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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La mise en scène du savoir-faire musical au cinéma

Ermont, Nathalie 02 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire de recherche-création vise d’abord à inventorier et à analyser les processus et procédés narratifs, rhétoriques et formels grâce auxquels trois films mettent en scène le savoir-faire musical, et particulièrement la situation d’apprentissage de la musique et la relation maître-élève. Ces trois films sont : All That Jazz, de Bob Fosse (1979), Bird, de Clint Eastwood (1988) et Tous les matins du monde, d’Alain Corneau (1991). Au terme de cet inventaire et de cette analyse, nous aurons repéré une dominante thématique : dans ces films, et peut-être au cinéma en général, la musique et l’enseignement de la musique sont représentés sous des traits socio-psychologiques particuliers : d’une part, la possession de l’autre, la soumission, le sacrifice et la perpétuelle insatisfaction. Mais aussi les multiples gratifications dont l’éducation et la formation du corps et de l’esprit sont gages. Il conviendra alors de vérifier une hypothèse : Est-ce que certains modes d’expression cinématographiques — ayant à voir avec certaines pratiques de cadrage, certaines figures du champ- contrechamp, etc. —, et certains modes de narration filmiques n’expliqueraient pas cette capacité du cinéma à mettre en scène les menaces affectives et sociales qui pèsent sur le maître de musique et l’apprenti musicien ? Ce sont ces mêmes processus et procédés, ce même thème et cette même hypothèse, qui seront explorés dans un scénario de long métrage, en faisant cette fois-ci confiance à la capacité de problématisation de l’écriture poétique. / This research aims at making an inventory and an analysis of the narrative, rhetorical and formal processes, in which three movies are presenting the musical know-how, and especially the teaching-learning situation between a music professor and his student. These three films are: Tous les matins du monde, directed by Alain Corneau (1991); Bird, by Clint Eastwood (1988) and All That Jazz, by Bob Fosse (1979). Eventually, this inventory and this analysis will allow us to identify a prevailing thematic: in these movies, and even in Cinema in general, it seems like music and musical education are portrayed under social and psychological features that are characteristics. There is, one hand, the possession of the other, the submission, the sacrifice and the perpetual dissatisfaction. But on the other hand, there are many gratifications to which education for body mind and spirit is a guarantee. Our hypothesis is that certain cinematographic expression modes — related to variations of framing styles, angle and reverse shots and so on—, and certain film narrative modes might be explaining this ability that Cinema has to show the emotional and social threat that weighs on the musical professor and on his student. These very same processes, thematic and hypothesis will be examined in a feature length script that will focus on the ability of questioning theses topics using the poetical composition.

Vers l'autonomisation des apprenants en français langue étrangere à l'université en Lettonie ? / Toward the empowerment of French as a foreign language students in Latvian universities ?

Durandin, Jonathan 04 July 2011 (has links)
La Lettonie, jeune Etat-nation, est actuellement tiraillée entre influences dusoviétisme passé, évolution démocratique et valeurs ethno-centrées, en résonance parfoisdiscordante avec les orientations institutionnelles européennes. Dans ce contexte, la rechercheprésentée dans cette thèse se focalise plus particulièrement sur l’autonomisation desapprenants de FLE au niveau supérieur.Cette recherche suit une démarche d’ordre compréhensif et qualitatif à partir d’analyses dediscours. Elle se concentre sur un corpus composé de huit entretiens d’enseignants de FLE duniveau universitaire letton portant sur leurs expériences formatives et professionnelles passéeset actuelles, sur leurs conditions de vie et de travail et sur leur vision de l’avenir du métierd’enseignant de FLE. D’abord sont analysées les représentations que ces enseignants ontd’eux-mêmes dans leur environnement socioprofessionnel pour, finalement, en comprendreles significations et développer des conjectures sur l’émergence de l’autonomisation desenseignants et, au-delà, des étudiants.Ainsi se révèlent des représentations construites sur des dimensions pratiques etexpérientielles plutôt qu’idéologiques, en rapport avec la citoyenneté et le rôle social del’enseignant, ou théoriques, sur le didactique et le linguistique. On conclut quel’autonomisation des apprenants de FLE à l’université n’est pas possible actuellement / Latvia, a young nation-state, is currently torn between the influences of the Sovietpast, democratic development and ethno-centric values, entering sometimes in discordantresonance with European institutional guidelines. In this context, the research presented inthis thesis focuses specifically on FFL learners’ empowerment in the higher education.This research follows a comprehensive and qualitative approach based on discourses’analysis. It focuses on a corpus of eight interviews with FFL teachers at Latvian universitylevel on their past and actual formative and professional experiences, on their living andworking conditions, on their vision for the future of the profession of FFL teacher. First, theseteachers’ representations about themselves in their socio-professional environment areanalyzed . This leads eventually to understand these representations' meanings and to developconjectures about the emergence of teachers’ empowerment and, beyond it, the students’ one.Thus, representations are proved that are based on experiential and practical dimensions ratherthan ideological ones, related to citizenship and the social role of the teacher, or theoreticalones, on the teaching and linguistics. One concludes that the empowerment of FFL learners atthe University is not currently possible

