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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

New insights in photodynamic theraphy: production, diffusion and reactivity of singlet oxygen in biological systems

Jiménez Banzo, Ana María 25 April 2008 (has links)
S'ha estudiat la cinètica de fotosensibilització de l'oxigen singlet (1O2) en cèl·lules eucariotes en suspensió mitjançant un espectròmetre d'última generació amb resolució temporal per sota del microsegon. Els estudis revelen que la cinètica del 1O2 depèn del seu lloc de formació. Per una banda, la producció del 1O2 es més lenta en els lisosomes que en el nucli. Per altra banda, el 1O2 es capaç d'escapar de les cèl·lules quan es fotosensibilitza en el nucli, però es queda confinat al interior si es fotosensibilitza en els lisosomes. Malgrat que el temps de vida del 1O2 es troba en els microsegons, la desactivació principal ve donada per interaccions amb les biomolècules característiques de cadascú dels orgànuls. La incertesa respecte a la producció de 1O2 en un orgànul determinat es pot eliminar mitjançant l'ús de fotosensibilitzadors modificats genèticament, ja que aquets poden ésser expressats selectivament. Amb aquesta finalitat, s'avaluen les propietats fotosensibilitzants de mutants de proteïna fluorescent verd (GFP). Algunes de les GFPs estudiades sensibilitzen la formació del 1O2 malgrat amb baixa eficiència. Els resultats obtinguts es comparen amb els del cromòfor de la GFP i mostren que l'estructura proteínica, a sobre de modular les propietats fotofísiques del cromòfor, també el protegeix de la desactivació col·lisional. Finalment, s'estudien les propietats d'absorció bifotónica del 2,7,12,17-tetrafenilporficé i del seu complex de pal·ladi (II). L'eficiència de formació del 1O2 per part dels dos compostos, desprès de l'absorció simultània de dos fotons, es aproximadament 100 vegades superior a la dels seus anàlegs porfirínics, amb seccions d'absorció bifotòniques δ ~ 25 GM. Les excel·lents propietats d'aquestos compostos s'expliquen mitjançant arguments qualitatius i s'analitzen les seves perspectives de cara al seu ús en teràpia fotodinámica. / Se ha estudiado la cinética de fotosensibilización de 1O2 en células eucariotas en suspensión, usando un espectrómetro de última generación con resolución temporal por debajo del microsegundo. Los estudios revelan que la cinética del 1O2 depende de su lugar de formación. Por una parte, la producción de 1O2 es más lenta en los lisosomas que en el núcleo. Por otra parte, el 1O2 es capaz de escapar de las células cuando es fotosensibilizado en el núcleo, mientras que queda confinado en el interior si se fotosensibiliza en los lisosomas. A pesar de que el tiempo de vida del 1O2 se encuentra en los microsegundos, la desactivación principal viene dada por interacciones con las biomoléculas características de cada orgánulo. La incertidumbre respecto a la producción de 1O2 en un orgánulo determinado puede ser eliminada mediante el uso de fotosensibilizadores modificados genéticamente ya que pueden ser expresados selectivamente. Con este fin, se evalúan las propiedades fotosensibilizantes de mutantes de proteína fluorescente verde (GFP). Algunas de las GFPs estudiadas sensibilizan la formación de 1O2 aunque con baja eficiencia. Los resultados obtenidos se comparan con los del cromóforo de la GFP y muestran que la estructura proteínica, además de modular las propiedades fotofísicas del cromofóro, también lo protege de la desactivación colisional. Finalmente, se estudian las propiedades de absorción bifotónica del 2,7,12,17-tetrafenilporficeno y de su complejo de paladio (II). La eficacia de formación de 1O2 de ambos compuestos, tras la absorción simultánea de dos fotones, es aproximadamente 100 veces superior a la de sus análogos porfirínicos, con secciones de absorción bifotónica δ ~ 25 GM. Las excelentes propiedades de estos compuestos se explican mediante argumentos cualitativos y se analizan sus perspectivas de cara a su uso en terapia fotodinámica. / The kinetics of singlet oxygen (1O2) photosensitisation in human skin fibroblasts have been investigated by means of an ultrasensitive near-infrared spectrometer with submicrosecond time resolution. The results indicate that the 1O2 kinetics are site-dependent. On one hand, the production of 1O2 is slower in the lysosomes than in the nucleus. On the other hand, 1O2 is able to escape out of the cells when photosensitised in the nucleus, while 1O2 photosensitized in the lysosomes is confined. Despite showing a lifetime in the microsecond time domain, the decay of 1O2 is governed by interactions with the biomolecules within the organelle there it is produced. The uncertainty as to the intracellular site of 1O2 production may be removed by the use of genetically-encoded photosensitisers, which can be expressed in any desired organelle. Towards this end, the ability of some fluorescent proteins (GFPs) to photosensitise 1O2 has been studied. Some of the studied proteins are able to produce 1O2 albeit with a very low quantum yield. The results obtained are compared to those of the synthetic GFP chromophore and indicates that the protein scaffold not only plays a role in modulating the photophysical properties of the chromophore but also has a protective function from collisional quenching. Finally, the two-photon absorption properties of tetraphenylporphycene and its palladium (II) complex have been determined. These compounds are ca. 100-fold more efficient two-photon 1O2 photosensitisers than their isomeric porphyrin counterparts, with two-photon absorption cross sections δ ~ 25 GM. Qualitative symmetry-based arguments are provided to explain the excellent two-photon properties and the prospects for photodynamic therapy are discussed.

