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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A realização interacional de atividades pedagógicas em uma sala de aula de língua adicional pautada por projetos : reflexões para o planejamento de tarefas pedagógicas além do enunciado

Salimen, Paola Guimaraens January 2016 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese é relacionar análises de segmentos transcritos de fala-em-interação de sala de aula de língua adicional e orientações acerca de metodologia de ensino. Em especial, esta pesquisa propõe colocar em discussão as orientações presentes em manuais de metodologia de ensino de línguas adicionais (Brown, 2007; Hall, 2001a; Harmer, 2009; Schlatter & Garcez, 2012; Scrivener, 2012) acerca do planejamento de tarefas pedagógicas e do gerenciamento interacional da participação dos alunos durante a realização de atividades pedagógicas. Para a realização do estudo, foram geradas 20 horas de registros audiovisuais em uma sala de aula de nível básico 2 de português como língua adicional que adota pedagogia de projetos em um curso em extensão de uma instituição federal de ensino superior. A partir do enquadre teórico-metodológico da Análise da Conversa, analiso neste relatório cinco ocorrências transcritas (de um total de dezoito) de fala-em-interação de sala de aula em que o status epistêmico de conhecedor da língua adicional de algum participante é posto em risco durante a realização de atividades pedagógicas. A realização de atividades pedagógicas foi analisada como constituída de três etapas: convite à participação (Ramos, 2010), produção e continuidade. Observou-se que as ações realizadas na etapa de continuidade da realização da atividade pedagógica foram centrais para a concretização de diferentes objetivos pedagógicos. Quando essas ações estavam implicadas sequencialmente em relação ao que fora feito imediatamente antes na etapa de produção da atividade pedagógica, o objetivo concretizado se relacionava ao uso da língua adicional para a realização de ações. Por outro lado, quando essas ações não exibiam essa implicatividade sequencial, o objetivo realizado dizia respeito à produção de elocuções com acurácia. Verificou-se que as ações realizadas pela professora que rebaixavam o outro participante epistemicamente com relação à língua adicional foram ofertas de reelaboração de elocuções. Já as práticas e ações mobilizadas pela professora que trabalhavam no sentido de assegurar o status epistêmico dos demais participantes como conhecedores da língua adicional foram a formulação (Garfinkel & Sacks, 1970) e a verificação de entendimento (Schegloff, Jefferson, & Sacks, 1977, pp. 379). Tais achados recomendam que manuais de metodologia de ensino de línguas atentem para a importância de a) antever, quando do planejamento de tarefas, a interação projetada na etapa de continuidade da tarefa de modo a maximizar a chance de que os objetivos projetados se concretizem e b) considerar as ações de formulação e verificação de entendimento como centrais para a materialização da atribuição do professor como ratificador do conhecimento produzido pelo aluno. / This thesis is aimed at relating classroom talk-in-interaction transcripts to guidelines on teaching methodology. This research discusses guidelines from additional languague teaching methodology handbooks (Brown, 2007; Hall, 2001a; Harmer, 2009; Schlatter & Garcez, 2012; Scrivener, 2012) on task planning and interactional management of students’ participation while carrying out pedagogical activities. Twenty hours of audiovisual data were generated in a Portuguese-as-an-additional language extension program at a Higher Education institution. The classes registered were a basic 2 level group, whose curriculum followed a progect-based methodology. Following Conversation Analysis framework, I analyse five transcribed segments (from a corpus of eighteen occurances) that portray participants’ epistemic status K+ concerning the additional language at risk during the accomplishment of pedagogical activities. The accomplishment of the pedagogical activity was constituted in three stages: invite for participation (Ramos, 2010), production and follow up. The actions co-constructed during the follow up stage were crucial to reach different pedagogical goals. When such actions were sequentially implied in relation to the action previously done in the production stage of the pedagogical activity, the goal reached was connected to a concept of language as doing social actions. On the other hand, when these actions did not display such sequential implication, the pedagogical goal was connected to accurate language production. The actions produced by the instructor that downgraded the other participant epistemic status in relation to the additional language were offers of reformulated utterances. The practices and actions that ratified the other participants’ epistemic status as K+ in relation to the additional langauge were formulations (Garfinkel & Sacks, 1970) and comprehension checks (Schegloff, Jefferson, & Sacks, 1977, pp. 379). Such findings suggest that additional language teaching handbooks take notice of a) the importance of predicting and projecting the actions to be done during the follow up stage so as to maximize the chances of reaching the pedagogical goals previously planned and b) the actions of formulating and checking understanding as central resources to enable the additional language instructor to ratify others’ production (and knowledge) in the additional language at hand.

