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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fermentação ruminal e digestibilidade em bovinos recebendo dietas com ou sem adição de extrato tanífero de Acacia mearnsii / Ruminal fermentation and digestibility in cattle and receiving diets with or without added to Acacia mearnsii tanniferous extract

Ávila, Suélen Capa de 01 March 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study was conducted to evaluate the addition of 1.5% Acacia mearnsii tannin extract in the total diet of cattle on ruminal fermentation, digestion and retention of N. The experiment was conducted in a 4 x 4 Latin Square design with four steers (263 ± 57 kg of body weight (BW)) housed in metabolism cages. Steers were adapted to diets for 10 d followed by a 5-d collection period. The diet consisted of 70% corn silage and 30% concentrate (dry matter basis (DM)), which included protein source such as soybean meal (SBM) or canola meal (FC) with or without addition of Acacia mearnsii tannin extract. Corn silage and concentrate were mixed offered twice daily (8:00 and 17:00). Feed was offered in an amount restricted to 2,5% of BW. The inclusion of tannin extract had no effect on ruminal concentrations of ammonia N, N α-amino, sugars and ruminal pH. The true and apparent total tract digestibility of OM in the diet were negatively affected by treatments. N retention and urinary excretion was similar between treatments (P <0.05). The rumen digestibility of organic matter decreased with the addition of tannin extract (P <0.05). The synthesis and efficiency of microbial protein were not affected by the inclusion (P <0.05). More studies are conducted in order to determine an appropriate level of Acacia mearnsii tannin extract of in order to increase the supply of metabolizable protein without reducing the digestibility of the diet. / Este estudo foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar a adição de 1,5% de extrato tanífero de Acacia mearnsii na MS da dieta total de bovinos sobre a fermentação ruminal, digestão e retenção de N. Utilizou-se quatro bovinos da raça Holandês, machos castrados (263 ± 57 kg de peso corporal), em um delineamento Quadrado Latino 4×4, com quatro períodos experimentais de quinze dias, sendo dez dias para adaptação às dietas e cinco dias para coleta de amostras. A dieta foi constituída de 70% de silagem de milho e 30% de concentrado (base matéria seca (MS)), que incluiu como fonte proteica farelo de soja (FS) ou farelo de canola (FC), com ou sem inclusão de extrato tanífero de Acacia mearnsii. A silagem de milho e o concentrado foram oferecidos misturados, duas vezes ao dia (08:00 e 17:00h). O consumo de MS da dieta foi restrito a 2,5% do peso vivo dos animais. A inclusão do extrato tanífero não teve efeito sobre as concentrações ruminais de N amoniacal, N α-amino, açúcares redutores e pH ruminal. A digestibilidade total aparente e verdadeira da matéria orgânica da dieta foram afetadas negativamente pelos tratamentos. A retenção de N e a excreção urinária de N foi similar entre os tratamentos (P<0,05). A digestibilidade ruminal da matéria orgânica diminuiu com a inclusão de extrato tanífero (P<0,05). A síntese e eficiência de proteína microbiana não foi afetada pela inclusão de extrato tanífero (P<0,05). Mais estudos devem conduzidos com a finalidade de determinar um nível adequado de extrato tanífero de Acacia mearnsii a fim de aumentar a oferta de proteína metabolizável sem reduzir a digestibilidade da dieta.


