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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluacija kvaliteta pšeničnih sorti sa teritorije Vojvodine procenom reoloških karakteristika testa / Quality evaluation of wheat varieties from Vojvodina by assessing dough rheological properties

Rakita Slađana 11 January 2018 (has links)
<p>Uprkos brojnim tradicionalnim reolo&scaron;kim metodama koje se već dugi niz godina koriste u proceni kvaliteta bra&scaron;na, postoji potreba za razvijanjem novih metoda, pomoću kojih bi se za kratko vreme i uz ograničenu količinu uzorka mogao uspe&scaron;no predvideti kvalitet bra&scaron;na i gotovog proizvoda. Na taj način selekcionerima bi bila omogućena procena tehnolo&scaron;kog kvaliteta linija p&scaron;enice čija je količina ograničena, dok bi se mlinarima obezbedio brz metod procene kvaliteta. Osnovni cilj istraživanja ove disertacije je ispitivanje mogućnosti primene novog reolo&scaron;kog uređaja glutopika u proceni kvaliteta bra&scaron;na i finalnog proizvoda &ndash; hleba, kao i mogućnost zamene tradicionalnih dugotrajnih metoda novom reolo&scaron;kom metodom.<br />Kako bi se ispitale i iskoristile mogućnosti reolo&scaron;kog uređaja glutopik za procenu kvaliteta p&scaron;eničnog bra&scaron;na definisani su optimalni uslovi merenja koji su podrazumevali upotrebu NaCl kao rastvarača i zadate parametre temperature (36 &deg;C), obrtne brzine me&scaron;ača (2700 rpm) i odnos bra&scaron;na i rastvarača (8,5/9,5). Zabeležen je veliki broj korelacija između parametara glutopika i empirijskih reolo&scaron;kih pokazatelja kvaliteta bra&scaron;na i testa. Takođe je utvrđena značajna korelacija između parametara glutopika i indikatora kvaliteta hleba u pogledu specifične zapremine i teksturnih karakteristika sredine hleba. Na osnovu parametara dobijenih merenjem na glutopiku definisane su granične vrednosti. Ustanovljeno je da se primenom glutopik metode može izvr&scaron;iti klasifikacija sorti p&scaron;enice prema kvalitetu. Pored toga, utvrđeno je da glutopik ima veliki potencijal da zameni alveograf u proceni kvaliteta bra&scaron;na u mlinarskoj i pekarskoj industriji. Reolo&scaron;ki parametri koji zavise od sadržaja proteina kao &scaron;to su moć upijanja vode i žilavost testa uspe&scaron;no se mogu predvideti pomoću parametara glutopika. Primenom glutopik metode postignuta je umerena predikcija specifične zapremine hleba, dok je postignuta veoma dobra predikcija teksturnih karakteristika sredine hleba.<br />U okviru ove disertacije je ispitan uticaj sorte i lokaliteta na tehnolo&scaron;ki kvalitet bra&scaron;na p&scaron;enice kako bi se utvrdilo koja od ispitivanih sorti ispoljava ujednačen kvalitet u različitim mikroklimatskim uslovima tokom dve proizvodne godine. U obe proizvodne godine pokazatelji kvaliteta bra&scaron;na su dominantno sortno određeni, pri čemu je zabeležen određeni uticaj mikroklimatskih faktora na lokalitetima gajenja. Odličan i najstabilniji kvalitet bra&scaron;na u 2011. godini je imala sorta Gordana koja je pokazala najveću adaptabilnost na mikroklimatske uslove. Apač je uniformno imao najlo&scaron;iji kvalitet duž svih ispitivanih lokaliteta. Domaće sorte su u 2012. godini imale promenljiv kvalitet u zavisnosti od lokaliteta gajenja. Hlebove proizvedene od domaćih p&scaron;eničnih sorti je karakterisala velika zapremina, rastresita struktura sredine sa izraženim velikim porama i mala čvrstoća sredine, dok je hleb proizveden od sorte Apač imao malu zapreminu, zbijenu strukturu sredine hleba sa velikim brojem malih pora kao posledicu velike čvrstoće. Dobra predikcija kvaliteta hleba od bra&scaron;na iz 2011. godine je postignuta primenom jednog reolo&scaron;kog pokazatelja kvaliteta, dok je za uspe&scaron;nu predikciju kvaliteta hleba od bra&scaron;na iz 2012. godine neophodno izvesti nekoliko različitih reolo&scaron;kih merenja.<br />Analizom tehnolo&scaron;kog kvaliteta bra&scaron;na p&scaron;enice različitih sorti gajenih na različitim lokalitetima iz tri proizvodne godine zabeležene su velike varijacije u kvalitetu bra&scaron;na i hleba na ispitivanim lokalitetima i u proizvodnim godinama, &scaron;to jasno ukazuje na značajan uticaj interakcija između sortimenta i uslova gajenja (lokaliteta i godina), kao i značaj ispitivanja ovih interakcija i razvoja strategija koje imaju za cilj smanjenje uticaja spolja&scaron;njih faktora na kvalitet p&scaron;enice.</p> / <p>Regardless the fact that numerous traditional rheological methods have been used for many years in the flour quality assessment, there is a need for developing new methods, which could, in a short time, and with a limited amount of sample, successfully predict the quality of flour and finished products. In this way, wheat breeders would be able to evaluate the technological quality of the wheat lines with a restricted sample quantity, while the millers would be provided with a quick method of the quality evaluation. The main goal of the research of this dissertation was to examine the possibility of using a new rheological device GlutoPeak in the quality evaluation of flour and final product &ndash; bread, as well as the possibility of replacing traditional time-consuming methods with a new rheological test.<br />In order to examine the possibility of using a GlutoPeak rheological device for the flour quality evaluation, the optimal measurement conditions were defined and included the use of NaCl as a solvent, the rotational speed of the mixer (2700 rpm), temperature (36 &deg;C), the ratio of flour and solvent (8.5/9.5). Numerous correlations between GlutoPeak indices and empirical rheological parameters of dough behaviour were reported in this study. Significant correations were also observed between GlutoPeak parameters and bread specific volume and breadcrumb textural properties. The limit values were defined according to the GlutoPeak parameters values. Moreover, it was found that the GlutoPeak test could be used for wheat variety diferentiation according to the quality and has a great potential to replace Alveograph in the flour quality assessment in the milling and bakery industries. Parameters which depends on the protein content, such as, flour water absorption and dough tenacity, was successfully predicted by using parameters derived from GlutoPeak tester. A moderate prediction of loaf specific volume was achieved, while a very good prediction of breadcrumb textural characteristics was accomplished with the GlutoPeak parameters.<br />In addition, the influence of genotype and growing location on flour quality was examined in order to determine which of the tested varieties exhibited uniform quality accross different microclimatic conditions in two production years. It was revealed that in both production years flour quality indicators were predominantly influenced by genotype, with a certain influence of microclimate factors on the growing locations. Gordana variety showed excellent and uniform quality with the highest adaptability to microclimate conditions in year 2011. Apache variety showed uniformly poor quality across all tested locations. In year 2012 domestic varieties exhibited variable quality depending on the growing locations. Bread produced from domestic wheat varieties was characterized by a large volume, loose breadcrumb structure with pronounced large pores and low hardness, while the bread produced from Apache variety had a small volume, dense breadcrumb structure with a large number of small pores as a result of high breadcrumb hardness. The quality of bread produced from wheat flour from year 2011 was well predicted based on one rheological quality parameter. On the other hand, several different rheological measurements was performed to successfully predict the quality of bread produced from wheat flour from 2012 year.<br />By analyzing the technological quality of wheat flour of different varieties cultivated at different locations from three production years, large variations in the quality of flour and bread was recorded. The variations in flour and bread quality indicated the significant influence of interactions between the variety and growing conditions (locations and years), as well as the importance of examining these interactions and developing strategies aimed at reducing the impact of external factors on wheat quality.</p>

