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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uticaj sastava masne faze margarina na fizičke osobine i kvalitet peciva od laminiranog testa / INFLUENCE OF FAT PHASE COMPOSITION OF MARGARINE ON PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICSAND QUALITY OF PUFF PASTRY

Šoronja-Simović Dragana 16 December 2009 (has links)
<p>U radu je ispitana mogućnost primene margarina za laminiranje smanjenog sadržaja trans masnih kiselina u izradi lisnatog peciva. U prvoj fazi eksperimentalnog rada ispitivanjem uticaja vrste (MZ1 i MZ2) i količine margarina za zames (1, 3 i 5% na masu bra&scaron;na) i količine emulgatora (0,1, 0,3, i 0,5% na masu bra&scaron;na), kao i njihove interakcije na fizičke osobine testa i kvalitet peciva, definisan je sirovinski sastav osnovnog testa, koji obezbeđuje optimalnu obradivost tokom laminiranja. Rezultati merenja empirijskih i fundamentalnih reolo&scaron;kih pokazatelja kvaliteta osnovnog testa i kvaliteta peciva jasno su pokazali da je optimalna količina dodataka 1% margarina MZ2 i 0,3% emulgatora.<br />Ispitivanjem uticaja sastava masne faze margarina za laminiranje na kvalitet peciva utvrđeno je da je količinu margarina, kao i vreme odmaranja između faza laminiranja neophodno prilagoditi fizičkohemijskim osobinama margarina. Zadovoljavajući kvalitet lisnatog peciva sa margarinom MLT1 najboljih fizičkih osobina, ali i najpoželjnijeg masnokiselinskog sastava, moguće je postići dodatkom samo 35% margarina, &scaron;to je najče&scaron;e donja granica u izradi lisnatog peciva. Za dobijanje prihvatljivih fizičkih i karakterističnih senzornih osobina peciva neophodan je dodatak 45% margarina MLT3, odnosno 55% margarina MLT2 i MLT4.<br />Primena margarina MLT1 i MLT4 koji imaju veći sadržaj čvrstih triglicerida zahteva vreme odmaranja od 30 minuta. Najbolji kvalitet peciva sa margarinom MLT2 ili MLT3 koje karakteri&scaron;e niži sadržaj SFC i manja tvrdoća dobija se kada je vreme relaksacije<br />između faza laminiranja 45 minuta.<br />Optimizacijom tehnolo&scaron;kog procesa proizvodnje peciva od laminiranog testa utvrđeno je da margarini niskog sadržaja trans masnih kiselina, kod kojih su očuvane optimalne fizičke osobine, mogu uspe&scaron;no da zamene margarine dobijene postupkom parcijalne hidrogenacije biljnog ulja. Primenom margarina modifikovanog sastava masne faze moguće je smanjiti energetsku vrednost peciva za 12%, odnosno smanjenjem udela masti za 30% i trans masnih kiselina za 100% pobolj&scaron;ati nutritivnu vrednost peciva.</p> / <p>The possibility of application of low-trans margarine in the puff pastry production was investigated in this work. The base dough formula, which ensures the optimal dough handling during the laminating, has been defined in the first phase of the experimental work. It has been achieved through the analysis of the influence of two dough margarines composition (MZ1 and MZ2) and quantity (1, 3 and 5 % based on flour) in combination with emulsifier quantity (0.1, 0.3 and 0.5% based on flour) on physical properties of dough and puff pastry quality. The results of the measurements of empirical and fundamental rheological parameters of the base dough quality as well as the quality of the puff pastry, have clearly indicated that the optimal quantity of margarine MZ2 and emulsifier are 1% and 0.3%, respectively.<br />By analyzing the impact of the fat phase composition of puff pastry margarine on pastry quality, it has been revealed that the quantity of the margarine and the relaxation time between laminating, need to be adjusted to the physicochemical characteristics of the margarine.<br />It is possible to achieve the satisfactory quality of the puff pastry with margarine MLT1 of the best physical, and of the most optimal fatty acid composition, by adding only 35% of margarine which is at most times, the lowest possible quantity in producing the puff pastry. For the achievement of the acceptable physical and typical sensory characteristics of the pastry it is needed to add 45 % of the margarine MLT3, or 55% of margarine MLT2 and MLT4.<br />The use of the margarines MLT1 and MLT4 which have high values of solid fat content, requires relaxation<br />time of 30 minutes. The best quality of the pastry with margarine MLT2 or MLT3 which is typical of lower solid fat content and lower firmness is achieved when the time of the relaxation between the laminating is 45 minutes.<br />By the optimization of the production of the puff pastry, it has been identified that the margarines of the low content of trans fatty acids can successfully replace the margarines produced by the partial hydrogenation of the vegetable oil. It is possible to reduce the energy value of the pastry by 12%, by using the margarine of the modified content of the fat phase. Namely by reducing the content of the fat by 30% and trans fatty acids by 100%, it is possible to improve the nutritive value of the pastry.</p>