Intermédiaires graphiques et conception assistée par ordinateur : Étude des processus d’enseignement-apprentissage à l’oeuvre dans l’éducation technologique au collège

Laisney, Patrice 17 October 2012 (has links)
Au niveau du collège, la technologie est une discipline générale qui s'adresse à tous les élèves. Ainsi, plus que jamais, au 21ème siècle, la connaissance du monde des objets fait partie de la culture du citoyen. Pour autant la technologie au collège est une discipline encore en construction, les objets de savoir sont partiellement définis et la recherche en didactique de la technologie a encore de nombreux terrains à explorer. Cette thèse s'intéresse aux enseignements technologiques au collège et particulièrement à la conception d'objet. Dans un premier temps, notre but est de répondre, de manière empirique, à la question suivante : quelles sont les difficultés rencontrées par les élèves en situation de conception? A titre exploratoire, nous analysons l'activité d'élèves en train de résoudre collectivement un problème de conception. Nous envisageons dans un deuxième temps d'analyser plus particulièrement les difficultés liées à la production de représentations des solutions possibles au travers du rôle que jouent les outils informatiques de conception assistée par ordinateur. Il s'agit donc de réfléchir à l'intégration de ces outils dans l'enseignement de la technologie au collège. L'utilisation d'intermédiaires graphiques modifierait-elle et dans quel sens les performances des élèves de 5ème dans la phase de recherche de solutions? Le recours aux théories de l'action pour observer l'activité conjointe de l'enseignant et de l'élève se révèle pertinent dans un domaine ou on attend de la recherche qu'elle apporte un tant soi peu des réponses. Au travers des résultats qu'elle propose, cette thèse contribue à la communauté des didacticiens des sciences et de la technologie. / At the level of the middle school, the technology is a general discipline which addresses all the pupils. So, more than ever, in 21th century, the knowledge of the world of objects is a part of the culture of the citizen. Nevertheless, the technology in middle school is a discipline still under construction, the objects of knowledge are partially defined and the research in didactics of the technology still has numerous questions to investigate. This thesis discusses the design activity of students in middle school (pupils aged 11-15) in France and particularly to designing object. At first, our purpose is to answer, in an empirical way, the following question: what are the difficulties met by the pupils in situation of design? In the exploratory way, we analyze pupils' activity resolving collectively a problem of design. We intend secondly to analyze more particularly the difficulties bound to the production of representations of the possible solutions through the role which play the computing tools of computer-aided design. It is a way to think about the integration of these tools in the teaching of the technology in middle school. Would the use of graphic intermediaries modify and in which sense the performances of the pupils of 5th in the phase of research for solutions? The recourse to the theories of the action is relevant to observe the joint activity of the teacher and the pupil, especially in a domain or we expect from the research that she brings one so much one few answers. Through the results which she proposes, this thesis contributes to the community of the didacticiens of the sciences and the technology.

