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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A case study on building NPS into production line

Lai, Yung-jin 30 July 2006 (has links)
The customer's taste is with the transition with constant time ¡A space¡A as the order pours into constantly¡A what an attitude the manufacturing plant is!¡A the flexible company quick in response turn into the existence ways of enterprises in the future¡A and under facing and producing state that must be expanded¡A how to set up production line and efficient duplicating the productive attitude fast fast¡A is it reach quantity produce quality that customer want fast ¡A must is it is it waste carry on procedure transformation to reduce to come through NPS (New Production Skill ) to come. This research is mainly to visit the arrangement which refers to the theory of relevant documents to review and study through the executive inside the company¡A to understand the company understand the themes studied from the doing in the test amount factor of expanding the factory¡A set up NPS to be flat to take production line while being accurate ¡A utilize relevant step in accordance with follow ¡A make similar industry to establish NPS production line have one procedure way in accordance with following fast future.


Uppal, Ravi 04 August 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Improvements in 3D breast treatment plan quality and efficiency through computer automation of tangential breast radiotherapy treatment plans

Gibbs, Jacob M. 15 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Valorisation of rice straw by obtaining active compounds and cellulosic materials for the development of biodegradable food packaging systems

Vieira de Freitas, Pedro Augusto 16 January 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] En esta tesis se obtuvieron fracciones celulósicas y extractos activos de paja de arroz mediante diferentes técnicas de extracción y purificación, utilizando agua como disolvente. Estas fracciones se incorporaron en películas de almidón y PLA, y en bicapas de almidón-PLA, para obtener materiales de envasado activos para extender la vida útil de diferentes alimentos. Los extractos obtenidos por combinación de ultrasonidos y calentamiento a reflujo (USHT) y con agua subcrítica (SWE) (a 160 °C (SWE-160) y 180 °C (SWE-180)) presentaron un alto contenido fenólico (37, 51 y 83 mg GAE.g-1 de extracto seco, respectivamente) y actividad antioxidante (6,3, 2,0 y 1,2 mg de extracto seco.mg-1 DPPH, respectivamente). Los extractos SWE fueron activos contra L. innocua y E. coli. Se aislaron fibras de celulosa (FC) del residuo insoluble de las diferentes extracciones. A pesar de las ligeras diferencias en el grado de purificación, los nuevos métodos dieron lugar a FCs con rendimientos más elevados que el método alcalino (35-39 % frente al 29 %), con cristalinidad (60-69 %), comportamiento térmico y relación de aspecto (20-60) similares. Se incorporaron fibras USHT al 1, 3 y 5 % (p/p) en películas termoprocesadas de almidón de maíz, y de almidón de maíz modificado térmicamente. La incorporación al 3 % dio lugar a películas con mejores propiedades funcionales. Los extractos activos (al 4, 6 y 8 % en peso) en la matriz de almidón, con o sin CF (3 %), dieron lugar a películas más extensibles y menos resistentes, con mayor capacidad de barrera al oxígeno. Las bolsas monodosis de aceite de girasol con estas películas activas y reforzadas redujeron eficazmente la oxidación. Las películas activas de PLA termoprocesado, con diferentes proporciones (2, 4 y 6 % p/p) del extracto USHT, presentaron color y propiedades mecánicas ligeramente peores, pero con mayor barrera al oxígeno. La cinética de liberación de los antioxidantes incorporados en simulantes alimentarios de diferente polaridad (A: productos acuosos; y D1: sistemas de aceite en agua), mostró que las películas con un 6% de extracto, tuvieron una capacidad antioxidante similar en simulantes con distinta polaridad. Se obtuvieron bicapas biodegradables laminando PLA, con y sin extracto USHT (6 %), y almidón termoplástico, con o sin FC USHT (3 %). Las bicapas mostraron mejor capacidad de barrera global que las monocapas. Sin embargo, la migración de compuestos entre capas dio lugar a películas menos rígidas y resistentes de lo esperado de la contribución del film de PLA. Las bicapas activas y reforzadas alargaron la vida útil de carne de cerdo refrigerada. Las películas de PLA con un 6 % (p/p) de los diferentes extractos (USHT, SWE-160 y SWE-180) presentaron menor resistencia mecánica y capacidad de barrera al vapor de agua, pero una mayor capacidad de barrera al oxígeno y a la luz UV. Además, estas películas, especialmente con el extracto SWE-180, alargaron la vida útil de la carne de cerdo refrigerada. Las FCs obtenidas con los diferentes métodos de purificación también se utilizaron para producir aerogeles de celulosa. Las diferencias composicionales afectaron a la microestructura de los aerogeles. La capacidad de absorción y de retención de agua de los aerogeles estuvo dentro de los rangos descritos para este tipo de materiales. Por tanto, fue posible obtener fracciones valorizadas de la paja de arroz, extractos activos y fibras celulósicas, útiles en el desarrollo de materiales biodegradables activos a base de almidón y PLA. Son necesarios más estudios para validar la seguridad alimentaria de los materiales, así como para el desarrollo de otras aplicaciones en el campo de la industria alimentaria o farmacéutica. / [CA] En aquesta tesi doctoral es van obtenir fraccions cel·lulòsiques i extractes actius de palla d' arròs mitjançant l'aplicació de diferents tècniques d'extracció i purificació, utilitzant aigua com a dissolvent. Aquestes fraccions es van incorporar a pel·lícules de midó i PLA, i bicapes de midó-PLA, per obtenir materials d'envasament actius útils per allargar la vida útil de diferents aliments. Els extractes combinant ultrasons i escalfament a reflux (USHT) i amb aigua subcrítica (SWE) (a 160 °C (SWE-160) i 180 °C (SWE-180)) van mostrar un alt contingut fenòlic (37, 51 i 83 mg GAE.g-1 d'extracte sec, respectivament) i activitat antioxidant (6,3, 2,0 i 1,2 mg d'extracte sec.mg-1 DPPH, respectivament). Els extractes SWE van mostrar activitat antibacteriana contra L. innocua i E. coli. Es van aïllar fibres de cel·lulosa (FC) de les fraccions insolubles de l'extracció. Malgrat les lleugeres diferències en el grau de purificació, els nous mètodes van donar lloc a FCs amb rendiments més elevats que el mètode alcalí (35-39 % enfront del 29 %), amb cristal·linitat (60-69 %), comportament tèrmic i relació d'aspecte (20-60) similars. Es van incorporar fibres USHT a l'1, 3 i 5 % (p/p) en pel·lícules de midó de dacsa, i de midó de dacsa modificat per tractament tèrmic. La incorporació al 3 % va donar lloc a pel·lícules amb les millors propietats funcionals. Els extractes actius (al 4, 6 i 8 % en pes) a la matriu de midó, amb o sense CF (3 %), proporcionaren pel·lícules més extensibles i menys resistents, però amb més capacitat de barrera a l'oxigen. Les bosses monodosi de l'oli de gira-sol amb aquestes pel·lícules actives i reforçades van reduir eficaçment l'oxidació. Les pel·lícules actives de PLA amb diferents proporcions (2, 4 i 6 % p/p) de l'extracte USHT, presentaren color i propietats mecániques lleugerament pitjors, però amb major capacitat de barrera a l'oxigen. La cinètica d'alliberament dels antioxidants incorporats, en simulants alimentaris de diferent polaritat (A: productes aquosos; i D1: sistemes d'oli en aigua), va mostrar que les pel·lícules amb un 6% d'extracte, tenien una capacitat antioxidant similar en simulants amb diferent polaritat. Es van obtenir bicapes biodegradables laminant PLA, amb i sense extracte USHT (6 %), i midó termoplàstic, amb o sense FC USHT (3 %). Les bicapes van mostrar millor capacitat de barrera global que les monocapes. No obstant això, la migració de compostos entre capes va donar lloc a pel·lícules menys rígides i resistents respecte a l'esperat de la contribució de la pel·lícula de PLA. Les bicapes actives i reforçades van allargar la vida útil de carn de porc refrigerada. Les pel·lícules de PLA amb un 6 % (p/p) dels diferents extractes (USHT, SWE-160 i SWE-180) van presentar menor resistència mecànica i capacitat de barrera al vapor d'aigua, però una major capacitat de barrera a l'oxigen i a la llum UV. A més, aquestes pel·lícules, especialment amb l'extracte SWE-180, van allargar la vida útil de la carn de porc refrigerada. Les FCs obtingudes amb els diferents mètodes de purificació també es van utilitzar per produir aerogels de cel·lulosa. Les diferències composicionals van afectar la microestructura dels aerogels. La capacitat d' absorció i de retenció d'aigua dels aerogels va estar dins dels rangs descrits per a aquest tipus de materials. Per tant, va ser possible obtenir fraccions valoritzades de la palla d' arròs, extractes actius i fibres cel·lulòsiques, útils en el desenvolupament de materials biodegradables actius