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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Non-fungible tokens i musikindustrin

Saengprachum, Thanakorn January 2021 (has links)
Digitaliseringen och uppkomsten av internet hade under tidigt 2000-talet en storpåverkan på musikindustrin. Utvecklingen förändrade hur vi både skapar ochkonsumerar musik globalt. Denna uppsats har som syfte att undersöka om non-fungibletokens utsträckning och vad den har för betydelse för musikindustrin idag. Non-fungibletoken beskrivs kort som en äganderätt till ett unikt föremål i den digitala världen, sådanaföremål kan till exempel vara digital konst eller musik. Uppsatsen utgår ifrån enkvalitativ fallstudie där empirin samlas in genom analys av tre verksamheter och äventvå intervjuer med strategiskt valda informanter inom området. Ett återkommande temaför den tidigare forskningen är problematik rörande distributionskedjan, intäktsfördelningen och rättigheter.Resultaten visar att utsträckningen av non-fungible tokens inom musikindustrin ansesvara bred och täcker flera områden inom industrin. Non-fungible tokens har potentialenatt lösa problematiken inom industrin genom att erbjuda en snabbare och mertransparensutbetalning av royalties med av smart kontrakt samt effektivare hantering avrättigheter. Utvecklingen skapar möjligheter för en effektivare interaktion mellanartisten och fansen och för första gången tillåter fansen att investera och tjäna genom attkonsumera. Trots möjligheterna som förekommer med non-fungible tokens kanteknologin i dagsläget inte ersätta den traditionella affärsmodellen för musikindustrinhelt.Studien har bidragit med kunskap om non-fungible tokens inom musikindustrin och hurolika verksamheter utnyttjar den nya teknologin för att försöka lösa problematiken inommusikindustrin idag. Problem som uppsatsen kommer att lyfta fram handlar bland annatom artistens makt i distributionskedjan, utbetalningen av royalties och makten hosskivbolag.

Hur kan blockkedjeteknik hantera transaktionskostnader i avtalsprocesser exponerade mot opportunism, jämfört med traditionella avtalslösningar? : En fallstudie om korruption i biståndsprocesser / How can the blockchain technology handle transaction costs in contractual processes exposed to opportunistic behavior, in comparison to traditional contractual solutions? : A case study about corruption in aid processes

Klasson, Kent, Lind, Nicoline January 2019 (has links)
Syfte: Studiens syfte är att analysera huruvida korruption i biståndsprocesser bättre kan hanteras via de blockkedjebaserade lösningarna kryptovalutor, smarta kontrakt och tokens, jämfört med traditionellt biståndsgivande. Vidare ämnar studien applicera resultaten från fallstudien på generella avtalsprocesser exponerade mot opportunism, för att analysera huruvida de blockkedjebaserade lösningarna bättre kan hantera transaktionskostnader jämfört med traditionella avtalslösningar. Bakgrund: Informationsasymmetrier, begränsad rationalitet och strategiskt beteende resulterar i tillitsproblematik vid avtalsprocesser, vilket ökar transaktionskostnaderna (Williamson, 1974). Biståndsprocesser är extra exponerade mot opportunistiskt beteende i form av korruption, vilket leder till att en stor del av biståndet försvinner på vägen (Transparency International, 2017). Blockkedjebaserad teknik ger möjligheten att ingå avtal utan tillit till motparten, men  lösningen är inte optimal för alla typer av avtal. Det motiverar en analys om huruvida tekniken kan hantera transaktionskostnader i biståndsprocesser bättre än traditionellt biståndsgivande. Genomförande: Studiens primärdata inhämtades via semi-strukturerade intervjuer med två svenska biståndsorganisationer och två experter inom blockkedjetekniken. Utöver intervjuerna genomfördes även en litteraturstudie och den insamlade empirin analyserades utifrån ett transaktionskostnadsperspektiv. Slutsats: Blockkedjebaserade lösningar kan hantera transaktionskostnader bättre än traditionellt biståndsgivande när Greenspans (2015) fem kriterium är uppfyllda. Kontexten, avtalets karaktär och avtalsparternas preferenser är de avgörande faktorerna huruvida kriterierna uppfylls i såväl biståndsgivande som generella avtalsprocesser. En ökad transparens, öppenhet och censurresistens måste värderas högre vid implementering än de medföljande säkerhetsriskerna. / Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze whether corruption in aid processes better can be managed through the blockchain-based solutions cryptocurrencies, smart contracts and tokens, in comparison to traditional donation of aid. The study also aims to apply the results from the case study to general contractual processes exposed to opportunistic behavior, to analyze whether the blockchain-based solutions better can manage the transaction costs in comparison to traditional contractual solutions. Background: Asymmetric information, bounded rationality and strategic behavior result in trust issues in contractual processes, which increases transaction costs (Williamson, 1974). Aid processes are particularly exposed to opportunistic behavior in form of corruption, which leads to aid disappearing on the way (Transparency International, 2017). Blockchain-based technology enables contractual relationships without trusting the counterpart, but is not an optimal solution for all types of contracts. This provides incentives for a further analysis whether the technology can manage transaction costs in aid processes better than traditional donation of aid. Completion: The study´s primary data was obtained through semi-structed interviews with two Swedish aid organizations and two experts in blockchain technology. A literature review was made and the empirical data was analyzed from a transaction cost perspective. Conclusion: Blockchain-based solutions can manage transaction costs better than the traditional donation of aid when Greenspan´s (2015) five criteria is met. The context, the characteristics of the contract and the preferences of the contracting parties are the decisive factors whether the criteria are met in the aid donation process and in general contractual processes. Increased transparency, openness and censor resistance must be valued higher when implementing the technology than the following security risks. / <p>Bilagor är inkluderade</p>

