Spelling suggestions: "subject:"diensions"" "subject:"denensions""
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Estado de tensão e compreensão internacional: o projeto tensões e as ações intelectuais pela paz (1948 - 1958) / States of tension and international understanding: the tension project and intellectual actions of UnescoBranco, Mirian Adriana 07 August 2015 (has links)
Nos anos que se seguiram ao término da Segunda Guerra Mundial, sob os efeitos devastadores de duas grandes conflagrações ocorridas em curto espaço de tempo, houve a intensificação da busca pelos caminhos da paz mundial. Como parte desse esforço, a Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura UNESCO mobilizou a comunidade intelectual internacional para a elaboração e execução de um projeto a que se denominou Projeto Tensões. No âmbito deste projeto que se manteve ativo de 1948 a 1958, caracterizado por sua diversificação e abrangência, foram empreendidas ações interdisciplinares de caráter educativo e investigativo, que tinham como finalidade assegurar a coexistência pacífica, o desenvolvimento e a sustentabilidade das relações de paz entre as nações. / In the years which followed at the end of the Second World War, under the devastating effects of two major conflagrations occurred in a short period of time, there has been an intensification of the search for paths of world peace. As part of this effort, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - UNESCO mobilized the international intellectual community for the establishment and implementation of a project that has been called Tensions Project. Under this project, which remained active from 1948 to 1958, characterized by its diversification and scope, were undertake interdisciplinary actions of education and investigative character, which were aimed ensuring the peaceful coexistence, the development and sustainability of peace relations between the nations.
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"Princesa do Madeira": Os festejos entre as populações ribeirinhas de Humaitá/AM. / "Princess of the Madeira" - the festivities of the peasant populations wich live on the shores of the Madeira River in Humaitá, State of Amazonas.Corrêa, Maria Terezinha 25 November 2002 (has links)
Este trabalho pretende analisar os dois principais festejos celebrados pelas populações ribeirinhas de Humaitá, situada no sul do estado do Amazonas. Trata-se dos festejos de Nossa Senhora da Imaculada Conceição e de Santo Antônio que ocorrem no local a respeito do qual há duas versões: uma oficial e outra de origem indígena. A primeira versão marca o lugar da fundação do município, conhecido como Princesa do Madeira". A rua onde acontecem os eventos leva o nome do fundador, Monteiro. A Segunda, refere-se a um tempo preexistente à fundação e ao lugar conhecido pelos Parintintin como Porto da Anta". A partir dessas duas versões, a investigação dos festejos como fatos sociais totais permitiu tratar de elementos liminares submersos e que remetem a regimes de troca diferenciados dessas populações. Procura-se interpretar teias de significados que se configuram nos festejos, discutindo, ao mesmo tempo, tensões sociais que ali se revelam. Os festejos de Santo Antônio e da Imaculada Conceição são homenagens aos padroeiros do município. Todos os anos, esses santos recebem formas de agradecimento pelos benefícios atendidos e pela renovação dos laços de parentesco e de compadrio. Esses dois festejos coincidem com a entrada das estações amazônicas, relacionando-se, portanto, ao modo de vida do campesinato amazônida. / This work intends to analize the two principal festivities of the peasant populations which live on the shores of the Madeira River in Humaitá, State of Amazonas. It concerns the festivities of Nossa Senhora da Imaculada Conceição and of Santo Antônio. Two versions deal with the origins of the location on which the festivities occur: one official, another indigenous. The first version is an account of the foundation of the municipality, the "Princess of the Madeira". The second refers to a time prior to the foundation, when the location was known as the "Porto da Anta" by the indigenous Parintintin. Assuming these two versions as starting points, this research investigates the festivities as total social facts. Liminal elements, which are detected in the festivities, permit us to discuss different regimes of exchange which are significant to the populations which take part in the festivities. The attempt is made to interpret webs of meaning which emerge during the festivities, as well as the social tensions which are there revealed. By means of these festivities, homage every year these saints become the recipients of expressions of gratitude for the benefits bestowed on the population and for the renewal of blood and spiritual kinship relations. These two festivities coincide with the beginnings of seasonal cycles of the Amazon, and are deeply related to the daily lives of peasants populations of the region.
