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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nejlepší zájem dítěte v průběhu rozvodu rodičů a v porozvodové péči / Best interest of the child during the parents' divorce and in the post-divorce care

Benešová, Zdeňka January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with contemporary family, in particular by ensuring the best interests of the child during the parents' divorce and post-divorce in care. The theoretical part introduces the characteristics of the contemporary family, as a result of socio-cultural development of society, and then attempts to put forward the concept of the current healthy family, as the possibility of a positive direction. It deals with the causes and manifestations of families at risk to stability, the question of divorce of parents in relation to a child after divorce and child care. It introduces the possibility of using supportive and protective services social and legal protection of children under current legislation. The subject of the practical work is still continuing casuistry's growing conflict divorce of parents, which resulted in threatening condition child's healthy development. The research focuses primarily on the way to fulfilling the practice of social and legal protection. Analyzes processes work, looking for the main obstacles to ensure the best interests of the child and trying to find possible solutions support and child protection. KEY WORDS
 The best interests of the child, a healthy family, divorce, social and legal protection, system connection

Matka - uživatelka drog jako klientka Orgánu sociálně - právní ochrany dětí / Mother - drug user as client of OSPOD

Šubrtová, Eliška January 2015 (has links)
Background: This thesis is based on the increasing number of mothers (using addictive substances), which are appearing in social services, particularly in the Authority For Social And Legal Protection Of Children Specificity of mothers using addictive substances requires a special approach by addictology services. It begs a question, whether such specifics as to meet workers of ASPLC in cooperation with these mothers. The aim of this thesis is to describe the specifics of the work ASPLC with these mothers. Other aims are to determine how the cooperation between the two sides takes place, whether and which problems can occure in cooperation with these mothers and describe the procedure for the removing of children of these mothers and the possible impact of abusing ilegal substances on the need for the children removing. Methodology: Respondents for the research were selected using the purposive sampling method. The research sample consisted 11 workers of ASPLC and three mothers using addictive substances). Data were obtained by using of a semi-structured interview. Data were prepared for the analysis by transcription and coding, for which I used elements of the cluster method. Results: Research confirms the increasing number of mothers which use addictive substances authorities in the service of...

Poškozený v trestním řízení a jeho ochrana / The injured party in criminal procedure and his legal protection

Soukupová, Zlata January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Násilí na dětech a etická dilemata pracovníků orgánu sociálně právní ochrany dětí pracujících s touto cílovou skupinou / Child abuse and ethical dilemmas of workers social and legal protection of children with this target group

URBANOVÁ, Magdalena January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the dilemmas of the social and legal guardians of children working with families where violence is present on children. The work deals with the ethical aspects of social work with families where family violence is committed and also with what dilemmas the workers of the institution of social and legal protection of children deal with this target group. Dilemma situations are illustrated by case studies. The selected dilemma is subjected to an analysis using the ethical theory of I. Kant. The thesis seeks to thoroughly reflect the principles of I. Kant's ethical theory, which can be helpful in solving this dilemma that arises when working with a family in which child violence is present.

Reprodução artificial: limites necessários / Artificial reproduction: necessary limits

