Spelling suggestions: "subject:"diensions"" "subject:"denensions""
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Transferring Brand Value : from a traditional channel to a digital platformCarme, Anna, Benon, Jesper, Pantzar, Marianne January 2008 (has links)
As technology continues to affect the business sector, many companies have been faced with the nesessity of transformation. Adapting to a new, more Internet based society im-plies that companies are venturing into new market channels to get their products or ser-vices out to the consumers. Simultaneously as many companies are digitalizing, they are also launching or planning to launch brand extensions. Combining the two phenomenon’s we get a corporate situation that is vaguely explored, namely how a brand extension be-tween market channels work. Further more, how can value be transferred in this process? The purpose of this thesis is to further investigate the phenomenon described above and to gain more understanding about the new situation. Therefore, the authors have chosen to conduct an empirical investigation exploring how a company can transfer brand value to a new online product or service. This was done in cooperation with the company Eniro that recently have focused their efforts from their traditional printed market channel into a digital brand extension. During the study 15 in-depth interviews with small to medium sized companies were performed, and backed up with complementary communication with managers at Eniro. Four research questions were formulated to serve as a read thread throughout the work. The main aim was to evaluate brand equity of the traditional product to then compare if this brand equity had been transferred to the new online extension. After having performed the in depth interviews with representatives from the various companies, the authors could conclude that the original product of the printed directory with the company/person Gula Sidorna held stronger brand equity than the online exten-sion despite the company’s effort to promote the extension. The authors believe the rea-sons for this could be that during the process of extending the brand, some strategic deci-sions were made that did not enable the parent brand value to be transferred to the new extension. There were however value in the new extension in terms of simplicity and speed. Being able to quickly respond to the new and dynamic market where speed to market can be an important advantage was part of the positive associations for eniro.se. In the discussion regarding the main issue of transferring brand value to a digital platform the authors found that one of the most vital aspects is having clear communication within the organisation, sending out a clear message in marketing activities, not forgetting to emphasize reliability and stability to ensure that people in all ages feel inclined to use the digital product.
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Tensions et expression dans les films américains de Milos FormanEvrard, Marceline 29 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Le cinéma américain de Milos Forman suscite un regard multiple. Eternellement passionné par les histoires de conflit, le cinéaste affirme la nécessité d'un cadre hostile pour étudier les passions humaines. Cette tension, aussi thématique qu'esthétique, lui permet de montrer les moindres mécanismes d'oppression au sein d'histoires européennes ou américaines, leçon d'anatomie révélant les plus infimes forces magnétiques de la prise de pouvoir. Elle se double d'une invitation à la redécouverte de l'individualité, par les jeux d'identification avec des personnages attrayants mais réalistes, par la simulation de la naissance de la liberté individuelle dans des mondes primitifs ou régressifs, accentuant la nécessité du rêve pour faire éclater tous les bâillons collectifs. Ce n'est qu'au sein de ces rappels des dimensions humaines que Forman peut appeler à une certaine mesure dans une démarche fondamentalement réaliste. L'importance de la tempérance ne peut être comprise à sa juste valeur que par rapport à l'étude des répressions : se détachant nettement des modérations bienséantes des sociétés, Forman rappelle la nécessité de la responsabilité dans l'entente communautaire. Cet équilibre problématique trouve un écho dans son approche de l'étude du réel, puisque la vérité humaine n'est saisissable qu'au travers de multiples jeux de tensions. Le rapport au monde repose sur la réception d'images, et l'observation reste un geste à la fois intime et interactif. Son cinéma n'est donc pas tant l'étude de l'Amérique qu'une façon de travailler le mouvement perpétuel des images, influencé par une nation marquante dans l'Histoire du cinéma qui continue de se définir par le protéiforme.
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Relations stratégiques inter-organisationnelles : quels processus de gestion des tensions paradoxales ? Réflexions sur une mise en eouvreMissonier, Audrey 02 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de notre Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches est d'étudier les relations stratégiques inter-organisationnelles via le prisme du paradoxe. En effet, cette perspective peut améliorer la compréhension et la gestion d'un changement, qu'impliquent les relations stratégiques inter-organisationnelles. A travers l'analyse de nos travaux passés et à venir, nous avons souhaité montrer la pertinence et la richesse que recèle une lecture processuelle de la gestion dynamique des tensions paradoxales dans la compréhension de relations stratégiques inter-organisationnelles. Dans un premier temps, nos recherches conduites sur le paradoxe nous ont aidée à prendre de la hauteur par rapport à nos recherches passées. Dans un second temps, ce recentrage a ouvert la voie à de nouvelles perspectives de recherches, notamment pour de jeunes chercheurs. Ainsi, les liens entre tensions paradoxales, processus de gestion dynamique et relations stratégiques inter-organisationnelles ont permis de présenter une Habilitation que nous qualifions de trajectoire.
