Spelling suggestions: "subject:"iic"" "subject:"csic""
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Pratiques et appropriation des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication et intégration sociale des immigrés : une étude de cas dans un milieu populaire urbain à Paris / Appropriating and practicing Technologies of Information and of Communication to further the social integration of immigrants : a case study in a lower- income urban population of ParisBoudelia "Mohamed", Boulafroud 03 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse sera l’occasion de revisiter le débat sur la cohésion sociale des immigrés en s’appuyant sur les réseaux sociotechniques numériques. La société actuelle est caractérisée par de profondes mutations du fait que les TIC (Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication) sont omniprésentes et envahissent presque tous les champs de la vie sociale. Cependant, ces mutations accélèrent et libèrent un formidable potentiel créatif de développement pour une partie de la population, excluant néanmoins les populations immigrées qui ne maîtrisent pas la langue du pays d’accueil et qui sont très éloignées de la culture TIC. Cette situation d’exclusion rend plus difficile leur intégration sociale.Ainsi se dégage notre hypothèse : les situations de pratique et d’appropriation des TIC dans les réseaux numériques réels de l’éducation populaire peuvent être un levier pour la réduction de la fracture numérique et par conséquent représenter des facteurs impactant l’intégration sociale des immigrés, très éloignés de ces technologies nouvelles. Si oui dans quelles conditions cela est-il possible ? Nous traitons cette question à partir de la relation pentagonale (appropriation des TIC, intégration sociale, dispositif sociotechnique, médiation sociale et pédagogie numérique). L’enjeu est d’étudier un cas concret. Effectivement, à partir d’un cadre empirique et spatial qu’est le quartier Belleville, nous avons montré comment les populations immigrées analphabètes ont pu acquérir un minimum de savoir-faire des TIC. Des tests inédits pour ce type de public ont permis d’évaluer les compétences : traitement de texte, maniement de l’ordinateur et navigation sur le Web.Ce travail s’inscrit dans la double nécessité d’examiner les aspects sociocognitifs de l’apprentissage des adultes très éloignés des systèmes de l’information et de la communication et de proposer de nouvelles approches pour la conception des dispositifs techniques de type espace public numérique ainsi que des usages TIC. / This thesis will allow us to take a new look at the debate on furthering the social integration of immigrants thanks to a socio-technical use of the web. Present-day society is being profoundly altered by the Technologies of Information (TIC) that are omnipresent and increasingly invasive in almost every aspect of the social field.These accelerating mutations are nonetheless liberating a powerful potential of creativity and development for a portion of the population hitherto excluded from mainline society, by the handicap of language in the case of an immigrant population, and by the lack of access to the new technology (TIC). The double exclusion facing these immigrant populations accounts for a large part of their problems with integration. Against this general background, our thesis develops the following hypothesis: mastering the new technologies of information and communication (the TIC) can become a formidable instrument for overcoming handicaps of background, language, education when appropriated within educational facilities outside the official school systems. Overcoming the digital divide can provide a shortcut to full participation in the culture and usages of the society at large. How can this be achieved? Under what conditions? We shall treat these questions via a five-pronged approach: appropriation of TIC, social integration, socio-technical devices, social mediation and digital pedagogy. Our conclusions will be based on the study of a concrete case in a specific environment.We have demonstrated how the people of Belleville, who are largely illiterate, have nonetheless been able to acquire minimal skills in the use of TIC. Tests specifically elaborated by us for this type of public allowed us to evaluate their competency in areas such as word-processing, handling the computer, and surfing on the web. Our study is conditioned by the need, both to examine the social and cognitive aspects of adult apprenticeship where the population concerned is far-removed from normal access to TIC, and to propose new approaches adapted to EPN technical devices as well as to the types of TIC usage this population might need.
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Impressões digitais entre professores e estudantes: um estudo sobre o uso das tic na formação inicial de professores nas universidades públicas de Santa Catarina / Digital impressions between teachers and students: a study on the use of ICT in initial teacher training in Santa Catarina s public universitiesLara, Rafael da Cunha 18 February 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-02-18 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The present work follows an investigation about the presence of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in the processes of initial teacher training in Santa Catarina‟s public universities. We are interested in questioning the use that undergraduate students and teachers make of ICT, both in the social context as in training. We assume that the moves of the so-called "information society " are pressuring institutions - including educational institutions - to incorporate ICT into their practices, as well as in different contexts of social and professional life. At the same time, enrollment in the educational system by a generation of students who grew up in a digital culture and society demands teaching and learning processes where these technologies can be incorporated, not in the material or instrumental sense, but as a form of a culture. In this sense, we assume, on one hand, that the uses of ICT in different contexts - social and training - are essential to cement the incorporation of these technologies in educational practices and, on the other hand, the importance of the teacher in this process and therefore the