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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação da prevalência de patógenos zoonóticos de importância para a saúde pública em tatus de vida livre - Mato Grosso do Sul - Brasil / Prevalence of zoonotic pathogens important for public health in wild armadillos, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. São Paulo

Souza, Danilo Kluyber de 11 August 2016 (has links)
Ao longo dos anos, a humanidade contribuiu para o surgimento de diversos patógenos, tornando-se vítimas de doenças transmitidas dos animais para o homem, as chamadas antropozoonoses. Dentre os animais, os tatus, mamíferos selvagens primitivos, apresentam características anatômicas e fisiológicas peculiares, que os tornam mais susceptíveis à diversas doenças e potenciais reservatórios de patógenos zoonóticos, relevantes para a saúde pública. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a prevalência de cinco patógenos zoonóticos (Toxoplasma gondii, Trypanosoma cruzi, Leishmania spp, Mycobacterium leprae e Paracoccidioides brasiliensis) em quatro espécies de tatus; P. maximus, E. sexcinctus, D. novemcinctus e C. unicinctus do Pantanal e Cerrado do Mato-Grosso-do-Sul. Um total de 50 tatus foram analisados. Sendo, 43 amostras de soros de indivíduos de vida livre (16 Priodontes maximus; 17 Euphractus sexcinctus; 02 Dasypus novemcinctus e 08 Cabassous unicinctus) provenientes do Pantanal e 07 conjuntos de fragmentos de tecidos (pulmão, fígado e baço), de 06 E. sexcinctus e 01 (D. novemcinctus) atropelados em três rodovias do Cerrado do Mato-Grosso-do-Sul. Dos 43 indivíduos amostrados no Pantanal, 13/43 ou 30,23% apresentaram anticorpos anti-T. gondii; 01/43 ou 2,32% anti-T. cruzi e 4/43 ou 9,30% anti-Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi. Amostras de fragmentos de orelha dos 43 indivíduos do Pantanal, e fragmentos de tecido (pulmão, fígado e baço) dos tatus do Cerrado, também foram analisadas para M. leprae e Leishmania spp através de biologia molecular, nas quais foram negativas. Dos tatus provenientes do Cerrado, analisados para P. brasiliensis, 07 ou 100% dos indivíduos foram positivos. Baseado nestes resultados, pode-se afirmar que os tatus apresentam uma relação e histórico de exposição a estes patógenos, seja através do contato com outras espécies, seres humanos ou condições ambientais onde ocorrem. Contudo, confirma-se a importância destas espécies para o entendimento dos ciclos de transmissão de patógenos e de forma estratégica, como indicadoras da saúde de um ecossistema em programas de investigação e monitoramento de doenças, especialmente as zoonoses. / Over the years mankind has contributed to the emergence of several diseases, while becoming victims of those passed among humans and other animals, known as zoonosis. Armadillos are primitive wild mammals who present peculiar anatomical and physiological characteristics which make them susceptible and potential reservoirs of zoonotic pathogens relevant to public health. The goal of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence of five zoonotic pathogens (Toxoplasma gondii, Trypanosoma cruzi, Leishmania spp., Mycobacterium leprae and Paracoccidioides brasiliensis) in four armadillo species (Priodontes maximus, Euphractus sexcinctus, Dasypus novemcinctus and Cabassous unicinctus) found in Pantanal and Mato-Grosso-do-Sul tropical savanna ecoregion, the Cerrado. A total of 50 armadillos were sampled: 43 free living individuals from Pantanal (16 P. maximus; 17 E. sexcinctus; 02 D. novemcinctus and 08 C. unicinctus) and 07 individuals found dead in three different roads of the Cerrado. Of the 43 individuals sampled in Pantanal, 13 (30.23%) presented T. gondii antibodies; 01 (2.32%) showed antibodies anti-T. cruzi; and 04 (9.30%) showed anti-Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi antibodies. All 50 samples were also analyzed by molecular biology based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). None of the samples tested positive for M. leprae and Leishmania spp. And all seven or (100%) individuals from the Cerrado were tested positive for P. brasiliensis. The results suggest that the armadillos have been exposed to these pathogens, either by contact with other species, including humans or by their own environmental conditions in certain ecosystems. The armadillo species studied may have a greater susceptibility to these pathogens in the natural environment where they occur. Armadillos are key species in understanding diseases transmission cycle, especially regarding zoonotic pathogens and they can strategically act as an indicator of ecosystem health for research programs and zoonotic diseases monitoring.

