Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe internet off things"" "subject:"ehe internet oof things""
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Analogue meters in a digital world : Minimizing data size when offloading OCR processesDavidsson, Robin, Sjölander, Fredrik January 2022 (has links)
Introduction: Instead of replacing existing analogue water meters with Internet of Things (IoT) connected substitutes, an alternative would be to attach an IoT connected module to the analogue water meter that optically reads the meter value using Optical Character Recognition (OCR). Such a module would need to be battery-powered given that access to the electrical grid is typically limited near water meters. Research has shown that offloading the OCR process can reduce the power dissipation from the battery, and that this dissipation can be reduced even further by reducing the amount of data that is transmitted. Purpose: For the sake of minimising energy consumption in the proposed solution, the purpose of the study is to find out to what extent it is possible to reduce an input image’s file size by means of resolution, colour depth, and compression before the Google Cloud Vision OCR engine no longer returns feasible results. Method and implementation: 250 images of analogue water meter values were processed by the Google Vision Cloud OCR through 38 000 different combinations of resolution, colour depth, and upscaling. Results: The highest rate of successful OCR readings with a minimal file size were found among images within a range of resolutions between 133 x 22 to 163 x 27 pixels and colour depths between 1- and 2-bits/pixel. Conclusion: The study shows that there is a potential for minimising data sizes, and thereby energy consumption, by offloading the OCR process by means of transmitting images of minimal file size.
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Evaluation of Peer-to-Peer LoRa for Geolocation Usage in a Rural EnvironmentChahine, Elias, Lewin, William January 2019 (has links)
With the increased popularity of the Internet of Things (IoT) and vehicle tracking, long range communication alternatives become essential for connecting a large number of units in a network.In areas where no coverage from existing technologies is available such as rural areas, the need for a solution presents itself. This thesis aims to examine the validity of using a Peer-to-Peer network structure to send geolocation information among nodes in a network using the Long Range (LoRa) protocol as opposed to using Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN) structure. The research question that was used was the following: “Can LoRa be used for P2P networking to exchange geolocation messages in rural areas?”By developing two modules using Raspberry Pi and Dragino LoRa/GPS shields, a prototype system could be created in order to test the performance of the network. The modules were tested in a rural area outside of Stockholm, Sweden.Together with field test data from the prototype and existing network loss models the network performance was evaluated. Due to testing conditions a theoretical maximum communication range of around 12 km was established using this data. Therefore using Peer-to-Peer LoRa for geolocation purposes in rural areas was concluded viable. / Sakernas internet och fordonsspårning är två trender som ökar i popularitet i en rasande fart. Med detta ökar kraven på fler kommunikationsalternativ för att koppla upp ett stort antal enheter i ett nätverk med en lång räckvidd.I områden såsom på landsbygden kan täckning av nuvarande teknologier kan vara bristfällande. För att lösa detta problem presenterar detta arbete en föreslagen lösning. Målet med arbetet är att undersöka giltigheten i att använda en Peer-to-Peer nätverksstruktur för att skicka platsinformation inom ett nätverk med hjälp av Long Range (LoRa)-protokollet. I tidigare arbeten har detta mestadels gjorts med hjälp av ett Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN). Frågan som undersöktes i arbetet var följande: ”Kan LoRa användas för P2P nätverkande för att utbyta platsinformation i landsbygdsområden?”För att undersöka giltigheten av denna idé utvecklades en prototyp i form av två moduler som använder sig av varsin Raspberry Pi och Dragino LoRa/GPS tillägg. Dessa system kunde senare användas för att testas i ett landsbygdsområde utanför Stockholm.Tillsammans med data från fälttester med prototypen och modeller över fädning i ett nätverk utvärderades nätverkets prestanda. På grund av förhållanden i testmiljön bestämdes en teoretisk maximal räckvidd på runt 12 km. Med denna information dras slutsatsen att användandet av Peerto-Peer LoRa för platsinformation i landsbygdsområden är giltigt.
