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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le développement d’une séquence d’enseignement/apprentissage basée sur l’histoire de la numération pour des élèves du troisième cycle du primaire

Poirier, Julie 07 1900 (has links)
Notre contexte pratique — nous enseignons à des élèves doués de cinquième année suivant le programme international — a grandement influencé la présente recherche. En effet, le Programme primaire international (Organisation du Baccalauréat International, 2007) propose un enseignement par thèmes transdisciplinaires, dont un s’intitulant Où nous nous situons dans l’espace et le temps. Aussi, nos élèves sont tenus de suivre le Programme de formation de l’école québécoise (MÉLS Ministère de l'Éducation du Loisir et du Sport, 2001) avec le développement, notamment, de la compétence Résoudre une situation-problème et l’introduction d’une nouveauté : les repères culturels. Après une revue de la littérature, l’histoire des mathématiques nous semble tout indiquée. Toutefois, il existe peu de ressources pédagogiques pour les enseignants du primaire. Nous proposons donc d’en créer, nous appuyant sur l’approche constructiviste, approche prônée par nos deux programmes d’études (OBI et MÉLS). Nous relevons donc les avantages à intégrer l’histoire des mathématiques pour les élèves (intérêt et motivation accrus, changement dans leur façon de percevoir les mathématiques et amélioration de leurs apprentissages et de leur compréhension des mathématiques). Nous soulignons également les difficultés à introduire une approche historique à l’enseignement des mathématiques et proposons diverses façons de le faire. Puis, les concepts mathématiques à l’étude, à savoir l’arithmétique, et la numération, sont définis et nous voyons leur importance dans le programme de mathématiques du primaire. Nous décrivons ensuite les six systèmes de numération retenus (sumérien, égyptien, babylonien, chinois, romain et maya) ainsi que notre système actuel : le système indo-arabe. Enfin, nous abordons les difficultés que certaines pratiques des enseignants ou des manuels scolaires posent aux élèves en numération. Nous situons ensuite notre étude au sein de la recherche en sciences de l’éducation en nous attardant à la recherche appliquée ou dite pédagogique et plus particulièrement aux apports des recherches menées par des praticiens (un rapprochement entre la recherche et la pratique, une amélioration de l’enseignement et/ou de l’apprentissage, une réflexion de l’intérieur sur la pratique enseignante et une meilleure connaissance du milieu). Aussi, nous exposons les risques de biais qu’il est possible de rencontrer dans une recherche pédagogique, et ce, pour mieux les éviter. Nous enchaînons avec une description de nos outils de collecte de données et rappelons les exigences de la rigueur scientifique. Ce n’est qu’ensuite que nous décrivons notre séquence d’enseignement/apprentissage en détaillant chacune des activités. Ces activités consistent notamment à découvrir comment différents systèmes de numération fonctionnent (à l’aide de feuilles de travail et de notations anciennes), puis comment ces mêmes peuples effectuaient leurs additions et leurs soustractions et finalement, comment ils effectuaient les multiplications et les divisions. Enfin, nous analysons nos données à partir de notre journal de bord quotidien bonifié par les enregistrements vidéo, les affiches des élèves, les réponses aux tests de compréhension et au questionnaire d’appréciation. Notre étude nous amène à conclure à la pertinence de cette séquence pour notre milieu : l’intérêt et la motivation suscités, la perception des mathématiques et les apprentissages réalisés. Nous revenons également sur le constructivisme et une dimension non prévue : le développement de la communication mathématique. / Our practical context -we teach gifted fifth grade students in an International School- has greatly influenced this research. Indeed, the International Primary Years Programme (International Baccalaureate Organization, 2007) fosters transdisciplinary themes, including one intitled Where we are in place and time. Our students are also expected to follow the Quebec education program schools (Ministry of Education, Recreation and Sport, 2001) with the development of competencies such as: To solve situational problem and the introduction of a novelty: the Cultural References. After the literature review, the history of mathematics seems very appropriate. However, there are few educational resources for primary teachers. This is the reason why we propose creating the resources by drawing upon the constructivist approach, an approach recommended by our two curricula (OBI and MELS). We bring to light the advantages of integrating the history of mathematics for students (increased interest and motivation, change in their perception of mathematics and improvement in learning and understanding mathematics). We also highlight the difficulties in introducing a historical approach to teaching mathematics and suggest various ways to explore it. Then we define the mathematical concepts of the study: arithmetic and counting and we remark their importance in the Primary Mathematics Curriculum. We then describe the six selected number systems (Sumerian, Egyptian, Babylonian, Chinese, Roman and Mayan) as well as our current system: the Indo-Arabic system. Finally, we discuss the difficulties students may encounter due to some teaching practices or textbooks on counting. We situate our study in the research of science of education especially on applied research and the contributions of the teacher research reconciliation between research and practice, the improvement of teaching and / or learning and a reflection within the teaching practice). Also, we reveal the possible biases that can be encountered in a pedagogical research and thus, to better avoid them. Finally, we describe the tools used to collect our data and look at the requirements for scientific rigor. Next, we describe our teaching sequence activities in details. These activities include the discovery of how the different number systems work (using worksheets and old notations) and how the people using the same systems do their additions and subtractions and how they do their multiplications and divisions. Finally, we analyze our data from a daily diary supported by video recordings, students’ posters, the comprehension tests and the evaluation questionnaire. Our study leads us to conclude the relevance of this sequence in our context: interest and motivation, perception of mathematics and learning achieved. We also discuss constructivism and a dimension not provided: the development of mathematical communication.

