Spelling suggestions: "subject:"atechnical atemsystem"" "subject:"atechnical systsystem""
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Offshore Wind Parks and their Challenges in Planning : a Large Technical System's AnalysisKrautter, Marvin January 2024 (has links)
The energy sector is one of the largest contributors to carbon emissions, thus it must change to renewable energy sources. However, common green energy sources show weaknesses in stability. To overcome this, offshore wind parks are a promising approach, because they provide a more stable energy supply. Nevertheless, it is difficult to build them, as the maritime environment poses many challenges. To vanquish this endeavor, extensive planning is required. This thesis has analyzed the challenges in planning for the two German offshore wind parks Baltic Eagle and He Dreiht through the theoretical lens of the large technical systems approach. The method of thematic analysis has revealed four major challenges in the planning process, that are environmental, technical, economic, and societal challenges. Often, these challenges relate to each other, for example when technical innovations are used to mitigate environmental challenges. Even though the challenges are dependent on the location of the project, the analysis discovered distinct patterns that are generally occurring. Lastly, this thesis contributes to a better understanding of planning for offshore wind parks as part of the energy transition.
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Measuring readiness to implement systems that create, mobilise and diffuse knowledgeTanudjojo, J. Satrijo January 2006 (has links)
This thesis focuses on pre-conditions for organisations to implement knowledge management
systems (KMS). Prior research suggests knowledge management (KM) is a capability and, as
such, organisations need to know if they are ready to embark on KM initiatives that develop
this capability. The findings of my research contend that measuring readiness is a prerequisite
for implementing KMS holistically. I argue that effective KMS integrates the creation,
mobilisation and diffusion stages of the knowledge life-cycle. Therefore, a system for gauging
organisational readiness for KMS necessitates understanding the organisation’s inclination to
create, mobilise and diffuse knowledge. Drawing from Socio-Technical Systems (STS)
Theory, this study uses three dimensions, Infrastructure, Knowledge Structure and
Knowledge Culture, to gauge each stage of the knowledge life-cycle. This study develops an
instrument – the Knowledge Implementation Assessment Tool (KIAT) – to assess an
organisation’s readiness for KMS. An organisation’s readiness can be said to increase as the
measure on each dimension increases. In addition, this study found that structurally diverse
Communities For Performance are needed to leverage Communities Of Practice in delivering
direct business results, and that the implementation of KMS must be governed within and by
cross-functional business processes.
The knowledge-based theory of the firm and the knowledge life-cycle theory provide a
conceptual understanding that managing the creation, mobilisation and diffusion of
knowledge can yield competitive advantage. Based on these theories, an in-depth case study
was conducted in Schlumberger’s technical service delivery process. The study analysed the
implementation and the use of InTouch, Schlumberger’s KMS. The case study was conducted
using an Abductive research strategy. The Means-End Chain approach and its laddering
technique were used to collect and analyse data to establish 35 attributes vital for the
implementation of an effective KMS – one that brings beneficial results. These attributes form
the basis for creating the readiness assessment instrument – KIAT.
A KMS implementation affects the social and technical aspects of an organisation.
This study categorised the attributes along the three STS dimensions. The basis of the
categorisation was the fit between each attribute and an STS dimension. The result is an
assessment instrument to measure organisational readiness. The instrument, KIAT, consists of
50 factors to measure organisational readiness along the three STS dimensions for the
creation, mobilisation and diffusion of knowledge.
KIAT is operationalised in three organisational cases in different industries and
processes. This allowed the instrument to be refined and led to the development of procedures
to apply KIAT. The cases suggest that KIAT provides useful insights to discover or confirm
KMS readiness where a cross-functional business process is the unit of analysis.
The research contributes to research methodology in the KM field, as it is the first to
use the Means-End Chain approach into knowledge management research by representing a
hierarchy of organisational goals in a knowledge management initiative. For practitioners, my
research makes two contributions. One, the KIAT readiness assessment instrument to
diagnose their organisational readiness and take informed decisions. Two, the understanding
of Communities For Performance. This study points the way for further research. This
includes directions to explore the relationship between the levels of readiness and the
effectiveness of KMS implementation, the relationship between organisations’ experience and
their readiness, and the relationship between the dynamics of the KIAT Factors and
organisational learning.