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The suitability of LoRaWAN for battery powered security solutionsGaliulina, Irina, Karlstén, Patrik January 2018 (has links)
Many conventional forms of communication technology, such as Wi-Fi, 3G/4G or cable, require a lot of power. For battery powered devices that need to last a long time on a single charge, one alternative is the low-power, long range technology LoRaWAN. This thesis tries to answer the question how well do the properties of LoRaWAN meet the requirements for a battery powered security solution? Two identical prototype remote motion detectors were implemented for this purpose. The results show that while the prototypes do not meet the requirements for energy efficiency, LoRaWAN as a technology easily does. The results shows that if a solution to the reliability issues can be found, LoRaWAN would be well suited for battery powered security solutions. / Många vanliga teknologier som används för kommunikation, så som Wi-Fi, 3G/4G eller fiber, kan vara väldigt strömkrävande. Ett alternativ för batteridrivna enheter som behöver kunna klara sig på en laddning under lång tid, är att använda en lågenergiteknologi med lång räckvidd LoRaWAN. Den här rapporten försöker att besvara frågan om hur väl LoRaWANs egenskaper tillgodoser de krav som ställs på batteridrivna säkerhetslösningar. För detta ändamål utvecklades två identiska prototyper av en batteridriven rörelsesensor. Resultaten visar på att även om prototyperna inte möter energikonsumptionskraven, så gör själva LoRaWAN-tekniken detta. Resultaten visar att om man kan hitta lösningar på problemen med pålitligheten hos LoRaWAN, så kan LoRaWAN mycket väl vara lämpligt för batteridrivna säkerhetslösningar.
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IoT Framework for Water Monitoring Using the M-Bus InterfaceAsratyan, Albert, Joshi, Mandar January 2019 (has links)
Immense amounts of water are wasted daily, and it is as important as ever to optimize our water consumption, especially considering that today around 850 million people lack access to clean water. With the rise of the Internet of Things, creating a monitoring system for this purpose becomes easier, but there arises a problem of interfacing water meters to IoT capable devices.In this thesis a framework for IoT smart water monitoring is presented. Both short range and long range communication techniques are shown, compared and discussed. Similarly, different smart water meters and their characteristics are compared.The main goal of this thesis was to implement an interface between a sensor node and the water meter, ensuring the transmission of data in an easy way. To achieve this goal, a M-Bus library integrated into Contiki-OS is presented, thereby showing that it is possible to interface a water meter with a sensor node. The implemented library is capable of changing some of the configurations of the water meter, receiving data from the water meter, as well as forwarding the data via MQTT or CoAP protocols for further processing on the server side. / Stora mängder vatten slösas dagligen och det är viktigt nu att vi optimerar vattenförbrukningen, särskilt med tanke på att cirka 850 miljoner människor idag saknar tillgång till rent vatten. Med uppkomst av Sakernas Internet blir det lättare att skapa ett övervakningssystem för detta ändamål, men det finns fortfarande problem med att ansluta vattenmätare till IoT-kompatibla enheter.I detta arbete presenteras ett ramverk för smart vattenmätning med IoT. Både kortdistansoch långdistanskommunikationsteknik presenteras, jämförs och diskuteras. På samma sätt jämförs olika smarta vattenmätare och deras egenskaper.Huvudsyftet med denna arbetet var att implementera ett gränssnitt mellan en sensornod och vattenmätare, vilket säkerställer överföring av data på ett enkelt sätt. För att uppnå detta mål presenteras ett M-Bus-bibliotek integrerat i ContikiOS, vilket visar att det är möjligt att koppla en vattenmätare till en sensornod. Det implementerade biblioteket kan ändra delar av vattenmätarens konfigurering, ta emot data från vattenmätaren, samt vidarebefordra data via MQTT eller CoAP för vidare bearbetning hos servern.
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Finding Vulnerabilities in IoT Devices : Ethical Hacking of Electronic LocksRobberts, Christopher, Toft, Joachim January 2019 (has links)
Internet of Things (IoT) devices are becoming more ubiquitous than ever before, and while security is not that important for every type of device, it is crucial for some. In this thesis, a widely available Bluetooth smart lock is examined through the lens of security. By using well-known attack methods, an attempt is made to exploit potential vulnerabilities in the system.The researched lock was found to have design flaws that could be considered low-impact vulnerabilities, but using the system without these flaws in mind could lead to harmful outcomes for the lock owner.Except for the design flaws, no real security problems were discovered, but the methods used in this thesis should be applicable for further IoT security research. / IoT-apparater blir allt mer vanliga i samhället. Det är inte ett krav för alla typer av apparater att ha stark säkerhet, men för vissa är det helt avgörande. I denna avhandling undersöks ett allmänt tillgängligt Bluetooth-smartlås utifrån ett säkerhetsperspektiv. Genom att använda välkända angreppsmetoder görs det ett försök att utnyttja potentiella sårbarheter i systemet.Låset visade sig ha designfel som skulle kunna betraktas som sårbarheter med låg hotnivå, men att använda systemet utan dessa designfel i åtanke skulle kunna leda till farliga påföljder för låsägaren.Förutom designfelen upptäcktes inga riktiga säkerhetsproblem, men metoderna som används i denna avhandling bör vara tillämpliga för ytterligare säkerhetsforskning inom IoT.
