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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A disciplina do nome empresarial: natureza e tutela jurídica / The regulation of the business designation: nature and legal protection

Ronald Amaral Sharp Junior 18 August 2014 (has links)
O trabalho analisa o nome empresarial como sinal revelador da personalidade do empresário individual, da sociedade empresária e da empresa individual de responsabilidade limitada. Vincula-se à linha de pesquisa Empresa e Atividades Econômicas. A pesquisa é do tipo teórico e adotou o método dedutivo, tendo objetivo analítico. As fontes utilizadas foram bibliográficas e documentais. Trata da disciplina jurídica do nome empresarial no Brasil, realizando uma evolução histórica legislativa e mostrando o aprimoramento do instituto. Descreve seu regramento jurídico atual e o distingue dos demais sinais integrantes dos elementos da empresa. Aponta as funções exercidas pelo nome empresarial. Discute a posição do nome empresarial como direito fundamental e direito da personalidade e identifica o âmbito da proteção, visando a ampliar sua abrangência material e territorial. Assinala sua proteção de forma absoluta, independentemente do ramo de atividade, e examina a respectiva tutela nos campos administrativo, civil e penal. / This paper analyzes the trade designation of a business entity as a distinctive sign of the personality of the individual entrepreneur, the limited liability company and the limited liability entrerprise. The following research guidelines are linked herein: Entrepreneurship and Economic Activities. The form of research adopted was the theoretical type; the method used was the deductive one, aiming at an objective analysis. Sources used were bibliographic and documentary. The legal regulation of the business designation in Brazil is dissected, and its legislative history, evolution and improvement are shown. The current regulatory framework of the business designation are treated herein, and the distinctions between the business name and other signs constituting the entrepreneurship elements are examined. The functions fulfilled by the business designation are also examined, as well as the status of the business name as a fundamental right. Emphasis is given to its absolute protection, regardless of the branch of activity developed by the entity, and focuses on its administrative, civil and criminal tutelage in our legal system.


Zanatta, Humberto Gabbi 28 February 2011 (has links)
The contemporary time, one of many dynamic changes, of conceptual, methodological and epistemology reviews and re-studies not only change the solidity of paradigms but also make emerge new subjects of concrete rights and new subjects of theoretical approaches. Culture, along with its many meanings, and the Cultural Estate expressing the process dynamics of historical identities of subjects and communities, are themselves in this dialectics of the contemporary. Through this paper: Cultural Estate, Local Interest and Legal Protection, it is intended to dialogue with approaches, principles and concepts of Culture and Cultural Estate, aiming to understand its historical and contemporary most appropriate meanings for the transforming understanding which they bring about and make possible. From this process understanding of Culture and Cultural Estate, it is aimed to establish an essential relation between the constitution legislation that defines the City as a federal entity which is competent to legislate about the Local Interest and this competence is inherent to it. Once this competence is established, it is attempted to locate this Local Interest as a cultural (local) interest once there must be physical and territorial spaces and human beings for these interests to happen, making people s lives and their communities more dynamic. Over these cultural, historical and physical spaces, the indicatives of Cultural Estate have responsibility. Finally, established the mutual inter- and intra- correlation among the meanings of Culture, Cultural Estate, a set of legal and administrative instruments that might help promote and protect the Culture Estate suitably and effectively are explored. / Os tempos contemporâneos, de muitas e dinâmicas mudanças, de revisões e reestudos conceituais, metodológicos e epistemológicos não apenas alteram a solidez de paradigmas, mas também fazem emergir novos sujeitos de direitos concretos e novos sujeitos de abordagens teóricas. A Cultura, na gama variada de seus múltiplos significados e o Patrimônio Cultural, expressando a dinâmica processual de identidades históricas de indivíduos e comunidades, inscrevem-se nessa dialética da contemporaneidade. Através deste trabalho Patrimônio Cultural, Interesse Local e Proteção Legal pretende-se dialogar com abordagens, princípios e conceitos de Cultura e Patrimônio Cultural, procurando compreender seus enunciados históricos e contemporâneos mais apropriados e consentâneos com o entendimento transformador que eles suscitam e possibilitam. A partir desse entendimento processual de Cultura e Patrimônio Cultural, quer se estabelecer a relação precípua existente entre a legislação constitucional que define o Município como ente federado e sua competência para legislar sobre o Interesse Local que lhe é próprio e inerente. Estabelecida esta competência, busca-se situar este Interesse Local como interesse (local) cultural na medida em que devem existir espaços físico-territoriais e seres humanos para que os interesses efetivamente ocorram e aconteçam, dinamizando a vida de indivíduos e comunidades que, sobre e nesses espaços físico-histórico-culturais, denotativos de Patrimônio Cultural, tem responsabilidade. Por fim, estabelecida a inter/intra correlação entre os significados de Cultura, Patrimônio Cultural, Interesse Local, Interesse Cultural Local, indicase, como resultado desta proposta do Mestrado Profissionalizante em Patrimônio Cultural, um conjunto de instrumentos legais e administrativos que podem ajudar a que se promova e se proteja, adequada e eficazmente, o Patrimônio Cultural.

