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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Direito homogêneo: harmonização, uniformização e ambivalência do direito nacional / Homogeneous law: harmonization, uniformization and ambivalence of national law.

Rogério Emilio de Andrade 14 June 2010 (has links)
No escopo de organização econômica do mundo, a globalização conduziu a uma limitação do papel das instituições públicas com relação ao mercado, haja vista a repercussão do poder econômico do capital na tomada de decisões de política econômica interna: a estruturação mundial dos mercados somente se torna plausível por meio da institucionalização de direitos no espaço dos Estados nacionais. Desse modo, os direitos nacionais tendem a uniformizar e harmonizar a regulação dada ao capital: trata-se da homogeneização dos direitos, porquanto, tendo em vista as necessidades decorrentes de uma indefectível interdependência econômica, os Estados nacionais acabam por adotar, com mais ou menos independência e criatividade, as instituições necessárias ao desenvolvimento do capital. É isso que torna a vontade planetária homogênea, por meio da artificialidade jurídica que permite ao direito se libertar dos vínculos terrestres e tradições históricas, instituindo, por assim dizer, uma espacialidade própria do direito, a espacialidade jurídica. Deixa-se, assim, o antigo nomos, que vinculava o direito aos lugares, a uma histórica e específica determinação de uma comunidade, para ir-se em direção ao novo nomos, que, estendendo-se às dimensões planetárias da tecno-economia, desliga-se dos vínculos tradicionais e assume plenamente o caráter da artificialidade. Apesar de os Estados continuarem desenvolvendo um papel importante, não se pode deixar de constatar que sua soberania econômica foi matizada: antes detinham poder absoluto em relação à economia, agora detêm poder relativo. As transformações e arranjos institucionais, que eram congruentes em nível nacional, agora estão dispersos em múltiplos níveis espaciais, pois o desempenho econômico requer que os atores sejam simultaneamente coordenados em todas as áreas espaciais, precisam ser alocados e aninhados em arranjos institucionais conectados a todos os níveis da realidade. Nesse contexto, Redes de Governo constituem um bom instrumento de política pública tanto para os países desenvolvidos quanto para os países em desenvolvimento que procuram participar do processo regulatório global e precisam reforçar sua capacidade de governança doméstica. Pode-se dizer que a partir da homogenia dos direitos pretende-se estudar três movimentos distintos e simultâneos que vêm influenciando a produção normativa dos Estados nacionais: a harmonização dos direitos, a uniformização dos direitos e a ambivalência dos direitos. Procurou-se empreender a revisão do tema escolhido na literatura existente no intuito de perquirir informações e conhecer as contribuições teóricas já produzidas pela ciência até o momento. A partir dessas contribuições teóricas, fez-se a identificação dos alicerces que permitiram dialogar com duas grandes tendências teóricas que prevalecem na análise do tema: a primeira, de cunho técnico, aposta na relevância do papel das Administrações Públicas no processo de regulação do mercado global; a segunda, de cunho político, visa a estabelecer mecanismos políticos de neutralização e compensação dos efeitos da globalização. Em linha com esses pontos, a pesquisa comprometeu-se com a realidade concreta e, simultaneamente, engajou-se com a transformação dessa mesma realidade. De conseguinte, o trabalho procurou evidenciar as formas como as forças econômicas influenciam os fenômenos legais, bem como, em sentido oposto, o direito, como instrumento político, pode e deve afetar a economia. / In the scope of the global economic organization, the international integration of markets led to a limitation of the role of public institutions regarding the markets because of the economic power repercussion of the capital in the decision-making of internal economic policy: the world structuring of markets only becomes plausible by the institutionalization of Law in the national States. Thus, the national Law tends to standardize and harmonize the regulation of the capital: it is the homogenization of the Law as the resulting needs of an economic interdependence, which leaves the national States to adopt the necessary institutions to the capital development. It is this that turns the planetary will homogeneous through legal artificiality that allows the Law gives out of the terrestrial bonds and historical traditions, instituting the legal spatiality. Free from the old nomos, which links the Law to places, to a historical and specific determination of a community, the Law gives place to the new nomos, which detaches itself from the traditional bonds and fully assumes the artificiality character by extending itself to the planetary dimensions of the techno-economy. Despite the States continue to play an important role, it should be noticed that their economic sovereignty was tinged: before, they had an absolute power over the economy, whereas they now have a relative power. The transformations and institutional arrangements that were congruent in national level are now scattered in multiple spatial levels as the economic performance requires actors to be simultaneously coordinated in all spatial areas and they need to be allocated and nested in institutional arrangements connected to all levels of reality. In that context, Government Nets constitute a good instrument of public policies both for the developed countries and for the developing countries that attempt to take part of the global regulatory process and need to reinforce their capacity of domestic governance. It can be said that from the homogeneity of the Law on, this work aims at studying three simultaneous and distinct movements that have been influencing the normative output of the national States: the harmonization, the uniformization and the ambivalence of the Law. A literature review was presented with the objective of looking for specific information as well as knowing the theoretical contributions of the field. Based on those theoretical contributions, it was possible to keep a dialogue with two important theoretical tendencies that prevail in the analysis of the subject: first, the technical theoretical tendency, supported by the relevance of the role of Public Administrations in the process of global market regulation; second, the political theoretical tendency aims at establishing political mechanisms of neutralization and compensation of the globalization effects. In line with those theoretical tendencies, this study was committed to the concrete reality and it was simultaneously engaged with the transformation of that same reality. Therefore, the study aimed at showing the ways the economic forces influence the legal phenomena and the Law, as a political instrument, can and does affect the economy.