relevance of initial teacher training for the living experience on the use of ICT. In the survey, we found that, beyond the gap of teacher‟s knowledge and uses of ICT towards their students, the university, in general, has contributed little to these living experiences. At the same time, the uses that are made of ICT in the context of initial training reflect a dichotomy between policies for integrating ICT in schools and preparing new teachers to work in these contexts, because these are predominantly instrumental and restrictive uses, even among students. Despite the perceived importance that ICT takes among students and teachers, its use as a mere work tool limits the experience on the potential of their use in teaching practices of future teachers / A presente dissertação decorre de uma investigação sobre a presença das TIC (Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação) nos processos de formação inicial de professores, nas universidades públicas de Santa Catarina. Interessou-nos problematizar os usos que estudantes e professores dos cursos de licenciatura fazem das TIC, tanto no contexto social quanto no âmbito da formação. Partimos do pressuposto que os movimentos da dita sociedade da informação pressionam as instituições entre elas as instituições educativas a incorporarem as TIC em suas práticas, assim como acontece em diferentes contextos da vida social e profissional. Ao mesmo tempo, o ingresso no sistema educacional de uma geração de estudantes que cresceu em uma sociedade e cultura digitais demanda processos de ensino e aprendizagem onde estas tecnologias possam ser incorporadas, não no sentido material ou instrumental, mas como uma forma de cultura. Neste sentido, assumimos, por um lado, que os usos das TIC em diferentes contextos sociais e formativos são essenciais para sedimentar a incorporação destas tecnologias nas práticas educativas e, por outro lado, a importância do professor neste processo e, portanto, a relevância da formação inicial de professores para a vivência de experiências sobre o uso das TIC. Na pesquisa realizada constatamos que, além da defasagem dos conhecimentos e sobre usos das TIC dos professores em relação aos seus estudantes, a universidade, de um modo geral, pouco tem contribuído para a vivência destas experiências. Ao mesmo tempo, os usos que são feitos das TIC no contexto da formação inicial refletem uma dicotomia entre as políticas de inserção das TIC nas escolas e a preparação de novos professores para atuarem nestes contextos, pois tratam-se de usos predominantemente instrumentais e restritivos, mesmo entre os estudantes. Apesar da percepção de importância que as TIC assumem entre estudantes e professores, seu uso como mera ferramenta de trabalho limita a experiência sobre as potencialidades de seu emprego nas práticas docentes dos futuros-professores
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Itineraries, milestones and catalysts associated with the emergence of talent of professors / Itinerarios, hitos y catalizadores asociados a la emergencia del talento docente / Percursos, etapas e catalisadores associados com o surgimento do talento docenteGarcía-Cepero, María Caridad, Gómez-Hernández, Félix Antonio, Barrios-Martínez, Darcy Milena, Santamaría, Andrea, Castro Fajardo, Laura Estefanía, Sánchez Vallejo, Andrea, Zuluaga Ocampo, Zulma Patricia 25 September 2017 (has links)
This document presents the results of the exploration and contextualization phase of the project “Rutas de emergencia del talento docente, estudio de casos en maestros con un uso sobresaliente de las TIC” (“Teaching talent emergency paths, case study in teachers with outstanding use of ICTs”). It is a mixed sequential explicative study. The first phase clas- sifies participants utilizing a multiple correspondence analysis. The second phase performs and analyzes three different interviews to nine teachers, utilizing the Gagné model (2009, 2015) to analyze content. This phase identifies itineraries, figures, and significant events in the participants’ histories, which can understand the emergence of teaching talent in the Colombian context. / Este artículo presenta los resultados de la fase de exploración y contextualización del proyecto “Rutas de emergencia del talento docente” estudio de caso en maestros con un uso sobresaliente de las TIC. Este es un estudio mixto-secuencial explicativo. En la primera fase se clasifica a los participantes utilizando un análisis de correspondencia múltiple; y, en la segunda y fase principal, se analizan tres entrevistas diferentes realizadas a nueve maestros, utilizando el modelo de Gagné (2009, 2015) como marco analítico para el análisis de contenido de ellas. Esta fase identifica itinerarios, figuras y eventos significantes en las historias de los participantes, los cuales son determinantes para comprender la emergencia del talento docente. / Este artigo apresenta os resultados da fase de exploração e contextualização do projeto “rotas de emergência do talento docente: estudos de caso com professores com uso excelente das TIC”. Esta é uma pesquisa mista-sequencial explicativa. Na primeira fase os participantes foram classificados usando um analise múltiplo de correspondências; e na segunda fase, foram analisadas três entrevistas diferentes realizadas a nove docentes, usando como marco para o analise de conteúdo das mesmas, o modelo de Gagné (2009, 2015). Esta fase iden- tifica roteiros, figuras e eventos significativos em as histórias dos entrevistados, as quais são determinantes para compreender a emergência do talento docente.
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Governança e alinhamento estratégico de TIC e negócio no âmbito das empresas sergipanas : proposta de melhorias na Metodologia PETIC a partir da gestão de riscos e da comunicação e transparência de TICSilva, Claudio Junior Nascimento da 30 May 2017 (has links)
In an increasingly competitive market, Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
resources are essential and strategic in organizations. Today, the use of ICTs is a matter of
business survival. In the same way that organizations and the market are constantly changing,
ICTs are constantly evolving, and it is no longer conceivable to treat them only as support
resources, but also as a strategic resource, with risks to the business and being known by all.
