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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aménagements des activités des formés au sein d'un dispositif hybride de formation et retombées sur leur activité professionnelle : une étude de cas dans le cadre de la formation de tuteurs de terrain de professeurs stagiaires / Arrangements for the activities of trainees in hybrid training system and impact on their professional activity : a case study as part of the training of field cooperative teachers

Tribet, Hervé 03 December 2018 (has links)
Encore majoritaires, les modèles de formation professionnelle menés en présentiel sont de plus en plus « bousculés » par d’autres modèles exploitant des outils d’enseignement en ligne (Karsenti, Garry & Benziane, 2012). L’association de ces modèles a permis l’émergence de dispositifs dits « hybrides » de formation (DHF) fondés sur l’alternance entre des activités de formation menées soit en présentiel, soit en autonomie à distance sur une plateforme conçue à cet effet (Jézégou, 2014). L’étude de la littérature du domaine laisse toutefois apparaître que peu de travaux interrogent la nature de la conception des DHF et des retombées sur l’activité des formés et des formateurs y étant impliqués.Cette thèse s’inscrit dans un programme de recherche mené en anthropologie culturaliste dont l’objet central est l’étude de la construction du sujet professionnel en formation (Chaliès & Bertone, 2017). La recherche à visée transformative dont elle rend compte, explore les effets de la scénarisation d’un DHF, conçue à partir de postulats empruntés à une théorie de la formation d’adultes (Bertone & Chaliès, 2015), sur l’activité conjointe de tuteurs de stage novices ayant la responsabilité d’enseignants stagiaires et de celle d’un formateur universitaire.Les résultats de l’étude montrent que la structuration des activités singulières de formation déployées au sein du DHF a permis aux tuteurs novices de progressivement engager des capacités de signification, d’analyse et de réalisation simulée de l’activité de conseil pédagogique. Alors même que c’était là le fondement de l’hypothèse de recherche, les résultats soulignent toutefois qu’il n’a pas été possible de constater d’apprentissage effectif en fin de formation. Cette thèse ouvre néanmoins de nouvelles perspectives technologiques en termes de conception de dispositifs hybrides de formation professionnelle. / Face-to-face vocational training models, although still predominant, are increasingly being "shaken up" by other models using online teaching tools (Karsenti, Garry & Benziane, 2012). The combination of these models has led to the emergence of "hybrid" training systems (HTS), which alternate autonomous platform-based distance learning activities and classroom training activities (Jézégou, 2014). The literature review on the matter reveals that few studies question the nature of the design of HTS and the impact on the trainees’ and trainers’ activity involved.This thesis is part of a research program conducted in cultural anthropology whose central objective is the study of subject construction in professional training (Chaliès & Bertone, 2017). This transformative research explores the effects of developed scenarios of an HTS based on assumptions borrowed from a theory of adult education (Bertone & Chaliès, 2015), with the joint activity of novice cooperating teachers as being responsible for preservice teachers and a university supervisor.The results of the study shows that the structuring unique training activities deployed within the HTS has enabled novice cooperating teachers to gradually develop the capacity for meaning, analysis and simulated implementation of the pedagogical advisory activities. While this was the basis of the research hypothesis, the results underline that it was not possible to observe any effective learning at the end of the training. Nevertheless, this thesis opens up new technological perspectives in terms of the design of hybrid vocational training scheme.

Conception et mise en œuvre d’un dispositif de formation innovant pour l’intégration des TICE dans les pratiques enseignantes : étude de cas, enseignants stagiaires des mathématiques du CRMEF Souss-Massa, 2015-2016.

Hilmi, Chakir 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.

A conduta social e a personalidade do agente na fixação da pena / Social behavior and personality of the agent in sentencing.

