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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Konfliktlösning eller civilisering? Rättskipning i det tidigmoderna lokalsamhället: En studie av Sjuhundra härad 1601-1670 / Conflict Solution or Civilization? Justice in an Early Modern Local Community: A Study of Sjuhundra Härad 1601-1670

Fejes, Andreas January 1999 (has links)
<p>Det övergripande syftet med uppsatsen är att få en bild av civiliseringsprocessen i Sjuhundra härad i Uppland under 1600-talet samtidigt som relationen, konfliktlösning kontra civilisering undersöks. För att uppnå syftet studeras domböckerna för 1601-1670 uppdelat på tre perioder, 1601-1614, 1638-1651 och 1660-1670. Brottsstrukturen för perioderna undersöks och jämförs genom att frekvensen för varje enskild kategori av ärenden per ting räknas fram. Våldet ägnas extra uppmärksamhet då det ger en bild av hur de mellanmänskliga relationerna ändrats över tiden. Även statens och kyrkans inflytande över den lokala rätten studeras då möjliga orsaker till ändringar i brottsstrukturen söks. Det dödliga och grova våldet minskade under perioderna vilket är förenligt med tidigare forskning, samtidigt som det milda våldet ökade. Statens inblandning i den lokala rättvisan tycks ha varit låg under alla perioder med en viss tendens till ökning under den tredje, medan kyrkans kontroll över utomäktenskaplig sexualitet ökade från mitten av 1600-talet. Den civiliseringsteori som Jarrick och Söderberg lanserat, där ökad empati är tecken på civilisering, tycks få visst stöd av denna undersökning, samtidigt som rätten tycks ha varit en konfliktlösande instans som ville upprätthålla lugnet i det lokala samhället.</p>

Konfliktlösning eller civilisering? Rättskipning i det tidigmoderna lokalsamhället: En studie av Sjuhundra härad 1601-1670 / Conflict Solution or Civilization? Justice in an Early Modern Local Community: A Study of Sjuhundra Härad 1601-1670

Fejes, Andreas January 1999 (has links)
Det övergripande syftet med uppsatsen är att få en bild av civiliseringsprocessen i Sjuhundra härad i Uppland under 1600-talet samtidigt som relationen, konfliktlösning kontra civilisering undersöks. För att uppnå syftet studeras domböckerna för 1601-1670 uppdelat på tre perioder, 1601-1614, 1638-1651 och 1660-1670. Brottsstrukturen för perioderna undersöks och jämförs genom att frekvensen för varje enskild kategori av ärenden per ting räknas fram. Våldet ägnas extra uppmärksamhet då det ger en bild av hur de mellanmänskliga relationerna ändrats över tiden. Även statens och kyrkans inflytande över den lokala rätten studeras då möjliga orsaker till ändringar i brottsstrukturen söks. Det dödliga och grova våldet minskade under perioderna vilket är förenligt med tidigare forskning, samtidigt som det milda våldet ökade. Statens inblandning i den lokala rättvisan tycks ha varit låg under alla perioder med en viss tendens till ökning under den tredje, medan kyrkans kontroll över utomäktenskaplig sexualitet ökade från mitten av 1600-talet. Den civiliseringsteori som Jarrick och Söderberg lanserat, där ökad empati är tecken på civilisering, tycks få visst stöd av denna undersökning, samtidigt som rätten tycks ha varit en konfliktlösande instans som ville upprätthålla lugnet i det lokala samhället.

Historiekultur : Bilden av det tidigmoderna Sverige och det tidigmoderna Bosnien skildrad i två historieläroböcker / Historiculture : The picture of early modern Sweden and early modern Bosnia described in two history textbooks