Orlandi, Tiago 01 March 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of including Acacia mearnsii tannin extract in the diet on the flow and amino acid profile in the duodenum of cattle consuming limited amounts of diets containing high degradability protein supplements. Two experiments were conducted in vivo. In trial 1 evaluated the effect of inclusion levels (0, 0.9, 1.8 or 2.7%) of the tannin extract in the diet of four Holstein steers (158 ± 30 kg of body weight (BW )), implanted with cannula in the proximal duodenum and arranged in a randomized 4 × 4 Latin Square. The experimental diets supply was restricted to 2% of BW and consisted of 55% of black oats (Avena strigosa) and 45% of a concentrate containing soybean meal. In trial 2 was evaluated the effect of the inclusion or not of 1.5% of the tannin extract in diet of four Holstein steers (297 ± 56 kg BW), also implanted with cannula in the proximal duodenum and arranged in a randomized 4 × 4 Latin Square. The experimental diets supply was restricted to 2.5% of BW and consisted of 70% of corn silage and 30% of a concentrate containing either soybean meal or canola meal. In both trials the experiment lasted fifteen days, ten days of adaptation diet and five days of sampling. In trial 1 the duodenal flow of the amino acids Ala, Asp, Glu, Ile, Leu, Met, Tyr, Val and all amino acid groups increased (P≤0.05) when tannin extract was added to the diet. However, the profile that arrived in the duodenum was not altered (P>0.05). In trial 2 the duodenal flow of Ala, Arg, Glu, Gly, Leu, Phe, Pro, Thr, Val amino acids and groups of EAA, NEAA, GAA, KAA and TAA increased (P≤0.05) when the tannin extract was added to the diets. An interaction (P≤0.05) was observed between tannin and protein source on the Glu amino acid profile and of GAA group when the mixed soybean meal with tannin increased the percentage these amino acids in the digesta. Moreover, neither the flow nor the amino acid profile of the digesta were affected (P>0.05) by the inclusion of soybean meal or canola meal in the animal diets. A high and significant (P≤0.05) relationship was observed between ingested amino acid profiles and amino acid profiles of duodenal digesta in both trials, and the regression coefficients of the equations of treatments with the inclusion of 1.8 and 1.5% tannin extract (tests 1 and 2, respectively) were statistically equal to 1 (P>0.05). Similarly, the relationships between the EAA profile of duodenal digesta and the EAA profile milk and of muscular tissue were statistically equal (P>0.05) or more next to 1 when added until 1.8% of tannin extract in the diets of trial 1 or when tannin added in the diets in the trial 2. Adding until 1.8% of Acacia mearnsii tannin extract in the diet of animals consuming restricted amounts of foods has the potential to increase the flow of TAA to the duodenum and reduce the difference between the TAA profiles which reaches the duodenum in relation to the ingested TAA profile. Moreover, the inclusion this tannin extract and in this same amount can approximate the EAA profile of duodenal digesta of the EAA profile of the muscular tissue and of milk. / O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da inclusão de extrato tanífero de Acacia mearnsii na dieta sobre o fluxo e o perfil de aminoácidos no duodeno de bovinos consumindo quantidades limitadas de dietas contendo suplementos proteicos de alta degradabilidade ruminal. Foram conduzidos dois ensaios in vivo. No ensaio 1 foi avaliado o efeito da inclusão de níveis (0, 0,9, 1,8 ou 2,7%) do extrato tanífero na dieta de quatro bovinos machos castrados da raça Holandês (158 ± 30 kg de peso corporal (PC)), implantados com cânula no duodeno proximal e dispostos em um delineamento Quadrado Latino 4 × 4. A oferta das dietas experimentais foi restrita a 2% do PC e constituídas por 55% de Aveia Preta (Avena strigosa) e 45% de concentrado contendo farelo de soja. No ensaio 2 foi avaliado o efeito da inclusão ou não de 1,5% do extrato tanífero na dieta de quatro bovinos machos castrados da raça Holandês (297 ± 56 kg de PC), também implantados com cânula no duodeno proximal e dispostos em um delineamento Quadrado Latino 4 × 4. A oferta das dietas foi restrita a 2,5% do PC e constituídas por 70% de silagem de milho e 30% de concentrado contendo farelo de soja ou farelo de canola. Em ambos os ensaios os períodos experimentais tiveram duração de 15 dias, sendo 10 dias de adaptação às dietas e cinco dias de coleta de amostras. No ensaio 1 o fluxo duodenal de Ala, Asp, Glu, Ile, Leu, Met, Tyr, Val e de todos os grupos de aminoácidos aumentou (P≤0,05) quando adicionado tanino à dieta. Porém, o perfil que chegou ao duodeno não foi modificado (P>0,05). No ensaio 2 o fluxo duodenal dos aminoácidos Ala, Arg, Glu, Gly, Leu, Phe, Pro, Thr, Val e dos grupos de AAE, AANE, AAG, AAC e AAT aumentou (P≤0,05) ao adicionar o extrato tanífero às dietas. Uma interação (P≤0,05) foi observada entre tanino e fonte proteica sobre o perfil do aminoácido Glu e do grupo dos AAG quando a mistura do farelo de soja com tanino aumentou a percentagem destes aminoácidos na digesta. Além disso, nem o fluxo e o perfil de aminoácidos da digesta foram afetados (P>0,05) pela inclusão de farelo de soja ou farelo de canola na dieta. Foi observada alta e significativa (P≤0,05) relação entre os perfis de aminoácidos ingeridos e da digesta duodenal em ambos os ensaios, e os coeficientes de regressão das equações dos tratamentos 1,8 e 1,5% de inclusão de extrato tanífero (ensaios 1 e 2, respectivamente) foram estatisticamente iguais a 1 (P>0,05). Da mesma forma, as relações entre o perfil de AAE da digesta duodenal e o perfil de AAE do leite e do tecido muscular foram estatisticamente iguais (P>0,05) ou mais próximas de 1 quando adicionado até 1,8% de extrato tanífero nas dietas do ensaio 1 ou quando incluído o tanino nas dietas do ensaio 2. A inclusão de até 1,8% de extrato tanífero de Acacia mearnsii na dieta de bovinos consumindo quantidades restritas de alimentos tem o potencial de aumentar o fluxo de AAT ao duodeno e reduzir a diferença entre o perfil de AAT que chega ao duodeno em relação ao perfil de AAT consumido. Além disso, a inclusão deste extrato tanífero e nesta mesma quantidade pode aproximar o perfil de AAE da digesta duodenal do perfil de AAE do leite e do tecido muscular.

