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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Köpbeteende på finansmarknaden : Vad påverkar riskaversionen hos unga vuxna på aktiemarknaden? / Buying behavior in the financial market : What affects the risk aversion of young adults in the stock market?

Karmalita, Sofia January 2021 (has links)
An individual's behavior is a substantial part of one’s personality and is a big part in decision-making, it applies to large and small decisions in our everyday lives. An increase in the proportion of young adults in the stock market has been observed in recent years. Our world was hit by a pandemic, Covid-19 and as a result of this pandemic, a majority of countries in the world experienced financial crises and difficulties. Many analysts noticed, however, the continued increase in private investors in the stock market. The results in this study have shown that an individual's personality and personal traits are decisive factors in how an investor will behave in the stock market. The different causes and factors addressed in the study affect each respondent in different ways where some were affected more and others less. The study thus showed that it was not only one factor or cause that affects how risky an investor is, it is a combination of several factors and causes. This study has provided a new perspective for the theorists as the study took place during a pandemic. Lastly, this study has given rise to relevant questions that are presented in future research suggestions. / En individs beteende är en stor del av personligheten och är även en avgörande faktor för olika beslut som vi individer fattar, det gäller såväl stora som små beslut i vår vardag. Olika faktorer och orsaker har större påverkan i vårt beteende än vad vi kan tro, även i vårt köpbeteende på finansmarknaden när investerare tar beslut om diverse investeringar såsom aktier. Det har i synnerhet observerats en ökning av andelen unga vuxna på aktiemarknaden under de senaste åren. Vår värld drabbades av en pandemi, Covid-19 och till följd av denna pandemi upplevde majoriteten av världens länder finansiella kriser och svårigheter. Det intressanta som däremot många analytiker uppmärksammade var den fortsatta ökningen av privata investerare på aktiemarknaden, speciellt de unga vuxna. I och med den ännu pågående pandemin har det därmed inte gjorts studier och observationer om privata investerares köpbeteende under just Coronapandemin. Detta har gett upphov till att föra en kvalitativ studie om vilka orsaker och faktorer som påverkar privata investerares köpbeteende och hur pass riskaverta investerarna är baserat på dessa orsaker och faktorer och det individuella köpbeteendet. Med hjälp av teorier och tidigare forskning från området beteendeekonomi (”behavioral finance” på engelska) har denna studie, vars avsikt varit att undersöka köpbeteende och grad av riskaversion, varit möjlig. Resultaten har visat att en individs personlighet och de personliga dragen är avgörande faktorer för hur en investerare kommer att bete sig på aktiemarknaden. De olika orsakerna och faktorerna som togs upp i studien påverkar varje respondent på olika sätt där vissa påverkades mer och andra mindre. Graden av riskaversionen hos studiens respondenter gick att avgöra baserat på varje investerares övertro på sig själv, hur påverkade de blir av lättillgänglig information, stereotyper som ett företag kan påvisa samt flockbeteende. Studien visade därmed att det inte endast var en faktor eller orsak som påverkar hur pass riskavert en investerare är, det handlar om en blandning av flera faktorer och orsaker. För just denna åldersgruppen var graden av riskaversion av svagare karaktär vilket indikerar på att investerare i denna åldersgrupp inte är rädda för större risker. Denna studie har gett ett nytt perspektiv för teoretikerna då studien tagit plats under en pandemi vilket kan ha bidragit med andra resultat med tanke på den finansiella krisen som världen drabbades av. Avslutningsvis har denna studie gett upphov till relevanta frågor som presenteras under förslag på framtida forskning.

Linear correlation pattern between Asset Management in European Union Households and country’s Degree of Development.