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Aportación a la automatización en la toma de medidas y procesado de datos sobre modelos fotoelásticos y optomecánicosMarimón Carvajal, Frederic 05 July 1988 (has links)
Se describen los principios de medida operativos para un banco fotoelástico automatizado basado en la adquisición de la imagen en una cámara CCD, digitalización en 256 niveles y 512x512 píxel, y su procesado con algoritmos específicos fotoelásticos. La secuencia del análisis queda configurada en las siguientes fases:1. Reconocimiento inteligente del contorno.2. Calculo del ángulo de isoclima corregido.3. Pseudoisostáticas y líneas de máxima cizalladura.4. Obtención directa del retardo absoluto.5. Resolución del estado tensional completo mediante aplicación del método de las diferencias finitas a las ecuaciones de equilibrio y compatibilidad.6. Postproceso de datos.Se realiza una aplicación práctica de la misma a los casos de: flexión pura.
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The Role of Trust in Strategic AlliancesWeinhofer, Michaela January 2007 (has links)
This thesis provides a coherent theoretical account of the role of trust in strategic alliances from varied disciplinary perspectives and by establishing some common ground among these perspectives. Approaching the integration of the literature about trust and strategic alliances from the resource based view, the transaction cost view, the dialectical perspective, and the social network perspective is aimed at creating a new systematic explanatory scheme. The unique combination of these four perspectives provides overlapping explanations for strategic alliance behaviour and serves as a methodical device for analysing the dynamics of trust relationships. This theoretical-methodical foundation will serve as tool for sorting out and highlighting different research streams regarding the two key topics. An integrative framework of the notion of trust in strategic alliances is built around the key issue “culture of trust”. The culture of trust is addressed, because one of the main findings will be that collaborative relationships require some minimum social base with trust as its constitutive element. Arguments will be provided that inter-organizational ventures characterized by high interdependence, require the trust mechanism to make leadership effective. The tension between trust and control in strategic alliances is discussed and attention is drawn to the possibilities and key abilities of leaders in establishing trust as a constitutive element in strategic alliances.
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Transferring Brand Value : from a traditional channel to a digital platformCarme, Anna, Benon, Jesper, Pantzar, Marianne January 2008 (has links)
<p>As technology continues to affect the business sector, many companies have been faced with the nesessity of transformation. Adapting to a new, more Internet based society im-plies that companies are venturing into new market channels to get their products or ser-vices out to the consumers. Simultaneously as many companies are digitalizing, they are also launching or planning to launch brand extensions. Combining the two phenomenon’s we get a corporate situation that is vaguely explored, namely how a brand extension be-tween market channels work. Further more, how can value be transferred in this process?</p><p>The purpose of this thesis is to further investigate the phenomenon described above and to gain more understanding about the new situation. Therefore, the authors have chosen to conduct an empirical investigation exploring how a company can transfer brand value to a new online product or service. This was done in cooperation with the company Eniro that recently have focused their efforts from their traditional printed market channel into a digital brand extension. During the study 15 in-depth interviews with small to medium sized companies were performed, and backed up with complementary communication with managers at Eniro. Four research questions were formulated to serve as a read thread throughout the work. The main aim was to evaluate brand equity of the traditional product to then compare if this brand equity had been transferred to the new online extension.</p><p>After having performed the in depth interviews with representatives from the various companies, the authors could conclude that the original product of the printed directory with the company/person Gula Sidorna held stronger brand equity than the online exten-sion despite the company’s effort to promote the extension. The authors believe the rea-sons for this could be that during the process of extending the brand, some strategic deci-sions were made that did not enable the parent brand value to be transferred to the new extension. There were however value in the new extension in terms of simplicity and speed. Being able to quickly respond to the new and dynamic market where speed to market can be an important advantage was part of the positive associations for eniro.se. In the discussion regarding the main issue of transferring brand value to a digital platform the authors found that one of the most vital aspects is having clear communication within the organisation, sending out a clear message in marketing activities, not forgetting to emphasize reliability and stability to ensure that people in all ages feel inclined to use the digital product.</p>
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A future with hope: the social construction of hope, help, and dialogic reconciliation in a community children's mental health system of careDavis, Christine S. 01 January 2005 (has links)
This research examines the social construction of hope in a community mental health system of care. Groopman (2004) defines hope as the elevating feeling we experience when we see a path to a better future. A year-long ethnographic study of a children's mental health system of care team found that members of the mental health care team construct hope for themselves and for the family they're helping by cycling through the dialectical tensions of hegemony and equality, marginalization and normalization, relating and othering, empowerment and disempowerment, and control and emotionality. They reconcile these tensions in dialogic moments of empathy toward the family and other team members, engagement of all team members in the process, creation of a human connection within the team, vulnerability to each other, creation of possibilities for themselves and for each other, social support, and blended voices.