La lutte senegalaise : contribution au developpement des competences en éducation physique et sportive / The senegalese wrestling : contribution to the development of skills in physical education and sports

Wane, Cheikh Tidiane 03 February 2012 (has links)
À la fois pratiques sportive et artistique, la lutte, appelée aussi « Lamb » est un phénomène immense au Sénégal. Elle est pratiquée par presque dans toutes les ethnies durant des périodes ou évènements bien définis. La lutte s’inscrit aujourd’hui dans le processus de passage des jeux aux sports selon le phénomène de sportivisation des jeux traditionnels malgré son ancrage dans l’imaginaire sénégalais, lié au monde des croyances et des superstitions. Cependant, elle n’est pas enseignée à l’école. Dans cette thèse nous essayons de déterminer, fonder et évaluer dans le cadre des contraintes de l’EPS au Sénégal, un contenu d’enseignement de cette activité considérée pour d’aucuns comme notre sport «roi». Autrement dit, quelle forme de pratique scolaire de la lutte peut-on proposer aux élèves compte tenu d’une part des contraintes de l’EPS et d’autre part de la signification sociale et culturelle de la lutte sénégalaise? Et quelles sont les compétences à développer ? Dans le cadre d’une modélisation d’une forme de lutte scolaire « avec touche », nous mobilisons l’approche anthropo-techno-didactique pour l’étude des pratiques de lutte au Sénégal et pour rendre compte du fonctionnement et des effets de la transmission et de l’appropriation d’une forme de lutte avec touche à l’école. La mise en relation des apports anthropologique, technologique et didactique permet de construire une forme de pratique appropriée et pleine de sens. Les résultats montrent que l’intégration des pratiques culturelles et rituelles relatives à l’activité ainsi que l’identification et la prise en compte des difficultés des élèves et de l’enseignant liées à la réalité du combat s’avèrent déterminante dans la construction de contenus. Ainsi pour un enseignement efficace et utile, l’enseignant doit partir de ces déjà-là, des représentations initiales des élèves, de la spécificité du savoir combattre et des manifestations culturelles et symboliques. / The Senegalese Wrestling known as "Lamb" is both a sport and an art. It is also as ubiquitous as a huge phenomenon in Senegal. It is practiced in almost all ethnic groups during well-defined periods and also during some specific events. This fight is now part of the process of moving from games to sports like the phenomenon of sportization traditional games, and despite its anchoring into the Senegalese beliefs and imagination, linked to the world of beliefs and superstitions. Nevertheless, it is not taught in schools. In this thesis we try to determine, establish and evaluate within the constraints of the EPS in Senegal, an educational content of this activity as it is considered to some as the sport "king." In other words, what form of school practice in the Senegalese wrestling can be proposed to students considering a share of the constraints of the EPS and also the social and cultural significance of this kind of wrestling? And what are the skills to develop? As part of a modeling of a form of wrestling “with touch” in school, we mobilize the anthropo-techno-didactic approach for the study of practices of wrestling in Senegal and to account for the functioning and the effects of the transmission and the appropriation of a form of wrestling in school. Linking inputs the anthropological, technological and educational contributions, builds a form of practice appropriate and meaningful. The results show that the integration of cultural practices and rituals relating to the activity and the identification and consideration of the difficulties of students and teachers related to the reality of combat proved decisive in the construction of content. Thus, for effective and meaningful teaching, teachers must start from the already-there bases, students' initial representations and from the specific knowledge of fighting not to forget the cultural and symbolic of such wrestling.