Tutela civil da voz / Legal protection of the voice

Fernanda Stinchi Pascale Leonardi 10 June 2010 (has links)
O objetivo do estudo é demonstrar a possibilidade e a necessidade de proteção jurídica da voz. Para tanto, o estudo analisa se a voz de uma pessoa é única e se conseguimos diferenciar uma pessoa de outra com base em sua voz, enfocando, principalmente, a dublagem de obras audiovisuais, o uso (ou imitação) da voz de celebridades para fins humorísticos, em campanhas publicitárias, institucionais ou políticas, sem autorização ou para fins diversos e/ou após o período autorizado, bem como a divulgação de entrevistas de pessoas comuns sem que a voz do entrevistado seja descaracterizada e o uso da voz de pessoas comuns para fins diversos do combinado, entre outras hipóteses. Na primeira parte do trabalho, verifica-se que a voz é um som vivo e que existe substancial influência do corpo e dos estados psicológicos na voz, e vice-versa. Assim, afirma-se que a voz é um meio pelo qual a pessoa expressa sua personalidade. A segunda parte do trabalho apresenta a evolução histórica da tutela da voz, enquanto que a terceira parte do trabalho traz um panorama da tutela da voz no direito estrangeiro. Na quarta parte do trabalho, apresenta-se a voz como meio de expressão de idéias, como instrumento para interpretação artística e como instrumento de trabalho, e verifica-se que o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro reconhece a voz como um bem jurídico a ser protegido sob diversos enfoques. Em seguida, analisam-se os possíveis fundamentos existentes no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro para a proteção da voz, e constata-se que não há legislação sistematizada sobre o tema. Demonstra-se que muitos autores brasileiros reconhecem na voz um atributo da personalidade, mas não reconhecem a autonomia da voz em relação a outros atributos. Assim, apresentam-se as justificativas para o reconhecimento do direito à voz como um direito da personalidade autônomo, indicando sua natureza jurídica, seu conteúdo, suas características especiais e sua extensão. Aponta-se, ainda, a interrelação do direito à voz com outros direitos da personalidade, sua eventual colisão com direitos de terceiros e possíveis maneiras de solucionar situações fáticas de aparente conflito. Nesse contexto, analisa-se a questão das imitações vocais. Finalmente, é analisada a responsabilidade civil por violação ao direito à voz no Brasil. A quinta parte do trabalho traz propostas para ampliar a efetividade da tutela jurídica da voz no Brasil. O estudo conclui que a voz é um bem jurídico a ser protegido, que essa proteção se dá por meio do direito à voz, direito da personalidade autônomo, cuja extensão deve abranger todas as pessoas, não se podendo mais defender que a tutela da voz limita-se ao âmbito dos direitos conexos ao direito de autor ou a um direito do trabalhador dos meios de comunicação. / The goal of this study is to demonstrate the possibility and necessity of legal protection of the human voice. The study assesses whether a person\'s voice is unique and whether we can distinguish one person from another individual based on their voices. The study focuses mainly on the dubbing of audiovisual works, the use (or imitation) of the voice of celebrities for comedy shows, advertising campaigns, institutional or political use without authorization or for other purposes and/or after the authorized period, as well as the disclosure of the voice in sensitive interviews without cloaking effects and the use of the voice of ordinary people for unauthorized purposes. In the first part of the study, it is shown that the voice is a live sound and that the voice is deeply influenced by the body structure and by psychological elements, and vice versa. Thus, it is said that the voice is a way by which a person expresses their personality. The second part of the study offers the historical evolution of the protection of the voice whereas the third part provides a brief comparative analysis of voice protection in foreign law. The fourth part presents the voice as a way of expressing ideas, as a tool for artistic interpretation, and as a working tool, showing that the Brazilian legal system recognizes the voice as a legal right to be protected under various approaches. The relevant provisions of the Brazilian legal system able to protect the human voice are presented, and it is shown that there is no systematic legislation on the subject matter. In fact, many Brazilian authors acknowledge the voice as an attribute of the human personality, but they do not recognize the autonomy of the voice over other personality attributes. Therefore, the study presents some justifications to acknowledge the legal protection of the human as an independent personality right, indicating its legal nature, contents, special characteristics and extension. The interrelation of the human voice with other personality rights is also presented, along with Possible collisions with third-party rights and the possible ways to resolve factual situations of apparent conflict. In this context, the study explores the issue of vocal imitations. Finally, the liability for violation of the sound of a voice in Brazil is analyzed. The fifth part of the study offers some proposals to expand the effectiveness of the legal protection of the human voice in Brazil. Thus, the study concludes that the human voice is an asset that must be legally protected and that said protection happens by the recognition of a voice right, which is an autonomous personality right, encompassing all people, and that said protection should not be limited to the scope of rights related to copyright or to labor rights of media people.