Paschoal, Luana 26 March 2014 (has links)
A presente dissertação, concebida a partir do modelo teórico desenvolvido por Luigi Ferrajoli, questiona a previsão da conduta social e da personalidade, do artigo 59 do Código Penal Brasileiro, como critérios orientadores aos magistrados, para fixação da pena-base entre o mínimo e o máximo. A pesquisa abordou o conceito dessas circunstâncias judiciais tanto na Doutrina quanto na Jurisprudência, sendo que o resultado do estudo revelou a excessiva carga moral que ainda orienta sua análise. Aborda-se a falácia do mito da neutralidade judicial, uma vez que não é possível apartar os juízes de sua natural condição de seres humanos, e de seus contextos de vida. Trata da necessária tomada de consciência de que toda decisão está contaminada de subjetividade, por parte daqueles que pretendem exercer a judicatura. E apresenta o Autoconhecimento como única via capaz de controlar a subjetividade nas decisões judiciais, na medida em que a investigação interna acarretará humanização, o confronto com o lado sombrio, e reconhecimento da dualidade convivendo em todos os seres humanos, de modo a demonstrar que ninguém está acima do bem e do mal. A pesquisa ainda demonstrou a incoerência da necessidade de analisar circunstâncias significativamente pessoais e subjetivas dos réus, quando o ser humano cresceu, aprendendo desconsiderar e atropelar qualquer particularidade própria e de outros indivíduos. Para tanto, faz uma análise de digressão aos primeiros anos de vida e aos bancos escolares, em que plantadas as primeiras sementes de desconsideração, e de valorização do externo em detrimento do interno, almejando-se profissões de prestígio, em prejuízo da realização pessoal. Faz uma crítica ao Sistema Judicial Brasileiro, a fim de que assuma seu lado humano, colocando um desafio à Magistratura para buscar aqueles que realmente são vocacionados para a função, fornecendo sugestões de modificações na Formação Jurídica. / The instant research took into consideration the theoretical model developed by Luigi Ferrajoli, which questions the prediction of social conduct and personality, in Article 59 of the Brazilian Criminal Code, as guiding criteria for judges to determine standards of minimum and maximum sanctions. The research addressed the concept of such legal circumstances both in doctrine and in case law, and the result of the study revealed excessive moral burden that still guides the judges analysis. This research addresses the fallacy of the myth of judicial neutrality, since it is not possible to separate the judges from their natural condition of human beings and their life contexts. This separation requires awareness that every decision has a subjective component. And introduced the self-knowledge as the only way able to control subjectivity in judgments, as the internal investigation will result in humanization, the confrontation with the dark side, and recognition of duality in all living humans, in order to demonstrate that no one is above good and evil. The survey also showed the inconsistency of the need to analyze so personal and subjective circumstances of the defendant, when human beings were raised, learning to ignore its own and other individuals personal traits. To this end, an analysis of the early years as well as schooling system, where the first ideas of disregard, and enhancement of external rather than internal values arose, targeting prestigious positions, at the expense of personal fulfillment. This research criticizes the Brazilian Judicial System, so that it enhances its human side, posing a challenge to judges to seek those who are really devoted to the function, providing suggestions for changes in the Legal Training System.

Les dispositifs de professionnalisation par alternance sous contrat de travail :vers quelles transformations des pratiques pédagogiques dans l'enseignement supérieur? : L'exemple de l'apprentissage en France