Mitrenga, Ondřej, Phan, Hai Trieu January 2021 (has links)
This Master Thesis in General Management aims on defining the relationship between a country's degree of development and household asset management in the European Union. Both of the variables are defined by relevant sub-variables where the relationships are being observed. There were used datasets gathered by respected European Statistical Agency Eurostat for 2019. Master Thesis focuses on the European Union area and it aims at defining the crucial relationships between the variables in order to draw the conclusions that would help in pursuing the degree of development in different countries. In the Master Thesis, we were using quantitative research reflecting on the statistically expressed relationships using the correlation pattern. There were used 29 numbers for each of the variables representing the total number of European Union members in 2019 (28) plus the European Union average. There were found statistically significant relationships based on which we were able to define a proper generalization together with the causation pattern for the European Union countries and households.


MARCOS FERREIRA GOMES 19 April 2021 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a possibilidade de se realizar operações de arbitragem da volatilidade com opções de ações brasileiras. Utilizando o modelo proposto em Molero e Mello (2018) para calcular a inclinação da concavidade do sorriso da volatilidade das opções de compra das quatro ações de maior liquidez na Bolsa de Valores do Brasil (B3), foram encontradas 26 oportunidades de arbitragem da volatilidade das opções dos papéis, ao longo do período de 1 de setembro a 30 de novembro de 2020. A análise dos resultados das operações apontou que, assim como era esperado, as operações feitas quando a concavidade do sorriso da volatilidade atingiu o limite a partir de 2,0 desvios-padrão da média, a maioria das operações foi vencedora, enquanto as perdedoras apresentaram ônus pouco significativo, combinação que resultou em um lucro nada trivial. Os resultados positivos não se repetiram quando foram testadas operações em dias de coeficientes mais próximos da média da série. O resultado reforçou o já conhecido argumento das caudas grossas, o qual define que quanto mais longe da média estiver o parâmetro, mais difícil será de prever seus movimentos e de precificá-lo corretamente, o que abrirá oportunidades para operações de arbitragem com obtenção de lucro. / [en] This paper aims to analyze the possibility of carrying out volatility arbitrage operations with Brazilian stock options. Using the model proposed by Molero and Mello (2018) to calculate the concavity slope of the volatility smile of the purchase options of the four most liquid shares on the Brazilian Stock Exchange (B3), 26 opportunities for volatility arbitrage of the options of the shares were found, over the period from September 1 to November 30, 2020. The analysis of the results of these operations indicated that, as expected, the operations carried out when the concavity of the volatility smile reached the limit from 2,0 standard deviations from the mean, the majority of the operations were successful, while the losers presented little significant loss, a combination that resulted in a non-trivial profit. The positive results were not repeated when operations were tested on days with coefficients closer to the series mean. The result reinforced the well-known argument of thick tails, which defines that the farther from the mean the parameter is, the more difficult it will be to predict its movements and to price it correctly, which will open opportunities for profit-making arbitrage operations.

Spatio-Temporal Patterns, Correlations, and Disorder in Evolutionary Game Theory

He, Qian 21 November 2011 (has links)
Evolutionary game theory originated from the application of mathematical game theory to biological studies. Well-known examples in evolutionary game theory are the prisoner's dilemma, predator-prey models, the rock-paper-scissors game, etc. Recently, such well-known models have attracted increased interest in population dynamics to understand the emergence of biodiversity and species coexistence. Meanwhile, it has been realized that techniques from statistical physics can aid us to gain novel insights into this interdisciplinary field. In our research, we mainly employ individual-based Monte Carlo simulations to study emerging spatio-temporal patterns, spatial correlations, and the influence of quenched spatial disorder in rock-paper-scissors systems either with or without conserved total population number. In balanced rock-paper-scissors systems far away from the ``corner'' of configuration space, it is shown that quenched spatial disorder in the reaction rates has only minor effects on the co-evolutionary dynamics. However, in model variants with strongly asymmetric rates (i.e., ``corner'' rock-paper-scissors systems), we find that spatial rate variability can greatly enhance the fitness of both minor species in``corner'' systems, a phenomenon already observed in two-species Lotka-Volterra predator-prey models. Moreover, we numerically study the influence of either pure hopping processes or exchange processes on the emergence of spiral patterns in spatial rock-paper-scissors systems without conservation law (i.e., May-Leonard model). We also observe distinct extinction features for small spatial May-Leonard systems when the mobility rate crosses the critical threshold which separates the active coexistence state from an inactive absorbing state. In addition, through Monte Carlo simulation on a heterogeneous interacting agents model, we investigate the universal scaling properties in financial markets such as the fat-tail distributions in return and trading volume, the volatility clustering, and the long-range correlation in volatility. It is demonstrated that the long-tail feature in trading volume distribution results in the fat-tail distribution of asset return, and furthermore it is shown that the long tail in trading volume distribution is caused by the heterogeneity in traders' sensitivities to market risk. / Ph. D.

