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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aplicación de estándares globales PMI a la dirección del proyecto: Elaboración del expediente técnico para la construcción del Colegio Buen Pastor de Ñaña / Application of PMI Global Standards to the Project Management: Preparation of the Technical File for the Construction of “Colegio Buen Pastor de Ñaña”

Quintana Sánchez, Armin 01 September 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación se fundamenta en la aplicación de procesos estandarizados y buenas prácticas de la Guía PMBOK® 6ta edición, a los grupos de procesos de inicio y planificación del proyecto; con el fin de implementar un plan para la dirección del proyecto de elaboración del Expediente Técnico Para la Construcción del Colegio Buen Pastor de Ñaña, donde se defina cómo se planifica, monitorea y controla el desempeño del proyecto durante su ciclo de vida. Los principales entregables para la dirección del proyecto, serán el acta de constitución, el registro de interesados, el plan para la dirección del proyecto, que incluye la línea base del alcance, costo y cronograma, y que en conjunto constituyen la línea base para la medición del desempeño del proyecto, el plan de respuesta a los riesgos, el plan de gestión de las adquisiciones y el plan de gestión de las comunicaciones. Los resultados del análisis de inversión en 9 años, demostraron que el proyecto es financieramente viable considerando un Valor Presente Neto (VAN o VPN) de S/ 4,762,061, Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) del 27 %, y el Retorno Sobre la Inversión (ROI) de 117%. Por lo tanto, el presente trabajo de investigación muestra una situación ideal aplicando las buenas prácticas de la Guía de los Fundamentos para la Dirección de Proyectos - sexta edición, para aumentar las posibilidades de éxito en los proyectos de edificaciones que emprenda la organización. / The present research work is based on the application of standardized processes and good practices of the PMBOK® Guide 6th edition, to the project initiation and planning process groups; in order to implement a project management plan for the preparation of the Technical File for the Construction of “Colegio Buen Pastor de Ñaña”, where it is defined how the performance of the project is planned, monitored and controlled during its life cycle. The main deliverables for the project management will be the project charter, the registry of stakeholders, the project management plan, which includes the baseline of the scope, cost and schedule, and which together constitute the baseline for the measurement of project performance; the risk response plan, the procurement management plan and the communications management plan. The results of the investment analysis in 9 years showed that the project is financially viable considering a Net Present Value (NPV) of S / 4,762,061, Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 27%, and Return on investment (ROI) 117%. Therefore, the present research work shows an ideal situation applying the good practices of the Guide of the Fundamentals for Project Management - sixth edition, to increase the chances of success in the building projects that the organization undertakes. / Tesis

Návrh logistické koncepce se zaměřením na služby ke spokojenosti zákazníka / Design of a Logistics Concept Focusing on Customer Satisfaction Services

Habrovcová, Iva January 2020 (has links)
Thesis deals with concept of logistics in company LESAK. This company’s business area is production and sale of weighing equipment. In the thesis, there is analysed current order processing in company LESAK and then there are suggested remedies focusing on customer satisfaction services.

Privacy paradoxens tillgivenhet till Facebook Inc & Alphabet Inc / The Privacy paradox’s affection for Facebook Inc & Alphabet Inc

August, Persson, Aladdin, Othman January 2021 (has links)
I den aktuella avhandlingen kommer Alphabet Inc och Facebook Inc som är två av de fem stora techbolagen som ingår i det digitala ekosystemet att analyseras. Alphabet Inc och Facebook Inc har valts ut på grund av deras affärsmodell bygger på att använda privatdata som handelsvara. Dessa företag kommer att analyseras utifrån den privacy paradox som uppstår när användare har kännedom kring deras privata integritet samtidigt som de godkänner användarvillkoren utan att läsa dessa som motstrider deras integritet. Denna studie har använt en enkätundersökning som underlag för att stödja litteratur och författarnas hypotes för att kunna svara på den givna forskningsfrågan. Resultatet visar att dessa företag använder sig av svårförståeliga, långa och komplicerade användarvillkor vilket resulterar till att användaren inte läser igenom dem. Samtidigt finns det en medvetenhet kring den privata integriteten vilket skapar en paradox då användaren ej läser avtalen. De slutsatser som kommer med arbetet är faktorerna som leder till privacy paradoxen samt dess effekter. Samtidigt som implikationer gällande konsekvenser på samhället. / In the current thesis, Alphabet Inc and Facebook Inc, which are two of the five major tech companies included in the digital ecosystem, will be analyzed. Alphabet Inc and Facebook Inc have been selected because their business model is based on using private data as a commodity. These companies will be analyzed based on the privacy paradox that arises when users have knowledge of their privacy while still agreeing to the terms of service without reading those that conflict with their privacy.  This study has used a survey as a basis to support literature and the authors hypothesis to be able to answer the given research question. The results show that these companies use language that is difficult to understand, long and complicated terms of service, which results in the user not reading through them. At the same time, there is an awareness of the privacy paradox, which creates a paradox when the user does not read the user agreements. The conclusions that come with the work are the factors that lead to the privacy paradox and its effects. At the same time as implications regarding consequences on society.