Développement de stratifiés de papiers imprégnés à base de résine de tannin de mimosa et d'alcool furfurylique / Development of resin impregnated papers from mimosa tannin and furfuryl alcohol resin

Binti Abdullah, Ummi Hani 02 July 2014 (has links)
Les papiers imprégnés de résine ont été largement utilisés dans la fabrication de stratifiés pour des panneaux de bois. Généralement, l'imprégnation du papier implique l’utilisation de resins mélamine-formaldéhyde, urée-formaldéhyde et melamine-formaldéhyde-urée. Cependant, ces matériaux sont coûteux lorsqu'ils sont utilisés en grande quantité et ils proviennent de ressources non renouvelables. Par conséquent, dans ce travail, nous avons préparé des papiers imprégnés de résines tannins furanique pour remplacer les résines mélamine-formaldéhyde et d'urée-formaldéhyde lors de l'imprégnation des papiers. Les résines tannins furaniques sont composées de deux matières naturelles principales: a) le tannin de mimosa qui est non-toxique, respectueux de l'environnement et relativement peu coûteux qui remplace la résine synthétique et b) de l'alcool furfurylique obtenu par réduction catalytique du furfural, un composé naturel obtenu par l'hydrolyse des sucres dérivés des déchets agricoles. Les tannins sont des composés phénoliques naturels extraits des écorces des arbres et qui ont été utilisés dans l'industrie depuis de nombreuses années comme adhésifs pour la production de panneaux de bois. Mais il n’y a pas jamais eu jusqu’à présent des recherches sur leurs utilisations dans la fabrication des stratifiés. Dans ce travail, nous avons étudié : 1) Le temps de gel entre des tannins de mimosa et des tannins de pin avec de l'alcool furfurylique, sans ajout de formaldéhyde de pH 1 à pH 11 2) L’analyse MALDI-TOF et RMN des tannins de mimosa avec de l'alcool furfurylique 3) La qualité de la surface du contreplaqué recouvert d’un papier imprégné de résine tannins de mimosa-alcool furfurylique 4) Les stratifiés de 10 plis à haute pression (HPL) ont été préparés avec de la résine tannins de mimosa-alcool furfurylique. La qualité de surface des HPL et les propriétés mécaniques du contreplaqué recouvert avec ces HPL ont été examinées. 5) Les stratifiés de 10 plis à haute pression ont été préparés avec de la résine de tannins de mimosa - alcool furfurylique en milieu acide. Les qualités de surface des HPL ont été comparées avec celles des HPL preparés avec une résine phénol-formaldéhyde / Resin impregnated papers have been widely used in manufacturing laminates for wood panels. Generally, paper impregnation involves melamine formaldehyde, melamine urea formaldehyde and urea formaldehyde resin. However, these materials are expensive when used in high quantity and derived from non renewable resources. Therefore, in this work we prepared tannin furanic resin impregnated paper to replace melamine formaldehyde and urea formaldehyde in the paper impregnation. Tannin furanic resin composed of two main natural materials: a) mimosa tannins which is non-toxic, environmentally friendly and relatively inexpensive to substitute the synthetic resin and b) furfuryl alcohol obtained by catalytic reduction of furfural, a natural compound obtained by the hydrolysis of sugars derived from agricultural waste. Tannins are naturally occurring phenolic compounds extracted from the bark trees that have been used industrially for many years as wood panel adhesives but no distance work have been done to study their potential in paper laminates. In this work, we studied: 1) The gel time between mimosa and pine tannin with furfuryl alcohol without the addition of formaldehyde from pH 1 to pH 11 2) The MALDI-TOF and NMR of mimosa tannin with furfuryl alcohol 3) The surface quality of the plywood overlaid with mimosa tannin- furfuryl alcohol resin 4) 10-ply high pressure laminates (HPL) were prepared with mimosa tannin- furfuryl alcohol resin. The surface quality of the HPL and the mechanical properties of plywood overlaid with this HPL were examined. 5) 10-ply high pressure laminates were prepared with mimosa tannin- furfuryl alcohol resin in the acid condition. The surface quality of the prepared HPL were compared with PF

Produção de cordeiros em pastagem tropical : dos aspectos bioquímicos da pastagem ao comportamento ingestivo animal / Lamb production in tropical pasture : from the biochemical aspects of pasture to animal ingestive behavior