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Från eld till lågenergilampa : Förståelsen för ljuskällans tekniska utveckling hos elever i årskurs 5 / From fire to energy saving light bulb : The understanding of the technical development of the light source among pupils from year 5Quist, Caroline January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med undersökningen är ta reda på vilken förståelse elever från årskurs 5 har för ljuskällans tekniska utveckling. Syftet har uppnåtts med hjälp av frågeställningarna Vilken kunskap visar elever i årskurs 5 om ljuskällans tekniska utveckling? och Vilken kunskap visar elever i årskurs 5 om glöd- och lågenergiglödlampan som komponent i ett tekniskt system? Metoden som valts är kvalitativa intervjuer och innefattar totalt tio olika djupgående intervjuer. Under intervjuerna har eleverna fått placera fem olika ljuskällor i historisk ordning, med hjälp av dessa bilder har de fått beskriva den tekniska utvecklingen för att tillslut hamna på elsystemet. Resultatet visar att eleverna har mycket god kunskap om ljuskällans tekniska utveckling och god kunskap om systemet bakom glöd- och lågenergiglödlampan. Vid ljuskällans tekniska utveckling kan eleverna nämna material- och användningsskillnader samt skillnaden i hur de lyser. När det gäller elsystemet kan de nämna elsystemets delkomponenter, elens ursprungskällor samt hur energin färdas i systemet. Undersökningen visar att eleverna har en likartad förståelse jämfört med tidigare liknande forskning inom ämnet teknik, förståelse som också kan relateras till tidigare erfarenheter och ålder.
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Measuring readiness to implement systems that create, mobilise and diffuse knowledgeTanudjojo, J. Satrijo January 2006 (has links)
This thesis focuses on pre-conditions for organisations to implement knowledge management systems (KMS). Prior research suggests knowledge management (KM) is a capability and, as such, organisations need to know if they are ready to embark on KM initiatives that develop this capability. The findings of my research contend that measuring readiness is a prerequisite for implementing KMS holistically. I argue that effective KMS integrates the creation, mobilisation and diffusion stages of the knowledge life-cycle. Therefore, a system for gauging organisational readiness for KMS necessitates understanding the organisation’s inclination to create, mobilise and diffuse knowledge. Drawing from Socio-Technical Systems (STS) Theory, this study uses three dimensions, Infrastructure, Knowledge Structure and Knowledge Culture, to gauge each stage of the knowledge life-cycle. This study develops an instrument – the Knowledge Implementation Assessment Tool (KIAT) – to assess an organisation’s readiness for KMS. An organisation’s readiness can be said to increase as the measure on each dimension increases. In addition, this study found that structurally diverse Communities For Performance are needed to leverage Communities Of Practice in delivering direct business results, and that the implementation of KMS must be governed within and by cross-functional business processes. The knowledge-based theory of the firm and the knowledge life-cycle theory provide a conceptual understanding that managing the creation, mobilisation and diffusion of knowledge can yield competitive advantage. Based on these theories, an in-depth case study was conducted in Schlumberger’s technical service delivery process. The study analysed the implementation and the use of InTouch, Schlumberger’s KMS. The case study was conducted using an Abductive research strategy. The Means-End Chain approach and its laddering technique were used to collect and analyse data to establish 35 attributes vital for the implementation of an effective KMS – one that brings beneficial results. These attributes form the basis for creating the readiness assessment instrument – KIAT. A KMS implementation affects the social and technical aspects of an organisation. This study categorised the attributes along the three STS dimensions. The basis of the categorisation was the fit between each attribute and an STS dimension. The result is an assessment instrument to measure organisational readiness. The instrument, KIAT, consists of 50 factors to measure organisational readiness along the three STS dimensions for the creation, mobilisation and diffusion of knowledge. KIAT is operationalised in three organisational cases in different industries and processes. This allowed the instrument to be refined and led to the development of procedures to apply KIAT. The cases suggest that KIAT provides useful insights to discover or confirm KMS readiness where a cross-functional business process is the unit of analysis. The research contributes to research methodology in the KM field, as it is the first to use the Means-End Chain approach into knowledge management research by representing a hierarchy of organisational goals in a knowledge management initiative. For practitioners, my research makes two contributions. One, the KIAT readiness assessment instrument to diagnose their organisational readiness and take informed decisions. Two, the understanding of Communities For Performance. This study points the way for further research. This includes directions to explore the relationship between the levels of readiness and the effectiveness of KMS implementation, the relationship between organisations’ experience and their readiness, and the relationship between the dynamics of the KIAT Factors and organisational learning.