Studie distribuce ve vybraném podniku / The Study Logistics Supply in the Selected Company

Čumová, Šárka January 2015 (has links)
The thesis monitors the distribution logistics of company CommScope at the local and corporate level. The aim of this work is the optimization of the current state and the proposal to use the combined mode of transport for the largest customer in Europe. The theoretical part is focused on the current method of arranging transport and carrier choise. The practical part is a detailed analysis of the road transport from manufacturer to the customer and proposal for using an alternative mode of combined transporport is formulated.

Effective Field Theory for Baryon Masses / Théorie effective des champs pour les masses des baryons

Ren, Xiulei 10 December 2015 (has links)
La masse est une des propriétés les plus fondamentales de la matière. Comprendre son origine a longtemps été un sujet central en physique. D'après la physique nucléaire et la physique des particules modernes, la clef de ce problème réside dans la compréhension de l’origine de la masse du nucléon à partir de l’interaction forte. Avec le développement des technologies informatiques, la chromodynamique quantique sur réseau offre la possibilité de comprendre l’origine de la masse à partir des premiers principes. Cependant, dû aux ressources de calcul limitées, les masses obtenues à partir des calculs sur réseau doivent être extrapolées jusqu'au point physique. La théorie chirale des perturbations en tant que théorie effective des champs de QCD à basse énergie est une méthode indépendante de modèle permettant de comprendre l’interaction forte dans la région non perturbative et de guider les diverses extrapolations nécessaires pour passer du résultat lattice au résultat physique. Le but de cette thèse est donc d'utiliser la complémentarité entre QCD sur réseau et théorie chirale des perturbations afin d'étudier de façon systématique les masses des baryons. Nous étudions les masses de l'octet baryonique le plus léger dans le cadre de la théorie chirale covariante des perturbations pour les baryons. Nous utilisons la méthode "extended on mass shell" jusqu'à l'ordre trois fois sous dominant. Afin d'étudier les artefacts des calculs sur réseau dus à la taille finie de la boîte nous calculons les effets de volume fini. Adaptant la théorie chirale des perturbations à des fermions de Wilson nous obtenons aussi les effets de discrétisation dû au pas fini du réseau. Nous étudions de façon systématique toutes les données réseau en tenant à la fois de l'extrapolation au continu, des corrections de volume finie et de l'extrapolation chirale. Nous démontrons l'importance des corrections de volume fini dans la description des masses des baryons sur réseau. Par contre les effets de discrétisation sont de l'ordre de 1% jusqu'à l'ordre a² et peuvent donc être ignorés. De plus nous trouvons que toutes les données sur réseau prises en sont consistentes entre elles malgré des différences notables dans les procédures adoptées. Utilisant les formules chirales des masses des baryons nous prédisons de façon précise leurs termes sigma via le théorème de Feynman-Hellmann en analysant les données sur réseau les plus récentes. Les effets dus au pas du réseau, à la troncation de la série de perturbation chirale et à la violation d'isospin de l'interaction forte sont pris en pour la première fois. En particulier le terme sigma pion nucléon et le « strangeness sigma term » sont en accord avec les résultats réseau les plus récents. Au vue des succès rencontrés lors de l'étude de l'octet baryonique nous avons fait une analyse systématique des masses du décuplet baryonique le plus léger dans la théorie chirale covariante des perturbations pour les baryons en fittant de façon simultanée les données réseau n_f=2+1. Une bonne description à la fois des données réseau et des masses expérimentales est obtenue. De plus les termes sigma sont prédits. Enfin comprendre le spectre d'excitation des hadrons est encore un challenge. En particulier le spectre des baryons a une structure très inhabituelle, la résonance Roper (1440) de parité positive étant plus légère que l'état de parité négative N(1535). La plupart des études sur réseau suggère que les effets des