Consequently, the use of technological resources must be in line with business objectives. It is
therefore necessary to identify how organizations are promoting the alignment of ICT strategies
with business strategies and how issues of risk and ICT communication and transparency are
being addressed. The present work investigated, after the application of an electronic
questionnaire (survey) to the Chief Information Officers sergipanos, how the ICT governance
practices are adopted by the companies and how they are the planning and the strategic alignment
between ICT and business. As a result, there was a lack of organizations in risk management,
communication processes and strategic alignment between ICT and business, as well as found
that the main ICT governance practices used were own or customized ICT Strategic Planning,
ITIL, PMBOK and BSC. In addition to the ICT governance practices cited, there are other
methodologies and frameworks that propose efficient management of ICT objectives, aligned
with the organizational strategy, among them the PETIC Methodology, developed by the Federal
University of Sergipe. In this scenario, improvements are proposed in the PETIC Methodology,
incorporating in its scope risk management and communication management and ICT
transparency, enabling an ICT assessment that is efficient and in line with the strategic business
objectives. In order to demonstrate the supposition that the inclusion of risk management and
communication and transparency in the PETIC Methodology allows for the elaboration of an ICT
PE more aligned with the business objectives, a case study was applied in a Sergipe company
and, through Qualitative and quantitative analyzes of the metrics previously defined, the
improvement in the elaboration of the strategic planning of ICT and in the management of risks
and communication and transparency. / Em um mercado cada vez mais competitivo os recursos de Tecnologia da Informação e
Comunicação (TIC) são essenciais e estratégicos nas organizações. Atualmente, o uso das TICs é
uma questão de sobrevivência do negócio. Da mesma forma que as organizações e o mercado
estão em constantes mudanças, as TICs estão em constante evolução, não sendo mais concebível
tratá-las apenas como recursos de apoio, mas também como um recurso estratégico, com riscos
para o negócio e sendo conhecido por todos. Consequentemente, o emprego dos recursos
tecnológicos deve estar alinhado com os objetivos do negócio. Faz-se necessário, então,
identificar como as organizações estão promovendo o alinhamento das estratégias de TIC com as
estratégias do negócio e como estão sendo tratadas as questões dos riscos e da comunicação e
transparência de TIC. O presente trabalho investigou, após a aplicação de um questionário
eletrônico (survey) aos Chiefs Information Officer sergipanos, como as práticas de governança de
TIC são adotadas pelas empresas e como se encontram o planejamento e o alinhamento
estratégico entre TIC e negócio. Como resultado, observou-se uma carência das organizações na
gestão de riscos, dos processos de comunicação e do alinhamento estratégico entre TIC e
negócio, bem como se constatou que as principais práticas de governança da TIC utilizadas foram
Planejamento Estratégico de TIC próprio ou customizado, ITIL, PMBOK e BSC. Além das
práticas de governança de TIC citadas, existem outras metodologias e frameworks que propõem a
gestão eficiente dos objetivos de TIC, alinhados com a estratégia organização, dentre elas a
Metodologia PETIC, desenvolvida pela Universidade Federal de Sergipe. Neste cenário, são
propostas melhorias na Metodologia PETIC, incorporando ao seu escopo a gestão de riscos e
gestão da comunicação e transparência de TIC, possibilitando uma avaliação de TIC eficiente e
alinhada com os objetivos estratégicos do negócio. Para evidenciar a suposição apresentada que a
inclusão da gestão de riscos e de comunicação e transparência na Metodologia PETIC permitem
a elaboração de um PE de TIC mais alinhado com os objetivos do negócio um estudo de caso foi
aplicado em uma empresa sergipana e, por meio de análises qualitativas e quantitativas das
métricas previamente definidas, constatou-se o aprimoramento na elaboração do planejamento
estratégico de TIC e na gestão dos riscos e da comunicação e transparência.
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Contribuições do PIBID de espanhol à formação inicial e ao uso das TIC / Contribuciones del PIBID de español a la formación inicial y al uso de las TICBreda, Regina 12 March 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-03-12 / Esta investigación, llevada a cabo con el subproyecto de Español del Programa Institucional de Becas de Iniciación a la Enseñanza (PIBID), financiado por la CAPES, realizado en la Universidad Estadual del Oeste del Paraná (UNIOESTE), campus Cascavel, desarrollado con los académicos de la licenciatura en Letras/Español busca responder: ¿Qué contribución el PIBID ha dado a la formación inicial de sus becarios? ¿Cuál es el papel del PIBID de Español con respecto al uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) por sus becarios? La elección se justifica por PIBID ser un reciente programa que prevé la promoción de experiencias de aprendizaje innovadoras y significativas tanto a los becarios de iniciación a la enseñanza, cuanto a los estudiantes de educación básica. Sabemos que los estudiantes de la generación post-Internet requieren la inserción de las TIC en las prácticas educativas (Lara, 2011), pero la formación inicial, a través de cursos de grado, no se ha dado cuenta de preparar los futuros docentes a utilizar las TIC, en sus clases en el aula, las explorando a su máximo potencial, por lo tanto, volvemos nuestra mirada sobre las experiencias que los becarios académicos PIBID tuvo con el uso de las TIC en los talleres ministrado en dos escuelas públicas de educación básica. Con el apoyo de la Lingüística Aplicada, el enfoque cualitativo y el análisis de documentos, esa investigación ha verificado, mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario, discursos de grabación y análisis de los informes semestrales de 12 becarios del subproyecto de Español, como estos académicos evalúan su participación en el subproyecto en relación a las experiencias con las TIC y las contribuciones de PIBID a su formación inicial. Tomamos como base los decretos que establecen el PIBID, la formación inicial de los docentes, estudios de la mídia-educación y de la alfabetización digital y los estudios que demuestran la integración urgente de las TIC en la formación inicial del profesorado y los informes de experiencias con las TIC en la enseñanza. La investigación reveló que los académicos becarios consideran experiencias positivas que han tenido en PIBID, especialmente con respecto a un mayor contacto con la escuela, el trabajo de colaboración que ofrece el programa y una gran parte de ellos informó que no tuvo otros momentos de su formación para desarrollar actividades con las TIC. Tienen en cuenta la importancia de estas experiencias, porque conocen la realidad que encontrarán cuando llegaren a las escuelas públicas y se sienten seguros de usar las TIC en su práctica después de la graduación tras su participación en el subproyecto de Español. / Esta investigação, que foi realizada com bolsistas do subprojeto de Espanhol do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID), financiado pela CAPES, realizado na UNIOESTE, campus Cascavel, e desenvolvido com alunos da licenciatura em Letras de Espanhol, busca responder às seguintes indagações: Qual a contribuição que o PIBID tem dado à formação inicial de seus bolsistas? Qual o papel do PIBID de Espanhol em relação ao uso das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) por seus bolsistas? A escolha se justifica pelo PIBID ser um programa recente que prevê a promoção de experiências de aprendizagem inovadoras e significativas tanto para os bolsistas de iniciação à docência, quanto para os alunos da educação básica. Dentro desse cenário, sabemos que os alunos da geração pós-internet demandam a inserção das TIC nas práticas educativas (LARA, 2011), mas a formação inicial, por meio dos cursos de licenciatura, não tem dado conta de preparar os futuros professores para utilizar em suas aulas presenciais as TIC, explorando-as em todo seu potencial. Por essa razão, voltamos nosso olhar sobre as experiências que os acadêmicos bolsistas do PIBID tiveram com o uso das TIC em oficinas que ministraram em duas escolas públicas de educação básica. Sustentada pela Linguística Aplicada, na abordagem qualitativa e na análise documental, esta pesquisa verificou, por meio da aplicação de questionário, de gravação de falas e da análise de relatórios semestrais de 12 bolsistas do subprojeto de Espanhol, como eles avaliam sua participação no subprojeto em relação às experiências com as TIC e as contribuições que do PIBID para sua formação inicial. Tomamos como base os decretos que dispõem sobre o PIBID, a formação inicial docente, estudos da mídia educação e do letramento digital e estudos que evidenciam a urgente inserção das TIC na formação inicial e relatos de experiências com as TIC no ensino. A pesquisa revelou que os acadêmicos bolsistas consideram positivas as experiências que tiveram no PIBID, principalmente no que se refere ao maior contato com a escola, ao trabalho colaborativo propiciado pelo programa e grande parte relata que não teve outros momentos de sua formação para desenvolver atividades com as TIC. Além disso, eles consideram a importância dessas vivências, pois sabem a realidade que encontrarão quando chegarem às escolas públicas e sentem-se seguros para utilizar as TIC em suas práticas depois de formados após sua participação no subprojeto de Espanhol.
