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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Storming the Castle: Non-Secular Subversion of the Pas D'Armes in The Castle of Perseverance

Moss, John 09 May 2008 (has links)
It is important to remember that the categories of medieval performance were established far removed from their period in history. As a genre, the morality play includes a wide diversity of time, geography, content and performance styles. Such disparities have made it difficult to develop a comprehensive definition, without which comparisons between works cannot be consistent. As scholarship continues to explore these works in context of their performance, it becomes increasingly important to identify which performance styles best inform their production. In examining The Castle of Perseverance within the parameters of pas d’armes, new meanings can be drawn from its text. Instead of simply incorporating the conventions of tournament staging, the play exposes the faults of the secular societies they were intended to promote. Currently it is impossible to determine definitely that The Castle of Perseverance was intended to be a subversion of the pas d’armes. There is no identified author or even record of a single performance in medieval times. Yet the circumstantial evidence within the text supports the theory of subversion. Further research is still needed on the performance of The Castle of Perseverance within the appropriate historical context in order to better understand its place within the larger canon of medieval drama.

Les bâtiments du monde viti- vinicole en Languedoc-Roussillon des années 1860 à nos jours : étude d'une infrastructure privée et communautaire / Non communiqué

Ganibenc, Dominique 14 December 2012 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur les différentes constructions du monde vitivinicole en Languedoc-Roussillon, des années 1860 à nos jours. Elle a pour objectif l’étude de leur place et impact dans le paysage languedocien. Une partie de la recherche porte sur les constructions privées, qu’elles soient d’habitation ou d’exploitation. L’analyse des bâtiments coopératifsvinicoles se veut plus exhaustive : elle est tournée vers les caves et les distilleries. La réalisation d’un corpus de ces structures, qu’elles soient privées ou communautaires, a permis d’en analyser l’évolution typologique et architecturale. La réflexion s’axe principalement sur les nécessités de la création d’un réseau coopératif vinicole, les formes et conditions de son développement ainsi que sur la mise en place des organismes de tutelle. Sa répartition, territoriale comme chronologique, a été analysée à l’échelle d’une région, avec les caves coopératives de la Gironde comme point de comparaison. Les principaux maîtres d’oeuvre des réseaux ont également été répertoriés, leurs oeuvres énumérées et leur vocabulaire architectural, étudié. Enfin, l’analyse typologique et architecturale de ces bâtiments du monde vitivinicole, tant privés que communautaires, ainsi que leur actualité en prise avec une restructuration sévère du réseau coopératif, amène à se questionner sur leur valeur historique et symbolique. Il s’agit donc désormais d’évaluer les moyens d’insérer ce riche héritage viticole dans le patrimoine régional, d’en assurer la protection et la mise en valeur. / This study concerns the different constructions used in the making of wine in Languedoc-Roussillon from the 1860s to the present day. It aims at studying their place and impact in ‘Languedocian’ landscape. Part of the research focuses on private buildings, whether residential or commercial. The analysis of cooperative winery buildings is more exhaustive and oriented towards wine cellars and distilleries. The implementation of a corpus of these private or community structures has been done in order to present the evolution and architectural typology. The study is centered mainly on the necessities of creating a wine cooperative network, forms and conditions of its development as well as the establishment of regulatory bodies.Distribution through the period was analyzed across an area with cooperatives of the Gironde as a point of comparison. The main contractor networks have also been identified, and their works listed and there has also been a focus on architectural vocabulary. Finally, a cluster analysis and the architecture of these buildings connected to the wine industry, both private and community, as well as their current engagement with a severe restructuring of the cooperative network, raises the question of their historical and symbolic value. It is time to assess how to ensure this rich viticultural heritage in the region's history is preserved and indeed enhanced.

