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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Krikščioniškosios asmens sampratos reikšmė ir patirtis sutuoktinių bendrystėje (“Sutuoktinių susitikimų“ rekolekcinio judėjimo patirties analizė) / Christian notion of the person and its importance in marriage (The experience of the retreat movement “Encounters of spouses”)

Sinicienė, Julija 14 July 2011 (has links)
Visame pasaulyje vis plačiau toleruojamos antišeimiškos vertybės. Jaučiama taip pat ir moralinio reliatyvizmo įtaka, teigianti, kad nėra vienos privalomos etinės ar moralinės tiesos, ir skelbianti tariamą laisvę, iš tiesų tik atskiriančią žmogų nuo žmogaus. Tokioje situacijoje šiandieninė Katalikų Bažnyčia aktyviai vykdo teologines bei pastoracines paieškas, siekdama įveikti vis didėjantį tarpusavio susvetimėjimą ir individualizmą šeimoje bei dabartinę šeimos krizę, besireiškiančią plintančia kohabitacija bei skyrybomis. Katalikiškoji teologija akcentuoja Dievo trinitarinį gyvenimą esant tinkamiausiu santuokos pirmavaizdžiu. Šeima yra unikali būtent savo panašumu į Dievo paveikslą ir tam tikra prasme yra apreiškimas, nurodantis, koks turėtų būti žmonių santykis su Dievu ir vienas kitu. Savo meilės bendryste vyras ir moteris santuokoje atspindi Trivienio Dievo paveikslą. Žmogus sukurtas pagal Dievo paveikslą turi asmeninį Dievo kvietimą meilės dialogui, bendrystei. Dialogo, pokalbio, komunikacijos matmuo yra esminė žmogaus tiesa. Žmogus save suvokia tik akistatoje su kitu. Santuokos kaip dialogo supratimas reiškia kokybiškai naują sutuoktinių buvimą kartu - buvimą santykyje, dialoge su nuostata girdėti suprasti, dalintis ir atleisti. Būti žmogumi reiškia būti pašauktam tarpasmeninei žmogiškai bendrystei, kurios pavyzdys matomas Trejybės Asmenų bendrystėje, kur visų tarpasmeninių santykių pamatas - buvimas dovana. Sutuoktiniai realizuoja šį pašaukimą meilei per santuoką. ... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This bachelor paper studies the positive experience of the retreat movement “Encounters hof Spouses”. This movement aims at reconciliation of families where spouses have relationship problems. This movement encourages openness and dialogue between spouses which is based on discovering the image and likeness of God in the human person. The paper therefore, stresses the role of understanding both oneself and the other person as having natural dignity and worth due to the image and likeness of God. This understanding leads to an open dialogue between spouses which brings confidence, trust and new unity. The methodology of the research was participant observation. The spouses shared their experience by talking and analyzing the positive changes in their relationships. The paper aims at the theological anthropological generalization of this help to families and provides some recommendations of how to apply this experience more widely. Thus , the paper is relevant and important for today’s society and Christian communities. The first part of the paper discusses the theological aspects of the human person and marriage in God’s plan for this world as seen from the documents of the Catholic Church. It deals with the Christian idea of the family as a reflection of the Trinitarian Union and as a vocation for divine love, as well as complete self-giving. It also analyzes marriage as a sacrament. The second part of the paper is devoted to the phenomenon of the dialogue as the basic... [to full text]

The principle of non-discrimination and the GATT/WTO jurisprudence of "Like Products" / Principle of non-discrimination in article III of GATT and the GATT/WTO jurisprudence of "Like Products"

Melloni, Mattia 14 March 2005 (has links)
The analysis of non-discrimination under Article III of GATT has shown weakness or flaws throughout more than fifty years. The language used by GATT/WTO panels and the Appellate Body in interpreting the two prongs of non-discrimination in the national treatment clause, namely, likeness and protection, lagged behind economic reality. The critical legal analysis carried out in here reveals, to some extent, this while offering a clearer and sounder analysis to non-discrimination based more on market analysis and its economic indicators. / Doctorat en droit / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

