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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Let's Talk! An Investigation of Parent-Child Conversations About Self-Conscious Emotions

Cooper, Alexandra Marie 26 March 2021 (has links)
Parents play an important role in socializing children's emotion understanding. Previous research on parents' conversations with their children shows that parents emphasize different aspects of emotion contexts depending on the emotion depicted. However, there is limited research on how parents and children discuss self-conscious emotions, such as embarrassment, guilt, and shame. The current study explored the socialization of self-conscious emotions in parent-child conversations during a storybook task. One hundred and sixty-six children between the ages of 24 and 36 months were observed reading a storybook with their parent. Analyses of parent-child conversations revealed that while parent and child utterances were highly correlated, only parents differentially discussed different aspects of each self-conscious emotion. Additionally, the frequency of parents' causality and knowledge-based questions directed towards their children differed by self-conscious emotion. Whether parent communication of emotion serves as a framework for child understanding and interpretation of self-conscious emotions will be discussed.

MEK/ERKs Signaling Is Essential for Lithium-Induced Neurite Outgrowth in N2a Cells

Wang, Zhuyao, Wang, Juan, Li, Jingjin, Wang, Xiaohui, Yao, Yuzhen, Zhang, Xiaojin, Li, Chuanfu, Cheng, Yunlin, Ding, Guoxian, Liu, Li, Ding, Zhengnian 01 June 2011 (has links)
Lithium, a drug used for the treatment of bipolar disorder, has been shown to affect different aspects of neuronal development such as neuritogenesis, neurogenesis and survival. The underlying mechanism responsible for lithium's influence on neuronal development, however, still remains to be elucidated. In the present study, we demonstrate that lithium increases the phosphorylation of extracellular-signal regulated kinases (ERKs) and protein kinase B (Akt) and promotes neurite outgrowth in mouse N2a neuroblastoma cells (N2a). The inactivation of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK)/ERKs signaling with a MEK inhibitor inhibits neurite outgrowth, but it enhances Akt activation in lithium-treated N2a cells. Furthermore, the inactivation of phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt signaling with a PI3K inhibitor increases both lithium-induced ERKs activation and lithium-induced neurite outgrowth. Taken together, our study suggests that lithium-induced neurite outgrowth in N2a cells is regulated by cross-talk between the MEK/ERKs and PI3K/Akt pathways and requires the activation of the MEK/ERKs signaling.

Textsamtal som undervisningsmetod : Diskussion om metoden i kollegiala samtal

Sjöholm, Linn January 2016 (has links)
För att öka resultaten i de stora internationella undersökningarna PISA och PIRLS har staten satsat på kompetensutbildning för lärare i Sverige. Läslyftet är en av satsningarna och syftar till att öka kvaliteten i undervisningen när det gäller språk-, läs- och skrivdidaktik. En av modellerna som lärare utbildas i är samtal om text eller textsamtal. Den här studien följer åtta lärares diskussioner och erfarenheter som de delar med sig av under deltagandet i läslyftet 2016. Studien genomförs med hjälp av deltagande observationer då författaren till den här studien är en av deltagarna i läslyftet. I den tidigare forskningen framgår att textsamtal är gynnsamt för elevers kunskapsutveckling och att användning av metoden behöver öka i Sverige. Studien har ett sociokulturellt perspektiv eftersom teorin om att lärande sker i samband med andra är aktuell för studiens syfte och frågeställningar. Studiens syfte är att undersöka karaktären av textsamtal som undervisningsmetod i lärares kollegiala samtal. Frågeställningarna är: vilka motiv finns för lärare att använda textsamtal i undervisningen och vad pratar lärare om när de diskuterar textsamtal som undervisningsmetod? I resultatet presenteras de olika lärarnas erfarenheter och tankar kring textsamtal som undervisningsmetod. Det framgår av resultatet att lärarna har olika mycket erfarenhet av textsamtal innan de påbörjar läslyftet men att alla har en mycket positiv inställning till användandet av den. I diskussionen diskuteras hur de olika lärarna använder sig av metoden i förhållande till tidigare forskning. Det diskuteras även varför de är motiverade att använda metoden med motivet att öka kunskap i alla skolans ämnen.

Question-response sequences in the House of Commons : A conversation analytic study of adversarial questioning in the British parliament / Fråga-svar sekvenser i House of Commons : En konversationsanalytisk studie om motstridigt utfrågande i det brittiska parlamentet

Blick, Adam January 2020 (has links)
With the method of conversation analysis, this study examines the level of adverseness in questions between members of parliament from different parties. The data consists of question – response sequences derived from a ministerial statement from the prime minister in the House of Commons. This study finds that, in question – response sequences between oppositional members of parliament and the prime minister, adversarial presuppositions in questions can be used as a strategy to project negative traits upon the respondent. Adversarial dimensions of hostility, assertiveness and directness can also be found in adversarial questions. In these instances, the respondent may adjust their answer to match the level of adverseness from the questioner through the use of certain lexis, creating counter sequences. Adversarial questions are the most common type of question from members of the oppositional party, and there are different adversarial strategies being used. Questions from members of the government party do not make use of adversarial strategies, and should not be described as adversarial.