Mathematics for history's sake : a new approach to Ptolemy's Geography

Mintz, Daniel V. January 2011 (has links)
Almost two thousand years ago, Claudius Ptolemy created a guide to drawing maps of the world, identifying the names and coordinates of over 8,000 settlements and geographical features. Using the coordinates of those cities and landmarks which have been identified with modern locations, a series of best-fit transformations has been applied to several of Ptolemy’s regional maps, those of Britain, Spain, and Italy. The transformations relate Ptolemy’s coordinates to their modern equivalents by rotation and skewed scaling. These reflect the types of error that appear in Ptolemy’s data, namely those of distance and orientation. The mathematical techniques involved in this process are all modern. However, these techniques have been altered in order to deal with the historical difficulties of Ptolemy’s maps. To think of Ptolemy’s data as similar to that collected from a modern random sampling of a population and to apply unbiased statistical methods to it would be erroneous. Ptolemy’s data is biased, and the nature of that bias is going to be informed by the history of the data. Using such methods as cluster analysis, Procrustes analysis, and multidimensional scaling, we aimed to assess numerically the accuracy of Ptolemy’s maps. We also investigated the nature of the errors in the data and whether or not these could be linked to historical developments in the areas mapped.

O ensino do conceito de integral, em sala de aula, com recursos da história da matemática e da resolução de problemas /