Institutional Critique and Autobiography in the post-1968 Work of Clorindo Testa

Fitch, Nicholas January 2021 (has links)
This dissertation examines the post-1968 work of the Argentine artist and architect Clorindo Testa (1923-2013), arguing that 1968 represents a major turning point in his career, when he rethought his artistic practice in response to the dramatically altered institutional, political, and economic circumstances of Argentina in the late 1960s. Over the years between 1968 and 1974 Testa worked out the logic of this transformation and established the conceptual, stylistic, and thematic basis for the final four decades of his career. His studio production from this period is bracketed by the creation of two major, architecturally-themed works: the 1968 site-specific installation Prop for a Museum (Apuntalamiento para un museo) at National Museum of Fine Arts in Buenos Aires and the 1974 mural-sized Dwelling, Transportation, Work, and Recreation (Habitar, circular, trabajar y recrearse), conceived for the Galería Carmen Waugh, in the same city. This dissertation proposes that, on an international level, Prop for a Museum stands out as one of the pioneering works of the emergent conceptualist practice of institutional critique, and that together with Dwelling, Transportation, Work, and Recreation it represents a kind of manifesto for the new, post-1968 direction in the artist’s work.

Temporär användning i Malmös stadsutveckling

Olbers, André, Ehrendahl, Anton January 2018 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks hur och varför Malmö stad tillämpar temporär användning istadsutvecklingen. Temporär användning har under de senaste åren blivit ett allt merförekommande inslag i stadsutvecklingen, bland annat utifrån att de ekonomiskaförutsättningarna för kommuner och myndigheter har blivit allt mer begränsad.Temporär användning bygger på att bryta sig fri från den traditionella storskaliga ochlångsamma planeringsprocessen, och i stället tillämpa småskaliga temporära ingreppsom stegvis kan anpassas för att skapa förändring på lång sikt.Studien omfattas av en flerfallsstudie där vi genomfört två kvalitativaintervjuer med tjänstemän från Malmö stad. Förutom intervjuerna har vi ävengenomfört en dokumentanalys. De tre tre fall vi studerat är Malmö stads medverkan iEuropean Mobility Week 2016, försöksprojektet av sommargågata på Friisgatan 2017och två foodtrucksevenemang i Malmö.Studien visar att Malmö stad tillämpar temporär användning med varierandesyften och utformningar. Analysen visar att den bakomliggande orsaken till att Malmöstad tillämpar temporär användning i stadsutvecklingen är dels för att testa utformningari gaturummet. Samtidigt också för att aktivera platser som anses outnyttjade under enbegränsad tid, och dels för att förstärka platsers kvaliteter. Genom temporär användninghar Malmö stad försökt öka medborgardeltagandet inom stadsutvecklingen genom attskapa en tillfällig plattform. Malmö stad uppvisar ambitioner att arbeta mer medtemporär användning i stadsutvecklingen, och påvisar en medvetenhet omtillvägagångssättets styrkor och svagheter. Malmö stads långsiktliga målsättningar ochvisioner för Malmö har genomsyrat den temporära användningen. Tillvägagångssättethar tillåtit Malmö stad direkt implementera stadens målsättningar och visioner under enbegränsad tid. / This study investigates how and why Malmö stad applying temporary use in the urbanplanning. Temporary use has during the recent years become significantly moreoccurring in the urban planning process, partly because the economic conditions for themunicipality has become increasingly limited. Temporary use is based on breaking freefrom the traditional large-scale and slow planning process, and instead applying smallscaletemporary interventions that can be gradually adjusted to create long-term change.The study is covered by a multiple case study where we conducted twoqualitative interviews with officials from Malmö stad. In addition to the interviews, wehave also conducted a document analysis. The three three cases we have studied areMalmö stads participation in the European Mobility Week 2016, the summer street onFriisgatan and two different foodtrucks events located in Malmö.The study concludes Malmö stad applying temporary use with differentpurposes and variated embodiments. The analysis shows that the underlying cause ofMalmö stad applying temporary use in the urban development is partly to activatedeemed unused sites for a limited time, but also to enhance the quality of the sites. Butalso to test different designs in public places. With temporary use, Malmö stad target toincrease citizenship involvement in the urban development process by creating atemporary platform. Malmö stad exhibits a ambition to work more with temporary usethe in urban development, and demonstrating awareness of the strengths andweaknesses of the approach. Malmö stads long-term goals and visions for Malmö havepermeated the temporary use. The approach has allowed Malmö stad to implement thesegoals and visions directly for a limited time.

Design of a vacuum chamber for cathode testing and low power Hall Effect Thrusters : Collaborative project with OHB Sweden AB / Design av en vakuumkammare för katodtestning och Hall Effect Thrusters med låg effekt : Samarbetsprojekt med OHB Sweden AB

Martinez Sanz, Andrea January 2023 (has links)
Testing of hardware to be used in space sometimes involves using vacuum chambers. The need to test hollow cathodes, used as neutralizers for some Electric Propulsion Thrusters, and low power Hall Effect Thrusters at OHB Sweden requires a vacuum chamber to be upgraded. The thesis aims firstly to show the process of adapting the vacuum chamber at OHB to test a heaterless hollow cathode. The requirements of the test included a maximum temperature of a 100 °C in the cathode’s bracket and a pressure inside the chamber around 10¯6 mbar during the test. To accomplish the first, the mounting structure was subjected to a thermal simulation using CREO. Once, the requirement was fulfilled the structure was manufactured and mounted. For the second requirement, a vacuum chamber characterization was done to see the pressure evolution inside the facility. Lastly, the fluid line was designed and mounted in the facility. An upgrade of the current vacuum chamber was deemed insufficient to test low power Hall Effect Thrusters. A comparison between the current vacuum chamber at OHB Sweden and other vacuum chambers designed for this purpose was made. The conclusion was drawn that a new vacuum chamber is necessary. Proposals for the design of a new vacuum facility are presented with particular focus on dimensions, the pump system, sputter protection and thermal protection. / Testandet av hårdvara som ska användas i rymden involverar ibland vakuumkammare. Behovet av att testa hollow cathodes, som används som neutraliserare för vissa jonmotorer, och Hall Effect Thrusters med låg effekt hos OHB Sweden kräver att en vakuumkammare uppgraderas. Avhandlingen syftar först till att redogöra för hur en av vakuumkammarna hos OHB Sweden kan anpassas för att testa en heaterless hollow cathode. Kraven för testet inkluderar en maximal temperatur på 100 °C grader i katodens fäste och och ett vakuum runt 10 ¯6 mbar. En jig designades genom bland annat termisk simulering i CREO. När det termiska kravet ansågs uppfyllas tillverkades och installerades denna jig. För det andra kravet karakteriserades vakuumkammaren med dess vakuumpumpar i syfte att bedöma om dessa kunde uppfylla kravet. Slutligen designades och installerades ett rörsystem som möjliggör matning av bränsle till testobjekten. En uppgradering av nuvarande vakuumkammare bedömdes otillräcklig för att testa Hall Effect Thrusters med låg effekt. En jämförelse mellan nuvarande vakuumkammare på OHB Sweden och andra vakuumkammare designade för detta ändamål gjordes och slutsatsen drogs att en ny vakuumkammare är nödvändig. Förslag på design av ny vakuumkammare presenteras med särkilt fokus på dimensioner, pumpssystemet, sputtingskydd och termiskt skydd.

