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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design, Fabrication And Testing Of A Versatile And Low-Cost Diffuse Optical Tomographic Imaging System

Padmaram, R 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis reports the work done towards design and fabrication of a versatile and low cost, frequency domain DOT (Diffuse Optical Tomography) Imager. A design which uses only a single fiber for the source and a single fiber bundle for the detector is reported. From near the source, to diametrically opposite to the source, the detected intensity of scattered light varies by three to four orders in magnitude, depending on the tissue/phantom absorption and scattering properties. The photo multiplier tube’s (PMT’s) gain is controlled to operate it in the linear range, thus increasing the dynamic range of detection. Increasing the dynamic range by multi channel data acquisition is also presented. Arresting the oscillations of a stepper using a negative torque braking method is also adopted in this application for increasing the speed of data acquisition. The finite element method (FEM) for obtaining photon density solution to the transport equation and the model based iterative image reconstruction (MPBIIR) algorithm are developed for verifying the experimental prototype. Simulation studies presented towards the end of this thesis work provide insight into the nature of measurements. The optical absorption reconstructed images from the simulation, verified the validity of implementation of the reconstruction method for further reconstructions from data gathered from the developed imager. A single iteration of MOBIIR to segment the region of interest (ROI) using an homogeneous measurement estimate is presented. Using the single iteration MOBIIR to obtain a relatively more accurate starting value for the optical absorption coefficient, and the reconstruction results for data obtained from tissue mimicking solid epoxy-resin phantom with a single in-homogeneity inclusion is also presented to demonstrate the imager prototype.

Avaliação comparativa entre enxertos alógenos e autógenos \'onlay\'. Estudo histológico, imunohistoquímico e tomográfico em coelhos / Comparative evaluation about onlay allograt and autogenous graft. Histological, Immunohistochemical and tomographic study in the rabbits

Ana Carolina Hawthorne 20 December 2010 (has links)
A reconstrução dos maxilares em implantodontia através de métodos de enxertia óssea constitui o procedimento cirúrgico mais utilizado frente à perda fisiológica ou traumática a que estes ossos estão sujeitos. Os enxertos autógenos mostram vantagens em relação às demais técnicas de reconstrução no que se refere ao potencial regenerador ósseo, entretanto, a sua remoção implica obrigatoriamente na necessidade de áreas doadoras. Nas últimas décadas tem ocorrido um grande interesse pelos enxertos alógenos de banco de tecidos músculo-esquelético (BTME) como alternativa às enxertias autógenas, como forma de evitar morbidade do sítio doador e redução de tempo e custos da cirurgia. O propósito do estudo foi comparar o comportamento dos enxertos alógenos com autógenos avaliados por métodos imunohistoquímicos, histológicos e tomográficos. Trinta e seis coelhos da linhagem New Zealand White foram submetidos a cirurgias para enxertia ″onlay″ de osso autógeno (grupo controle) e osso alógeno em lados diferentes da mandíbula de forma aleatória. Seis animais de cada grupo foram sacrificados aos 03, 05, 07, 10, 20 e 60 dias após as cirurgias. Cortes histológicos foram corados com Tricrômio de Mallory para as análises histológicas. As imuno marcações foram realizadas com osteoprotegerina (OPG); receptor activator of nuclear factor-kβ ligand (RANKL); fosfatase alcalina (ALP); osteopontina (OPN); vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF); tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP); colágeno tipo I (Col I) e osteocalcina (OC). A manutenção do volume e densidade dos enxertos foi avaliada por meio de tomografias obtidas após as cirurgias e após os sacrifícios. Os enxertos autógenos e alógenos exibiram padrões de preservação de volume e densidade similares; os dados histológicos mostram que a remodelação óssea no grupo alógeno ocorreu de modo mais intenso que no grupo autógeno; a avaliação por microscopia de luz mostra que a incorporação do osso autógeno ao leito receptor foi mais eficiente que no grupo alógeno; no grupo alógeno os resultados de imunohistoquímica demonstraram um quadro típico de intensa remodelação dos enxertos. / The reconstruction of jaws in implantology using methods of bone grafting constitutes is becoming the most popular surgical procedure due to the physiologic bone loss that follows teeth extraction or trauma. The autogenous grafts show advantages in relation to the other reconstruction techniques because its potential as bone regenerator. However, its removal implicates obligatorily in the areas donor areas. In the last decades aroused the interest for the bone bank (BTME) as alternative to the autogenous grafting, as a manner to avoid donor sites morbidity and reduction of time and surgery costs. The purpose of the study was to compare the behavior of allografts with autogenous using methods of immunochemistry, histology and tomography. Thirty six rabbits of the lineage New Zealand White were submitted to surgeries for onlay grafting of autogenous bone (group control) and allogenous bone randomly placed bilaterally in the mandible. Six animals of each group were sacrificed to the 03, 05, 07, 10, 20 and 60 days after the surgeries. Paraffin sections were stained with Mallorys Trichrome for histologics analyses. Immuno labeling accomplished with osteoprotegerin (OPG); receptor activator of nuclear factor-kβ ligand (RANKL); alkaline fosfatase (ALP); osteopontin (OPN); vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF); tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP); collagen type I (COL I) and osteocalcin (OC). The maintenance of the volume and density of the grafts was evaluated on tomographs obtained after surgeries and sacrifices. The autogenous grafts and allografts exhibited patterns of volume preservation and similar density; the histological data show that the remodelation bone in the group allograft happened in a more intense way than in the autogenous group; the evaluation for light microscopic shows that the incorporation of the autogenous bone on donors bed was more efficient than in the allogenous group; in the allogenous group for immunohistochemical results demonstrated a typical picture of intense remodelation of the grafts.