Rare-gas clusters in intense VUV laser fields

Georgescu, Ionut 09 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
A hybrid quantum-classical approach to the interaction of atomic clusters with intense laser fields in the vacuum ultra-violet (VUV) has been developed. Much emphasis is put on localized electrons, those quasi-free electrons which localize about the ions and screen them. These electrons set a time scale, which is used to interpolate between the quantum, rate based description of photon absorption by bound electrons and the classical, deterministic description of the cluster nano-plasma. Typical observables such as total energy absorption, electron and ion spectra are in very good agreement with the experimental findings. A scheme to probe the multi-electron motion in clusters with attosecond laser pulses is introduced. Conventional final state measurements in the energy domain cannot provide information about earlier states of the system due to the incoherent nature of the dynamics. Time-delayed attosecond pulses in the extreme ultra-violet (XUV) are used to probe the transient charging of the cluster ions during the interaction with the laser by measuring the kinetic energy of the electrons detached by the probe pulse. This information is otherwise lost at later times due to recombination. Knowledge about the transient charging would also shed more light on the still controversial subject of the energy absorption mechanisms in the VUV regime. Moving to shorter duration of the excitation, the characteristic time-scales for ionization and plasma equilibration are inversed. An attosecond laser pulse in the VUV regime creates a dense, warm nano-plasma far from equilibrium. Time-delayed attosecond pulses in the XUV probe then both the creation and the relaxation. The latter shows the breakup of the Bogoliubov hierarchy of characteristic times, indicating strongly-coupled plasma dynamics and drawing parallels to the relaxation of extended ultra-cold neutral plasmas with millions of particles.

Intraband Dynamics in the Optically Excited Wannier-Stark Ladder Spectrum of Semiconductor Superlattices / Intraband Dynamik im optisch angeregten Wannier-Stark-Leiter-Spektrum von Halbleiter-Übergittern