Didactique du français langue seconde au Sénégal : le cas du français dans les établissements moyen et secondaire / Teaching French as a second language in Senegal : teaching and learning of French in college and secondary schools

Thiam, Ousseynou 13 June 2014 (has links)
Les réflexions sur le français au Sénégal sont souvent envisagées dans une perspective historique, sociolinguistique ou pédagogique. L'orientation de cette thèse est plutôt didactique. Son objectif est d'analyser l'enseignement /apprentissage du français dans les établissements moyen et secondaire. La recherche porte sur une problématique spécifique à un système institutionnel qui vise la maîtrise du français comme en situation de LM dans un cadre où cet idiome est LS. Cette attente de l'institution permet-elle une activité enseignante et une appropriation convenables de la langue, des cultures? La réponse a nécessité l'élucidation des concepts de savoir, de savoir-faire, de compétence, de langue, de culture. Nous avons caractérisé les objets, les outils, les contenus et les méthodes fondamentales. Cela dans un contexte où les biographies langagières et culturelles des apprenants se définissent par des statuts plurilingues et pluriculturels. La transposition didactique et l'action conjointe sont étudiées pour décrire les activités de classe et la circulation des savoirs. Ce travail a privilégié une approche ethnographique avec des vidéographies, des entretiens, des autoconfrontations et un recueil de productions écrites. L'analyse des résultats de cette étude empirique est présentée suivant les savoirs, les enseignants et les apprenants. Elle a vérifié l'idée que la didactique du français langue seconde permet d'élaborer des savoirs linguistiques et culturels adaptés au contexte sénégalais, de pallier les difficultés dans l'activité enseignante et de faire des apprenants les acteurs de leur apprentissage. Cette analyse est complétée par des propositions didactiques. / Reflexions on French language in Senegal are often considered from a historical, sociolinguistical or educational perspective. The orientation of this thesis is rather didactic. Its aim is to analyze the Teaching/Learning of French in college and secondary schools. The research deals with a specific problematic for an institutional system which aims at the mastery of French as a native language when this idiom is a second language. Does this expectation from the institution allow for an effective teaching activity an appropriation of the language, of the school culture and of the anthropological culture? The answer to this question has required the elucidation of the concepts of knowledge, know-how, skill, language, culture. We have characterized objects, tools, contents, and fundamental methods for teaching and learning. That, in a context where the language biographies and cultural identities of the learners are defined by multilingual and multicultural status. Didactic transposition and joint action are studied to describe teaching activities and the circulation of knowledge. This work has priviledged an ethnographical approach with videographs of classes, interviews, selfconfrontations, and a collection of written productions. The analysis of the results from this empirical study is presented around three poles: skills, teachers and learners. Eventually, it has confirmed the idea that the didactics of french as a second language helps to elaborate linguistic and cultural skills adapted to the Senegalese context, to overcome difficulties in teaching activity, to make learners the actors of their learning. This analysis is completed with didactic suggestions.

Crenças sobre a língua inglesa : o antiamericanismo e sua relação com o processo de ensino - aprendizagem de professores em formação /

Mendes, Ciro Medeiros. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Helena Vieira-Abrahão / Banca: Kanavillil Rajagopalan / Banca: João Antonio Telles / Resumo: Devido à crescente importância dos estudos de crenças a respeito do processo de ensino-aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras no Brasil e a necessidade de que esses estudos, em concordância com as tendências atuais da Lingüística e Lingüística Aplicada, não se atenham mais somente à identificação e descrição, mas contemplem também análises mais contextualizadas dessas crenças, tratando das relações destas com diversos fatores tais como: fatores culturais, políticos, sociais, econômicos, históricos etc., objetivou-se neste trabalho estudar as crenças de um grupo de professores de língua inglesa em formação, no que diz respeito à língua inglesa e aos Estados Unidos da América, bem como as implicações de um crescente sentimento mundial de antiamericanismo no contexto estudado. Este trabalho também está vinculado ao terceiro objetivo de pesquisa do projeto temático TELETANDEM BRASIL - Línguas estrangeiras para todos, que diz respeito à formação do professor para o meio virtual. O teletandem é uma nova modalidade de ensino-aprendizagem que possibilita, através do uso do computador, a interação à distância em tempo real, fazendo uso simultâneo de recursos de áudio (fala e escuta), textuais (escrita e leitura) e visuais (webcam, fotos, quadro para desenho etc.). Destarte, foram também analisadas e discutidas questões relacionadas a preconceito, estereótipos, alteridade, cultura, identidade, interculturalidade, dentre outros, em interações teletandem realizadas entre uma professora em formação, brasileira, e um participante estadunidense. Com base na análise dos dados coletados através de múltiplos instrumentos, foi possível constatar que os participantes em questão tendem a associar a língua inglesa a um grupo específico de países, principalmente EUA e Inglaterra. Foi possível identificar também ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Due to the growing importance of the studies on beliefs related to the teachinglearning process in Brazil and the necessity that these studies, in accordance with the current tendencies of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, do not consist in simply identification and description anymore, but also consider more contextualized analyses of these beliefs, dealing with their relation with several factors such as: culture, politics, society, economy, history etc., the aim of this work was to study the beliefs of a group of undergraduate English teachers in what concerns the English language and the United States of America, as well as the implications of a growing global feeling of anti- Americanism in a specific context. This work is part of the third research objective of the thematic project named TELETANDEM BRASIL - Línguas estrangeiras para todos, as it is related to teacher education for the virtual environment. Teletandem is a new way of teaching-learning that allows real time interaction between distant partners by using audio (listening and talking), video (webcam, photos, drawing board) and textual (writing and reading) resources of personal computers. In this regard, issues related to prejudice, stereotyping, othering, culture, identity, interculturality and others were also discussed and analyzed in teletandem interactions performed by a Brazilian undergraduate English teacher and a United States citizen. Based in the analyses of data collected through multiple instruments, it was possible to perceive that the participants of the research tend to associate the English language with a specific group of countries, especially USA and England. It was also possible to identify the presence of the feeling of anti-Americanism, parallel to a feeling of admiration and adoration concerning the USA - a situation of conflict ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