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Bezpečnost technických syst¨¦mů / Safety of technological systemsRotnágl, Pavel January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is focused on technical systems and evaluating their safety. It tries to make a complex view of links between safety, demands for quality and technical diagnostics. It tries to apply all the information about mentioned features to concrete branch of machines ¨C highŠ\voltage electrical rotary machines. Practical part of this thesis consists of statistical analysis of measured parameters by two hydroelectric generators. Main task of this thesis is to transpose theoretical knowledge of safety and technical systems to the branch of highŠ\voltage electrical rotary machines. This thesis also tries to find appropriate and more efficient evaluation method for analyzing the parameters of mentioned machines. Another benefit of this thesis should be bringing few new ideas about evaluating safety and technical status of highŠ\voltage electrical rotary machines. Keywords: technical system, safety, highŠ\voltage electrical machines, technical diagnostics
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Uticaj pojava mehaničkih oscilacija na sigurnost funkcionisanja sklopova u sistemu prenosa snage tekstilnih mašina / The influence of mechanical oscillations on safety of funcioningof testile machinesStefanović Slobodan 21 December 2006 (has links)
<p>Analiza sigurnosti funkcionisanja sastavnih komponenti sklopa boksa predenja i sklopa<br />za namotavanje kalemova gotovom pređom kod OE - predilice se može najpreciznije pratiti formiranjem monitoring sistema praćenja njihovog rada. Na osnovu nje vrše se procedure preventivnog održavanja, koje se baziraju na konceptu planskog održavanja koje obuhvataju ocene stvarnog stanja rada i ispravnosti sastavnih komponenti analiziranih sklopova. Ovaj vid praćenja stanja obuhvata korelacionu povezanost pouzdanosti i nivoa mehaničkih oscilacija na sastavnim komponentama analiziranih sklopova i uzroke koje one dovode do njihovih otkaza.<br />Korelacija je izvršena formiranjem univerzalnog optimalnog modela rada analiziranih sklopova prema izabranim mernim mestima na osnovu uticaja mehaničkih oscilacija (vibracija). Metodologija praćenja stanja je obuhvatila nivoe amplitudnih spektra mernih veličina oscilovanja na komponentama analiziranih sklopova za izvršena redosledna merenja. Dobijene vrednosti su unešene u univerzalni optimalni model za različite vremenske intervale rada<br />komponenata analiziranih sklopova, pa je na osnovu njih određena zavisnost modela u funkciji eksploatacionog vremena (t) , koja predstavlja određivanje frekventne sigurnosti rada sklopova. Ova zavisnost podržala je ocenu sigurnosti funkcionisanja<br />sastavnih komponenti analiziranih sklopova u slučajevima kada na njima nisu sprovođeni postupci tehnologije preventivnog održavanja i kada su ovi postupci sprovođeni.</p> / <p>The analysis of functioning of basic components of technical system is the basic type of monitoring systems and state analyzing. Based on this, there are procedures of preventive maintenance, which have the grades of real state of work and components of technical system. This work contains co-relation between levels of mechanical oscillations of components in the system and their influence on the cause of system mallfunction. Corelation is based on forming the universal optimal working model for analvzing the system on chosen measurement points based on the influence of mechanical oscillations (vibrations). The methodology of state tracking has levels of amplitude spectres of measurement values and oscillating the components of<br />analized systems for those results. The values are the input for basic universal optimal model for different time intervals of system work, and based on those values were defmite the model dependence in the time oscillations (t), which represents the dependence of frequent safety of sub - system in function of their work)).These dependence is supported in the functioning of basic components of analized system in the čaše of their work with and without the basic maintenance.</p>
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“- Bajsar han? Varför har han simglasögon?” : Planerad undervisning i förskolan om tekniska system - avloppsystemet / “Is he pooping? Why is he wearing swimming goggles?” : Planned teaching in preschool of technical system – sewer systemStrömberg, Linda, Skog, Josefin January 2022 (has links)