Gugliotti, Kristine Barci 21 May 2014 (has links)
É indiscutível os inúmeros benefícios decorrentes do avanço da ciência, principalmente no campo da reprodução artificial, entretanto cada vez mais se mostra necessário impor limites, tanto na área médica quanto na jurídica, devendo-se regulamentar, legal e especificamente a matéria, com o fim de se coibir abusos e proteger direitos. Ademais, o avanço rápido da ciência tem preocupado sobremaneira a sociedade relativamente às conseqüências decorrentes do uso indevido por parte de pesquisadores, médicos e clínicas reprodutivas, das inovações e possibilidades nesta área. Nada justifica que a busca científica desenfreada, por exemplo, de seres humanos geneticamente melhorados, ultrapasse limites éticos, morais e sociais, discriminando-se àqueles que não se enquadram nos padrões sociais previamente estereotipados. Na presente pesquisa, a responsabilidade civil e penal é tratada como forma inibidora de tais atos, mas não se mostra como única solução possível. Sendo assim, questões como o direito dos embriões, o direito a vida, a dignidade humana, a sucessão hereditária, a filiação, entre outros, são objeto primordial da presente obra, de forma que lhe sejam assegurados ampla tutela jurídica nesse sentido. Também questões relativas à gestação de substituição e a autorização daqueles que pretendem implantar um embrião, sejam pais genéticos ou não, na utilização das técnicas de reprodução artificial, aqui se encontram abordadas. Busca-se também proteger o direito de igualdade entre filhos, proibindo-se consequentemente a discriminação entre eles em razão de sua origem. São também esclarecidas as técnicas de reprodução artificial, bem como as teorias relativas ao início da vida para caracterizar-se a personalidade jurídica. Por fim, há ainda, nesta obra, preocupação em esclarecer conceitos, diferenciando-se terminologias e estabelecendo-se definições necessárias tanto na área jurídica quanto médica. / It is undiscuss the numerous benefits resulting from Science advance, especially concerning artificial reproduction, however it is necessary put on limits in medical and legal concernes, having to regulatory, legal rules in order to cohabit abuses and protect rights. Moreover, fast science advance has been worring the society about consequences becomes from the improper use from reserarchers, medical and reproductive clinics concerning innovations and possibilities in this area. Nothing can justifies the fast serch, for example, for humans genetically improveds, it exceeds ethical, moral and social limits, broking down who is not in conform to social standar previously sterotyped. In this research, the civil and penal liability is treated as inhibitory form of such acts, but not appears as the only possible solution. In order, issues concerning embryos rights, such as life rights, human dignity, hereditary succession, among others, are primary subject of this book, performing ensured broad legal protection accordingly. Also issues related to surrogate mother and the authorization of those intending to deploy an embryo, be or not the genetic fathers, in the use of artificial reproduction technical, here related in this work. Also seeks proteting to the rights of equality between sons, in order to forbid discrimination among them because of their origins. The work also clarified the techniques of artificial reproductions, as well as theories concerning the beginning of life to be characterized legal personality. Finally, in this current work, there is worry to clarify the concepts, differing terminologies and definitions needed both in legal and medical fields.