Distributed Traffic Load Scheduler based on TITANSim for System Test of a Home Subscriber Server (HSS)

Kalaichelvan, Niranjanan January 2011 (has links)
The system test is very significant in the development life cycle of a telecommunication network node. Tools such as TITANSim are used to develop the test framework upon which a load test application is created. These tools need to be highly efficient and optimized to reduce the cost of the system test. This thesis project created a load test application based on the distributed scheduling architecture of TITANSim, whereby multiple users can be simulated using a single test component. This new distributed scheduling system greatly reduces the number of operating system processes involved, thus reducing the memory consumption of the load test application; hence higher loads can be easily simulated with limited hardware resources. The load test application used for system test of the HSS is based on the central scheduling architecture of TITANSim. The central scheduling architecture is a function test concept, where every user is simulated by a single test component. In the system test several thousand users are simulated by the test system. Therefore, the load application based on central scheduling architecture uses thousands of test components leading to high memory consumption in the test system. In this architecture, the scheduling of test components is centralized which results in a lot of communication overhead within the test system, as thousands of test components communicate with a master scheduling component during the test execution. On the other hand, in the distributed scheduling architecture the scheduling task is performed locally by each test component. There is no communication overhead within the test system. Therefore, the test system is highly efficient. In the distributed scheduling architecture the traffic flow of the simulated users are described using the Finite State Machines (FSMs). The FSMs are specified in the configuration files that are used by the test system at run time. Therefore, implementing traffic cases using the distributed scheduling architecture becomes simpler and faster as there is no (TTCN-3) coding/compilation. The HSS is the only node (within Ericsson) whose system test is performed using the central scheduling architecture of TITANSim. The other users (nodes) of TITANSim are using the distributed scheduling architecture for its apparent benefits. Under this circumstance, this thesis project assumes significance for the HSS. When a decision to adapt the distributed scheduling architecture is made for the system test of the HSS, the load application created in this thesis project can be used as a model, or extended for the migration of the test modules for the HSS from the central scheduling architecture to the distributed scheduling architecture. By creating this load application we have gained significant knowledge of the TITANSim framework; most importantly, the necessary modifications to the TITANSim framework required to create a distributed scheduling architecture based load application for the HSS. The load application created for this project was used to (system) test the HSS by generating load using real system test hardware. The results were analytically compared with the test results from the existing load application (which is based on the central scheduling architecture). The analysis showed that the load application based on distributed scheduling architecture is efficient, utilizes less test system resources, and capable of scaling up the load generation capacity / Systemet test är mycket betydelsefullt i utvecklingen livscykeln för ett telenät nod.Verktyg som TITANSim används för att utveckla testet ram på vilken ett belastningsprov program skapas. Dessa verktyg måste vara mycket effektiv och optimerad för att minska kostnaderna för systemet testet. Detta examensarbete skapat ett program belastningsprov bygger på distribuerad schemaläggning arkitektur TITANSim, där flera användare kan simuleras med hjälp av ett enda test komponent. Det nya distribuerade schemaläggning systemet minskar kraftigt antalet operativsystem inblandade system processer, vilket minskar minnesförbrukning av lasten testprogram, därav högre belastningar kan enkelt simuleras med begränsade hårdvara resurser. Lasten testa program som används för systemtest av HSS är baserad på den centrala schemaläggning arkitektur TITANSim. Den centrala schemaläggning arkitektur är ett funktionstest koncept, där varje användare simuleras med ett enda test komponent. I systemet testa flera tusen användare är simulerade av testsystemet.Därför använder belastningen program baserat på centrala schemaläggning arkitektur tusentals testa komponenter leder till hög minnesförbrukning i testsystemet.I denna arkitektur är schemaläggning av test komponenter centraliserad vilket resulterar i en mycket kommunikation overhead inom testsystem, som tusentals testa komponenter kommunicerar med en mästare schemaläggning komponent under testexekvering. Å andra sidan, i den distribuerade schemaläggning arkitekturen schemaläggning uppgiften utförs lokalt av varje test komponent. Det finns ingen kommunikation overhead i testsystemet. Därför är testsystemet mycket effektiv. I distribuerad schemaläggning arkitekturen trafikflödet av simulerade användare beskrivs med Finite State Machines (FSMs). Den FSMs anges i konfigurationsfiler som används av testsystemet vid körning. Därför genomföra trafiken fall med distribuerad schemaläggning arkitektur blir enklare och snabbare eftersom det inte finns någon (TTCN-3) kodning / sammanställning. HSS är den enda nod (inom Ericsson) vars system test utförs med hjälp av den centrala schemaläggningen arkitektur TITANSim. Den andra användare (noder) i TITANSim använder distribuerad schemaläggning arkitektur för sina uppenbara fördelar. Under denna omständighet, förutsätter detta examensarbete betydelse för HSS. När ett beslut att anpassa distribuerad schemaläggning arkitektur är gjord för systemet test av HSS, kan belastningen program som skapats i detta examensarbete kan användas som en modell, eller förlängas för migration av testet moduler för HSS från den centrala schemaläggningen arkitektur för distribuerade schemaläggning arkitektur. Genom att skapa denna belastning ansökan har vi fått stor kunskap om TITANSim ramen, viktigast av allt, de nödvändiga ändringar av TITANSim ramverk som krävs för att skapa en distribuerad schemaläggning arkitektur baserad belastning ansökan för HSS. Lasten program som skapats för detta projekt har använts för att (system) testa HSS genom att generera last använda riktiga maskinvarusystem test. Resultaten analytiskt jämfört med provresultaten från den befintliga belastningen ansökan (som är baserad på den centrala schemaläggning arkitektur). Analysen visade att belastningen ansökan baseras på distribuerad schemaläggning arkitektur är effektiv, använder mindre resurser testsystem, och kan skala upp kapaciteten last generation