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Exploring Augmented Reality for enhancing ADAS and Remote Driving through 5G : Study of applying augmented reality to improve safety in ADAS and remote driving use casesMeijer, Max Jan January 2020 (has links)
This thesis consists of two projects focusing on how 5G can be used to make vehicles safer. The first project focuses on conceptualizing near-future use cases of how Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) can be enhanced through 5G technology. Four concepts were developed in collaboration with various industry partners. These concepts were successfully demonstrated in a proof-of-concept at the 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) “The 5G Path of Vehicle-to-Everything Communication: From Local to Global” conference in Turin, Italy. This proof-of-concept was the world’s first demonstration of such a system. The second project focuses on a futuristic use case, namely remote operation of semi-autonomous vehicles (sAVs). As part of this work, it was explored if augmented reality (AR) can be used to warn remote operators of dangerous events. It was explored if such augmentations can be used to compensate during critical events. These events are defined as occurrences in which the network conditions are suboptimal, and information provided to the operator is limited. To evaluate this, a simulator environment was developed that uses eye- tracking technology to study the impact of such scenarios through user studies. The simulator establishes an extendable platform for future work. Through experiments, it was found that AR can be beneficial in spotting danger. However, it can also be used to directly affect the scanning patterns at which the operator views the scene and directly affect their visual scanning behavior. / Denna avhandling består av två projekt med fokus på hur 5G kan användas för att göra fordon säkrare. Det första projektet fokuserar på att konceptualisera användningsfall i närmaste framtid av hur Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) kan förbättras genom 5G-teknik. Fyra koncept utvecklades i samarbete med olika branschpartner. Dessa koncept demonstrerade i ett proof-of- concept på 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) “5G Path of Vehicle to to Everything Communication: From Local to Global” -konferensen i Turin, Italien. Detta bevis-of-concept var världens första demonstration av ett sådant system. Det andra projektet fokuserar på ett långt futuristiskt användningsfall, nämligen fjärrstyrning av semi-autonoma fordon (sAVs). Som en del av detta arbete undersöktes det om augmented reality (AR) kan användas för att varna fjärroperatörer om farliga händelser. Det undersöktes om sådana förstärkningar kan användas för att kompensera under kritiska händelser. Dessa händelser definieras som händelser där nätverksförhållandena är suboptimala och information som tillhandahålls till operatören är begränsad. För att utvärdera detta utvecklades en simulatormiljö som använder ögonspårningsteknologi för att studera effekterna av sådana scenarier genom en användarstudie. Simulatorn bildar en utdragbar plattform för framtida arbete. Genom experiment fann man att AR kan vara fördelaktigt när det gäller att upptäcka fara. Men det kan också användas för att direkt påverka skanningsmönstret där operatören tittar på scenen och direkt påverka deras visuella skanningsbeteende.
