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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Filosofický revizionismus v Československu mezi lety 1956-1968 / Philosophical Revisionism in Czechoslovakia between 1956 and 1968

Chramosta, Jaroslav January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with Marxist philosophy in Czechoslovakia between 1956 and 1968, it focuses especially on Marxist humanism. The XX. Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1956 and the Khrushchev's critique of Stalinism gave opportunity for critical approach in Marxist philosophy. Marxist humanism came with the turn to questions of man and his world and it refused the dehumanizing system of Stalinism. The campaign against revisionism was led in regimes of the Eastern Block between 1956 and 1960 as a reaction to critical efforts in Marxist theory and practice. The campaign against revisionism was led in Czechoslovakia against efforts of separation philosophy from ideology or emphasis to Hegelian origins of Marxism. Areas where was evolving critical thinking and original approach to Marxism were arising in the 1950s and especially in 1960s in Czechoslovakia. Examples of this areas were the Institute of Philosophy of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and the dialogue between Marxists and Christians. In this thesis I examine thinking of Karel Kosík, Robert Kalivoda and Milan Machovec on questions of history and man. Through these themes I show different approaches to Marxist humanism in Czechoslovakia between the 1950s and 1960s. Marxist humanism is often seen as an unitary...

Faust a úloha mýtu ve filozofii českých myslitelů: Bratránek, Masaryk, Patočka / Faust and the role of myth in the philosophy of Czech thinkers: Bratránek, Masaryk, Patočka

Čechová, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
TITLE: Faust and the role of myth in the philosophy of Czech thinkers: Bratránek, Masaryk, Patočka AUTHOR: Tereza Čechová DEPARTMENT: General Antropology SUPERVISOR: Mgr. Jakub Marek, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: The thesis Faust and the role of myth in the philosophy of Czech thinkers: Bratránek, Masaryk, Patočka, deals with the theme of Faust and its role in individual works of the mentioned philosophers. The thesis briefly contains the origin and development of the Faust myth, its most famous literary work, and its appearance on the Czech territory. The main chapters of the thesis are those that are focused on such texts of the mentioned thinkers, who are concerned with the Faustian theme. The resulting analyzes and comparations contribute to the depiction and arrangement of the role of the Faustian myth in Czech philosophy, mainly because of the different approaches, goals and methods of research used in their work by F. T. Bratránek, T. G. Masaryk and Jan Patočka. KEYWORDS: Faust, Myth, Contract with the Devil, Goethe, Czech Philosophy, Philosophy of History, Jan Patočka, F. T. Bratránek, T. G. Masaryk

Gadamer and Nāgārjuna in Play: Providing a New Anti-Objectivist Foundation for Gadamer’s Interpretive Pluralism with Nāgārjuna’s Help

Byle, Nicholas 23 June 2010 (has links)
Hans-Georg Gadamer rejects objectivism, the position that an interpreter may come to a single correct truth concerning any particular object, in favor of interpretive pluralism. What is not clear is how Gadamer grounds this position. This ambiguity leaves Gadamer open to multiple objectivist counters, ones which he would not wish to allow. The following argument, using a comparative and analytic approach, takes two concepts, pratītyasamutpāda (interdependence) and śūnyatā (emptiness), as they are deployed by Nāgārjuna to provide Gadamer with this much needed anti-objectivist foundation. Specifically, the new foundation is anti-realist in which interpreters and objects of interpretation are metaphysically empty, or devoid of independent existence, and are ultimately dependent on their “position” in a cultural and historical horizon. If there is no metaphysical object apart from the interpreter’s engagement with it, then there is no stable phenomenon to which objectivists may appeal.

"Alla lär ju känna varandra" : En studie för att undersöka om en serie med sex filosofiska samtal ökar känslan av delaktighet hos elever på en högstadieskola