Deciphering the regulatory network controlling flavonoid biosynthesis by MYB-bHLH-WDR complexes in Arabidopsis seed / Caractérisation du réseau de régulation contrôlant la biosynthèse des flavonoïdes et impliquant des complexes MYB-bHLH-WDR dans la graine d'Arabidopsis

Xu, Wenjia 15 September 2014 (has links)
Le contrôle combinatoire de l’ expression des gènes est une caractéristique importante du profil spatio-temporel de l'accumulation des flavonoïdes chez les plantes. Des résultats précédents avaient démontré chez Arabidopsis thaliana, que la régulation de l’accumulation des anthocyanes et des proanthocyanidines repose sur l'activité de facteurs de régulation de la transcription de type R2R3-MYB et bHLH qui forment des complexes ternaires ("MBW") avec la protéine TTG1 (WDR). L'objectif de la thèse était de caractériser les complexes MBW impliqués et leurs cibles, pour avoir une compréhension globale des mécanismes transcriptionnels qui contrôlent la biosynthèse des flavonoïdes.En utilisant différentes approches génétiques et moléculaires, nous avons montré que seuls les gènes « tardifs » (c’est à dire DFR, LDOX, BAN, TT19, TT12 et AHA10) sont des cibles directes des complexes MBW. Bien que le complexe de régulation impliquant les protéines TT2-TT8-TTG1 ait un rôle majeur dans la régulation de ces gènes structuraux dans la graine d’Arabidopsis, trois autres complexes contenant MYB5, GL3 ou EGL3 sont également impliqués de façon tissu-spécifique. Comme l’expression du gène TT8 joue un rôle clef dans ces régulations, une dissection fonctionnelle de son promoteur a été entreprise. Elle a montré la nature modulaire de ce promoteur avec deux domaines impliqués dans l’expression tissu-spécifique et un troisième dans la force du promoteur. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent également l’existence d’autres régulateurs qui restent à caractériser. Enfin, nous avons développé une nouvelle technique de caractérisation des interactions entre les facteurs de transcription et les promoteurs, basée sur l’expression transitoire dans des protoplastes de mousse (i.e. Physcomitrella patens). Nous avons ainsi pu identifier les éléments cis des promoteurs impliqués dans la régulation de l’expression de TT8 et de chacun des promoteurs cibles des complexes MBW.L’ensemble de ces travaux permet de fournir un modèle plus complet du réseau de régulations transcriptionnelles qui contrôle la biosynthèse des proanthocyanidines et des anthocyanes, ainsi que des outils et de nouvelles pistes pour poursuivre ces études chez Arabidopsis et d’autres plantes. / The combinatorial control of gene expression is a key feature of the spatio-temporal pattern of flavonoid accumulation in plants. Previous results have shown that the regulation of anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins (PAs or tannins) pigmentation relies on the transcriptional activity of R2R3-MYB and bHLH proteins that form “MBW” ternary complexes with TTG1 (WD-Repeats), in Arabidopsis thaliana. The purpose of the thesis was to figure out the nature and spatio-temporal activity of these MBW complexes and to identify their direct targets, which were essential steps toward a comprehensive understanding of the transcriptional mechanisms that control flavonoid biosynthesis. Using different molecular and genetic approaches this thesis has demonstrated that only late biosynthetic genes (namely DFR, LDOX, BAN, TT19, TT12 and AHA10) are direct targets of the MBW complexes. Interestingly, although the TT2-TT8-TTG1 complex was shown to play the major role in regulating the expression of these structural genes in developing seeds, three additional MBW complexes that contain MYB5, GL3 or EGL3 are also involved, in a tissue-specific manner. Because the expression of TT8 is largely involved in these regulations, a functional dissection of its promoter was carried out. Two modules drive the tissue-specific activity of the TT8 promoter in PA- and anthocyanin-accumulating cells, and a third module is responsible for the strength of the promoter. Interestingly, this regulation involves at least six different MBW complexes. Our results also suggest that some putative new regulators remain to be discovered. Last, use of a newly developed fast and sensitive transient expression system that relies on protoplasts of the moss Physcomitrella patens has allowed the identification of both, specific cis-regulatory elements through which TT8 expression is regulated and the minimal promoter for each of the genes that are targeted by the MBW complexes.Altogether, by answering fundamental questions and by demonstrating or invalidating previously made hypotheses, we have provided a new and comprehensive view of the regulatory mechanisms controlling PA and anthocyanin biosynthesis in Arabidopsis, as well as new clues and tools for further investigation of this pathway in Arabidopsis and other plant species.

Reaproveitamento da casca de amêndoa de cacau para extração de gordura e biocompostos utilizando solventes alcoólicos / Reuse of cocoa bean shell for fat and biocompounds extraction using alcoholic solvents