Rosam, Ben 11 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In semiconductor superlattices, the carrier band structure can be tailored by the proper choice of their geometry. Therefore, superlattices are a model system for the study of coherent high-field transport phenomena in a periodic potential with applied static electric field. This thesis is structured in two parts. I. Zener Tunneling in Semiconductor Superlattices. In this work,semiconductor superlattices with shallow barriers and narrow band gaps were employed to investigate the Zener breakdown. In these samples, tunneling in the electron Wannier-Stark ladder spectrum is addressed as coupling of the electron states of a single bound below-barrier band to the states of the above-barrier spectrum. The field-dependent evolution of the Wannier-Stark ladder states was traced in the optical interband spectrum. Superlattices with different geometries were employed, to clarify the influence of the particular miniband structure on the Zener tunneling behavior. It was shown that in the presence of Zener tunneling, the Wannier-Stark ladder picture becomes invalid. Tunneling is demonstrated to lead to a field-induced delocalization of Wannier-Stark ladder states. In addition, the coherent polarization lifetime was analyzed as a measure of the tunneling probability. II. Terahertz Emission of Exciton Wave Packets in Semiconductor Superlattices. By means of Terahertz spectroscopy, the coherent intraband dynamics of exciton wave packets in biased superlattices after the selective ultrafast excitation of the Wannier-Stark ladder spectrum was investigated. The dynamics of Bloch oscillations was investigated under broadband excitation. It is demonstrated, that the Bloch oscillation amplitude can be controlled by altering the pump pulse energy. The xperimental results can only be explained in a full exciton picture, incorporating bound 1s exciton states and the associated exciton in-plane continuum. The intraband dipole of single Wannier-Stark ladder excitons was measured by detecting the Terhartz response after excitation of the Wannier-Stark ladder with a spectrally narrow rectangular pump pulse. In addition, experiments revealed a previously unknown mechanism for the generation of Bloch oscillating exciton wave packets. This was demonstrated for an incident pump spectrum which was too narrow to excite a superposition of Wannier-Stark ladder states. The effect is based on the sudden, non-adiabatic, change in the net dc internal field due to creation of electron-hole pairs with permanent dipole moments. The non-adiabatic generation of Bloch oscillations is a highly nonlinear effect mediated by strong exciton-exciton interactions.The central role that play exciton-exciton interactions in the intraband dynamics became especially evident when the Wannier-Stark ladder was selectively excited by two spectrally narrow laser lines. The experiments demonstrated a resonant enhancement of the intraband transition matrix element when 1s exciton wavepackets are excited. / In Halbleiter-Übergittern kann die Bandstruktur von Ladungsträgern durch die geeignete Wahl der Geometrie eingestellt werden. Deshalb sind Halbleiter-Übergitter ein Modellsystem für Untersuchungen des kohärenten Ladungstransportes im periodischen Potential bei hohen, statischen, elektrischen Feldern. Diese Doktorarbeit ist in zwei Teile untergliedert. I. Zener-Tunneln in Halbleiter-Übergittern In dieser Arbeit werden Halbleiter-Übergitter mit flachen Barrieren und schmalen Bandlücken eingesetzt, um den Effekt des Zener-Durchbruchs zu untersuchen. In diesen Strukturen wird das Zener-Tunneln im Elektronen-Spektrum der Wannier-Stark-Leiter adressiert. Dabei handelt es sich um die Kopplung von Elektronen-Zuständen eines einzelnen Minibandes unterhalb der Potentialbarriere des Quantentopfes mit Zuständen oberhalb der Barriere. Die Feldabhängigkeit der Wannier-Stark-Leiter-Zustände wurde im optischen Interband-Spektrum detektiert. Übergitter mit unterschiedlichen Geometrien wurden untersucht, um den Einfluss der spezifischen Miniband-Struktur auf die Charakteristiken des Zener-Tunnelns aufzuklären. Es wurde gezeigt, dass im Regime des Zener-Tunnelns das Wannier-Stark-Leiter-Bild nicht mehr gültig ist. Dabei wird demonstriert, dass Tunneln zu einer feldabhängigen Delokalisierung der Wannier-Stark-Leiter-Zustände führt. Außerdem wird die Kohärenz-Lebensdauer der Polarisation analysiert. Sie bildet die Tunneln-Wahrscheinlichkeit ab. II. Terahertz Emission von Exzitonen-Wellen-Paketen in Halbleiter-Übergittern Mit Hilfe von Terahertz-Spektroskopie wurde die kohärente Intraband-Dynamik von Exzitonen-Wellen-Paketen in vorgespannten Halbleiter-Übergittern nach der selektiven, ultrakurzen Anregung des Wannier-Stark-Leiter-Spektrums untersucht. Die Dynamik von Bloch-Oszillatonen wurde durch spektral breitbandiger Anregung detektiert. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Amplitude von Bloch-Oszillationen durch die Änderung der Energie des Anrege-Pulses beeinflusst werden kann. Die experimentellen Resultate können nur in einem ganzheitlichen Exzitonenbild erklärt werden. Es umfaßt die gebundenen 1s-Exziton-Zustände und das zugehörige Exzitonen-Kontinuum in der Quantentopfschicht. Der Intraband-Dipol einzelner Wannier-Stark-Leiter-Exzitonen wurde durch die Detektion der Terahertz-Antwort auf die Anregung der Wannier-Stark-Leiter mit einem spektral schmalen Anrege-Puls vermessen. Außerdem wird in den Experimenten ein zuvor ungekannten Mechanismus der Anregung von bloch-oszillierenden Wellen-Paketen beobachtet. Dieser Effekt wird für ein eingestrahltes Anrege-Spektrum, welches spektral zu schmal für die Anregung einer Überlagerung von Wannier-Stark-Leiter-Zuständen ist, demonstriert. Der Mechanismus basiert auf die unmittelbare, nicht-adiabatische Änderung des effektiven, internen, statischen Feldes auf Grund der Anregung von Elektron-Loch-Paaren mit permanentem Dipolmoment. Die nicht-adiabatische Anregung von Bloch-Oszillationen ist ein hoch nicht-linearer Effekt, der durch starke Exziton-Exziton Wechselwirkung vermittelt wird. Die zentrale Rolle, die die Exziton-Exziton Wechselwirkung in der Intraband-Dynamik spielt, wurde besonders deutlich bei der selektiven Anregung der Wannier-Stark-Leiter durch zwei spekral schmale Laserlinien. Die Experimente demonstrieren eine resonante Überhöhung des Intraband-Übergangs-Matrix-Elements, wenn 1s-Exziton-Wellen-Pakete angeregt werden.