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Ressources numériques dans l’enseignement-apprentissage de la grammaire arabe "langue étrangère" à l’université / Digital resources in teaching and learning of Arabic at university / المصادر الرقميّة في تعليم و تعلّم قواعد اللغة العربية لغة أجنبية في الجامعةAl Muhammad, Safa 20 October 2017 (has links)
Ce travail voudrait contribuer à améliorer la qualité de l’encadrement pédagogique en intégrant des ressources numériques dans l’enseignement-apprentissage de l’arabe à l’université. L’objectif est de mettre en évidence la valeur ajoutée que ces ressources apportent dans le cadre de l’enseignement de la grammaire arabe LE « Langue Etrangère ». L’une des stratégies proposées pour atteindre l’objectif de notre recherche est basée sur une méthode interactive. Le but de cette approche est, d’une part, de favoriser l’interaction (enseignant/étudiant et étudiant/étudiant) et d’autre part, d’améliorer la qualité de l’environnement pédagogique. La recherche repose sur trois axes : Le premier porte sur deux enquêtes menées dans les deux universités Lyon II et Lyon III en 2013/2014, ce qui nous a amenée à décrire l’état des lieux dans l’enseignement de la grammaire arabe à l’université. Les résultats de ces enquêtes ont mis en évidence le manque d’outils pédagogiques susceptibles de motiver les étudiants pour travailler et le manque de possibilités d’améliorer l’interaction étudiant / enseignant.Le deuxième concerne la conception des ressources numériques pour l’enseignement-apprentissage de la grammaire arabe (langue étrangère) : ˗ Un site web didactique qui se compose de 70 activités grammaticales informatisées, 360 exercices, 360 textes, 293 photos et 70 vidéos.˗ Une page Facebook de « La Grammaire Arabe Facile » qui contient 29 activités grammaticales, 74 publications, 7 vidéos et 22 photos.Le troisième axe porte sur une analyse des données recueillies après l’utilisation de ces ressources pendant le deuxième semestre de TD à l’Université Lyon III en 2017. L’analyse des données montre comment l’utilisation de ressources numériques a accru la qualité des performances des étudiants et comment l’interaction en ligne (enseignante/étudiant) et (étudiant/étudiant) motive les étudiants et amène à des résultats très positifs. Au terme de notre recherche, nous souhaitons que les universités en France prennent en compte la nécessité d’intégrer les ressources numériques dans l’enseignement de l’arabe LE à l’université, et surtout dans l’enseignement de la grammaire arabe, ce qui permettrait d’augmenter la qualité de l’enseignement et, par conséquent, le niveau des étudiants. / This work intends to contribute to an improvement in the quality of pedagogical supervision through the use of digital resources in teaching and learning of Arabic at university. The objective isto high light the added value that these resources bring in the framework of the teaching of Arabic grammar. One of the proposed strategies to achieve the objective of our research is based on an interactive method. The goal of this approach is, on the one hand, to encourage interaction (teacher / student and student / student) and on the other hand, to improve the quality of the pedagogical environment. The research is based on three axes :The first relates to two investigations conducted in both universities Lyon II and Lyon III in 2013/2014, which raised concerns regarding the teaching of Arabicgrammar at the university. The results of these investigations high lightedalack of educational tools likely to motivate students to work, and the lack of opportunity to improve student / teacher interaction. The second concerns the design of digital resources for the teaching and learning of Arabic grammar (foreign language) :˗ A didactic web site consisting of 70 activities grammatical computerized, 360 exercises, 360 texts, 293 photos and 70 videos.˗ A Facebook page of « The Easy Arabic Grammar » which contains 29 grammatical activities, 74 publications, 7 videos and 22 photos.The third axis covered an analysis of the data collected after the use of these resources during the second semester of TD at Lyon III University in 2017. The analysis of the data shows how the use of digital resources, has increased the quality of students performances and how the online interaction (teacher / student) and (student / student) motivates the students and gives very positive results. At the end of our research, we hope that universities in France will take into account the need to integrate digital resources into the teaching of Arabic at the university, and especially in the teaching of Arabic grammar, which would to increase the quality of education and, consequently, the level of students. / يطمح هذا العمل المساهمة في تحسين نوعيّة الإطار التربوي لتعليم وتعلّم اللغة العربيّة في الجامعة، وذلك من خلال دمج المصادر الرقيمة. الهدف هو تسليط الضوء على ما يمكن أن تضيفه المصادر الرقمية من جودة لتعليم القواعد العربيّة (كلغة أجنبيّة).من بين الاستراتيجيات المقترحة لتحقيق هدف بحثنا اعتماد المنهج التفاعلي. يهدف هذا المنهج إلى تعزيز التفاعل بين المعلّم والطالب من جهة ، وبين الطالب والطالب من جهة أخرى، وإلى رفع جودة البيئة التعليميّة.يستند البحث على ثلاثة محاور:- يتطرق المحور الأول إلى استطلاعين ميدانيين تمّ إجرائهما في جامعتي ليون الثانية والثالثة خلال 2013/2014. مما ممكّننا من معاينة الحالة الراهنة لوضع تعليم القواعد العربيّة في الجامعة، وقد أظهرت نتائج الاستطلاعين نقصاً في الأدوات التربويّة المناسبة لتحفيز الطلاب على التعلّم، وضعفاً في إمكانيّة التفاعل بين الطالب و المعلّم.