Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe ded cross"" "subject:"ehe ded gross""
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The German Red Cross(es) and Humanitarianism in Divided Germany, 1945-1965Heyden, Ryan Walter January 2024 (has links)
This dissertation studies the history of the German Red Cross of the German Democratic Republic and the German Red Cross of the Federal Republic of Germany. The dissertation begins with Germany’s defeat and capitulation in the Second World War into the occupation period, situating the pre-1945 German Red Cross in the chaos of the war’s end and its dissolution and ban by the Allied Powers. It investigates the aid work of new regional Red Cross societies in the Western occupation zones and the political debate about the Red Cross’s place in a socialist East Germany. The dissertation also analyzes the new national Red Crosses’ formation in 1952 and their domestic activities. These are two parallel histories of states with many similarities, while existing separately from one another and with differing ideological visions for the future. The German Red Crosses remained linked by their pasts and the circumstances of the present. This reality is reflected in their efforts to join the International Red Cross from 1952 to 1956, and in their collaboration to reunify families separated by the inter-German border. The dissertation argues that the histories of the German Red Crosses and humanitarianism contributes to our understanding of the fundamental predicaments faced by divided Germany in the early-Cold War. The Red Crosses shaped the responses to the challenges facing the region, whether they be the immediate suffering and long-lasting aftereffects wrought by total war, new anxieties about a nuclear future, or the need for modern disaster response and public health infrastructures. And humanitarianism was never purely altruistic. It was a useful political tool for East and West Germany and their peoples, who sought stability and peace and the successful completion of their ideological projects: creating socialism in the East and a liberal capitalist order in the West. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / On September 19, 1945, the Soviet Military Administration in Germany disbanded the German Red Cross and labelled it a Nazi organization, and the American, British, and French occupation governments followed suit. By 1952, two new national Red Cross organizations formed in divided Germany, the German Red Cross of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Red Cross of the German Democratic Republic. This dissertation explores the history of the German Red Cross in West and East Germany from 1945 to 1965 and asks fundamental questions about the role of humanitarianism in Germany’s postwar recovery and reconstruction, in the daily life of two distinct but connected societies, and in the international relations of the Cold War. The dissertation argues that humanitarianism and humanitarian organizations are not immune to politics; indeed, humanitarianism was a useful tool for those on both sides of the ideological divide. It helped legitimize and sustain communism in East Germany, and it did the same for liberal capitalism in West Germany. In the first postwar decades, the German Red Crosses faced head on the manifest problems of East and West Germany, as both societies recovered from the influence of Nazism, the perpetration of genocide, and the destruction of war and set out to find security and peace under the weight of the Cold War. The two organizations were uniquely positioned to face those problems as their leaders were well connected and their aid workers were both humanitarian subject and humanitarian.
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我國紅十字會從事國際人道救援之研究韓翔 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文分析的重點,包括我國紅十字會與國際紅十字會的關係,我國紅十字會從事國際人道救援的策略,以及我國紅十字會面臨的挑戰。 / The Red Cross Society of the Republic of China is one of the country’s major organizations in charge of international humanitarian assistance. Yet, the Red Cross Society of the Republic of China is not a member of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). After the 921 earthquake in 1999, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies not only offered emergent aid to Taiwan but also helped develop the “Disaster Preparedness Project of the Red Cross Society of the Republic of China.” The recovery program for the Tsunami in South Asia in 2004 is the first time that The Red Cross Society of the Republic of China participated in international humanitarian actions. In recent years, the number of humanitarian NGOs in Taiwan is rising and flourishing. Meanwhile, the Red Cross Society of the Republic of China is facing a lot of challenges.
This thesis will first analyze the strategy of the Red Cross Society of the Republic of China in carrying out humanitarian assistance. Then, the effectiveness of this strategy will be evaluated. Finally, the thesis will examine the challenges that have confronted the Red Cross Society of the Republic of China.