a base de midó i PLA. Són necessaris més estudis per validar la seguretat alimentària dels materials, així com per al desenvolupament d' altres aplicacions en el camp de la indústria alimentària o farmacèutica. / [EN] This Doctoral thesis focused on obtaining cellulosic fractions and bioactive extracts from rice straw (RS) by applying different extraction and purification techniques, using water as a green solvent. These fractions were incorporated into starch and poly (lactic acid) (PLA)-based films, as well as into starch-PLA bilayers, to obtain active packaging materials useful for extending the shelf life of different food matrices. The extracts obtained by applying a combined ultrasound-reflux heating method (USHT) and subcritical water extraction (SWE) (at 160 °C (SWE-160) and 180 °C (SWE-180)) exhibited high phenolic content (37, 51, 83 mg GAE.g-1 dry extract, respectively) and antioxidant activity (6.3, 2.0, and 1.2 mg dry extract.mg-1 DPPH, respectively). The SWE extracts showed antibacterial activity against L. innocua and E. coli. Cellulose fibres (CF) were isolated from the extraction insoluble fractions and compared with those obtained from the traditional alkaline method. Despite slight differences in the degree of purification, the new methods gave rise to CFs with higher yields than the alkaline method (35-39% vs. 29%), with similar crystallinity (60-69%), thermal behaviour, and aspect ratios. USHT fibres were incorporated into corn starch (1, 3, and 5% wt.), and corn starch-modified by heat treatment, obtained by thermoprocessing. The incorporation of CF at 3% gave rise to films with the best functional properties. When active extracts were incorporated at different ratios (4, 6, and 8% wt.) into the starch matrix, with or without CF (3%), the films were more stretchable and less resistant, but with higher oxygen barrier capacity. Likewise, mono-dose bags of these active and reinforced films effectively reduced the oxidation of packed sunflower oil. Active, plasticised PLA films were produced, incorporating USHT extract (2, 4, and 6% wt.) by thermoprocessing, which exhibited colour and slightly worsened tensile behaviour, but with higher oxygen barrier capacity. The release kinetics of the incorporated antioxidant compounds in food simulants of different polarity (A: aqueous products; and D1: oil-in-water systems) showed that films containing 6% of extract delivered similar antioxidant capacity regardless of the food simulant polarity. Biodegradable bilayers were obtained by laminating plasticised PLA, with and without USHT extract (6%), and thermoplastic starch, with or without USHT CFs (3%). The bilayers exhibited improved overall barrier capacity with respect to the monolayers. However, the interlayer compound migration led to less stiff and resistant films with respect to that expected from the PLA film contribution. The active and reinforced bilayers were able to extend the shelf life of the packed pork meat during cold storage. PLA films with 6% wt. of the different extracts (USHT, SWE-160, and SWE-180) were produced, which exhibited lower mechanical resistance and water vapour barrier capacity, but improved oxygen barrier capacity and intense UV light-blocking effect. Furthermore, the active PLA films, especially with SWE-180 extract, extended the shelf life of cold storage pork meat. The CFs obtained with the different purification methods were also used to produce cellulose aerogels. The differences in the chemical composition of the CFs affected the aerogels' microstructure. The water absorption and retention capacity of the aerogels were within the previously reported ranges for this type of material. Thus, it was possible to obtain valorised fractions of rice straw, active extracts and cellulosic fibres, useful in developing active biodegradable materials based on starch and PLA. Further studies are needed to validate the food safety of the materials, as well as for developing other applications in the food or pharmaceutical industry. / The authors thank the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (Spain) for the financial support through projects PID2019-105207RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and Generalitat Valenciana [grant number GrisoliaP/2019/115]. / Vieira De Freitas, PA. (2022). Valorisation of rice straw by obtaining active compounds and cellulosic materials for the development of biodegradable food packaging systems [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191380 / Compendio