Jonsson Nilsson, Catharine, Rautila, Simon January 2020 (has links)
In an everchanging world where information flows freely and we are continually awash with new truths, we need to equip our children and our youth with the ability to face it with confidence and knowledge. To understand values such as democracy and the equal value of all, reflection and argumentation must take place in the room. Our young people must be able to communicate, critically examine and take a position on arguments. Our young people also need to be able to create trusting relationships and develop other pro-social skills. The school is an arena that has the mission to educate and equip our young people with these skills. The educational system must therefore create opportunities for our pupils to become part of their word not just a person in the world. Key to philosophical dialogue as a method, on which this intervention study is based, is the common exploration of different perspectives and arguments. To listen to and show respect for the thoughts and opinions of others but still, in a constructive way, dare to challenge each other's thoughts and ideas. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether a series of six conversations, based on the model of philosophical dialogue, contributed to students experiencing an increased sense of participation in conversations with each other and the teacher. To investigate this, the special education authority's (SPSM) definition of participation was used through the six aspects of the participatory model (Delaktighetsmodellen), accessibility, belonging, autonomy, recognition, engagement, and co-operation. The study involved two intervention groups and two control groups; the two intervention groups participated in the philosophical dialogue series. Before the intervention started, the groups conducted a pre-survey and after the intervention was completed, a final survey was carried out. The results of the surveys were analyzed and after that a respondent validation was carried out with some of the participants. In comparison with previous studies, this study is considered a short intervention. The results of this study showed that even a short series of philosophical dialogue had a bearing on students' sense of participation. Not for the intervention group as a whole but for some of the participants. Participants described that with these dialogues they have gotten to know each other better and gained an increased sense of security. The participants also told us that it has been fun to talk to each other and to listen to other people's opinions and share their own with others. / I en föränderlig värld där informationen flödar fritt och vi översköljs av nya sanningar kontinuerligt krävs det att vi rustar våra barn och ungdomar att möta den med tillförsikt och kunskap. För att förstå värden som demokrati och allas lika värde måste reflektionen och argumentationen ta plats i rummet. Våra unga måste kunna kommunicera, kritiskt granska och ta ställning till argument. Våra unga behöver också kunna skapa tillitsfulla relationer och utveckla andra prosociala färdigheter. Skolan är en arena som har uppdraget att utbilda och rusta våra unga med dessa färdigheter. Skolan måste därför skapa möjligheter för våra elever att bli delaktiga i sin omvärld. Centralt för metoden filosofiska samtal, som denna interventionsstudie bygger på, är det gemensamma utforskandet av olika perspektiv och argument. Att lyssna till och visa respekt för andras tankar och åsikter men ändå, på ett konstruktivt sätt, våga utmana varandras tankar och idéer. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om en serie på sex samtal, baserade på modellen filosofiska samtal, bidrog till att eleverna upplevde en ökad känsla av delaktighet i samtal med varandra och läraren. För att undersöka detta användes specialpedagogiska skolmyndighetens definition av delaktighet genom Delaktighetsmodellens sex aspekter, tillgänglighet, tillhörighet, autonomi, erkännande, engagemang, och samhandling. I studien deltog två interventionsgrupper och två kontrollgrupper, de två interventionsgrupperna deltog i den filosofiska samtalsserien. Innan interventionen startade gjorde grupperna en förenkät och efter att interventionen avslutades genomfördes en slutenkät. Resultatet av enkäterna analyserades och efter det genomfördes en respondentvalidering med några av deltagarna. I jämförelse med tidigare forskning är denna studie att betrakta som en kort intervention. Resultatet av denna studie visade att även en kort serie med filosofiska samtal har betydelse för elevers känsla av delaktighet. Inte för interventionsgruppen som helhet men hos några av deltagarna. Deltagare beskrev att de i och med dessa samtal hade lärt känna varandra bättre och fått en ökad känsla av trygghet. Deltagarna berättade också att det var roligt att få samtala med varandra och att få lyssna på andras åsikter och få delge sina egna till andra.

Constitución del "Espacio melológico" como fundamento de una filosofía materialista de la música. El materialismo filosófico de Gustavo Bueno aplicado al campo musical