GATS同類服務與服務供給者問題之研究 / The Analyses for Issues Related to Like Services and Service Suppliers

林伊君, Lin, Yi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
觀察目前服務貿易總協定(General Agreement on Trade in Services, GATS)案件,涉及GATS第2條最惠國待遇與第17條國民待遇之數量佔有極高比例。適用第2條與第17條規定時,須先認定案件之服務或服務供給者符合「同類服務與服務供給者」,唯有確定會員系爭措施規範對象與其他會員之服務或服務供給者,抑或是國內服務或服務供給者為同類服務或同類服務供給者,方能檢驗會員系爭措施有無對同類服務與服務供給者為差別待遇,因此,「同類服務與服務供給者」乃第2條與第17條之先決要件,具有極關鍵性地位。 由於服務具有不可識別性與不可儲存性,欲判斷服務或服務供給者間是否為同類服務或服務供給者有相當困難度,加上GATS原文對「同類服務與服務供給者」之服務與服務供給者係以「和」為連接詞,引發學者與會員就如何解釋「同類服務」與「同類服務供給者」適用關係之爭議;甚而,GATS第1條第1項將規範之服務貿易區分為四種不同供給模式,以不同供給模式提供之服務或服務供給者是否會因供給模式而被認定為不同類服務或不同類服務供給者,亦是「同類服務與服務供給者」與GATS規範架構之適用爭議;此外,GATS第2條與第17條「同類服務與服務供給者」之適用範圍,應如何與其規範目的為相呼應之解釋,亦是極具挑戰性之課題。由此可見,「同類服務與服務供給者」存在諸多適用上爭議,尤其在爭端解決小組與上訴機構尚未就「同類服務與服務供給者」適用爭議提出說明之情形,研究「同類服務與服務供給者」乃刻不容緩之事。 鑑於世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization, WTO)之爭端解決小組與上訴機構對關稅與貨品貿易總協定(The General Agreement on Tariff and Trade, GATT)與WTO「同類產品」已大致建立認定方法,並對「同類產品」之適用爭議提出見解,GATS於談判過程中曾有會員建議以「同類情形」作為適用最惠國待遇與國民待遇之規範要件,本文除論述GATS涉及「同類服務與服務供給者」案件之爭端解決小組與上訴機構見解,亦分析GATT/WTO「同類產品」案件與北美區域自由貿易協定(North American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA)牽涉「同類情形」案件之判決經驗,為認定GATS「同類服務與服務供給者」與相關適用爭議找尋可能之解決方案。 / Observing recent GATS(The General Agreement on Trade in Services)cases, there are almost quart cases relevant to non-discrimination regulations of GATS, Article 2 and 17.As applying to non-discrimination regulations of GATS, before examining whether Members’domestic measures have discriminated effects to block the international services market, applicants, the Panel or Appellate Body need to determine whether the services and services suppliers concerned are ‘like services’or ‘like service supplier’. For‘like services and service suppliers’being a crucial requirement of non-discrimination regulations in GATS, researching how this requirement is applied to dispute settlement cases is an important mission to GATS. Actually, the vital issues of ‘like services and service suppliers’include: how to determine the ‘like services’and ‘like service suppliers’, how to decide whether the services and service suppliers through different supply modes are like services and like service suppliers, and how to interpret the application between ‘like services’ and ‘like service suppliers’. Moreover, interpreting the coverage of ‘like services and service suppliers’ under GATS is also a tough issue. Notwithstanding the requirement of non-discrimination principles -‘like services and service suppliers’rises many applied issues, there are no regulations of GATS to define the meaning of ‘like services’ and ‘like service suppliers', and no regulations or explanatory footnotes to clarify the applied problems of ‘like services and service suppliers’. The only way for Members or scholars to realize how to apply to this requirement or to determine ‘like services and like service suppliers’ is to analyze relevant judgments of dispute settlement cases relevant. However, WTO dispute settlement panel or appellate body did not analyze the relevant applied issues of‘like services and services suppliers’, and not resolve those applied issues completely. For resolving those issues of ‘like services and service suppliers’, this article make relevant material divided into four parts. First of all is to discuss what issues‘like services and service suppliers’arises, and what the factors cause ‘like services and services suppliers’ is hard to be practiced. The second part is referring to the judgments of dispute settlement panel and appellate body in GATT(The General Agreement on Tariff and Trade)/WTO cases regarding the applications of ‘like products’. Then, referring to the judgments of NAFTA(The North American Free Trade Agreement) dispute settlement organization in NAFTA cases considering ‘like circumstances’. Finally, this article not only advances the resolutions to resolve those issues of ‘like services and service suppliers’, in order to improve the practice of this requirement, but also recommends several suggestions about modifying the content of this requirement.