Blockchain: fundamentet i en ny fastighetsmarknad? : En studie om digitala identiteter och tokens som verktyg för en likvid och transparent fastighetsmarknad / Blockchain: The Cornerstone of a New Real Estate Market? : A Study on Digital Identities and Tokens as Tools for a More Liquid and Transparent Market

Gustafsson Rydell, Robin, Hult, Alexander January 2019 (has links)
Fastigheter identifieras av många som ett relativt illikvitt tillgångsslag vars information även ivissa avseenden kan anses vara opak för den öppna marknaden. Detta resulterar i långa ochkostsamma köp- och säljprocesser, där informationsasymmetrier mellan köpare och säljaremåste redas ut under en due diligence process. Fastighetsmarknaden präglas således av en delvisoönskad ineffektivitet orsakad av traditionella och konservativa processer. I en tid av storteknisk utveckling finner vi allt fler kreativa lösningar på problem vi tidigare inte mäktade medatt ta oss an. Blockchain har identifierats som en av de tekniker som potentiellt kan komma attförbättra såväl fastighetsmarknadens likviditet som transparens. Närmare bestämt diskuterarman en standardiserad informationshantering för fastigheter i form av digitala identiteter, menäven möjligheten att fragmentera ägandet och tillgängliggöra momentan handel viablockchainbaserade tokens. Dessa begrepp är ännu relativt outforskade och utgör såledesstudieämnet. Syftet med denna studie är därmed att redogöra för hur fastighetsmarknadenslikviditet- och transparensproblematik potentiellt kan avhjälpas genom ett fragmenterat ochtransparent fastighetsägande placerat på blockchain.Studiens akademiska förankring grundar sig i en omfattande litteraturstudie av begreppenlikviditet och transparens, men även bena ut betydelsen av due diligence och blockchain somhelhet. Resultatinsamlingen genomfördes via kvalitativa studier, där semistruktureradeintervjuer utgjorde mediet från vilken denna information insamlades. I studienidentifierades likviditet och transparens som två grundförutsättningar för en fungerande ocheffektiv marknadsplats. I fastighetsmarknaden finns det tydliga tecken på att problematiken gersig tillkänna i trögrörliga DD-processer och undanhållen informationen av hyresdata. Slutsatsenav studien kan sammanfattas som en brett överenskommen bild av potentialen hos såväl tokenssom digitala identiteter för att effektivisera marknaden och lösa dessa problem.Marknadsaktörerna menar dock att tekniken omges av för många orosmoln för att våga kastasig in med båda fötterna före. Med det sagt menar man inte att tekniken saknar framtid i branschen, snarare att fler tillämpade exempel samt ett tydligt ramverk för utförandet avtransaktioner i den nya marknadsmiljön måste bestämmas för att på så sätt etablera en trygghethos investerare. / Real estate is defined as a relatively illiquid asset, with a rather opaque and inaccessible flowof information. The result is long and costly acquisition and divestment processes, in whichinformational asymmetries is to be erased during the due diligence process. Real estate is thuscharacterized by a partially unwanted inefficiency caused by traditional and conservativeprocesses. However, in a time of rapid and extensive technological change, we seem to find anever-increasing amount of creative solutions to problems we previously could not manage.Among these alleged solutions we find blockchain, which by many has been identified as meanto improve both liquidity and transparency in real estate as an asset class. More specifically, thetopics of discussions have been digital identities and tokenization of real estate. Two termspossessing the potential to create standardized information management and fragmentedownership, which would enable instantaneous trade. These terms remain rather unchartedterritory and hence constitutes the subject of this study. The aim of this study is therefore todepict how the liquidity and transparency problems may be redressed by a fragmented andtransparent ownership structure placed on blockchain.The academic anchoring of the study is grounded in an extensive literature study aimed to definethe terms liquidity and transparency, but also define the meaning of due diligence andblockchain technology as a whole. The results were gathered through qualitative studies, inwhich semi-structured interviews constituted the instrument from which the information wascollected. The study identified liquidity and transparency as two cornerstones of a functioningand effective market. The evident problems related to liquidity and transparency in real estate,are to a great extent expressed via slow paced due diligence processes and non-disclosed rentalinformation. The study may be concluded as a broadly agreed upon view on the potential ofboth tokenization of real estate, as well as digital identities as effective means to enhanceliquidity and transparency. The respondents did however emphasize the current uncertaintyregarding blockchain as a severe hindrance for having enough confidence to whole-heartedly embrace the technology as a key element of the real estate market. With this being said, theydo not doubt its potential, rather inquiring an increased number of applied and successful usecases accompanied by a distinct regulatory framework for the conducting a transaction in thenew market environment. This would be an essential factor to instill the level of trust intransacting that investors require.