Chuliá Ramiro, Vicente Francisco 04 March 2022 (has links)
[ES] Esta Tesis Doctoral propone un desarrollo de las líneas generales de la filosofía del arte y de la música del Materialismo Filosófico de Gustavo Bueno, acotando la especificidad material de la categoría musical a partir de la reconstrucción y despliegue de la idea helénica de melos, expuesta en el libro Sobre la música de Arístides Quintiliano, desde la Teoría de la esencia genérica de la música. De esta manera, se expone el sistema filosófico constituido por Bueno y se realizan una serie de propuestas concretadas a partir de tres planos de estudio, a saber, el plano gnoseológico, en el que se propone un sistema de análisis de partituras a partir del desarrollo de la idea de Glomérulo acuñada por Gustavo Bueno; el plano noetológico, constituyente de una teoría de la racionalidad musical; y el plano alegórico, desde el cual se propone el estudio de las diversas formas de ejercitar las ideas que envuelven la categoría musical a partir del análisis de las velocidades de despliegue de la obra artística. Todo ello establece la referencia de la idea de música sustantiva, la cual precisa de un material estético que concatene estos tres planos en un espacio determinado que, por otra parte, constituye la tesis fuerte de esta investigación, esto es, el espacio melológico. / [CA] Aquesta Tesi Doctoral proposa un desenvolupament de les línies generals de la filosofia de l'art i de la música del Materialisme Filosòfic de Gustavo Bueno, acotant l'especificitat material de la categoria musical a partir de la reconstrucció i desplegament de la idea hel·lènica de melos, exposada al llibre Sobre la música d'Arístides Quintiliano, des de la Teoría de l'essència genèrica de la música. D'aquesta manera, s'exposa el sistema filosòfic constituït per Bueno i es realitzen una sèrie de propostes concretades a partir de tres plans d'estudi, és a dir, el pla gnoseològic, en el que es proposa un sistema d'anàlisi de partitures a partir del desenvolupament de la idea de Glomèrul encunyada per Gustavo Bueno; el pla noetològic, constituent d'una teoría de la racionalitat musical; i el pla al·legòric, des del qual es proposa l'estudi de les diverses formes d'exercitar les idees que envolten la catego-ria musical a partir de l'anàlisi de les velocitats de desplegament de l'obra artística. Tot això estableix la referència de la idea de música substantiva, la qual necessita d'un material estètic que concatene aquests tres plans en un espai determinat que, per altra banda, constitueix la tesi forta d'aquesta investigació, és a dir, l'espai melològic. / [EN] This doctoral thesis proposes a development of the general lines of the philosophy of art and music of the Philosophical Materialism of Gustavo Bueno, delimiting the material specificity of the musical category from the reconstruction and unfolding of the Hellenic idea of melos, exhibited in Sobre la música's book of Arístides Quintiliano, from the Theory of the generic essence of music. In this way, the philosophical system constituted by Bueno is expo-sed, as well as a serie of concrete proposals made from three study planes, namely, the gnoseological level, in which a system of analysis of scores is proposed from the development of the idea of Glomerule coined by Gusta-vo Bueno; the noetological level, that constitutes a theory of musical ratio-nality; and the allegorical level, from which the study of the various ways of exercising the ideas that surround the musical category is proposed from the analysis of the unfolding rate of the artistic work. All this establishes the reference of the idea of substantive music, which requires an aesthetic material that concatenates these three levels in a specific space that, on the other hand, constitutes the strong thesis of this research, that is, the melological space. / Chuliá Ramiro, VF. (2022). Constitución del "Espacio melológico" como fundamento de una filosofía materialista de la música. El materialismo filosófico de Gustavo Bueno aplicado al campo musical [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181360 / TESIS

Philosophical Zombies and Moral Responsibility : An Analysis of Whether Philosophical Zombies Would Have Moral Responsibility or Not

Winssi, Rim January 2022 (has links)
Philosophical zombies are beings that look exactly like humans and behave in the same way as humans do. The only difference between humans and philosophical zombies is that philosophical zombies lack consciousness. This means that they can complain, cry, laugh and say that they are in pain. However, emotionally, they will never experience these feelings. Philosophical zombies have no desires, no values, and no empathy. Despite philosophical zombies lacking all these qualities, the question can be raised whether, if they were to exist in our world, would they have any moral responsibility? This question becomes pressing because even though philosophical zombies feel nothing and lack consciousness, they are still capable of doing harm and able to act immorally. By using David Shoemaker's (2015) 'Tripartite Theory of Responsibility', I will in this essay analyse whether philosophical zombies are eligible for moral responsibility, and if so what type of moral responsibility they would be eligible for, i.e., whether it would be attributability, answerability or accountability. Furthermore, this essay will discuss if philosophical zombies and psychopaths are similar, and whether they are meant to be qualified for the same moral responsibility types, and if so, which type that would be. Additionally, this essay will discuss the dilemma that might arise if philosophical zombies are not suitable of being moral agents and bring up the debate of the moral agency of AI's. Thereby coming to the point if philosophical zombies are not fit to be held morally responsible.

Art Education in the United States from 1883 to 1910 as a Reflection of Selected Philosophical and Psychological Thought of the Period

Roberts, Mary Carolyn 08 1900 (has links)
This study is an historical-philosophical analysis of art education in elementary, secondary, and normal schools in the United States from 1883 to 1910 as revealed through the Journal of Proceedings and Addresses of the National Education Association. Its purposes are to define and describe the role, practices, and status of art education as related to or influenced by selected philosophies, psychologies, theories of learning, and research, along with other prevalent factors such as the scientific, industrial movements, and mores of the period. Art education was found in an admitted state of infancy as the period began. 1883 marked its initial separation from the Manual Training Department and first recognition as an entity. This study of its status traces growth and improvement to a point of tentative public acceptance, and re-attachment of the Art Department to the Manual Training Department as an equal partner. Evidence presented seemed to indicate that progress had been made by art education in several important ways. School administrators had recognized that art did have a legitimate role in education, and a national organization had been formed to act as a forum. A uniform course of study had been presented, and current research in mental development had been considered. The scope of art instruction had been broadened to better serve educational and practical needs. Facilities had been improved, and there was a growing number of trained teachers and supervisors.