Voltage Stability and Reactive Power Provision in a Decentralizing Energy System: A Techno-economic Analysis

Hinz, Fabian 06 December 2017 (has links)
Electricity grids require the ancillary services frequency control, grid operation, re-establishment of supply and voltage stability for a proper operation. Historically, conventional power plants in the transmission grid were the main source providing these services. An increasing share of decentralized renewable energy in the electricity mix causes decreasing dispatch times for conventional power plants and may consequently lead to a partial replacement of these technologies. Decentralized energy sources are technically capable of providing ancillary services. This work focuses on the provision of reactive power for voltage stability from decentralized sources. The aim is to answer the question of how voltage stability and reactive power management can be achieved in a future electricity system with increasing shares of decentralized renewable energy sources in an economical and efficient way. A methodology that takes reactive power and voltage stability in an electricity system into account is developed. It allows for the evaluation of the economic benefits of different reactive power supply options. A non-linear and a linearized techno-economic grid model are formulated for this purpose. The analysis reveals an increasing importance of reactive power from the distribution grid in future development scenarios, in particular if delays in grid extension are taken into account. The bottom-up assessment indicates a savings potential of up to 40 mio. EUR per year if reactive power sources in the distribution grid provide reactive power in a controlled manner. Although these savings constitute only a small portion of the total cost of the electricity system, reactive power from decentralized energy sources contributes to the change towards a system based on renewable energy sources. A comparison of different reactive power remuneration mechanisms shows that a variety of approaches exist that could replace the inflexible mechanisms of obligatory provision and penalized consumption of reactive power that are mostly in place nowadays.

Počátky pražské klubové scény / The beginnings of clubbing in Prague

Kazdová, Darina January 2011 (has links)
This piece of work was meant to be countinuous to my bachelor's thesis. In that essay I was dealing with the history of Czech electronic dance music in general. This time I focused just on Prague and surrounding area. The Czech capital was deeply influenced by presence of tourists. After the Velvet revolution, they were suddenly able to visit Prague. And as they they were already familiar with electronic music, they could help to spread it here. The situation in Prague is also compared with the rest of the world (western civilization). In the first part of the essay, I describe the qualitative research and the method I have used, which is the oral history. I also enclose a brief vocabulary of frequently used terms that are not very well known to the greater audience, I suppose. The last part is the analysis of the interviews itself. The interviews were done with important narrators.

Thermo-mechanical processing of fibre-rich blackcurrant pomace to modify techno-functional properties

Reißner, Anne-Marie, Brunner, Meike, Struck, Susanne, Rohm, Harald 21 May 2024 (has links)
Exploring the use of seedless blackcurrant pomace, a fibre-rich by-product of juice pressing, in foods is favourable due to its nutritional profile but also for economic and sustainability aspects. Current applications are limited to products in which rapid fibre swelling, high water solubility or low sedimentation is not essential. In this study, functional properties of seedless blackcurrant pomace were modified by thermo-mechanical treatments using extrusion cooking or micronization in a planetary ball mill. A full factorial design showed that low pomace moisture (11 g/100 g) had the highest impact on swelling capacity (+ 20.6%) and water solubility index (+ 23.2%), whereas variation in extrusion temperature exhibited only minor effects. After milling for 4 h, the median particle size was reduced by 98% to 4 µm and the specific surface area increased from 0.1 to 2.5 m2/mL. Swelling capacity was highest after this time with 7.6 mL/g pomace and, although the amount of extractable sugars was reduced, water solubility increased to 7.6 g/100 g. In contrast to extruded samples, the red colour of the pomace was intensified after milling. Both treatments appear as promising to extend the applicability of fruit by-products in foods, as micronized pomace may counteract sedimentation in liquids, whereas increased swelling capacity after extrusion may have stabilizing effects on yoghurt-like systems.