台資銀行於中國投資經營環境與策略之研究-以個案銀行為例探討 / The research on investing environment and operating strategies of Taiwanese banks in China-Take a Bank as an example

邱澎濤, Chiu, Peng Tao Unknown Date (has links)
當前全球金融海嘯導致經濟步入衰退期,亦使得銀行業的競爭格局和經營業態發生重大的變化,中國銀行業者趁勢崛起,台灣銀行業所處的金融環境則愈趨嚴峻。外資銀行在中國逐漸拓展業務多年後,受限於兩岸法令,台資銀行仍積極尋求進入大陸市場之發展契機;台灣雖然未能趕在中國入世後的第一時間進入大陸市場,錯過登陸的最佳時機,不過2009年,兩岸可望簽署MOU,簽署後,台資銀行至少可以透過下列五種形式進入中國國內銀行業市場,分別是: (1)成立外資獨資銀行;(2)與中國國內銀行機構合資建立新銀行,即建立合資銀行;(3)在中國設立銀行分支機搆;(4)購買並持有中國國內銀行機構的股份;(5)與中國銀行機構策略聯盟進入業務合作。台灣金融業有機會突破現況,加快其赴大陸投資之腳步。本論文即以當前台灣銀行業為主題,針對本議題加以探討分析,探討其在前進中國市場時,可能採取的經營及投資策略。 全文共五章,分別為:第一章緒論:就本論文之研究背景、動機及目的進行簡單扼要之說明。第二章係相關文獻之探討。第三章說明本研究之研究架構及方法。第四章則為個案探討,先就中國經濟及金融制度之發展、外資銀行在中國的策略與發展歷程,以及其與中資銀行的競合關係進行分析,接著探討台資銀行進入中國之途徑與策略,並藉實務訪談之方式,分析台資銀行進入大陸市場的發展策略,探討目前台資銀行運作方式及困境,期盼於分析研究中尋求一個較佳之模式;最後本研究透過文獻探討及實務訪談經驗,加以整理評析,對台灣銀行業者提出建議,做為其進入中國大陸營運的參考,以俾有所助益,完成本研究之目的。

Právní postavení finančního arbitra v porovnání s vybranými regulačními a kontrolními institucemi v České republice a EU / Legal Status of the Financial Arbiter in Comparison with Selected Regulatory and Control Institutions in the Czech Republic and EU

Procházka, Martin January 2015 (has links)
Legal Status of the Financial Arbiter in Comparison with Selected Regulatory and Control Institutions in the Czech Republic and EU The topic of my thesis is legal status of the Financial arbiter in the Czech Republic. It represent a specific institution for out-of-court settlement of financial disputes between providers of some financial services and their clients. The Financial arbiter does not substitute the role of courts; instead it operates alongside the judicial system and offers to the clients of financial institutions swift and free of charge alternative to the legal proceedings, which emphasizes reconciliation. In the opening chapter of this thesis I looked into the theoretical concept of this institution and characterized it as an administrative authority sui generis. In order to obtain better understanding of the institutional status of the Financial arbiter, I further compared the Financial arbiter with similar institutions in the Czech Republic and the EU. I consider the separation from the Czech National Bank and the creation of the Financial arbiter bureau, which is a government department, as a major change in the legal status of the Financial arbiter. The arbitration proceeding represents an alternative to the legal proceedings. It can be initiated only by a client`s complaint, for...