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“Não podemos deixar passar” : práticas de contestação da publicidade no início do século XXIWottrich, Laura Hastenpflug January 2017 (has links)
A tese se situa no cenário de transformações das relações entre a publicidade e a sociedade, impulsionadas por questões sociais, tecnológicas e culturais. O trabalho é interessado na relação que as pessoas estabelecem com os anúncios e busca compreender como os tensionamentos entre elas e o campo publicitário têm estimulado a configuração de práticas de contestação. Os tensionamentos são um tipo de articulação motivado pelos receptores no confronto com os anúncios. O campo publicitário é o espaço social específico em que são realizadas as práticas de produção da publicidade, com lógicas, agentes e instituições determinados. As práticas de contestação são um tipo de participação das pessoas em relação à publicidade, com características específicas, realizadas na internet. Para compreender teórica e empiricamente essas práticas, são investigadas as articulações entre práticas de produção e de recepção a partir do processo comunicativo da publicidade, em uma perspectiva cultural de análise. Os estudos de recepção latino-americanos são o marco teórico central. De forma a gerar subsídios à exploração do cenário da investigação, inicialmente foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória com entrevistas junto a especialistas no assunto, que resultou em algumas percepções sobre o tema. Para compreender a constituição histórica dos tensionamentos entre publicidade e sociedade, o trabalho traça uma narrativa sobre o campo publicitário brasileiro do início do século XX até o período atual, matizando as diferentes formas como os receptores foram sendo reconhecidos, os agentes envolvidos e os temas que suscitaram embates. A partir disso, é realizada uma análise de conteúdo qualitativa de 116 documentos de instituições do campo publicitário e de 1457 denúncias de receptores ao Conar no período de 2005 a 2015, chegando a três principais temáticas mobilizadoras dos tensionamentos: crianças e adolescentes, bebidas alcoólicas e politicamente correto. Discutidas essas temáticas, a tese explora especificamente a configuração das práticas de contestação da publicidade, através da observação sistemática das práticas no Facebook e de entrevistas com quatro receptores. A partir disso, define como essas práticas se configuram, através de três elementos: a) agência dos receptores, b) produções realizadas e c) direcionamento de suas ações. Discutindo esses elementos em relação aos três principais temas motivadores dos embates no período de 2005 a 2015, a tese aponta cinco características das práticas de contestação da publicidade: 1) são geradas e geradoras de tensionamentos, 2) são coletivas, 3) são midiáticas, 4) buscam reconhecimento e 5) têm gênero. / This doctoral dissertation arises in the scenery of transformation regarding the relations set between advertising and society, imposed by social, technological and cultural demands. Its focus is the relation people establish with advertisements and it aims to comprehend how the tensions generated between them and the advertising field have triggered contestation practices. Tensions are a type of articulation motivated by receptors, when confronted with advertisements. The advertising field is the specific social space in which practices of production of advertising are accomplished, following determined logics, agents, and institutions. Practices of contestation are a type of participation of people related to advertising, with specific characteristics, carried out in internet. In order to theoretically and empirically understand such practices, articulations among practices of production and reception, in the communicative process of advertising, are investigated, in a cultural perspective of analysis. Latin American reception studies are the central theoretical milestone. Initially, an exploratory research was carried out, including interviews with experts about the subject, resulting in some perceptions about the theme, generating subsidies to the exploration of the scenery under investigation. Aiming to understand the historical constitution of the tensions between advertising and society, this essay narrates about the Brazilian advertising field from the early Twentieth century to the present, reporting the different ways the receptors were recognized, the agents were involved and the themes that arose debates. From such starting point, a qualitative content analysis of 116 documents of institutions in the publicity field and of 1457 complaints of receptors to Conar, from 2005 to 2015, was carried out. Such analysis resulted in three main themes, which mobilized tensions: children and adolescents, alcoholic beverages and politically correct; From the discussion of such subjects, the dissertation exploits specifically the configuration of practices of contestation in advertising, through the systematic observation of practices in Facebook and interviews with four receptors. From this starting point, it defines how such practices are configured, concerning three elements: a) agency of receptors, b) accomplished productions, and c) direction of its actions. The discussion of these elements relating to the three main themes that motivated controversies, from 2005 to 2015, points out five characteristics of publicity contestation practices: 1) generate tensions and are generated by tensions, 2) are collective, 3) are media-related, 4) aim for recognition, and 5) are gender-related.