Genetic dissection of the central carbon metabolism in the intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii

Nitzsche, Richard 07 April 2017 (has links)
Toxoplasma gondii ist ein weit verbreiteter einzelliger Parasit, der fast alle warmblütigen Organismen infizieren kann. Asexuelle Fortpflanzung des Parasiten in seiner Wirtszelle wird durch aufeinanderfolgende lytische Zyklen erreicht, was die Bereitstellung einer signifikanten Menge an Energie und Biomasse erforderlich macht. Diese Arbeit zeigt, dass Glukose und Glutamin die beiden wichtigsten physiologischen Nährstoffe für die Synthese von Makromolekülen (ATP, Nukleinsäure, Proteine und Lipide) in T. gondii sind. Die Verfügbarkeit einer der beiden Kohlenstoffquellen reicht aus, um das Überleben des Parasiten sicherzustellen. Der Parasit kann durch Erhöhen des Flusses von Glutamin-abstammendem Kohlenstoff durch den TCA-Zyklus und durch gleichzeitige Aktivierung der Gluconeogenese, eine stetige Biogenese von ATP und Biomasse zur Wirtszellinvasion und Replikation gewährleisten, bzw. der genetischen Deletion des Glukosetransporters entgegenwirken. Der Wachstumsdefekt in der Glykolyse-Mutante wird durch eine kompromittierte Synthese von Lipiden verursacht, die durch Glutamin nicht ausgeglichen werden kann. Die Zugabe von exogenem Acetat kann diesen Wachstumsdefekt allerdings kompensieren. In dieser Arbeit konnten darüber hinaus zwei unterschiedliche Phosphoenolpyruvat-Carboxykinase (PEPCK) Enzyme im Parasiten identifiziert werden, von denen eines im Mitochondrium lokalisiert ist (TgPEPCKmt), während das andere Protein nicht in Tachyzoiten (TgPEPCKnet) exprimiert wird. Parasiten mit intakter Glykolyse können die Deletion von TgPEPCKnet, als auch die genetische Deletion von TgPEPCKmt tolerieren, was ihre Redundanz für das Überleben der Tachyzoiten zeigt. TgPEPCKnet kann auch in der Glykolyse-defizienten Mutante deletiert werden, während TgPEPCKmt für das Überleben des Parasiten in dieser Mutante essentiell ist. Dies zeigte sich durch ein konditionelles Knockdown von TgPEPCKmt, das zu einer Inhibierung des Wachstums des Parasiten führte. / Toxoplasma gondii is a widespread protozoan parasite, infecting nearly all warm-blooded organisms. Asexual reproduction of the parasite within its host cells is achieved by consecutive lytic cycles, which necessitates biogenesis of significant energy and biomass. This work shows that glucose and glutamine are the two major physiologically important nutrients used for the synthesis of macromolecules (ATP, nucleic acid, proteins and lipids) in T. gondii, and either of them is sufficient to ensure the parasite survival. The parasite can counteract genetic ablation of its glucose transporter by increasing the flux of glutamine-derived carbon through the TCA cycle and by concurrently activating gluconeogenesis, which guarantee a continued biogenesis of ATP and biomass for host-cell invasion and parasite replication, respectively. Growth defect in the glycolysis-impaired mutant is caused by a compromised synthesis of lipids, which cannot be counterbalanced by glutamine, but can be restored by acetate. Consistently, supplementation of parasite cultures with exogenous acetate can amend the lytic cycle of the glucose transport mutant. Furthermore, this work revealed two discrete phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) enzymes in the parasite, one of which resides in the mitochondrion (TgPEPCKmt), whereas the other protein is not expressed in tachyzoites (TgPEPCKnet). Parasites with an intact glycolysis can tolerate genetic deletions of TgPEPCKmt as well as of TgPEPCKnet, indicating their nonessential roles for the tachyzoite survival. TgPEPCKnet can also be ablated in glycolysis-deficient mutant, whereas TgPEPCKmt is refractory to deletion. In accord, the lytic cycle of a conditional mutant of TgPEPCKmt in the glycolysis-impaired strain was aborted upon induced repression of the mitochondrial isoform, demonstrating its essential role for the glucose-independent survival of tachyzoites.

Plasticity of the phosphatidylcholine biogenesis in the obligate intracellular Parasite Toxoplasma gondii