Terezie od Ježíše: Hrad v nitru / Teresa of Jesus: Interior Castle

Kutarňová, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
Teresa of Jesus: Interior Castle Kateřina Kutarňová Diploma thesis Abstract This thesis seeks to understand the most important text of Teresa of Jesus -'Interior Castle' which is considered one of the most important books of Spanish mysticism. This understanding should be achieved by using both theological and phenomenologico- hermenutical commentaries. The main topics of this thesis are religious and mystical experience, mystical transformation and intersubjectivity. Motivated by the possibility of gaining the understanding of the text as a whole, I firstly try to present the meaning of particular chapters. The Interior Castle leads from incorrect/false understanding (of one's self, reality and God) to the right or true one. This true understanding is made possible by reaching the mystical marriage between God and man based on full and conscious living of their mutual, intersubjective relationship. The reaching of mystical intersubjectivity provides the possibility of transgressing from knowing the reality as it appears to be to knowing the reality as it is. Keywords Teresa of Jesus; Teresa of Avila; Interior Castle; Christianity; Religious Experience; Mystical Experience; Mysticism; Mystical Transformation; Intersubjectivity; Frohlich Mary; Lonergan Bernard; Ahlgren Gillian; Steinbock Anthony

Cestovatelství Josefa Colloredo-Mannsfelda (1866-1957) / Josef Colloredo-Mannsfeld's travels

Jiráková, Anežka January 2013 (has links)
Josef Colloredo-Mannsfelds Travels Travels to North America (1904 - 1906) Řešitel Anežka Jiráková Školitel Doc. PhDr. Irena Štěpánová, CSc. Abstract Between years 1904 and 1906 realised Josef Colloredo-Mannsfeld (1866 - 1957) two travels to North America. He was accompanied by his wife Yvonne. Both several months lasting travels took place in winter. Their accurate reconstruction is impossible due to the lack of archive materials. Most information has been preserved in Joseph's itinerary, where he wrote about visiting Alaska and Yukon in 1904. Josef brought back a number of animal trophies and valuable ethnographic material, which now can be seen in Opočno castle or in Náprstek museum in Prague. The author of this diploma thesis focuses mainly on the reconstruction and describing of the travels, she also discusses the personality of Josef Colloredo- Mannsfeld and writes about hunting, travelling and understanding of ethnicity in the contemporary context.

Vliv hradních zřícenin na diverzitu vegetace v krajině / Effect of castle ruins on diversity of vegetation in the landscape

Javorský, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
Medieval castle ruins undoubtedly create the face of the Czech landscape. Moreover, the few previous studies on this topic have shown that ruins are unique and extraordinary biotope. This work aims to characterize castle vegetation on thirty examined localities (thirty ruins). Phytosociological relevés and soil samples were collected, soil depth was measured and the cover of individual layers was observed - all of this on three spots on each locality. One of the places covered castle and the other ones the nearby forests (each one was chosen differently than the other). The castle walls were sampled separately. The results show that castles not only increase the diversity of forests by hosting a higher number of species but also by a different species composition - castles have a rather large set of species with high fidelity to ruins areas. Approximately half of the uniqueness of the ruins can be explained by the soil qualities, such as higher pH, higher quantity of calcium and magnesium, the other half remains unclear notwithstanding the usage of various explanatory variables. It is certain that castle ruins are from a biological point of view exceptional, unique and they surely deserve the attention which we owe them so far.

Caractérisation formelle des structures multi-échelles géographiques en relativité d’échelle : exemples en géographie physique, géographie urbaine, géohistoire et géographie du peuplement / Formal characterization of multi-scale geographical structures in relativity of scale : examples in physical geography, urban geography, geohistory and stand geography