Marriage Equality and Trans Rights advocacy on TikTok : A qualitative content analysis of an emerging social media platform

Persson, Jonas January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Det feminina och maskulina funktionshindret : En diskursanalys av transpersoners positionering inom Socialstyrelsens nationella kunskapsstöd / The feminine and masculine disability : A discourse analysis of the positioning of transgender people in national regulations by The National Board of Health and Welfare.

Nilsson, Emma, Petersson, Natalie January 2023 (has links)
Vård av transpersoner och professionella underlag är under konstant förändring till följd av omställningar i diagnosmanualer samt till följd av dess sociopolitiska kontext. Det vetenskapliga fältet är relativt nytt och bristfällig i dess kvantitet. Detta föranleder ett intresse av att undersöka ämnet närmare för att fylla kunskapsluckor inom fältet. Den här uppsatsen ämnar till att undersöka konstruktionen och positioneringen av transpersoner i Socialstyrelsens nationella kunskapsstöd för professionella och beslutsfattare. Vidare ämnar uppsatsen undersöka en diskursiv transformering mellan Socialstyrelsens kunskapsstöd från 2015 och 2022. Materialet innefattar två kunskapsstöd från 2015: God vård av vuxna med könsdysfori samt God vård av barn och ungdomar med könsdysfori, och ett kunskapsstöd från 2022: Vård av barn och ungdomar med könsdysfori. Materialet undersöks genom en Foucauldiansk diskursanalys där metoden i denna analys är inspirerad av Carla Willigs (2013) analyssteg. Analysen i denna uppsats innefattar tre steg där citat från materialet placeras i olika koder, vilket sedan analyseras utifrån relevans till uppsatsens syfte och frågeställningar. I linje med den Foucauldianska diskursanalysen används en poststrukturalistisk och abduktiv ansats. Det teoretiska ramverket i uppsatsen innefattar Butlers genusteori samt medikalisering som kompletterande begrepp. Resultatet och analysen är sammanflätade. Uppsatsen visar på en subjektpositionering av transpersoner som ’dysforiska’ eller ’icke dysforiska’ där de ’dysforiska’ konstitueras som ett ’problem’. Socialstyrelsen likställer dysforin hos subjekten med ett funktionshinder där ’problemet’ individualiseras och transpersonerna blir placerad i en ansvarsposition. I analysen framgår även ett stort fokus på det binära genuset inom Socialstyrelsens material från 2015 samt ett fortsatt bibehållande av maskulina och feminina sociala konstruktioner i båda materialen. Fortsatt visar analysen på medikalisering och psykiatrifiering av subjekten samt förekommer ingen skillnad i subjektpositionering i en jämförelse av materialen, trots inkluderingen av icke-binära i det senare kunskapsstödet. / National regulations and care of transgender patients are undergoing constant development due to changing diagnostic manuals and its surrounding socio-political factors. The scientifical field is inadequate and has left gaps within the field. Accordingly, it is of interest to examine these gaps and participate in the advancements within the field. This paper aims to examine the construct and subject positioning of transgender people in The National Board of Health and Welfare papers of national regulations. Furthermore, the paper seeks out to analyze a discursive transformation between the material from 2015 and 2022. The material include two national regulations from 2015, God vård av vuxna med könsdysfori, God vård av barn och ungdomar med könsdysfori, and a paper from 2022, Vård av barn och ungdomar med könsdysfori. The method of Foucauldian discourse in this paper is inspired by Carla Willigs (2013) steps of analysis. The steps of analysis in this research consist of three parts where citations from the material is placed within codes. These are analysed within the scope of the study. Moreover, a poststructuralist and abductive perspective is applied because of its coherence with discourse as a method and theory. The theoretical framework consists of Butler’s gender theory and medicalisation as a complementary construct. The results of this paper show that transgender people are positioned as ‘dysphoric’ or ‘non dysphoric’. Those who are positioned as ‘dysphoric‘ seems to be constructed as a ‘problem’. The subjects are placed in a position of liability where the ‘problem’ is individualized. The binary social construct is prevalent in the material from 2015 and is continued to be reproduced in the material from 2022. Additionally, one can identify a medicalization of the individuals and the same subject positioning in all of the materials even though the latter edition claims to digress from normative binary constructions.