Dynamic Processes in Functionalised Perylene Bisimide Molecules, Semiconductor Nanocrystals and Assemblies / Dynamische Prozesse in funktionalisierten Perylenebisimid-Molekülen, Halbleiternanokristallen und Aggregaten

Kowerko, Danny 21 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Funktionalisierte organische Perylenbisimidfarbstoffe (PBI) und aus Cadmiumselenid bestehende Halbleiternanokristalle werden hinsichtlich physikalischer sowie chemischer Wechselwirkungsprozesse miteinander und mit ihrer Umgebung mittels zeitaufgelöster optischer Spektroskopie untersucht. Im Mittelpunkt der Studien an diesem organisch/anorganischen Modellsystem nanoskopischer Größe steht die Aggregatbildungskinetik und die Identifikation und Quantifizierung von Transferpozessen. Die Anbindung der gut löslichen PBI-Farbstoffe an die Oberfläche solcher Halbleiternanokristalle mittels spezieller Ankergruppen wird durch Selbstorganisation in Lösung realisiert. Die Kombination von Absorptions- und zeitaufgelöster Fluoreszenzspektroskopie zeigt einen unterschiedlich starken Einfluss von Liganden und Farbstoffen auf die Fluoreszenzlöschung der Nanokristalle und belegt, dass Resonanzenergietransfer zum Farbstoff nur in sehr geringem Maße die physikalische Ursache der Fluoreszenzlöschung ist. Die Anzahl adsorbierter Farbstoffe und die Stärke der Fluoreszenzlöschung eines einzelnen Farbstoffmoleküls werden aus zeitaufgelösten Einzelmolekülexperimenten an immobilisierten Emittern gewonnen, welche den direkten spektroskopischen Zugang zur Verteilung gebundener und freier Farbstoffe/Nanokristalle erlaubt. Darüber hinaus werden ankergruppen- und umgebungsspezifische Einflüsse auf die Konformations- und Orientierungsdynamik von Perylenbisimidmolekülen dargestellt. Abschließend werden photo-physikalische Gemeinsamkeiten chemisch unterschiedlich hervorgerufener Fluoreszenzlöschungsprozesse herausgearbeitet und im Kontext von Einzelkristall-Blinkprozessen diskutiert.