Roure Niubó, Jorgina 19 December 2011 (has links)
Poques vegades al llarg de la història, les universitats europees s’han vist amb la necessitat de donar resposta a les demandes de la societat com en aquests últims decennis. En efecte, és un fet innegable que la universitat es troba immersa en una societat en la què l’educació, la ciència, les innovacions tecnològiques i la informació ocupen un lloc preponderant per al desenvolupament econòmic. El rol que ha de jugar l’educació superior és decisiu per respondre a les demandes de saber i coneixement d’una societat cada vegada més complexa, més experta, més oberta i que es troba en un procés evolutiu accelerat. En un primer temps, l’objectiu de la nostra recerca és posar en perspectiva tots els elements portadors de canvi en les universitats. En aquest sentit, aquesta investigació pren peu en aquest context d’exigències a les que les universitats estan confrontades i s’inscriu clarament en un procés de transformació de la universitat. És per això que la nostra recerca es basa en identificar els dispositius que poden ajudar a donar i a construir un nou sentit a les activitats formatives ja tinguin lloc en un entorn acadèmic o en un entorn professional. Del que es tracta és de saber com les universitats s’adapten a aquest nou escenari, com es construeixen una nova identitat i com s’encaren cap a unes noves competències a les quals estan irremediablement abocades. Des d’aquesta perspectiva, la professionalització de l’educació superior sembla que pot esdevenir una estratègia per a les universitats. Ens referim al desenvolupament de formacions en alternança amb contracte de treball. Dos països europeus privilegien aquesta via de formació en el seu sistema universitari: França i Alemanya. El que pretenem en un segon objectiu de la recerca és presentar la formació en alternança com un dispositiu original de professionalització en l’educació superior que posa en relleu la construcció i el desenvolupament competències individuals com a objectiu clau. La problemàtica de recerca, tal com l’hem plantejat, s’orienta a prendre mesura de la manera en què un dispositiu de professionalització modifica o transforma les modalitats pedagògiques i de quina manera millora l’eficàcia de l’acte formatiu en educació superior. Finalment, el què ens interessa és qüestionar un dispositiu,-l’alternança-, que provoca no només l’evolució de la lògica de les pràctiques pedagògiques, de les missions, de les competències o de les funcions de la universitat sinó que transforma el nostre sistema universitari tal com el coneixem. / En pocas ocasiones a lo largo de la historia, las universidades europeas se han visto en el empeño de dar respuesta a las exigencias de la sociedad, como en estos últimos decenios. En efecto, es un hecho innegable que las universidades se encuentran inmersas en una sociedad en la que la educación, la ciencia, las innovaciones tecnológicas y la información ocupan un lugar preponderante para el desarrollo económico. La universidad juega un papel decisivo para responder a las exigencias de del conocimiento y del saber de una sociedad cada vez más compleja, más experta, más abierta i que se encuentra en un proceso evolutivo acelerado. En un primer momento, el objetivo de nuestra investigación es precisamente poner en perspectiva los elementos portadores de cambio en las universidades. En este sentido, nuestra investigación toma pie en este contexto de exigencias a las que las universidades están confrontadas; así mismo nuestra investigación se inscribe claramente en un proceso de transformación de la universidad. Es por este motivo, que trataremos de identificas los dispositivos de formación que puedan ayudar a dar y a construir un nuevo sentido a las actividades formativas ya sea en un entorno académico o en un entrono profesional. Se trata pues, de saber como las universidades se adaptan en este nuevo escenario, como construyen una nueva identidad y como afrontan las nuevas competencias a las que están irremediablemente abocados. Desde esta perspectiva, la profesionalización de la universidad aparece como una estrategia a tener en cuenta. Nos referimos a las formaciones en alternancia con contrato de trabajo. Dos países están privilegiando, desde hace unos años esta vía de formación en educación superior: Francia i Alemania. Presentamos, como segundo objetivo de investigación, la formación en alternancia como un dispositivo original de profesionalización en educación superior que pone de manifiesto la construcción y el desarrollo de las competencias individuales como objetivo clave. La problemática de investigación, tal como la hemos planteado, se orienta a comprender como un dispositivo de profesionalización modifica y transforma las practicas pedagógicas y cómo mejora la eficacia del acto formativo en educación superior. Finalmente, cuestionamos el dispositivo de la formación en alternancia, que provoca la evolución, no solamente de la práctica pedagógicas, de la misión, de las competencias o de las funciones de la universidad, si no que transforma nuestro sistema universitario tal como lo conocemos. / On few occasions throughout its history has the European university endeavoured so hard to respond to society's demands as during the last few decades. It is clear that the modern-day university forms an integral part of a society in which education, science, technological innovation and information are of vital importance for economic development. It plays a decisive role in feeding the hunger for knowledge and know-how of an ever more complex, open and expert society in the throes of an accelerated evolutionary process. Our investigation aims firstly to provide some form of perspective for those elements which are the cause of change in our universities. This context of universities undergoing a process of transformation and at the same time having to deal with the demands being placed upon them by society provides the setting for our investigation. With this in mind, we will attempt to identify the ways in which training and educational activities, whether in a professional or academic environment, can be redefined and restructured. How do universities adapt to this new scenario? How do they build a new identity? How do they deal with the new challenges they are inevitably required to confront? From this perspective, one strategy that needs to be examined in greater detail is the so-called 'professionalization' of universities. By this, we mean work-linked educational/training courses operating in conjunction with employment contracts. Two countries in particular have been promoting this training pathway in higher education over the last few years: France and Germany. The second aim of our investigation is to present linked work and training as an original measure for higher education professionalization that emphasizes skill building and development as a key objective. Our investigation sets out to understand how such professionalization approaches can modify and transform pedagogical practices and how they might improve the effectiveness and efficacy of higher education and training. Finally, we will look at and question linked work and training and its effects. This professionalization approach is not simply one more aspect in the evolution of the pedagogical practices, objectives and functions of our universities, it is in fact causing a transformation of the university system as we know it.