Optimalizace pracoviště montáže v předvýrobě za použití principů štíhlé výroby / Rational layout of the assembly line in the pre-manufacturing stage and Lean principles

Škrdla, Michal January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the current state of assembly workplace for prefabrication in selected company. Using lean manufacturing principles it describes and subsequently eliminating all forms of waste that occur in the workplace. Part of the project is to design a new layout of the manufacturing cell, operation balancing and standardize the work of operators in the process. The project aims to achieve the planned production volumes at the same or lower operating costs.

Lean Manufacturing as a Source of Competitive Advantage

Williams, Ryan Scott 22 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The productivity advances generated from lean manufacturing are self-evident. Plants that adopt lean are more capable of achieving high levels of quality, shorter lead times, and less waste in the system. While it seems logical that higher levels of productivity and quality, as is common in lean companies, should result in positive financial performance, the research community has failed to establish the financial profitability of lean. Those researchers who have studied the financial returns issue report varying results. The goal of this research was to determine if a connection exists between lean and financial success and to discover why so many researchers are finding mixed results. Information Velocity (IV) was theorized to provide the solidifying link between lean and financial performance. Measured by combining the environmental volatility with a company's leanness, IV measures how fast a company can transmit information from the market into a customer-satisfying product in the hands of the consumer. This study analyzed over 530 publicly-traded manufacturing companies to validate the following hypotheses: 1) there is a positive relationship between leanness and financial returns, 2) there is a negative relationship between environmental volatility and financial returns, and 3) there is a positive relationship between IV and financial returns. Regression models were run in various combinations to determine the effect of lean, environmental instability, environmental unpredictability, and IV on financial performance indicators such as return on sales (ROS), return on assets (ROA), and quarter-closing stock price. The outcome of this study showed that financial rewards do result from lean, which positively affected financial performance in almost all scenarios. Environmental instability always negatively correlated with financial returns, and IV mostly shows a positive effect, but with mixed results. Lastly, IV does not explain why researchers find mixed results on the profitability measures of lean. The results of this thesis highlight the significance of implementing lean manufacturing, especially in a dynamic environment. As the instability in the environment increases, profitability decreases. Therefore, an increase in leanness by boosting inventory turns can compensate for the volatility and create enhanced productivity measures and financial results.