Sampels, Vera 28 March 2012 (has links)
Der obligat intrazelluläre Parasit Toxoplasma gondii ist der Erreger der Toxoplasmose, und dient zugleich als wichtiger Modellorganismus für weitere Human- und Tierpathogene, wie z.B. Plasmodium oder Eimeria. Die Vermehrung von T. gondii erfordert eine effiziente Biosynthese von Phospholipiden für die Herstellung neuer Membranen, was durch die de novo Synthese durch den Parasiten, und/oder den Import von Lipiden aus der umgebenden Wirtszelle gewährleistet werden kann. Während der Parasit zahlreiche Möglichkeiten für Synthese oder Import von PtdEtn und PtdSer verwendet, scheint die Biosynthese des abundantesten Membranlipids PtdCho auschließlich über den CDP-Cholin Weg zu erfolgen. Dieser erstreckt sich in T. gondii über 3 zelluläre Kompartimente, mit einer cytosolischen Cholin-Kinase (TgCK), einer im Zellkern lokalisierenden Cholin-Cytidylyltransferase (TgCCT) und einer Cholin-Phosphotransferase (TgCPT) im ER. Anders als die substrat-spezifische Ethanolamin-Kinase (TgEK), kann TgCK neben Cholin außerdem Ethanolamin phosphorylieren. TgCK zeigt eine geringe Affinität zu Cholin (Km ~0.77 mM), während eine verkürzte TgCK (TgCKS), welcher eine als Signalpeptid vorhergesagte N-terminale Sequenz (20 Aminosäuren) fehlt, eine etwa 3-fach höhere Aktivität aufweist (Km ~0.26 mM). Während jedoch die Wildtyp-TgCK cytosolische Cluster in Toxoplasma bildet, zeigt die verkürzte TgCK eine gleichmäßigere cytosolische Lokalisierung. Wir schlussfolgern daraus, dass der hydrophobe N-Terminus nicht notwendig ist für eine funktionale TgCK, sondern eine strukturelle Funktion bei der Protein-Lokalisierung hat. Eine konitionelle Mutante, in welcher der TgCK Promoter gegen den Tetracyclin-regulierbaren Promoter pTetO7Sag4 ausgetauscht wurde (Deltatgcki), zeigt erstaunlicherweise normales Wachstum und PtdCho Biosynthese. Die TgCK Aktivität und die daraus resultierende PtdCho Synthese sind nur zu ~30% regulierbar. Unsere Ergebnisse deuten auf die Verwendung eines alternativen Startcodons bzw. Promoters hin, welcher zur Expression einer verkürzten (~53-kDa) aber vermutlich aktiven Cholin Kinase führt, wodurch der Verlust der TgCK (~70-kDa) kompensiert wird. Der konditionelle Knockout von TgCCT, dem regulatorischen Enzym des CDP-Cholin Wegs, hatte einen 50%igen Wachstumsdefekt zur Folge. Diese Studie zeigt eine erstaunliche Flexibilität des Parasiten bezüglich seiner Membranzusammensetzung, und bestätigt zugleich die Annahme, dass PtdCho nicht von der Wirtszelle importiert werden kann. Diese Anpassungsfähigkeit stellt einen möglichen Faktor dar, der es T. gondii erlaubt sich in einem breiten Spektrum von Wirten zu vermehren. / Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular apicomplexan parasite that causes life-threatening disease in neonates and in immunocompromised people. Successful replication of Toxoplasma requires substantial membrane biogenesis, which must be satisfied irrespective of the host-cell milieu. Like in other eukaryotes, the two most abundant phospholipids in the T. gondii membrane are phosphatidylcholine (PtdCho) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PtdEtn). Bioinformatics and precursor labeling analyses confirm their synthesis via the CDP-choline and CDP-ethanolamine pathway, respectively. This work shows that the 3-step CDP-choline pathway, involving the activities of TgCK, TgCCT and TgCPT, localizes to the cytosol, nucleus and ER membrane, respectively. The initial reaction is catalyzed by a dual-specificity choline kinase (TgCK, ~70-kDa), capable of phosphorylating choline as well as ethanolamine. The purified full-length TgCK displayed a low affinity for choline (Km ~0.77 mM). TgCK harbors a unique N-terminal hydrophobic peptide that is required for the formation of enzyme oligomers in the parasite cytosol but not for activity. The displacement of the TgCK promoter in a conditional mutant of T. gondii (deltatgcki) attenuated the enzyme expression by ~80%. Unexpectedly, the ?tgcki mutant was not impaired in intracellular growth, and exhibited a normal PtdCho biogenesis. To recompense for the loss of full-length TgCK, the mutant appears to make use of an alternative promoter and/or start codon, resulting in the expression of a shorter but active TgCK isoform identified by the anti-TgCK antiserum, which correlated with its persistent choline kinase activity. Accordingly, the ?tgcki showed an expected incorporation of choline into PtdCho, and susceptibility to dimethylethanolamine (a choline analog). Interestingly, the conditional mutant displayed a regular growth in off state despite a 25% decline in PtdCho content, which suggests a compositional flexibility in T. gondii membranes and insignificant salvage of host-derived PtdCho. The two-step conditional mutagenesis of TgCCT, which caused a reduced growth rate to about 50%, further substantiated this finding. The enzymatic activity of TgCCT and its role in PtdCho synthesis remain to be proven, however. Taken together, the results demonstrate that the CDP-route is likely essential in T. gondii. The competitive inhibition of choline kinase to block the parasite replication appears a potential therapeutic application.The work also reveals a remarkably adaptable membrane biogenesis in T. gondii, which may underly the evolution of Toxoplasma as a promiscuous pathogen.

