Spelling suggestions: "subject:"denses"" "subject:"1enses""
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Výuka budoucích časů u vysokoškolských studentů oboru anglistika / Teaching Future Tenses to University Students of English PhilologyŠteflová, Hanna January 2015 (has links)
1 Abstract This thesis deals with teaching the following seven future forms: the Future Simple, Be going to, the Present Simple and the Present Continuous with a future reference, the Future Continuous, the Future Perfect Simple and the Future Perfect Continuous to students of English Philology. The deductive and inductive approaches to teaching grammar were employed to teach these future forms. The quantitative part of the study had two main objectives. The first objective was to revise and improve the students' knowledge of the seven future forms taught by the study. The results revealed that out of all the seven future forms, the students' knowledge of the Future Continuous, the Future Perfect Simple and the Future Perfect Continuous was the least satisfactory, and these tenses required further explanation and practice. The participants' knowledge of the rules of use for all seven future forms was rather low in general and required significant improvement. The second objective was to investigate which approach to teaching grammar, the deductive or inductive approach, was more effective for teaching future tenses. The deductive approach proved to be more effective for teaching all seven future forms. The difference between the results of the pre-test and the post-test for the Future Continuous, the Future...
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Minulý čas v díle Alberta Camuse z hlediska překladu / Past tense in the works of Albert Camus in terms of translationGeierová, Marie January 2015 (has links)
The master's thesis examines the meaning of the past tenses used by Albert Camus in his novels The Stranger and The Fall and the possibility of their transfer to Czech. The present thesis takes a theoretical and empirical approach. The theoretical part provides an overview of the French past tenses and their meanings and deals with their functions within the narrative text. It also attempts to express the specific use of French past tenses in Camus's works analysed. The thesis does not omit describe the possibilities that the Czech language has to express the past. The empirical part is devoted to the analysis of the existing Czech translations of the novels The Stranger and The Fall with an emphasis on capturing the meanings of the past tenses defined in the theoretical part. Using the Czech translations, it seeks ways of creating equivalent effects in Czech and compares the translators' approaches. Key words: the role of the past tenses in the narrative text, passé composé, passé simple, imparfait, plus-que-parfait, Albert Camus, The Stranger, The Fall
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The Pluperfect First Hypothesis: The compound pluperfect as a necessary precondition of the perfect-to-perfective shift in RomanceBalla-Johnson, William R. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Les constructions causatives du français et du chinois / The causative constructions in french and in chineseHu, Xiaoshi 19 October 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse est centrée autour des problèmes concernant les constructions causatives du français et du chinois, elle se veut une contribution empirique et théorique à l’étude formelle des systèmes verbaux du français et du chinois. Il sera montré que la défectivité en traits des têtes de phases joue un rôle important motivant la formation des constructions au sein de ces deux langues. Concernant la construction causative en faire du francais, nous allons utiliser l’interprétation de respectivement comme test pour justifier son statut bi-propositionnel? et l’examen des relations quantificationnelles va montrer que le vP causativisé dans le complément de faire constitue une phase défective, sélectionnée par une autre tête fonctionnelle phasale. De plus, la défectivité du vP causativisé et les traits-phi intégrés aux clitiques donnent lieu aux distributions des différents clitiques. A la différence de la construction causative du francais qui implique un TP défectif dans une structure bi-propositionnelle, les verbes causatifs du chinois sélectionnent directement un v*P phasal et il n’y a plus de projection fonctionnelle intervenante. Il sera montré que le chinois fait aussi la distinction entre les Temps fini et infinitif, bien qu’une telle distinction ne se manifeste pas sur les formes morphologiques des verbes. Cette thèse va aussi examiner la corrélation entre les verbes rang/jiao/gei, nous allons montrer que leurs fonctions causative et passive désignent différentes structures argumentales, et il n’y a pas de relation dérivationnelle entre ces deux structures argumentales de ces verbes. En ce qui concerne la perspective théorique, il sera montré qu’il y a quatre structures phasales possibles correspondantes à de différentes structures argumentales des verbes causatifs du francais et du chinois? et cette thèse va aussi explorer la pertinence de la condition d’impénétrabilité de phase et de la condition de minimalité par rapport aux différentes opérations de la syntaxe étroite. / This dissertation concentrates on the problems concerning the causative constructions in French and in Chinese, it constitutes empirical and theoretical contributions to the formal study of French and Chinese verbal systems. It will be shown that the feature defectivity of phasal heads plays a key role motivating the formation of constructions in the two languages. Concerning the causative construction of faire in French, we will use the interpretation of Respectively as test to justify its bi-clausal status; and the exploration of the quantificational relations will show that the causativized vP in the complement of faire determines a defective phase, selected by another phasal functional head. In addition, the defectivity of the causativized vP and the phi-features integrated in the clitics result in the distribution of different types of clitics. Different from the causative construction in French involving a defective TP in a bi-clausal structure, Chinese causative verbs sub-categorize directly a phasal causativized v*P, and there is no other intervening phasal projections. It will be shown that Chinese distinguishes finite and infinitive Tenses as well, even such a distinction may not be manifested on verb forms. Concerning the verbs rang/jiao/gei in Chinese, we will show that their causative and passive functions carry out the different argument structures; and there is no derivational relation between the two argument structures of these verbs. Concerning the theoretic perspective, it will be shown that there are four phasal structures corresponding to the different argument structures of the causative verbs in French and in Chinese. In addition, this thesis will also explore the performance of the phase impenetrability condition and of the minimality condition with respect on different operations of the narrow syntax.