John I Ferguson (17582760) 10 December 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">A current engineering challenge is to understand and validate material systems capable of maintaining structural viability under the elevated temperature and environmental conditions of hypersonic flight. One aspect of this challenge is the joining of multiple materials with thermal expansion mismatch, which can lead to residual stress, resulting in debits in component lifetime under in-service loading. The focus of this work is a series of studies focused on a ceramic-metal composite (WC/Cu), a zirconia coating applied to a carboncarbon (C/C) composite, and a silicide (R512E) coating applied to a Nb-based alloy (C103). Each of these material systems are candidates for elevated temperature applications in which dissimilar constituents result in residual stress in the material. Each study leveraged experimental residual strain measurements, with the primary focus on the use of synchrotron X-ray diffraction, in conjunction with representative models, and microscopy to illuminate the active mechanisms in the development and evolution of residual stress in the bulk material. The combination of experimental and modeling predictions provides a framework to inform the viability and lifing of material systems exhibiting dissimilar expansion properties.</p>

Positiva miljöeffekter i kölvattnet av Lean produktion : Kan en integrering av miljöaspekter och Lean produktion bidra till att nå synergieffekter och minska risken för suboptimering? / Environmental benefits riding the coattails of Lean production : Can an integration of environmental aspects and Lean production result in synergies and a reduced risk of sub optimisation?