Characterization of the differential significance of sugar Import in the apicomplexan parasites Toxoplasma gondii and Plasmodium

Blume, Martin 01 November 2011 (has links)
Toxoplasma gondii und Plasmodium Spezies sind obligat intrazelluläre Parasiten, die Zucker zur Energiehomöostase als auch für die Synthese lebenswichtiger Makromoleküle verwenden. Die hier vorgestellten Daten zeigen, dass der Glukosetransporter von T. gondii, TgGT1, und die homologen Transporter von P. falciparum und P. berghei, PfHT1 und PbHT1, neben Glukose auch Mannose, Fructose und Galactose transportieren. Toxoplasma Tachyzoiten exprimieren neben TgGT1 noch einen weiteren putative Zuckertransporter (TgST2) an der Parasitenoberfläche. Beide Proteine sind nicht essentiell, wie durch ihre individuelle und gleichzeitige Gendeletion belegt wird. Die Deletion von TgGT1 bewirkt einen geringen Wachstumsdefekt. Die Mutante ?tggt1 zeigt keine Glukoseaufnahmeaktivität und folglich eine verminderte glukoseabhängige Motilität. In ?tggt1 Parasiten wird ein verstärkter Glutaminstoffwechsel nachgewiesen, der ausreichend ist dessen Motilität und Replikationsaktivität zu erhalten. Die ?tggt1 Mutante gewährt Einblick in die Anpassungsfähigkeit von T. gondii an unterschiedliche Wirtszellen. Im Gegensatz zu T. gondii benötigen erythrozytäre Plasmodien Glukose und der Transporter PfHT1 wird derzeit als drug-target eingestuft. Hier wird gezeigt, dass das PfHT1-Homolog, PbHT1, essentiell in Blutstadien des Nagerparasiten Plasmodium berghei ist, jedoch auch während des gesamten Lebenszyklus des Parasiten exprimiert wird. Ein PfHT1- und PbHT1-spezifischer Inhibitor (Compound 3361) kann die Entwicklung von P. berghei Leberstadien und Okineten stark hemmen. Um zukünftig PfHT1-Inhibitoren im Hochdurchsatzverfahren zu identifizieren und testen zu können, wurden auf Saccharomyces cerevisiae und P. berghei basierende Expressionssysteme für PfHT1 entwickelt. Abschließend stellt diese Arbeit die Unterschiedlichkeit des zentralen Kohlenstoffwechsels von Toxoplasma und Plasmodium Parasiten durch bisher unbekannter Aspekte heraus. / Toxoplasma gondii and Plasmodium species are obligate intracellular pathogens that utilize host sugars for energy homeostasis and macro molecular synthesis. Here, we report that the T. gondii glucose transporter, TgGT1, and of its homologs of P. falciparum and P. berghei (PfHT1 and PbHT1) transport glucose, mannose, galactose and fructose. Besides TgGT1, Toxoplasma harbours one additional surface localized putative sugar transporter (TgST2). Surprisingly both Proteins are nonessential and only the deletion of TgGT1 inflicts a mild defect in the parasite replication. The ?tggt1 mutant is unable to import glucose and consequently displays an attenuated glucose-dependent motility, which is completely rescued by glutamine. ?tggt1 performs increased glutamine metabolism that is sufficient to sustain motility and replication. The ?tggt1 strain provides a model for further investigating its adaptation to disparate host cells. In contrast to T. gondii, erythrocytic stages of Plasmodium species critically depend on glucose uptake, and the PfHT1 transporter is considered as a drug target against human malaria. Here, we report that PbHT1 (a PfHT1 homolog) is also essential for blood stage development in the rodent malaria parasite P. berghei. PbHT1 is expressed throughout the life cycle. Moreover, a PfHT1- and PbHT1-specific sugar analogue, compound 3361, can inhibit the hepatic development and ookinete formation in P. berghei. These results signify that PbHT1 and exogenous glucose are also required during the ex-erythrocytic stages of P. berghei. To permit a high-throughput screening of selective PfHT1 inhibitors and their subsequent in vivo assessment, we have established a PfHT1-expressing Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant and generated a PfHT1-dependent ?pbht1 of P. berghei strain. This thesis underscores various previously unknown aspects of sugar metabolism in Toxoplasma and Plasmodium, and unravel their metabolic differences.