Erotic Tokens and The Business of Prostitution : A study on the monetary value of tokens in Pompeii / Erotiska polletter och affärsverksamheter kring prostitution : En studie om polletter och dess monetära värde i Pompeji

Wall, Emilia January 2019 (has links)
Erotic tokens or the so-called spintriae leave little to the imagination. These coin-like tokens depict acts of love making couples with Roman numerals on the reverse. The tokens are believed to have been in use during the 1st century A.D. and is often attributed to the reign of Tiberius. The material examined in the thesis are the four spintriae from Uppsala University Coin Cabinet. Due to the specific characteristics, scholars have been questioning the function of the erotic tokens. The most accredited hypothesis is that erotic tokens was used as payment in brothels. The purpose of this thesis is to discern whether the erotic tokens had a monetary value in Pompeii. The study also aims to examine if the tokens were used as payment in brothels instead of contemporary currencies and as to why the reason for this could be. To be able to discern a purpose, function and value of erotic tokens, three analyses on the basis of graffiti, iconography and ancient literature are made.

Stamning i interaktion : uppbackning, samkonstruktion och blickkontakt i samtal / Stuttering in Interaction : Acknowledgement Tokens, Joint Production and Eye Contact in Conversation

Hedberg, Frida, Kindervall, Jenny, Nilsson, Sanna January 2010 (has links)
I föreliggande studie undersöktes samtal där tre personer som stammar deltog i interaktioner med olika deltagarstrukturer; med en annan person som stammar, med en närstående person samt med en person i en institutionell kontext. Studien syftade till att analysera likheter och skillnader mellan samtal med olika deltagarstrukturer, med avseende på fenomenen samkonstruktion, blickkontakt vid samkonstruktion och uppbackning. Sammanlagt medverkade tolv personer, i totalt nio dyader. De nio samtalen, som var mellan 35 och 55 minuter långa, spelades in och analyserades enligt principer från Conversation Analysis (CA). Även beräkningar utfördes på fenomenen verbala uppbackningar, samkonstruktion och blickkontakt vid samkonstruktion. Av resultatet framkommer att det genomförs färre samkonstruktioner i de institutionella samtalen, och en tendens till att det görs fler samkonstruktioner i närståendesamtalen. Personerna som stammar gör färre samkonstruktioner i de institutionella samtalen, och gör flest samkonstruktioner i samtalen mellan två personer som stammar. Närståendesamtalen är den deltagarstruktur där det förekommer lägst antal stamningsrelaterade samkonstruktioner. Vid samkonstruktion har deltagarna vanligtvis blickkontakt. Genomgående gäller att samtalspartnern gör fler verbala uppbackningar än personerna som stammar. Det förekommer fler verbala uppbackningar i de samtal där samtalspartnerna inte känner varandra, än i de samtal då de känner varandra. Det är relativt ovanligt att verbal uppbackning förekommer i samband med stamning. / In the present study recordings of three people who stutter in interaction with different interlocutors were analysed. The participant frameworks were the person who stutters with another person who stutters, with a close friend and with an unknown person in an institutional context. The aim of the present study was to analyse similarities and differences among the interactions with different participant frameworks, regarding acknowledgement tokens, joint productions and eye contact in joint productions. In all, there were twelve participants taking part in nine dyads. The nine interactions were between 35 and 55 minutes long, and analysed according to the principles of Conversation Analysis (CA). Calculations were performed on the phenomena verbal acknowledgement tokens, joint productions and eye contact in joint productions. The result shows that there are fewer cases of joint productions in the institutional conversations and that there is a tendency that joint productions are most frequent in the conversations with a close friend. The people who stutter perform fewer joint productions in the institutional conversations and the most joint productions in the conversations between two people who stutter. The conversation with a close friend is the type of conversation with the lowest prevalence of joint productions related to stuttering. The participants mainly have eye contact when participating in joint productions. A consistent feature in all conversations is that the conversational partner produces more verbal acknowledgement tokens than the people who stutter. There are more verbal acknowledgement tokens in the conversations where the interlocutors are not acquainted. It is rather uncommon that verbal acknowledgement tokens appear in instances of stuttering.