“O trabalho em grupo qualifica a aprendizagem” : realização de atividades pedagógicas colaborativas e construção conjunta de conhecimentos na fala-em-interação de sala de aula

Stein, Fabíola January 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo descrever a construção conjunta de conhecimentos na realização de atividades colaborativas em grupo na fala-em-interação de sala de aula de uma escola pública da rede municipal de Porto Alegre, que tem como princípio pedagógico que “o trabalho em grupo qualifica a aprendizagem”. Para isso, a análise sequencial de dados de falaem-interação é aliada à descrição de dados microetnográficos, seguindo a perspectiva da Análise da Conversa Etnometodológica, da Sociolinguística Interacional e da Microetnografia. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de trabalho de campo, que envolveu observação participante e gravação de dados audiovisuais numa turma de 7º ano do ensino fundamental. Ao longo de dois meses de trabalho de campo, foram registrados 32 períodos de aulas de diferentes componentes curriculares, totalizando mais de 90 horas de dados audiovisuais. Neste estudo, são examinados em detalhe três segmentos de atividades colaborativas em grupo, representativos do conjunto de dados gerados, que ocorrem nas aulas de Ciências e Filosofia. A análise de dados é dividida em duas seções: a primeira busca evidenciar a relevância do desenho da tarefa pedagógica para realização de atividades colaborativas em grupo; a segunda traça relações entre diferentes atividades pedagógicas em que acontece construção conjunta de conhecimento e há orientação para o mesmo objeto de aprendizagem. Observou-se que as atividades pedagógicas colaborativas em grupo são oportunidade para a construção conjunta de conhecimentos quando os participantes autonomamente se orientam para objetos de aprendizagem e os tornam relevantes no curso de suas ações. Nos dados analisados, o objetivo pedagógico e o produto final, ambos projetados pela tarefa, constrangeram as possibilidades de ação dos participantes e a estrutura organizacional da atividade. Conclui-se que, no trabalho em grupo, os participantes instauram relações mais simétricas, em comparação à interação com o professor, pois negociam domínios epistêmicos de modo a realizar colaborativamente a atividade pedagógica. Além disso, as atividades colaborativas constituíram eventos de letramento robustos, envolvendo práticas letradas desafiadoras. Desse modo, esta dissertação evidencia a relação entre trabalho em grupo e aprendizagem, desvelando aspectos relevantes do desenho de tarefas e atividades pedagógicas para o planejamento e reflexão pedagógica. / This master thesis examines the joint construction of knowledge during the accomplishment of collaborative group work activities in classroom talk-in-interaction at a public school in Porto Alegre (Brazil) that follows a pedagogical principle that “group work strengthens learning”. Sequential analysis of interactional data was combined with the description of microetnographic data, following the perspective of conversation analysis, interactional sociolinguistics and microetnography. Participant observation was carried, and audiovisual records were made of naturally occurring classroom interaction of a 7th grade class. During two months, 32 class periods of different subjects were recorded, generating more than 90 hours of audiovisual data. In this study, three segments of group work collaborative activities during science and philosophy lessons are analyzed, which are representative of the data generated. Data analysis is organized in two sections: the first stresses the relevance of pedagogical task design for the accomplishment of group work collaborative activities; the second establishes relationships between two different pedagogical activities in which joint construction of knowledge revolves around a same learning object. It was observed that group work pedagogical activities are opportunities for joint knowledge construction when the participants autonomously orient to learning objects and make them relevant in the course of their actions. In the data analyzed, the pedagogical goal and the final product, both designed by the task, constrained the participants’ possibilities of action and the structural organization of the activity. Therefore, in contrast to interaction with the teacher, during group work the participants establish symmetrical relations as they negotiate epistemic domains in order to carry out the pedagogical activity collaboratively. In addition, the collaborative activities described were robust literacy events involving challenging literacy practices. Thus, this dissertation highlights the relationship between group work and learning, revealing relevant aspects of the design of tasks and pedagogic activities for pedagogical planning and reflection.