β-nucleated isotactic polypropylene with different thermomechanical histories investigated by synchrotron X-ray

Chen, Jianhong 16 April 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Isotactic polypropylene (iPP), as one of the most versatile commodity thermoplastic polymers, is a polymorphic material having several crystal modifications, among which the β-form exhibits higher performance including excellent impact strength and improved elongation at break.Up to now, the effective and convenient way to prepare the iPP with high content of β-phase has been successfully achieved by addition of certain β-nucleating agent. Since the coexistence of β-nucleating agent and flow (shear flow, extensional flow or mixed), which usually exists in common industrial processing, makes the crystallization process more complex, their combined effect on the structure evolution of polymers, especially in the early stage of crystallization is still not well understood. The mechanical properties of iPP depend strongly on its crystallinity, crystal orientation and morphology determined by the conditions during preparation. On the other hand, the mechanical properties of polymers can also be modulated by deformation processing, which is directly related to the deformation-induced structure transition. However, the transition mechanism of different crystal forms and structure-property correlation still remain unclear. In this thesis, time-resolved synchrotron X-ray scattering was firstly used for the in-situ study of the structural and morphological developments of β-nucleated iPP during shear-induced crystallization. It was found that the crystallization process was strongly influenced by the concentration of β-nucleating agent, shear rate and shear temperature. Then extension-induced crystallization was investigated by a novel melt draw experiment, where a different crystallization mechanism compared to the shear-induced crystallization was found. Subsequently, β-nucleated iPP samples with different thermomechanical histories were scanned by synchrotron X-ray microbeam to construct their overall morphological distributions, including distributions of crystallinity, lamellar thickness, orientation, etc. Finally, these morphology-identified samples were investigated by in-situ synchrotron X-ray measurements coupled with mechanical testing to follow the structure evolution during deformation at elevated temperature. It was found that the deformation behaviour of β-nucleated iPP was closely associated with its initial morphology, its subsequent variation during stretching as well as the stretching conditions including the stretching rate and stretching temperature. The current study would not only contribute to the development of crystallization and deformation theory but also be beneficial for the material design.

Οπτικές ιδιότητες κβαντικών τελειών CuInS2 /ZnS με τεχνικές φασματοσκοπίας σταθερής κατάστασης και χρονικής ανάλυσης

Δροσερός, Νικόλαος 07 July 2015 (has links)
Στην παρούσα Ειδική Ερευνητική Εργασία ερευνώνται οι οπτικές ιδιότητες των νανοκρυσταλλικών κβαντικών τελειών CuInS2/ZnS, γνωστές ως CIS/ZnS QDs, τόσο με τη χρήση φασματοσκοπίας σταθερής κατάστασης όσο και με τη χρήση φασματοσκοπίας χρονικής ανάλυσης με την τεχνική Time Correlated Single Photon Counting. Ειδικότερα, διερευνώνται οι μηχανισμοί που εμπλέκονται στη διαδικασία της εκπομπής φωτός, η επίδραση που έχει η πολικότητα του διαλύτη και η συγκέντρωση των κβαντικών τελειών, όταν είναι διαλυμένες εντός διαλύματος, καθώς και