log chiraux sont plus importants pour la masse de la Roper que pour celle des nucléons. Nous avons donc calculé la masse de cette résonance en théorie chirale des perturbations en tenant en de façon explicite des contributions du nucléon et du delta. Les contributions venant du mélange entre le nucléon et la Roper sont étudiées pour la première fois. Une première analyse de la masse de cette particule est présentée. / Mass is one of the most fundamental properties of matter. Understanding its origin has long been a central topic in physics. According to modern particle and nuclear physics, the key to this issue is to understand the origin of nucleon (lowest-lying baryon) masses from the nonperturbative strong interaction. With the development of computing technologies, lattice Quantum Chromodynamics simulations provide great opportunities to understand the origin of mass from first principles. However, due to the limit of computational resources, lattice baryon masses have to be extrapolated to the physical point. Chiral perturbation theory, as an effective field theory of low-energy QCD, provides a model independent method to understand nonperturbative strong interactions and to guide the lattice multiple extrapolations. Therefore, we present the interplay between lattice QCD and chiral perturbation theory to systematically study the baryon masses. In the SU(3) sector, we study the lowest-lying octet baryon masses in covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory with the extended-on-mass-shell scheme up to next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order. In order to consider lattice artifacts from finite lattice box sizes, finite-volume corrections to lattice baryon masses are estimated. By constructing chiral perturbation theory for Wilson fermions, we also obtain the discretization effects of finite lattice spacings. We perform a systematic study of all the latest n_f=2+1 lattice data with chiral extrapolation (m_q → m_q^phys.), finite-volume corrections (V→∞), and continuum extrapolation (a→0). We find that finite-volume corrections are important to describe the present lattice baryon masses. On the other hand, the discretization effects of lattice simulations up to O(a²) are of the order 1% when a≈0.1 fm and can be safely ignored. Furthermore, we find that the lattice data from different collaborations are consistent with each other, though their setups are quite different. Using the chiral formulas of octet baryon masses, we accurately predict the octet baryon sigma terms via the Feynman-Hellmann theorem by analyzing the latest high-statistics lattice QCD data. Three key factors --- lattice scale setting effects, chiral expansion truncations and strong-interaction isospin-breaking effects --- are taken into account for the first time. In particular, the predicted pion- and strangeness-nucleon sigma terms, sigma_πN=55(1)(4) MeV and sigma_sN =27(27)(4) MeV, are consistent with the most latest lattice results of nucleon sigma terms. With the success in the study of octet baryon masses, we also present a systematic analysis of the lowest-lying decuplet baryon masses in covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory by simultaneously fitting n_f=2+1 lattice data. A good description for both the lattice and the experimental decuplet baryon masses is achieved. The convergence of covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory in the SU(3) sector is discussed. Furthermore, the pion- and strangeness-sigma terms for decuplet baryons are predicted by the Feynman-Hellmann theorem. In addition, understanding the excitation spectrum of hadrons is still a challenge, especially the first positive-parity nucleon resonance, the Roper(1440). The baryon spectrum shows a very unusual pattern that the Roper state is lower than the negative-parity state N(1535). Most lattice studies suggest that the Roper mass exhibits much larger chiral-log effects than that of the nucleon. Therefore, we calculate the Roper mass in chiral perturbation theory by explicitly including the nucleon/Delta contributions. The mixed contributions between nucleon and Roper to the baryon masses are taken into account for the first time. A first analysis of lattice Roper masses is presented.