Helldal, Michael, Tenne, Sofia January 2009 (has links)
<p>Denna rapport är resultatet av ett examensarbete utfört vid Institutionen för industriell och ekonomisk utveckling vid Linköpings universitet på uppdrag av konsultbolaget Sustainia AB. Lean produktion, ofta benämnt Lean, har det senaste decenniet blivit en allt mer attraktiv produktionsfilosofi för att minska kostnader och öka kundnöjdhet genom förbättrad leveransservice och effektivare flöde. Ett flertal författare har påpekat att införandet av Lean direkt kan förbättra ett företags miljöprestanda, främst till följd av det minskade slöseri som Lean avser ge upphov till. Vidare finns studier som visar att vissa möjligheter till förbättringar och kostnadsbesparingar riskerar att gå oupptäckta om verksamheten ses ur ett strikt Lean-perspektiv. Med ett miljösynsätt finns dock chans att dessa blir upptäckta. Detta indikerar att såväl kostnads- som miljömässiga fördelar kan nås genom en integration av arbetet med Lean och miljöaspekter.</p><p>Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att undersöka hur ett företags arbete med Lean respektive miljöaspekter påverkar varandra för att ta reda på om och hur väl de båda arbetssätten skulle kunna fungera tillsammans. Om det visade sig att en integration av Lean och miljö vore möjlig och fördelaktig ur affärsmässig synvinkel skulle sedermera ett förslag tas fram på hur en sådan modell skulle kunna se ut. Arbetets syfte har uppfyllts genom en kombination av litteraturstudier och intervjuer. Fyra svenska företag som arbetar enligt Lean och även har ett uttalat aktivt miljöarbete intervjuades gällande sitt sätt att arbeta med Lean och miljöfrågor samt hur de såg på en eventuell integration av de två arbetssätten.</p><p>Utifrån resultaten från litteratur- och intervjustudien kan konstateras att flera av grundtankarna inom såväl Lean som miljöarbete stöder varandra. Inom båda arbetssätten ses kontinuerliga förbättringar och eliminering av slöseri som viktiga inslag, och båda främjar en organisationskultur där personalen uppmuntras att lösa problem och förbättra företagets prestation. Vissa enskilda verktyg inom Lean riskerar emellertid att ha en negativ inverkan på företagets miljöprestanda, något som i många fall dock kan avhjälpas genom god planering.</p><p>Till ett företags miljöarbete kan Lean bidra med ett proaktivt förhållningssätt och strukturerat arbetssätt och därmed få organisationen att arbeta mer förebyggande och långsiktigt med miljöfrågor. De intervjuade företagen ansåg att Lean generellt hade en positiv inverkan på deras miljöarbete, även om de inte hade gjort någon utvärdering av hur arbetet med Lean påverkat deras miljönyckeltal. De kvantitativa data som erhölls från litteraturstudien pekade på att arbete med Lean kan leda till en direkt minskning av företagets miljöpåverkan inom flera områden. Med utgångspunkt i dessa kvantitativa och kvalitativa data anser författarna således att det finns starka och tydliga tecken som visar på att Lean kan ha en positiv inverkan på miljörelaterade nyckeltal. Ett aktivt miljöarbete kan å sin sida bidra till arbetet med Lean genom att besparingsmöjligheter, som annars skulle riskerat att förbli oupptäckta, uppdagas.</p><p>Studien visade vidare att det inte bara är möjligt att integrera arbete med Lean och miljö, utan att en sådan integration dessutom har potential att vara fördelaktigt ur såväl ett ekonomiskt som ett miljömässigt perspektiv. En integrering kan minska risken för suboptimeringar, och synergieffekter kan erhållas som innebär att större framgångar kan uppnås än vad som skulle ha varit möjligt om arbetet med Lean och miljö hade bedrivits isolerat. Med vetskapen om att en integration är möjlig och har potential att vara fördelaktig ur företagsekonomisk och miljömässig synvinkel utarbetade författarna en modell för hur Lean och miljöarbete kan bedrivas integrerat. I samråd med Sustainia AB bestämdes att denna modell skulle kallas Green Lean, vilket således åsyftar en miljöanpassad, ”grön” form av Lean.</p> / <p>This report is the result of a master thesis written at the Department of Management and Engineering at Linköping University commissioned by the consultancy firm Sustainia AB.</p><p>Lean production, also known as Lean, has during the last decade increasingly become a more attractive production philosophy for decreasing costs and increasing customer satisfaction by improving customer service and obtaining more efficient production flows. Several authors have pointed out that Lean has the potential to directly improve the environmental performance of a company, mostly by decreasing waste generation. Further, there are studies showing that some possibilities for improvement and cost savings risk not being discovered if the operations are seen strictly from a Lean perspective. When an environmental perspective is included there is a chance that these improvements and cost savings are discovered. This indicates that both environmental and cost related advantages might be achieved by integrating the Lean approach with that of the environment.</p><p>The purpose of this master thesis was to investigate how the work with Lean and environmental aspects affect one another. If applying the two principles together was shown to be both possible and beneficial from a business point of view, the authors would propose how these two concepts could be integrated into a single model. A combination of literature studies and interviews were used to fulfill the purpose. Four Swedish enterprises, which work according to the Lean principles and also have an active environmental profile, were interviewed about their way of working with the two approaches, as well their views on an integration of these.</p><p>From the findings in this study the authors concluded that several of the fundamental concepts concerning Lean and environmental aspects support each other. Within both, continuous improvements and waste elimination are seen as important components, and they both support an organisational culture where the personnel are encouraged to solve problems and improve the performance of the company. Conversely the authors found that there is a risk that certain of the Lean tools risk having a negative influence on the company’s environmental performance. However, in many cases this can be avoided by proactive planning.</p><p>Lean can contribute to a company’s environmental work by its proactive approach, structured way of operating and long-term way of thinking. In general the interviewed companies regarded Lean as having a positive influence on their environmental work, even though none of them had carried out an evaluation on how their work with Lean affected their environmental key performance indicators. The quantitative data obtained from the literature study indicates that Lean can lead to a direct decrease of a company’s environmental impact within several areas. As a result of these qualitative and quantitative data the authors of this thesis have found clear indications showing that Lean might have a positive impact on environmental key performance indicators. An active environmental work can also contribute to the work with Lean. Potential cost saving, which might not have been discovered with the Lean perspective, can be revealed when the organisation is studied from an environmental point of view.</p><p>The study further showed that it not only is possible to integrate Lean and environmental work, but that it also has potential to be beneficial from both a business and an environmental standpoint. An integration of Lean and environmental issues can reduce the risk of sub optimisations, and synergies can be achieved, meaning that the two systems can accomplish more together than they would in isolation. With this knowledge, the authors composed a model for how Lean and environmental work can be practised and integrated. In consultation with Sustainia AB it was decided that this model should be called Green Lean, which hence refers to an environmentally favourable, “green”, version of Lean.</p>

Positiva miljöeffekter i kölvattnet av Lean produktion : Kan en integrering av miljöaspekter och Lean produktion bidra till att nå synergieffekter och minska risken för suboptimering? / Environmental benefits riding the coattails of Lean production : Can an integration of environmental aspects and Lean production result in synergies and a reduced risk of sub optimisation?