Comprehension of complex animation : cueing, segmentation and 2D / 3D presentations

Putri, Dian Kemala 25 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The goal of our studies was to test the effect of segmentation, cueing, and 2D/3D presentations to foster complex animation rocessing. The material was an upright mechanical piano system. We used an eye tracking system which provides information about learners' attention direction during the animation processing. We analyzed the effect of the format presentations and the eye movements during learning. Based on animation and multimedia research background, four experiments were conducted. In the first experiment the effect of the presentation of simplified external representations on learning from complex animation was investigated. Experiment two and three aimed at studying the cognitive processes involved in learning to complex mechanism system with new cueing techniques with spatial-temporal colored tokens. In the fourth experiment, 2D and 3D presentation of the same animated content were compared. Results of these experiments showed that (1) the use of a dual format presentation is better for developing a dynamic mental model from the animation than a single format, (2) the signaling strategies using cued tokens of dual format can guide efficiently learner's building of mental model and can enhance learner's comprehension of complex system, (3) a sequential format presentation followed by an animation format presentation helps the learner to understand the key stages of a dynamic process and to create a high quality mental model, (4) 3D animation presentation is better than 2D animation presentation to direct attention on relevant component of the animation. For depth processing, comprehension with 3D animation presentation is better than 2D animation format. Eye tracking measures provided insights into how people understood and learned complex systems. The analysis of eye tracking also contributed to the understanding of the subject's perceptual processing during learning. Overall, results provide a significant contribution in the field of learning with complex animation. Recommendations in the ergonomics area for the design of animations are proposed.

Implications of Non-Fungible Tokens for the Online Artist

Hrenyak, Alexia January 2022 (has links)
Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, are unique virtual tokens which are stored on a blockchain and can be linked to a wide range of digital and physical assets. In the online art world, NFTs are meant to function as digital certificates of authenticity and ownership, facilitating provenance research and introducing the notion of scarcity to the digital realm. However, the long-term sustainability of NFTs is threatened by their association to art theft, scams, and negative environmental impact. This qualitative study investigates the effects that non-fungible tokens have had on the work of online visual artists. With the goal of presenting multiple perspectives on a complex phenomenon, semi-structured interviews were conducted both with artists who personally create NFTs of their artwork and with artists whose art was tokenized by others without their permission. The results of the study reveal that NFTs appear as a possible path towards financial freedom for artists and a democratization of the arts. At the same time, a reoccurring point of concern is that online social media platforms and NFT marketplaces largely fail to protect artists against NFT-related art theft. Based on the answers collected from the interviews, this study presents several potential measures that could help combat plagiarism and scamming. Finally, the issue of widespread ignorance and misinformation is discussed, highlighting the need for more reliable, unbiased resources on the topic of NFTs.