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Att sätta butiksatmosfären i första hand- en studie om hur man kan arbeta med butiksatmosfären i secondhandbutiker / Putting atmospherics first- a study of how to work with the store atmosphere in second hand shopsJonsson, Nicolina, Magnusson, Nathalie January 2011 (has links)
Svenskarna handlar allt mer kläder och intresset för mode och kläder är större än någonsin.Bara produkten räcker dock inte för dagens konsument, utan platsen där den inhandlas har fåttallt större betydelse för kundens shoppingupplevelse. De olika faktorer som påverkar kunden ibutik brukar samlas under konceptet butiksatmosfären. Atmosfären ska, för att på bästa sättstimulera kunden, byggas utefter människans fem sinnen, syn, känsel, doft, smak och hörsel.Tidigare forskning har fokuserat på hur aktiviteter i butiksmiljön fungerar inom vanligdetaljhandel. Vi har i vår uppsats valt att undersöka hur dessa tidigare rön skulle gå atttillämpa på secondhandbutiker, som skiljer sig från detaljhandeln bland annat genomproduktutbud. Secondhand har på senare tid fått mycket uppmärksamhet och det finns idag ettökat intresse för återanvändning av kläder.Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera möjligheterna för secondhandverksamheter att arbetamed butiksatmosfären för att skapa en mer tilltalande butik. Vi vill utarbeta en förståelse förhur butiksatmosfärsstrategier, utarbetade och framforskade för detaljhandeln, kan appliceraspå secondhandbutiker, för att öka försäljning samt locka en bredare målgrupp. Uppsatsen haren kvalitativ utformning och är baserad på en fallstudie av tre fallföretag inomsecondhandhandeln. Datainsamlingen har skett genom intervjuer med informanter från de treföretagen, Judits, Myrorna och Röda Korset, samt genom observationer i butiksmiljön.Empirin har analyserats utifrån analysmodellen utformad i den teoretiska referensramen,vilken grundas på hur man tilltalar människans olika sinnen i butik.De ekonomiska och kreativa förutsättningarna skiljer mycket mellan fallföretagen, men vi harfunnit att man med enkla medel kan skapa en mer inspirerande och tilltalande miljö. Genomatt fokusera på att tillfredsställa människans olika sinnen kan man jobba med doftminimering,lämplig musik, lättillgänglighet och visuellt tilltalande skyltningar och displayer. Butikensmiljö ska tydligt förmedla butikens image till kunden. Genom dessa åtgärder kan man bådelocka nya kunder till butiken, och ta ut högre priser för sina varor. För butiker med en ickemodeintresserad personal kan en instruerande ”butiksmanual” hjälpa. Det är dags för butiksinnehavarna inom andrahandsindustrin att sätta butiksmiljön i första hand - det vinner både kunderna och de själva på. The Swedes are buying more and more clothes, and interest in fashion and clothes is greaterthan ever. The product alone is not enough to satisfy consumers today, and the place wherethe product is purchased has become increasingly important for the shopping experience. Thevarious in-store factors that affect and influence the customer are described as atmospherics.The atmospherics should be designed and adopted so as to best stimulate the customerthrough its five senses, sight, touch, smell, taste and hearing. Previous research has focusedon how activities in atmospherics have affected consumers in the ordinary retail environment.In this essay we have investigated how these previous findings could be applied to secondhand stores, which differ from the retail sector, especially when it comes to the product range.Second hand has recently received much attention and there is currently an increased interestin the re-use of clothing.The purpose of this paper is to analyse the possibilities for second hand businesses to workwith atmospherics to create a more attractive store. We want to develop an understanding ofhow the strategies for atmospherics developed, through research, for the retail sector can beapplied to second hand stores, to increase sales and attract a wider audience. The thesis has aqualitative nature and is based on a case study of three companies in second hand trade. Datahas been collected through interviews with informants from the three companies, Judits,Myrorna and the Red Cross, and through observation in the store environment. Empirical datais analysed according to the analysis model designed in the theoretical framework, which isbased on how to, in-store, appeal to the human senses.The financial and creative conditions differ widely between the case companies, but we havefound that they can create a more inspiring and attractive environment with simple means.They should focus on satisfying the various human senses, which could be done by workingwith smell minimization, appropriate music, ease of access and visually appealing displaysand windows. The store environment has to clearly convey the store image to the customer.These actions can both attract new customers to the store, and allow them to charge a higherprice for their goods. For stores with a non-fashion-conscious staff, an instructional "shopmanual" could help. It is time for shop owners in the second hand industry to put the storeenvironment first - it will benefit both themselves and their customers. / Program: Textilekonomutbildningen
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Är det något speciellt med ideellt ledarskap? / Is there anything special about nonprofit leadership?Forsgren Fredblad, Carolina, Olsson, sanja January 2012 (has links)
Ämnet ledarskap och ledarskapsstilar kan vid en första anblick ses som ett klart och tydligt begrepp som är enkelt att förstå. När man sedan applicerar dessa begrepp inom ramen för ideell verksamhet kan det också verka enkelt. Detta är dock inte fallet när man fördjupar sig i ämnet och börjar inse att ledarskap är ett komplext begrepp som innefattar en mängd olika saker och skilda teorier kring ledarskapsstilar som anpassar sig bäst i olika situationer. Röda Korset är en av många ideella verksamheter i Sverige och är en av det få ideella organisationer i landet som har en egen ledarskapsutbildning, där ledarskapet utifrån deras vision sprids och lärs ut. Intresset fångade oss när vi inom ramen för ledarskap, ledarskapsstilar samt ideell verksamhet ville se hur Röda Korsets ledarskapsutbildning utformats samt vilken ledarskapsstil de förmedlar. Ledarskapsstilen är inget självklart och uttalas inte i ord utan är mer en verkan av hur man vill att någonting skall ledas, och hur vill en ideell verksamhet ledas och av vem, är en fråga vi då ställt oss. Studien utgår ifrån den teoretiska referensramen att finna den ledarskapssyn som Röda Korset förmedlar genom sina kurser för ideellt ledarskap.Syftet med studien är att genom en granskning av kurslitteratur använt av Röda Korset, skapa förståelse för organisationens värderingar utifrån dess ledarskapsutbildningar. För att uppfylla vårt syfte har två utav Röda Korsets utbildningar inriktade mot ideellt ledarskap undersökts.Slutsatser som vi kommit fram till är att Röda Korset och dess utbildningar inom ideellt ledarskap borde inrikta sig mot en mer fokuserad utbildningsform. Där ledarskapet beskrivs utifrån alla dess delar men där det situationsanpassade ledarskapet utgör kärnan i teoribildningen.