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Mechanical and physical characterization of tire balesFreilich, Brian Jeremy 05 November 2012 (has links)
Tire bales are a suitable construction material for conditions which require a lightweight material with high permeability and strength. Although several tire bale case histories have been reported in the literature, only limited material properties of the bales are available. Determining the mechanical and physical properties of the tire bales is necessary for the proper design and construction of future tire bale structures. The development and results from a series of large scale laboratory and field test procedures, used to determine the mechanical and physical characteristics of a tire bale structure, are provided in this dissertation. A tire bale structure, as compared to the individual tire bale, is defined as two or more tire bales stacked upon each other resulting in an interface contact between layers of the tire bales. Results from the test programs indicate that the interface between the tire bales controls the strength and compressibility of the bale structure. The strength of the interface was characterized utilizing a large scale direct shear test, which was modified to include the effects of moisture, soil infill and stress orientation on the interface strength. Interface shear stresses were used to define shear strength parameters for the different tire bale interfaces. The compressibility of the tire bale structure was characterized utilizing a large scale vertical compression test. The influence of the individual tire bale geometry on strength and compressibility was determined by conducting the large scale tests on two bale types, the standard block bale and the standard cylinder bale. A tire ridge interface model was developed to represent the physical characteristics of the tire bales that control the strength and deformations along the interface. Tensions within the baling wires were measured during the direct shear and compression tests using strain gauges attached to the baling wires. A tension meter was also developed so that the baling wire tensions could be determined without damaging the tire bale and baling wires. A destructive expansion pressure test was used at the conclusion of the research program to determine the pressures the tire bale exerts on the surrounding structure after wire breakage. / text
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台灣英文教師對文法教學信念與實踐之差異研究 / A Taiwanese Teacher's Tensions between Grammar Teaching Beliefs and Practices林珊琪, Lin, Shan Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本個案研究旨在深入研究一位國中英文教師在文法教學信念與實際教學之間的差異之處。本研究以Green (1971) 所提出的core belief和peripheral belief為基本架構,採用質性之資料收集及分析方式,以期對教師的教學信念、教學行為及兩者之間的不一致做出較詳盡的描繪及討論。參與本研究的教師為一位新北市公立國中的資深英文教師,對文法教學及英語教育有自己的一套理解及看法,備受同校老師的尊重。資料收集方式以課堂錄音觀察、半結構式訪談為主,教師的教學資料、自編的段考考卷、校內英文老師的領域會議紀錄為輔。
研究結果顯示,此教師的文法教學信念和行為的確有些許落差,主要反映在課外英語學習資源的使用、文法教學所佔的比重、以及文法術語的使用頻率上。造成此落差的原因主要是教師的core beliefs和peripheral beliefs內容的不一致,導致在教學現場上大部分的時間都用來完成core beliefs,因此peripheral beliefs的實施時間便受到壓縮了。此外研究者還發現,這位老師的core beliefs主要以較傳統、較常見的知識傳輸模式為主,而peripheral beliefs則是和英語教學理念較有直接相關,這部分呼應了Phipps and Borg (2009)所提出的假設,且此一現象是在教師信念的文獻中較少被提到的。根據這些發現,本研究提出對教師文法教學信念及實踐之差異的看法及未來研究的建議,以期對台灣的英語文法教學能有更多建設性的研究貢獻。 / The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate the tensions between an English teacher’s grammar teaching beliefs and practices. The participant was an experienced junior high school English teacher who had her own principles in grammar teaching and English education. Green’s (1971) distinction of core beliefs and peripheral beliefs was adopted as the framework to analyze the participant’s grammar teaching beliefs. Data were collected from multiple sources such as semi-structured interviews, classroom observations, stimulated recall interviews, and documents such as the teacher’s teaching notes and test paper. By using initial coding and second level coding, these data were carefully examined to obtain the most salient themes of the participant’s grammar teaching tensions.