Forriez, Maxime 17 June 2010 (has links)
La caractéristique la plus évidente de l’interface terrestre est son hétérogénéité. Phénoménologiquement, celle-ci, anthropique ou naturelle, transparaît de limites qui définissent les formes déployées dans l’espace géographique. Ces limites sont certes dues à une dynamique temporelle, tout autant que à une dynamique scalaire. Celle-ci se manifeste dans les rapports possibles et changeant existant entre échelles dans la mesure où tout échelle ne peut se concevoir que comme relative à une autre servant de référence. Ceci conduit à la relativité d’échelle (R.E.) qui devrait permettre de définir intrinsèquement l’espace géographique. Le premier objectif est de montrer la possibilité d’utiliser la R.E. en géographie. Au coeur de la R.E., on trouve la géométrie fractale qui reste indispensable pour essayer de comprendre l’organisation scalaire du monde. Jusqu’à présent les fractales n’étaient utilisées que comme un outil de description plus ou moins pertinent. En R.E., les formes fractales deviennent une conséquence d’un espace formel intrinsèquement irrégulier. La fractalité peut donc être une voie de compréhension du monde utilisant l’espace de ses échelles, c’est-à-dire de ses résolutions. L’objectif central de cette étude est donc de construire une méthodologie fractale générale nécessaire à l’étude d’une morphologie quelconque à travers divers exemples issus de la géographie physique, de la géographie urbaine, de la géohistoire et de la géographie du peuplement. L’objectif final est d’aboutir à des solutions formelles accessibles à une large communauté de géographes, ce qui n’est pas le cas de la théorie de la R.E. dans son formalisme actuel. D’un point de vue épistémologique, le développement en géographie de la R.E. pose la question de la renaturalisation de cette discipline des Sciences humaines et sociales et de sa constitution en science analytique, donc plus largement de proposer une nouvelle définition de la géographie / The most obvious characteristic of the terrestrial interface is its heterogeneity. Phenomenologically, this one, human or natural, show limits that define the forms deployed in geographic space. These limits are certainly due to temporal dynamic, all as much as a scale dynamic. This one is manifested in the possible relationships and variables that exist between scales inasmuch as every scale can no conceive than relative to another that is used as reference. This leads to the scale relativity (SR) which should allow to define intrinsically the geographical space. The first objective is to show the possibility of using SR in geography. At the heart of the SR, we found that fractal geometry is indispensable to try to understand the organization in the scales of the world. So far fractals no were used than as a tool of describing more or less relevant. In SR, the fractal forms become a consequence of a formal space intrinsically irregular. The fractality can be thus a way of understanding of the world using the space of scales, that is to say its resolutions. The central objective of this study is thus to build a general fractal methodology necessary under investigation of an unspecified morphology through various examples resulting from the physical geography, the urban geography, the geohistory and the geography of the settlement. The final objective is to lead to solutions formal accessible at a broad community from geographers, which is not the case of the theory of the R.E in its current formalism. From an epistemological point of view, the development in geography of the R.E raises the question of the Re-naturalization of this discipline of the human and social sciences and of the constitution in analytical science, therefore more largely to propose a new definition of the geography

A teoria dos conjuntos na obra O Castelo, de Franz Kafka

Fratric, Glauco Correa da Cruz Bacic 07 July 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho centra-se no estudo da narrativa do romance O Castelo, escrito em 1922, pelo escritor tcheco Franz Kafka. Por meio da análise formal da obra em questão, objetiva-se estabelecer relações entre aspectos presentes na narrativa que possuam associações metafóricas a temas vigentes no cotidiano do autor e, conseqüentemente, do homem moderno, e que possuam conotação negativa, tais como o poder, simbolizado pela burocracia, pela divinização, e pelo espaço. Partindo dessa premissa, propõe-se relacionar esses temas à teoria dos conjuntos da matemática, na qual um conjunto maior contém um conjunto menor, esse atuando por sua vez como um subconjunto daquele. Propõe-se aqui fazer uma analogia do conjunto poder e seu enfoque negativo como poder com o subconjunto burocracia, este intimamente ligado àquele, e que possui intersecção com os subconjuntos divinização e espaço. Por fim, ressaltar-se-á a universalidade da obra de Kafka, que possibilita a efetuação de analogias temáticas das mais diversas, não só as aqui expostas em forma de conjuntos e subconjuntos, pelo fato de seu texto ser multifacetado no tocante a temas. / This monograph focuses on analyzing the narrative of The Castle, a novel written by the Czech author Franz Kafka, in 1922. It aims at establishing a connection between certain aspects within the text which may have a metaphorical association with themes related to not only the authors life experiences, but also any other modern mans. It will be centered on a formal analysis of the novel and on metaphorical aspects within the narrative, which may have a negative connotation linked with power, represented by bureaucracy, divinization and space. Afterwards, we will propose a relation of such themes to the set theory from Mathematics, in which a greater set contains a smaller set, also known as a subset. We aim at drawing an analogy of power as a set and its negative connotation with the bureaucratic subset, which are intimately connected. Bureaucracy intersects the two other subsets called divinization and space. Eventually, we will focus on the universality of Kafkas work, which enables the drawing of many other thematic analogies, not only the ones discussed in this set theory proposed in this monograph, due to the fact that Kafkas work is multifaceted in terms of themes.