Tontini, Jalise Fabíola January 2018 (has links)
As pastagens que cobrem uma importante área no território mundial apresentam elevado potencial de produtividade e suas características bioquímicas podem gerar relevante impacto na produção de ruminantes. Porém, poucos trabalhos relatam a concentração de compostos bioquímicos em pastagens tropicais comumente usadas na produção animal. Diante deste fato, o capítulo II desta tese teve como objetivo elucidar e determinar a concentração de taninos condensados e tocoferol, bem como avaliar a produção e os valores nutritivos de espécies forrageiras tropicais normalmente usadas em sistemas de pastejo. Com este estudo foi possível constatar que algumas espécies de gramíneas e leguminosas se destacam não apenas pela sua capacidade de produção de biomassa e qualidade nutricional, mas também pela concentração de compostos bioquímicos, como a gramínea tifton que teve elevada concentração de α-tocoferol (202.3 ± 116.5 mg/kg matéria verde, MV). As leguminosas amendoim forrageiro (15.7 ± 5.2 g/kg matéria seca, MS) e feijão guandu (8.7 ± 0.8 g/kg MS) apresentaram boa concentração de taninos condensados, mas o grande destaque foi para a leguminosa nativa pega-pega (66.5 ± 13.8 g/kg MS) que além da alta concentração de taninos, esses apresentaram potencial para atividade biológica (PPF = 60.1 g/kg MS) Aliado as características bioquímicas, as espécies que irão compor o sistema de produção podem influenciar na biologia de vida livre dos nematoides parasitas do trato gastrintestinal (NGI) e no comportamento ingestivo dos animais. O capítulo III e IV avaliam três diferentes sistemas de alimentação de cordeiros em pastagens tropicais. O capítulo III traz como objetivo avaliar a distribuição de larvas infectantes (L3) em diferentes perfis de pastagem tropical (gramíneas e leguminosas) e o impacto da contaminação da pastagem na carga parasitária e desempenho de cordeiros. Onde, a inclusão da leguminosa tropical alterou a concentração de larvas infectantes na pastagem e a contaminação dos animais. No capítulo IV é apresentado o trabalho que teve como objetivo avaliar o comportamento ingestivo de cordeiros em condições de pastejo contínuo submetidos a diferentes sistemas de alimentação com a presença de leguminosa tropical contendo taninos condensados. Apesar da diferença estrutural e concentração de taninos condensados, de modo geral essas características da pastagem não alteraram o comportamento ingestivo dos cordeiros. / Pastures covering an important area in the world territory present high production potential and their biochemical characteristics can generate a significant impact on the production of ruminants. However, few studies report the concentration of biochemical compounds in tropical pastures commonly used in animal production. Facing this fact, chapter II of this thesis had as objective to elucidate and to determine the concentration of condensed tannins and tocopherol, as well as to evaluate the production and nutritional values of tropical forage species normally used in grazing systems. In this study, it was possible to verify that some species of grasses and legumes stand out not only for their mass production capacity and nutritional quality, but also for the concentration of secondary compounds, such as tifton grass, which had a high α-tocopherol concentration (202.3 ± 116.5 mg / kg green matter, GM). The forage peanut legumes (15.7 ± 5.2 g / kg dry matter, DM) and pigeon pea (8.7 ± 0.8 g / kg DM) had an excellent concentration of condensed tannins, but the main highlight was the native legume Desmodium incunum (66.5 ± 13.8 g / kg DM) that in addition to the high concentration of tannins, these had potential for biological activity (PPP = 60.1 g / kg DM) In addition to the biochemical characteristics, the species that will make up the production system can influence the ecology of the free-living stages of endoparasite of the gastrointestinal tract (NGI) and the ingestive behavior of the animals. Chapter III and IV evaluate three different feeding systems of lambs in tropical pastures. Chapter III aims to evaluate L3 distribution in different tropical pasture (grass and legume) profiles and the impact of pasture contamination on lamb parasitic loads and production performance. Where the inclusion of the tropical legume changed the concentration of infective larvae in the pasture and the contamination of the animals. Chapter IV presents the work that aimed to evaluate the ingestive behavior of lambs under continuous grazing conditions submitted to different feeding systems with the presence of tropical legume containing condensed tannins. Despite the structural difference and concentration of condensed tannins, in general these pasture characteristics did not alter the ingestive behavior of the lambs.

Development of tannin-derived porous carbons with tailored porosity for carbon dioxide adsorption

PHURIRAGPITIKHON, JENJIRA 26 January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Polyphenols: Interactions with proteins and analytical methods

Trombley, John D. 05 December 2011 (has links)
No description available.

