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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Appropriation croisée : vers une diminution du risque de fraude ? Application au contrôle des opérateurs de finance de marché / Cross-Appropriation : toward less risk of fraud? Application to the control of financial markets operators.

Laffort, Emmanuel 03 May 2013 (has links)
L’objet de ce travail est de proposer une démarche d’évaluation puis de réduction du risque de fraude. Cette démarche est basée sur la notion d’appropriation, c’est-à-dire le degré d’intériorisation de son environnement par l’individu. Il s’agit d’améliorer les appropriations respectives (ce que nous appelons « appropriation croisée ») des opérateurs (gérants ou traders) et des contrôleurs. Promouvoir cette appropriation croisée permettra aux opérateurs et aux contrôleurs de développer des interrelations attentives et permettra aux opérateurs de s’affranchir de l’idée de mythe dans laquelle ils peuvent se sentir enfermés, ces deux points devant conduire à diminuer le risque de fraude. L’appropriation, par elle-même, permettant également de développer des capacités difficilement imitables, notre idée est que l’appropriation croisée favorise une performance économique de long terme de l’organisation. La démarche que nous proposons s’effectue en trois temps, il s’agit tout d’abord de faire en sorte que les acteurs concernés aient une connaissance partagée des rôles de chacun, ce qui permettra ensuite de déterminer les facteurs critiques à améliorer. Le troisième temps consistant à mesurer le déficit d’appropriation croisée à l’aide d’un outil : la balance appropriative et à diriger les appropriations afin de rééquilibrer cette balance. / The aim of this work is to suggest an appropriation-related framework for evaluating and reducing the risk of fraud in financial markets. Its purpose is to improve respective appropriations (what we call “cross appropriation”) of operators (traders or fund managers) and controllers (in charge of controlling operator’s position and operations). The enhancement of this cross appropriation should lead to heedful interactions which will permit operators to escape from the heavy mythological suit they might wear, resulting in less psychological pain. This appropriation, by itself, providing a competitive advantage, this approach should then give a long-term economic performance to the organization because appropriation is involved and respective appropriations are well balanced, resulting in less fraud. This framework is three-steps. The first one is to make sure every stakeholder has a shared understanding of the organization, which will allow a right selection of critical factors. The third step consist in measuring the quality of the cross-appropriation with a tool: the appropriation scales and to direct appropriations towards a better equilibrium of the scales if needed.

Daňové úniky v oblasti nepřímých daní / Indirect Taxes Evasion

Kotrba, Karel January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with an issue of indirect taxes evasion and analyzes how to fight them. The aim of this piece of work is to provide basic insight into the issue of indirect tax evasion and also to describe and evaluate some of the latest tools used in the fight against them. I have no intention to analyze the topic in detail as the possibility to do so is limited by the extent of the diploma thesis. The thesis itself is divided into three parts. In the introductory part, a term tax is defined and a system of indirect taxes is briefly described. Moreover, specific indirect taxes in the Czech Republic are defined with the respect to their legal construction and regulation. To demonstrate the importance of indirect taxes, the first chapter of the thesis covers also information about the revenue of each indirect tax for the state budget. The second chapter deals with theoretical background of the taxes evasion issue and ways of their realisation. Firstly, the term tax evasion is defined as a technical term and then it is compared to tax optimisation as described. To make the theoretical picture complete, psychological and economical aspects of the issue are mentioned as models describing factors influencing origin of tax evasions. Another part of the thesis is focused on ways of realisation of tax...