Fazer avaliar na construção do participante competente em sala de aula

Uflacker, Cristina Marques January 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investiga como os participantes se constituem e são constituídos competentes no fazer sala de aula, observando o fazer avaliar na fala-em-interação institucional de sala de aula. Os dados foram gerados em um quarto ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola municipal de Ivoti/RS com ensino de alemão em sua grade curricular por meio de observação participante, redação de diário de campo e gravação de dados audiovisuais. Seguindo os fundamentos teórico-metodológicos da Análise da Conversa Etnometodológica (ACE), foram analisados dados de fala-em-interação segmentados de um corpus de aproximadamente vinte e duas horas, de dez encontros, nas sextas-feiras do primeiro semestre de 2010. A partir da análise dos dados de fala-em-interação, entendemos fazer ser competente como uma realização intersubjetiva e contingente da ação humana mediante o uso de línguas de interação (neste caso, português e alemão) que podem ou não ter sido aquelas nas quais os participantes foram ou não socializados anteriormente em suas vidas, ou de quaisquer recursos disponíveis e aceitáveis (levantar a mão, falar na hora adequada, entre outros) para realização das atividades constitutivas da institucionalidade do contexto. Nesse fazer, os participantes competentes orientam-se para a organização da tomada de turnos para a realização da atividade e para a produção de itens preferíveis ou aceitáveis de uma forma aceitável em um momento coconstruído como adequado (o quê, como e quando dizer). / This study investigates how the participants constitute themselves and are constituted as competent in doing classes, by focusing on the doing assessing in the institutional classroom talk-in-interaction. The data were generated through participant observation, field notes and audio-visual records in a fourth grade in an Elementary School in Ivoti/RS which offers German in the curriculum. Based on the theoretical and methodological principles of Ethnomethodological Conversation Analysis (ECA), talk-in-interaction data were segmented from a corpus of about twenty-two hours. The corpus used for analysis comprises ten meetings held on Fridays during the first term of 2010. The analysis of the talk-in-interaction data suggests that doing being competent is as an intersubjective and contingent accomplishment of the human action through the use of languages of interaction (Portuguese and German in the classes observed) that may or may not have been the one(s) in which the participants were socialized previously in their lives or the use of whatever available and acceptable resources for carrying out activities that are constitutive of the institutionality of the context (raising hands and taking turns appropriately, among others).In so doing, the competent participants are oriented to the turn-taking organization to carry out the activity and to the production of preferred or acceptable items in an acceptable way in a moment co-constructed as adequate (what, how and when to say it).

L’organisation temporelle des activités dans l’espace domestique : interactions, matérialité, technologies / Temporal organisation of activities in the domestic space : interactions, materiality, technologies