Helldal, Michael, Tenne, Sofia January 2009 (has links)
Denna rapport är resultatet av ett examensarbete utfört vid Institutionen för industriell och ekonomisk utveckling vid Linköpings universitet på uppdrag av konsultbolaget Sustainia AB. Lean produktion, ofta benämnt Lean, har det senaste decenniet blivit en allt mer attraktiv produktionsfilosofi för att minska kostnader och öka kundnöjdhet genom förbättrad leveransservice och effektivare flöde. Ett flertal författare har påpekat att införandet av Lean direkt kan förbättra ett företags miljöprestanda, främst till följd av det minskade slöseri som Lean avser ge upphov till. Vidare finns studier som visar att vissa möjligheter till förbättringar och kostnadsbesparingar riskerar att gå oupptäckta om verksamheten ses ur ett strikt Lean-perspektiv. Med ett miljösynsätt finns dock chans att dessa blir upptäckta. Detta indikerar att såväl kostnads- som miljömässiga fördelar kan nås genom en integration av arbetet med Lean och miljöaspekter. Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att undersöka hur ett företags arbete med Lean respektive miljöaspekter påverkar varandra för att ta reda på om och hur väl de båda arbetssätten skulle kunna fungera tillsammans. Om det visade sig att en integration av Lean och miljö vore möjlig och fördelaktig ur affärsmässig synvinkel skulle sedermera ett förslag tas fram på hur en sådan modell skulle kunna se ut. Arbetets syfte har uppfyllts genom en kombination av litteraturstudier och intervjuer. Fyra svenska företag som arbetar enligt Lean och även har ett uttalat aktivt miljöarbete intervjuades gällande sitt sätt att arbeta med Lean och miljöfrågor samt hur de såg på en eventuell integration av de två arbetssätten. Utifrån resultaten från litteratur- och intervjustudien kan konstateras att flera av grundtankarna inom såväl Lean som miljöarbete stöder varandra. Inom båda arbetssätten ses kontinuerliga förbättringar och eliminering av slöseri som viktiga inslag, och båda främjar en organisationskultur där personalen uppmuntras att lösa problem och förbättra företagets prestation. Vissa enskilda verktyg inom Lean riskerar emellertid att ha en negativ inverkan på företagets miljöprestanda, något som i många fall dock kan avhjälpas genom god planering. Till ett företags miljöarbete kan Lean bidra med ett proaktivt förhållningssätt och strukturerat arbetssätt och därmed få organisationen att arbeta mer förebyggande och långsiktigt med miljöfrågor. De intervjuade företagen ansåg att Lean generellt hade en positiv inverkan på deras miljöarbete, även om de inte hade gjort någon utvärdering av hur arbetet med Lean påverkat deras miljönyckeltal. De kvantitativa data som erhölls från litteraturstudien pekade på att arbete med Lean kan leda till en direkt minskning av företagets miljöpåverkan inom flera områden. Med utgångspunkt i dessa kvantitativa och kvalitativa data anser författarna således att det finns starka och tydliga tecken som visar på att Lean kan ha en positiv inverkan på miljörelaterade nyckeltal. Ett aktivt miljöarbete kan å sin sida bidra till arbetet med Lean genom att besparingsmöjligheter, som annars skulle riskerat att förbli oupptäckta, uppdagas. Studien visade vidare att det inte bara är möjligt att integrera arbete med Lean och miljö, utan att en sådan integration dessutom har potential att vara fördelaktigt ur såväl ett ekonomiskt som ett miljömässigt perspektiv. En integrering kan minska risken för suboptimeringar, och synergieffekter kan erhållas som innebär att större framgångar kan uppnås än vad som skulle ha varit möjligt om arbetet med Lean och miljö hade bedrivits isolerat. Med vetskapen om att en integration är möjlig och har potential att vara fördelaktig ur företagsekonomisk och miljömässig synvinkel utarbetade författarna en modell för hur Lean och miljöarbete kan bedrivas integrerat. I samråd med Sustainia AB bestämdes att denna modell skulle kallas Green Lean, vilket således åsyftar en miljöanpassad, ”grön” form av Lean. / This report is the result of a master thesis written at the Department of Management and Engineering at Linköping University commissioned by the consultancy firm Sustainia AB. Lean production, also known as Lean, has during the last decade increasingly become a more attractive production philosophy for decreasing costs and increasing customer satisfaction by improving customer service and