The effects of military training system on students¡¦ life counseling and guidance in private technological colleges

Cheng, Chien-ming 09 July 2008 (has links)
Students¡¦ life counseling and guidance has always been the center in student affairs, and life education stands out in school education work. The main goals of students¡¦ life counseling and guidance include cultivating students¡¦ adapting abilities in life and healthy characters. Students are expected to have high self-esteem and autonomous attitude, and hence can be law-abiding, responsible, caring for life, and contributing to the society. In the recent years, however, the social environment has been changing rapidly, and so has the school campus which has always been regarded as a relatively stable organization. Many school incidents can be heard constantly and the previously warm, harmonious and peaceful campus is no more what it used to be. Therefore it has become a crucial issue to make a balance between an open, democratic campus and the securing of campus ethics, cultural passing, and campus security. The military training system is currently gradually transforming into a new style based on ¡§guiding service¡¨ idea. This study is aimed to explore the effects of this new style, meanwhile taking care of campus democracy, openness, ethics, and security, on students¡¦ life counseling and guidance and how students perceive it. The participants in this study are students from three private technological colleges: Chung Hwa University of Medical Technology (CUMT), Diwan University (DU), and Shu Zen College of Medicine and Management (SZMM). After research into related literature and deep investigation in the current military training system in life counseling and guidance, a questionnaire is made to understand how students perceive the military science officers conducting behavioral guidance, maintaining campus security, dealing with contingency, and taking care of sick or injured students. Besides, students¡¦ perceptions are also analyzed in quantitative data to see the differences and relations in terms of their different backgrounds. The following are the findings of this study: 1. Students in general expressed high approval in the four aspects: conducting behavioral guidance, maintaining campus security, dealing with contingency, and taking care of sick or injured students. 2. Students in CUMT showed higher approval in the aspect of conducting behavioral guidance and maintaining campus security than those in DU. Students in SZMM showed higher approval in maintaining campus security than those in DU. 3. Students in the third and fourth year showed higher approval in maintaining campus security, dealing with contingency, and taking care of sick or injured students than those in the first or second year. Those with higher family income also showed higher approval than those with lower family income According to the research findings, this study also provides practical suggestions as reference for related education authorities, military science officers and future researchers. 1. Students¡¦ life counseling and guidance in private technological colleges should focus on ¡§maintaining campus security.¡¨ a. Strengthen security management in selected areas in open campus. b. Crack down on those violating the rule: ¡§riding with a helmet¡¨ out of campus and highlight its importance on campus. c. Keep improving the serving quality in the four aspects: conducting behavioral guidance, maintaining campus security, dealing with contingency, and taking care of sick or injured students. 2. ¡§Good deeds can offset the wrongdoing¡¨ concept should be incorporated into ¡§moral teaching program.¡¨ 3. General education or military science should be incorporated into ¡§contingency management¡¨ instruction and practices. 4. School should set up a joint unit to serve the sick or injured students. Keywords: military training system, military science officer, students¡¦ life counseling and guidance, behavioral guidance, maintaining campus security, contingency management, taking care of the sick and injured students

Sportininkų treniruočių krūvio planavimo ir valdymo sistemos kokybės tyrimas / The quality research of planning and management system in sportsmen training

Butkus, Mindaugas 31 August 2009 (has links)
Šiuo metu tiek pasaulio tiek Lietuvos IT rinkoje sukurta daug dokumentų valdymo sistemų, kurios yra įdiegtos įvairiose srityse, sportas - ne išimtis. Šio darbo pagrindinis tikslas – patrauklesnės treniruotės apskaitos sukūrimas bei prieinamesnių, lankstesnių ir efektyvesnių treniruotės planavimo metodų užtikrinimas. Darbo uždaviniai - tyrimu įvertinti sukurtos sportininkų treniruotės krūvio planavimo ir valdymo sistemos kokybę ir pateikti siūlymus tolesniam jos tobulinimui. / The main goal of the project is to find out the appropriate way to keep favorable workout record, to create possible methods to evaluate workout effectiveness as well as provide flexible and accessible workout planning techniques. The present bachelor’s paper aims at major factors, which influence workout planning and the quality of management system. Management quality has been examined using tests as well as code analysis. The main characteristics were evaluated according to set ISO-9126 standard. Fundamental characteristics have been analyzed; the real data has been used. It meets specifications for functional requirements, is quite flexible and allows to evaluate workout quality accurately.