La Valle, Natalia 01 June 2011 (has links)
Bien que l’intérêt pour la sphère domestique constitue un enjeu pour la recherche ainsi que pour la conception et l’industrie, les données empiriques restent rares. Dans une perspective praxéologique, interactionnelle et naturaliste, cette thèse contribue à combler ce déficit. Elle identifie des ressources particulières de l’organisation du quotidien dans deux foyers français. Par des analyses d’entretiens, et surtout par des analyses de données audio-vidéo, la thèse met en lumière l’importance du travail interactionnel que les membres réalisent chaque jour dans les foyers pour ordonner et rendre intelligibles leurs activités. Ce travail se base sur de multiples pratiques langagières (verbalisations d’actions, annonces, pré-séquences, sollicitations, injonctions, etc.) qui marquent et donnent le temps et ouvrent des séquences de négociation entre adultes et enfants. A coté des donneurs de temps langagiers, des donneurs de temps corporels, matériels et artefactuels sont également mobilisés. L’ordonnancement des activités n’est pas une simple gestion du temps, car qu’il s’appuie constamment sur des évaluations, des rationalités, des moralités pratiques au sein d’un environnement matériel et de soin particulier. Du point de vue de la conception technologique, la socialisation des membres des familles à une certaine normalité temporelle est un phénomène central. La sophistication ou la démultiplication d’éléments techniques ne peuvent suffire au développement de systèmes et de services innovants pertinents pour les familles. Les notions de temporalité distribuée et de donneurs de temps interactionnels semblent adéquates pour aborder les activités de l’espace domestique et familial. / Although interest in the domestic sphere is a challenge for research as well as for design and for the industry, empirical data remain scarce. Within a praxeological and interactional perspective, this thesis contributes to filling this gap. It identifies specific resources of the everyday life organisation in two French homes. Through the analysis of interviews, and especially through the analysis of audio-video data, this thesis sheds light on the importance of the interactional work that members are deploying every day in their homes to order and make their activities accountable to each other. This work is based on multiple practices (such as verbalisation of actions, announcements, solicitations, directives, etc.) and resources that mark and set the time sequences of activities and open negotiation between adults and children. Besides the conversational time givers, body and artefactual material time givers are also massively mobilised. Thus, the coordination and organisation of activities is not a simple matter of time management, since they rely on a constant practical orientation anchored in specific material and care environments. From the perspective of technological design, the family members’ socialisation within a certain time and domestic normality is a central phenomenon. Sophistication or the multiplication of technical elements is not enough (and can represent a problem) with regard to the development of innovative systems for homes. Using notions of distributed temporality and interactional time givers seems to be an appropriate trial to study home and family activities.

Teaching genetics - a linguistic challenge : A classroom study of secondary teachers' talk about genes, traits and proteins

Thörne, Karin January 2012 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis is to investigate how teachers talk about genetics in actual classroom situations. An understanding of how language is used in action can give detailed information about how the subject matter is presented to the students as well as insights in linguistic challenges. From the viewpoint of seeing language to be at the very core of teaching and learning, this study investigates teachers’ spoken language in the classroom in topics within genetics that are known to be both crucial and problematic. Four lower secondary school teachers in compulsory school grade 9 (15-16 years old) were observed and recorded through a whole sequence of genetic teaching. The empirical data consisted of 45 recorded lessons. The teachers’ verbal communication was analyzed using thematic pattern analysis, which is based on the framework of systemic functional linguistics (SFL). The focus of the thesis is to determine how teachers talk about the relationships between the concepts of gene, protein and trait, i.e. the functional aspects of genetics. Prior research suggests that this is a central aspect of genetics education, but at the same time it is problematic for students to understand because the concepts belong to different organizational levels. In the first study I investigated how the concepts of gene and trait were related in the context of Mendelian genetics. My results revealed that the teachers’ way of talking resulted in different meanings regarding the relationship between gene and trait: 1) the gene as an active entity causing the trait 2) the gene as a passive entity identified by the trait 3) the gene as having the trait, and 4) the gene as being the trait. Moreover it was found that the old term anlag was regularly used by the teachers as synonym for both gene and trait. In the second study I examined how teachers included proteins in their lessons, and if and how they discussed proteins as a link between different organizational levels. This study showed that teachers commonly did not emphasize the many functions of proteins in our body. The main message of all teachers was that proteins are built. Two of the teachers used proteins as a link between gene and trait, whereas two of them did not. None of the teachers talked explicitly about genes as exclusively coding for proteins, which implies that the gene codes for both proteins and traits. The linguistic analysis of teachers’ talk in action revealed that small nuances in language used by the teachers resulted in different meanings of the spoken language. Thus, my work identifies several linguistic challenges in the teaching of genetics. / <p>This thesis is written within the framework of the Hasselblad Foundation Graduate School, a four-year programme financed by the Hasselblad Foundation.</p>

L’échange d’aide dans l’interaction didactique à l’école primaire / The exchange of help in the didactic interaction