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Penetration testing of a smart speaker / Penetrationstestning av en smart högtalareNouiser, Amin January 2023 (has links)
Smart speakers are becoming increasingly ubiquitous. Previous research has studied the security of these devices; however, only some studies have employed a penetration testing methodology. Moreover, most studies have only investigated models by well-known brands such as the Amazon or Google. Therefore, there is a research gap of penetration tests on less popular smart speaker models. This study aims to address this gap by conducting a penetration test on the less popular JBL Link Music with firmware version 23063250. The results show that the speaker is subject to several security threats and is vulnerable to some attacks. The Bluetooth Low Energy implementation is vulnerable to passive eavesdropping. Additionally, the speaker is vulnerable to an 802.11 denial of service attack, and a boot log containing sensitive information can be accessed through a serial communication interface. It is concluded that the speaker is, in some aspects, insecure. / Smarta högtalare blir alltmer närvarande. Tidigare forskning har undersökt säkerheten kring dessa, dock har endast några använt en penetrerings testnings metolologi. Därutover har de flesta studier endast studerat modeller av välkända varumärken som Google eller Amazon. Därmed finns en vetenskaplig kunskapslucka kring penetrationstester av mindre populära modeller. Denna studie syftar till att bemöta denna lucka genom att utföra ett penetrationstest av den mindre populära JBL Link Music med mjukvaruversion 23063250. Resultaten visar att högtalaren är utsatt för flera säkerhetshot och är sårbar för några attacket. Bluetooth Low Energy implementationen är sårbar för passiv avlyssning. Därutöver är högtalaren sårbar för en 802.11 denial of service attack och en boot logg innehållande känslig information kan nås genom ett seriellt kommunikations gränssnitt. Slutsatsen dras att högtalaren, i vissa aspekter, är osäker.
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[pt] A importância da Internet das Coisas (IoT) tem aumentado significativamente
nos últimos anos, e dispositivos IoT têm sido usados em diferentes indústrias e tipos
de aplicação, como casas inteligentes, sensores indutriais, veículos autonomos,
wearables, etc. Apesar deste cenário trazer inovações tecnológicas, novas
experiências para usuários, e novas soluções de negócio, também levanta
preocupações relevantes relacionadas a segurança da informação e privacidade.
Neste trabalho nós apresentamos o EdgeSec Framework, um novo framework de
segurança para IoT desenvolvido como uma solução de segurança para os
middlewares ContextNet e Mobile-Hub. O seu objetivo principal é estender e
melhorar uma arquitetura e uma implementação já existentes para estes
middlewares, criando uma solução mais genérica, robusta e flexível,e garantindo
autenticação, autorização, integridade e confidencialidade de dados. O framework
foi elaborado com foco na total extensiblidade através da introdução de interfaces
de protocolos, que podem ser implementadas por plugins, tornando-o compatível
com uma variedade de algoritmos de segurança e dispositivos IoT. Uma
implementação completa foi realizada como prova de conceito, e testes de
desempenho e experimentos foram realizados para avaliar a viabilidade da solução.
Os resultados mostram que o EdgeSec Framework pode melhorar
significativamente a segurança do Mobile-Hub e diversos tipos de aplicações IoT
através de uma maior compatibilidade e flexibilidade, e garantindo todas as
proteções básicas de segurança. / [en] The importance of the Internet of Things (IoT) has increased significantly in
recent years, and IoT devices are being used in many different industries and types
of applications, such as smart homes, industrial sensors, autonomous vehicles,
personal wearables, and more. While this brings technology innovation, new user
experiences, and new business solutions, it also raises important concerns related
to information security and privacy. In this work we present EdgeSec Framework,
a new IoT security framework, made concrete as a security solution for ContextNet
and Mobile-Hub middlewares. Its main goal is to extend and improve on an existing
security architecture and implementation, creating a more generic, robust, and
flexible solution that ensures authentication, authorization, data integrity and
confidentiality. The framework was designed with full extensibility in mind by
introducing protocol interfaces that can be implemented by external plugins,
making it compatible to a variety of security algorithms and edge devices. A
complete implementation was developed as proof-of-concept, and performance
tests and experiments were made to evaluate the feasibility of the solution. Results
show that EdgeSec framework can greatly improve the security of Mobile-Hub and
similar IoT middlewares by increasing its compatibility and flexibility, and ensuring
all the basic security protections.