Unga transpersoner och sång

Cerda, Josefina January 2023 (has links)
Unga transpersoner är en växande elevgrupp vilket gör att allt fler sånglärare möter elever som identifierar sig som transpersoner i sin undervisning. En persons röst är nära sammankopplad med den personliga identiteten men det finns väldigt lite forskning om transpersoner i sångsammanhang. Denna studie som bygger på tre samtal i en fokusgrupp bestående av fyra transpersoner i gymnasieålder har genomförts i syfte att undersöka deras erfarenheter av röst, sång och sångundervisning. Studiens deltagare lyfter fram positiva erfarenheter från sångsammanhang där de mött medvetna lärare med erfarenhet av att undervisa transpersoner. Trots lärarnas normkritiska blick och medvetenhet om bland annat språkbruk kan tradition som förstärker könsnormer ibland leva kvar och leda till att studiens informanter inte känner sig inkluderade. Vidare beskriver de hur fysiska förutsättningar sätter stark prägel på deras erfarenheter av röst och sång, där rösten antingen förstärker könsidentiteten och leder till positiva erfarenheter eller blir ett hinder för dem att uttrycka sig som de vill och leva i enlighet med sin identitet. Individuella anpassningar i dialog med transelever är ett viktigt led i att skapa inkluderande sångsammanhang eftersom varje person är unik och det därför inte finns några entydiga svar och lösningar som passar alla. / Young transgender people are a growing group of students, which means that more and more singing teachers meet students who identify as transgender in their classes. A person's voice is closely connected to personal identity, but there is very little research on transgender people in the context of singing. This study, which is based on three conversations in a focus group consisting of four trans students in high school, has been conducted with the aim of investigating their experiences of voice, singing, and singing education. The study's participants highlight positive experiences from singing contexts where they have met conscious teachers with experience in teaching transgender students. Despite the teachers' norm-critical view and awareness of, among other things, language use, tradition that reinforces gender norms can sometimes still be present and lead to transgender students not feeling included. Furthermore, they describe how physical conditions strongly influence their experiences of voice and singing, where the voice either reinforces gender identity and leads to positive experiences or becomes an obstacle for them to express themselves as they want and live in accordance with their identity. Individual adaptations in dialogue with trans students are an important step in creating inclusive singing contexts since each person is unique and therefore there are no clear answers and solutions that fit everyone.