Kampf, Raymond William 01 January 2004 (has links)
To all who come to this fictitious place:Welcome.Fauxtopia is your land. Here, age relives distorted memories of the past, and here, youth may savor the challenge of trying to understand the present. Fauxtopia is made up of the ideals, the dreams and the fuzzy facts which have re-created reality... with the hope that it will be a source of edutainment for all the world.Ray KampfFauxtopia DedicationApril 1st, 2004

Réalisme pictural : pour une étude anthropo-comparative transculturelle sur l'expérience esthétique / Pictorial realism : for an anthropo-comparative transcultural study on the aesthetic experience

Hwang, Ju-Yeon 01 June 2018 (has links)
Le réalisme pictural peut être conçu, par-delà la pensée ontologique dualiste, comme expérience perceptive cognitive du spectateur d’avoir l’impression de voir le « réel » dans une configuration imagée picturale. Cette impression de réel n’est pas illusoire, mais subjectivement factuelle, sans être nécessairement consciente. Elle pourrait résulter de la facilité perceptive ou de la fluidité opérationnelle du processus perceptif cognitif. Lorsque l’activité perceptive cognitive opérante dans l’expérience du réalisme pictural est régulée par la valence hédonique immanente à cette fluidité opérationnelle sous-jacente à l’impression de réel, cette expérience « subjective » peut être également « esthétique » pour cette autosuffisance fonctionnelle de la « conduite cognitive » du spectateur. Cependant, l’expérience du réalisme pictural comporte une dimension anthropo-transculutrelle, comme on peut le constater notamment dans les récits littéraires des spectateurs coréens du 18e siècle qui illustrent leurs expériences visuelles des peintures occidentales « illusionnistes » réalisées par des missionnaires jésuites à Pékin. La culture est néanmoins opérante dans l’expérience « esthétique » du réalisme pictural. Son effet est double. D’une part, la culture fonctionne comme une des variables de la fonction complexe de l’apprentissage perceptif qui pourrait modifier la dynamique du processus perceptif cognitif ainsi que l’attention perceptive visuelle. D’autre part, elle pourrait opérer un effet dans la valence hédonique globale en participant à la modélisation de l’« affect idéal » distingué de l’« affect effectif ». / The pictorial realism can be conceived, beyond ontological dualistic thought, as beholder’s perceptual cognitive experience to have the impression of seeing the “real” in a picture. This impression or feeling of real is not illusory, but subjectively factual, without being necessarily conscious. It may result from perceptual easiness or from perceptual cognitive processing fluency. When the perceptual cognitive activity working in the pictorial realism experience is regulated by hedonic valence immanent in this processing fluency that underlies the impression of real, this subjective experience can also be “aesthetic” by functional self-sufficiency of beholder’s “cognitive conduct”. However, the experience of pictorial realism contains an anthropo-transcultural dimension, as we can observe especially in the stories written by 18th century Korean beholders, which illustrate their visual experiences of the western “illusionist” paintings produced by jesuit missionary painters in Beijing. Nevertheless, the culture comes into play in the “esthetic experience” of pictorial realism. Its effect is double. On the one hand, the culture acts as one of the variables of the complexe function of perceptual learning which could make difference in the perceptual cognitive processing dynamics and in the visual or perceptual attention. On the other hand, the culture might influence the global state of hedonic valence by participating in the modeling of “ideal affect” distinguished from “actual affect”.

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