Okiyama, Dayane Cristina Gomes 28 September 2018 (has links)
O objetivo principal desta tese de doutorado foi a valorização da casca da amêndoa de cacau através do estudo da viabilidade técnica do emprego de tecnologias de extração a pressão atmosférica (ATME) e com líquido pressurizado (PLE) para extração da gordura e biocompostos deste material, utilizando etanol e isopropanol como solventes, os quais são solventes GRAS com aplicação potencial como substitutos do hexano na extração de lipídeos. Para que a sua viabilidade na aplicação de processos de extração fosse atestada, inicialmente, a casca da amêndoa de cacau seca (CS) foi caracterizada. A CS mostrou ser um material nutricionalmente interessante, com teor intermediário de lipídeos (entre 18 a 22% b.s.), elevado teor de fibras, flavanóis e alcaloides e alta solubilidade proteica (47 - 54%), além de não apresentar contaminação por micotoxinas e cádmio. Sua gordura se destacou por ter perfil lipídico semelhante ao da manteiga de cacau com teor superior de ácido linoleico e teores de tocoferóis totais bastante elevados os quais variaram entre 1016 a 1273 mg/kg de gordura, sendo os isômeros majoritários o (&gamma;+&beta;) tocoferois. Assim, a cinética de extração por PLE de lipídios e flavanóis totais (FLA) para sistemas contendo CS e etanol em grau absoluto (Et0) foi estudada nas temperaturas de 60, 75 e 90 °C em tempos estáticos variando de 3 a 50 minutos e razão mássica sólido:solvente de 1:3. A partir destes experimentos determinou-se 30 minutos como o tempo adequado para que a condição de equilíbrio fosse alcançada para as três temperaturas avaliadas; à partir deste intervalo de tempo a extração de lipídeos está estabilizada e o rendimento de extração de FLA é máximo. Os extratos, as gorduras e os sólidos desengordurados oriundos da PLE foram avaliados levando a concluir que esta técnica foi extremamente viável para extração de lipídeos, flavanóis, alcaloides e tocoferóis da CS, fornecendo rendimentos de extração bastante elevados, em curto período de tempo, em um único estágio de contato. Os dados experimentais da cinética por PLE foram modelados e os coeficientes de difusão para a gordura foram estimados. Além disso, pode-se verificar que a PLE não afetou a solubilidade das proteínas presentes no material das extrações conduzidas a 60 e 75 °C, o que permite a obtenção de um sólido desengordurado com elevado valor. A investigação do processo de extração por ATME iniciou-se com sistemas contendo CS e solventes etanol e isopropanol, em grau absoluto e azeotrópico, nas temperaturas de 60, 75 e 90 °C com razão mássica sólido:solvente de 1:3 e tempo de extração de 1 hora. Pode-se observar que, nessas condições, os experimentos de extração forneceram resultados de rendimento de extração de gordura aquém do esperado. Apesar disso, foi possível avaliar o efeito dos parâmetros de processo, temperatura e tipo de solvente, sobre o processo de extração; pode-se concluir que temperaturas mais elevadas levam a maiores rendimentos de extração de todas as classes de compostos avaliadas, para os lipídeos, em geral, o solvente isopropanol em grau absoluto foi o mais eficiente, entretanto, na extração de compostos fenólicos, FLA e tocoferóis o solvente etanol em grau azeotrópico apresentou melhor desempenho. Para uma investigação mais aprofundada, realizou-se o estudo da cinética de extração de lipídeos por ATME com os solventes etanol em grau absoluto e azeotrópico nas temperaturas de 75 e 90 °C. Com estes experimentos pode-se observar que, para garantir que a condição de equilíbrio fosse alcançada, seria necessário tempo de extração de pelo menos 3 horas para os solventes avaliados, com este tempo de extração os rendimentos aumentaram consideravelmente, bem como o teor de flavanóis totais nos extratos; por outro lado, a solubilidade proteica da fase rafinado diminuiu consideravelmente. Os dados experimentais de cinética por ATME foram modelados e os coeficientes de difusão para a gordura foram também estimados, sendo aproximadamente 5 vezes menores que os estimados para a PLE. Com base na determinação do tempo necessário para se atingir a condição de equilíbrio, realizou-se os experimentos para determinação dos coeficientes de partição (k) da gordura da casca da amêndoa de cacau, o qual permite estimar o número de estágios de extração para máxima exaustão dos sólidos em termos de teor de lipídeos. Estes experimentos mostraram que o solvente Et0 a temperaturas mais elevadas fornece coeficientes de partição maiores. Os valores de kgordura maiores obtidos para o Et0, se comparado com o solvente etanol em grau azeotrópico, indicam que seu emprego em processos de extração exigiria um número menor de estágios de contato para o esgotamento do sólido. Analisando os processos de extração empregados, pode-se concluir que a PLE apresenta eficiência superior na extração simultânea de flavanóis e compostos lipídicos da casca da amêndoa de cacau em relação a ATME, e também impacta menos a solubilidade proteica dos sólidos desengordurados oriundos do processo de extração, fato que demonstra sua elevada viabilidade técnica. / The main objective of this Ph.D. thesis was the valorization of the cocoa bean shell through the study of the technical feasibility of the use of atmospheric pressure extraction (ATME) and pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) technologies for the extraction of fat and biocompounds of this material, using ethanol and isopropanol as solvents, which are GRAS solvents with potential application as substitutes for hexane in lipid extraction. In order for its viability in the application of extraction processes to be attested, initially, the dried cocoa bean shell (CS) was characterized. CS showed to be a nutritionally interesting material, with an intermediate content of lipids (between 18 to 22% d.b.), high fiber content, flavanols and alkaloids and high protein solubility (47-54%), besides not being contaminated by mycotoxins and cadmium. Its fat was remarkable for having a lipid profile similar to that of cocoa butter with a higher content of linoleic acid and quite high total tocopherols, which ranged from 1016 to 1273 mg / kg of fat, with the major isomers being (&gamma; + &beta;) tocopherols. Thus the PLE extraction kinetics of lipids and total flavanols (FLA) for systems containing CS and absolute ethanol (Et0) were studied at 60, 75 and 90 ° C in static times ranging from 3 to 50 minutes and mass ratio solid:solvent of 1: 3. From these experiments, 30 minutes were determined as the adequate time for the equilibrium condition to be reached for the three temperatures evaluated; from this time interval the lipid extraction is stabilized and the extraction yield of FLA is maximal. The raffinate phases, extract phases and fats from PLE were evaluated leading to the conclusion that this technique was extremely viable for extracting lipids, flavanols, alkaloids and tocopherols, providing very high extraction yields in a short period of time with a single stage of contact. Experimental data of PLE kinetics were modeled and the diffusion coefficients for fat were estimated. In addition, PLE did not affect the solubility of the proteins present in the material from extractions conducted at 60 and 75 °C, which allows obtaining a high value defatted meal. The investigation of the extraction process by ATME started with systems containing CS and solvents ethanol and isopropanol, in absolute and azeotrope degree, at 60, 75 and 90 ° C with mass ratio solid:solvent of 1:3 and time of extraction time of 1 hour. Under these conditions, the extraction experiments gave results of fat extraction yields less than expected. Despite this, it was possible to evaluate the effect of process parameters, temperature and type of solvent on the extraction process; it can be concluded that higher temperatures lead to higher extraction yields of all classes of compounds evaluated. For lipids, in general, the absolute isopropanol was the most efficient solvent, however, in the extraction of phenolic compounds, FLA and tocopherols the ethanol azeotropic showed better performance. For a more in-depth investigation, the kinetics of lipid extraction by ATME with ethanol in absolute and azeotropic degree at 75 and 90 °C were carried out. With these experiments it can be observed that, in order to guarantee that the equilibrium condition was reached, extraction time of at least 3 hours was required for the solvents evaluated, with this time of extraction the yields increased considerably, as well as the content of flavanols totals in extracts; on the other hand, the protein solubility of the raffinate phase decreased considerably. Experimental kinetic data by ATME were modeled and the diffusion coefficients for fat were also estimated, being approximately 5 times smaller than those estimated for PLE. Based on the determination of the time required to reach the equilibrium condition, the experiments were carried out to determine the partition coefficients (k) of the cocoa bean shell fat, which allows estimating the number of extraction stages to maximum depletion in terms of lipid content. These experiments showed that the solvent Et0 at higher temperatures provides larger partition coefficients. The higher kfat values obtained for Et0, when compared to ethanol solvent in azeotropic grade, indicate that their use in extraction processes would require a lower number of contact stages for the depletion of the solid. Analyzing the extraction processes applyed, it can be concluded that PLE has superior efficiency in the simultaneous extraction of flavanols and lipid compounds from the cocoa bean shell in relation to ATME, and has less impact on the protein solubility of the defatted meal, a fact that demonstrates its high technical feasibility.