Ribeiro, Marcos Vinícius. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Lourdes de la Rosa Onuchic / Banca: Sergio Roberto Nobre / Banca: Norma Suely Gomes Allevato / Resumo: Como professor de uma Faculdade de Engenharia e responsável por disciplinas de Cálculo Diferencial e Integral, pude vivenciar muitas inquietações no processo de ensino e aprendizagem desse ramo da Matemática e constatar dificuldades encontradas nesse processo e, em especial, no ensino e na aprendizagem de Integrais. Nosso Fenômeno de Interesse naturalmente surgiu dessa inquietação. Apoiados na Metodologia de Pesquisa de Romberg desenvolvemos toda nossa Pesquisa seguindo, de perto, um modelo de desenvolvimento criado por nós. Depois de relacionarmos nossas ideias com ideias de outros, foi criada, a Pergunta da Pesquisa que se tornou então, nosso Problema. Trabalhando com a História da Integral como parte da História da Matemática, com Resolução de Problemas e a Metodologia de Ensino-Aprendizagem-Avaliação de Matemática através da Resolução de Problemas, como metodologia de trabalho, analisamos uma sala de aula de um curso de engenharia onde o ensino e a aprendizagem de Cálculo Diferencial e Integral era nosso objetivo. Foi criado um projeto, aplicado em doze encontros de cem minutos cada. Dessa aplicação coletamos evidências que, confrontadas à Pergunta da Pesquisa puderam nos conduzir à resposta da Pergunta feita. Os alunos nesse processo foram participantes e assumidos como co-construtores de seu próprio conhecimento. / Abstract: As a professor of a College of Engineering and responsible for courses in differential and integral calculus, I could experience many concerns in the teaching and learning of this branch of mathematics and find difficulties in that process, in particular in teaching and learning of Integrals. Our Phenomenon of Interest naturally arose that concern. Supported by Romberg Research Methodology, we developed all our research following closely a development model created by us. After we related our ideas with ideas of others, it was created the research question which then became our problem. Working with the History of Integral as part of the History of Mathematics with Problem Solving Methodology and Teaching-Learning Assessment of Mathematics through Problem Solving, as work methodology, we analyzed a classroom of an engineering course where the teaching and learning of differential and integral calculus was our goal. It was created a project implemented in twelve meetings of a hundred minutes each. This application collected evidences that, faced the Question of the Research, lead us to answer the Question asked. The students were participants in that process and assumed to be co-constructors of their own knowledge. / Mestre

La "révolution" de l'enseignement de la géométrie dans le Japon de l'ère Meiji (1868-1912) : une étude de l'évolution des manuels de géométrie élémentaire / The "revolution" in Japanese geometrical teaching during Meiji Era (1868-1912) : a study on the evolution of textbooks on elementary geometry

Cousin, Marion 29 May 2013 (has links)
Durant l'ère Meiji, afin d'occuper une position forte dans le concert des nations, le gouvernement japonais engage le pays dans un mouvement de modernisation. Dans le cadre de ce mouvement, les mathématiques occidentales, et en particulier la géométrie euclidienne, sont introduites dans l'enseignement. Cette décision est prise alors que, en raison du succès des mathématiques traditionnelles (wasan), aucune traduction sur le sujet n'est disponible. Mes travaux s'intéressent aux premiers manuels de géométrie élémentaire, qui ont été élaborés, diffusés et utilisés dans ce transfert scientifique. Une grille d'analyse centrée sur les questions du langage et des outils logiques est déployée pour mettre en évidence les différentes phases dans l'importation et l'adaptation des connaissances occidentales / During the Meijing era, the political context in East Asia led the Japanese authorities to embark on a nationwide modernization program. This resulted in the introduction of Western mathematics, and especially Euclidean geometry into Japanese education. However, as traditional mathematics (was an) were very successful at that time, there were no Japanese translations of texts dealing with this new geometry available at this time. My work focuses on the first Japanese textbooks that were developed, distributed and used during this period of scientific transfer. My analysis concentrates on language and logical reasoning in order to highlight the various phases in the importation and adaptation of Western knowledge to the Japanese context

O movimento da matemática moderna e o ensino das operações com números fracionários: uma análise histórica de livros didáticos / The modern mathematics movement and the teaching of operations with fractional numbers: a historical analysis of some textbooks

