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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Processus participatifs et urbanisme à l’échelle métropolitaine : Une perspective comparative entre Lyon et Montréal / Participatory Processes and Town Planning at the Metropolitan Scale : A Comparative Perspective between Lyon and Montreal

Combe, Lila 08 June 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse interroge le lien entre la participation et l’urbanisme à l’échelle métropolitaine. Il s’agit de comprendre comment les dispositifs participatifs mis en place dans les territoires contribuent à l’élaboration des politiques urbaines. Nous interrogeons en particulier la manière dont la participation permet la prise en compte, dans le processus d’élaboration des politiques, des enjeux portés par le public. Nous nous demandons également dans quelle mesure elle génère une plus grande coordination des acteurs, des dispositifs et des échelles qui interviennent dans cette élaboration. Nous abordons ces questions à l’échelle de la métropole, qui induit un ensemble de spécificités relatives à l’action sur les territoires et au public participant. Notre étude met en évidence plusieurs apports de la participation : sa contribution porte essentiellement sur l’énonciation des enjeux des politiques urbaines, et moins sur la formulation des solutions, qui s’avère source de désaccords. La participation génère de nouvelles coordinations entre acteurs, dispositifs et échelles d’action publiques, mais ces coordinations apparaissent souvent fragiles et éphémères. Si les étapes de la concertation et du débat public produisent chacune des effets propres, notre travail donne à voir une construction cumulative des effets au fil du processus participatif. Les transferts d’acteurs, la répétition d’enjeux et le raffinement des recommandations permettent, dans certains contextes, d’élargir le champ d’impact de la participation, qui s’étend alors de la formulation des enjeux jusqu’à la logique de mise en œuvre des politiques. / Our study is questioning the link existing between participation and urbanism at the metropolitan scale. This concerns Lyon and Montreal metropolis. The target is to understand how are contributing participating action plans to elaborate an urban policy. We are specially questioning how this participation allows to take into consideration in the process of politics elaboration, the stakes hold by public. We are also wondering about the way this participation produces a wider coordination between actors, action plans and scales contributing to this elaboration. We are considering these questions at a metropolitan scale, where action on territories and public are presenting some specificity.Our study is highlighting several contributions of participation: concerning mainly the process of problem setting, and less the process of problem solving, which is source of disagreement. The participation is creating new coordination between actors, action plans and scales of public actions, but these coordination appear weak and short lived. Each stage of the consultation and the public debate are producing specific effects; but our study also shows a progressive and a building up effects increasing in the development of the participatory process. Transfers of actors, repetition of stakes and refinement of recommendations allow in some contexts to extend the field of participation impact, which is so, expending from the formulation of stakes to the logic of politics implementation.

Recherches sur la topographie urbaine de Cirta-Constantine dans l'Antiquité / Non communiqué

Bages, Doris 18 June 2011 (has links)
Faute de travaux scientifiques, Constantine, capitale de l’Est algérien, a quelque peu disparu de la bibliographie archéologique ces dernières décennies. Il est vrai que l’étude archéologique en milieu urbain n’est pas aisée. Pour palier cette absence, cet exposé propose un état des lieux des travaux antérieurs sur le sujet, afin de mettre en place l’ébauche d’une recherche sur la topographie urbaine de la ville, dans l’Antiquité. Le point de départ de ce travail correspond à une prise de conscience de l’éparpillement des sources et de la difficulté à les consulter. Ainsi, regrouper les sources anciennes et récentes était nécessaire pour créer un répertoire de notices de découvertes, agrémentées ou non de planches. Ces notices forment chacune un site à reporter, dans la mesure du possible, sur une carte, elle-même divisée en plusieurs parties, correspondant à diverses sections, mises en place pour faciliter l’organisation de cette étude. Ce catalogue, première évaluation du potentiel archéologique de Constantine, permet finalement former quelques hypothèses qui pourront servir d’appuis aux travaux archéologiques à venir. / For lack of scientific works, Constantine, capital of eastern Algeria, has somewhat disappeared from the archeological bibliography these last decades. It is right to say that the archeological study in urban areas isn’t that easy. To overcome this lack of research, this presentation offers an inventory of fixtures of the previous works on the subject, in order to produce the outline of a research on the urban topography of the city, in Antiquity. The starting point of this work represents an awareness of the dispersal of the sources and the difficulty to consult them. Thus, gathering the old and the recent sources was necessary to create a notebook of discovery notes, accompanied or not by «boards». These notes each form a site to copy out, when possible on a map, that is divided in several parts, corresponding to different sections, made up to facilitate the organisation of this study. This catalog, first estimation of the archological potential of Constantine eventually allows us to establish a few hypothesis that will be used as a support for further archelogical research.