Potential Advantages and Disadvantages of NFT-Applied Digital Art

Lidén, Erik January 2022 (has links)
Fraudulent behaviour within the art sector has been around since the Roman empire. The difficulty of proving provenance and authenticity has led to various art scandals around the world. The use of NFTs with their underlying blockchain technology has been described as a solution to these problems when applied to artworks. The recent public interest for NFT- applied to digital art and its perceived functionality is the motivation to investigate the usage of NFT digital art. Therefore, this study discusses the potential advantages and disadvantages of NFT-applied digital art. The results are based on (i) a literature analysis of previously identified advantages and disadvantages, (ii) the use of Practice Theory to investigate underlying motives to engage in the practice and (iii) an empirical review of nine respondents involved with NFTs applied to digital art. Potential advantages a majority of the respondents supported were the following: The advantage of royalty sharing, versatile utilization, provenance and exposure to larger markets. Potential disadvantages a majority of the respondents supported were the following: The disadvantage of the false belief of provenance, fraudulent behaviour, environmental aspects, legal aspects and that NFTs are currently not blockchain agnostic. The underlying motives the respondents expressed were financially driven and curiosity about the technology. The contribution of this paper will be useful for potential NFT-stakeholders to assess whether it is worth engaging in the area based on its current potential advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, by highlighting the technology’s potential disadvantages, the paper also describes potential improvement factors which the NFT-community would benefit from resolving.

Get in the Game : A study on social media marketing activities to achieve market access and enhance mainstream adoption of blockchain gaming / Kom in i spelet : En studie av marknadsföring på sociala medier för att öka marknadsandelen och användandet av blockchainspel

Johansson Sundqvist, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Gaming is booming, and over the past few years, blockchain games have found their way into this market. These games operate in a highly competitive environment, where marketing is vitally important for their success. This study, commissioned by Crypto Rogue Games, aimed to explore social media marketing activities to promote their blockchain game, Crystals of Naramunz. Given this purpose, an analysis of competing developers' activities on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram was conducted. Additionally, interviews were performed with a sample of the gaming community. The interviews also explored attitudes toward an experience with blockchain gaming. Essentially, the study indicated that Twitter is the most effective platform to target the audience. On this platform, sharing a variety of content, such as artwork, news, and game graphics, was shown to be most engaging. In addition, it was important to communicate in a creative, personalized, and interactive manner. The interviews also indicated that attitudes toward and experience with blockchain must be considered in the marketing efforts. However, as the study was limited, additional research is required to draw more detailed conclusions and to generalize these findings. / Intresset för videospel ökar, och under de senaste åren har spel baserade på blockchain hittat sin väg till denna marknad. I denna hårt konkurrensutsatta bransch är marknadsföring viktigt för att lyckas. Denna studie genomfördes i samarbete med Crypto Rogue Games. Syftet med studien var att undersöka möjligheten för marknadsföring av deras blockchain-baserade spel, Crystals of Naramunz, på sociala medier. Utifrån detta syfte genomfördes en analys av konkurrerande aktörers aktivitet på Twitter, Facebook och Instagram. Dessutom utfördes intervjuer med ett urval spelare. Dessa intervjuer undersökte även attityder till och erfarenhet av blockchainspel. Studien indikerade att Twitter är den mest effektiva plattformen för att fånga publikens intresse. På denna plattform skapade en variation av visuellt material, nyheter och spelgrafik högst engagemang. Att dela kreativt, personligt och interaktivt innehåll visade sig även vara viktigt. Vidare indikerar intervjuerna att marknadsföringen behöver ha spelarnas attityder till och erfarenhet av blockchain i åtanke. Eftersom studien var begränsad krävs det dock ytterligare forskning för att dra mer detaljerade slutsatser och generalisera resultatet.

Impact of Metaverse on Marketing Communication : A case study of the fashion industry

Nabukalu, Resty, Wanjohi, Ambrosena January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

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