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Determining whether the Hövding bicycle airbag is secure against cyber attacks / Att avgöra om en Hövding cykel-airbag är skyddad mot cyberangreppMellin, Henrik January 2022 (has links)
This thesis is about cyber-security and penetration testing. More specifically it concerns penetration testing of a Hövding bicycle airbag which is a smart alternative to a traditional bicycle helmet. The thesis focuses on exploiting Bluetooth Low Energy, firmware analysis and reverse engineering. The research question is as follows: Is the Hövding bicycle airbag secure against cyber attacks? No previous work has been done with regards to penetration testing the Hövding, despite its popularity. The Hövding’s latest model allows users to connect to their Hövding using a smartphone, with Bluetooth Low Energy as a communication protocol. There is limited research that has been done on exploiting this protocol, which is relatively complex and secure. To answer the research question a number of threats and attacks is identified with the help of the STRIDE model and whose risk is assessed with the DREAD model. These attacks are later executed in a series of penetration tests on the Hövding. The result shows that the Hövding has been securely developed and no vulnerabilities are found. Although no vulnerabilities are found the thesis discusses various approaches that can be useful for further work relating penetration testing similar devices. Regarding further work on the Hövding, there might be some vulnerabilities left to be discovered, perhaps related to hardware hacking or firmware tampering. / I denna avhandling analyseras cybersäkerhet och penetrationstestning. Den behandlar penetrationstestning av Hövdings cykelairbag som är ett uppkopplat alternativ till traditionell cykelhjälm. Fokus är exploatering av Bluetooth Low Energy, analys av fast programvara och baklängeskonstruktion. Frågeställningen lyder: Är Hövdings cykelairbag skyddad mot cyberangrepp? Det finns inga tidigare vetenskapliga arbeten rörande penetrationstestning av Hövdingen, trots dess popularitet. Hövdings senaste modell tillåter användaren att ansluta cykelairbagen till mobil med hjälp av Bluetooth Low Energy-protokollet. Forskning om exploatering av detta protokoll, som är relativt komplext och säkert, är begränsat. För att besvara frågeställningen identifieras hot och attacker med hjälp av STRIDE-modellen vars risk sedan fastställs med DREAD-modellen. Dessa attacker genomförs i en serie penetrationstest på Hövdingen. Resultatet visar att Hövdingen har utvecklats på ett säkert sätt och inga sårbarheter påträffas. Trots att inga sårbarheter påträffas diskuteras olika ansatser som kan vara tillämpliga för framtida penetrationstestning av liknande apparater. Gällande framtida studier av Hövdingen kan det möjligtvis finnas sårbarheter kvar att upptäcka, till exempel inom hårdvaruhackning eller manipulering av fast programvara.
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Principles for Using Remote Data Collection Devices and Deep Learning in Evaluating Social Impact Indicators of Engineered Products for Global DevelopmentStringham, Bryan J. 09 December 2022 (has links)
Evaluating the social impacts of engineered products, or effects products have on the daily lives of individuals, is critical to ensuring that products are having positive impacts while avoiding negative impacts and to learning how to improve product designs for a more positive social impact. One approach to quantifying a product's social impact is to use social impact indicators that combine user data in a meaningful way to give insight into the current social condition of an individual or population. However, determining social impact indicators relative to engineered products and individuals in developing countries can be difficult when there is a large geographical distance between the users of a product and those designing them and since many conventional methods of user data collection require direct human interaction with or observation of users of a product. This means user data may only be collected at a single instance in time and infrequently due to the large human resources and cost associated with obtaining them. Alternatively, internet-connected, remote data collection devices paired with deep learning models can provide an effective way to use in-situ sensors to collect data required to calculate social impact indicators remotely, continuously, and less expensively than other methods. This research has identified key principles that can enable researchers, designers, and practitioners to avoid pitfalls and challenges that could be encountered at various stages of the process of using remote sensor devices and deep learning to evaluate social impact indicators of products in developing countries. Chapter 2 introduces a framework that outlines how low-fidelity user data often obtainable using remote sensors or digital technology can be collected and correlated with high-fidelity, infrequently collected user data to enable continuous, remote monitoring of engineered products using deep learning. An example application of this framework demonstrates how it can be used to collect data for calculating several social impact indicators related to water hand pumps in Uganda during a 4 day study. Chapter 3 builds on the framework established in Chapter 2 to provide principles for enabling insights when engaging in long-term deployment of using in-situ sensors and deep learning to monitor the social impact indicators of products in developing countries. These principles were identified while using this approach to monitor the social impact indicators of a water hand pump in Uganda over a 5 month data collection period. Chapter 4 provides principles for successfully developing remote data collection devices used to collect user data for determining social impact indicators. A design tool called the "Social Impact Sensor Canvas" is provided to guide device development along with a discussion of the key decisions, critical questions, common options, and considerations that should be addressed during each stage of device development to increase the likelihood of success. Lastly, Chapter 5 discusses the conclusions made possible through this research along with proposed future work.
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