- المحور الثاني يتعلّق بتصميم مصادر رقميّة لتعليم وتعلّم القواعد العربيّة وهي :1- موقع ويب تعليمي يتضمن 70 نشاطاً قواعديّا محوسبا و 360 تدريبا و 360 نصّاً و 293 صورة و 70 فيديو.2- صفحة على الفيس بوك بعنوان : القواعد العربيّة السهلة وتتضمن 29 نشاطا قواعديّا و 74 منشورا و 7 مقاطع فيديو و22 صورة.- المحور الثالث ويتطرّق إلى تحليل المعطيات التي تمّ جمعها أثناء وبعد استخدام هذه المصادر الرقميّة وذلك خلال الفصل الجامعي الثاني لحصص الأعمال التدريبيّة في جامعة ليون الثانية خلال العام 2017. يظهر تحليل المعطيات كيف أنّ استخدام المصادر الرقمية قد زاد من جودة آداء الطلاب، وكيف أنّ التفاعل عبر الانترنت بين المعلّم والطالب والطالب والطالب يحفّز الطلاب ويقودهم لتحقيق نتائج أكثر إيجابيّة.في نهاية بحثنا، نتمنى على الجامعات في فرنسا أن تأخذ بعين الاعتبار ضرورة دمج المصادر الرقميّة في تعليم اللغة العربيّة في الجامعة وعلى وجه الخصوص في تعليم القواعد العربية، بما يسمح رفع سويّة نوعيّة التعليم وبالتالي مستوى الطالب.
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Physicochemical, Electrical and Electrochemical Studies on Titanium Carbide-Based NanostructuresKiran, Vankayala January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Materials for studies related to nanoscience and nanotechnology have gained tremendous attention owing to their unique physical, chemical and electronic properties. Among various anisotropic nanostructures, one dimensional (1D) materials have received immense interest in numerous fields ranging from catalysis to electronics. Imparting multi-functionality to nanostructures is one of the major areas of research in materials science. In this direction, use of nanosized materials in energy systems such as fuel cells has been the subject of focus to achieve improved performance. Tuning the morphology of nanostructures, alloying of catalysts, dispersing catalytic particles onto various supports (carbon nanotubes, carbon nanofibers, graphene, etc.) are some of the ways to address issues related to electrochemical energy systems. It is worth mentioning that highly stable and corrosion resistant electrodes are mandatory as electrochemical cells operate under aggressive environments. Additionally, carbon, which is often used as a support for catalysts, is prone to corrosion and is subsequently implicated in reduced performance due to poor adherence of catalyst particles and loss in electrochemically active area. Hence, there is a quest for the development of stable and durable electrocatalysts / supports for various studies including fuel cells.
The present thesis is structured in exploring the multi-functional aspects of titanium carbide (TiC), an early transition metal carbide. TiC, a fascinating material, possesses many favorable properties such as extreme hardness, high melting point, good thermal and electrical conductivity. Its metal-like conductivity and extreme corrosion resistance prompted us to use this material for various electrical and electrochemical studies.
The current study explores the versatility of TiC in bulk as well as nanostructured forms, in electrical and electrochemical studies towards sensing, electrocatalytic reactions and active supports. 1D TiC nanowires (TiC-NW) are prepared by simple solvothermal method without use of any template and are characterized using various physico-chemical techniques. The TiC-NW comprise of 1D nanostructures with several µm length and 40 ± 15 nm diameter (figure 1). Electrical properties of individual TiC-NW are probed by fabricating devices using focused ion beam deposition (FIB) technique. The results depict the metallic nature of TiC-NW (figure 2).
Figure 1. (a) SEM, (b) TEM and (c) HRTEM images of TiC-NW prepared by solvothermal method.
Figure 2. (a) SEM image and (b) I-V characteristics of TiC-NW - based device as a function of temperature. The contact pads are made of Pt. Subsequently, oxidized TiC nanowires are prepared by thermal annealing of TiC-NW, leading to carbon - doped TiO2 nanowires (C-TiO2-NW) (figure 3). Photodetectors are fabricated with isolated C-TiO2-NW and the device is found to respond to visible light (figure 3) radiation with very good responsivity (20.5 A/W) and external quantum efficiency (2.7 X 104). The characteristics are quite comparable with several reported visible light photodetectors based on chalcogenide semiconductors.
Figure 3. (a) HRTEM, (b) EDAX, (c) Scanning TEM-DF images of C-TiO2-NW along with (d) Ti (e) O and (f) C mapping. (g) Current – voltage curves of single C-TiO2-NW recorded in dark (black) and in presence of visible light radiation (red) of intensity 57.7 mW/cm2 at 25oC. Inset of (g) shows the SEM image of the device (top) and schematic illustration of fabricated photodetector (bottom).
The next chapter deals with the electrochemical performance of TiC demonstrated for studies involving oxygen reduction and borohydride oxidation reactions. Electrochemical oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) reveal that TiC-NW possess high activity for ORR and involves four electron process while it is a two electron reduction for bulk TiC particles (figure 4). The data has been substantiated by density functional theory (DFT) calculations that reveal different modes of adsorption of oxygen on bulk and nanowire morphologies. Stable performance is observed for several hundreds of cycles that confirm the robustness of TiC. The study also demonstrates excellent selectivity of TiC for ORR in presence of methanol and thus cross-over issue can be effectively addressed in direct methanol fuel cells.