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Estado de tensão e compreensão internacional: o projeto tensões e as ações intelectuais pela paz (1948 - 1958) / States of tension and international understanding: the tension project and intellectual actions of UnescoMirian Adriana Branco 07 August 2015 (has links)
Nos anos que se seguiram ao término da Segunda Guerra Mundial, sob os efeitos devastadores de duas grandes conflagrações ocorridas em curto espaço de tempo, houve a intensificação da busca pelos caminhos da paz mundial. Como parte desse esforço, a Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura UNESCO mobilizou a comunidade intelectual internacional para a elaboração e execução de um projeto a que se denominou Projeto Tensões. No âmbito deste projeto que se manteve ativo de 1948 a 1958, caracterizado por sua diversificação e abrangência, foram empreendidas ações interdisciplinares de caráter educativo e investigativo, que tinham como finalidade assegurar a coexistência pacífica, o desenvolvimento e a sustentabilidade das relações de paz entre as nações. / In the years which followed at the end of the Second World War, under the devastating effects of two major conflagrations occurred in a short period of time, there has been an intensification of the search for paths of world peace. As part of this effort, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - UNESCO mobilized the international intellectual community for the establishment and implementation of a project that has been called Tensions Project. Under this project, which remained active from 1948 to 1958, characterized by its diversification and scope, were undertake interdisciplinary actions of education and investigative character, which were aimed ensuring the peaceful coexistence, the development and sustainability of peace relations between the nations.
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Povos indígenas e saúde mental: a luta pelo habitar sereno e confiado / Indigenous peoples and mental health: the struggle to live serene and trustingFlaviana Rodrigues de Sousa 15 May 2018 (has links)
Esta pesquisa empirica discute pontos de tensoes emergidos no dialogo interetnico em torno das questoes de saude indigena, dando enfase ao tema da saude mental. As tensoes foram analisadas segundo diferentes pontos de vista sobre a promocao da saude indigena, identificadas a partir da producao de um mapeamento que expressa os conteudos discursivos marcados por um grande divisor: de um lado a perspectiva ocidental, composta pelo Estado, compreendido atraves das Politicas Publicas de Saude Indigena; do Sistema Unico de Saude e sua assistencia a saude; pelos Conselhos Federal e Regional de Psicologia e pela Organizacao Mundial da Saude. Do outro lado esta a perspectiva dos indigenas, especialmente do povo Mbya Guarani, analisados com apoio da literatura antropologica, a partir da nocao de Teko Pora (Bem Viver); dos noticiarios produzidos e veiculados por coletivos indigenas; do conteudo narrativo contido no documentario Teko Rexa - Saude Guarani Mbya e dos discursos presentes nos noticiarios produzidos por entidades indigenistas. As nocoes de saude e saude mental discutidas por Gadamer (2006), bem como as nocoes de saude e de ethos refletidas por de Figueiredo (2008), referencial teorico-metodologico assumido nesta dissertacao fundamentam sobre a importancia do territorio nos processos de saude/doenca para os povos indigenas, bem como auxiliam a refletir sobre as tensoes presentes em ambas as perspectivas. Os dados foram analisados a partir da nocao de multiplicacao dialogica (Guimaraes, 2013) no ambito do construtivismo semiotico-cultural em psicologia. A partir da identificacao de tensoes presentes, foram levantadas questoes a respeito de como estruturar o cuidado em psicologia, refletindo sobre as possibilidades de seu transito entre diferentes perspectivas em saude / This empirical research discusses points of tension emerging in the interethnic dialogue around indigenous health issues, emphasizing the theme of Mental Health. The tensions were analyzed according to different points of view on the promotion of indigenous health, identified from the production of a mapping that expresses the discursive contents marked by a great divide: on the one hand the western perspective, composed by the State, understood through Policies Public Health Indigenous; of the Unified Health System and its health care; by the Federal and Regional Councils of Psychology; and the World Health Organization. On the other side is the perspective of the indigenous people, especially the Mbya Guarani people, analyzed with the support of anthropological literature, based on the notion of Teko Pora (Bem Viver); of the news produced and transmitted by indigenous collectives; of the narrative content contained in the documentary \"Teko Rexa - Saude Guarani Mbya\" and the speeches present in the news produced by indigenist entities. The notions of \"health\" and \"mental health\" discussed by Gadamer (2006), as well as the notions of \"health\" and \"ethos\" reflected by de Figueiredo (2008), theoretical and methodological reference assumed in this dissertation, importance of the territory in health / disease processes for indigenous peoples, as well as helping to reflect on the tensions present in both perspectives. The data were analyzed from the notion of dialogical multiplication (Guimaraes, 2013), within the scope of semiotic-cultural constructivism in psychology. From the identification of present tensions, questions were raised about how to structure care in psychology, reflecting on the possibilities of its transit between different perspectives in health