Obhospodařování a administrace investičních fondů / Management and administration of investment funds

Kędzior, Marek January 2015 (has links)
Management and administration of investment funds. The purpose of this thesis is to comprehensively present a legal regulation of management and administration of investment funds in the Czech Republic. The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter deals with the material scope of Act on Investment Companies and Investment Funds. Purpose of this chapter is to determine, in relation to which activities apply the regulation of management and administration of investment funds pursuant to the Act on Investment Companies and Investment Funds. The second chapter is dedicated to the management of investment funds. The aim of this chapter is to define the management of investment funds, Management Company and the rules for the performance of its activities. The third chapter is dedicated to the administration of investment funds. The aim of the third chapter is to define the administration of investment funds, administrator and rules for the performance of its activities. The fourth chapter briefly discusses the depositary when the aim of this chapter is to define its position in relation to the management and administration of investment funds. The fifth and final chapter briefly deals with the Prime broker, when it also analysis the definition of its position in relation to the management...

Finanční trh a jeho právní aspekty / The financial market and its legal aspects

Kačiaková, Petra January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis Financial market and its legal aspects provides a general overview on financial market and in next chapters continues with collective investments via funds of collective investors as one of ways how a natural or legal person can participate in the financial market processes. In first two chapters the thesis provides a characteristics and more detailed description of the terms financial market and capital market. Second chapter then defines the division of capital market types of investment Instruments that are traded on the market and entities that are present in the financial market and are necessary for its functionality. The last sub-chapter of second chapter summarizes the general overview of the current situation and development of capital market in Czech Republic, together with providing Czech and European legislation that regulates the financial and capital market. Third chapter introduces the term collective investment together with investment companies and investment funds law, that serves as a main regulation for collective investments. In this chapter we can also find the advantages and disadvantages of investing via investment funds and main entities that operates in the financial market with connection to collective investments. Fourth chapter further defines investment...

Rozhodování sporů finančním arbitrem / Dispute resolution by a financial arbitrator

Jankových, Kristýna January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis was to identify and analyze the decision-making activities of the Financial Arbitrator as an out-of-court dispute resolution body for some of the consumer disputes in the area of financial services, both procedural and substantive points of view. The author discusses the importance and practical impacts of the decision-making activities of the Financial Arbitrator to the parties of the proceedings before the Financial Arbitrator taking into account recent legislative changes affecting this institution. At the same time, the author deals with some practical problems which the Financial Arbitrator faces by its decision making and discusses their solutions. Finally, the author examines and evaluates some of the decisions issued by the Financial Arbitrator in various areas of its competence. The actual text of this work is divided into five chapters, introduction and conclusion. In the first chapter the author briefly describes the origin and development of the institute of the Financial Arbitrator and its institutional framework as to emphasize the specifics of this institute, which is reflected in its decision-making and offers a view of foreign approaches in the creation of disputes dealing with an out-of-court resolution of disputes from financial services. In the...

Srovnání organizace dohledu nad finančním trhem v jednotlivých zemích Evropské unie / A comparison of the organization of supervision over the financial market in individual EU member states

Bízek, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
In my diploma thesis, I aim to define and compare models of financial market supervision used in the European Union member states. Furthermore, I try to analyze the development of these states between 2001 and 2015. Lastly, I attempt to predict their future development. The thesis contains a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part consists of three chapters and the last two chapters are practical. In the first chapter, I attempt to describe the financial market and provide a theoretical definition of supervision. Next, I focus on regulation, supervisors and supervised entities. Finally, I also deal with the purpose and aims of financial supervision. A well-defined terminology is crucial to any study involving financial market supervision. In the second chapter, I discuss three basic models of financial market supervision I recognize in the European Union member states. In the third chapter, I focus on the role of the financial market supervisors, their responsibilities and independence. In the fourth chapter, I describe the structure of financial markets in each member state of the European Union from 2001 to 2015. Furthermore, the purpose of this chapter is to collect data for the next chapter. In the fifth chapter, I analyze and compare financial market supervision models of the European...

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