Análise tomográfica quantitativa linear de espessuras ósseas alveolares com vistas ao diagnóstico em ortodontia - Proposta de método / A quantitative linear tomographic analisys of the alveolar bone thicknesses and its implications to diagnosis in Orthodontics A method proposal

Siddhartha Uhrigshardt Silva 01 June 2012 (has links)
O objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi justificar a proposta de utilização de um novo método tomográfico (cone beam) de avaliação das espessuras ósseas alveolares, maxilares e mandibulares, por meio de testes objetivos das Condições de Repetitividade e de Precisão Intermediária associadas à variação intra e interoperadores, e conforme a utilização de programa computacional independente (AutoCAD®) para a realização das medições, aplicadas à sequência do Procedimento Operacional Padrão (POP) definido para este experimento. A Fase I da pesquisa registrou os critérios de obtenção da qualidade final das imagens tomográficas definitivas, a partir de equipamento iCAT® (Imaging Sciences International, Hatfield, Pa), com parâmetros de aquisição de 120KVp, 37,7mA e 26,9s, e considerando FOV cilíndrico de 13cm e matriz de 512x512 pixels. A resolução do voxel foi de 0,25mm; A Fase II registrou os critérios exploratórios relativos às condições operacionais do software de visualização, registro (inspeção e identificação) e medição das grandezas selecionadas. A Fase III registrou a realização dos testes de repetitividade e de reprodutibilidade das medidas. Um total de 72 grandezas lineares foram previamente definidas e metodologicamente testadas em sua qualidade de inspeção, identificação e medição, a partir da avaliação de sete (7) operadores independentes, cinco dos quais eram especialistas e com Mestrado Acadêmico em Ortodontia pela FOUSP e, o outro, especialista em Radiologia Odontológica e Doutor em Diagnóstico Bucal (FOUSP). Os examinadores foram previamente instruídos, calibrados e treinados considerando os requerimentos necessários à execução dos testes propostos. O protocolo de pesquisa foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo (Parecer CAAE 0120.0.017.000-11). A análise estatística dependeu da utilização de Modelo de Componentes de Variância (hierárquico), e foram consideradas como fontes de variação: as medidas, efetuadas por um mesmo operador ou por diferentes operadores; a face considerada, vestibular ou lingual/palatina; os locais (três níveis de espessura óssea alveolar) em cada uma das faces e, ainda, os diferentes dentes. Esta análise foi realizada de forma separada para mandíbula e maxila. Valores de p<0,05 indicaram significância estatística. Os resultados indicaram significativa confiabilidade geral no método proposto, considerando a Condição de Repetitividade, com apenas 0,24% da variabilidade maxilar total atribuível a um único operador, e mandibular de 0,53%; e com valores expressivos relativos às incertezas de medida maxilares (0,156mm) e mandibulares (0,091mm), desse modo atestando significativa consistência interna (repetibilidade) do método. Os testes da Condição de Precisão Intermediária também indicaram significativa confiabilidade geral no método proposto, com apenas 1,52% da variabilidade total mandibular atribuível à participação de diversos operadores, e maxilar de 0,25%; e com valores também expressivos relativos às incertezas de medida mandibulares (0,149mm) e maxilares (0,158mm), desse modo atestando significativa condição final de reprodutibilidade. Conclui-se que a utilização de imagens provenientes de tomógrafo iCAT®, conforme indicação de resolução de imagem com voxel de 0,25mm, em humanos vivos e a partir de cortes trans-axiais sistematicamente operacionalizados com auxílio de Software AutoCAD®, propicia a geração de condições metodológicas suficientemente favoráveis