"Ja alltså man kan ju läsa, sen kan man läsa..." : En kvalitativ studie om anpassning av högläsning på förskolan / "Well you can read, then you can read..." : A qualitative study on adaptation of reading aloud in preschool

Olander Quach, Theres, Berg, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att utifrån ramfaktorteorin och sociokulturell teori synliggöra hur förskollärare anpassar högläsning för att gynna barns lärande. Metoden som använts är en kvalitativ intervjustudie där intervjuer utförts på sex olika förskolor med sex olika legitimerade förskollärare. Intervjun utgick från semistrukturerade frågor. Det valda teoretiska ramverket som använts är sociokulturell teori och ramfaktorteorin. Frågeställningarna som formulerats efter studiens syfte är: hur definierar förskollärare syftet med högläsning? På vilket sätt anpassar förskollärare samtalet under högläsning för att gynna barns lärande? Samt Vilka ramar upplever sig förskollärare ha för att skapa möjligheter till lärande under högläsning? Studiens resultat visar att högläsning används främst i ett lärande syfte. Förskollärarna lyfter även deras egen roll och deras förhållningssätt som betydelsefullt för att skapa ett intresse för högläsning och inspirera till lärande, genom att anpassa högläsningen på olika sätt. Resultatet i studien visar även att förskollärarna har olika organisatoriska och fysiska ramar som påverkar möjligheter till lärande under högläsningen. / The purpose of the study is to make visible, based on the framework factor theory and sociocultural theory, how preschool teachers adapt reading aloud to benefit children's learning. The method used is a qualitative interview study in which interviews were conducted at six different preschools with six different legitimate preschool teachers. The interview was based on semi-structured questions. The chosen theoretical framework used is sociocultural theory and the framework factor theory. The questions formulated according to the purpose of the study are: how does the preschool teacher define the purpose of reading aloud? In what way do preschool teachers adapt the conversation during high reading to benefit children's learning? And What frameworks do preschool teachers experience in order to create learning opportunities during high reading? The study's results show that high reading is used primarily for a learning purpose. Preschool teachers also emphasize their own role and their approach as important in creating an interest in reading and inspiring learning, by adapting reading in different ways. The results of the study also show that preschool teachers have different organizational and physical frameworks that influence learning opportunities during high reading.

Adult Clients' Experience of Walk-and-Talk Therapy

Clark, Denice Crowe 01 January 2019 (has links)
Standards of healthcare exist to promote beneficent treatment; however, treatment approaches are sometimes not supported by research, creating potential ethical issues for clinicians expected to use evidence-based practices. For example, walk-and-talk therapy, where therapy sessions incorporate physical activity in an outdoor setting, is being offered at increasing rates, but research regarding the practice is sparse and primarily reflects the therapists' experiences. Thus, the purpose of this interpretative phenomenological analytic study was to explore the clients' experience of the altered frame of walk-and-talk therapy through the conceptual lenses of therapeutic frame and the biopsychosocial model of well-being. Data were collected through in-depth, semistructured interviews with a sample of three former walk-and-talk therapy clients, and data were analyzed using the modified van Kaam method. Findings included that the clients' experience of walk-and-talk therapy was shaped by prior therapy experiences with participants reporting concerns and benefits related to the altered frame. Clients found walk-and-talk equally or more therapeutic than traditional therapy and felt walk-and-talk could be a less stigmatizing therapeutic alternative for individuals who find traditional, indoor therapy unappealing. Implications for social change include shaping standard practices of walk-and-talk therapy, thus informing the future of training and supervision as well as providing an alternative therapeutic offering for individuals who find traditional, indoor therapy unappealing.

An Exploratory Case Study of How High-Performance Team Training Develops Sociomathematical Norms and Differing Levels of Math-Talk

Durfee, Melanie V. 01 December 2018 (has links)
This exploratory study investigated the influence of High Performance Team (HPT) training on sociomathematical norms and differing levels of the Math-Talk Learning Community framework (Math-Talk) when sixth-grade student teams solved challenging mathematics problems while working in teams. HPT training involved (1) training students on distinct roles in the team problem-solving process, (2) challenging students with complicated mathematical problems, and (3) holding students accountable for contributions to the team. This research project explored the initial stages of the relationship between HPT and student-to-student mathematics conversations though the lens of the Math-Talk Learning Community framework. The researcher studied four teams (i.e., four cases) with four middle school students in each team/case during a 7-week timeframe. The research study had three phases. The first phase involved gathering baseline data regarding the students’ sociomathematical norms. During the second phase, the students were trained to work in HPT and then solved challenging mathematics problems in teams. During the last phase, the researcher collected data to explore shifts in sociomathematical norms and student autonomy after the students had the opportunity to be trained and work in HPT. The researcher used descriptive statistics to analyze the quantitative data and open and axial coding to analyze the qualitative data. The analysis included both within- and cross-case analysis. The descriptive statistics used to analyze the changes in sociomathematical norms and Math-Talk levels indicated that the levels of sociomathematical norms increased when teachers gave students opportunities to participate in mathematics discussion. Specifically, students were most adept in the area of explaining and justifying reasoning and least skilled in the area of indicate when solutions are valid. The role of the teacher was key to maintaining high levels of Math-Talk. The teachers needed to give appropriate support to maintain these levels in three different areas: (1) select problems that were the appropriate level of complexity and provide scaffolding when needed, (2) ensure students understood the context for the mathematics problems, and (3) teach students how to find their own errors or be ready to give feedback regarding whether students’ answers were correct.