AbstractEngelska översättning. The aim of the study is to contribute with knowledge about how a designed teaching can give children a greater understanding of technical systems, sewage system. The study is inspired by the Lesson Study method. Lesson study is a teaching arrangement done in cycles. In this study, two teachings are conducted, about the sewage system, with two different groups of children and with a certain variation in the arrangements. The results show that the children have gained an understanding of the connections between the parts and components that the technical system, sewage system, is constructed of. The data collection was carried out through observation and filming at both teaching sessions. The material was then transcribed and analyzed through a thematic analysis method. The flexibility of the analysis method provided opportunities to respond to the study's purpose and questions. The analysis resulted in three themes: relationships between components of the system, the role of humans in the system, the components of the system. The study's conclusion shows that preschool teachers offer several activities with relevant construction materials that can clarify abstract learning objects in order to reach children’s learning. At the same time, more research is needed on how children learn and create an understanding of technical systems, how they can perceive the connections between the components that exist and constitute a technical system. / Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap om hur en designad undervisningkan erbjuda barn ökad förståelse för tekniska system, avloppssystem. Studienär inspirerad av metoden lesson study. Lesson study är ettundervisningsupplägg som görs i cykler. I denna studie genomförs tvåundervisningar, om avloppssystemet, med två olika barngrupper och med enviss variation i uppläggen. Resultatet visar att barnen fått förståelse försambanden mellan de delar och komponenter som det tekniska systemet,avloppssystem, är konstruerade av. Datainsamlingen genomfördes genomobservation och filmning vid båda undervisningstillfällena. Däreftertranskriberades och analyserades materialet genom en tematisk analysmetod.Analysmetodens flexibilitet gav möjligheter att svara gentemot studiens syfteoch frågeställningar. Analysen resulterade i tre teman: Samband mellankomponenter i systemet, Människans roll i systemet, Systemets komponenter.Studiens slutsats påvisar att förskollärare som erbjuder flera aktiviteter medrelevant konstruktionsmaterial som kan tydliggöra abstrakta lärandeobjekt föratt nå barns lärande. Det krävs mer forskning om hur barn lär och skaparförståelse för tekniska system, hur de kan uppfatta sambanden mellan dekomponenter som finns och utgör ett tekniskt system.
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Predicting the rate of adoption of IT/OT integration in the Swedish electricity grid system / Estimera spridningen av IT/OT integration i Sveriges elnätGADRÉ, ISABELLE, VACKERBERG, JENS-MARTIN January 2016 (has links)
Due to the increasing threat of global warming, today’s grid system faces large changes and challenges as more renewable sources are being implemented in the grid. In order to handle these changes and secure future distribution, new technologies and components are necessary. This study investigates the innovation – IT/OT integration and its rate of adoption among potential adopters – Distribution System Operators. Based upon 8 expert interviews, 19 interviews with Swedish DSOs and literature, the study has concluded the following: - Increased micro production in the Swedish electricity grid system is the main drivers for IT/OT integration. IT Security and Swedish Energy Market Inspectorates current pricing model are two of the main inhibitors for IT/OT integration. - Key factors, such as perceived attributes of the innovation and business transformation speed are of high importance when analyzing rate of adoption. - Medium-sized DSOs with high ambition are likely to adopt before other customer segments. Thus, they are potential target customers for suppliers, such as Ericsson. The thesis contributes to literature by providing research of a technical innovation within a complex market. Future research of interest is to apply similar methodology for predicting rate of adoption of IT/OT integration in other nations, since drivers and regulations might differ. / Det ökade hotet från klimatförändringar har medfört att dagens elnätssystem står inför stora förändringar och utmaningar då allt fler förnyelsebara källor implementeras i elnätet. För att hantera denna förändring och säkra framtidens eldistribution krävs att ny teknik och nya komponenter implementeras i elnätet. Denna rapport undersöker innovationen - IT/OT integration och hur denna sprids bland potentiella kunder – elnätsdistributörer. Baserat på 8 expertintervjuer, 19 intervjuer med svenska elnätsdistributörer och litteratur har studien kommit fram till följande slutsatser: - Ökad mikroproduktion i det svenska elnätet är den främsta drivaren för IT/OT integration. IT säkerhet och Energimarknadsinspektionens nuvarande regleringsmodell är idag två av de främsta barriärerna för IT/OT integration. - Huvudfaktorer, så som förväntade uppfattningen av innovationen och företags omvandlingshastighet är av stor betydelse för att uppskatta spridningshastigheten av innovationen. - Mellanstora DSOer med höga ambitioner kommer troligast ta till sig tekniken tidigare än andra kundsegment och bör därför vara potentiell målgrupp för leverantörer, så som Ericsson. Rapporten bidrar till forskningen genom att en teknisk innovation analyserats i en komplex marknad. Vidare undersökningar som kan genomföras är att applicera motsvarande metodik för estimera spridningen av IT/OT integration i andra länder, då drivare och regleringar där kan skilja sig från Sverige.
