upregulate energy metabolic pathways to produce enough energy for cell proliferation and repair. Noteworthy, AsiDNA is a PARP activator requiring NAD+ consumption. Based on the fact that metabolic pathways were also deregulated at the transcriptional level, we hypothesized that metabolic exhaustion may be responsible for AsiDNA induced sensitization. Metabolome study revealed deregulation of several metabolites including NAD+. We showed that this bioenergetics deregulation is responsible for increasing sensitivity to AsiDNA. Bioenergetics study confirmed low metabolic activity after repeated AsiDNA treatment due to deregulating aerobic glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation. As a consequence of energetic deprivation, cancer cells deregulated their malignant behavior by inhibition of migration and tumor formation. We showed that 3CAsiDNA tumor cells are depleted of cancer stem cells, which features are responsible of drug resistance and cancer invasive phenotype. Altogether, we demonstrated that AsiDNA, beside its role in DNA repair inhibition, also interferes with energy metabolism in cancer cells.
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The Lymphatic System in Breast Cancer MetastasisOdalys Torres Luquis (11200086) 29 July 2021 (has links)
The leading cause of breast cancer-associated death is metastasis. During metastasis, tumor cells metastasize from primary tumors to distant organs via the circulatory and lymphatic systems. However, in 80% of solid tumors, metastasis via the lymphatic system precedes metastasis via the vascular system. There is a lot of information about metastasis through the circulatory system. However, not much information is available about the tumor cell dissemination through the lymphatic system or the lymphatic microenvironment that aids in this process in breast cancer metastasis. In addition, the molecular properties of tumor cells as they exit the primary tumor into the afferent lymphatics en route to the sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs) are not yet known.<br><div><br></div><div>This project aims to determine why and how tumor cells metastasize to the lymphatic system. The proposal is based on the hypothesis that active migration is needed for tumor cells to spread via the lymphatic vessels. Thus, finding and understanding the molecules that contribute to this can be a breakthrough for breast cancer metastasis therapy.<br></div><div><br></div><div>The goals of this thesis are to 1) Examine the molecular, genetic, and proteomic characteristics of circulatory tumor cells and compare these to the primary tumor and lung metastasis, 2) Examine the role of Toll-like receptors in tumor cell migration to the lymph node, and 3) Identify the difference in protein expression among two different types of breast cancer (Triple-Negative and Luminal A) and understand their aggressive biology.<br></div>
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<b>Organ Tropism and Characteristics of Breast Cancer Cells During Metastasis</b>Swara Satyakam Joshi (20364708) 17 December 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Breast cancer, the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women, exhibits high metastatic potential to organs such as lymph nodes, lungs, liver, bone, and brain. While early-stage breast cancer has a favorable prognosis, survival rates drop sharply with lymph node involvement and distant metastasis, emphasizing the need to understand metastatic mechanisms, particularly in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC).</p><p dir="ltr">Our study explored the role of Lymph-Circulating Tumor Cells (LCTCs) using female nude/NSG mice with MDA-MB-231 cells and BALB/c mice with 4T1 cells as experimental models. Fluorescence Microscopy and Flow cytometry analyses indicated a possibility that Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) might utilize the lymphatic system as a metastatic pathway, with lymphatic trafficking potentially preceding organ colonization. Lymph nodes could serve as critical intermediaries in metastatic dissemination rather than passive conduits. Organ-specific analysis following tissue collection demonstrated that CTCs maintained their aggressive phenotype while exhibiting adaptations to distinct microenvironments. Furthermore, the lymphatic system may provide a supportive niche for CTC survival and migration, underscoring its role in facilitating metastasis.</p><p dir="ltr">These findings suggest that targeting lymphatic trafficking and lymph node colonization could provide novel strategies for managing TNBC metastasis. Additionally, understanding the organ-specific tropism of LCTCs could inform personalized therapies and improve prognostic tools, paving the way for targeted interventions in aggressive breast cancer.</p>
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