Alta eficiência diagnóstica do teste IgM-ELISA utilizando múltiplos antígenos peptídicos (MAPs) de T. gondii  (ESA SAG-1, GRA-1 e GRA-7) na diferenciação de formas clínicas da toxoplasmose / High diagnostic efficiency of IgM-ELISA with the use of multiple antigen peptides (MAPS) from T. gondii  ESA (SAG-1, GRA-1 AND GRA-7 in acute toxoplasmosis

Araújo, Patricia Regina Barboza 28 November 2011 (has links)
Os principais marcadores sorológicos para o diagnóstico da toxoplasmose aguda ou recente são os anticorpos IgM específicos e anticorpos IgG de baixa avidez. Entretanto em alguns pacientes, anticorpos IgM e baixa avidez de anticorpos IgG podem persistir, ultrapassando o período da fase recente aguda contribuindo para erros de interpretação diagnóstica. No presente estudo, a eficiência diagnóstica do ensaio imunoenzimático foi avaliada, com o uso de frações antigênicas ou peptídeos sintéticos originados do antígeno ESA de T.gondii, denominados de SAG-1, GRA-1 e GRA-7. Foram estudadas frações isoladas e combinadas em múltiplos peptídeos antigênicos (MAP), visando estabelecer um perfil confiável para definição sorológica de toxoplasmose recente aguda em amostra única de soro. A melhor eficiência diagnóstica do ensaio foi encontrada com o uso da combinação de peptídeos SAG- 1,GRA-1 e GRA-7, denominada MAP1. A detecção de anticorpos IgG e IgM anti- MAP1 apresentou a melhor definição entre a fase recente aguda da fase recente não aguda na toxoplasmose. Nossos resultados mostraram que IgM anti-MAP1 poderá se constituir um marcador sorológico importante no aumento da eficiência diagnóstica da toxoplasmose recente aguda / The main serological marker for the diagnosis of recent toxoplasmosis is the specific IgM antibody, along with IgG antibodies of low avidity. However, in some patients these antibodies may persist long after the acute/recent phase, contributing to misdiagnosis in suspected cases of toxoplasmosis. In the present study, the diagnostic efficiency of ELISA was evaluated, with the use of peptides derived from T. gondii ESA antigens, named SAG-1, GRA-1 and GRA-7. In the assay referred to, we studied each of these peptides individually, as well as in four different combinations, as Multiple Antigen Peptides (MAP), aiming to establish a reliable profile for the acute/recent toxoplasmosis with only one patient serum sample. The diagnostic performance of the assay using MAP1, with the combination of SAG-1, GRA-1 and GRA-7 peptides, demonstrated better discrimination of the acute/recent phase from non acute/recent phase of toxoplasmosis. Our results show that IgM antibodies to MAP1 may be useful as a serological marker, enhancing the diagnostic efficiency of the assay for acute/recent phase of toxoplasmosis

Estudo epidemiológico de Toxoplasma gondii em animais silvestres e gatos domésticos de duas unidades de conservação na cidade de Natal, RN. / Epidemiological study of Toxoplasma gondii in wild mammals and domestic cats of two areas in the city of Natal, RN

Fournier, Gislene Fatima da Silva Rocha 19 November 2013 (has links)
A prevalência de Toxoplasma gondii em mamíferos silvestres, quando próximos a áreas urbanizadas, deve ser analisada para diagnosticar riscos à saúde humana e animal. Em Natal-RN, duas Unidades de Conservação (UC), Parque da Cidade e Parque das Dunas, se destacam pela importância ecológica. Nestas UCs a presença de gatos domésticos errantes é constante. O objetivo foi avaliar e comparar a presença de T. gondii através de teste sorológico (MAT) e molecular (gene B1) em gatos e pequenos mamíferos silvestres. Houve associação entre o número de animais silvestres soropositivos em cada parque (p = 0,018), sendo que o Parque da Cidade demonstrou um quadro mais alarmante. A positividade para T. gondii através da amplificação do gene B1 foi positiva em 16,3% do total de animais silvestres analizados e 8,1% do total de gatos avaliados nas duas Ucs. Não houve associação entre o número de animais silvestres positivos para o gene B1 em cada parque (p = 1,00). Existe a participação de ambos os grupos de animais (silvestres e domésticos) no ciclo local do T. gondii. / The prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in wild mammals close to urbanized areas should be analyzed to diagnose risks to human and animal health. In Natal-RN State, two protected areas, Parque da Cidade and Parque das Dunas are distinguished by ecological importance. In these protected areas, the presence of domestic cats is constant. The aim was to evaluate and compare the presence of T. gondii by serological testing (MAT) and molecular (B1 gene) in cats and small wild mammals. There was an association between the number of wild seropositive animals in each park (p = 0.018). The Parque da Cidade showed a more alarming situation. The positivity for T. gondii by B1 gene amplification was positive in 16.3% on wild animals analyzed and 8.1% on the cats evaluated in the two protected areas. There was no association between the number of wild animals positive for the B1 gene in each park (p = 1,00). There is a participation of both groups of animals (wild and domestic) in the local cycle of T. gondii.