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Kapitola z dějin Československého červeného kříže (1945 - 1952) / Chapter of the Czechoslovak Red Cross History (1945 - 1952)Kocandová Jelínková, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
The thesis is dedicated to the history of the Czechoslovak Red Cross (CSRC) organization, especially to the period 1945 - 1952. The CSRC carried out valuable activities between 1945 and 1948 not only in the medical field, but also in social services. Training of caregivers and voluntary nurses, establishing and operating medical facilities or searching for missing individuals due to WWII can be listed among others. A particular phase of CSRC history started after February 1948 Coup, when it slowly transformed into voluntary organization of the National Front. The thesis is mainly based on archives of CSRC stored in the National archive. Key words Czechoslovak Red Cross - social services - modern history - Czechoslovakia after war - National Front
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Řízení a poskytování služeb ve zvolené neziskové organizaci / Proceedings and Rendition of Services in Specific Non-profit AssociationKLEMENT, Vladimír January 2007 (has links)
This thesis is about a Non Government Organisation (NGO) whose main focus is on professional and home care services. The ``Alice{\crqq}, which is part of the Czech Red Cross in České Budějovice, has been supplying these services since 1994. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the historical development of ``Alice{\crqq}, looking closely at the quality of the service it offers. The next aim is to ``compare clients{\crqq} requirements against the potential the organization and to suggest certain improvements that can be made in the services, which would lead to higher quality and greater efficiency.
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När en svensk sjukvårdsgrupp inte bär det Röda korset, hur påverkas då deras skydd? / When a Swedish medical unit dont wear the Red Cross, how is their protection affected?Troedsson, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
Sjukvårdstaktiken idag grundar sig idag i reglementen och handböcker där sjukvårdsgrupper bär det Röda Korset för att kunna få de skydd som den internationella humanitära rätten ger. Dessa lagar gäller i väpnade konflikter och ska respekteras av alla parter i en konflikt. Trots dessa lagar sker attacker riktade mot sjukvårdsenheter medvetet. Senast i Rysslands invasion av Ukraina har det enligt WHO skett 859 attacker mot sjukvårdsenheter. När sjukvårdsgrupper ses som legitima mål för en motståndare skapas ett problem och ett dilemma om svenska sjukvårdsgrupper bör bära det Röda Korset för att få de skydd som den internationella humanitära rätten ger, eller om gruppen i stället bör skyddas genom att inte utmärka dem med det Röda Korset. Syftet med arbetet är att utforska, om en sjukvårdsgrupp bör bära det Röda Korset eller inte, genom att besvara frågeställningen: Vad händer med en sjukvårdsgrupps skydd när de inte bär det Röda Korset, utifrån skyddslökens lager? Slutsatsen är att skyddet kommer att öka på sjukvårdsgruppen om de inte bär det Röda Korset, men att det då måste beslutas på högre nivåer och alla i Försvarsmakten måste göra likadant. De reglementen som finns för dagens sjukvårdtaktik behöver ses över och revideras då den tänkta motståndaren inte följer krigets lagar som de är tänkta att göra. Sjukvårdsgruppers uppträdande behöver också ändras för att deras egna skydd ska kunna öka ytterligare. / Medical tactics today are based on the regulations and manuals where medical units wear the Red Cross to get the protection that international humanitarian law gives. These laws apply in armed conflicts and must be respected by all parts in a conflict. Despite these laws, attacks targeting healthcare facilities still occur. Most recently in Russia's invasion of Ukraine, according to the WHO, there have been 859 attacks on medical units. When medical units are seen as legitimate targets for an adversary, it creates a problem and a dilemma as to how Swedish medical units should wear the red cross to receive the protections that international humanitarian law provides, or whether one should instead protect medical units by not using the Red Cross. The aim of this essay is to explore, if a medical unit should wear the Red Cross or not by answering the question: What happens to a medical unit’s protection when they don't wear the Red Cross, based on the layer of system survivability? The conclusion is that protection will increase for the health care group if not wearing the Red Cross, but it must be joint decisions within the Armed Forces, and everyone must do the same. The regulations that exist for today's medical unit tactics need to be reviewed and revised as the adversaries that exist today do not follow the laws of war as they are supposed to. Medical units’ tactics need to be changed so that their own protection can increase.