A música como experiência: potencialidades da canção no ensino-aprendizagem de frânces língua estrangeira / Music as experience: the potentialities of songs in the teaching-learning process of French as a second language

Costa, Beatrice Reichen Vasconcelos 20 April 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa de mestrado abordou o tema da canção no ensino-aprendizagem do francês língua estrangeira e das línguas estrangeiras em geral, e seu principal objetivo foi investigar as potencialidades da canção, material específico muito utilizado em sala de aula, mas frequentemente subaproveitado. O referencial teórico foi estabelecido nas áreas da linguística (Saussure; Bakhtin; Vigotski), da música (Wisnik; Attali), da neurociência (Patel) e da canção (Beaumont-James; Tatit) e o estudo dos autores citados reforçou a riqueza não apenas dos dois sistemas analisados a linguagem verbal e a música mas, sobretudo, da potencialização de ambos por meio da canção. Em uma pesquisa-ação, foram aplicadas as sequências didáticas desenvolvidas sobre o tema (Itinerários Musicais) junto a alunos e professores de francês língua estrangeira, trabalhando a partir dos postulados do Pós-Método (Kumaravadivelu) e da arte como experiência (Dewey) para a discussão didática. Com base nesses dois autores, novos aspectos integraram o trabalho com a canção: a aprendizagem como experiência e importância da emoção permeando o processo do começo ao fim. As potencialidades do uso da canção em sala de aula de língua estrangeira mostraram-se muito significativas, desde que se atente para cada um de seus múltiplos aspectos, cabendo aos professores e alunos explorá-los ainda mais. / This research analyzed the theme of songs in the teaching-learning process of French as a second language and foreign languages in general. Its main objective was to investigate the potentialities of songs which, despite being a specific material widely used in classrooms, is frequently underused. The theoretical framework was established based on the areas of linguistics (Saussure; Bakhtin; Vigotski), music (Wisnik; Attali), neuro-science (Patel) and song (Beaumont-James; Tatit). The study of these authors reinforced the richness not only of the two systems analyzed the verbal language and the music but also and above all, of their enhancement through the song. In an action research, teaching-learning activities regarding the theme (Musical Itineraries) were carried out with French as a second language students and teachers, using Postmethod (Kumaravadivelu) and art as experience (Dewey) postulates to the educational discussion. Based on these two authors, new aspects have been integrated to the analysis of the song: the learning as an experience and the importance of emotion permeating the process from beginning to end. The potentialities of using songs in language classrooms have proven to be considerable provided that careful attention is paid to their multiple aspects and that teachers and students can further explore them.