Evidence a analýza terénních tvarů reliéfu a jejich vztahu ke středověkým hradním areálům / Antropogenic landforms identification and analysis of their relation to medieval castles

Sýkora, Martin January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

連鎖式美語教育機構經營之成功關鍵因素探索-佳音與吉的堡之比較 / “Successful attributes for English chain educational institutions - Joy and Kid Castle in comparison”

蔡昕璁, Cai, Xin Cong Unknown Date (has links)
教育部目前已要求所有國小自三年級全面實施英語教學,但有些學校特別是位於市區的學校卻自學生一年級起就開始實施英語教學。然而,即使有許多的學生從小學一年級就已經開始在學校裡學英語,家長卻認為學生在學校裡所學的並不足夠。因此,有許多學生在放學之後,仍然必需到私人的語言學習機構也就是所謂的補習班去學習英語。這些讓孩子到補習班去上英語課的家長,都希望他們的孩子在上國中之前能夠達到一定的英語程度。雖然目前已經有許多研究探討兒童的英語學習,但是針對補習班經營之成功關鍵因素探索所做的研究卻是極為有限。 本研究的目的在於兩個不同的美語補習班成功的特質。他們分別是佳音和吉的堡美語補習班。本研究問卷的對象為來自於佳音和吉的堡美語補習班經營者、美語教師和國小學童。資料收集的時間自2008年1月起至2008年8月止。本研究收集資料的方式是以研究對象為主所設計的三種不同的問卷和部份補習班班主任的訪談。 研究結果顯示學童、教師,以及補習班業者對於國小學童在補習班學習英語均抱持正面的看法。就英語學習而言,補習班通常提供小班教學、較長的上課時間讓學生學習英語、依學生英語能力等級進行分班、聘請外籍教師、優良的語言教學設備,並且提供學生相關的英語補充教材。此外,大多數的學童以及家長都認為在補習班學習英語能夠改善學童英語聽、說、讀、寫的能力。本研究也以成功的補習班目前所擁有的優勢為基礎,討論英語連鎖補習班成功的因素和未來持續成長的建議。 / The Ministry of Education has required all elementary schools in Taiwan to offer English lessons beginning from their third grade, and there are schools, especially those in urban areas, teaching English from first grade. Even though many young students are taking English lessons in the first grade, their parents still think what they are learning in school is not enough. They will need to study English after school in a private language institute, known as “English Bushiban” or “English chain educational institutions.” These parents hope that their children could attain a certain level of English proficiency before entering into junior high school. Although a large number of research studies regarding children’s English learning are available, very few of them have explored successful attributes for English chain educational institutions. The purpose of the study will be to explore the successful attributes of two different English chain educational institutions. They are Joy and Kid Castle. The questionnaires targeted at administrators, English teachers, and students of English chain educational institutions. Data collection began in January 2008 and ended in August 2008. The instruments used in this study were different versions of questionnaires designed for the three groups of participants and interviewed with some administrators of the two English chain educational institutions. The findings of the current studies indicated that the students, teachers, and administrators of English chain educational institutions seemed to have a positive attitude toward learning English in English chain educational institutions. In terms of advantages of English learning, English chain educational institutions offered students small classes, had a longer period of time for students to study English in contrast to ordinary school, grouped students into classes based on their proficiency levels, hired foreign English teachers, provided better learning equipment, and used effective learning materials for students. Moreover, most of the students reported that learning English in English chain educational institutions have helped students to improve their four language skills−listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Based on those advantages, English chain educational institutions had taught English to young students, the study will unfold the successful attributes to understand how to operate successful businesses for English chain educational institutions globally.

Fear and pity in the Castle of Otranto / Castle of Otranto

Wu, He Fang January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of English

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