Global in time existence of Sobolev solutions to semi-linear damped sigma-evolution equations in L^q scales

Dao, Tuan Anh 15 September 2020 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is to prove the global (in time) existence of small data Sobolev solutions to semi-linear damped σ-evolution equations from suitable function spaces basing on L^q spaces by mixing additional L^m regularity for the data on the basis of L^q-L^q estimates for solutions, with q∈(1,∞) and m∈[1,q), to the corresponding linear models. To establish desired results, we would like to apply the theory of modified Bessel functions, Faà di Bruno's formula and Mikhlin-Hörmander multiplier theorem in the treatment of linear problems. In addition, some of modern tools from Harmonic Analysis play a fundamental role to investigate results for the global existence of small data Sobolev solutions to semi-linear problems. Finally, the application of a modified test function method is to devote to the proof of blow-up results for semi-linear damped σ-evolution models, where σ≥1 and δ∈[0,σ) are assumed to be any fractional numbers.

Keeping Mum: An Exploration of Contemporary Kinship Terminology in British, American and Swedish Cultures

Bexell, Gerd January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to briefly clarify the categorization and usage of kinship terms in American and British English in comparison with the Swedish kinship terms, both considering the vocative use and the referential function. There will also be a comparison with previous studies. The Swedish language contains considerably more detailed definitions for kinship. By choosing mostly informants with experience of both language cultures, this paper will investigate and explore whether English speakers themselves experience this as a lack of kinship vocabulary, and in what circumstances supplementary explanation is needed to clarify the identities of referents and addressees.  It will further be established how and when the use of such terms can give rise to misunderstandings or confusion. Kinship terms will also be considered in connection with the present social and cultural environment. Seemingly, the use of kin terms has changed over recent decades and there appears to be etymological, lexicological and semantic causes for such misunderstandings. This essay research was conducted using interviews in which informants relate their experiences of language changes as well as regional variations with respect to how family members and relatives are addressed or referred to. Kinship terms are insightful and important within the field of genealogy and have implications for diverse disciplines such as law, church history, genetics, anthropology and popular custom. Interestingly, kinship terms can be found to be used where there is no existing kinship at all. They also have a great impact on daily communication in terms of respect and relations, and as expressions of empathy, responsibility and solidarity.     Key words: American English, anthropology, British English, communication, culture, etymology, genealogy, kinship terms, referential, relations, respect, social control, Swedish, vocatives

Návrh optimální organizační struktury sociálního podniku / Sustainable organisational structure of a social enterprise - draft

Socha, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Social entrepreneurship is an innovative solution to increasing social problems related to unemployment and its inseparable social impact, such as social exclusion of persons that are disadvantaged in terms of labour market access. In spite of the fact that the law of the Czech Republic lacks a legal framework of social entrepreneurship (the term of social enterprise as such is not legally based nor defined), there are many local activists who make effort to change this state of inequality, using social enterprises as a means of generating new workplaces for people handicapped in terms of entering an open labour market. The main practical goal of the thesis I hereby present is to help those social entrepreneurs with creating more sustainable organisation structure of their businesses. The first part of my thesis is dedicated to explaining basic concepts and charting a theoretical framework of the research. In the second part I focus on the results of empirical research regarding social enterprise operation. The results may serve as practical advice on organisation structure optimisation in the field of gastronomy. Keywords Social enterprise, subjects of national economy, social economy, persons disadvantaged in terms of labour market access, organisation structure.

Privacy Within Photo-Sharing and Gaming Applications: Motivation and Opportunity and the Decision to Download

Hopkins, Ashley R. 20 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Kundupplevelse av personlig integritet vid datainsamling av personuppgifter i kommersiella syften