MEDIC, EMIRA January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilken historiekultur konstrueras i en svensk och i en bosnisk gymnasielärobok då fokus ligger på det tidigmoderna Sverige och det tidigmoderna Bosnien. Frågeställningar är följande: Hur beskrivs det tidigmoderna Sverige och det tidigmoderna Bosnien i de analyserade gymnasieläroböckerna det vill säga vilka politiska och kulturella händelser skildras? Förekommer några likheter och/eller skillnader i framställningen av det tidigmoderna Sverige och det tidigmoderna Bosnien? Finns det några jämförbara förhållanden eller idéer? Handlar det alltså om kontrasterande eller generaliserande komparation? Vilken bild av historiekultur konstrueras i respektive gymnasielärobok? Metoden som används är kvalitativ textanalys av läromedel och komparativ metod. Resultatet visar att politisk historia dominerar i beskrivningen av det tidigmoderna Sverige medan kulturell historia upptar mindre plats. I beskrivningen av det tidigmoderna Bosnien uppmärksammas politisk och kulturell historia lika mycket. Komparationen mellan framställningen av det tidigmoderna Sverige och det tidigmoderna Bosnien är i lika hög grad kontrasterande som generaliserande eftersom den karakteriseras av både likheter och skillnader i historieskrivningen. Likheter handlar om allmänna historiska drag som politik, kultur, händelser och personer medan skillnader innebär själva händelser och personer som är specifika för Sveriges respektive Bosniens historiska utveckling. Bilden av den svenska och den bosniakiska historiekultur är jämförbara och består av de händelser och personer som var betydande för ländernas territoriella expansion, politiska och kulturella utveckling. / The purpose of this study is to examine witch historiculture is constructed in a Swedish and in a Bosnian school textbook where the focus is on early modern Sweden and early modern Bosnia. Questions are: How describes early modern Sweden and early modern Bosnia in the analyzed secondary school textbooks that is to say, which political and cultural events depicted?  There are some similarities and/or differences in the production of early modern Sweden and early modern Bosnia? There are no comparable conditions or ideas? It is therefore about contrasting or excessively broad comparison? What image of historical-cultural constructs in each secondary school textbook? The method used is the qualitative text analysis of the textbooks and the comparative method. The result shows that political history dominate in the description of early modern Sweden while cultural history occupies less space. In the description of early modern Bosnia calls attention to the political and cultural history as much. The comparison between the production of early modern Sweden and early modern Bosnia is just as much contrast as excessively broad because it is characterized by both similarities and differences in the writing of history. Similarities are general historical features policy, culture, events and persons while differences involve the events and people that are specific to Sweden's respective Bosnia's historical development. The image of the Swedish and the Bosnian history culture are comparable and consists of the events and persons who were significant for countries ' territorial expansion, political and cultural development.

Sjögårdar : En saknad del från 1600-talets slottsbebyggelser

Elfström, Linus January 2017 (has links)
This essay deals with a harbor near Swedish castles called sea courtyards in the 17th century. It also deals with an old work made by Erik Dahlbergh called Suecia antiqua et hodierna as a source material in order to find these sea courtyards that does not exist in present day.

Konungsliga motbilder : Den kungliga legitimitetens ifrågasättande i 1700- och 1800-talets Sverige

Håkansson, Jakob January 2014 (has links)
<p>Författaren har bytt namn till Jakob Starlander.</p>

Tortyr och pinligt förhör - våld och tvång i äldre svensk rätt

Åstrand, Björn January 2000 (has links)
Torture in the past is the subject of this dissertation. The aim of the study is to discuss one of the grand narratives of Swedish history. In an evolutionary frame Sweden has been put forward as a country which early developed judicial security for citizens. This dissertation contains a critique against an objectivistic view of the concept of knowledge. It proposes instead an evolutionary concept. In the discussion of sources I argue that although historians have been skilful in their evaluation of sources important problems still remains. The phenomenon of torture is here investigated at three different levels, as discourse, as norm and as practice. A point of departure is an overview of the discourse of torture and the use of torture in the past, from ancient times to the beginning of the early modern period in Europe. The purpose of that study is to gain some general insight concerning torture to which the main study, with focus on the phenomenon of torture in Sweden, could be related. The presentation of the history of torture starts in ancient Greece. The ability to use torture was regulated in Greek society. An important element in the discourse concerns a social regulation of torture; another is the connection with different concepts of truth. The conditions for the use of torture have changed over time. In early Middle Ages the practice of ordeals was common in Europe. In difficult cases tribes decided guilt with help from God. When the Christian church during the High Middle Ages rose to power it prohibited the use of ordeals. The obvious consequence of this act was that people had to make decisions by themselves, when they no longer could turn to God’s will when making decisions in severe judicial cases. In this context torture became important and was put into use. The existence of ordeals has been an obstacle to the use of torture. Torture had a strong position at the end of the medieval era, and this dissertation discusses whether the legislation is to be understood as implementation of torture or as regulation of an already existing practice. The first study of torture in a Swedish context deals with the discourse concerning the concept of torture. It is found that accusations of use of torture were used in propaganda and that torture in this context was understood as something unswedish and shameful. Next part focuses on the Old Swedish legislation prior to 1614. It is found that there is a prohibition against torture in the legislation from the fourteenth century, which must be regarded as a first attempt in Swedish law to regulate the use of torture. The study also focuses on the fact that the plaintiff had such extensive rights, that these could enable use of torture. The last part of the dissertation deals with the legal practice in Stockholm between 1474 and 1614. It identifies places for torture, actors and the judicial context in which the use of torture was practised.