Aires naturelles protégées et droit de l'urbanisme / Protected natural areas and development and town planning law

Pérez, Michaël 28 January 2015 (has links)
L'espace naturel est l'objet d'enjeux très divers relayés par le droit qui y applique de nombreuses procédures et règles spécifiques. il doit concilier le développement des sociètés humaines et la protection de la nature. les aires protégées, pour l'essentiel, les parcs nationaux, les réserves naturelles et les arrêtés de protection de biotope, fournissent le cadre privilégié d'une étude d'ensemble du régime de protection dans ces espaces qui impose de sérieuses restrictions au droit des sols et notamment au droit de construire sur lequel se fonde le droit de l'urbanisme. des problèmes de conflit de normes apparaissent donc entre un droit de l'environnement qui a vocation à protéger les espaces, et un droit de l'urbanisme qui entend aménager, exploiter ces mêmes espaces. les relations conflictuelles entre des deux droits conduisent à analyser de manière systèmatique le régime de l'occupation des sols dans chaque aire protégée de france. au demeurant, le droit de l'environnement s'intéressera à la question de la superposition de réglementation qui conduit à des entraves à la conservation de la nature, ce, en raison d'une transformation de l'espace générée par la construction ou l'aménagement en terrains à bâtir. / The concept of protected natural area, including national parks and nature reserves, encompasses a variety of legal regimes. Among them, the most classical ones originate from a combination of legal statuses and police regulations. These protections are rooted in both environmental and planning laws, which tend to overlap, making it harder to clearly identify the regimes and principles that inspired them in the first place, and to appreciate their legal significance.On the one hand, the present work aims at defining the legal regime applicable to each of these protected natural areas, by explaining its specific normative organisation; on the other hand, its goal is to identify the contribution of planning law to the protection of natural areas, through its rules and procedures. The legal framework of the protection of natural areas thus clarified, it faces a double set of challenges. The first ones lay in the prioritisation and the articulation of regulations and procedures that derive from diverse laws applicable to the space. It also implies to remove certain obstacles linked to the competition of police regulations. The second set of challenges emanates from an emerging global law of sustainable development that has been granted constitutional status by the Chart for the Environnement. This global law irriguates the whole regulations and is now binding on all public policies, including city planning.constitutional level through the Environmental Charter..

Observação social sistemática: estudo de caso em duas regiões urbanas de Juiz de Fora - MG