Reprodução artificial: limites necessários / Artificial reproduction: necessary limits

Kristine Barci Gugliotti 21 May 2014 (has links)
É indiscutível os inúmeros benefícios decorrentes do avanço da ciência, principalmente no campo da reprodução artificial, entretanto cada vez mais se mostra necessário impor limites, tanto na área médica quanto na jurídica, devendo-se regulamentar, legal e especificamente a matéria, com o fim de se coibir abusos e proteger direitos. Ademais, o avanço rápido da ciência tem preocupado sobremaneira a sociedade relativamente às conseqüências decorrentes do uso indevido por parte de pesquisadores, médicos e clínicas reprodutivas, das inovações e possibilidades nesta área. Nada justifica que a busca científica desenfreada, por exemplo, de seres humanos geneticamente melhorados, ultrapasse limites éticos, morais e sociais, discriminando-se àqueles que não se enquadram nos padrões sociais previamente estereotipados. Na presente pesquisa, a responsabilidade civil e penal é tratada como forma inibidora de tais atos, mas não se mostra como única solução possível. Sendo assim, questões como o direito dos embriões, o direito a vida, a dignidade humana, a sucessão hereditária, a filiação, entre outros, são objeto primordial da presente obra, de forma que lhe sejam assegurados ampla tutela jurídica nesse sentido. Também questões relativas à gestação de substituição e a autorização daqueles que pretendem implantar um embrião, sejam pais genéticos ou não, na utilização das técnicas de reprodução artificial, aqui se encontram abordadas. Busca-se também proteger o direito de igualdade entre filhos, proibindo-se consequentemente a discriminação entre eles em razão de sua origem. São também esclarecidas as técnicas de reprodução artificial, bem como as teorias relativas ao início da vida para caracterizar-se a personalidade jurídica. Por fim, há ainda, nesta obra, preocupação em esclarecer conceitos, diferenciando-se terminologias e estabelecendo-se definições necessárias tanto na área jurídica quanto médica. / It is undiscuss the numerous benefits resulting from Science advance, especially concerning artificial reproduction, however it is necessary put on limits in medical and legal concernes, having to regulatory, legal rules in order to cohabit abuses and protect rights. Moreover, fast science advance has been worring the society about consequences becomes from the improper use from reserarchers, medical and reproductive clinics concerning innovations and possibilities in this area. Nothing can justifies the fast serch, for example, for humans genetically improveds, it exceeds ethical, moral and social limits, broking down who is not in conform to social standar previously sterotyped. In this research, the civil and penal liability is treated as inhibitory form of such acts, but not appears as the only possible solution. In order, issues concerning embryos rights, such as life rights, human dignity, hereditary succession, among others, are primary subject of this book, performing ensured broad legal protection accordingly. Also issues related to surrogate mother and the authorization of those intending to deploy an embryo, be or not the genetic fathers, in the use of artificial reproduction technical, here related in this work. Also seeks proteting to the rights of equality between sons, in order to forbid discrimination among them because of their origins. The work also clarified the techniques of artificial reproductions, as well as theories concerning the beginning of life to be characterized legal personality. Finally, in this current work, there is worry to clarify the concepts, differing terminologies and definitions needed both in legal and medical fields.