à obtenção de mapeamento quantitativo linear de espessuras ósseas alveolares, vestibulares e palatinas/linguais, tanto para a maxila quanto para a mandíbula. / This research aimed to justify the proposed use of a new tomography method (cone beam) in the clinical assessment of alveolar, maxillary and mandibular bone width, through objective tests of the Conditions of Repetitiveness and Intermediate Precision associated with intra- and inter-operator variation, using the independent computer program (AutoCAD®) for the execution of the measurements according to the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) sequence defined for this experiment. Phase I of the research recorded the criteria for obtaining the final quality of the tomography images, using iCAT® (Imaging Sciences International, Hatfield, Pa, USA) equipment with acquisition parameters 120KVp, 37.7mA, and 26.9s, and considering cilindric field-of-view (FOV) of 13cm and 512x512 pixels matrix. The voxel resolution was 0.25mm. Phase II recorded the exploratory criteria relative to the operational conditions of the visualization software, registry (visual inspection and landmark identification) and measurement of the selected magnitudes. Phase III recorded the tests of repeatability and reproducibility of the measurements. A total of 72 linear magnitudes were previously defined and methodologically tested for their quality of inspection, identification and measurement, based on assessment by seven (7) independent operators, five of whom were specialists, with masters degrees in Orthodontics from FOUSP; and the other, a specialist in Dental Radiology and Doctor of Oral Diagnosis (FOUSP). The examiners were previously instructed, calibrated and trained according to the requirements for performing the proposed tests. The research protocol was approved by the Committee for Ethics in Research of the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of São Paulo (Protocol # 102/11-CAAE 0120.0.017.000-11). Statistical analysis used the (hierarchical) Components of Variation Model, and the sources of variation were considered to be: the measurements, made by the same operator or by different operators; the face considered, whether vestibular or lingual/palatal; the locations (three levels of alveolar bone thickness) in each of the faces and, also, the different teeth. This analysis was carried out separately for the mandible and the maxilla. Values of p<0.05 indicated statistical significance. The results indicated overall significant reliability in the proposed method considering the Condition of Repetitiveness, with only 0.24% of total maxillary, and 0.53% of mandibular, variability attributable to a single operator; and with expressive values relative to measurement uncertainties of maxillary (0.156 mm) and mandibular (0.091mm) averages, thereby attesting to significant internal consistency (\"repeatability\") of the method. Tests for the Condition of Intermediate Precision also indicated overall significant reliability of the proposed method, with only 1.52% total mandibular, and 0.25% maxillary, variability attributable to the participation of the various operators; and, also, with expressive values relative to measurement uncertainties of mandibular (0.149mm) and maxillary (0.158mm) averages, thereby attesting to the significant final condition of reproducibility. It is concluded that the use of images from iCAT® tomography, as indicated by image resolution with voxels of 0.25mm, in live humans and from transaxial cuts performed systematically with the help of AutoCAD® Software, provides methodological conditions sufficiently favorable for obtaining linear quantitative mapping of alveolar, vestibular and palatal/lingual bone thicknesses, for both the maxillary and mandibular dental arches.