Rocha, Nicole Andrade da 25 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2015-12-07T11:09:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 nicoleandradedarocha.pdf: 5589274 bytes, checksum: e35a9c2511e226e70b29092b3dd7f8b9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2015-12-07T21:39:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 nicoleandradedarocha.pdf: 5589274 bytes, checksum: e35a9c2511e226e70b29092b3dd7f8b9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-07T21:39:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 nicoleandradedarocha.pdf: 5589274 bytes, checksum: e35a9c2511e226e70b29092b3dd7f8b9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-25 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho tem por objetivo principal testar a ferramenta OSS (Observação Social Sistemática) e suas possíveis contribuições para a arquitetura e urbanismo, de forma a aprofundar nos estudos análiticos da realidade urbana e arquitetônica brasileira, visando uma leitura adequada do espaço urbano, tanto físico, quanto formal, que permita compreender o espaço enquanto lugar e as relações que são desenvolvidas nesse contexto. Para tanto, o estudo foi aplicado em duas Regiões Urbanas (RU) de Juiz de Fora- MG, dividido em quatro etapas de estudos: na etapa quali-quantitativa (1), foi realizada uma busca sistemática no Periódicos Capes através de palavras-chave relacionados com o estudo em questão, buscando desta forma, conhecer o estado da arte, métodos mais utilizados e o contexto de aplicação das ferramentas analisadas, que possibilitassem as realizações das análises qualitativa do espaço urbano; na etapa prática (2), aplicou-se a ferramenta nas áreas selecionadas e após a compilações dos dados, expôs-se os resultados encontrados; na etapa de discussão dos resultado (3), buscou-se identificar a aplicabilidade e as limitações do uso da ferramenta; e na etapa final, realizou-se as conclusões e considerações finais (4). Entre os resultados encontrados, conclui-se que a flexibilidade destaca-se entre as vantagens da OSS, já que é possível adaptá-la há vários objetos de estudos e as várias áreas do conhecimento, uma vez que utiliza o levantamento quantitativo dos elementos da paisagem permitindo concomitantemente analises qualitativa da mesma, oportunizando o direcionamento da pesquisa de acordo com enfoco da área estudada. Entretanto, a ferramenta possibilita a análise apenas da camada mais próxima da paisagem, sem explorá-la mais profundamente e em detalhes já que atua na escala do pedestre. Além disso, a OSS se mostra interessante ao propor um processo rápido e barato da captação das camadas da paisagem mais próxima do observador. Desta forma, quando buscamos respostas, na arquitetura e urbanismo, para as questões que envolvem métricas do espaço urbano a partir de estudos sistemáticos, qualitativos e quantitativos, percebemos que existem poucos estudos desenvolvidos nesse sentido. Talvez, uma alternativa a essa questão seja o de buscar, em outras áreas do conhecimento (que é multidisciplinar), a contribuição e apoio pautados nos princípios heurísticos permitindo novos rumos para a pesquisa. / This work has as main objective to test the OSS tool (Social Systematic Observation) and their contributions to the study of architecture and urbanism, in order to deepen the analytical studies of urban reality and Brazilian architectural, seeking a proper reading of urban space, both physical, as formal, in order to understand the space as a place and the relationships that are developed in this context. Therefore, the study was applied in two Urban Regions (RU) in Juiz de Fora - MG, the study was divided into four stages: Qualitative and quantitative stage (1), was a systematic search in Portal Periodicos Capes through keywords related to the study in question, looking this way, knowing the state of the art, methods more used and the application context of the analyzed tools that would enable the achievements of qualitative analysis of urban space; Practice stage (2) in which the tool was applied in selected areas and after compilation of data and was explained the results; Discussion of the result (3), we sought to identify the applicability and limitations of the tool; and in the last stage the final conclusions (4). Among the results, we can conclude that flexibility stands out like advantages of OSS, because it is possible to adapt it for several objects of study and the various areas of knowledge, since it uses the quantitative survey of landscape elements concurrently allowing qualitative analysis thereof. However the tool allows the analysis only in the layer closest to the landscape without exploring it more deeply and in detail. This tool shows interesting on to propose a quick and inexpensive process of capturing the landscape layers in the pedestrian scale, even if it is the closest to the observer. Thus, when we seek answers, in architecture and urbanism, to the issues surrounding metrics of urban space from systematic, qualitative and quantitative studies, we realize that there are few studies in this direction. Perhaps an alternative to this question is to seek, in other areas of knowledge that is multidisciplinary, the contribution of knowledge, support and insights for new directions of research.