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Titta där, en bro till : Vad uttrycker barn i ålder 2,5-3 år om broar? / Look over there, one more bridge : What do children at age 2,5–3 express about bridges?Andersson, Natalie January 2019 (has links)
The intention with this study is to look into what and how children at the age of two and a half and three years old expresses about bridges. The study is qualitative and have been completed with unstructured pre- and after interveiews and participant observation with two different groups with in total four children that have been introduced to different materials representing bridges. The difference between the materials is that the first group in the pre interview have been introduced to a toy representing a bridge that the children know from before and a book with the three Billy goats, unlike the second group that had no connection to a story. In the study the four children have been in two different groups. All children in age two and a half to three years old have been completed a pree interview before they went to town to search for bridges and a following interview after that. The results are based on all of the occasions. The children expressed their understanding of the bridge`s function about crossing over to reach the other side. The fence is needed to not roll over and can be a protection. The bridge also often have a stairs so you can go up on the bridge. The results shows that the children talks about bridges through for them known stories and games regardless if they did get a story presented or not. Through the childrens telling and playing, the study shows that the children possess understanding of the function of the bridge because of their explanations about how you need to walk over the bridge to cross over to the other side and not get wet. The children also talks about the different parts like fence and stairs and their function to the bridge. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vad och hur barn i ålder två och ett halvt till tre år uttrycker sig om broar. Studien är kvalitativ och har genomförts med ostrukturerad för- och slutintervju samt deltagande observation med två olika grupper där sammanlagt fyra barn fått se olika material föreställande broar presenterade framför sig. Skillnad på material är att första gruppen har en leksaksbro samt en bok om Bockarna Bruse med vid förintervjun till skillnad från den andra gruppen där ingen koppling till saga presenterades. Efter att barnen genomfört för intervjun har de deltagit i en aktivitet där de fått leta efter broar för att sedan åter igen samtala kring broar i en slutintervju. Resultatet grundas på alla tillfällena. Barnen uttryckte sin förståelse för att bron används för att ta sig över vatten och nå andra sidan. Staket behövs för att inte trilla långt ned men kan också skydda. Bron innehar ibland olika funktioner som exempelvis en trappa så man kan ta sig upp på bron. Resultatet visar att barnen samtalar om broar genom en för dem känd saga och lek oavsett om sagan presenterades för dem eller inte. Genom barnens berättande och lek kan man se att barnen innehar förståelse för broars funktion då barnen berättar att man behöver gå över bron för att exempelvis ta sig till andra sidan samt inte bli blöt. Barnen samtalar även om de olika delarna som tillhörande staket och trappa, vilken funktion de har kopplat till bron.
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Sistemas de produção e aprendizagem organizacional: um estudo de caso em uma empresa de medidores de energiaCoelho, João Batista Soares 15 January 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T18:37:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 15 / Nenhuma / Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar os processos de aprendizagem nos níveis individual, de grupo e organizacional em um sistema de produção industrial que apresenta características tanto do modelo Toyota como do modelo Volvo. O estudo parte do pressuposto que a autonomia do trabalhador em nível de produção é favorável à aprendizagem organizacional.A pesquisa desenvolve-se por meio de um Estudo de Caso em uma empresa de medidores de energia. Os dados coletados consistem na busca das similaridades e divergências entre os dois sistemas de gestão, além de investigar que características colaboram para o processo de aprendizagem individual, do grupo e organizacional.
De posse do arcabouço teórico que compara o Sistema Sócio-Técnico (SST) ao Sistema Toyota de Produção (STP), o trabalho vai a campo buscando mapear a estrutura de trabalho de uma organização tendo como base o referencial teórico em questão. Por fim, o trabalho apresenta um Estudo de Caso acompanhado de uma pesquisa exploratória com característica / This study purposes to analyze the learning processes under the individual, group and organizational level in an industrial production system that presents characteristics of both the Toyota model and the Volvo model. It derives from the presupposition that the autonomy of the worker in production level is favorable to organizational learning.The research is developed through a case study in an industry of energy measuring devices. The collected data consist of the search for similarities and divergences between the two management systems, besides investigating which characteristics corroborate to the individual, group and organization learning process. Bearing the theoretical framework that compares the Social-Technical System to the Toyota Production System, the work is taken to the field seeking to map the work structure of an organization holding as base the theoretical referential in question. Finally, this work presents a Case Study accompanied of an exploratory research with qualitative and quantitativ
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