Analyse communicationnelle des effets cognitifs d'un dispositif éducatif médiatisé : le cas de la médiatisation d'un cours 3D en images virtuelles immersif et interactif et ses impacts sur la mémoire explicite

Lombardo, Evelyne 05 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Notre posture épistémologique relève d'une approche « anthropo-socio-sémio-technique », c'est-à-dire que notre objectif est d'étudier les médiations technologiques et éducatives comme des dispositif techno-sémio-pragmatique{Paraya, 1999) dans le paradigme de la complexité (Morin, 1990). Partant de l'idée à la suite de Vygwsky (1985), Nonnan (1993), Lévy (1997) el Peraya (1999) selon laquelle les outils ou artefacts cognitifs participent à l'élaboration de notre pensée et peuvent agir sur notre cognition, nous avons posé comme premières hypothèses qu'un cours au même contenu sémantique, médiatisé de 4 façons différentes avaient des effets différents sur la mémorisation. Pour vérifier cette première hypothèse, nous avons mis En place 4 cours au contenu identique, mais médiatisés de manières différentes : 1) oral 2) Powerpoint sans prise de notes 3) Powerpoint avec prise de notes 4) cours en 3D en imagerie virtuelle immersif et interactif. Noire deuxième hypothèse, étant de savoir si le type de médiatisation changeait la communication, nous avons complété notre première étude par une analyse qualitative par l'attribution d'entretiens eompréhensits en essayant de voir comment nos 90 étudiants avaient vécu la situation communicationneile. Enfin, nous avons mis en place un tableau des différentes composantes des 4 formes de médiatisation (selon le modèle de Peraya). Nous nous situons dans le cadre des études pédagogiques médiatisées (Peraya, 2004) et dans le champ des outils éducatifs de communication (Moeglin, 2005).

Techno-economic studies of environmentally friendly Brayton cycles in the petrochemical industry

Nkoi, Barinyima January 2014 (has links)
Brayton cycles are open gas turbine cycles extensively used in aviation and industrial applications because of their advantageous volume and weight characteristics. With the bulk of waste exhaust heat and engine emissions associated, there is need to be mindful of environmentally-friendliness of these engine cycles, not compromising good technical performance, and economic viability. This research considers assessment of power plants in helicopters, and aeroderivative industrial gas turbines combined-heat-and-power (ADIGT-CHP) in the petrochemical industry. Thus, it consists of two parts: part A focuses on performance analysis of helicopter gas turbines, while part B entails technoeconomic and environmental risk assessment of ADIGT-CHP in the petrochemical industry. The investigation encompasses comparative assessment of simple cycle (SC) and advanced gas turbine cycle options including the component behaviours and the environmental and economic analysis of the systems. The advanced cycles considered include: recuperated (RC), intercooled (IC), intercooled-recuperated (ICR), and low pressure compressor zero-staged (LPC-ZS), cycles. The helicopter engines are analysed and subsequently converted to small-scale ADIGT engines. Also, modelling combined-heat-and-power (CHP) performances of small-scale (SS), and large-scale (LS) ADIGT engines is implemented. More importantly, a large part of the research is devoted to developing a techno-economic model for assessing, predicting, and comparing viability of simple and advanced cycle ADIGT-CHP in the petrochemical industry in terms of net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), and simple payback period (SPBP). The techno-economic performances of the ADIGT-CHP cycles are measured against the conventional case of grid power plus on-site boiler. Besides, risk and sensitivity of NPV with respect to uncertain changes in grid electricity cost, gas fuel cost, emission cost, and electricity export tariff, are investigated. Two case studies underlie the development of the techno-economic model. One case study demonstrates the application of the model for large-scale (LS) ADIGT-CHP, and the other for small-scale (SS) ADIGT-CHP, all in the petrochemical industry. By so doing, techno-economic and environmental risk analysis framework (a multi-disciplinary preliminary design assessment tool comprising performance, emissions, economic, and risk modules) is adapted to ADIGT-CHP in the petrochemical industry, which is the aim of this research. The investigation and results led to the conclusions that advanced cycle helicopter and ADIGT engines exhibit higher thermal efficiencies than simple cycle, and that savings exist in operational costs of ADIGT-CHP above the conventional case. Thus, for both SS ADIGT-CHP, and LS ADIGT-CHP cases, all ADIGT-CHP cycles are profitable than the conventional case. For LS ADIGT- CHP category, the IC ADIGT-CHP is the most profitable, whereas for SS ADIGT-CHP category, the RC ADIGT-CHP is the most profitable. The contribution to knowledge of this research is the development of a technoeconomic model for assessing, predicting, and comparing viability of simple and advanced cycle ADIGT-CHP in the petrochemical industry in terms of NPV, SPBP, and IRR over the conventional case of grid power plus on-site boiler. A second contribution is the derivation of simple and advanced cycle small-scale ADIGT and ADIGT-CHP from helicopter engines. Cont/D.