Ensino-aprendizagem em um contexto dinâmico - o caso de planejamento de transportes / Teaching-learning in a dynamic context – the case of transportation planning

Pereira, Márcia de Andrade 17 March 2005 (has links)
As rápidas mudanças causadas pelo avanço tecnológico e pelo processo de globalização reforçam a necessidade de se redefinir o perfil do engenheiro para atender as exigências tanto do mercado de trabalho como da sociedade. O surgimento de novas técnicas e ferramentas de análise é uma conseqüência natural deste avanço tecnológico e científico e deveria ser rapidamente incorporado a cursos com forte base tecnológica, como a Engenharia. O desafio para que isto efetivamente ocorra é que o tempo dedicado às disciplinas não pode mais ser ampliado para incorporar novos conteúdos. No entanto, a hipótese desta pesquisa é que, ao mesmo tempo em que fazem parte do problema, as novas tecnologias podem fornecer os recursos necessários para a sua solução. Neste contexto, um novo paradigma para o ensino-aprendizagem é necessário, sendo importante para isto, reconhecer não somente o potencial papel do computador e das ferramentas a ele associadas, como também compreender os diferentes estilos de aprendizagem. Diante disto, o objetivo deste trabalho de tese é explorar e avaliar alternativas para adequação do processo de ensino-aprendizagem ao contexto de rápidas e constantes inovações hoje observado, fazendo-se uso de recursos da hipermídia, fundamentada nos conceitos do construtivismo e testada a partir da introdução de conteúdos inovadores em uma disciplina que trata de Planejamento de Transportes. Através dessa disciplina procurou-se avaliar se os alunos seriam capazes, com a abordagem proposta, de absorver novos tópicos sem comprometer o conteúdo programático tradicional. Para tanto, complementou-se o paradigma tradicional com diversas alternativas pedagógicas (trabalhos em grupo, CD educativo, pesquisas na Internet, WebCT, etc.) em uma turma do terceiro ano do curso de Engenharia Civil. Os resultados encontrados indicam que as alternativas consideradas contribuíram de alguma forma para o aprimoramento da metodologia tradicional, apresentando resultados positivos para o aprendizado. Pode-se afirmar assim que a contribuição desse trabalho para o ensino de Engenharia de Transportes foi significativa, na medida em que demonstra que é possível aprimorar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, inclusive incorporando novos conteúdos, mesmo diante de uma grade curricular rígida. / The fast changes produced by the technological development and by the globalization process highlight the need for a new profile of an engineer that can meet the demands of the labor market and of the society. The emergence of new techniques and analyses tools is a natural consequence of that technological and scientific development and it should be immediately incorporated into courses with a strong technological basis, such as Engineering. The challenge to do so is the time constraint imposed to disciplines, which can no longer be increased to include additional topics. However, the hypothesis of this research is that although the new technologies are part of the problem, they can also provide the resources needed for its solution. In such a context, a new paradigm for the teaching learning process is required, in which not only the potential role of the computer itself and of the tools associated to are acknowledged, but also the different learning styles of the students should be taken into account. Therefore, the objective of this research work is to search and evaluation of alternatives for adapting the teaching-learning process to the context of fast and constant innovations currently observed. This is achieved by using multimedia resources for exploring concepts of constructivism, tested with the inclusion of innovative concepts in a Transportation Planning discipline. This experiment was meant to evaluate if the students would be able to grasp new topics along with the long-established contents with the proposed approach. The traditional paradigm was then combined with several pedagogical alternatives (team work, educational CD-ROM, research on Internet, WebCT, etc.) in a Civil Engineering attended by third-year students. The results found indicate that the alternatives considered have contributed to some extent, to the improvement of the traditional teaching method, bringing positive outcomes to the learning process. Therefore, one can conclude that this study brought a valuable contribution for Transportation Engineering education, given that the teaching-learning process was improved while making possible the inclusion of new topics even in a very inflexible grid course.

Construção da relação médico-usuário na graduação em medicina na Universidade Federal do Acre-UFAC / Building physician-user relationship during undergraduate medical course in Universidade Federal do Acre UFAC