In the chapter on borohydride oxidation, bare TiC electrode is explored as a catalyst for the oxidation of borohydride. One of the major issues in direct borohydride fuel cells (DBFC) is the hydrolysis of borohydride that happens on almost all electrode materials leading to low efficiency. The present study reveals that TiC is a very good catalyst for borohydride oxidation with little or no hydrolysis of borohydride [figure 5 (a)] under the experimental conditions studied. Further, shape dependant activity of TiC has been studied and fuel cell performance is followed [figure 5 (b)]. Polarization data suggests that the performance of TiC is quite stable under fuel cell experimental conditions.
Figure 4. (a) Linear sweep voltammograms for ORR recorded using (i) bulk TiC particles and (ii) TiC-NW in O2-saturated 0.5 M KOH at 1000 rpm. Scan rate used is 0.005 Vs-1. (b) Variation of number of electrons with DC bias. Black dots correspond to TiC bulk particles while red ones represent nanowires.
Figure 5. (a) Cyclic voltammograms of borohydride oxidation on TiC coated GC electrode in 1 M NaOH containing 0.1 M NaBH4. Scan rate used is 0.05 Vs-1. (b) Fuel cell polarization data at 70oC for DBFC assembled with (i) bulk TiC particles and (ii) TiC-NW as anode catalysts and 40 wt% Pt/C as cathode. Anolyte is 2.1 M NaBH4 in 2.5 M NaOH, and catholyte is 2.2 M H2O2 in 1.5 M H2SO4. Anode loading is 1.5 mg cm-2 and cathode loading is 2 mg cm-2.
The corrosion resistance nature of TiC lends itself amenable to be used as an active support for catalytic particles (Pt and Pd) for small molecules oxidation reactions. In the present study, electro-oxidation of methanol, ethanol and formic acid have been studied. As shown in figure 6 (a), the performance of Pd loaded TiC (Pd-TiC) is found to be higher than that of Pd loaded carbon (Pd-C) suggesting the active role of TiC. The catalytic activities of TiC-based supports are further improved by tuning their morphologies. Figure 6 (c) reveals that the activities are higher in case of Pd-TiC-NW than that of Pd-TiC.
Figure 6. (a) Cyclic voltammograms of Pd-TiC and Pd-C for ethanol oxidation, (b) T EM image of Pd-TiC-NW and (c) voltammograms of Pd-TiC-NW in N2-saturated 1 M ethanol in 1 M KOH medium, scan rate used is 0.05 Vs-1.
The next aspect explored, is based on the preparation of C-TiO2 and its use as a substrate for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). Carbon doped titanium dioxide is prepared by thermal annealing of TiC. It is observed that the amount of dopant (carbon content) is dependent on the experimental conditions used. SERS studies using 4¬mercaptobenzoic acid (4-MBA) as the analyte, indicates that C-TiO2 [figure 7 (a)] enhances Raman signals based on chemical interactions between the analyte and the substrate. Raman signal intensities can be tuned with the amount of carbon content in C¬TiO2. Enhancement factors are calculated to be (7.7 ± 1.2) x 103 (for 4-MBA) and (1.7 ± 1.2) x 103 (for 4-nitrothiophenol). The SERS substrates are found to be surface renewable using visible light, a simple strategy to re-use the substrate [figure 7 (b)]. The regeneration of SERS substrates is based on self cleaning action of TiO2 that produces highly reactive oxygen containing radicals known to degrade the molecules adsorbed on TiO2.
Thus, the versatility of TiC has been demonstrated with various studies. In addition to using TiC-based materials, nanoparticles of Rh, Ir and Rh-Ir alloy structures have also been used for borohydride oxidation reaction. This is explained in the last section. In Appendix-I, preliminary studies on the preparation of TiC-polyaniline (PANI) composites using liquid-liquid interfacial polymerization is explained. Raman spectroscopy results suggest that the presence of TiC-NW makes PANI to assume preferential orientation in the polaronic (conducting) form. Appendix-II discusses the role of TiC-NW as a fluorescence quencher for CdS semiconductor nanoparticles.
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Les propriétés spécifiques du titane en font un matériau de choix pour remplacer l’acier dans des applications où le poids est un paramètre de conception important. cependant, contrairement à l’acier, le titane souffre de mauvaises propriétés tribologiques. c’est pour répondre à cette problématique qu’il est envisagé de développer des composites à matrice métallique (cmm) titane renforcée par des particules de carbure de titane. dans le cadre de ce projet, plusieurs nuances de cmm à matrice ti ou ti-6al-4v contenants différentes fractions volumiques de particules de tic ont été élaborées par métallurgie des poudres. trois procédés ont été employés : le frittage libre, la compression isostatique à chaud et le filage. les différentes nuances ont ensuite été caractérisées du point de vue microstructurale (taux de densification, taille des grains) et mécanique (traction). la confrontation des résultats a permis d’établir un lien entre microstructure et propriétés mécaniques. dans l’optique d’étudier la mise en forme mais également d’améliorer les propriétés mécaniques, un post-traitement de type forgeage a été appliqué à la suite de la phase d’élaboration. excepté dans le cas des cmm filés, la présence de renforts entraîne l’apparition d’endommagement lors de la déformation à chaud. nous avons alors déterminé les conditions de forgeage les plus adaptées selon les nuances.finalement, à travers un travail de modélisation analytique et de simulation numérique par méthode d’homogénéisation, nous avons déterminé les grandeurs mécaniques (module de young et limite d’élasticité) et prévu la loi de comportement des cmm en traction. / The specific properties of titanium make it a key material for the replacement of steel in weight dependent applications. however, unlike steel, titanium suffers from poor wear resistance. in order to improve this weakness, it is proposed to develop titanium metal matrix composites (mmc) reinforced with titanium carbide particles.to this end, ti and ti-6al-4v mmc were prepared with reinforcement fractions ranging from 5 percent to 20 percent using three powder metallurgy techniques: free sintering, hot isostatic compression and extrusion. the composites were then characterized from a microstructural (density, grain size) and a mechanical (tensile test) point of view. by comparing the results, it was possible to establish a relationship between microstructural features and mechanical properties.following their preparation, the composites were subjected to a forging step in order to study their behavior during hot deformation and to further improve their mechanical properties. the presence of particles induces the apparition of damage during hot deformation. therefore, we determined the best forging for the different composites whilst taking microstructure into account.finally, through analytical modeling and numerical simulations, we determined the young modulus, the yield stress and predicted the behavior of a mmc during a tensile test.