L'économie de la techno et la création culturelle : "une très singulière conjonction de l'art et de la technique", ou, Composer : réflexions sur le synthétiseur et quelques idées sur comment on crée accompagnées d'autres réflexions sur l'écriture, la composition, la violence, le principe d'incertitude et la relativité

Labarias, Eva January 2004 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Requirements for a sustainable growth of the natural gas industry in South Africa

Asamoah, Joseph Kwasi 23 February 2007 (has links)
Student Number : 9202134A - PhD thesis - School of Civil and Environmental Engineering - Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment / South Africa’s energy economy is dominated by coal, which produces relatively high emissions of greenhouse and noxious gases during combustion. This causes environmental problems that may lead to health risks that are cause for concern. In this thesis, various propositions are tested about whether in the Cape Metropolitan Area natural gas is a lower cost energy source than coal for generating base load power within a specified range of capacity factors under different scenarios. The problem being investigated is the uncertainty about the quantified effect that revenue from monetised carbon dioxide credits and inclusion of damage costs would have on the breakeven selling price of electricity, if natural gas were substituted for coal for generating base load power in the above Area. The research procedure entailed conceptualising and developing technical details of four power generation scenarios and reviewing various tools for cost-benefit analysis. Next, a Te- Con Techno-Economic Simulator model and screening curves were selected from a suite of potential tools. The power generation cost profiles for coal and natural gas were determined, followed by sensitivity analysis. The model was populated and used to compare the lifecycle economic performance of coal and natural gas technologies. Natural gas emerged as a lower cost energy source than coal for generating base load power within a specified range of capacity factors under all the scenarios. This thesis recommends the following: the introduction of tax holidays and favourable capital equipment depreciation regimes to stimulate natural gas exploration; the use of natural gas as an energy source to promote small-scale enterprises in communities contiguous to gas transmission pipelines; in addition, electricity prices should reflect damage costs in order to internalise externalities associated with power generation. The contribution to knowledge is the innovative way of financing the gas-fired power generation project by using the monetised carbon dioxide credits under the novel Clean Development Mechanism to redeem a bank and a shareholders’ loan. This could result in reducing the loan payment by 4.3 years, saving 38 % in interest payments and allow scarce finance available for project funding to be extended to other projects to the advantage of national economic development.

En musikalisk massproduktion : Om att misslyckas för att lyckas

Söderberg, Anton January 2016 (has links)
Mellan den 20 januari och 2 mars 2016 producerar jag totalt 26 låtar med syfte att undersöka misslyckande, effektivitet och kvalitet. Så kallat kvantitativ produktion visar sig i jämförelse med kvalitativ produktion vara mer effektiv, främja kreativa beslut och känneteckna en tydlig musikalisk idé.

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