Reaproveitamento da casca de amêndoa de cacau para extração de gordura e biocompostos utilizando solventes alcoólicos / Reuse of cocoa bean shell for fat and biocompounds extraction using alcoholic solvents

Dayane Cristina Gomes Okiyama 28 September 2018 (has links)
O objetivo principal desta tese de doutorado foi a valorização da casca da amêndoa de cacau através do estudo da viabilidade técnica do emprego de tecnologias de extração a pressão atmosférica (ATME) e com líquido pressurizado (PLE) para extração da gordura e biocompostos deste material, utilizando etanol e isopropanol como solventes, os quais são solventes GRAS com aplicação potencial como substitutos do hexano na extração de lipídeos. Para que a sua viabilidade na aplicação de processos de extração fosse atestada, inicialmente, a casca da amêndoa de cacau seca (CS) foi caracterizada. A CS mostrou ser um material nutricionalmente interessante, com teor intermediário de lipídeos (entre 18 a 22% b.s.), elevado teor de fibras, flavanóis e alcaloides e alta solubilidade proteica (47 - 54%), além de não apresentar contaminação por micotoxinas e cádmio. Sua gordura se destacou por ter perfil lipídico semelhante ao da manteiga de cacau com teor superior de ácido linoleico e teores de tocoferóis totais bastante elevados os quais variaram entre 1016 a 1273 mg/kg de gordura, sendo os isômeros majoritários o (&gamma;+&beta;) tocoferois. Assim, a cinética de extração por PLE de lipídios e flavanóis totais (FLA) para sistemas contendo CS e etanol em grau absoluto (Et0) foi estudada nas temperaturas de 60, 75 e 90 °C em tempos estáticos variando de 3 a 50 minutos e razão mássica sólido:solvente de 1:3. A partir destes experimentos determinou-se 30 minutos como o tempo adequado para que a condição de equilíbrio fosse alcançada para as três temperaturas avaliadas; à partir deste intervalo de tempo a extração de lipídeos está estabilizada e o rendimento de extração de FLA é máximo. Os extratos, as gorduras e os sólidos desengordurados oriundos da PLE foram avaliados levando a concluir que esta técnica foi extremamente viável para extração de lipídeos, flavanóis, alcaloides e tocoferóis da CS, fornecendo rendimentos de extração bastante elevados, em curto período de tempo, em um único estágio de contato. Os dados experimentais da cinética por PLE foram modelados e os coeficientes de difusão para a gordura foram estimados. Além disso, pode-se verificar que a PLE não afetou a solubilidade das proteínas presentes no material das extrações conduzidas a 60 e 75 °C, o que permite a obtenção de um sólido desengordurado com elevado valor. A investigação do processo de extração por ATME iniciou-se com sistemas contendo CS e solventes etanol e isopropanol, em grau absoluto e azeotrópico, nas temperaturas de 60, 75 e 90 °C com razão mássica sólido:solvente de 1:3 e tempo de extração de 1 hora. Pode-se observar que, nessas condições, os experimentos de extração forneceram resultados de rendimento de extração de gordura aquém do esperado. Apesar disso, foi possível avaliar o efeito dos parâmetros de processo, temperatura e tipo de solvente, sobre o processo de extração; pode-se concluir que temperaturas mais elevadas levam a maiores rendimentos de extração de todas as classes de compostos avaliadas, para os lipídeos, em geral, o solvente isopropanol em grau absoluto foi o mais eficiente, entretanto, na extração de compostos fenólicos, FLA e tocoferóis o solvente etanol em grau azeotrópico apresentou melhor desempenho. Para uma investigação mais aprofundada, realizou-se o estudo da cinética de extração de lipídeos por ATME com os solventes etanol em grau absoluto e azeotrópico nas temperaturas de 75 e 90 °C. Com estes experimentos pode-se observar que, para garantir que a condição de equilíbrio fosse alcançada, seria necessário tempo de extração de pelo menos 3 horas para os solventes avaliados, com este tempo de extração os rendimentos aumentaram consideravelmente, bem como o teor de flavanóis totais nos extratos; por outro lado, a solubilidade proteica da fase rafinado diminuiu consideravelmente. Os dados experimentais de cinética por ATME foram modelados e os coeficientes de difusão para a gordura foram também estimados, sendo aproximadamente 5 vezes menores que os estimados para a PLE. Com base na determinação do tempo necessário para se atingir a condição de equilíbrio, realizou-se os experimentos para determinação dos coeficientes de partição (k) da gordura da casca da amêndoa de cacau, o qual permite estimar o número de estágios de extração para máxima exaustão dos sólidos em termos de teor de lipídeos. Estes experimentos mostraram que o solvente Et0 a temperaturas mais elevadas fornece coeficientes de partição maiores. Os valores de kgordura maiores obtidos para o Et0, se comparado com o solvente etanol em grau azeotrópico, indicam que seu emprego em processos de extração exigiria um número menor de estágios de contato para o esgotamento do sólido. Analisando os processos de extração empregados, pode-se concluir que a PLE apresenta eficiência superior na extração simultânea de flavanóis e compostos lipídicos da casca da amêndoa de cacau em relação a ATME, e também impacta menos a solubilidade proteica dos sólidos desengordurados oriundos do processo de extração, fato que demonstra sua elevada viabilidade técnica. / The main objective of this Ph.D. thesis was the valorization of the cocoa bean shell through the study of the technical feasibility of the use of atmospheric pressure extraction (ATME) and pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) technologies for the extraction of fat and biocompounds of this material, using ethanol and isopropanol as solvents, which are GRAS solvents with potential application as substitutes for hexane in lipid extraction. In order for its viability in the application of extraction processes to be attested, initially, the dried cocoa bean shell (CS) was characterized. CS showed to be a nutritionally interesting material, with an intermediate content of lipids (between 18 to 22% d.b.), high fiber content, flavanols and alkaloids and high protein solubility (47-54%), besides not being contaminated by mycotoxins and cadmium. Its fat was remarkable for having a lipid profile similar to that of cocoa butter with a higher content of linoleic acid and quite high total tocopherols, which ranged from 1016 to 1273 mg / kg of fat, with the major isomers being (&gamma; + &beta;) tocopherols. Thus the PLE extraction kinetics of lipids and total flavanols (FLA) for systems containing CS and absolute ethanol (Et0) were studied at 60, 75 and 90 ° C in static times ranging from 3 to 50 minutes and mass ratio solid:solvent of 1: 3. From these experiments, 30 minutes were determined as the adequate time for the equilibrium condition to be reached for the three temperatures evaluated; from this time interval the lipid extraction is stabilized and the extraction yield of FLA is maximal. The raffinate phases, extract phases and fats from PLE were evaluated leading to the conclusion that this technique was extremely viable for extracting lipids, flavanols, alkaloids and tocopherols, providing very high extraction yields in a short period of time with a single stage of contact. Experimental data of PLE kinetics were modeled and the diffusion coefficients for fat were estimated. In addition, PLE did not affect the solubility of the proteins present in the material from extractions conducted at 60 and 75 °C, which allows obtaining a high value defatted meal. The investigation of the extraction process by ATME started with systems containing CS and solvents ethanol and isopropanol, in absolute and azeotrope degree, at 60, 75 and 90 ° C with mass ratio solid:solvent of 1:3 and time of extraction time of 1 hour. Under these conditions, the extraction experiments gave results of fat extraction yields less than expected. Despite this, it was possible to evaluate the effect of process parameters, temperature and type of solvent on the extraction process; it can be concluded that higher temperatures lead to higher extraction yields of all classes of compounds evaluated. For lipids, in general, the absolute isopropanol was the most efficient solvent, however, in the extraction of phenolic compounds, FLA and tocopherols the ethanol azeotropic showed better performance. For a more in-depth investigation, the kinetics of lipid extraction by ATME with ethanol in absolute and azeotropic degree at 75 and 90 °C were carried out. With these experiments it can be observed that, in order to guarantee that the equilibrium condition was reached, extraction time of at least 3 hours was required for the solvents evaluated, with this time of extraction the yields increased considerably, as well as the content of flavanols totals in extracts; on the other hand, the protein solubility of the raffinate phase decreased considerably. Experimental kinetic data by ATME were modeled and the diffusion coefficients for fat were also estimated, being approximately 5 times smaller than those estimated for PLE. Based on the determination of the time required to reach the equilibrium condition, the experiments were carried out to determine the partition coefficients (k) of the cocoa bean shell fat, which allows estimating the number of extraction stages to maximum depletion in terms of lipid content. These experiments showed that the solvent Et0 at higher temperatures provides larger partition coefficients. The higher kfat values obtained for Et0, when compared to ethanol solvent in azeotropic grade, indicate that their use in extraction processes would require a lower number of contact stages for the depletion of the solid. Analyzing the extraction processes applyed, it can be concluded that PLE has superior efficiency in the simultaneous extraction of flavanols and lipid compounds from the cocoa bean shell in relation to ATME, and has less impact on the protein solubility of the defatted meal, a fact that demonstrates its high technical feasibility.