Francols, Nathalie 10 December 2010 (has links)
Nous avons observé l’aide dans l’interaction entre enfants et enseignants, avec une perspective moins centrée sur l’apprentissage que sur les enjeux relationnels entre les acteurs. Les manières dont l’aide est apportée par le maître aux élèves montrent comment se construit au coup par coup le rapport de dépendance et d’autonomie qui fonde les relations humaines. Notre recherche s’inscrit dans le cadre de l’Analyse des Discours en Interaction. La visée est descriptive : à partir d’un corpus filmé de quatre classes de grande section de maternelle et de CM2, nous avons analysé les échanges entre enseignant et élèves en tenant compte du contexte de communication spécifique. Dans l’échange d’aide, on peut distinguer trois moments : (1) le déclencheur de l’aide : une action de l’élève (verbale ou non verbale) provoque la réponse aidante de l’enseignant. Le déclencheur peut être explicitement une demande d’aide ou un autre acte (demande de validation, signe d’inactivité ou de découragement) que l’enseignant interprète comme un besoin d’aide ;(2) l’aide proprement dite : action verbale ou non verbale, plus ou moins directive, dont la fonction peut être plus ou moins cognitive ou technique (tenir la main pour écrire ou relire une consigne) ou affective (une parole qui motive et encourage) ;(3) la clôture : les événements qui déclenchent la séparation de l’aidé et de l’aidant ainsi que la manière dont ils se quittent après un échange d’aide. / We have examined the functioning of help in the children - teacher's interaction, focussing on the participants' relations more than on learning issues. The ways in which teachers provide help to pupils show how a balance between dependence and autonomy is reached in their relation in an ad hoc manner.Our research relies on the framework of Analysis of Talk in Interaction, and has a descriptive purpose. On the basis of video-recordings of four classes of kindergarten and CM2, we have analyzed exchanges between teacher and pupils taking into account the specificity of the didactic context.In "help exchange", we can distinguish three stages:(1) The event that triggers help out: a pupil's action (be it verbal or not) triggers out a helping response by the teacher. The source event can be an explicit request for help or another act (like a request for validation, a sign of inactivity or of discouragement) that the teacher interprets as a need of assistance;(2) The help itself: verbal or nonverbal action, which can be more or less directive, and whose function can be more or less cognitive or technical (holding hands to write, or read an instruction) or emotional (a word that motivates, and encourages);(3) Closing: the events that trigger the separation of the "helper" and the "helper" out, and the way in which they leave after an exchange of help.

Fazer avaliar na construção do participante competente em sala de aula

Uflacker, Cristina Marques January 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa investiga como os participantes se constituem e são constituídos competentes no fazer sala de aula, observando o fazer avaliar na fala-em-interação institucional de sala de aula. Os dados foram gerados em um quarto ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola municipal de Ivoti/RS com ensino de alemão em sua grade curricular por meio de observação participante, redação de diário de campo e gravação de dados audiovisuais. Seguindo os fundamentos teórico-metodológicos da Análise da Conversa Etnometodológica (ACE), foram analisados dados de fala-em-interação segmentados de um corpus de aproximadamente vinte e duas horas, de dez encontros, nas sextas-feiras do primeiro semestre de 2010. A partir da análise dos dados de fala-em-interação, entendemos fazer ser competente como uma realização intersubjetiva e contingente da ação humana mediante o uso de línguas de interação (neste caso, português e alemão) que podem ou não ter sido aquelas nas quais os participantes foram ou não socializados anteriormente em suas vidas, ou de quaisquer recursos disponíveis e aceitáveis (levantar a mão, falar na hora adequada, entre outros) para realização das atividades constitutivas da institucionalidade do contexto. Nesse fazer, os participantes competentes orientam-se para a organização da tomada de turnos para a realização da atividade e para a produção de itens preferíveis ou aceitáveis de uma forma aceitável em um momento coconstruído como adequado (o quê, como e quando dizer). / This study investigates how the participants constitute themselves and are constituted as competent in doing classes, by focusing on the doing assessing in the institutional classroom talk-in-interaction. The data were generated through participant observation, field notes and audio-visual records in a fourth grade in an Elementary School in Ivoti/RS which offers German in the curriculum. Based on the theoretical and methodological principles of Ethnomethodological Conversation Analysis (ECA), talk-in-interaction data were segmented from a corpus of about twenty-two hours. The corpus used for analysis comprises ten meetings held on Fridays during the first term of 2010. The analysis of the talk-in-interaction data suggests that doing being competent is as an intersubjective and contingent accomplishment of the human action through the use of languages of interaction (Portuguese and German in the classes observed) that may or may not have been the one(s) in which the participants were socialized previously in their lives or the use of whatever available and acceptable resources for carrying out activities that are constitutive of the institutionality of the context (raising hands and taking turns appropriately, among others).In so doing, the competent participants are oriented to the turn-taking organization to carry out the activity and to the production of preferred or acceptable items in an acceptable way in a moment co-constructed as adequate (what, how and when to say it).