A rights-based approach to indigenous minorities : focus on the Urhobo and Ogoni peoples of the Niger Delta in Nigeria

Tareri, Avwomakpa January 2008 (has links)
Indigenous people (IP) and minorities (IM)have similar problems of political, economic, and social marginalisation. The Nigerian government (hiding behind the veil of the African Union) does not recognise the indigenous status of deserving ethnic groups. This has left indigenous minorieties unprotected. Considering the situation in Africa generally, and in Nigeria specifically, this research work is aimed at answering the following questions: (1) Will the protection and promotion of the rights of IP in Africa not be effective if they are considered as IM; thereby giving the dominant majority a place in the ‘indigeneity’ of the country? (2) How can the IP of the minority tribes in the Niger Delta be entitled to legal protection from non-recognition of their status by the government? (3) Assuming, but not conceding, that everyone in Nigeria is indigenous to the country and to every region of the country, does this deprive IM in an age-long marginalised region a special attention by means of affirmative action? (4) What legal protection is accorded to minorities among IP? (5) Are there negative implications for ethnic minorities in the different regions of a country by the blanket recognition of all natives of that country as IP? (6) How can the available legal framework under the United Nations and the African Union for the protection of IP and minorities be effectively utilised to the advantage of IP despite the current position of the African Union on IP? / Thesis (LLM (Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa)) -- University of Pretoria, 2008. / A Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Law University of Pretoria, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Masters of Law (LLM in Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa). Prepared under the supervision of Mr. Angelo Matusse, of the faculty of law, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique / http://www.chr.up.ac.za/ / Centre for Human Rights / LLM

Využití mediace na Úřadu pro mezinárodněprávní ochranu dětí / The use of mediation in Office for international legal protection of children

Drašnarová, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis "The use of mediation to the Office for International Legal Protection of Children" is divided into practical and theoretical. Theoretical part contains four chapters and subsections 15, some of which are further subdivided. The first chapter is devoted to the Office for International Legal Protection of Children and the agenda as the recovery of maintenance, international adoption, international abductions, contact with children and mediation. Another chapter describes mediation as a concept, as well as the types and principles. The following section describes the child's family mediation, especially its legislative confirmation. The last part introduces the profession of mediators, their role and code of ethics. The practical part consists of three chapters. The first one consists of interviews with mediators Office for International Legal Protection of Children. The purpose of these interviews was to answer the research question, which is: ,, In what cases use mediation at the Office for International Legal Protection of Children and increasing this way of resolving the dispute? "The second focuses on four case reports and final chapter describes the system in the Slovak Republic, Austria and Germany.

Sociální práce pro ohrožené dítě / Social work for an endangered child

Pernicová, Lucie January 2022 (has links)
8 Abstract In my thesis, I study the topic of social work with an endangered child. I was trying to bring up the subject of those children who find themselves in a dangerous situation for them and also how situations can be handled. I describe what constitutes an endangered child and what groups they divide into. I also deal with the issue of abused children and also with the CAN syndrome, which is very important for me. I also mention here the disruption of the attachement, which is not so often taken into account by us and it is important for me to talk about it and know about it. A big chapter in my thesis is the subject of the Child at Risk System, which contains facilities for children requiring immediate assistance, child welfare facilities, specialist counselling facilities, social educational activities, facilities for children in need of immediate assistance, as well as education camps for children. I list the services that are provided to children and families at risk. At the end of the theoretical section, I focus more closely on the topic of family surrogacy and institutional care, which I have chosen to process the practical part. Given how extensive the subject of children at risk is, I focused on one group so that the practical part would yield some results. In the practical part, I chose a...

Ampliación del artículo 23°-A de la Ley 30364 “Ley para prevenir, sancionar y erradicar la violencia contra las mujeres y los integrantes del grupo familiar”, referente a la ejecución de las medidas de protección otorgadas por el Juez primigenio a las víctimas de violencia familiar

Vera Milian, Yuli Mabel January 2024 (has links)
La siguiente tesis analiza la eficacia de las medidas de protección establecidas por la Ley 30364 (en adelante, la Ley) en su implementación en el noveno juzgado de VCMIGF y determinar si dichas medidas están siendo aplicadas correctamente por los operadores de justicia. Dado que, actualmente por consecuencia de los avances tecnológicos, este problema se ha convertido en una noticia cotidiana, lo que lleva a cuestionar si los cambios legales que se han implementado para proteger mejor a las víctimas de maltrato están dando resultados tangibles. Con el fin de obtener un resultado cercano a la realidad, esta investigación se basa en una sólida base teórica y jurídica, pero también se ha considerado importante incorporar datos estadísticos oficiales extraídos de los juzgados implementados en Chiclayo. / The following thesis analyzes the effectiveness of the protection measures established by Law 30364 (hereinafter, the Law) in its implementation in the ninth court of violence against women and members of the family group and determine (hereinafter, VCMIGF) if said measures are being applied correctly by justice operators. Given that, currently as a result of technological advances, this problem has become daily news, which leads to questioning whether the legal changes that have been implemented to better protect victims of abuse are giving tangible results. In order to obtain a result close to reality, this research is based on a solid theoretical and legal basis, but it has also been considered important to incorporate official statistical data extracted from the courts implemented in Chiclayo.