Caracterização funcional de cepas de T. gondii. / Functional characterization of Toxoplasma gondii strains.

Oliveira, Natalia Nepomuceno de 26 May 2009 (has links)
Mais de 2 bilhões de pessoas em todo o mundo encontram-se infectadas com Toxoplasma gondii. Na região endêmica de Erechim, RS, cerca de 90% da população é soropositiva e cerca de 18% destes indivíduos apresentam lesões oculares com manifestações clínicas. A estrutura genética das populações do T. gondii tem sido bastante investigada, a despeito da infecção ter se espalhado pelo mundo, do grande número de hospedeiros intermediários e da capacidade do parasita de se reproduzir sexualmente. Linhagens de T. gondii com atípica ou nova combinação de alelos têm sido isoladas de animais não domésticos ou em outros continentes, como América do Sul e África, e de pacientes com apresentações clínicas incomuns. Em modelos murinos, as linhagens com o genótipo tipo I são altamente virulentas, em contraste às cepas tipo II e tipo III que são menos virulentas. Este trabalho propõe a caracterização fenotípica da resposta imune do hospedeiro frente a infecção por diferentes cepas de T. gondii, bem como o isolamento e a caracterização genotípica das linhagens de T. gondii que infectam indivíduos de Erechim no Rio Grande do Sul. Para a caracterização fenotípica utilizamos duas cepas de T. gondii já bem estabelecidas, a cepa RH (tipo I) e a ME49 (tipo II), e uma cepa isolada a partir de gatos domésticos do Brasil, chamada TgCatBr71. Sendo assim, através da fenotipagem das células dendríticas de camundongos C57Bl/6 infectados com as cepas citadas, foi possível observar que essas cepas induzem expressão das moléculas de superfície CD40, CD80, CD86 e MHC classe II em DCs CD11c+, porém sem significativa diferença entre as cepas. Com relação as células CD4+ e células CD8+, observamos o aumento das células CD8+ no decorrer da infecção pelas cepas RH e ME49, indicando a importância deste tipo celular na resposta protetora contra T. gondii. Avaliamos também a produção de citocinas IL-12, IFN-g e IL-10 em células esplênicas de camundongos infectados pelas três cepas no decorrer da infecção e detectamos que camundongos infectados pela cepa tipo II (ME49) apresentam síntese maior dessas citocinas do que camundongos infectados pela cepa tipo I (RH) e pela cepa TgCatBr71. Assim, concluímos que esta cepa TgCatBr71 se assemelha bastante a cepa do tipo I (RH), tanto em relação a evolução da doença no camundongos como nos padrões da resposta imune do hospedeiro. E que apesar dessas duas cepas diferirem da cepa tipo II (ME49), resultando em graus diferentes de patologia em camundongos C57Bl/6, todas a três cepas parecem produzir semelhante resposta imune protetora do hospedeiro. / More than 2 billion people are infected with Toxoplasma gondii around the world. In the endemic region of Erechim, RS, Brazil, about 90% of the population is soropositive and about 18% of these individuals have ocular lesions with clinical manifestations. The genetic structure of strains of T. gondii has been investigated, despite the infection has spread throughout the world, the large number of intermediate hosts and the ability to reproduce sexually. Strains of T. gondii with atypical or new combination of alleles have been isolated from wild animals and other continents, such as South America and Africa, and also from patients with unusual clinical presentations. In murine models, the type I genetic lineage are highly virulent, in contrast to strains type II and type III.Our work proposes the phenotypic characterization of the host immune response against the infection by different strains of T. gondii, and the isolation and genetic strains characterization of T. gondii that infect individuals of Erechim in RS, Brazil. In the phenotypic characterization were used two strains of T. gondii already well established, the strain RH (type I) and ME49 (type II), and a strain isolated from domestic cats from Brazil, called TgCatBr71 (type BrI). Thus, by phenotyping dendritic cells of C57BL/ 6 mice infected with the strains mentioned, we observed that these strains upregulated the expression of surface molecules such as CD40, CD80, CD86 and MHC class II in DC CD11c+ although with no significant difference between the strains. With respect to the CD4+ and CD8+ cells, the observed increase in CD8+ T cells during the infection by strains RH and ME49, indicating the importance of this cell type in the protective response against T. gondii. We also evaluated the production of cytokines IL-12, IFN-g and IL-10 from spleen cells and found that mice infected by the strain type II (ME49) have increased synthesis of these cytokines than mice infected by the strain type I (RH) and the strain type BrI (TgCatBr71). Thus, we concluded that type BrI (TgCatBr71) strain is similar to type I (RH) strain, both for the evolution of the disease and also concerning the immunological parameters evaluated. Besides, despite these two strains differ from the strain type II (ME49), resulting in different degrees of pathology in mice C57BL / 6, all three strains seem to produce similar protective immune response of the host.