La cession de patrimoine / The transfer of estate

Jullian, Nadège 07 December 2016 (has links)
La cession de patrimoine est une institution récente du droit positif. Introduite par la loi n° 2010-658 du 15 juin 2010 relative à l’Entrepreneur Individuel à Responsabilité Limitée (EIRL), elle a pour objet la transmission d’un patrimoine entre vifs. Cependant, son avènement se heurte à la célèbre théorie subjective du patrimoine qui, élaborée par AUBRY et RAU à la fin du XIXème siècle, fait du patrimoine une émanation de la personne. Ainsi conçu comme indissociable de la personne, le patrimoine ne peut en être séparé même par voie de cession. Dès lors se pose la question de savoir comment la figure de la cession de patrimoine a pu être admise dans notre droit.L’introduction de la cession de patrimoine invite en réalité à revenir sur la théorie du patrimoine, et ce afin de comprendre comment ce qui jusqu’à présent ne pouvait être réalisé du vivant de la personne peut désormais l’être. De cette analyse, il ressort que, sous certaines conditions, une personne peut volontairement céder un patrimoine dans son intégralité et sans liquidation préalable. La transmission opérant à titre universel, elle peut prendre plusieurs formes, notamment celle d’une vente ou d’une donation du patrimoine (Première partie. L’admission de la cession de patrimoine).Le caractère novateur de la cession de patrimoine a rendu très délicat l’élaboration de son régime. Dépassé par un bouleversement qu’il a causé mais dont les implications dépassent parfois l’imagination, le législateur a certes organisé la cession du patrimoine de l’EIRL, mais en concevant un régime tout à la fois imparfait et lacunaire. Afin de corriger et de compléter ce qui doit l’être, il faut, plutôt que de concevoir le droit ex nihilo, puiser dans l’existant, et tout spécialement dans les règles régissant déjà certaines transmissions universelles de patrimoine, comme le droit des fusions et des transmissions successorales. Pour autant, ces règles doivent être adaptées aux spécificités de la cession de patrimoine que sont, d’une part, la réalisation entre vifs et, d’autre part, – la pluralité des patrimoines étant désormais admise – le maintien possible du patrimoine comme universalité distincte chez le cessionnaire (Seconde partie. Le régime de la cession de patrimoine). / The transfer of estate is a recent institution in French substantive law. It was established under Law N° 2010-658 of 15 June 2010 (The Limited Liability Sole Trader [EIRL] Act) and provides for inter-vivos transfers of estates. However, the concept comes into direct conflict with AUBRY and RAU’s famous late 19th century subjective theory of estates, according to which an estate issues from a person. Because an estate cannot be dissociated from the person who holds it, the link between the person and his or her estate cannot be severed, even by way of a transfer. The question thus arises as to how the very notion of transfer of estate could find its way into French law. The introduction of the transfer of estate into French law is actually an invitation to review the theory of estates, in order to understand how something that so far could not be achieved in a person’s lifetime has now become possible. It thus appears that under some conditions a person may willingly dispose of his or her whole estate without any prior liquidation. As the transfer is essentially a universal transaction, it may take several forms such as that of a sale or a gift of property (Part I : Establishing the transfer of estate in French law).The establishment of a legal framework for such a new concept was a delicate matter. Parliament was initially overtaken by the disruption it had caused and what were for all intent and purposes unforeseen (if not inforeseeable) implications. It did organise the transfer of estate as applied to Limited Liability Sole Traders [EIRL] but the resulting framework was both defective and incomplete. If one is to correct and complete the existing framework, one should not devise legal rules ex nihilo but rather draw from existing rules, particularly those that already govern some forms of universal transfers of estate, such as the law of mergers and acquisitions and the law of successions. Still, these rules must be adapted to the specificities of the transfer of estate, namely inter-vivos gifts and, now that French law recognises the plurality of estates, the possibility for the transferee to hold the estate separately from his own assets (Part II : Setting the rules for the transfer of estate).

Investiční strategie založená na Bollingerových pásmech / Investment Strategy Based on Bollinger Bands

Borek, Martin January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the automatization and comparison of two different strategies for the forex markets, based on the indicator, one from the tools of technical analysis, called Bollinger Bands. Both strategies are first optimized and then compared. Automatization of strategies will be implemented by? using the Meta Quotes Language for MetaTrader broker and its testing will be done on historical data. The goal with this thesis is the operational objective application of the better strategy in the environment of real market.

Du commerce maritime à l'industrie (1660-1845) : l'élite négociante de Landerneau face aux défis / From maritime trade to industry (1660-1845) : Landerneau’s merchant elite in front of challenges