INTRODUZIONE DI FORME DI ALLEVAMENTO EUROPEE SU PESCO, IN AMBIENTE SUB-TROPICALE DELLA COLOMBIA / Introduction of European training forms for peach trees cultivated under intertropical conditions in Colombia

MALVICINI, GIAN LUCA 19 February 2014 (has links)
Il progetto di dottorato ha riguardato la realizzazione di un pescheto situato in Soracá , nel dipartimento di Boyacá (Colombia), che si trova a circa 2900 m slm , latitudine 5 ° 30 ' 30 " a nord . Il pescheto sperimentale, di circa 1,5 ettari , è stata istituita nel gennaio 2011 . Per la piantagione sono stati scelte due cultivar, già coltivate nella regione di Boyacá : ' Rubidoux ' (CU : 600 ore ) e ' Eldorado ' (CU : 250 ore ) . Le piante sono state allevate in 6 diverse forme di allevamento: ( non potato, vaso a 3 branche, vaso a 4 branche, vaso ritardato, fusetto e palmetta ). I dati raccolti sui parametri morfo - biometrici, hanno permesso di descrivere e quantificare la crescita vegetativa e l’attività riproduttiva, fornendo risultati sia a livello dottrinale, sia a livello pratico. In particolare, sono state evidenziate interessanti evoluzioni delle gemme e delle formazioni a frutto, della durata della fenologia e della “dilatazione” dell’attività riproduttiva che ragionevolmente possono attribuirsi al peculiare ambiente di coltivazione. A livello pratico, i primi parziali risultati sono prodromi all’applicazione delle medesime tecniche di potatura anche su altri pescheti della zona. In particolare le forma di allevamento a " Fusetto " ed a “Palmetta” , hanno garantito una maggiore solidità della struttura e un migliore equilibrio vegeto-produttivo . / Dr Malvicini has participated to the realization of the peach orchard located in Soracá, in the department of Boyacá, Colombia, which is at about 2900 a.s.l., latitude 5° 30’ 30” north. The experimental peach orchard, which is about 1.5 hectares, was established in January 2011. For the plantation were chosen two cultivars that were already cultivated in the Boyacá region: ‘Rubidoux’ (chilling requirement: 600 hours) and ‘Eldorado’ (chilling requirement: 250 hours). The peach trees were trained in 6 different form (no pruned, 3 branches vase, 4 branches vase, delayed vase, fusetto and palmette), each constituted by a number of plants ranging from 30 to 40. Dr Malvicini has followed the growth of the plants till 32 months of age. The data about morpho-biometric parameters collected, allowed to describe and to quantify the vegetative growth and reproductive activity, providing results both at the doctrinal level, both on a practical level. In particular, were highlighted interesting evolutions on buds and fruiting branches, on the phenology length and on the “expansion “of reproductive activity that could be reasonably attributed to the peculiar sub-tropical area condition. On a practical level, the first partial results stimulated the application of the same techniques on other pruning peach orchards in the area. In fact, local growers have immediately realized that the new forms of training system, and in particular “fusetto” and "palmetta", ensured a greater solidity of the tree and a better vegetative-productive balance.

A conduta social e a personalidade do agente na fixação da pena / Social behavior and personality of the agent in sentencing.