The Attitudes, Beliefs, and Perceptions of Classroom Teachers and School Administrators Regarding Corporal Punishment in Rural Texas Schools

Price, Anthony D. 01 January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore the perspectives that classroom teachers and school administrators have regarding corporal punishment as an alternative method to correct or change negative classroom behaviors. With the passage of the No Child Left Behind Act, schools have been forced to identify instructional and administrative practices that will increase student achievement while decreasing students' negative classroom behaviors. Negative classroom behaviors among students can interfere with the learning process and impede teachers' instructional delivery. The theories of Piaget and Kohlberg provided a conceptual basis for understanding the behaviors and developmental changes of school-age children. The research questions examined the perceptions of classroom teachers and school administrators concerning corporal punishment use or nonuse as a deterrent to negative student classroom behaviors. Data collection involved 5 survey questions, one-on-one interviews with teachers and administrators, and review of archival records provided by Texas rural school districts. Data for this case study were analyzed at 2 levels. At the first level, the specific analytical techniques of coding and categorization were used, and at the second level, the comparative method was used to analyze the coded and categorized data to determine emerging themes that served as the basis for the findings of the study. The study has positive implications for social change in the educational environment, in that the findings may be applied to efforts to control negative classroom behaviors and may thus promote academic excellence, leading to improved grades and standardized test scores.

Are Associations Between Parenting Style and Academic Achievement Moderated by Ethnicity and Individualism-Collectivism?

De Oliveira, Thiago L. 01 January 2015 (has links)
Researchers have long been concerned in documenting the nature of associations between parenting styles and academic achievement in adolescents. Social learning theory has shown how domains such as individualism, collectivism, and ethnicity are associated with parent behavior. Research suggests compatibility between individualism and authoritative parenting and collectivism with authoritarian parenting styles, which could have critical implications in the relationship between parenting styles and academic achievement. Despite the robust research on parenting styles, no research has investigated the moderating roles of individualism and collectivism. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the associations between parenting style and academic achievement and whether some of the associations were moderated by ethnicity, individualism, and collectivism. The sample consisted of 225 parents who were recruited via an online newsletter sent by school personnel. Parenting styles were measured by the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire while individualism and collectivism variables were measured by the Self-Construal Scale. Correlation coefficients calculated the associations between parenting styles and academic achievement, while the regression analyses addressed the moderator hypotheses. Authoritative parenting had a significant positive correlation with GPA, while both authoritarian and permissive parenting styles had a significant negative correlation with GPA. Within the moderator hypotheses, neither ethnicity nor individualism and collectivism served as a significant moderator between parenting styles and GPA. These findings may inform parents and educators of the importance of parenting styles on education, beyond the explanatory power of ethnicity or value system.

A Qualitative Case Study of Facebook and Its Perceived Impact on Social Connectivity

Staker Woerner, Janet 01 January 2015 (has links)
While the number of students using web-based social networks has increased, the effects of such networks on education have been unclear. Therefore, this research used a case study approach to study the relationship between social connectivity and the use of Facebook in a higher education classroom as well as the relationship between age and the use of Facebook. The intent was to understand the perceived impact of the use of a social media tool on bonding, bridging, and linking. The conceptual framework was built around the theories of social capital of Lin, Portes, Putnam, and Woolcock. The research questions addressed how the use of Facebook impacted social connectivity as part of the required interactions in a traditional undergraduate classroom and how different generations used Facebook in that setting. A self-selected sample of 13 out of 13 potential participants was used to acquire demographic data and to capture learner perceptions of their Facebook experience by way of a questionnaire and a focus group. NVivo10 content analysis software used thematic coding derived from multiple close readings of the collected data to surface relationships supporting the presence of social capital. The results indicated that learners' use of Facebook influenced bridging, bonding, and linking within the classroom; however, learners wanted to keep their academic social networking separate from their personal use. The study also noted how students from different generations use Facebook in different ways. Understanding the role of social media tools may assist in innovative curriculum development that employs social networking tools, as well as help faculty determine how to use such tools to create a deeper learning experience for students.

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