Thomin, Jean-Pierre 15 December 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de présenter les stratégies du négoce landernéen de la fin du XVIIe siècle au milieu du XIXe siècle. L’implantation de la Marine Royale à Brest à la fin du XVIIe siècle pour préparer la « Seconde guerre de Cent Ans » la perte du marché anglais pour les crées du Léon, les guerres incessantes entre 1744 et 1815, les crises de toute nature, la perte du marché espagnol et de ses colonies dans les années 1820, voilà autant de défis à relever pour la communauté marchande landernéenne. Elle développe un commerce actif et saisissant toutes les opportunités, s’efforce d’y faire face. Renforcée par des apports allogènes, elle se transforme en groupe dominant, s’installant au sommet de la hiérarchie financière et, en 1721, s’empare du pouvoir local dans une ville qui devient pleinement négociante. Elle peut ainsi orienter l’action publique au service de ses ambitions et, réaliser ainsi un équipement portuaire adapté aux besoins de trafics en expansion. Près de ce poumon économique s’édifient les hôtels particuliers témoignant de la réussite des négociants. Lorsqu’au début des années 1820, la Révolution libérale espagnole et l’émancipation des colonies ferment définitivement ces marchés aux toiles bretonnes, le principal groupe marchand de la ville engage, cas unique en Bretagne, une étonnante reconversion industrielle, afin de se positionner en leader sur les marchés de fournitures militaires. Cette révolution, indispensable pour répondre aux exigences de prix et de qualité du donneur d’ordres, aboutit à la création en 1845 de la Société Linière du Finistère, qui devient la plus importante entreprise privée du Finistère, salariant jusqu’à 4 500 employés. / In this thesis, we aim at presenting the merchants strategies in Landerneau from the end of the XVIIth century to the middle of the XIXth century. The French Navy based in Brest at the end of the XVIIth century – in order to prepare for the « Second Hundred Years’ War » - as well as the loss of the English market by the crées (linen canvas) of Leon, the constant wars betwenn 1744 and 1815, the crisis of all kinds, the loss of the Spanish market and its colonies during the 1820’s, constituted several challenges to address for Landerneau’s merchants’ commmunity. Developping an active trade, this community tried to face every new opportunity. Reinforced by external additions, it became a dominant group, getting the upper place of the financial hierarchy. In 1721, it managed to take over the local government, making the town to fully becoming a trade place. The public policy could then be turned to serve the goals set up by this group, like building new harbour facilities, matching with the needs of an expanding traffic. The beautiful mansions built nearby this economical backbone, are as many testimonies of the merchants’ achievement.When, at the beginning of the 1820’s, the Spanish liberal revolution and the emancipation of the colonies definitly closed those markets to canvas from Brittany, an amazing industrial restructuring was engaged by the main merchant’s group of the town, in order to become leader on the market of military supply. This is a unique case in Brittany. This revolution, essential to respond to the price and quality requiered by the payer, leaded to the creation in 1845 of the Société Linière du Finistère (Linen Society of Finistère), which became the main private compagny of Finistère, employing up to 4500 people.

Boj proti únikům v oblasti nepřímých daní / Fight against evasion in indirect taxation

Havránek, Štěpán January 2013 (has links)
Thesis is focused on fight against indirect tax evasion. This topic was selected because it is a current issue. This is evidenced by media coverage regarding revealed tax evasion schemes; total estimated volume of tax evaded and increased activity of legislator in this field. The thesis is divided into three parts. In first part, I start with a general description of indirect taxes. I subsequently proceed with description of individual indirect taxes in the Czech Republic - value added tax, excise tax, and energy tax - and a brief summary of their evolution, main principles of functioning and their sources of law, both Czech and European. In second part, I tackle the problem of tax optimization, in particular the difference between legal and illegal methods of lowering ones tax. For this purpose, I go into more detail in explaining differences between tax planning, tax avoidance and tax evasion. I also draw attention to problems related to distinguishing these categories and to how these are interpreted differently by tax authorities in Anglo-Saxon and Continental area. After establishing theoretical background, I proceed by describing particular methods of evading tax, focusing mainly at illegal imports and carousel fraud, which, according to the Ministry of Finance, deprives Czech Republic of CZK 15...

Výkaznictví DPH ve vnitrounijním obchodě / VAT reporting in intracommunity trade

Maslova, Natalya January 2010 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issue of VAT reporting within intracommunity trade operations. The aim of the thesis is to give clear explanation of the current VAT system in the EU, show several practical examples of different intracommunity trade operations, and finally to show the scope of VAT frauds issue together with analysing the measures EU and member states have taken and are planning to take in order to fight the massive fraud. In the chapters devoted to explaining the existing VAT system in the EU following issues are described: - VAT harmonisation process in the EU, - VAT system in the EU, - Particular intracommunity transactions from the VAT point of view. In the chapters devoted to VAT fraud issue are following aspects covered: - VAT fraud typology, explanation of the most frequent fraud schemes, - EU fraud statistics and existing ways of measuring fraud volume, - European court of justice activity in solving VAT fraud cases, - EU and Czech republic measures to tackle VAT fraud, - several advices on how not to become involved in the fraud scheme.

Empirical evaluation of a Markovian model in a limit order market

Trönnberg, Filip January 2012 (has links)
A stochastic model for the dynamics of a limit order book is evaluated and tested on empirical data. Arrival of limit, market and cancellation orders are described in terms of a Markovian queuing system with exponentially distributed occurrences. In this model, several key quantities can be analytically calculated, such as the distribution of times between price moves, price volatility and the probability of an upward price move, all conditional on the state of the order book. We show that the exponential distribution poorly fits the occurrences of order book events and further show that little resemblance exists between the analytical formulas in this model and the empirical data. The log-normal and Weibull distribution are suggested as replacements as they appear to fit the empirical data better.