The influence of different winemaking techniques on the extraction of grape tannins

Nel, Anton Pieter 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Viticulture and Oenology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / Includes bibliography. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Grape and wine phenols consist of flavanols which is the building blocks for tannins. These building blocks are called monomers which consist of catechins, epicatechins, epigallocatechins and epicatechin-gallate. Tannin is important in wine as it contributes to bitterness, mouth feel (astringency) and maturation potential of the wine. Futhermore it has a health benefit as an antioxidant. Anthocyanins are responsible for the colour of red wine. The anthocyanins combine with tannins to form stable polymeric pigments. Due to the importance of tannins and anthocyanins in wine, it is imperitative that different winemaking techniques are used to extract as much of these components as possible and that the analysis is done quickly and accurately. The aim of this study was to evaluate different winemaking techniques and their extraction of tannins and anthocyanins into the wine. Too much tannin extraction can have a negative effect on the sensory quality of the wine. Therefore a second aim was to evaluate the mouth feel properties of a Shiraz wine. A third aim was to compare the two tannin precipitation methods in terms of time efficiency, repeatability and the ease of practice. To investigate the amount of tannin concentration extracted by different winemaking techniques, two cultivars (Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz) were used. These treatments included the addition of an enzyme during fermentation [E], cold maceration [CM], post maceration [PM] and the combination of cold and post maceration [CM+PM]. The grapes were harvested in two different climatic areas during the 2008 and 2009 vintages. The two climatic areas were classified according to the Winkler scale as a III (Morgenster) and a IV (Plaisir de Merle). The grapes were harvested at two different ripeness levels in order to evaluate the effect of the different winemaking processes on the extraction of tannins and anthocyanins. One harvest was before (LB) and the other after (HB) the commercial harvest. The results of this study showed significant differences in the phenolic composition of the wines. It was found that the warmer area showed higher tannin concentrations than the cooler area for both cultivars. In the 2008 Cabernet Sauvignon the CM extracted higher concentrations of tannin from the cooler area at both ripeness levels. In the warmer area, CM extracted the highest tannin concentration HB, but the CM+PM extracted the highest tannin concentration from Cabernet Sauvignon at the LB and CM at the HB of the warmer area. In 2009 the PM extracted the highest concentration of tannin at the lower ripeness level, while the E treatment extracted the highest concentration from the warmer area. In the cooler area the CM+PM extracted the highest concentration of tannin at a lower ripeness level, while there were no siginicant differences between the different treatments at the higher ripeness level. The highest anthocyanin concentration was found in the cooler area. The CM treatment was found to have no effect on anthocyanin extraction. Different methods are available to quantify the tannin concentration in wine. Two of the most popular tannin analytical methods are the bovine serum albumin (BSA) and the methyl cellulose precipitable tannin (MCP) methods. The BSA method is a very complex method which uses at least 3 times more reagents than the MCP method. The MCP method only analyzes tannins, while the BSA method analyzes tannins, monomeric pigments (MP), small polymeric pigments (SPP) and large polymeric pigments (LPP). In this study a good correlation was found between the two tannin precipitation methods (R2 – 0.88). There is controversy regarding the variability of these methods. Some scientists found that the two methods show a good correlation with HPLC, while others found that there was no such correlation between the precipitation methods and the HPLC. The MCP method had a practical advantage as it could be performed in half the time required for the BSA method. This has a significant impact in scenarios where a high sample throughput is required although it only measures total tannin. The phenolic composition and mouth feel of the wine was strongly influenced by the climatic area. In the warmer area the effect of tannin concentration on mouth feel was much less