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Error analysis: investigating the writing of ESL Namibian learnersMungungu, Saara Sirkka 11 1900 (has links)
This study investigated common English language errors made by Oshiwambo, Afrikaans and Silozi First Language speakers. The study examined errors in a corpus of 360 essays written by 180 participants. Errors were identified and classified into various categories. The four most common errors committed by the participants were tenses, prepositions, articles and spelling. The study is important to educators and study material developers who should become aware of the kind of errors that their target learners make, so that they are in a better position to put appropriate intervention strategies into place. For learners, error analysis is important as it shows the areas of difficulty in their writing. The limitations and some pedagogical implications for future study are included at the end of this research paper. / English Studies / M. A. (TESOL)
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Les apprenants nigérians face aux temps verbaux passés du français : une analyse des aspects et des temps grammaticaux des langues française et yoruba en vue d'applications pédagogiques / Nigerians french learners and the use of french past tenses : an analysis of the tempo-aspectual systems of both French and Yoruba languages with the view of pedagogical applications in a French classAdegboku, Dele 16 December 2011 (has links)
Ce travail se penche sur les difficultés auxquelles font face les apprenants nigérians de français, précisément ceux de langue maternelle yoruba, quant à ce qui concerne les temps passés du français : l'imparfait et le passé composé. Nous sommes parti des productions des apprenants, deux exercices à trous et un écrit long de type rédaction, pour exposer les erreurs de temps commises. Nous avons découvert, suite à l'analyse des productions, que la plupart de ces erreurs proviennent du système aspectuo-temporel du yoruba, langue ne connaissant pas de conjugaison (désinences verbales) comme le français. Mais, la langue étrangère qu'ils sont en train d'apprendre constitue aussi une source de ces difficultés : il leur est particulièrement difficile de gérer les circonstants et adverbes temporels, les connecteurs syntaxiques et logiques, et l'ensemble des shifters accompagnant les temps verbaux français, surtout un écrit long. D'autre part, l'analyse des deux tests à trous en plus de celle des copies de rédaction montrent que, le manque de connaissance de certaines notions linguistiques est une autre cause des difficultés rencontrées par les apprenants : la notion de discours / récit et celle de premier / arrière-plan.En somme, nous pensons qu'un enseignement / apprentissage des temps basé sur la notion d'aspect grammatical, et prenant en compte les notions précédemment mentionnées, sera certainement plus productif. Nos propositions de pistes pour un meilleur enseignement/apprentissage des temps concernés terminent cette recherche. Nous pensons, par ailleurs, qu'en ajoutant à ce que nous venons de dire, les détails que nous ont révélés les analyses linguistiques des systèmes aspectuo-temporels des deux langues, nous pourrons construire par la suite une méthode d'enseignement et apprentissage des temps verbaux du passé pour l'apprenant nigérian. Ainsi, nous aurons apporté une autre contribution à l'enseignement / apprentissage du français au Nigeria. / Nigerian learners of French as a Foreign Language are generally faced with difficulties while using French Past Tenses in producing written composition. In this thesis, we are particularly interested in the case of the Yoruba learners of French language. The analysis of their written composition copies reveals that most of the errors committed originate from the mother tongue, Yoruba which does not know the tense-markedness of French language with her conjugation and complicated verb endings. This specifically means that there are problems closely related to the French Language herself. Actually, Yoruba learners find it particularly difficult to use French temporal adverbs and shifters in their written composition copies. On the other hand, through our analysis of copies of two objective tests in which students were to produce the missing verb forms, we also found that the learners lack some theoretical linguistic knowledge which is important in understanding French past tenses : for instance, Benveniste's “Discours & récit” and Weinrich's “Premier plan / Arrière-plan”. In addition, our analysis of the tempo-aspectual systems of both languages shows that contrary to French language, Yoruba aspects and tenses do not function separately.We believe that students would better understand the use of French past tenses if they have a good grasp of the “grammatical aspect” notion and if this linguistic notion is taken into account while teaching the topic. We brought the research to a close with different suggestions on how to improve the teaching / learning of the French tenses concerned here. On the whole, placing oneself on the didactic perspective, we are of the opinion that all these information put together can help develop a Methodology for the teaching and learning of French past tenses; and by so doing, advance the more the cause of the teaching and learning of French in Nigeria.