Development of Novel Reconstruction Methods Based on l1--Minimization for Near Infrared Diffuse Optical Tomography

Shaw, Calbvin B January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Diffuse optical tomography uses near infrared (NIR) light as the probing media to recover the distributions of tissue optical properties. It has a potential to become an adjunct imaging modality for breast and brain imaging, that is capable of providing functional information of the tissue under investigation. As NIR light propagation in the tissue is dominated by scattering, the image reconstruction problem (inverse problem) tends to be non-linear and ill-posed, requiring usage of advanced computational methods to compensate this. Traditional image reconstruction methods in diffuse optical tomography employ l2 –norm based regularization, which is known to remove high frequency noises in the re-constructed images and make them appear smooth. The recovered contrast in the reconstructed image in these type of methods are typically dependent on the iterative nature of the method employed, in which the non-linear iterative technique is known to perform better in comparison to linear techniques. The usage of non-linear iterative techniques in the real-time, especially in dynamical imaging, becomes prohibitive due to the computational complexity associated with them. In the rapid dynamic diffuse optical imaging, assumption of a linear dependency in the solutions between successive frames results in a linear inverse problem. This new frame work along with the l1–norm based regularization can provide better robustness to noise and results in a better contrast recovery compared to conventional l2 –based techniques. Moreover, it is shown that the proposed l1-based technique is computationally efficient compared to its counterpart(l2 –based one). The proposed framework requires a reasonably close estimate of the actual solution for the initial frame and any suboptimal estimate leads to erroneous reconstruction results for the subsequent frames. Modern diffuse optical imaging systems are multi-modal in nature, where diffuse optical imaging is combined with traditional imaging modalities such as MRI, CT, and Ultrasound. A novel approach that can more effectively use the structural information provided by the traditional imaging modalities in these scenarios is introduced, which is based on prior image constrained- l1 minimization scheme. This method has been motivated by the recent progress in the sparse image reconstruction techniques. It is shown that the- l1 based frame work is more effective in terms of localizing the tumor region and recovering the optical property values both in numerical and gelatin phantom cases compared to the traditional methods that use structural information.

Contribution à l'estimation de la similarité dans un ensemble de projections tomographiques non-orientées / Contribution in estimation of similarity from a set of tomographic projections taken at unknown directions

Phan, Minh-Son 07 October 2016 (has links)
La cryo-microscopie électronique est une technique tomographique permettant de reconstituer la structure 3D d’un objet complexe en biologie à partir d’un jeu d’acquisitions. Ces images de l’objet complexe sont appelées les projections et sont acquises sous orientations inconnues. Un des avantages de la cryo-microscopie électronique est l’obtention d’un modèle 3D de très haute résolution de l’objet dans un état naturel. La procédure de reconstruction comporte plusieurs étapes telles que l’alignement, la classification des projections, l’estimation de leurs orientations et le raffinement des projections. Lors de ces étapes, la distance entre deux projections est fréquemment mesurée. Le travail réalisé au cours de cette thèse s’organise autour de la recherche théorique d’une distance entre des projections non-orientées avec comme objectif l’amélioration de la procédure de reconstruction tomographique en cryo-microscopie électronique. La contribution de ce travail de thèse est une méthode permettant d’estimer la différence angulaire entre deux projections dans les cas 2D et 3D. Notre méthode est basée sur la construction d’un graphe de voisinage dont les sommets sont les projections, dont les arêtes relient des projections voisines et sont pondérées par une approximation locale de la différence angulaire. Le calcul de ces poids repose sur les propriétés des moments de projection. Notre méthode est testée sur des images simulées de différentes résolutions et de différents niveaux du bruit. La comparaison avec des autres méthodes d’estimation de la différence angulaire est aussi réalisée. / Cryo-electron microscopy is a tomographic technique allowing to reconstruct a 3D model of complex structure in biology from a set of acquired images. These images are known as the tomographic projections and are taken at unknown directions. The advantage of the cryo-electron microscopy is the 3D reconstruction at very high resolution. The reconstruction procedure consists of many steps such as projection alignment, projection classification, orientation estimation and projection refinement. During these steps, the distance between two projections is frequently measured. The work in this thesis aims at studying the distances mesured between two unknown-direction projections with the objective of improving the reconstruction result in the cryo-electron microscopy. The contribution of this thesis is the developement of a method for estimating the angular difference between two projections in 2D and 3D. Our method is based on the construction of a neighborhood graph whose vertices are the projections, whose edges link the projection neighbors and are weighted by a local approximation of the angular difference. The calculation of the weights relies on the projection moment properties. The proposed method has been tested on simulated images with different resolutions and at different noise levels. The comparison with others estimation methods of angular difference has been realised.