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Profissão, tempo, relações: tensões de gestores de instituições de ensino superior na contemporaneidadeRamirez, Rosa Eulógia 29 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2016-11-18T15:46:40Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-09-29 / Nenhuma / A presente tese doutoral busca investigar as tensões que fazem parte do cotidiano dos professores/pesquisadores que assumem cargo de gestão em Instituições de Ensino Superior e que se constituem, sob a perspectiva da pesquisa, em tensões institucionais, temporais e relacionais. Busca igualmente analisar as implicações no cotidiano dos gestores de instituições de natureza pública, privada confessional, privada comunitária e particular e compreender os fatores de onde decorrem tais tensões. A investigação é embasada em perspectivas teóricas no âmbito da gestão como prática social, liderança e identidade que contribuem para reflexão sobre questões referentes à formação e vivência desses sujeitos, na sua dimensão integral. Sob a perspectiva da Hermenêutica de Profundidade proposta por Thompson (2011), no decorrer dos capítulos, são discutidas temáticas que buscam responder às inquietações: quais as tensões que fazem parte do cotidiano dos sujeitos que assumem cargos de gestão em Instituições de Ensino Superior de distintas naturezas? Que implicações tais tensões geram em sua vida profissional e pessoal? O percurso metodológico ancorado na Hermenêutica de Profundidade envolve estudo documental e bibliográfico, complementado pela análise qualitativa de dados levantados mediante a realização de quatro entrevistas em profundidade com lideranças de Instituições de Ensino Superior pública, privada confessional, privada comunitária e particular. A partir do diálogo com os gestores universitários, a interpretação e reinterpretação dos dados à luz das referências bibliográficas e de três macrocategorias de análise, encontramos sete dimensões de tensões que se tornaram mais evidentes ao longo das entrevistas: tensões institucionais decorrentes do acúmulo de responsabilidades, do processo de preparo e formação dos gestores, do processo decisório e busca pela excelência; tensões temporais decorrentes da transitoriedade dos cargos de gestão e da escassez de tempo; tensões relacionais e suas implicações nas dimensões relacional e familiar e decorrentes da sobreposição da vida profissional sobre a pessoal. Os dados evidenciam ainda que tais dimensões, bem como as tensões de modo geral, estão profundamente relacionadas entre si e impactam de maneira profunda o cotidiano e a vida dos gestores universitários. / This doctoral thesis is aimed at investigating the tensions that take part in the daily lives of teachers/researchers in charge of management positions in higher education institutions which are, from the perspective of this research, institutional, temporal and relational tensions. It also seeks to analyze the implications in daily lives of managers from Public Institutions, Private Confessional, Community Private, and Private ones and to understand the sources of these tensions. The research is based on theoretical perspectives in management as a social practice, leadership and identity, which contributes to reflect about issues regarded to training and experience of these individuals in their integral dimension. From the perspective of Depth Hermeneutics proposed by Thompson (2011), in the course of the chapters it is discussed the themes seeking to respond to the anxieties: which are the tensions that take part in daily lives of those who take the lead in management positions in higher education institutions of different kinds? What are the implications such tensions generate in their professional and personal lives? The methodological approach is anchored in Depth Hermeneutics involving documentary and bibliographical studies, complemented by qualitative analysis of data collected by four in-depth interviews with leaders of Public Higher Education Institutions, Private Confessional, Community Private and Private ones. From the dialogue with those university managers, the interpretation and reinterpretation of the data in the light of the references and the three macro analysis categories, it was found seven dimensions of tensions which were more visible during the interviews: institutional tensions arising from the accumulation of responsibilities, from the process of the managers’ development and training, from the decision-making process, and from the pursuit of excellence; temporal tensions arising from the transience of management positions and lack of time; relational tensions and their implications to the relational and family dimensions arising from the overlap of professional life upon their personal life. The data also make clear that such dimensions as well as the tensions in general are deeply interrelated and they impact profoundly the routine and the lives of university managers.
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Mental illness is a pervasive health epidemic in the United States and worldwide, and available data suggest that mentally ill adults are statistically more likely to be parents than non-parents. The prevalence and continued growth of parental mental illness means that millions of children in the United States have a parent with some form of mental health issues.