Santos, Jose Luiz Soares dos 14 December 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho é uma análise do ensino dos números fracionários, nos cursos ginasiais e de primeiro grau no Brasil, e sua relação com a matemática moderna, a partir de livros didáticos de matemática publicados durante o Movimento da Matemática Moderna (MMM). Utilizamos, como fontes, os livros de autoria de Osvaldo Sangiorgi, Ary Quintela, Carlos Galante e Miguel Asis Name, envolvendo o período dos anos 1950, antes do MMM, ao início dos anos 1970, no qual ocorre o declínio desse movimento no Brasil. No desenvolvimento desse trabalho, observamos as alterações e manutenções na legislação, nos programas curriculares, na diagramação dos livros, nos conceitos e nas diferentes abordagens dadas aos números fracionários por cada um dos autores. Constatamos, como mudanças nos livros didáticos, a introdução da teoria dos conjuntos, das propriedades estruturais e das representações (nomenclatura, simbologia e diagramas), acompanhadas pelo aumento do número de exercícios, cores, imagens e dimensões dos livros. Observamos que as mudanças conceituais relacionada são MMM estão presentes, em maior grau, nos livros de Sangiorgi, mostrando que não houve homogeneidade na incorporação das ideias da matemática moderna nos livros didáticos de matemática dos anos 1960. Constatamos, ainda, que a denominação números racionais, substituindo frações e números fracionários, já está consolidada na década de 1970. / This work is an analysis of the teaching of fractional numbers in junior high school and first degree courses in Brazil and its relation to modern mathematics, from mathematics textbooks published during the Modern Mathematics Movement (MMM). We use as sources, teh textbooks by Osvaldo Sangiorgi, Ary Quintela, Carlos Galante and Michael Asis Name, concerning the period of the 1950s, before the MMM, the early 1970s, in which occurs the decline of this movement in Brazil. In developing this work, we observed the changes and maintenance in legislation, curricula, the layout of the books, the concepts and different approaches given to fractional numbers by each author. We note, as changes in textbooks, the introduction of set theory, the structural properties and representations (nomenclature, symbols and diagrams), accompanied by the increased number of exercises, colors, images and dimensions of books. We note that the related conceptual changes are MMM are present to a greater extent in the Sangiorgi books, showing that there was no uniformity in the incorporation of modern mathematical ideas in textbooks of mathematics 1960s. We note also that the term rational numbers replacing fractions and fractional numbers, it is already consolidated in the 1970s.

Parábola e catenária: história e aplicações. / Parabola and Catenary: history and applications.

Talavera, Leda Maria Bastoni 19 March 2008 (has links)
Ao contrário da catenária, o estudo da parábola é encontrado com freqüência nos livros didáticos de matemática. Dois livros didáticos foram analisados para esta pesquisa: o livro de Olavo Freire de 1894, que associa o formato do cabo pênsil ao de uma parábola, e o livro da década de 1970 de Osvaldo Sangiorgi, que relaciona à figura de um balanço a forma de uma parábola. Notamos que esses livros didáticos com oitenta anos de diferença usam a corda suspensa para representar a forma parabólica. Como o formato de um cabo suspenso pelas extremidades sob a ação do seu próprio peso é representado pela catenária, sentimo-nos motivados a pesquisar sobre as curvas e entender por quais delas, afinal, o cabo da ponte pênsil é mais bem representado. Visto que essa dúvida surgiu a partir de livros didáticos, discorremos sobre a função do livro de matemática, na sala de aula, como indicadores do ensino da matemática, de um determinado local, dentro de determinado contexto histórico-político. No decorrer da história da matemática, houve confusão entre essas duas curvas, a qual motivou o estudo da catenária a partir do século XVII. Essa fase da história é conhecida como época das curvas, e em 1600, por Huygens, que se iniciaram seus estudos. Examinamos as curvas catenária e parábola no âmbito da educação e da história da matemática, bem como suas propriedades e aplicações práticas no âmbito da engenharia de pontes pênseis e na arquitetura. Amparamo-nos em leituras específicas de construção e história de algumas pontes pênseis e chegamos a visitar a Ponte Estaiada em São Paulo ainda em edificação, para entendermos como os engenheiros utilizam as propriedades das curvas catenária e parábola em sua construção. Os resultados revelaram que, surpreendentemente, o exemplo adotado no livro de Olavo Freire para representar uma parábola não levou em consideração o que acontece na prática da engenharia das pontes pênseis, e o ressurgimento do exemplo do balanço no livro de Osvaldo Sangiorgi, pareceu reforçar a tese de que havia, sim, certa confusão entre as duas curvas. Utilizando o software gráfico Winplot, construímos as curvas catenária e parábola e pudemos visualizar as diferenças ou similaridades entre elas. Finalizando, comprovamos algebricamente a aproximação entre as curvas catenária e parábola e a definição de parábola no ponto de vista da engenharia. / Unlike the catenary, the study of the parabola is often found in textbooks of Mathematics. Two textbooks were analyzed for this research: the book of Olavo Freire, 1894, which combines the format of the cable suspended to a parabola, and the book of the decade of 1970 of Osvaldo Sangiorgi, which relates to the figure of a stock as a parabola. Note that these textbooks with eighty years of difference used the rope suspended to represent the parabolic shape. As the format of a cable suspended by the extremities under the action of its own weight is the catenary, we felt motivated to search on the curves and understand how, after all, the cable of the suspension bridge is best represented. Since this question came from textbooks, we studied the basis of the book of Mathematics in the classroom, as indicators of teaching Mathematics in a given location, within a certain historical and political context. Throughout the history of Mathematics, there was confusion between these two curves, which led the study of catenary from the seventeenth century. This phase of history is known as the curves season, and in 1600, by Huygens, who started their studies. We have audited the catenary curves and parabola in education and the history of Mathematics, and its properties and practical applications in the Engineering of suspension bridges and architecture. Supported us in specific readings of history and construction of some suspension bridges and even payed a visit to the bridge Estaiada in Sao Paulo which is still under construction, to understand how the engineers use the properties of the catenary curves and parabola in its construction. The results showed that, surprisingly, the example used in the book of Olavo Freire to represent a parabola did not bring into account what happens in the practice of Engineering of the suspension bridges, and the resurgence of the example of the balance sheet in the book of Osvaldo Sangiorgi seemed to strengthen the argument that there was some confusion between the two curves. Using the software chart Winplot, the catenary and parabola curves were built and we could visualize the differences or similarities between them. At last, using algebra we proved the rapprochement between the catenary curves and definition of parabola in terms of Engineering.