Digital surface model generation over urban areas using high resolution satellite SAR imagery : tomographic techniques and their application to 3-Dchange monitoring / Génération des modèles numériques de la surface sur les zones urbaines au moyen des images satellitaires SAR à haute résolution : techniques tomographiques et leur application à la surveillance des changements 3-D

Porfiri, Martina 26 July 2016 (has links)
L'urbanisation et la gestion de l'environnement urbain et sa périphérie deviennent l'un des problèmes les plus cruciaux dans les pays développés et en développement. Dans ces circonstances, les données de télédétection sont une source importante d'information qui reflète les interactions entre les êtres humains et leur environnement. Compte tenu de leur indépendance totale des contraintes logistiques sur le terrain, l'éclairage (lumière du jour) et météorologiques (nuages) conditions, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) les systèmes de satellites peuvent fournir des contributions importantes dans des environnements complexes de reconstruction 3-D. La nouvelle génération de haute résolution SAR capteurs comme COSMOSkyMed, TerraSAR-X RADARSAT-2 a permis d'acquérir des images SAR à haute résolution. Ici, l'attention est mis sur la technique pour l'imagerie 3-D nominée tomographie SAR: à partir d'une pile d'images ont été recueillies en utilisant les données multibaseline effectuées dans la configuration interférométrique, une telle technique permet d'extraire les informations de hauteur formant une ouverture synthétique dans la direction d'élévation afin d'obtenir une résolution sensiblement améliorée. Cette thèse de doctorat se concentre sur les potentialités élevées de techniques tomographiques en 3-D surveillance des changements et la caractérisation des zones complexes et denses bâties en utilisant des estimateurs mono-dimensionnelle de base comme Beamforming, Capon et MUSIC combinée au satellite très haute résolution des images SAR. 2-D et de l'analyse 3-D ont été présentés sur la zone urbaine de Paris en utilisant les données TerraSAR-X à haute résolution et de polarisation unique. Être porté principalement sur les techniques tomographiques 3-D, dans les méthodes de travail 4-D présentés, tels que le Compressive Sensing, ne sont pas pris en compte. Dans un premier temps, l'analyse de la qualité interférométrique de l'ensemble de données transformées a montré de bonnes valeurs de cohérence moyenne et ont permis de détecter des images considérées comme des valeurs aberrantes. L'extraction des tomographies 2-D sur l'azimut différent de profil a montré la capacité de distinguer plus d'un diffuseur à l'intérieur de la même cellule de résolution et de reconstituer les profilés de construction verticaux. Successivement, une caractérisation 3-D globale en terme de bâtiments hauteurs et réflectivité verticale a été réalisée dans le but de développer un outil de suivi des changements des structures simples. En outre, la possibilité de corriger les distorsions géométriques en raison de l'escale (qui affecte fortement ce genre de scénarios) et de déterminer les informations sur le nombre de diffuseurs (jusqu'à trois) et la réflectivité correspondant à l'intérieur d'une cellule de résolution ont été évalués. / The urbanization and the management of urban environment and its periphery become one of the most crucial issues in developed and developing countries. In these circumstances, remote sensing data are an important source of information that reflects interactions between human beings and their environment. Given their complete independence from logistic constraints on the ground, illumination (daylight), and weather (clouds) conditions, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite systems may provide important contributions in complex environments 3-D reconstruction. The new generation of high resolution SAR sensors as COSMO-SkyMed, TerraSAR-X and RADARSAT-2 allowed to acquire high resolution SAR imagery. Here the attention is put on the 3-D imaging technique called SAR Tomography: starting from a stack of images collected using multibaseline data performed in interferometric configuration, such a technique allows to retrieve height information forming a synthetic aperture in the elevation direction in order to achieve a substantially improved resolution. The present PhD thesis is focused on the high potentialities of tomographic techniques in 3-D change monitoring and characterization for complex and dense built-up areas using basic mono-dimensional estimators as Beamforming, Capon and MUSIC combined to very high satellite SAR resolution imagery. 2-D and 3-D analysis have been presented over the urban area of Paris using TerraSAR-X data at high resolution and single polarisation. Being mainly focused on the 3-D tomographic techniques, in the presented work 4-D methods, such as compressive sensing (CS), have not been taken into account. At first, the analysis of the interferometric quality of the processed data set has been performed and results showed good mean coherence values within the entire stack. The extraction of 2-D tomograms over different azimuth-profile has showed the capabilities to distinguish more than one scatterer within the same resolution cell and to reconstruct the vertical building profiles. Successively, a global 3-D characterization both in term of buildings heights and vertical reflectivity has been performed in order to develop a monitoring tool for the changes of single structures. Moreover, the possibility to correct the geometric distortions due to the layover (that strongly affects such kind of scenarios) and to determine the information about the number of scatterers (up to three) and the corresponding reflectivity within one resolution cell have been evaluated. Moreover an innovative time stability analysis of the observed scene have been carried out in order to detect the stable and unstable scatterers. Globally, the investigations showed noisier and sparser point clouds for the Capon method, whereas better capabilities for the Beamforming and MUSIC ones. Indeed, it was possible to detect different scatterers located within the same resolution cell and to resolve pixels affected by the layover. This has lead to perform a good reconstruction of building shape and location and a good estimation of their elevation. The 3-D time stability analysis demonstrated the possibility to monitor the 3-D change depending on the time. Eventually, it is possible to assert that processing high resolution SAR data allows to achieve a strong improvement in 3-D imaging capabilities. It has been demonstrated the potentialities of TomoSAR technique in distortions correction and in 3-D change monitoring using basic mono-dimensional estimators.