Pereira, Maria das Graças Alves 15 May 2017 (has links)
A particularidade do curso de medicina da Universidade Federal do Acre é descrita desde o projeto de criação do curso, que nasceu da necessidade de fixação de médicos no Acre, e para inserir os estudantes no ambiente da Atenção Primária, além de contar com disciplinas de base humana diante toda a formação. Formaram-se dez turmas na Universidade, e por ocasião da revisão das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais, o curso está revendo a proposta pedagógica curricular. Este estudo foi realizado no ambiente universitário e locais de prática dos estudantes, e teve a participação de professores, preceptores e alunos. A principal motivação foi encontrar os caminhos, percursos, locais e ambientes onde fizesse sentido aos estudantes e professores a aprendizagem para se relacionar com o outro, enquanto sujeito, tomando como ponto de partida o cuidado integral. O estudo ratifica estudos anteriores que tratam sobre a formação médica. Foi recolhido que a aprendizagem acontece de forma singular, e que não existe especificamente um momento onde se conversa especificamente sobre a relação médico-usuário, a não ser os campos de prática, onde os estudantes escutam e observam as atitudes dos docentes e preceptores. Também a aprendizagem acontece nas observações de outros atendimentos, e em situações onde os próprios estudantes estão na posição de usuários do serviço de saúde. A coordenação do curso está investindo tempo e recursos na capacitação de todos os docentes em metodologias pedagógicas de ensino e avaliação, assim como a mudança na grade curricular é uma aposta na melhoria da inter-relação entre as disciplinas. A precoce inserção dos estudantes na vivência com a comunidade foi apontada pelos participantes como um importante dispositivo de vinculação e estabelecimento de uma relação médico-usuário voltada para o cuidado integral / The particularity of the medical course of the Universidade Federal do Acre is described from the project of creation of the course, which was born from the need to fix doctors in Acre, and to insert students in the environment of Primary Care, besides having basic disciplines the whole formation. Ten classes were conclused, and on the occasion of the revision of the National Curricular Guidelines, the course cordination is reviewing the curricular pedagogical proposal. This study was carried out in the university environment and places of students practice, and had the participation of teachers, preceptors and students. The main motivation was to find ways, routes, places and environments where students and teachers made sense to learn to relate to each other as a subject, taking as a starting point integral care. The study ratifies previous studies that deal with medical training. It was gathered that learning happens in a singular way, and that there is not specifically a moment where one specifically talks about the physician-user relationship, except the fields of practice, where students listen and observe the attitudes of teachers and preceptors. Also learning happens in the observations of other attendances, and in situations where the students themselves are in the position of users of the health service. The coordination of the course is investing time and resources in the training of all teachers in pedagogical methodologies of teaching and evaluation, as well as the change in the curriculum is a bet in the improvement of the interrelation between the disciplines. The early insertion of the students in the experience with the community was pointed out by the participants as an important linking device and establishment of a doctor-patient relationship focused on integral care

O 'habitus' e o monge: uma análise das contradições das concepções de bons professores de inglês como língua estrangeira.

Pouza, Sullivan Silk 16 April 2002 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como objetivo principal a análise e a discussão das contradições das concepções de bons professores de Inglês como língua estrangeira. Para tanto, realizamos uma pesquisa em que procedemos à coleta de dados, constituídos de observações de aulas de Língua Inglesa (18 horas) e entrevistas com alunos, professores e diretores (20 horas) de duas escolas públicas da grande São Paulo. O quadro teórico-metodológico que fundamenta nosso estudo é baseado na perspectiva etnográfica de pesquisa aplicada à sala de aula, a qual ressalta, principalmente, os aspectos intersubjetivo e ideológico que estruturam os fenômenos sociais. Abordamos, igualmente, o conceito de habitus pedagógico elaborado por Bourdieu e Passeron a fim de investigarmos a nossa hipótese, a saber: como concepções heterogêneas e conflitantes de bons professores de Inglês como língua estrangeira emergem das experiências dos sujeitos que compõem as comunidades escolares estudadas. Dado o caráter instável e conflitante do habitus pedagógico, concluímos que não há evidências de uma interpretação monolítica que possam ser depreendidas dos repertórios discursivos dos alunos, professores e diretores das comunidades escolares. Concluímos, também, a partir das críticas e das re-visões do conceito de habitus, que as questões relacionadas às mudanças sociais e à democracia na educação devem ser entendidas fora da imobilidade social apregoada pelo conceito de habitus, tornando-se necessário ir além dos preceitos difundidos pelas perspectivas reprodutivistas em educação. Propomos esse deslocamento levando em conta os pressupostos da pedagogia crítica e da possibilidade, os quais vislumbram uma conscientização mais democrática e transformadora do processo de ensino/aprendizagem no ensino público. / The main purpose of the present dissertation is the analysis and discussion of the contradictory conceptions of good teachers of English as a foreign language. To carry this study out, we focused on the data research analysis which is based on English Language classes observation (18 hours) and interviews with students, teachers and school directors (20 hours) from two state school communities in the greater São Paulo region. Our theoretical and methodological framework includes the ethnographic research perspective and attitude applied to the classroom which postulates principally the inter subjective and ideological character of social phenomena. The concept of pedagogical habitus proposed by Bourdieu and Passeron is put forward in order to investigate our hypothesis, namely, how heterogeneous and conflicting good teachers of English conceptions emerged from the subjects experiences which shape the investigated pedagogical cultural loci. On account of the unstable and conflicting character of the pedagogical habitus, we reach the conclusion that neither a safe ground nor a monolithic interpretation can be visualized in students, teachers and school directors discourse repertoires. It is concluded, through the questioning and re-vision of the habitus concept, that issues of social changes and democracy in education has to be understood out of the social immobility which the habitus concept suggests; furthermore, it is relevant to go beyond the educational reproductive perspectives assumptions as well. Consequently, we propose such a dislocation taking into account the critical and possibility pedagogies insights as a wider response to a more democratic and transformative public schooling education consciousness.