Anatomias do conflito

Oliveira, Roberto Perobelli de 22 August 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-06-02T11:53:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 robertoperobellideoliveira.pdf: 2358557 bytes, checksum: 51c90cb134b320721c3c108e9cc461d7 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-07-02T13:06:33Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 robertoperobellideoliveira.pdf: 2358557 bytes, checksum: 51c90cb134b320721c3c108e9cc461d7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-02T13:06:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 robertoperobellideoliveira.pdf: 2358557 bytes, checksum: 51c90cb134b320721c3c108e9cc461d7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-22 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar como se realizam interacionalmente algumas instâncias sequenciais que estamos considerando como episódios de conflito. A análise é realizada com base no arcabouço teórico de uma linguística interacional, a partir das políticas de pesquisa empreendidas pela Análise da Conversa Etnometodológica e pela Sociolinguística Interacional. Trata-se de um estudo de caso realizado sobre gravações em áudio e transcritas de acordo com o modelo Jefferson de transcrição (LODER, 2008), na Vara de Família de uma cidade de interior no Sudeste brasileiro, em que uma assistente social se coloca como terceira parte, durante a fase de produção de parecer técnico, em um processo de regulamentação de visitas. Os litigantes, ficticiamente chamados Flávia e Amir, em conjunto com Sônia, codinome atribuído à representante da instituição, produzem ações confrontacionais que desencadeiam processos de prestações de contas (do inglês, accounts), as quais, ao invés de encerrar, acabam por investir mais no litígio, proporcionando a interpretação de que prestações de contas não só normalizam as expectativas dos participantes, mas também podem ser geradoras de mais fala de conflito, dependendo das ações em curso e do tópico abordado. O estudo pretende ser uma contribuição para as pesquisas em linguística aplicada das profissões, uma vez que procura descrever as diferentes anatomias do conflito, a partir das escolhas interacionais dos agentes. Além disso, esta tese poderá ser, também, uma contribuição para os praticantes da mediação endoprocessual, na medida em que descreve, a partir do entrecruzamento de tópicos e ações, os modos de agir dos participantes envolvidos, diante de determinados temas bastante comuns neste tipo de conduta processual. Sendo assim, esta tese “disseca” os vários corpos sequenciais que os episódios de conflito assumem, dada sua diversificação de contornos a partir das características tópicas e acionais envolvidas. / The present work aims to examine how some sequential instances that we are considering as conflict episodes happen interactionally. The analysis is implemented based on the theoretical framework of a interactional linguistics, from the policies of reserach undertaken by Conversation Analysis and Interactional Sociolinguistics. This is a case study which was produced based on audio recordings, which were transcribed according to the Jeffersonion model of transcription (LODER, 2008), done in the Family Court of a town in southeastern Brazil, in which a social worker is placed as third party, during the production of technical advice, in a process of regulatory visits. The litigants, fictitiously called Flávia and Amir, along with Sônia (nickname assigned to the representative of the institution) produce confrontational actions that trigger processes of accounts which, instead of closing, end up investing deeply in dispute, which means that accounts not only normalize participants‟ expectations, but can also generate more conflict talk, depending on the ongoing actions and the topic being discussed. The study intends to be a contribution to research in applied linguistics related to professions, as it seeks to describe the different anatomies of the conflict from the interactional choices of the agents. Furthermore, this project may also be a contribution to the practitioners of endoprocessual mediation, as it describes, from the intersection of topics and actions, the ways the participants involved do things in certain circunstances which are quite common in this type procedural conduct. Thus, this thesis “dissects” the various sequential bodies that conflict episodes assume, given their different contours according to the topical and actional features involved.