Moro, Andrew, Duru, Tania January 2023 (has links)
Studien behandlar fenomenet av datainsamling i försäljningsfrämjande syfte och dess upplevda effekt på personlig integritet för konsumenter. Digital marknadsföringsteknik är en central del av dagens marknader och involverar diverse IT-lösningar för att optimera marknadsföringskampanjer och försäljningsprocesser men även i produktutveckling. Denna undersökning syftar till att studera kundupplevelsen i relation till behandlingen av personlig integritet i e-handelsföretag inom klädbranschen som bedriver datainsamling i vinstsyfte. Problemet som ligger till grund för undersökningen är bristfällig kunskap om datainsamling på individnivå, vilket resulterar i att företag kan använda informationen i kommersiellt syfte för att optimera försäljningsprocessen utan kundens vetskap. Godkännande av integritetspolicy och användarvillkor utan förståelse för innebörden kan resultera i att kunders personliga uppgifter blir en handelsvara och kan upplevas vara integritetskränkande. Frågeställningen lyder därav “Hur upplever höginkomsttagare i Stockholms län, åldrarna 25-34, att deras personliga data behandlas av e-handelsföretag i klädbranschen som samlar in personliga data i kommersiella syften?”. Studien baseras på en social kartläggning som undersökningsstrategi, vilket förutsätter omfattande och detaljerad skildring för verkligheten för att kartlägga i det sociala samhället. Forskningsmetoden, som inkluderar semistrukturerade intervjuer med höginkomsttagare i Stockholms län i åldern 25-34 år, syftar till att söka beteende- och konsumtionsmönster inom den målgrupp som konsumerar mest online i Sverige. Detta för att belysa samband och olikheter över inställningen till behandling av personlig integritet och därmed alstra en djupare förståelse av mänskligt beteende, med hjälp av en tematisk analysmetod. Baserat på tidigare forskning visar integritetsparadoxen att konsumenter tillåter företag att samla in personuppgifter i utbyte mot att den insamlade datan genererar relevanta fördelar med avseende på skräddarsydda annonser. Black Box Society är ett fenomen som inbegriper användningen av algoritmer för att kunna påverka användare i föredragen riktning utan deras vetskap. Resultaten av denna studie belyser viss tilltro gentemot e-handelsföretag, men även oro vid försäljning av tredjepartsdata. Sammantaget är konsumenter medvetna om att datainsamling sker i samband med personlig marknadsföring, men visar mindre förståelse för exakt vilken data som samlas in och insamlingen sker. Denna begränsade förståelse beror förmodligen på att integritets- och användarvillkor upplevs som svårförståeliga vilket hindrar medvetenheten om omfattningen av datainsamling. Dessutom anmärks skillnader i attityder till behandling av personuppgifter då vissa av intervjuobjekten i målgruppen visar en positiv attityd till personliga erbjudanden och vissa menar på att det varken är nödvändigt eller önskvärt, men tolererat. / The study addresses the phenomenon of data collection for sales promotion purposes and its perceived impact on personal privacy for consumers. Digital marketing technology is a central aspect of today's markets and involves various IT-solutions to optimize marketing campaigns, sales processes, and product development. This research aims to examine the customer experience regarding the treatment of personal privacy in e-commerce companies within the clothing industry that engage in data collection with profit purposes. The problem underlying the investigation is the lack of knowledge about individual-level data collection, which allows companies to use the information for commercial purposes to optimize the sales process without the customer's awareness. Approval of privacy policies and terms of use without understanding their implications can result in customers' personal information becoming a commodity and perceived as an invasion of privacy. Therefore, the research question is: "How do high-income individuals, aged 25-34, in Stockholm county perceive the treatment of their personal privacy by e-commerce companies in the clothing industry that collect personal data for commercial purposes?". This study is based on a social survey that presumes an extensive and detailed description of reality in order to map the social community. The research method involves semi-structured interviews with high-income individuals aged 25-34 in Stockholm county to explore their behavioral and consumption patterns. This specific target group represents the highest online consumers in Sweden, aiming to shed light on connections and variations in attitudes towards the treatment of personal privacy and thereby generate a deeper understanding of human behavior, using thematic analysis. Based on earlier research, the integrity paradox shows that consumers allow businesses to collect personal data in exchange for the collected data to generate relevant benefits with regards to personalized ads. Black Box Society is another phenomenon that involves the use of algorithms in order to affect users in a desired direction without their knowledge. The results of this study indicate a certain level of trust towards e-commerce companies, but also concerns regarding the sale of third-party data. Overall, consumers are aware that data collection occurs in the context of personalized marketing but show limited understanding of the exact data collected and the methods of collection. This limited understanding is likely due to the perceived complexity of privacy policies and terms of use, hindering awareness of the extent of data collection. Additionally, differences in attitudes towards the treatment of personal information are observed, as some interviewees in the target group display a positive attitude towards personalized offers, while others consider it unnecessary and undesirable, yet tolerated.

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