than in the cooler area. The wine made of riper grapes, was more grippy, bitter and numbing than the wines made from greener grapes. The E treatment was especially associated with a dry, grippy sensation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Druif en wyn fenole bestaan uit flavanole wat weer die boublokke is van tanniene. Hierdie boublokke, wat bekend staan as monomere, betsaan uit katesjiene, epikatesjiene, epigallokatesjiene an epikatesjien-gallaat. Tanniene is belangrik in wyn aangesien dit bydra tot bitterheid, mondgevoel (vrankheid) asook die verouderingspotensiaal van wyn. As antioksidante hou dit ook gesondheidsvoordele in. Antosianiene dra by tot die kleur van rooiwyn. Antosianiene kombineer met tanniene om meer stabiele polimeriese pigmente te vorm. As gevolg van die belangrikheid van tanniene en antosianiene is dit van uiterse belang dat verskillende wynmaak tegnieke gebruik word om ekstraksie in die wyn te bevoordeel en dat die analitiese metode so vinnig en akkuraat as moontlik gedoen word. Die eerste doel van hierdie studie was om die ekstraksie van tanniene en antosianiene deur middel van verskillende wynmaak tegnieke te evalueer. Te veel tanniene in die wyn kan negatiewe sensoriese kwaliteit tot gevolg het. Daarom is die tweede doel om die sensoriese kwaliteit van Shiraz wyn te evalueer. Die derde doel van hierdie studie was die twee tannien presipitasie metodes met mekaar te vergelyk in terme van die moeilikheidsgraad van die metode, tyd doeltreffendheid en herhaalbaarheid. Verskillende wynmaak tegnieke (ensiem byvoegings [E], koue maserasie [CM], verlengde dopkontak [PM] en ‘n kombinasie van koue maserasie en verlengde dopkontak [CM+PM]) is vergelyk ten opsigte van tannien en antiosianien ekstraksie. In 2008 en 2009 is twee kultivars (Cabernet Sauvignon en Shiraz) in twee verskillende klimatologiese areas gepars. Hierdie areas is geklassifiseer in die Winklerskaal as ‘n IV (Plaisir de Merle) en ‘n III (Morgenster). Om die effek van die verskillende wynmaak tegnieke op die ekstraksie van antosianiene en tanniene te vergelyk, is hierdie twee kultivars by twee verskillende rypheidsgrade geoes. Die eerste oes was net voor kommersiële oes (LB) en die tweede oes het net na kommersiële oes (HB) plaasgevind. Die 2009 Shiraz wyn is organolepties beoordeel om die effek van die verskillende wynmaak tegnieke op die wyn se mondgevoel te vergelyk. Die resultate van hierdie studie toon beduidende verskille in die fenoliese samestelling van die wyne. Dit is gevind dat die warmer area hoër tannien konsentrasies het as die koeler area. In 2008 het die CM+PM die meeste tanniene uit die Cabernet Sauvignon geëkstraheer by LB en die CM by HB in die warmer area. Die CM het in die koeler area meer tanniene geëkstraheer by beide die LB en HB rypheidsgrade. In 2009 het PM die meeste tanniene geëkstraheer by LB terwyl E die meeste tanniene geëkstraheer in die warmer area. In die koeler area het CM+PM die meeste tanniene geëkstraheer, terwyl geen van die behandelings ‘n effek gehad het by HB. Die meeste antosianien konsentrasie was in die koeler area gevind as in die warmer area. In beide 2008 (LB en HB) en 2009 (LB) het CM die meeste antosianiene geëkstraheer, terwyl geen behandeling ‘n effek gehad het by HB. Twee van die mees populêre tannien analitiese metodes is die BSA (bovine serum albumien) en die MCP (metielsellulose presipitasie) metodes. Die BSA metode is ‘n baie meer ingewikkelde metode waarvoor drie keer meer reagense gebruik word as vir die MCP metode. Maar waar die MCP net tanniene ontleed, ontleed die BSA metode tanniene, monomere (MP), klein polimeriese pigmente (SPP) en groot polimeriese pigmente (LPP). Dit help indien daar gekyk wil word na die evolusie van polimeriese pigmente. In hierdie studie is bevind dat daar ‘n redelike korrelasie (R2 – 0.88) tussen die BSA en MCP metode bestaan. Die herhaalbaarheid van die metodes het redelike kontroversie veroorsaak, waar sommige navorsers bevind het dat die BSA metode nie so herhaalbaar is soos eers bevind is nie. Die MCP metode het ’n praktiese voordeel aangesien dit in die helfde van die tyd van die BSA metode uitgevoer kan word. Dit het ‘n groot impak indien ‘n groot hoeveelheid monsters ontleed moet word. Die fenoliese samestelling en mondgevoel word sterk beïnvloed deur die klimatologiese area. In die warmer area was die effek van tannien konsentrasie op mondgevoel kleiner as in die koeler area. Die wyn van ryper druiwe het meer harder, verdowingseffek en bitter nasmaak gehad as by die wyn van groener druiwe. Die ensiem behandeling was meer geassossieerd met droë mond gevoel.