Entre línguas de negócios e de cultura. Sentidos que permeiam a relação do brasileiro com a língua inglesa e a espanhola / Between business language and language of culture. Senses that permeate the relation of the Brazilian learner with English language and Spanish language

Sousa, Greice de Nobrega e 21 August 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho analisamos, a partir do lugar teórico da Análise do Discurso de linha francesa, a relação do aprendiz brasileiro com duas línguas estrangeiras: a Língua Inglesa (LI) e a Língua Espanhola (LE). Para tanto, exploramos as imagens detectadas nos comentários dos aprendizes sobre essas línguas estrangeiras, que recuperamos por meio de questionários aplicados a vários grupos. A imagem que marca a relação aprendiz/LI é a de que ela é uma língua de negócios; no caso da LE, aparece, primeiro, a imagem de 2a língua de negócios, e depois, ganhando força ao longo do processo de aprendizagem, a imagem de língua de cultura. Interpretamos essas imagens na sua relação com certas interpelações a que está exposto o sujeito contemporâneo e o funcionamento de certos pré-construídos pelos quais é capturado, no que se refere ao domínio de língua(s). Também, estudamos a constituição da LI e seu processo de expansão como língua internacional, e como ela funciona na escola brasileira, onde desde 1961 até o momento foi praticamente a língua estrangeira dessa instituição. O processo de aprendizado de LE, que interpretamos como de identificação/subjetivação mostra, ao menos no plano do imaginário do sujeito um deslocamento na relação aprendiz/LE que não acontece na que ele estabelece com a LI. Desta forma, acreditamos estar detectando diferenças nas relações entre os aprendizes e as duas línguas estrangeiras, no processo de aprendizagem, que dizem respeito a esse aprendiz como um sujeito entre (as) línguas num momento importante na história da LE como língua estrangeira no Brasil / Based on the theoretical framework of the French perspective to Discourse Analysis, we analyzed, in this research, the relation of the Brazilian learner with two foreign languages: the English Language (EL) and the Spanish Language (SL). In order to do this, we investigated the images detected on the learners\' comments about those foreign languages, which were the result of questionnaire applied to many groups. The image that marks the relation EL/learner is that EL is a business language; in the case of the SL, the image of the 2nd business language comes first, and the image of language of culture comes after, becoming stronger through the learning process. In what language proficency is concerned, we interpreted these images in its relation with some appealing situations (\"interpellations\") which the contemporary subjec is exposed to and in relation to the functioning of some preconstructed meanings he is captured by. We also studied the constitution of the SL and its expansion process as international language, and how it functions in the Brazilian school, where it has been the foreign language of this Institution since 1961. The learning process of the SL, which we interpreted as the identification/subjection shows, at least in the subject\'s imaginary, a deslocation in the relation SL/learning which does not happen in the one he establishes with the EL. Therefore, we believe to be detecting differences in the relations between the learners and the two foreign languages, in the learning process, which is concerned with this learner as a subject between (the) languages in an important moment in the history of the SL as foreign language in Brazil

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