η αλληλεπίδραση μεταξύ των κβαντικών τελειών όταν είναι εναποτιθέμενες σε υμένια, είτε με την τεχνική drop-casting είτε με spin-coating. Τόσο η αύξηση της συγκέντρωσης των κβαντικών τελειών όσο και η αύξηση της πολικότητας του διαλύτη προκάλεσε τη μετατόπιση του εξιτονικού ώμου και του μήκους κύματος μέγιστης εκπομπής προς το ερυθρό, στα φάσματα σταθερής κατάστασης. Επίσης η μετατόπιση της φωτοφωταύγειας των CIS/ZnS QDs προς το ερυθρό ήταν μεγαλύτερη στα υμένια που είχαν παρασκευασθεί με την τεχνική drop-casting από τα υμένια με το ίδιο υπόστρωμα που είχαν παρασκευασθεί με την τεχνική spin-coating. Με χρήση φασματοσκοπίας χρονικής ανάλυσης, ανιχνεύθηκε η ύπαρξη τριών μηχανισμών στα διαλύματα με χρόνους ζωής 1-3, 20-40 και 200-300 ns, ενώ στα υμένια προστέθηκε ένας επιπλέον μηχανισμός με χρόνο ζωής από μερικές εκατοντάδες ps έως 4 ns. Ο χαρακτήρας της αποδιέγερσης των QDs στα υμένια κυμαίνεται μεταξύ διεκθετικού και τετραεκθετικού ανάλογα με το δείγμα και το μήκος κύματος ανίχνευσης. Το περίεργο χαρακτηριστικό του νέου μηχανισμού που ανιχνεύθηκε στα υμένια είναι ότι γίνεται πιο γρήγορος και πιο αποδοτικός καθώς το μήκος κύματος ανίχνευσης αυξάνει. Ένας παρόμοιος μηχανισμός δεν έχει αναφερθεί σε άλλες εργασίες με CIS/ZnS QDs, ενώ έχει αναφερθεί σε παλιότερες εργασίες με PbS QDs τόσο σε διαλύματα όσο και σε στερεά υμένια. Η μετατόπιση των πυκνών υμενίων προς το ερυθρό σε σχέση με τα αραιά αποτελεί ένδειξη της ύπαρξης μεταφοράς ενέργειας μεταξύ QDs διαφορετικών μεγεθών. / In this Master Thesis, the optical properties of CuInS2/ZnS nanocrystal quantum dots are investigated. For this purpose both steady state and time resolved spectroscopy, specifically the Time Correlated Single Photon Counting technique, were used. The photoluminescence properties of CuInS2/ZnS quantum dots, commonly known as CIS/ZnS QDs, either dissolved in solutions of different concentrations and solvent polarities or deposited on films made by spin-coating or drop-casting are studied. Either in the absorption and the photoluminescence steady state spectra, a red-shift both in the excitonic transition and the wavelength of the maximum intensity was observed as the concentration of the CIS/ZnS QDs or the polarity of the solvent increased. In films, a red-shifted photoluminescence spectrum is observed for films made by drop-casting compared to those prepared by spin-coating, having the same substrate material. By using time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy a three-exponential decay was observed in solutions, with time constants 1-3, 20-40 and 200-300 ns, while decays in films, apart from the three mechanisms also observed in solutions, also exhibit a fast decay component with a lifetime varying from some hundreds of ps until 4 ns. The attitude of the decay in films varies from two-exponential to four-exponential and it depends on the samples and the detection wavelength. The strange characteristic of the new mechanism which was detected in films is that its lifetime becomes shorter and its pre-exponential factor increases with the detection wavelength. To the best of our knowledge, such a faster decay as the emission wavelength increases has never been reported for CIS/ZnS QDs, but it has been reported for PbS QDs either diluted in solution or deposited in polymeric matrices. The time resolved photoluminescence spectra in the drop-casted films experience a larger transient red-shift than the spin-coated ones, indicative of a possible energy transfer among adjacent QDs with different diameters.