Mécanismes d'action de plantes riches en tanins sur les nématodes gastrointestinaux adultes des petits ruminants / Mecanismos de acción de las plantas ricas en taninos sobre la población adulta de nematodos gastrointestinales de los pequeños rumiantes

Martinez-Ortiz-de-Montellano, Cintli 12 November 2010 (has links)
Les nématodes gastro-intestinaux (NGI) représentent un problème sanitaire majeur dans le monde entier en systèmes de production à l’herbe des élevages de moutons et de chèvres. La maîtrise de ces parasites est désormais compliquée par l'apparition de résistances aux anthelminthiques (AH) chez les nématodes. L'utilisation de plantes riches en tanins (PRT) comme AH non conventionnels est une des alternatives possibles au contrôle chimique de ces maladies parasitaires. Cependant, le mécanisme d'action de ces plantes sur les vers adultes demeure inconnu. Cet objectif a constitué le premier but de cette étude en particulier en essayant de déterminer quelle part jouent les effets directs et indirects dans l’action des PRT sur les populations de Nématodes adultes dans le tractus digestif des petits ruminants. Un effet direct correspond à une action de type pharmacologique sur la biologie, la structure et l’ultrastructure des nématodes liés à des composés biochimiques présents dans les PRT. L'hypothèse d’un effet indirect correspondrait une modification de la réponse cellulaire dans les muqueuses gastro-intestinales de l'hôte, affectant la biologie des NGI. Cette thèse est divisée en deux parties: 1) Deux expériences in vivo réalisées respectivement, au Mexique et en France, visant à déterminer les effets directs ou indirects sur la biologie des NGI liés à la consommation de PRT tel le tzalam (Lysiloma latisiliquum), une Légumineuse arbustive du Yucatan, le sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) une Légumineuse fourragère tempérée, et ainsi que le quebracho(Schinopsis spp.), un extrait riche en tannins condensés Les agneaux ont été infestés par Haemonchus contortus (au Mexique) ou H. contortus et Trichostrongylus colubriformis (en France). La consommation de tzalam a provoqué une perturbation de croissance des vers ou de fertilité des femelles d’H. contortus. Selon la durée de consommation, le quebracho a réduit la population de H. contortus et T. colubriformis, et affecte également la fertilité de T. colubriformis. Le sainfoin a affecté la fécondité de H. contortus sans affecter celle de T. colubriformis. Le comptage de cellules effectrices dans les muqueuses pour évaluer l’implication d’un effet indirect n'a pas montré de différences significatives entre les lots recevant ou non des PRT. La seconde partie s’est fondée sur un test in vitro et deux essais in vivo chez des chèvres infestées par H. contortus pour mieux comprendre l'effet de la consommation de PRT (tzalam, au Mexique ou sainfoin, en France) sur la structure et l’ultrastructure d’H. contortus. Les principales altérations ont été trouvées dans la cuticule et la région céphalique des vers. Des agrégats de matériel végétal autour de la vulve n’ont été trouvé qu’in vitro. L’examen de l’ultrastructure des H. contortus a montré des signes de vacuolisation, surtout visible dans les tissus intestinaux et musculaires. Ces lésions suggèrent que des composés secondaires présents dans le feuillage des PRT peuvent être impliqués dans les fonctions vitales d’ H. contortus, telles que la mobilité, la nutrition et éventuellement la reproduction. / Gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) represent a major health problem worldwide in grazing sheep and goat production systems. The control of these parasites has been complicated by the emergence of nematodes which are resistant to the commercially available anthelmintics (AHs). The use of tannin rich plants (TRP), as non-conventional Ahs, represents an alternative for the control of these parasites. However, the mechanism of action of such plants against adult populations of GIN has not been determined. The objective of the study was to determine the direct and indirect effect of TRP against adult populations of GIN in small ruminants. A direct effect is considered to be any action against the biology, structure and/or ultrastructure of the nematodes which is similar to a chemical AH. The indirect effect is a modification of the immune response of the host at the level of the gastrointestinal mucosa which affects the biology of the GIN. This study is divided into two stages: First stage) Two in vivo experiments conducted in Mexico and France respectively, determined the direct and indirect effects on the biology of GIN due to the consumption of the TRP forage of tzalam (Lysiloma latisiliquum), sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) as well as a tannin-rich quebracho extract (Schinopsis spp). Lambs were artificially infected with Haemonchus contortus (Mexico) or H. contortus and Trichostrongylus colubriformis (France). The consumption of tzalam affected the length and fertility of H. contortus females. Meanwhile, the quebracho extract reduced the population of H. contortus and T. colubriformis also affecting the fecundity of T. colubriformis. The sainfoin affected the fecundity of H. contortus without affecting T. colubriformis. The indirect effect was not evident. Second stage) An in vitro assay and two in vivo experiments with goats infected with H. contortus allowed to identify the effect of the consumption of TRP (tzalam or sainfoin) on the structure and ultrastructure of H. contortus. Alterations in cuticle and cephalic region were found. The aggregates in the vulva were only found in vitro. The ultrastructure of H. contortus showed a vacuolization process in the intestinal and muscular tissues of these nematodes. The lesions suggest that the compounds contained in the foliage of TRP may be involved in vital functions of H. contortus such as mobility, nutrition and possibly reproduction. This study is a contribution towards the understanding the mechanisms of AH action of the TRP against GIN.

Gels poreux biosourcés : production, caractérisation et applications / Biosourced porous gels : production, characterisation and applications

Amaral-Labat, Gisèle 08 July 2013 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche présente la préparation et la caractérisation de matériaux monolithiques hautement poreux dérivés majoritairement de ressources naturelles. L'objectif était de préparer de nouveaux gels biosourcés jusqu'à 91%, de proposer des alternatives au séchage supercritique au CO2, et d'étudier quelques propriétés d'intérêt de tels gels après séchage, non seulement à l'état organique mais, dans certains cas, après pyrolyse pour obtenir des gels de carbone. A ces fins, le tannin et le soja ont été testés comme précurseurs, à différentes concentrations et différents pH, et trois voies de séchages ont été utilisées : supercritique, lyophilisation et séchage évaporatif. Les gels obtenus ont été caractérisés en termes de densité, porosité, distributions de tailles de pores et surfaces spécifiques, qu'ils soient sous forme organique ou carbonée selon l'application envisagée ou le type de porosité attendue. Leurs propriétés mécaniques et thermiques ont aussi été mesurées. La très large gamme de textures poreuses obtenues a permis de proposer des applications en tant qu'isolants thermiques, supports de catalyseur, ou électrodes de condensateur électrochimiques, selon les cas / This manuscript presents the preparation and the characterization of highly porous monolithic materials mainly derived from natural resources. The objectives were to: (i) develop new gels, biosourced up to the 91% level; (ii) suggest alternatives to supercritical drying in CO2, and (iii) investigate properties of interest for such gels in the organic state and, in some cases, after pyrolysis for obtaining carbon gels. For those purposes, tannin and soy flour were tested as precursors, at different concentrations and different pH, and three ways of drying were used: supercritical drying, freeze drying and evaporative drying. The obtained gels were characterized in terms of density, porosity, pore size distributions and specific surface area, whether in organic or in carbon form, depending on the intended application or expected type of porosity. Mechanical and thermal properties were also measured. The obtained broad range of porous textures allowed suggesting applications such as thermal insulators, catalyst supports or electrodes for electrochemical capacitors