Vägledning bortom det fysiska rummet : En kvalitativ studie om studie-och yrkesvägledares arbetsmiljö

Hagberg, Ola, Halilovic, Ramajana January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att granska hur studie- och yrkesvägledare som arbetar med metoderna walk and talk och/eller e-vägledning upplever sin organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljö. Sju semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med yrkesverksamma studie- och yrkesvägledare från olika delar av Sverige. Vi använde oss av kvalitativ metod och tillämpade organisationsteoretiska perspektiv (human-resource perspektivet och det strukturella perspektivet) som teoretisk utgångspunkt. Vidare användes det salutogena perspektivet med särskilt fokus på KASAM, alltså känsla av sammanhang. Resultatet av vår studie framvisade att användningen av e-vägledning och/eller walk and talk inte påverkade studie- och yrkesvägledares arbetsmiljö på ett betydande sätt, men att det kunde ge positiva effekter hos klienterna. Respondenterna hade även möjligheter till kompetensutveckling samt möjligheter till att påverka sin egen arbetsmiljö. De viktigaste faktorerna för en positiv och god arbetsmiljö beskrevs vara känsla av sammanhang, god kommunikation mellan kollegor, kollegialt stöd samt sammanhållning.

Representación del camp talk en el doblaje al español latinoamericano de dos películas LGTB+ de los años 90: The Birdcage y To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar / Representation of camp talk in the Latin American Dubbed version of two 1990s LGTB+ films: The Birdcage and To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar

Arbañil Marquez, Anggela del Carmen, Rodríguez Aguayo, Daniela Andrea 11 August 2021 (has links)
El camp talk es una forma de expresión construida mediante el habla que forma parte de la representación de la identidad de la comunidad LGTB+. Esta forma de expresión se ha visto representada en diversas producciones tanto cinematográficas como en novelas u obras de teatro, por lo que se han traducido del inglés a otros idiomas. Si bien existen investigaciones sobre la traducción del camp talk, estos estudios son limitados, sobre todo en el contexto de los años 90. En esta década, recién se construían equivalentes en español para el vocabulario utilizado por la comunidad LGTB+ a través de las primeras traducciones de productos de consumo masivo como películas o series. Se considera la traducción del camp talk como un problema ya que, para mantener la identidad de la comunidad en cuestión, el texto meta debe cumplir con la función comunicativa del texto fuente y considerar los equivalentes del vocabulario empleado por la comunidad LGTB+. Por esta ra, la presente investigación se centra en dos películas LGTB+ de los años 90, The Birdcage y To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar, con la finalidad de analizar la función del camp talk y las técnicas utilizadas para su traducción. Para obtener los resultados, se utilizarán dos técnicas: el análisis de contenido para analizar las funciones del camp talk en la versión original en inglés, y el análisis textual contrastivo para analizar la traducción al español latinoamericano del camp talk e identificar las técnicas de traducción utilizadas. / Camp talk is a form of expression constructed through speech, and this represents the identity of a community, as is the case of the identity of the LGTB+ community. This form of expression has been represented in several film productions, as well as in novels and theatre plays, and has been translated from English into other languages. Although there is research about camp talk translation, these studies are limited, especially those in the 90s. At that decade, spanish equivalents for the vocabulary used by the LGTB+ community were just being constructed through the first translations of mass consumer products such as movies or series. The translation of camp talk is considered a problem since, in order to maintain the identity of the LGTB+ community, the target text must fulfill the communicative function of the source text and consider the equivalents of the vocabulary used by the LGTB+ community. Therefore, the present research focuses on two LGTB+ films from the 90s, The Birdcage and To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar, to analyze the function of camp talk and the techniques used for its translation. To obtain the results, two techniques will be used: content analysis, to analyze the functions of camp talk in the original English version and contrastive textual analysis to analyze the Latin American Spanish translation of camp talk and to identify the translation techniques used. / Trabajo de investigación

Cellular interactions via conditioned media induce in vivo nephron generation from tubular epithelial cells or mesenchymal stem cells / 培養上清を介した細胞間相互作用は尿細管上皮細胞又は間葉系幹細胞の移植によるネフロン新生を誘導する

Machiguchi, Toshihiko 23 May 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(医学) / 乙第12831号 / 論医博第2080号 / 新制||医||1005(附属図書館) / 31369 / (主査)教授 川口 義弥, 教授 柳田 素子, 教授 小川 修 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

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