Tutela civil da voz / Legal protection of the voice

Leonardi, Fernanda Stinchi Pascale 10 June 2010 (has links)
O objetivo do estudo é demonstrar a possibilidade e a necessidade de proteção jurídica da voz. Para tanto, o estudo analisa se a voz de uma pessoa é única e se conseguimos diferenciar uma pessoa de outra com base em sua voz, enfocando, principalmente, a dublagem de obras audiovisuais, o uso (ou imitação) da voz de celebridades para fins humorísticos, em campanhas publicitárias, institucionais ou políticas, sem autorização ou para fins diversos e/ou após o período autorizado, bem como a divulgação de entrevistas de pessoas comuns sem que a voz do entrevistado seja descaracterizada e o uso da voz de pessoas comuns para fins diversos do combinado, entre outras hipóteses. Na primeira parte do trabalho, verifica-se que a voz é um som vivo e que existe substancial influência do corpo e dos estados psicológicos na voz, e vice-versa. Assim, afirma-se que a voz é um meio pelo qual a pessoa expressa sua personalidade. A segunda parte do trabalho apresenta a evolução histórica da tutela da voz, enquanto que a terceira parte do trabalho traz um panorama da tutela da voz no direito estrangeiro. Na quarta parte do trabalho, apresenta-se a voz como meio de expressão de idéias, como instrumento para interpretação artística e como instrumento de trabalho, e verifica-se que o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro reconhece a voz como um bem jurídico a ser protegido sob diversos enfoques. Em seguida, analisam-se os possíveis fundamentos existentes no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro para a proteção da voz, e constata-se que não há legislação sistematizada sobre o tema. Demonstra-se que muitos autores brasileiros reconhecem na voz um atributo da personalidade, mas não reconhecem a autonomia da voz em relação a outros atributos. Assim, apresentam-se as justificativas para o reconhecimento do direito à voz como um direito da personalidade autônomo, indicando sua natureza jurídica, seu conteúdo, suas características especiais e sua extensão. Aponta-se, ainda, a interrelação do direito à voz com outros direitos da personalidade, sua eventual colisão com direitos de terceiros e possíveis maneiras de solucionar situações fáticas de aparente conflito. Nesse contexto, analisa-se a questão das imitações vocais. Finalmente, é analisada a responsabilidade civil por violação ao direito à voz no Brasil. A quinta parte do trabalho traz propostas para ampliar a efetividade da tutela jurídica da voz no Brasil. O estudo conclui que a voz é um bem jurídico a ser protegido, que essa proteção se dá por meio do direito à voz, direito da personalidade autônomo, cuja extensão deve abranger todas as pessoas, não se podendo mais defender que a tutela da voz limita-se ao âmbito dos direitos conexos ao direito de autor ou a um direito do trabalhador dos meios de comunicação. / The goal of this study is to demonstrate the possibility and necessity of legal protection of the human voice. The study assesses whether a person\'s voice is unique and whether we can distinguish one person from another individual based on their voices. The study focuses mainly on the dubbing of audiovisual works, the use (or imitation) of the voice of celebrities for comedy shows, advertising campaigns, institutional or political use without authorization or for other purposes and/or after the authorized period, as well as the disclosure of the voice in sensitive interviews without cloaking effects and the use of the voice of ordinary people for unauthorized purposes. In the first part of the study, it is shown that the voice is a live sound and that the voice is deeply influenced by the body structure and by psychological elements, and vice versa. Thus, it is said that the voice is a way by which a person expresses their personality. The second part of the study offers the historical evolution of the protection of the voice whereas the third part provides a brief comparative analysis of voice protection in foreign law. The fourth part presents the voice as a way of expressing ideas, as a tool for artistic interpretation, and as a working tool, showing that the Brazilian legal system recognizes the voice as a legal right to be protected under various approaches. The relevant provisions of the Brazilian legal system able to protect the human voice are presented, and it is shown that there is no systematic legislation on the subject matter. In fact, many Brazilian authors acknowledge the voice as an attribute of the human personality, but they do not recognize the autonomy of the voice over other personality attributes. Therefore, the study presents some justifications to acknowledge the legal protection of the human as an independent personality right, indicating its legal nature, contents, special characteristics and extension. The interrelation of the human voice with other personality rights is also presented, along with Possible collisions with third-party rights and the possible ways to resolve factual situations of apparent conflict. In this context, the study explores the issue of vocal imitations. Finally, the liability for violation of the sound of a voice in Brazil is analyzed. The fifth part of the study offers some proposals to expand the effectiveness of the legal protection of the human voice in Brazil. Thus, the study concludes that the human voice is an asset that must be legally protected and that said protection happens by the recognition of a voice right, which is an autonomous personality right, encompassing all people, and that said protection should not be limited to the scope of rights related to copyright or to labor rights of media people.