The right to the trade secret

Knobel, Johann 06 1900 (has links)
A legally protectable trade secret is secret information which is applicable in trade or industry, in respect of which the owner has the will to keep it secret, which has economic value, and which is concrete enough to be embodied in a tangible form and to exist separately form its owner. A comparative study reveals that while trade secrets can be infringed in three ways - namely unauthorized acquisition, use and disclosure - contemporary legal systems differ in respect of both the ambit and juridical bases of protection against such infringing conduct. The legal protection of trade secrets is promoted by the recognition of a subjective right to the trade secret. This right is an intellectual property right independent of statutory intellectual property rights like patent rights and copyright, the common law intellectual property right to goodwill, and the personality right to privacy. In South African private law, trade secrets can be adequately protected by the application of general delictual and contractual principles. Delictual wrongfulness of trade secret misappropriation is constituted by an infringement of the right to the trade secret. Thus any act that interferes with the powers of use, enjoyment and disposal exercised by someone with a subjective right to that trade secret, is, in the absence of legal grounds justifying such interference, wrongful. Patrim·onial loss caused by both intentional and negligent infringement of trade secrets should be actionable under the actio legis Aquiliae. Wrongful trade secret infringements can - also in the absence of fault on the part of the infringer - be prevented by an interdict. Protection of trade secrets is not restricted to the contexts of either unlawful competition, or fiduciary relationships. Trade secret protection is on a sound footing in South African law, compares favourably with the position in other legal systems, and is in step with the international agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights to which South Africa is a signatory nation. / Private Law / LL.D. (Private Law)

Databasskydd / Protection of databases

Axhamn, Johan January 2016 (has links)
The capacity to assemble, store, and make available information in databases is ever growing. This development has accelerated in recent decades, driven by the advent and increased use of digital networks. Already at an early stage, it led to demands for legal protection of databases. In most countries databases have been protected in national legislation based on copyright principles. However, this kind of protection has been regarded as insufficient. The reason for this is that copyright protection only covers the selection or arrangement of the contents of the database. By rearranging the contents, it is possible to avoid liability for copyright infringement. To address the specific needs of producers of databases, the then European community adopted a directive in 1996 on the legal protection of databases. The Directive aims to harmonise copyright protection for databases and to introduce a new, sui generis, right for the legal protection of databases. The sui generis right protects the investments in obtaining, verifying, and presenting the contents in a database. The sui generis right has been described in the literature as one of the most complex intellectual property rights ever established. Its complexity resides in the unclear relationship between the requirements for protection and the content and scope of protection. This dissertation describes, analyses, compares and systematises the legal protection for databases as provided for in the EU Database Directive – both in relation to copyright and sui generis protection, but also in relation to the intellectual property system in general and principles and rules on unfair competition. The study also describes and analyses the Directive as implemented into Swedish law. To do this, it makes use of relevant legal sources, with particular account taken of relevant sources of EU law such as the Directive itself, adjacent directives in the field of copyright and related rights, as well as unfair competition law and the case law and legal method developed by the Court of Justice of the European Union. The study also draws on underlying theories of intellectual property protection and unfair competition law, as well as arguments based on unjust enrichment and pure economic loss. The study establishes how the sui generis right serves as a legal hybrid between traditional intellectual property rights and protection against unfair competition. The structure of the right resembles traditional intellectual property rights, with requirements for protection, provisions on exclusive rights, exceptions and limitations and a term of protection. At the same time, the content and scope of protection provide measures similar to those countering unfair competition with aspects of protection against pure economic loss. The right protects against certain activities carried out in the market rather than providing protection for a traditional object of intellectual property law. When implementing the Directive, the Swedish legislator overlooked these aspects of the sui generis right, creating legal uncertainties when interpreting and applying the national legislation. The study concludes with a look forward and suggestions for future research.

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