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Imaginář Limy v románu Maria Vargase Llosy Město a psi (La ciudad y los perros) / Lima's imagery in the novel The time of the hero of Mario Vargas LlosaTomášková, Anna January 2013 (has links)
(in English): The objective of this diploma thesis is to show the way of Mario Vargas Llosa's literary vision and his interpretation of Lima in the novel The Time of the Hero. My aim is also to express the particularity and distinctiveness of the imagery of Lima in the novel. In the beginning, I mention the most important facts of history of the city, specifically the 50's and the 60's of the 20th century, which are the decades of the novel's formation and publication. This part is based on the book of essays Lima la horrible of Sebastián Salazar Bondy in which the author describes the world of the Lima's population in this period. I also introduce briefly evolution of the image of the city in the Peruvian literature. This part is based, besides others, on the essay "Lima, ciudad sin novella" of Julio Ramón Ribeyro. In the main part of my thesis I mention the storyline of the novel. After that, I focus my attention on the structure of the novel The Time of the Hero, which is characterized by alternation of narrative spaces and tenses. This aspect helps to make the story uncertain. I also describe the formal side of the novel, primarily the arrangement of the main chapters and their smaller parts which are symmetricaly ordered according to the concerned topic, place or time. I present the main two...
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Error analysis: investigating the writing of ESL Namibian learnersMungungu, Saara Sirkka 11 1900 (has links)
This study investigated common English language errors made by Oshiwambo, Afrikaans and Silozi First Language speakers. The study examined errors in a corpus of 360 essays written by 180 participants. Errors were identified and classified into various categories. The four most common errors committed by the participants were tenses, prepositions, articles and spelling. The study is important to educators and study material developers who should become aware of the kind of errors that their target learners make, so that they are in a better position to put appropriate intervention strategies into place. For learners, error analysis is important as it shows the areas of difficulty in their writing. The limitations and some pedagogical implications for future study are included at the end of this research paper. / English Studies / M. A. (TESOL)
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"Quand P" comme adverbial de localisation temporelle / "Quand P" as temporal locating adverbialGourlet, François 23 October 2015 (has links)
Nous nous demandons dans ce travail de quelle manière "quand" modifie l'interprétation qui serait faite d'une séquence de propositions P. Q ou Q. P lorsqu'il préfixe P. Après avoir souligné les problèmes que cette question soulevé dans plusieurs études fondatrices en sémantique temporelle, nous apportons des arguments pour défendre la théorie, admise par plusieurs auteurs, selon laquelle "quand P" est un adverbial de localisation temporelle. Nous montrons que les propriétés discursives de P, souvent traitée dans la littérature comme une proposition présupposée, s'expliquent par cette seule contrainte : "quand" impose de traiter cette proposition comme la description d'un repère temporel utilisé dans l'interprétation de Q. Nous montrons en outre que la théorie selon laquelle "quand P" désigne un repère temporel permet de rendre compte des contraintes qui pèsent sur les relations chronologiques pouvant s'établir entre les événements eP et eQ des deux propositions. En particulier, nous avançons que l'inférence d'une relation de succession immédiate entre eP et eQ reflète l'une des relations qui peuvent s'établir entre le référent d'un adverbial de localisation et l'événement qu'il localise : le référent de l'adverbial sert de borne initiale à l'intervalle d'occurrence de l'événement. Enfin, nous étudions la manière dont la description d'éventualité et le marqueur temporel accueillis par P contribuent à la sémantique de l'adverbial "quand P". Nous précisons les propriétés quantificationnelles et temporelles conférées au référent de "quand P" par les différents temps du français et expliquons par ces propriétés les contraintes de cooccurrence qui pèsent sur l'emploi des temps dans P et Q. / In this work, we adress the following question: how does "quand" change the interpretation that may be made of a sequence of clauses P. Q or Q. P when it prefixes P? After highlighting the problems that this matter raises in several pioneering studies in temporal semantics, we provide arguments to defend the theory E accepted by several authors E that quand P is a temporal locating adverbial. We show that the discourse properties of P, which is often treated in the literature as a presupposed proposition, is explained by the following single constraint: "quand" demands to treat this clause as the description of a time mark to be used in the interpretation of Q. We further show that the theory that "quand P" designates a time mark accounts for the constraints on the temporal relations that can be established between eP and eQ, the events of both clauses. In particular, we argue that the inference that eQ immediately follows eP reflects one of the relations that can be established between the referent of a temporal locating adverbial and the event it locates: the referent of the adverbial provides an initial bound to the interval of occurrence of the event. Finally, we study how the event description and the tense of P contribute to the semantics of the adverbial "quand P". We specify the quantificational and temporal properties imparted to the referent of quand P by the different tenses of French and explain these properties by co-occurrence constraints that impact the use of tenses in P and Q.
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Función-significado-forma: un modelo para el estudio de los tiempos verbales del españolCruz Enríquez, Maura 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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