O impacto da matemática moderna no ensino dos números naturais: uma análise de sete livros / The impact of modern mathematics teaching of natural numbers: an analysis of seven books

Silva, Wilian Faias da 14 December 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho analisou o impacto da Matemática Moderna (MM) nos livros didáticos de matemática durante o Movimento da Matemática Moderna (MMM) no Brasil, tomando como fonte alguns livros didáticos de matemática editados no período de 1950 a 1960, antes do advento do MMM, na década de 1960, onde o MMM encontrou o seu ápice, e na década de 1970, época de seu declínio. Os autores estudados foram Ary Quintela, Osvaldo Sangiorgi, Carlos Galante, Osvaldo Marcondes dos Santos, e Miguel Assis Name. Nos períodos considerados, acompanhamos como foram apresentados os números naturais e, paralelamente, as mudanças editoriais, conceituais e de legislação envolvidas no processo. Constatamos que as maiores mudanças nos livros de alguns autores foram a introdução do ensino de teoria dos conjuntos e estruturas matemáticas no trato dos números naturais. Além disso, uma série de mudanças editoriais foram observadas nos livros de todos autores, como o uso de um número maior de imagens, cores, e exercícios. Nesse sentido, a introdução da teoria de conjuntos e de todo esse aparato gráfico são, sem dúvida nenhuma, inovações do período que não podem ser vistas de maneira separadas. Ao contrário, são complementares. / We analyse the impact of Modern Mathematics (MM) in textbooks of mathematics along the Modern Mathematics Movement (MMM) in Brazil, considering as main sources some mathematical textbooks edited in the 1950\'s, before the MMM\'s advent, in the 1960\'s, the climax of the MMM in Brazil, and the 1970\'s, when the movement faces a serious decline. The authors considered here were Ary Quintela, Osvaldo Sangiorgi, Carlos Galante, Osvaldo Marcondes dos Santos, e Miguel Assis Name. In these periods, we analysed the insertion of the natural numbers in the textbooks concurrently with both editorial, conceptual and laws changes. We identified the introduction of the set theory and some mathematical structures as the major change in the subject. Yet, many editorial changes were observed as the increase of colors, images and exercises. In this sense, the introduction of both the set theory and all these graphical artifacts are innovations of the period which can not be undoubtedly analysed in a separated way. On the contrary, they are complementary phenoms.