O coatá-de-testa-branca (Ateles marginatus) do baixo Rio Tapajós, Pará: distribuição, abundância e conservação

RAVETTA, André Luís 16 February 2001 (has links)
Submitted by Edisangela Bastos (edisangela@ufpa.br) on 2013-08-02T20:52:48Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao_CoataTestaBranca.pdf: 21676162 bytes, checksum: 4a149f4314053613c5ca049483187da0 (MD5) license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Rosa Silva(arosa@ufpa.br) on 2013-08-19T14:38:56Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao_CoataTestaBranca.pdf: 21676162 bytes, checksum: 4a149f4314053613c5ca049483187da0 (MD5) license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-08-19T14:38:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertacao_CoataTestaBranca.pdf: 21676162 bytes, checksum: 4a149f4314053613c5ca049483187da0 (MD5) license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2001 / CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / O coatá-de-testa-branca, Ateles marginatus, é uma espécie de primata ameaçada de extinção segundo a UICN. Endêmica da Amazônia brasileira, este status deve-se a uma combinação de uma distribuição geográfica relativamente restrita e às crescentes pressões antrópicas dentro desta área. O presente estudo compreendeu a margem direita do baixo Rio Tapajós, centrado na rodovia BR-163 (Santarém-Cuiabá), região de intensa e antiga ocupação humana. O objetivo principal do estudo foi uma avaliação da distribuição e abundância de A. marginatus dentro desta área, e a análise dos fatores determinantes destas variáveis. Foram visitados 16 sítios, onde moradores foram entrevistados informalmente para a confirmação da presença ou ausência da espécie. Levantamentos populacionais de transecção linear foram realizados em oito sítios, representativos de diferentes graus de fragmentação de hábitat, com um percurso total de 697,6 km. Em dois sítios, agrupamentos de A. marginatus foram monitorados para a obtenção de dados sobre seu comportamento e ecologia. Os resultados indicam que a espécie é ausente de algumas áreas, incluindo lacunas naturais em sua distribuição e uma zona de extinção local, que parece estender até pelo menos 60 km a sul da cidade de Santarém. Um total de 23 espécies de mamíferos não-voadores foram registradas nos levantamentos populacionais, mas a presença de A. marginatus foi confirmada em apenas três sítios. O estudo indica que fragmentos isolados de floresta com menos de cem hectares não suportam populações de A. marginatus. No caso de fragmentos maiores, a presença e abundância da espécie parecem ser influenciadas mais diretamente por fatores antrópicos (caça e extração de madeira). Mesmo em floresta contínua, a espécie parece ser relativamente pouco abundante, mas semelhante a outras populações de Ateles na Amazônia brasileira. Dois grupos, um com oito membros e o outro com pelo menos vinte, foram identificados durante o monitoramento. Como em outros membros do gênero, a formação de subagrupamentos (fissão-fusão), uma proporção relativamente alta de fêmeas na população e uma dieta frugívora são observadas também em A. marginatus. O estudo deixa clara a situação crítica da espécie na região, frente à ocupação humana, e a necessidade urgente tanto de deter o processo de fragmentação de hábitat como de implantar novas unidades de conservação. / The white-fronted spider monkey, Ateles marginatus, is an endangered species according to IUCN. Endemic to Brazilian Amazonia, its status is due to a combination of a relatively restricted geogaphic distribution and the growing human presence within this area. The present study focussed on the BR-163 (Santarém-Cuiabá) highway, on the right bank of the lower Rio Tapajós, a region of prolonged and intense human occupation. The principal aim of the present study was an evaluation of the distribution and abundance of A. marginatus within this area, and analysis of the factors determining these variables. Residents were interviewed informally at 16 sites in order to confirm the presence or absence of the species. Line transect population surveys were conducted at eight sites, representing differing degrees of habitat fragmentation, with a total transect length of 697.6 km. Groups of A. marginatus were monitored at two sites for the collection of data on their behaviour and ecology. The results indicate that the species is absent from some areas, including natural lacunae in its distribution as well as a zone of local extinction, that appears to extend as least as far as 60 km south of the city of Santarém. A total of 23 species of nonflying mammals were recorded in the population surveys, but the presence of A. marginatus was confirmed at only three sites. The study indicates that isolated fragments of forest of less than one hundred hectares are unable to support populations of A. marginatus. In the case of larger fragments, the presence and abundance of the species appears to be influenced more directly by human factors (hunting and logging). The species seems to be relatively rare even in continuous forest, which is similar to other populations of Ateles in Brazilian Amazonia. Two groups, one with eight members and the other with at least twenty, were identified during monitoring. As in other members of the genus, the formation of subgroups (fission-fusion), a relatively high proportion of females in the population and a frugivorous diet are also observed in A. marginatus. The study reveals the critical situation of the species in the region, in the face of human occupation, and the urgent need both to deter the process of habitat fragmentation and establish new protected areas.