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Os objetos digitais de aprendizagem na prática pedagógica de matemática em uma escola pública estadual de São Paulo / Los objetos digitales de aprendizaje en la práctica pedagógica de matemática en una escuela pública de São PauloGomes, Vanderley Pereira 14 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2017-06-20T21:14:57Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-03-14 / This research analyzes the use of Digital Learning Objects (ODA) in the pedagogical practice of teacher-researcher in a Public Middle School. Therefore, it is sought to understand how the learning environment is constituted from a research-intervention of the mathematics teacher when using the ODA, such as games, simulators and using laptops in classroom activities with the perspective of innovating their practice education. The research was based on audio and video recordings and images of classes, in which the students were pedagogically oriented to solve problem situations of mathematical contents using the ODA of the Curriculum + platform of the Education Department of the State of São Paulo, from participatory and reflexive forms. The results show that the students have participated actively in the classes when the technology appears as an adjunct to the process, considering that the intervention and reflection of the teacher were necessary so that the knowledge is actually constructed and socialized. It was also found that when the students were submitted to organize the mathematical thinking of the activities, of the ODA applyed, they presented difficulties in the organization and resolution of the questions. Thus, the study pointed out the need for the school, through its teachers, to incorporate new teaching strategies and to add to its Political Pedagogical Project concrete actions which make pedagogical technology viable in the classroom environment. / Esta investigación analiza el uso de objetos digitales de aprendizaje (ODA) en la práctica pedagógica del profesor-investigador en una escuela pública de primaria II. En este sentido, tratamos de entender cómo es el ambiente de aprendizaje de un maestro de intervención en la investigación matemática al utilizar los ODA, tales como juegos, simuladores que utilizan ordenadores portátiles en las actividades de clase con el fin de innovar su práctica de enseñanza. La investigación se basó en grabaciones de audio y video e imágenes de clases, en las que se pidió a los estudiantes pedagógicamente a la solución de los contenidos matemáticos y de situaciones problemáticas utilizando la ODA de la Plataforma Currículo+ de la Secretaría de Educación del Estado de São Paulo, de manera participativa y reflexiva. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que los estudiantes han participado activamente en las lecciones, cuando la tecnología aparece como el apoyo al proceso, que requiere intervención y reflexión del maestro para que el conocimiento sea realmente construído y socializado. Se notó que incluso cuando los estudiantes fueron sometidos a organizar el pensamiento matemático de las actividades de ODA trabajado, tenían dificultades para organizar y resolver las cuestiones. Por lo tanto, el estudio señaló la necesidad de que la escuela, a través de sus profesores, agriegue nuevas estrategias de enseñanza y programe en su Proyecto Político Pedagógico, acciones concretas que permitan la tecnología de la educación en el ambiente de la clase. / Esta pesquisa analisa o uso de Objetos Digitais de Aprendizagem (ODA) na prática pedagógica do professor-pesquisador em uma escola pública do Ensino Fundamental II. Nesse sentido, busca-se compreender como se constitui o ambiente de aprendizagem a partir de uma pesquisa-intervenção do professor de matemática ao utilizar os ODA, tais como jogos, simuladores, utilizando laptops em atividades de sala de aula na perspectiva de inovar sua prática de ensino. A pesquisa se baseou em gravações de áudio e vídeo e imagens de aulas, nas quais os alunos foram orientados pedagogicamente à resolução de situações-problema de conteúdos matemáticos utilizando-se dos ODA da plataforma Currículo+ da Secretaria de Educação do Estado de São Paulo, de forma participativa e reflexiva. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os alunos têm participado ativamente das aulas, quando a tecnologia aparece como coadjuvante do processo, sendo necessária a intervenção e reflexão do professor para que o conhecimento seja realmente construído e socializado. Constatou-se ainda que quando os alunos foram submetidos a organizarem o pensamento matemático das atividades dos ODA trabalhados, eles apresentaram dificuldades na organização e resolução das questões. Deste modo, o estudo apontou a necessidade de que a escola, por meio de seus professores, incorpore novas estratégias de ensino e programe no seu Projeto Político Pedagógico, ações concretas que viabilizem a tecnologia pedagógica no ambiente de sala de aula.
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L’acceptation des TIC, adaptation du modèle IntersTICES dans le cadre d'une formation continue d’enseignants de français au LibanYammine, Josephine 08 1900 (has links)
Notre recherche a pour but d’étudier la culture e-learning et l’acceptation de l’intégration des technologies de la communication dans les pratiques pédagogiques des enseignants du français langue étrangère première, dans le contexte d’une activité de formation continue au Liban. Sur le plan théorique, elle s’est basée sur le modèle IntersTICES plus particulièrement la dimension culture e-learning. Nous avons adapté l’activité IntersTICES Type aux besoins et contextes spécifiques de ces enseignants puis nous l’avons mis à l’essai et avons évalué ses impacts sur leur culture e-learning. L’adaptation de l’activité IntersTICES Type a été basée sur le référentiel des compétences des enseignants publié par le centre de recherche et de développement pédagogique du Liban.