Destinos e trajetos: Edward Lee Thorndike e John Dewey na formação matemática do professor primário no Brasil (1920-1960) / Destinations and trajectoriess: Edward Lee Thorndike and John Dewey in primary mathematics teacher education in Brazil (1920-1960)

Rabelo, Rafaela Silva 19 May 2016 (has links)
A presente tese tem como tema as contribuições de Edward Lee Thorndike e de John Dewey no campo da educação matemática. Especificamente, a pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar os processos de circulação das ideias desses educadores na formação matemática de professores do ensino primário no Brasil e as apropriações decorrentes desses processos, centrando a discussão entre as décadas de 1920 e 1960. Os conceitos de circulação, apropriação e histórica conectada, dentre outros, foram operados com base em autores tais como Roger Chartier, Serge Gruzinski, Pierre Bourdieu e Michel de Certeau. Constituíram-se enquanto fontes de pesquisa programas de ensino, manuais pedagógicos, relatórios de viagem, correspondência, jornais e revistas pedagógicas. A análise desenvolveu-se privilegiando os viajantes pedagógicos e os impressos. Quanto a este último, o foco recaiu nos programas de ensino, bibliotecas pedagógicas e manuais pedagógicos. Dentre as conclusões, observa-se o papel importante que os viajantes pedagógicos desempenharam na circulação das ideias de Dewey e de Thorndike, seja na forma de publicações que faziam referência aos educadores estadunidenses, ou por meio da atuação docente na formação de professores. Outros meios de promover essa circulação foram os programas de ensino e bibliotecas pedagógicas, nos quais constam títulos de Dewey e Thorndike e manuais que a eles fazem referência. Em termos de apropriação, percebe-se a presença de Dewey para tratar de assuntos de escopo mais geral da educação, enquanto que Thorndike é mobilizado para discutir questões mais específicas de aritmética, tais como a importância de recorrer a situações e valores reais. / The following thesis focus on the contributions of Edward Lee Thorndike and John Dewey to mathematics education field. Specifically, the research had as aim to investigate the processes of circulation of these authors ideas in mathematics teachers education in Brazil and the correspondent appropriations, focusing the discussion in the period between 1920s and 1960s. The concepts of circulation, appropriation and connected history, and others, were operated based in such authors as Roger Chartier, Serge Gruzinski, Pierre Bourdieu and Michel de Certeau. Some of the sources were course programs, handbooks, travel reports, correspondence, papers and pedagogical journals. The analysis privileged the pedagogical travelers and the impressions. In relation to the impressions, the focus was the course programs, pedagogical libraries and handbooks. The conclusions point to the important part played by the pedagogical travelers in the circulation of Deweys and Thorndikes ideas, through publications referring to these American educators or based on practice in teachers education. Other ways that promoted the circulation were the course programs and the pedagogical libraries, where there are Deweys and Thorndikes works included or handbooks that mention them. Related to appropriation, Dewey is mentioned referring to general aspects of education, and Thorndike to more specific discussions related to arithmetic.

Um retrato de aprendizagem em educação matemática: professoras dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental em processo de inovação curricular / A portrait of learning in Mathematics Education: teachers of early Elementary School years in the process of curriculum innovation.