Spark induced flow in quiescent air

Bhavini Singh (10586768) 07 May 2021 (has links)
<p>Nanosecond spark plasma actuators provide an opportunity to reduce pollutants by promoting efficient combustion in engines or provide targeted, tunable, flow control over vehicles, due to their ability to influence flow and combustion through multiple mechanisms. The plasma actuators can be physically unobtrusive, can be turned on and off and their low duty cycle, large bandwidth, and light weight make them more appealing than other control approaches. One method by which these plasma actuators interact with the environment is by inducing a complex local flow field and in order, to design scalable, high frequency actuators effectively, it is necessary to first understand the flow induced by a single spark discharge. Most experimental analysis on the flow induced by spark discharges has been restricted to qualitative descriptions of the flow field, primarily due to the difficulties associated with measuring such a transient and highly complex flow with sufficient spatiotemporal resolution. Quantitative, experimental characterization of the flow induced by a spark discharge remains lacking. </p><p> </p><p>A spark discharge produces a shock wave and a hot gas kernel with a complex flow field following the shock. In this work, combined experimental and theoretical characterization of the spark induced flow is performed through a series of high spatiotemporal resolution measurements of the density and velocity fields and reduced-order modeling. The work investigates the mechanisms driving the cooling and vorticity generation in spark induced flow and the 3D nature of the flow field. Planar (2D-3C) and volumetric (3D-3C) velocity measurements are taken using stereoscopic particle image velocimetry (SPIV) and tomographic PIV, respectively. Density measurements are taken using background oriented schlieren (BOS) and high speed schlieren imaging is used to capture the shock wave induced by the spark.</p><p> </p><p>The work shows that spark plasma discharges induce vortex rings whose vorticity is likely generated due to baroclinic torque arising from the non-uniform strength of the induced shock wave. The hot gas kernel cools in two stages: an initially fast cooling regime, followed by a slower cooling process. Reduced order analytical models are developed to describe the cooling observed in the fast regime and the role of the vortex rings in the entrainment of cold ambient gas and the cooling of the hot gas kernel. The results show that the vortex rings entrain ambient gas and drive cooling in the fast, convective regime, cooling approximately 50% of the hot gas within the first millisecond of the induced flow. An increase in the electrical energy deposited in the spark gap increases the shock strength and curvature and increases the vortex ring strength, thereby increasing the cooling rate and expansion of the hot gas kernel. The volumetric velocity measurements capture one of the two induced vortex rings and provide a framework for the improvements needed in future tomographic PIV experiments of the spark induced flow field, necessary in assessing the 3D nature of the induced vortex rings.</p><p> </p><p> The results of this work provide the first set of quantitative, experimental data on flow induced by nanosecond spark discharges that can be used for validation of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations. The results demonstrate that spark plasmas induce vortex ring-driven mixing flows and the results on mixing and cooling of the hot gas kernel can be extended to any passive scalars present in the flow field as well as inform pulsation frequencies and actuator designs for flow and combustion control. The results from the reduced order modeling can inform future studies and applications of nanosecond spark discharges and can be extended to a variety of other types of plasma discharges like laser sparks, long duration sparks and surface discharges with similar induced flow fields.<br></p>