Žemės teisinė apsauga Lietuvoje / Legal protection of land in Lithuania

Gutauskas, Artūras 22 January 2009 (has links)
Verslo teisės magistro baigiamojo darbo tema yra aktuali analizuojant žemės teisinio reglamentavimo Lietuvoje problemas. Žemės teisinė apsauga apima žemės ir aplinkos teisės šakų normas (tarptautiniu, Europos Sąjungos ir nacionaliniu lygiu), todėl darbe stengiamasi išsiaiškinti žemės teisinės apsaugos sistemą, jos ypatumus, taikymą ir kylančias problemas. Darbe analizuojamas Lietuvos teisės aktų atitikimas tarptautinei ir Europos Sąjungos teisei, apžvelgiama teismų praktika su žemės teisine apsauga susijusiose bylose. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Remiantis Lietuvos Respublikos ir užsienio šalių teisės norminiais aktais bei moksline literatūra pateikti žemės teisinės apsaugos sampratą; 2. Atlikti žemės ir aplinkos teisės, kaip atskirų teisės šakų, reglamentuojančių žemės teisinę apsaugą, išskyrimo analizę; 3. Išanalizuoti teisės aktų, reglamentuojančių žemės teisinę apsaugą, sistemą bei pateikti jos vertinimą; 4. Atlikti žemės teisinės apsaugos įgyvendinimo Lietuvos Respublikos teismų praktikoje analizę. Darbo struktūrą sudaro trys dalys: pirmoje – formuluojama žemės teisinės apsaugos sąvoka; antroje - išanalizuotas žemės teisinės apsaugos reglamentavimas tarptautinėje teisėje, Europos Sąjungoje ir Lietuvoje; trečioje – pateikiama teismų praktikos žemės teisinės apsaugos klausimais analizė. Magistro baigiamajame darbe analizuojami ir sisteminami pagrindiniai tarptautinės aplinkos teisės principai, Europos Sąjungos ir Lietuvos Respublikos teisės aktai, įtvirtinantys žemės teisinę... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The topic of the master’s work in business law is relevant for analysis of problems in legal regulation of land in Lithuania. Legal protection of land includes provisions of branches of land law and environmental law (at international, European Union and national level), for this reason attempts were made to ascertain the system of legal protection of land and the peculiarities, application and the problems arising thereof. There were made analyses of conformity of laws of Lithuania to the international law and laws of the European Union, there was also made review of practice of the courts in cases related to the legal protection of land. Tasks of the work: 1. to present the conception of legal protection of land according to the laws of the Republic of Lithuania and of foreign countries and on the basis of the scientific literature; 2. to make an analysis of the partition of land law and environmental law as separate branches of law regulating legal protection of land; 3. to traverse the system of legal acts regulating legal protection of land and to present an evaluation of it; 4. to perform an analysis of implementation of legal protection of land in the practice of courts of the Republic of Lithuania. The structure of the work constitutes of three parts: in the first part – the conception of the legal protection of land is being formulated; in the second part – the regulation of the legal protection of land in international law, European Union and Lithuania is being... [to full text]

Rechtsschutz bei der Vergabe von Bauleistungen unterhalb der Schwellenwerte, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Praxis in Sachsen

Pfau, Tilo 08 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Die Dissertation befasst sich mit dem vergaberechtlichen Primärrechtsschutz unterhalb der EU-Schwellenwerte, welcher in der Praxis als nicht vorhanden bzw. als unterentwickelt bezeichnet werden muss. Dabei werden insbesondere die vom Freistaat Sachsen entwickelten Regelungen des § 9 SächsVergabeDVO untersucht, die in der Literatur vereinzelt als „Rechtsschutz light“ bekannt sind. Es werden Regelungslücken aufgezeigt sowie Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten für die sächsischen Regelungen vorgeschlagen. Für einen vollwertigen Rechtsschutz wäre aber eine Umsetzung auf Bundesebene notwendig und wünschenswert.

A disciplina do nome empresarial: natureza e tutela jurídica / The regulation of the business designation: nature and legal protection