Motta, Cristina Dalva Van Berghem 16 March 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre relações entre a teoria e a prática em um contexto de reforma curricular, a partir da investigação sobre como professoras das séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental reelaboram seus saberes docentes com base na proposta de trabalho com a Teoria dos Campos Conceituais apresentada no Programa Orientações Curriculares: Expectativas de Aprendizagem e Orientações Didáticas, instituído na Rede Municipal de Ensino da Cidade de São Paulo pela Portaria n° 4.507, de 30 de agosto de 2007. Pela interlocução de autores como Fiorentini, Libâneo, Nóvoa, Pimenta, Pires, Tardif e Lessard, mostramos como as reformas educativas das últimas décadas influenciaram os movimentos de profissionalização do professor e a discussão sobre os saberes docentes. A seguir, apresentamos o Programa Orientações Curriculares: Expectativas de Aprendizagem e Orientações Didáticas e algumas teorias da Didática Francesa da Matemática nele presentes, com destaque para a Teoria dos Campos Conceituais, citada em vários materiais curriculares deste Programa. A análise das entrevistas nos mostrou o enredamento dos relatos das professoras em uma trama de relações interativas, constitutivas da construção dos saberes docentes: a história de vida do professor, as diversas fontes de sua formação pessoal e profissional e suas práticas pedagógicas. As professoras entrevistadas destacaram a interação entre os pares, na escola e em cursos de formação continuada como forma privilegiada de desenvolvimento profissional e revelaram desafios e dilemas enfrentados no processo de implementação curricular. Também mostraram, pelo contraponto entre suas constituições pessoais e profissionais antes e depois da adesão às propostas teórico-metodológicas dadas por este Programa, uma reformulação de seus próprios sistemas conceituais. / This paper presents a study of relations between theory and practice in a context of curriculum reform, from the research about how school teachers of elementary school reconstruct their knowledge based on the work proposal with the Theory of Conceptual Fields presented in the Program \"Curriculum Guidelines: Expectations for Learning and Didactic Guidelines, established in the Municipal School Network of São Paulo City by Ordinance No. 4507 of August 30th, 2007. Through the dialogue with authors such as Fiorentini, Libâneo, Nóvoa, Pimenta, Pires, Tardif and Lessard, we demonstrate how the educational reforms of recent decades have influenced the movements of professionalization of the teacher and discussion about the docents knowledge. Then we present the Program based on the work proposal with the Theory of Conceptual Fields presented in the Program \"Curriculum Guidelines: Expectations for Learning and Didactic Guidelines\", and theories of French Didactics of Mathematics present within it, especially the Theory of Conceptual Fields, cited in several curricular materials of this Program. The analysis of the interviews showed us the entanglement of the teachers report in a web of interactive relationships, constitutives of the construction of docent knowledge: the life story of the teacher, the various sources of his personal and professional formation and his pedagogical practices. The teachers interviewed emphasized the interaction among peers, in school and in continued education courses as a privileged form of professional development and revealed challenges and dilemmas faced in the process of curriculum implementation. They also showed, by their counterpoint between their personal and professional constitutions before and after accession to the theoretical and methodological proposals given by this Program, a reformulation of their own conceptual systems.

Ferramentas cognitivas nas escolas de escribas da Antiga Babilônia / Cognitive tools in Old Babylonian scribal schools

Possani Junior, Cleber 16 December 2013 (has links)
A partir de uma avaliação crítica de propostas teóricas voltadas ao estudo histórico da cognição como as apresentadas por Jack Goody e Reviel Netz , este trabalho desenvolve uma possível aproximação entre novos modelos produzidos no campo das ciências cognitivas, em especial modelos de cognição corporalizada (embodied cognition), e as atuais interpretações dos textos matemáticos babilônicos. Propõe possíveis desenvolvimentos dessas interpretações através da identificação de um sistema cognitivo estendido específico da cultura escribal babilônica, fundado no uso de ferramentas cognitivas: as formas de produção da escrita cuneiforme, o repertório textual preservado pela tradição escribal e a própria instituição social escolar da eduba. Neste quadro, os conceitos matemáticos, as formas de percepção e ordenação da realidade material e a cognição escribal sobre o conceito de tempo se revelam dependentes da agência material dos tabletes cuneiformes, das práticas ligadas a eles e da posição social do escriba. / From a critical evaluation of theoretical proposals aimed at the historical study of cognition as those presented by Jack Goody and Reviel Netz this paper explores a possible connection between new models coming from cognitive sciences, particularly \"embodied cognition models, and current interpretations of Babylonian mathematical texts. It proposes possible developments of these interpretations through the recognition of an extended cognitive system, specific of Babylonian scribal culture, based on the use of cognitive tools: forms of production of cuneiform writing, the textual repertoire preserved by scribal tradition and the social institution of the eduba school. In this context, mathematical concepts, forms of perception and ordering of material reality and scribal cognition of the concept of time reveal themselves dependent on the material agency of cuneiform tablets, the practices linked to them and the social position of the scribe.

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