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Konsten att få alla med på tåget : En studie av Svenska Röda Korsets samarbete med internationella aktörer för transport och utväxling av krigsfångar 1915–1918Skår, Erika January 2023 (has links)
Between 1915 and 1918, the Swedish Red Cross organised transportation and exchanges of prisoners of war between Russia, Germany, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. During 1917, some particularly sick prisoners were sent to Norway and Denmark to be hospitalised. This paper studies the aid effort to prisoners of war by the Swedish Red Cross during World War One by studying their work with these prisoner exchanges. By doing this, the study aims to answer the question of how the Swedish Red Cross cooperated with states to conduct exchanges of prisoners of war. This is done through a qualitative method of analysis of the material, during which Nye’s theory of interdependence is employed as a tool for the analysis. The four dimensions of interdependence (sources, benefits, relative costs, and symmetries) are used to generate operationalized research questions and to analyse the results. These transportations were a massive administrative undertaking for the Swedish Red Cross and required cooperation from all involved states to run smoothly. The Russian revolution and subsequent civil war, lack of coal and oil, and animosity between the belligerent nations created problems repeatedly threatening the cooperations. The study concludes that the cooperation was based on administrational work by the Swedish Red Cross together with material, financial and medical contributions from the states. The study also concludes that the main sources of interdependence were the mutual need to exchange prisoners between the belligerent states. For them the main benefit was getting their compatriots back; for the Red Cross and neutral states, it was recognized as a humanitarian actor. The Swedish Red Cross and the neutral states were the more sensitive actors, while the belligerent states were the more vulnerable actors. The cooperation was relatively symmetrical but slightly skewed in the favour of the belligerent states
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Communicating and engaging with crisis-affected people in humanitarian responses: a case study of the Red Cross Ebola response in LiberiaQvarfordt, Lisa January 2016 (has links)
Changing the approach to communication and engagement with the local people in Liberia during the Ebola response turned out to be a key strategy in the Red Cross’ work. The Liberian Red Cross’ communication with the crisis-affected people changed significantly during the fight against the Ebola virus, from top-down information to a more dialogical communication approach. The Ebola epidemic in West Africa has caused more than 11 000 deaths since the outbreak in March 2014. The task of defeating the virus seemed overwhelming at times, but the outbreak finally stopped and all the three worst hit countries: Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia were declared Ebola-free by the World Health Organization. Communication with and participation of the people the aid organizations target have been a central issue for discussion within the international community and development agencies for a long time. During the Ebola response it was clearly stated that communicating and engaging with the people living in the affected area was a core approach during and after the response. This thesis explores how one of the responding humanitarian organizations, The Red Cross, used communication with the crisis affected people in Liberia as a tool in their response to help stop and prevent the virus from spreading. The study is done as a case study. Main components of the case, and focus for the analysis, are semi-structured interviews with staff and volunteers from the Liberian Red Cross that worked with communication and operational activities during the Ebola response. Red Cross documents from the Ebola response, policy, planning, evaluation and training-documents, are also important part of the case.
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Goal number 12 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the United Nations (UN)emphasises on how the increase in the world population is hampering the achievement ofenvironmental sustainability. The diminishing resources of nature draw attention to the factthat more innovative methods need to salvage the environment and the planet at large.Textiles or clothing are one of the essential things that every human owns and with a globalpopulation of over 7 billion, there is an urgency to find ways to reduce its production, due tothe number of resources used and the amount of emissions the textile/clothing industryproduces.The Swedish Red Cross is a charitable organisation that deals with second-hand clothing toraise profits for its activities while contributing to environmental sustainability. Their secondhandretail shops give customers value for their money while extending the lifecycle of clothes.Due to their non-profitable nature puts much pressure on their finances. The need for revenuecalls for finding more environmentally sustainable ways of making a profit out of the clothesthey receive while evaluating the transportation options to reduce cost.Literature review and route optimisation in ArcGIS are used in the analysis. Driving timeanalysis is carried out to link stores to the closest depots to provide graphical and efficientmeans of reaching all the stores. The review of literature offers insights for environmentallysustainable ways of making a profit from second-hand clothes.The outcome provides results which will help generate more profit as well as cut down themajor contributor to the high transportation cost by more than 50%. Moreover, a suggestion ismade for a new time frame and a new travel mode to improve the coordination between thestores and the depots
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