Luana Paschoal 26 March 2014 (has links)
A presente dissertação, concebida a partir do modelo teórico desenvolvido por Luigi Ferrajoli, questiona a previsão da conduta social e da personalidade, do artigo 59 do Código Penal Brasileiro, como critérios orientadores aos magistrados, para fixação da pena-base entre o mínimo e o máximo. A pesquisa abordou o conceito dessas circunstâncias judiciais tanto na Doutrina quanto na Jurisprudência, sendo que o resultado do estudo revelou a excessiva carga moral que ainda orienta sua análise. Aborda-se a falácia do mito da neutralidade judicial, uma vez que não é possível apartar os juízes de sua natural condição de seres humanos, e de seus contextos de vida. Trata da necessária tomada de consciência de que toda decisão está contaminada de subjetividade, por parte daqueles que pretendem exercer a judicatura. E apresenta o Autoconhecimento como única via capaz de controlar a subjetividade nas decisões judiciais, na medida em que a investigação interna acarretará humanização, o confronto com o lado sombrio, e reconhecimento da dualidade convivendo em todos os seres humanos, de modo a demonstrar que ninguém está acima do bem e do mal. A pesquisa ainda demonstrou a incoerência da necessidade de analisar circunstâncias significativamente pessoais e subjetivas dos réus, quando o ser humano cresceu, aprendendo desconsiderar e atropelar qualquer particularidade própria e de outros indivíduos. Para tanto, faz uma análise de digressão aos primeiros anos de vida e aos bancos escolares, em que plantadas as primeiras sementes de desconsideração, e de valorização do externo em detrimento do interno, almejando-se profissões de prestígio, em prejuízo da realização pessoal. Faz uma crítica ao Sistema Judicial Brasileiro, a fim de que assuma seu lado humano, colocando um desafio à Magistratura para buscar aqueles que realmente são vocacionados para a função, fornecendo sugestões de modificações na Formação Jurídica. / The instant research took into consideration the theoretical model developed by Luigi Ferrajoli, which questions the prediction of social conduct and personality, in Article 59 of the Brazilian Criminal Code, as guiding criteria for judges to determine standards of minimum and maximum sanctions. The research addressed the concept of such legal circumstances both in doctrine and in case law, and the result of the study revealed excessive moral burden that still guides the judges analysis. This research addresses the fallacy of the myth of judicial neutrality, since it is not possible to separate the judges from their natural condition of human beings and their life contexts. This separation requires awareness that every decision has a subjective component. And introduced the self-knowledge as the only way able to control subjectivity in judgments, as the internal investigation will result in humanization, the confrontation with the dark side, and recognition of duality in all living humans, in order to demonstrate that no one is above good and evil. The survey also showed the inconsistency of the need to analyze so personal and subjective circumstances of the defendant, when human beings were raised, learning to ignore its own and other individuals personal traits. To this end, an analysis of the early years as well as schooling system, where the first ideas of disregard, and enhancement of external rather than internal values arose, targeting prestigious positions, at the expense of personal fulfillment. This research criticizes the Brazilian Judicial System, so that it enhances its human side, posing a challenge to judges to seek those who are really devoted to the function, providing suggestions for changes in the Legal Training System.

Поддержка системы профессиональной подготовки кадров в монопрофильном муниципальном образовании: анализ и инструменты совершенствования : магистерская диссертация / Support for a professional training system in a single-industry municipality: analysis and improvement tools

Галиаскарова, К. Р., Galiaskarova, K. R. January 2020 (has links)
Проведен анализ профессиональной подготовки кадров в монопрофильном муниципальном образовании Первоуральск. Выявлено, что внедрение практико-ориентированной (дуальной) формы подготовки производственных кадров нуждается в мерах активной государственной поддержки. / The analysis of professional training in the single-industry municipality of Pervouralsk. It was revealed that the introduction of a practice-oriented (dual) form of training of production personnel needs active government support measures.

E-learning как средство оптимизации внутрифирменного обучения линейного персонала : магистерская диссертация / E-learning as a means of optimizing in-house training of line personnel

Кузнецова, П. А., Kuznetsova, P. A. January 2023 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения, библиографического списка, приложений. В теоретической части рассмотрены теоретические аспекты внутрифирменное обучение сотрудников, теория и практика осуществления в сфере оказания услуг, разработана модель оптимизации внутрифирменного обучения современной организации .В практической части даются общая характеристика исследуемого предприятия, анализ его кадрового состава, системы управления персоналом и основных составляющих модели оптимизации внутрифирменного обучения линейных сотрудников. На основе полученных данных разработаны рекомендации по совершенствованию текущей модели внутрифирменного обучения сотрудников. В заключении подведены итоги в соответствии с поставленными задачами. / The master's thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a bibliographic list, and appendices. In the theoretical part, the theoretical aspects of in-house training of employees, the theory and practice of implementation in the field of service provision are considered, a model for optimizing in-house training of a modern organization is developed. In the practical part, a general description of the enterprise under study, an analysis of its personnel, personnel management system and the main components of the model for optimizing the internal training of line employees are given. Based on the data obtained, recommendations were developed to improve the current model of in-house employee training. In conclusion, the results are summarized in accordance with the tasks set.

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