obtaining more efficient production flows. Several authors have pointed out that Lean has the potential to directly improve the environmental performance of a company, mostly by decreasing waste generation. Further, there are studies showing that some possibilities for improvement and cost savings risk not being discovered if the operations are seen strictly from a Lean perspective. When an environmental perspective is included there is a chance that these improvements and cost savings are discovered. This indicates that both environmental and cost related advantages might be achieved by integrating the Lean approach with that of the environment. The purpose of this master thesis was to investigate how the work with Lean and environmental aspects affect one another. If applying the two principles together was shown to be both possible and beneficial from a business point of view, the authors would propose how these two concepts could be integrated into a single model. A combination of literature studies and interviews were used to fulfill the purpose. Four Swedish enterprises, which work according to the Lean principles and also have an active environmental profile, were interviewed about their way of working with the two approaches, as well their views on an integration of these. From the findings in this study the authors concluded that several of the fundamental concepts concerning Lean and environmental aspects support each other. Within both, continuous improvements and waste elimination are seen as important components, and they both support an organisational culture where the personnel are encouraged to solve problems and improve the performance of the company. Conversely the authors found that there is a risk that certain of the Lean tools risk having a negative influence on the company’s environmental performance. However, in many cases this can be avoided by proactive planning. Lean can contribute to a company’s environmental work by its proactive approach, structured way of operating and long-term way of thinking. In general the interviewed companies regarded Lean as having a positive influence on their environmental work, even though none of them had carried out an evaluation on how their work with Lean affected their environmental key performance indicators. The quantitative data obtained from the literature study indicates that Lean can lead to a direct decrease of a company’s environmental impact within several areas. As a result of these qualitative and quantitative data the authors of this thesis have found clear indications showing that Lean might have a positive impact on environmental key performance indicators. An active environmental work can also contribute to the work with Lean. Potential cost saving, which might not have been discovered with the Lean perspective, can be revealed when the organisation is studied from an environmental point of view. The study further showed that it not only is possible to integrate Lean and environmental work, but that it also has potential to be beneficial from both a business and an environmental standpoint. An integration of Lean and environmental issues can reduce the risk of sub optimisations, and synergies can be achieved, meaning that the two systems can accomplish more together than they would in isolation. With this knowledge, the authors composed a model for how Lean and environmental work can be practised and integrated. In consultation with Sustainia AB it was decided that this model should be called Green Lean, which hence refers to an environmentally favourable, “green”, version of Lean.

Návrh zavedení štíhlé výroby v průmyslovém podniku / The proposal of lean production implementation in a industrial enterprise

Nachtmann, Pavel January 2009 (has links)
This master´s thesis describes the production process in Japanese enterprise Daikin Device Czech Republic s.r.o. with emphasis on the production schedule, equipment and manufacturing system with elements of lean production. According to the production process analysis at the given production line a new solution of the production process has been suggested to increase production efficiency. This conception has been implemented and compared to the production process before, as well as to the assumed production process after increasing the efficiency.

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