The findings revealed three most significant tensions between the participant’s grammar teaching beliefs and practices: tension on the use of extracurricular teaching resources, on the proportion of grammar instruction, and on the use of grammatical terminology. The participant’s tensions were mainly due to the inharmonious relationship between core beliefs and peripheral beliefs. The former were more related to teaching philosophy in general, and the latter were more related to English teaching itself. In other words, the tensions between participant’s beliefs and practices were actually the gaps between knowledge transmission perspective and ideal English teaching principles. Based on the findings of this study, some suggestions and pedagogical implications were raised for future research as well as English education field in Taiwan.
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Teaching and travelling in tune: Identity in itinerant band programs2014 June 1900 (has links)
This narrative inquiry explores teacher professional identity and curriculum making (Connelly & Clandinin, 1988) in the experiences of three itinerant band teachers. The narrative experiences of Grace, Cole, and Denise reflect the complexity of teaching in multiple schools and working within a curricular framework that is diverse and multi-faceted. While most classroom teachers work with one group of students in a single school, the travelling nature of itinerancy sets them apart from this standard. Benson (2001) argued that “limited involvement in any one single school site, places her or him in a significantly different position than the regular classroom teacher” (p. 3). Staying in tune with students, parents, and colleagues, while concurrently working in several school settings, can be a challenge for managing relationships, assessment practices, concert obligations, and school events (Roulston, 1998).
An itinerant band program is a collection of stories with individual narratives being interwoven into a patchwork of identities, or narratively speaking, as people’s stories to live by (Clandinin & Connelly, 2000). Clandinin, Huber, Huber, Murphy, Murray-Orr, Pearce, and Steeves (2006) explained that curriculum making and identity making, acts that shape the stories to live by of teachers and children, are closely aligned. Students are immersed in musicking (Small, 1998) and curriculum making alongside their teacher. As stories are composed in unison, curriculum making represents "teachers' and students' lives together" (Clandinin & Connelly, 1992). Curriculum, viewed as a course of life (Connelly & Clandinin, 1988), involves the composition of identities and stories to live by. It is wrapped up with assessment making and identity making, with school stories intersecting with personal experience (Huber, Murphy, & Clandinin, 2011). Individual identities dance with the collective identity of the group as curriculum-as-lived (Aoki, 2012) is brought to life in the ensemble experience. Beyond the study of notes, rhythms, and technique, there is a web of interaction that pervades curriculum as it is embodied in the lives of students and teachers. It encompasses routine happenings in a rehearsal space, personal exchanges during recess breaks, recollections of events from past experiences, and future plans for the ensemble. It is coloured by the experience of itinerant teachers who weave parallel storylines across a series of learning landscapes.
The complex nature of teaching initiates an ingrained inter-connectedness between personal and professional lives (Hargreaves, Meill, & MacDonald, 2002). Plotlines are blurred, making it difficult to distinguish between the two as they are inextricably linked by experience and emotion (Connelly, Clandinin, & He, 1997). Lack of a single, permanent teaching space calls for deeper exploration into implications for curriculum and teacher identity. Narratively inquiring into stories of itinerant band teachers is one approach that studies the contextual nature of identity. Storytelling represents a mode of knowing (Bruner, 1986). Each story is told from “a particular vantage point in the lived world” (Greene, 1995, p. 74), holding a plurality of experience and interpretation. Stories are closely tied to how teachers conceive themselves in the place of school (Connelly & Clandinin, 1999). Working on the periphery of collegial connections and the school community imparts physical and emotional tolls on professional identity. These factors contribute to an overall perception about the nature of itinerant teaching (Roulston, 1998).
The shifting framework of itinerancy compounds the variable nature of teacher identity. Gathering artifacts and conversations about the storied existence of three itinerant band teachers, tensions appear over curriculum hierarchy, loss of instructional time and place, and collegial isolation. These are plotlines that exist within these school "borderlands" (Anzaldua, 1987). Contrapuntal lines of temporality, sociality, and place (Clandinin & Connelly, 2006) intersect with one another, some moving in relative harmony, while others create bumping points that influence perceptions of personal practical knowledge. Itinerant band teachers experience temporary shifts in self as they make sense of the fluid and changing world around them.
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