Electro-Optic Range Signatures of Canonical Targets Using Direct Detection LIDAR

Ruff, Edward Clark, III 29 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Structure and Dynamics of Microcavity Exciton-Polaritons in Acoustic Square Lattices

Buller, Jakov 13 August 2018 (has links)
Exziton-Polaritonen in Mikrokavitäten sind Quasi-Teilchen, die unter bestimmten physikalischen Konditionen kondensieren und damit in einen energetisch gleichen, gemeinsamen makroskopischen Quantenzustand (MQZ) übergehen können. Exziton-Polariton-Kondensate können mithilfe von akustischen Oberflächenwellen moduliert werden, um ihre Eigenschaften zu verändern. Dies ist insbesondere von großer Relevanz für zukünftige Anwendungen. In dieser Arbeit wurden die Struktur sowie die Dynamik der Exziton-Polariton-Kondensate in den durch die akustischen Oberflächenwellen erzeugten quadratischen Gittern untersucht. Es wurde dazu die Wellenfunktion der Exziton-Polariton-Kondensate im Rahmen der spektroskopischen und zeitaufgelösten Messungen im Orts- und Impulsraum abgebildet. Die MQZ wurden in einer optisch-parametrischen Oszillatorkonfiguration resonant angeregt. Die spektroskopischen Messungen zeigten, dass Exziton-Polariton-Kondensate in akustischen quadratischen Gittern aus unterschiedlichen MQZ, nämlich aus einem zwei-dimensionalen Gap-Soliton (2D GS) umgeben von mehreren ein-dimensionalen MQZ, und einem inkohärenten Strahlungshintergrund zusammengesetzt sind. Im Rahmen der zeitaufgelösten Experimente wurde die Dynamik der Wellenfunktion des 2D GS untersucht. Die zeitaufgelösten Ergebnisse zeigten, dass sowohl die Intensität der von dem 2D GS emittierten Photolumineszenz (PL) als auch die Kohärenzlänge des 2D GS zeitlich oszillieren. Die Intensität der PL und die Kohärenzlänge hängen von der Anregungsleistung, der Größe des Laserspots sowie von der relativen Position des akustischen Gitters und dem Laserspot ab. Im Ausblick dieser Arbeit wurde theoretisch die Anregung von Tamm-Plasmon/Exziton- Polaritonen (TPEP) sowie deren Modulation mithilfe von akustischen Oberflächenwellen diskutiert. TPEP entstehen durch die Superposition der in der Grenzschicht zwischen Mikrokavität und Metall angeregten Tamm-Plasmonen und den in der Mikrokavität erzeugten Exziton-Polaritonen. / Microcavity (MC) exciton-polaritons can form condensates, i.e. macroscopic quantum states (MQSs), as well under a periodic potential modulation. The modulation by a surface acoustic wave (SAW) provides a powerful tool for the formation of tunable lattices of MQSs in semiconductor MC. In this work, fundamental aspects of the structure and dynamics of exciton-polariton condensate in acoustic square lattices were investigated by probing its wavefunction in real- and momentum space using spectral- and time-resolved studies. The MQSs were resonantly excited in an optical parametric oscillator configuration. The tomographic study revealed that the exciton-polariton condensate structure self-organises in a concentric structure, which consists of a single, two-dimensional gap soliton (2D GS) surrounded by one-dimensional MQSs and an incoherent background. 2D GS size tends to saturate with increasing particle density. The experimental results are supported by a theoretical model based on the variational solution of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. Time-resolved studies showed the evolution of the 2D GS wavefunction at the acoustic velocity. Interestingly, the photoluminescence (PL) intensity emitted by the 2D GS as well as its coherence length oscillate with time. The PL oscillation amplitude depends on the intensity and the size of the exciting laser spot, and increases considerably for excitation intensities close to the optical threshold power for the formation of the MQS. In the outlook, the formation of Tamm-Plasmon/Exciton-Polariton (TPEP) hybrid states and their modulation by SAWs was theoretically discussed. Here, the upper DBR is partly replaced by a thin metal layer placed on top of the MC. In this case, TPEP form by the superposition of Tamm plasmons at the metal-semiconductor interface and the exciton-polaritons in the MC.

Heterogene Interdiffusion von nanokristallinen Cu/Co/Au-Schichten / Heterogenous interdiffusion of nanocrystalline Cu/Co/Au-layers

Lang, Christian 30 October 2001 (has links)
No description available.

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