Detecção sorológica de infecção por Toxoplasma gondii e Leptospira spp. em peixes-bois (Trichechus inunguis) de dois centros de preservação da Amazônia brasileira. / Antibodies anti-Toxoplasma gondii and anti-Leptospira spp. in manatees (Trichechus inunguis) from two centers of preservation of the Brazilian Amazon.

Delgado, Patrick Mathews 26 January 2011 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a ocorrência de anticorpos anti-Toxoplasma gondii e anti-Leptospira spp. em peixes-bois (Trichechus inunguis) da Amazônia Brasileira. Amostras sanguineas de 74 peixes-bois foram colhidas. Para a pesquisa de anticorpos anti-T. gondii, os soros foram diluídos a 1:25, 1:50 e 1:500 e a presença de anticorpos foi determinada pela técnica de aglutinação modificada (MAT). Para Leptospira spp. a presença de anticorpos foi determinada pela técnica de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM), com ponto de corte na diluição de 1:100. Dos 74 peixes-bois 29 (39,2%) foram positivos para T. gondii apresentando título de 25. Para Leptospira spp. 23 (31,1%) foram reagentes para quatro sorovares com títulos variando de 100 a 1600. Os sorovares foram: Patoc, Castellonis, Icterohaemorrhagiae e Butembo. Houve coaglutinação entre os sorovares Patoc, Castellonis e Icterohaemorrhagiae (títulos 100 e 200) em um animal (n°51). Este foi o primeiro relato da ocorrência de T. gondii e Leptospira spp. em peixes-bois da Amazônia brasileira. / This study aimed to evaluate the occurrence of anti-T. gondii and Leptospira spp. in manatees (Trichechus inunguis) from two preservation centers located in the Brazilian Amazon. Blood samples from 74 manatees were taken. For detecting antibodies to T. gondii, sera were diluted 1:25, 1:50 and 1:500 and precense of antibodies was determined by the modified agglutination test (MAT). To Leptospira spp. sera were diluted 1:100 and tested against a collection of 24 antigenic serovars and presence of antibodies was determined by microscopic agglutination test (MAT). Of the 74 manatees 29 (39.2%) were positive to T. gondii with titre at 25. For Leptospira spp. 23 (31.1%) samples were kacted with four serotypes with titers ranging from 100 to 1600. The serovars reagents were Patoc, Castellonis, Icterohaemorrhagiae and Butembo. In one sample, coaglutination of serovars Patoc, Castellonis and Icterohaemorrhagiae (titres 100 and 200) was observed. This is the first report of the occurrence of T. gondii and Leptospira spp. in manatees in the Brazilian Amazon.

Toxoplasma gondii: diagnóstico da infecção experimental e natural em pombos (Columba livia) por técnicas sorológicas, biológicas e moleculares. / Toxoplasma gondii: diagnosis of experimental and natural infection in pigeons (Columba livia) by serological, biological and molecular techniques.

Godoi, Fernanda Sartori Lima de 15 December 2009 (has links)
O trabalho teve por objetivo diagnosticar a infecção experimental e natural por Toxoplasma gondii em pombos (Columba livia), por técnicas sorológicas, biológicas e moleculares. Pombos foram infectados com oocistos esporulados de T. gondii e acompanhados por 60 dias com coleta de soro semanal para o acompanhamento da curva de anticorpos séricos e eutanásia quinzenal para avaliar a presença do parasito em diferentes tecidos. Observou-se concordância em todas as técnicas utilizadas, indicando serem eficazes no diagnóstico da infecção nessa espécie. Pombos de vida livre foram capturados nos municípios de São Paulo, Sorocaba e Ibiúna e anticorpos anti-T. gondii não foram observados. Nestas aves o bioensaio em camundongos foi realizado, independente da ausência de anticorpos e em nenhuma foi possível o isolamento do parasito. / The study aimed to diagnose the experimental and natural infection by Toxoplasma gondii in pigeons (Columba livia), by serological, biological and molecular techniques. Pigeons were infected with sporulated oocysts of T. gondii and monitored for 60 days with weekly serum collection for monitoring the curve of serum antibodies and euthanasia two weeks to assess the presence of parasites in different tissues. Agreement was observed in all the techniques used, indicating to be effective in the diagnosis of infection in this species. Free-living pigeons were captured in the municipalities of São Paulo, Sorocaba and Ibiúna and anti-T. gondii antibodies were not observed. In birds the bioassay was conducted in mice, regardless of the absence of antibodies and none was possible to isolate the parasite.