Zeitaufgelöste inelastische Neutronenstreuung an entmischenden Silber-Natriumchlorid-Einkristallen / Time-resolved inelastic neutron scattering from demixing silver-sodium-chloride single crystals

Caspary, Dirk 31 October 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Physics of laser heated ferromagnets: Ultrafast demagnetization and magneto-Seebeck effect / Physik lasergeheizter Ferromagnete: Ultraschnelle Entmagnetisierung und magneto-Seebeck Effekt

Walowski, Jakob 05 March 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Synthèse et études photophysiques de matériaux PI-conjugés - Complexes de difluorure de Bore des ligands Beta-dicétone à conjugaison PI-étendue / Synthesis and Photophysical studies of π-conjugated materials-Boron difluoride complexes of β-diketonates ligands with extended π-conjugation

Felouat, Abdellah 30 September 2014 (has links)
Une nouvelle famille de complexes de difluorure de bore photosensibles est développée. Elle est basée sur des structures moléculaires contenant une unité β-dicétone à conjugaison électronique π.La grande variété de groupements aromatiques et la nature donneur ou accepteur d'électrons des différents substituants permet l'élaboration de systèmes électroniques donneur-accepteur-donneur d'électrons (D1-A-D1) et donneur-accepteur (D2-A).L'absorption électronique de cette famille de molécule se situe dans la partie visible du spectre électromagnétique et une partie du spectre ultraviolet, et est caractérisée par une bande d'absorption π-π* intense avec des coefficients d'absorption molaire supérieurs à 50 000 M-1cm-1.L'émission de fluorescence couvre une plage spectrale qui va du visible au proche infrarouge avec des rendements quantiques de fluorescence en solution relativement élevés pouvant atteindre 62 %.En fin, cette famille de molécule est photochimiquement stable et est, contrairement à d'autres familles de complexes de difluorure de bore, chimiquement très stable en solution.Mots-clés : Difluorure de bore, β-dicétone, matériaux π-conjugués, luminescence, fluorescence stationnaire et résolue dans le temps (TRES), synthèse organique, RMN-19F dynamique, complexes & colorants fluorescents, curcumine & curcuminoide, complexe BF2, photophysique. / A new photosensitive family of boron difluoride complex is developed. It is based on π-conjugated molecular structures containing β-diketonates unit.The wide variety of aromatic groups and the nature of donor or electron acceptor of the different substituents allow the development of electron donor-acceptor-donor (DAD) and donor-acceptor (DA) electronic systems.The electronic absorption of this family of molecules is in the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum and a portion of the ultraviolet spectrum, and is characterized by an intense π-π* absorption band with molar absorption coefficient greater than 50 000 M-1.cm-1.The fluorescence emission covers a spectral range going from visible to near infrared, with relatively high fluorescence quantum yields of up to 62 % in solution.This new material family is photochemically stable and, unlike some other families of boron difluoride complexes, chemically very stable in solution.

Réponse d'un jet rond subsonique à une excitation fluidique stationnaire et instationnaire / Response of a subsonic round jet to steady and unsteady fluidic actuation

Maury, Rémy 25 October 2012 (has links)
Ce travail tente d'analyser la réponse d'une jet axisymétrique turbulent à une excitation fluidique stationnaire et instationnaire lorsque le contenu fréquentiel et aziumutal (!,m) de la perturbation est maîtrisé. Le dispositif de contrôle utilisé est composé de 16 microjets ronds répartis sur le bord de fuite de la tuyère. L'utilisation des microjets provoque une réduction du champ acoustique rayonné (particulièrement pour le cas de contrôle stationnaire). Le champ aérodynamique est ensuite sondé grâce à des mesures fil chaud et PIV stéréoscopique résolue en temps. L'excitation instationnaire permet d'utiliser les moyennes de phase afin d'effectuer une décomposition triple du champ de vitesse. L'étude de la composante cyclique de la “réponse du jet” montre une synchronisation spatio-temporelle importante sur une grande étendue spatiale. En d'autres mots, le forçage a une grande autorité déterministe sur l'écoulement. De plus, la comparaison de la composante cyclique de la réponse du jet avec la théorie de la stabilité linéaire indique qu'il existe des ondes d'instabilité hydrodynamique au sein du jet. L'analyse du jet contrôlé par injection fluidique stationnaire montre ensuite comment l'effet du contrôle peut être expliqué par la déformation du champ moyen conduisant à la réduction du taux de croissance des ondes d'instabilité dans le jet. Cette déformation est dûe à l'introduction d'un couple de paramètre (nombre d'onde/fréquences) pour lequel le champ moyen de l'écoulement est stable. La réponse du jet étant turbulente, cela implique que les tensions de Reynolds déforment le champ moyen de manière à ce que les modes les plus instables aient des taux de croissance plus faibles. / This work investigates the response of an axisymetric turbulent jet to steady and unsteady fluidic florcing where the azimuthal wavenumber-frequency (!,m) content of the perturbation is well known. The control setup is composed of 16 round microjets azimutally distributed around the nozzle lip. Such actuation can lead to a decrease in the acoustic energy radiated by the jet (especially for the steady case). The aerodynamic fied is investigated using hotwire measurements and time-resolved stereoscopic PIV. Using the unsteady forcing, phase-averaging is possible, and this allows the implementation of a triple decomposition of the measurements. Examination of the cyclic component of the flow response shows that a non-negligible phase-locked fluctuation is obtained over a large spatial extent, in other words, the actuation has good deterministic control authority over the flow. Furthermore, comparison of the cyclic component of the flow response with Linear Stability Theory supports the idea that the jet response comprises linear hydrodynamic instability waves. Subsequent analysis of jets controlled by steady fluidic actuation shows how the control effect can be explained by a mean-flow modification that leads to the reduction of instability-wave growth rates ; the mean flow modification is argued to be due to the introduction of azimuthal wavenumber-frequency pairs to which the mean flow is stable. The response is therefore turbulent, and involves Reynolds stresses which deform the mean-field such that the most unstable modes have lower growth rates.

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