This dissertation contributes to and extends existing literature on children of mentally ill parents by exploring 15 adult children’s subjective perspectives on how they navigate the tension-wrought experience of having a mentally ill parent, and how this has implications for the management of their identity, relational, and instrumental goals. Examined through the lens of relational dialectics theory (Baxter & Montgomery, 1996) and a multiple goals perspective, analysis revealed that adult children of mentally ill parents confront conflicting, contradictory forces in making sense of their parent’s illness and the role that it plays in their lives. Specifically, adult children reported feeling a strong sense of interdependence with their parent and a desire to have a closer relationship with them, but simultaneously expressed a strong need and desire for disconnection and maintenance of a life separate from their parent’s challenges. Additionally, adult children noted conflicting goals with regard to privacy management about their parent’s illness, acknowledging that an underlying, but pervasive societal stigma surrounding mental health keeps them from freely disclosing to others about their parent’s illness, but indicating that a certain strategic degree of openness was required in order to meet certain instrumental and relational goals. Finally, participants revealed many fears and anxieties that they had about the future as a result of the unstable nature of their parent’s mental illness, while at the same time expressing a sense of acceptance and stability with the predictably unpredictable nature of their lives.
After presenting an analysis of the data, the implications of the findings for children of mentally ill parents are explored, including, but not limited to, how the results of this exploratory study could be integrated into therapeutic and support interventions for families of those struggling with mental health issues. Finally, the limitations of the study are addressed.
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Etude numérique et expérimentale du frittage à l'échelle du grainGendron, Damien 28 September 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail porte sur les études expérimentale et numérique du frittage à l'échelle du grain. Dans un premier temps, la modélisation 2D de type Monte Carlo associée au frittage, basée sur un modèle énergétique non discret, est présentée. Puis celle-ci est appliquée à différents systèmes dont la complexité est croissante. En parallèle, des expériences menées sur des systèmes réels équivalents ont permis de valider la modélisation numérique du frittage d.un verre. De plus, un modèle analytique thermodynamique 2D a été développé pour caractériser les états stables d'un système en fonction du rapport des tensions de surface solide/solide et solide/vapeur. En comparant ces états à ceux obtenus en modélisation Monte Carlo, nous avons pu mettre en évidence des changements de comportement cinétique dès que l'angle de contact entre grains atteint sa valeur d'équilibre. Enfin, une étude de la densification d'un verre et d'une céramique a réalisée en tomographie X. Pour la première fois, nous avons pu visualiser, en trois dimensions, les évolutions morphologiques d.un ensemble de grain en cours de frittage.
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Étude des courants et tensions d'arbre et de phases dans les grands alternateursTorlay, Jean-Eric 23 June 1999 (has links) (PDF)
Pour augmenter la rentabilité d'un grand alternateur, les exploitants cherchent à réduire les coûts de maintenance. Pour ce faire, ils ont besoin d'outils de surveillance de plus en plus précis. D'autre part, depuis que les machines électriques tournantes existent, les opérateurs ont remarqué que des courants parfois importants pouvaient endommager les machines. Des études ont montré que ces courants d'arbre provenaient généralement de défauts de symétrie. Notre étude part de ces constatations pour créer un nouvel outil de diagnostic utilisant la tension d'arbre, mais aussi les courants des voies d'enroulement, la tension des neutres et le flux dans l'entrefer. Des simulations ont été réalisées pour déterminer les signatures de chaque défaut dans ces grandeurs. Pour les valider, nous avons fait construire une maquette pouvant, fonctionner avec des défauts tels que les courts-circuits et l'excentricité statique. La comparaison des mesures et des simulations a démontré que l'outil est fiable, mais encore perfectible. Compte-tenu de la facilité de mise en oeuvre, son application dans les sites de production est envisageable et une méthodologie de simulation pourra être donnée aux centres de recherche de EDF, tandis que nous pourrons continuer nos recherches afin de perfectionner cet outil de diagnostic.
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The Role of Trust in Strategic AlliancesWeinhofer, Michaela January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis provides a coherent theoretical account of the role of trust in strategic alliances from varied disciplinary perspectives and by establishing some common ground among these perspectives. Approaching the integration of the literature about trust and strategic alliances from the resource based view, the transaction cost view, the dialectical perspective, and the social network perspective is aimed at creating a new systematic explanatory scheme. The unique combination of these four perspectives provides overlapping explanations for strategic alliance behaviour and serves as a methodical device for analysing the dynamics of trust relationships. This theoretical-methodical foundation will serve as tool for sorting out and highlighting different research streams regarding the two key topics. An integrative framework of the notion of trust in strategic alliances is built around the key issue “culture of trust”. The culture of trust is addressed, because one of the main findings will be that collaborative relationships require some minimum social base with trust as its constitutive element. Arguments will be provided that inter-organizational ventures characterized by high interdependence, require the trust mechanism to make leadership effective. The tension between trust and control in strategic alliances is discussed and attention is drawn to the possibilities and key abilities of leaders in establishing trust as a constitutive element in strategic alliances.</p>
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