L'architecte André Portier et l'art rocaille à Bordeaux / Architect André Portier and the rocaille in Bordeaux

Leulier, Renée 08 September 2018 (has links)
Quand André Portier (1702-1770) arrive à Bordeaux en 1730, la ville est encore enserrée dans ses remparts. Ce jeune architecte, formé chez Jacques V Gabriel, a déjà travaillé sous ses ordres. Son maître le fait nommer inspecteur des travaux de la place Royale, une tâche qui l'occupe durant un quart de siècle, de 1730 à 1755. Lorsque Jacques V meurt en avril 1742, son fils, Ange-Jacques Gabriel (1698-1782), poursuit son oeuvre à Bordeaux mais s'en désintéresse progressivement. Tourny, nommé intendant de la Guyenne en 1743, se tourne de plus en plus souvent vers Portier qui devient son architecte. Carrefours spacieux bordés de façades ordonnancées, entrées de ville élégantes et commodes reliées par des cours facilitent la circulation et répondent aux préoccupations hygiénistes de l'intendant. Le long du fleuve, l'aménagement de la façade des quais est l'un des plus bels embellissements de l'intendant Tourny et de son architecte. Partout les remparts s'effacent mais la barrière d'octroi demeure. Le marquis de Tourny remarque et encourage le réel talent d'urbaniste d'André Portier en favorisant ses desseins. Grâce à ce dernier, Bordeaux se trouve doté d'une périphérie qui élargit notablement l'espace urbain. L'architecte trace le périmètre de la cité future, en englobant la ville et sa banlieue dans le même système de voirie. Très vite, André Portier est sollicité par une clientèle privée : se procurer les services de l'inspecteur de la place Royale est pour les plus fortunés la seule solution envisageable afin de bénéficier du confort de nouveaux appartements et de montrer ainsi leur rôle social et leur fortune. Portier demeure cependant fidèle à la rocaille de ses années de formation malgré l'évolution du goût. / When André Portier ( 1702-1770 ) arrive to Bordeaux in 1730, the city is stil! enclosed in its ramparts. This young architect trained at Jacques V Gabriel has already worked under his orders. Its master makes him inspector of the works of the Place Royale, a task which occupies him during a quarter of century, from 1730 to 1755. When Jacques V died in April 1742, his son, Ange-Jacques Gabriel (1698-1782), continued his work in Bordeaux but it gradually loses interest. Tourny, appointed intendant of Guyenne in 1743, is turning increasingly to Portier who becomes his architect. Crossroads spacious lined facades scheduled, city entrances connected by elegant and convenient courses facilitate the circulation and respond to the concerns of the intendant hygienists. Along the river, the construction of the facade of the docks is one of the finest embellishments intendant Tourny and his architect. Everywhere the walls diseppear but the barrier remains award. The Marquis de Tourny notes and encourages real talent planner André Portier promoting his designs. With the latter, Bordeaux is equipped with a periphery that extends significantly the urban space. The architect traces the perimeter of the future city, encompassing the city and its suburbs in the same road system. Soon, André Portier is sought by private customers: get services inspector Place Royale is for the wealthy only solution to enjoy the comfort of new apartments and thus show their social role and their fortune. Portier has remained faithful to the rocaille of his formative years despite changing tastes.

Ciudad deportiva del Club Juan Aurich Chiclayo / Sport City of the Juan Aurich of Chiclayo - Peru