La problématique de cette recherche s’est articulée autour de l’activité IntersTICES Type et de son utilisation dans le contexte libanais en vue de favoriser l’acceptation de l’utilisation des technologies de l’information et de la communication par les enseignants du français langue étrangère première.
La méthodologie adoptée est celle d’une recherche de type action-formation qui nous a amené à collecter des données à plusieurs sources afin de pouvoir étudier à la fois le processus d’adaptation de l’activité, son développement, sa mise à l’essai et ses impacts. Un journal de bord a permis de garder trace et de témoigner du processus et des principales adaptations et de sa mise en place dans une activité de formation continue. Des questionnaires pré et post-intervention ont été utilisés afin d’analyser les impacts sur la culture e-learning et la satisfaction des participants. Une entrevue semi-structurée, post intervention a été réalisée afin d’enrichir nos données et notre analyse. Notre recherche a permis d’avoir un regard inédit sur l'effet de l'intervention-formation sur l’acceptation de l’utilisation des TIC par un groupe d’enseignants de langue française libanais et son intégration dans leurs activités pédagogiques après la formation. Aussi, elle nous a permis de mieux saisir leur intention de continuer à utiliser les TIC dans leur enseignement. Nous avons aussi recueilli et tenu compte des modifications et des suggestions des participants pour améliorer les outils et l’intervention-formation.
Les principaux résultats de cette recherche sur la culture e-learning se résument comme suit. Au niveau des représentations, nous avons notamment relevé les rôles prépondérants que joue la confiance en soi, la variété des outils technologiques utilisés et la richesse pédagogique des supports sur l’acceptation de l’intégration des TIC dans l’enseignement du français. Au niveau des attitudes, nous avons constaté que, suite à l’intervention-formation, un meilleur sentiment d’auto efficacité s’est développé. Quant aux habiletés avec les TIC, elles se sont développées au fil de l’activité. Finalement, grâce à l’accompagnement situé mis en place durant l’intervention-formation, les pratiques d’intégration des TIC par les enseignants, et par leurs élèves, ont été bonifiées.
Au sujet de l’acceptation de l’utilisation des TIC, nous avons pu identifier des obstacles externes comme le manque de formation adéquate et l’absence d’un « techno-pédagogue » dans leur milieu. Quant aux obstacles internes, nous avons identifié certaines caractéristiques individuelles des enseignants comme l’anxiété technologique, le rejet d’utilisation des TIC dans l’enseignement et de la tension dans les relations avec les collègues.
Les conditions facilitatrices les plus importantes soulignées par les participants sont essentiellement des conditions liées aux ressources matérielles, à une formation pédagogique adéquate et aux caractéristiques individuelles des enseignants comme la confiance en soi et l’intention d’utilisation des TIC. L’engagement personnel des enseignants et leur ouverture au changement se sont avérés aussi des conditions facilitatrices de l’acceptation.
L’intervention-formation suivant le modèle IntersTICES et la recherche-action qui l’a accompagnée a fourni à tous les participants une occasion de réflexion et de sensibilisation aux divers aspects de leur culture e-learning. Une activité de formation basée sur le modèle IntersTICES s’est avérée une valeur ajoutée intéressante sur l’intégration des TIC par les enseignants du français langue étrangère première au Liban. / Our research aimed at studying the acceptance of the integration of communication technologies into the pedagogical practices of teachers of French as a first foreign language, as part of continuing education in Lebanon. On the theoretical level, it was based on the IntersTICES model and particularly its e-learning dimension. We adapted the IntersTICES Type activity to the specific needs and contexts of these teachers, and then we tested it and evaluated its impact of the training activity on their e-learning culture. The adaptation of the IntersTICES Type activity was also based on the teacher competency framework published by the Center for Educational Research and Development of Lebanon.
The problem of this research was thus articulated around the IntersTICES Type activity and its use in the Lebanese context with a view to promoting the acceptance of the use of information and communication technologies by teachers of French as a foreign language.
The adopted methodology was an action-training research that allowed us to collect data through pre- and post-intervention questionnaires developed for this purpose and the semi-structured interview. It allowed us to have an unprecedented look at the effect of the training intervention on the acceptance of the use of information and communication technologies by teachers and its implementation in their educational activities integrating ICT. Also, it allowed us to better understand their intention to continue to use ICT in their teaching. We identified the changes needed for integration and the participant’s suggestions for improving the ICT tools and the training intervention.
The main results of this research on e-learning culture can be summarized as follows. At the level of representations, we notably noted the preponderant roles played by self-confidence, the variety of technological tools used and the educational richness of the supports on the acceptance of the integration of ICT in the teaching of French. At the level of attitudes, we found that, following the intervention-training, a better feeling of self-efficacy developed. As for ICT skills, they have developed over the course of the activity. Finally, thanks to the local support put in place during the intervention-training, the ICT integration practices by teachers and their students were improved.
On the acceptance of the use of ICT, we identified external barriers such as lack of adequate training and lack of a “techno-pedagogue”. In terms of internal barriers, we identified barriers related to individual teacher characteristics such as technological anxiety, rejection of use ICT in education, disruption of classroom teacher behavior, and tension in relationships with colleagues.
The most important enabling conditions identified by the respondents in our study are essentially conditions related to material resources, teacher training and the individual characteristics of teachers. The personal commitment of teachers and their openness to change have also turned out to be individual characteristics that constitute enabling conditions for acceptance.
The intention of use and the will emerge as important internal factors contributing to the acceptance of the use of a technology. Self-confidence is a key element in accepting the use of ICTs in education. The decision to adopt or reject the technology essentially depends on these two internal factors.
The training intervention following the IntersTICES model and the accompanying action research provided all participants with an opportunity to reflect and raise awareness of various aspects of their e-learning culture. A training activity based on the IntersTICES model proved to be an interesting added value on the integration of ICT by teachers of French as a first language in Lebanon.
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