Les intermédiaires de commerce en droit de l'OHADA : essai d'une théorie générale de la représentaion commerciale / Business middelmen in OHADA law : an attempt for a general theory of commercial representation

Nguiffeu Tajouo, Eddy Laurence 22 October 2015 (has links)
Née dans un contexte de mondialisation et d’ouverture des économies nationales à la concurrence, l’OHADA a pour principal objectif d’instaurer un climat de confiance propice aux investissements tant nationaux qu’internationaux. Pour atteindre cet objectif, le législateur s’est engagé dans un vaste chantier de modernisation et harmonisation du droit des affaires au sein des États membres. L’un des choix les plus complexes était celui des acteurs et professionnels chargés d’implémenter cette dynamique. Les intermédiaires de commerce ont ainsi été retenus, en lieu et place des auxiliaires de commerce, pour déployer la représentation commerciale au sein des États membres et en dehors des frontières de l’espace de l’OHADA. La présente réflexion, au regard de ce qui précède, a eu pour objectif de rechercher la cohérence entre le statut professionnel des acteurs et le régime juridique de l’activité de représentation commerciale en droit de l’OHADA. Il s’agissait également d’évaluer le degré de pertinence du dispositif juridique mis en place pour encadrer la profession d’intermédiaire de commerce. La diversité qui caractérise cette catégorie professionnelle dans la pratique imposait une démarche globale et prudente pour parvenir à la reconnaissance juridique de la catégorie professionnelle d’intermédiaire de commerce en droit de l’OHADA. Le contrat d’intermédiaire de commerce, bien que simplement annoncé, préconise d’importantes solutions théoriques et pratiques pour y parvenir. Dans ce contexte, la profession d’intermédiaire de commerce en droit de l’OHADA mérite d’être repensée. En effet, le foisonnement des statuts particuliers autour de la notion d’intermédiaire a contribué au renforcement de l’opacité de cette catégorie professionnelle. Il n’est pas toujours aisé de faire la distinction entre mandat, représentation, courtage, commission ou même agence commerciale. Ces notions renvoient à des réalités diverses, chacune se défendant une spécificité que la doctrine et la jurisprudence ont parfois contribué à renforcer. Et c’est pour démêler l’écheveau que nous avons suggéré quelques propositions. / Born within the context of modernisation and of exposing national economies to competition, OHADA has as principal objective to put in place a climate of confidence favourable to national as well as international investments. To attain this objective, the legislator has engaged in a vast domain of modernisation and harmonisation of business law within the member states. One of the most complex choices was that of actors and professionals in charge of putting in place this dynamic. Trade middlemen were thus retained, in the place of auxiliaries of commerce, to carry out commercial representation within the member states and beyond the frontiers of OHADA zone. This reflection, with regard to the preceding, has as objective to search for coherence between the professional status of actors and the legal regime of the activity of commercial representation in OHADA law. It equally had to evaluate the degree of pertinence of the legal device put in place to regulate the profession of business middlemen. The diversity which characterises this professional category in practice imposed a global and prudent step to arrive at the legal recognition of the professional category of trade middlemen in OHADA law. The contract of a business middleman, even as simple as it is, recommends many theoretical and practical solutions to arrive at it.Within this context, the profession of business middleman in OHADA law needs to be rethought. In effect, the abundant special status surrounding the notion of middleman has contributed to reinforce the opacity of this professional category. It is not always easy to make a distinction between a mandate, representation, brokerage, commission or even commercial agency. These notions are actually diverse, each having its specificity that legal literature and case law have contributed to reinforce. And it is to clear up these interlaces that we made some proposals.

Выявление манипулятивных сделок на российском фондовом рынке : магистерская диссертация / Identification of the manipulative transactions on the Russian stock market

Плетнев, К. В., Pletnev, K. V. January 2018 (has links)
Final qualifying work (master's thesis) is devoted to the reserching of the methods of identifying the manipulations that undermine the effectiveness of the stock market. The subject of the research is the way of identifying manipulative transactions in the stock market of Russia. The main purpose of the research is the development of specific proposals and the selection of statistical methods relevant for the Russian stock market to improve the existing system of state control aimed at identifying various types and methods of manipulative trading in the stock market. In conclusion, practical steps for the strengthen of the stock market of the Russian Federation are formulated. / Выпускная квалификационная работа (магистерская диссертация) посвящена изучению методов выявления манипуляций, подрывающих эффективность фондового рынка. Предметом исследования выступают методы выявления манипулятивных сделок на российском фондовом рынке. Основной целью исследования выступает разработка конкретных предложений и выбор статистических методов, релевантных для российского фондового рынка, для совершенствования существующей системы государственного контроля, направленной на выявление различных видов и способов манипулятивной торговли на фондовом рынке. В заключении сформулированы практические шаги по укреплению фондового рынка Российской Федерации.

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