Dávila Fernández, Oscar 01 September 2021 (has links)
Las regeneraciones urbanas han contribuido al desarrollo de las ciudades modelos del mundo, siendo Europa la protagonista, trayendo un orden a las ciudades, donde la arquitectura y el urbanismo son las piedras angulares. En Sudamérica, son pocos los países que han sabido imitar esto, Medellín (Colombia) es un referente, mejoro la ciudad por medio de una regeneración integrada. El Perú presenta un constante crecimiento, pero de manera improvisada, generando un desorden en las distintas ciudades del país. Chiclayo, territorio con un gran legado histórico, gastronómico, turístico y agrícola, hasta el momento no ha sabido generar una sinergia de todo lo bueno que tiene para dar al mundo y ser una ciudad modelo. Siendo la infraestructura deportiva uno de los pilares para el desarrollo de las regeneraciones urbanas, pues el deporte es uno de los temas que la sociedad considera importante, como primer paso se crea un Master plan de la Ciudad como solución, y así ubicar de manera pertinente la Ciudad deportiva del Club Juan Aurich. Con esto ayudaremos a devolver la identidad a la ciudad, creando un hito deportivo a nivel nacional e internacional, siendo el eje del futuro planteamiento de la ciudad, contribuyendo por medio de esta arquitectura al desarrollo de las jóvenes promesas del futbol nacional como principal enfoque, brindando a la ciudad un nuevo lugar de culto deportivo, incluyendo un pulmón verde, áreas públicas y lo más importante creando un hito en la ciudad donde la población Chiclayana se siente identificada. / Urban regenerations have contributed to the development of the world’s model cities, Europe being the protagonist, bringing order to cities, where architecture and urban planning are the cornerstones. In South America, few countries have been able to imitate this, Medellín (Colombia) is a benchmark, I improve the city through integrated regeneration. Peru presents a constant growth, but in an improvised way, generating disorder in the different cities of the country. Chiclayo, a territory with a great historical, gastronomic, tourist and agricultural legacy, has so far failed to generate a synergy of all the good it has to give to the world and be a model city. Being the sports infrastructure one of the pillars for the development of urban regenerations, since sport is one of the issues that society considers important, as a first step a Master plan of the city is created as a solution, and thus to locate the Club Juan Aurich Sport City. With this we will help to return the identity to the city, creating a sports milestone at a national and international level, being the axis of the future approach of the city, contributing through this architecture to the development of the young promises of national football as the main focus, providing the city with a new place of sports worship, including a green lung, public areas and, most importantly, creating a landmark in the city where the Chiclayo population feels identified. / Tesis

Planning for Passenger Rail in Small Cities and Towns

Larose, Alyssa R. 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Projects to expand the passenger rail network in the United States will connect major metropolitan areas over long distances, travelling through smaller communities along the way. Transit-oriented development (TOD) is a concept for planning around stations to support transit and allow the development of dense, mixed use, walkable places. TOD literature focuses largely on developing around transit in metropolitan areas. Guidance for small towns and cities in rural areas is lacking. This thesis compares best planning practices from TOD literature to the planning practices of small cities located in rural areas of New England where new passenger rail service or a new station has been developed in the last fifteen years. The research focuses on planning efforts in the area within a half mile of the station. Two indicators, property values and ridership, were also used to determine if the service has impacted the area surrounding the station. The goal of the research is to determine how planning for rural stations differs from planning for TOD in metropolitan areas. Findings show that many of the best planning practices from the literature were applied in the small cities, though there were a few important differences. The station was included as part of broader development plans, rather than acting as a central focus of the plan. Additionally, it was found that stations should incorporate multiple uses to create activity throughout the day since train service is less frequent than in an urban setting.

Patrick Geddes: Synthetic Vision

Sullivan, Ellen Mowson 05 February 2014 (has links)
Among the founders of the science of town planning at the beginning of the twentieth century, Scotsman Patrick Geddes introduced methods of investigation commensurate with other sciences. A biologist, trained by Thomas Huxley, Geddes borrowed the practices of the microscopical laboratory in creating the Outlook Tower in Edinburgh, Scotland which served as a model for an approach to the study of cities. His method was like that of a field botanist studying a species, and assumed an interdependent relationship between place, work and folk. Embracing the evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin, Geddes proposed subtle town planning interventions as a means by which cities could adaptively respond to change over time. He advocated the employ of a graphic device, which he called his "thinking machines," and which served as a paradigmatic strategy to forge new relationships within sets of ideas. Such an approach aligned him with the taxonomic strategies in practice in the formation of museum collections and display of the nineteenth century. This work examines the archival evidence of the principles underlying Geddes' methods in the hope that they may be recovered in contemporary town planning. / Ph. D.

Land supply and housing price of Hong Kong: implication for urban planning

Cheung, Yuk-yi, Alice., 張玉儀. January 1996 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Urban Planning / Master / Master of Science in Urban Planning

Environmental protection and management through urban planning in old urban areas of Hong Kong: a case study ofCentral and Western

Ho, Bo-wan., 何寶雲. January 1994 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Urban Planning / Master / Master of Science in Urban Planning

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