Uticaj dodatka emulgujućih skrobova na tehnološke karakteristike testa i kvalitet hleba / Influence of emulsifying starches on dough technological characteristics and bread quality

Dapčević Hadnađev Tamara 28 October 2013 (has links)
<p>Prema najnovijim istraživanjima modifikovanim skrobovima može se pripisati jo&scaron; jedna uloga &ndash; aditivi u pekarstvu, s obzirom da utiču na pobolj&scaron;anje kvaliteta hleba i<br />usporavaju proces starenja. Međutim, prema saznanjima autora ove disertacije, ne<br />postoje istraživanja na temu uticaja emulgujućih skrobova (skrob-natrijum<br />oktenilsukcinata, OSA skrobova) na kvalitet testa i hleba od p&scaron;eničnog bra&scaron;na.<br />Uzimajući u obzir činjenicu da druge vrste modifikovanih skrobova ispoljavaju dobre<br />osobine u smislu pobolj&scaron;anja kvaliteta hleba i da je OSA skrob nutritivno vredna<br />sirovina, s obzirom da se u organiznu pona&scaron;a kao prehrambeno vlakno, od velike je<br />važnosti ispitati ulogu OSA skroba kao aditiva u pekarstvu.<br />Međutim, usled kompleksne prirode testa kao sistema, bilo je te&scaron;ko odrediti relativni<br />uticaj pojedinačnih komponenti (proteina, p&scaron;eničnog skroba, OSA skroba) i njihovih<br />međusobnih interakcija na osobine testa. Stoga je, u cilju rasvetljavanja uticaja različitih OSA skrobova na viskoelastične osobine testa i retrogradaciju skrobne komponente (fenomen povezan sa starenjem hleba), p&scaron;enično bra&scaron;no frakcionisano na gluten i skrob, i vr&scaron;ena su ispitivanja strukturnih, reolo&scaron;kih i termičkih osobina hidratisanog glutena i skrobnih gelova sa dodatkom OSA skroba. Takođe su pripremani i model sistemi testa.<br />Ispitivanja na realnim sistemima (testo i hleb) izvođena su zamenom 2,5; 5 i 10%<br />p&scaron;eničnog bra&scaron;na, jednim od tri vrste OSA skroba: skrob-natrijum oktenilsukcinatom<br />(OSA-ST), preželatiniziranim skrob-natrijum oktenilsukcinatom (Pregel OSA-ST) i<br />hidrolizovanim su&scaron;enim u spreju skrob-natrijum oktenilsukcinatom (Hydrol OSA-ST).<br />Cilj je bio da se ispita uticaj dodatka OSA skrobova na strukturu testa (SEM), empirijske (miksolab, alveograf i reofermentometar) i fundamentalne (oscilatorna merenja i testovi puzanja i deformacije) reolo&scaron;ke osobine, kao i parametre kvaliteta hleba (specifična zapremina, boja kore i sredine hleba, vlaga sredine hleba, parametri raspodele veličine pora i tekstura sredine). Pored pomenutog, praćena je i promena kvaliteta hleba tokom skladi&scaron;tenja, kako bi se dobio uvid u kinetiku starenja hleba.<br />Rezultati dobijeni u ovoj disertaciji ukazali su da reolo&scaron;ko pona&scaron;anje testa sa dodatkom OSA skrobova zavisi od strukture skrobnih granula, tj. od stepena dezintegracije i depolimerizacije granule tokom procesa modifikacije. Stoga je dodatak OSA-ST doveo do ojačavanja glutenske mreže &scaron;to se odrazilo na porast modula elastičnosti i testa i glutena. Nasuprot tome, Pregel and Hydrol OSA-ST uticali su na kontinualnost glutenske mreže koja je u njihovom prisustvu bila poroznija, a time su i dobijena testa bila mek&scaron;a i rastegljivija. Istraživanja na realnim i model sistemima (p&scaron;enični skrob sa dodatkom OSA skroba) ukazala su da sva tri OSA skroba usporavaju retrogradaciju p&scaron;eničnog skroba. Takođe je dokazano da svi ispitivani emulgujući skrobovi povećavaju specifičnu zapreminu hleba u poređenju sa kontrolnim, pri čemu je Pregel OSA ispoljio najjači efekat. To se odrazilo i na strukturne osobine sredine hleba, a posledično i na mehaničke osobine sredine, čija promena je praćena u cilju određivanja kinetike starenja hleba. Prema dobijenim rezultatima, vrednosti čvrstoće sredine hleba koji je sadržao OSA-ST i Pregel OSA-ST su i nakon 24 h bile slične ili značajno niže od vrednosti čvrstoće kontrolnog uzorka određene 2 h nakon pečenja.</p> / <p>Recent studies have demonstrated that modified starches can be used as novel additives in breadmaking since they improve bread quality and retard stalling. However, up to the author&#39;s knowledge, there are no investigations concerning the influence of emulsifying starches (starch sodium octenyl succinates - OSA starches) on wheat flour dough and bread quality. Taking into account the fact that other modified starches have exhibited significant bread improving properties and that OSA starch has special nutritional value since it can act as functional fibre, it is of a great importance to investigate the feasibility of OSA starch as bread improver.<br />However, due to the complex nature of dough, it was difficult to determine the relative contributions of protein, native and modified starch components and their interactions on dough properties. Therefore, in order to resolve the influence of different OSA starches on dough viscoelastic properties and starch retrogradation (the phenomenon related to bread stalling), wheat flour was fractionated into gluten and starch; and the structural, rheological and thermal behaviour of the hydrated gluten samples and starch gels supplemented with emulsifying starches was also studied. Dough model systems were also prepared.<br />Experiments on real systems (dough and bread) were performed by incorporating<br />starch sodium octenyl succinate (OSA-ST), pregelatinized OSA starch (Pregel OSA-ST) and hydrolysed spray-dried OSA starch (Hydrol OSA-ST) at 2.5, 5 and 10 % into wheat flour. The aim was to investigate the effect of incorporating OSA starches on dough structural (SEM imaging), empirical (Mixolab, Alveograph, Rheofermentometre) and fundamental (oscillatory and creep measurements) rheological properties as well as bread quality parameters (specific loaf volume, crust and crumb colour, crumb moisture, crumb grain features, crumb texture). In addition, the bread quality attributes during storage were also monitored in order to get insight into bread stalling kinetics.<br />The results obtained in this thesis revealed that the rheological behaviour of OSA starch supplemented dough depended on the OSA starch granule rigidity, i.e. extent of OSA starch granule disintegration and polysaccharide degradation during modification. OSA-ST starch caused a reinforcement of the gluten network, as shown by the increase in storage modulus of doughs and gluten. On contrary, Pregel and Hydrol OSA-ST affected the continuity of gluten network which became porous and thus produced softer and stickier doughs in comparison to control. Investigations on real dough and model systems containing wheat and OSA starches revealed that all three types of OSA starches reduced starch retrogradation.<br />In general, all the examined emulsifying starches increased bread loaf volume in comparison to control bread with no added polymers, while Pregel OSA starch has expressed the greatest impact. It also reflected on bread crumb structural features and consequently on the crumb mechanical properties which were used for bread stalling monitoring. Firmness values of OSA-ST and Pregel OSA-ST starch supplemented bread crumbs, after 24 h of storage, were similar to or significantly lower than those of control determined 2 h after baking.</p>

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