Ronald Amaral Sharp Junior 18 August 2014 (has links)
O trabalho analisa o nome empresarial como sinal revelador da personalidade do empresário individual, da sociedade empresária e da empresa individual de responsabilidade limitada. Vincula-se à linha de pesquisa Empresa e Atividades Econômicas. A pesquisa é do tipo teórico e adotou o método dedutivo, tendo objetivo analítico. As fontes utilizadas foram bibliográficas e documentais. Trata da disciplina jurídica do nome empresarial no Brasil, realizando uma evolução histórica legislativa e mostrando o aprimoramento do instituto. Descreve seu regramento jurídico atual e o distingue dos demais sinais integrantes dos elementos da empresa. Aponta as funções exercidas pelo nome empresarial. Discute a posição do nome empresarial como direito fundamental e direito da personalidade e identifica o âmbito da proteção, visando a ampliar sua abrangência material e territorial. Assinala sua proteção de forma absoluta, independentemente do ramo de atividade, e examina a respectiva tutela nos campos administrativo, civil e penal. / This paper analyzes the trade designation of a business entity as a distinctive sign of the personality of the individual entrepreneur, the limited liability company and the limited liability entrerprise. The following research guidelines are linked herein: Entrepreneurship and Economic Activities. The form of research adopted was the theoretical type; the method used was the deductive one, aiming at an objective analysis. Sources used were bibliographic and documentary. The legal regulation of the business designation in Brazil is dissected, and its legislative history, evolution and improvement are shown. The current regulatory framework of the business designation are treated herein, and the distinctions between the business name and other signs constituting the entrepreneurship elements are examined. The functions fulfilled by the business designation are also examined, as well as the status of the business name as a fundamental right. Emphasis is given to its absolute protection, regardless of the branch of activity developed by the entity, and focuses on its administrative, civil and criminal tutelage in our legal system.

Úroveň právní ochrany zdravotnického záchranáře v praxi / Level of legal defence of a paramedic in practice

CUPER, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
Members of the ambulance teams of Emergency Medical Services are increasingly becoming victims of assaults by patients, their close relatives or passers-by. Many of them does not end with only verbal threat or insult, but also with direct physical confrontations that affect not only the quality of pre-hospital care provided, but also the physical and psychological state of the crew members. On the contemporary risk of reprisal attacks aren't members of the Emergency Medical Service adequately prepared, equipped and mainly protected by law. Emergency Medical Service occupies a specific position with respect to powers and duties, which means to the level of legal protection in the same position as the basic components of the integrated rescue system. The theoretical part deals with the current level of legal protection of paramedic in practice. The beginning of work briefly defines and characterizes pre-hospital emergency care, which is the subject of daily activities of Emergency Medical Services. The analysis of laws listed the competencies of paramedic, then analysis of rights and obligations during the provision of pre-hospital care, but also offered a view of the recent changes in the legal protection or outlined the legal inequalities in Integrated Rescue System. The work also defined the risks of field emergency work and causes of aggression, which is causing attacks. The theoretical part is closed by chapter dealing with the consequences of the attacks themselves, which are taking their toll on the quality of pre-hospital care and the physical and mental state of paramedics. Introduction of practical part is dedicated to the processed statistical surveys. For the verification of research questions and for meeting the objective of this thesis was done supporting statistical surveys in order to determine the frequency of attack of paramedics in the individual regional emergency medical services in the period from 2010 to 2014, i.e. since amendment of the Criminal Code, which changed legal protection of paramedics. The aim is to evaluate the legal protection of paramedics in providing pre-hospital care and propose measures to improve its protection. The chosen research question determines what resources can be used to enhance the protection of paramedics For the practical part of the work was used the Region of South Bohemian, which was used for the qualitative method of data collection using structured interviews and subsequent analysis of data. Data collection was done through structured interviews and the sample consisted of 10-attackedparamedics in all regional centres of Emergency Medical Services in Region of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Český Krumlov, Jindřichův Hradec, Písek, Prachatice, Strakonice and Tábor. As the respondents' answers fixation method was used audio recording, followed by transcription of the audio into written form. By summarizing data obtained from structured interviews was carried The SWOT analysis based on the comparison of the internal and external environment in order to evaluate the legal protection in practice. From the percentages of the individual areas of the SWOT analysis has been chosen, for the needs of the work, WO strategy, which is aimed at eliminating weaknesses using the opportunities. From the apparent results of the level of legal protection, which is also demonstrated by the worsening prognosis of processed survey in the practical part from which is monitored an increase of attacks were in response suggested means to increase the legal protection of paramedics, which aim to minimize attacks on outreach EMS crew.

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