Ni borde vara som oss : En analys av jesuitmissionären Frans Xaviers beskrivning av den japanska religiositeten 1549–1552.

Staaf, Jesper January 2017 (has links)
The Jesuit missionary St. Francis Xavier was the first European missionary to embark Japan in 1549. His letters show us how he depicted the Japanese faith. Thiis papers´ main question has revolved around how we can better understand Xaviers depictions of the Japanese faith in his correspondence to his peers. Until today, many scholars have been taking for granted that Xavier described this, for him, alien beliefs as separate religions. Xaviers depictions revolves overall around major differences labelled such as idolatry, heathendom and demon worship. In the light of critical religion theory and hermeneutic method the study shows that Xavier most likely did not regard the Japanese teachings as religions at all. This kind of “labels” was rather a way to express something that was not regarded as a separate religion.

Samer genom tre prästers övervakande ögon : En postkolonial studie av tre prästers porträttering av samer och deras kultur från 1740- till 1830-tal. / Saami life and culture through the watching eyes of three clergymen : A postcolonial study of three clergymen’s portrayal of Saami people and their culture from 1740s to 1830s.

Bredgaard, Linus January 2021 (has links)
This essay studies and compares three clergymen that were stationed in Sápmi during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and their writings that deal with the Saami population of the northern parts of Sweden. How they portray the Saami people and their culture is analyzed though postcolonial concepts as Edward Said’s othering and other concepts by the likes of Loomba, Lincoln and Pratt.  The three priests portrayal of the Saami people and their culture are similar In that way that they all confirm some of the colonial stereotypes of the Saami during the time they were writing. But especially one of the priests stands out in his effort to give a nuanced portrayal of the Saami people.

Credit at Court : Court servants and urban credit markets 1688-1708

Renström, William January 2022 (has links)
This thesis studies the debts and claims of court servants in Stockholm from 1688 to 1708 as a case study of early credit markets, exploring the transition from pre-modern informal systems based on personal trust and peer-to-peer lending to modern institutional banking. The thesis shows that the court servants were prominent moneylenders with relatively little debt and argues that these characteristics were by influenced their greater access to cash through their wages from the court. Furthermore, institutional banking and formal credit instruments are shown to have been frequently used by court servants at the turn of the 18th century, bringing nuance the idea of linear progress from traditional systems of credit to modern banking.

Djuren i husen : Om spår av rituell praktik i profana byggnader / The Animals in the Houses : Ritual Traces in Secular Buildings

Redbo, Linnea January 2021 (has links)
The ritual practice of concealing animal bones and other objects in buildings has a long continuity, and occurs in both prehistoric as well as in late modern buildings. There is however a discrepancy between the prehistoric material and the later archaeological material, where there are a lot of signs of ritual concealments in Iron Age houses but a lack of archaeological sources from historical buildings. There are no written sources that mentions the custom of concealing objects in buildings during prehistoric times. However, folkloristic sources tell us of a practice during historical times, much like the prehistoric building concealments. This study aims to make use of different sources to gain a better understanding of the custom during multiple time periods. This could help to fill in the knowledge gaps concerning the practice of building concealments in both prehistoric times as well as in later historical times. The analysis is based on three case studies of Swedish archaeological investigations; two concerns primarily Iron Age material and the third one concerns Early Modern and Pre-industrial material. All three are delimited by the fact that concealed animal remains, as well as other objects, have been recovered. Swedish folkloristic sources are used to make analogies to the different archaeological contexts found in the case studies. The main concern of this study is not on the symbolism of the action, but rather on the actual practice and the ritualization that underlies the archaeological material. This means that contextual aspects such as spatial contexts, the treatments of the objects or choice of species are important to take into account, and could also be interpreted as distinguishing aspects in the ritualization. This study shows how the use of multiple sources can help create new knowledge and give different perspectives on the ritual practice of building concealments in both prehistoric and historical times. It also illustrates similarities of the practice between different time periods, and how we can relate the Iron Age custom to the concealments made during much later times.

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