Effekter vid känd, okänd och oväntad arbetstid. : Mentala färdigheters inflytande på fysiologiska och upplevelsebaserade variabler vid uthållighetsarbete.

Holm Glaas, Nanna, Helge, Torbjörn January 2012 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar: Syftet i den här studien har varit att undersöka hur fysiologiska och upplevelsebaserade variabler skiljer sig vid känd, okänd och oväntad arbetstid samt i förhållande till mentala färdigheter. För att uppnå syftet undersöktes följande frågor. Hur påverkas fysiologiska och upplevelsebaserade variabler vid känd, okänd och oväntad arbetstid? Vilket samband finns det mellan mentala färdigheter och de fysiologiska respektive upplevelsebaserade variablerna? Metod: Avsikten är att upprepa tidigare studier men med nya parametrar. Testpersonerna var uthållighetstränade (57,1 ml/kg/min ±3,7SD) män med en medelålder på 37 år (±3,8SD). Vid tre olika testtillfällen utförde testpersonerna (n=7) tre olika test. Vid alla testtillfällen sprang testpersonerna på löpband i 20 minuter med en hastighet som motsvarade 80 % av maximalt syreupptag. Vid test A fick testpersonerna veta att de skulle springa i 20 minuter. Vid test B fick testpersonerna veta att de skulle springa i 10 minuter, men i den tionde minuten fick testpersonerna veta att de skulle springa ytterligare10 minuter. Vid test C fick testpersonerna ingen information om hur lång tid de skulle springa, men i den tjugonde minuten fick testpersonerna veta att testet avslutades efter totalt 20 minuter. Resultat: Inga signifikanta skillnader i de fysiologiska variablerna mellan test A, B och C har kunnat fastställdes. Det finns dock en tendens att syreupptaget var lägre i test B än test A och C (p&lt;0,10). Testresultaten visar att syreupptaget sjönk mellan minut 19 och 20 i test C. De upplevelsebaserade variablerna visade inte heller på signifikanta skillnader mellan olika tester, men uppskattad ansträngning verkade vara lägre i intervallet minut 14-19 i test B jämfört med test A och C, samt att syreupptaget också här sjönk för test C mellan minut 19 och 20. Sambanden mellan de fysiologiska samt upplevelsebaserade variablerna och de mentala färdigheterna resulterade i ett signifikant lägre syreupptag (p&lt;0,05) i test B i förhållande till test C. Vid hög self-efficacy och högt mental toughness poäng, samt ett mer stabilt känslomässigt förlopp vid hög poäng på cognitive reappraisal. Testpersonernas användning av self-talk verkade vara test specifik då mängden positivt self-talk ökade från test A till B till C oavsett viken ordning testerna utfördes. Slutsats: Studien visar motstridiga resultat jämfört med tidigare refererade studier. Det finns ett samband mellan de fysiologiska och upplevelsebaserade variablerna, typ av test och mentala färdigheter. Sambandet är dock otydligt och bör undersökas noggrannare.

Spoken ESL in Secondary School : A Study of Spoken English In School and Outside of School

Hjelte, Maria January 2011 (has links)
The present study investigates the pupils' spoken English in the classroom as opposed to their spoken English outside school, and suggests ways of how the teachers can incorporate the pupils' pre-knowledge into the teaching of ESL. Today the pupils' pre-knowledge of ESL is developed into their own vernacular, which I choose to refer to as “Media English”, as opposed to the “Academic English” they are taught in school. Two classes in year 8 have answered a questionnaire, and the pupils show both willingness to learn, and awareness of the necessity of knowing the English language, since most pupils spend a lot of their free-time on the Internet. Additionally, four teachers have answered a second questionnaire, and both pupils and teachers agree that the pupils rather talk in small groups, if they talk at all, a finding which is supported by previous studies. The conclusion is that pupils and teachers need to collaborate, but most importantly, the teachers need to encourage the pupils to talk.

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