Influência da forma infectante do Toxoplasma gondii na doença aguda humana: revisão sistemática de surtos epidêmicos / Influence of infective form of Toxoplasma gondii in human acute illness: systematic review of outbreaks

Ekman, Claudio Cesar Jaguaribe 21 November 2012 (has links)
A toxoplasmose é uma zoonose de distribuição mundial, altamente prevalente na população humana e animal. A doença é geralmente benigna e autolimitada, mas pode ocasionar déficits visuais graves em cerca de 2 a 3% dos indivíduos acometidos, e ainda, assumir formas graves e letais em pacientes imunossuprimidos e em fetos de gestantes com infecção aguda. As principais formas de transmissão da doença são o consumo de água e alimentos crus contaminados com oocistos e a ingestão de carne crua ou mal cozida contendo cistos teciduais do Toxoplasma gondii. Na literatura há relatos de vários surtos epidêmicos de toxoplasmose humana, porém a análise descritiva destes surtos é pontual e restrita, com informações isoladas em relação período de incubação e gravidade dos sintomas que poderiam estar relacionados à forma infectante do agente. No presente trabalho analisamos a influência da forma infectante do T. gondii no quadro da doença aguda humana, através de revisão sistemática das principais bases de dados bibliográficos na área de Saúde Pública (Cochrane, Embase, Food Sciences & Tech Abstracts, Lilacs, PubMed, Scopus e Web of Science), além de publicações em boletins epidemiológicos (Boletim Epidemiológico Paulista, Boletim Eletrônico Epidemiológico SVS) e anais de congressos nacionais e internacionais de áreas correlatas. As pesquisas nas bases de dados bibliográficos foram realizadas utilizando idiomas em português e inglês para os termos: surtos de toxoplasmose humana (human toxoplasmosis outbreak). Os critérios de inclusão dos estudos levaram em consideração artigos e resumos que relatassem surtos epidêmicos de toxoplasmose humana com descrição da forma infectante do agente e quadro clínico da doença. Na busca eletrônica inicial, foram obtidos 431 artigos referentes a surtos mundiais e nacionais de toxoplasmose humana, provenientes de diferentes formas de transmissão da doença, porém foram elegíveis para o trabalho somente 33 artigos, incluindo um surto ocorrido recentemente na região de Araraquara, Estado de São Paulo, cuja investigação epidemiológica foi conduzida por nossa equipe. A análise da revisão sistemática sugere que o número de casos confirmados nos surtos é maior quando a transmissão ocorre por oocistos, sendo o solo e a água associados a esta forma de transmissão. Quanto aos achados clínicos, a infecção por cistos parece induzir um período de incubação menor do que o observado para oocistos. Não houve relação da forma infectante com o sexo predominante e faixa etária nas populações amostrais. Os surtos foram descritos mais frequentemente nas Américas que em outros continentes. Estes dados sugerem que a forma infectante do T.gondii interfere no quadro da toxoplasmose aguda. / Toxoplasmosis is a zoonosis of worldwide distribution, highly prevalent in the human and animal population. The disease is usually benign and self-limiting but can cause severe visual deficits in about 2 to 3% of affected individuals, and also take serious and lethal in immunosuppressed patients and in fetuses of pregnant women with acute infection. The most important modes of transmission are consumption of water and uncooked food contaminated with oocysts and the ingestion of raw or undercooked meat containing tissue cysts of Toxoplasma gondii. In literature there are reports of several human toxoplasmosis outbreaks, but the descriptive analysis of these outbreaks is punctual and restricted, with isolated information regarding the incubation period and severity of symptoms that could be related to the infective form of the agent. In this study we analyze the influence of infective form of T. gondii in the context of acute human disease, through a systematic review of the major bibliographic databases in the area of Public Health (Cochrane, Embase, Food Sciences & Tech Abstracts, Lilacs, PubMed, Scopus e Web of Science), as well as publications in epidemiological bulletins (Boletim Epidemiológico Paulista, Boletim Eletrônico Epidemiológico SVS) and annals of national and international conferences in related areas. This research on bibliographic databases was performed using English and Portuguese languages for the terms: human toxoplasmosis outbreak (surtos de toxoplasmose humana). The inclusion criteria of the studies took into consideration articles and abstracts that reported outbreaks of human toxoplasmosis with description of the infective form of the agent and the clinical disease. In the initial electronic search, 431 articles were obtained regarding global and national outbreaks of human toxoplasmosis from different main forms of disease transmission, but were eligible to work only 33 articles, including a recent outbreak in the region of Araraquara State of São Paulo, which epidemiological investigation was conducted by our team. The analysis of systematic review suggests that the number of confirmed cases in outbreaks is greater when the transmission occurs by oocysts, and the soil and water are associated with this form of transmission. Regarding clinical findings, cysts infection seems to induce an incubation period less than that observed for oocysts. No relationship between the infective form with the predominant sex and age group in the sample populations. Outbreaks were reported more frequently in the Americas than in other continents. These data suggest that the infective form of T. gondii interferes in the context of acute toxoplasmosis.

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