Condensed tannins extraction from grape pomace : characterization and utilization as wood adhesives for wood particleboard / Extraction de tannins condensés à partir de marc de raisin : caractérisation et utilisation pour la production d'adhésifs pour panneaux de particules

Lan, Ping 19 October 2012 (has links)
Les marcs de raisin issus de la viniculture constituent un gisement de ressource naturelle abondant, sous valorisé et riche en polyphénols. Une méthode d?extraction de ces tannins condensés a été développée et optimisée en vue d'une application en adhésif pour les produits dérivés du bois. Les tannins ont été caractérisés par Résonance Magnétique Nucléaire, spectroscopie Infra Rouge (FTIR), spectrométrie de masse (MALDI TOF) et Analyse Thermomécanique (TMA). Des panneaux de particules ont été fabriqués à l'aide des colles élaborées en laboratoire et testés suivant les normes françaises en vigueur, plusieurs dépassent largement les valeurs seuils / The extraction of condensed tannins from grape pomace was examined using water medium in the presence of different bases as catalyst (NaOH, Na2CO3, NaHCO3 and Na2SO3). Two different extraction processes and the influence of 4 parameters (i.e., temperature, reaction time, chemical reagents and concentration of the chemical reagents) on the tannin extracts yields and properties were studied. The tannin fractions were characterized by Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, carbon nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry ( MALDI-TOF ). It was demonstrated that it is possible to extract reactive tannins from grape pomace in basic medium. The tannin extracts obtained by precipitation in acidic conditions display a high phenolic content (Stiasny number higher 95%) but low water solubility and low reactivity toward formaldehyde because of the formation of catechinic acid phlobatannins during the acidification step. The tannins extracts obtained by lyophilization of the liquid, despite of their lower phenolic contents, displayed promising properties for adhesive applications. The optimum temperature of the extraction process was 100 °C, reaction time was 120 min; the best concentration of reagent was 10% (w/w). It was also shown that addition of sulphite ions during the extraction step improved the process :y the introduction of a sulfonic group through sulfitation increased both tannin solubility and reactivity as a result from the opening of the heterocyclic ring during extraction The structure of grape pomace sulfited tannin extracts did not present noticeable discrepancy exception of the ratio of the opening pyran ring which was different as a function of the catalyst used. The opening of pyran ring during the tannins extraction seem to be more important by using Na2CO3 and NaHCO3 than when using NaOH. The FT-IR bands assigned to aromatic ring vibration and carbonyl groups were stronger and no bands attributed to sulfited groups were tested detected in acidified tannins compared to lyophilized tannins. The TG2 results showed that the weight lost of these tannin extracts mainly composed of two steps. The first step starts from room temperature to 200 °C. It is attributed to the mass lost of water and some easy-degraded small low molecules. The secondly steps which is the mainly degradation step of tannin extract samples from 200 to 400 °C. The results from 13C-NMR showed that condensed tannin extracts from grape pomace were consistent with dominant procyanidin units with a minor amount of prodelphinidin units that are linked together by a C4-C8 bond. Relatively low carbonhydrate and high catechinc acid content was observed in acidified tannins compared to lyophilized tannins. It was shown by MADI-TOF experiments that grape pomace tannin extracts are mainly composed of flavoinoid oligomers up to 6 repeating units in lyophilized tannins and 10 repeating units in acidified tannins respectively, with dominant procyanidin units. A small proportion of substitution with glucose and gallic acid was detected in procyanidin units of polyflavonoid oligomers. The degree of polymerization of acidified tannins is higher than lyophilized tannins. Two different formulations (nonfortified tannin adhesive and fortified with addition of 20% of polymeric 4, 4'-diphenyl methane diisocyanate (p-MDI)) were used to press one layer wood particle board. It was shown that the nature of the extraction reagent (NaOH, Na2CO3 or NaHCO3) greatly impacts the properties of the resins and the mechanical properties of the panel internal bonding strengths. The particleboards bonded by the tannins extracted using Na2CO3 as catalyst give the best performance and were good enough to pass relevant international standard specifications for interior grade panels. Formaldehyde emission of these panels was below the European Norm requirements (<= 6.5 mg/ 100g panel)

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