ANA CAROLINA LIMA DOS SANTOS 16 September 2020 (has links)
[pt] O presente estudo tem por objetivo geral analisar a relação dos profissionais em formação nas residências multiprofissionais em saúde no que tange ao atendimento de pessoas trans em um hospital universitário do município Rio de Janeiro. Evidenciar o tema da transexualidade a partir do olhar das profissionais de saúde é fundamental para a construção de uma formação profissional e de uma educação permanente em saúde de qualidade que contribua para a criação de espaços de diálogos entre as profissionais de saúde e a população atendida. Para isto, este trabalho teve como objetivos específicos: 1) Identificar a percepção das profissionais de saúde em formação acerca das demandas das pessoas transexuais que comparecem aos serviços de saúde, 2) Analisar a interação entre profissionais de saúde e as pessoas trans no atendimento de suas demandas e 3) Analisar a incorporação e reificação da dimensão de gênero na formação da residência em saúde pública a partir do olhar das profissionais. Os episódios de atitudes discriminatórias contra as sexualidades consideradas desviantes da norma são recorrentes nos ambientes de saúde. Foram realizadas oito entrevistas individuais com profissionais de saúde residentes do segundo ano de formação dos programas de residência multiprofissionais. Na análise dos dados coletados, utilizamos a análise de conteúdo das narrativas das profissionais de saúde entrevistadas, a partir de três categorias: Noções sobre transexualidade e demandas em saúde, atendimento às pessoas trans e interação com as profissionais de saúde e gênero e formação profissional. Observamos que as dificuldades de lidar com as questões relativas ao gênero e à sexualidade, especialmente à sexualidade feminina, faz com que as profissionais de saúde reduzam o impacto de suas ações. Os resultados apontam que a maneira como esses profissionais entendem e constroem as noções de gênero e sexualidade, torna-se uma das principais barreiras de acesso das pessoas trans aos serviços. / [en] This study aims to evaluate healthcare professionals (HCP) during their multiprofessional postgraduate training - residency - and their perceptions of the care dispensed to transgender people in a university hospital in Rio de Janeiro city. It is highly important to value the transexuality subject from the HCP perspective in order to build proper professional education and permanent health education that allows experience exchange spaces between those professionals and the population. This work has as specific goals: 1) To identify the in-training HCP perception about the demands of transgender people who attend to the health facility, 2) To evaluate the intercommunication between HCPs and trans people regarding the resolution of their needs and 3) To evaluate the internalization and reification of gender dimension in the public health education during residency from the professionals perception. Gender discrimination episodes against people whose sexuality is considered deviating is recurrent in health care institutions.. For this work, we conducted 8 interviews with 2nd-year health care students during their multiprofessional residency. To perform data analysis the content analysis method was used to evaluate the narratives of the interviewees, using three categories: basic knowledge on transexuality and health needs, health care to trans people and interactions with HCP and gender and professional training. We observed that the difficulties in dealing with gender and sexuality topics, specially those regarding female sexuality, reduce the impact of the action of those health professionals. Our results evidentiate that the manner the HCPs deal with gender and sexuality and how they understand those subjects are barriers to transgender people on their access to health care services.

Trans-free fats and oils: chemistry and consumer acceptance

Brekke, Sarah January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Food Science / Delores Chambers / Research has shown that trans fat consumption increases the levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and has a direct correlation to the incidence of heart disease. It is now widely believed that trans fat intake adversely affects the health of consumers. A Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ruling, effective January 1, 2006, required declaration of trans fat content on all Nutrition Facts labels of food products. Around the same time local governments, such as the city of New York, and some restaurants followed suit by eliminating trans fats from their menus. The food industry’s initial concern with trans fat elimination/reduction was the loss of some functionality such as shelf life, stability, and creaming ability with trans-free fats and oils. Researchers are working to develop new trans-free fats and oils that do not have negative sensory properties and maintain the functionality of traditionally hydrogenated oils when used in baked and fried goods. This is an overview of the chemistry, health risks, and research that has been performed to either reduce or eliminate trans fats in food products.

Metal decorated polymeric membranes for low trans partial hydrogenation of soybean oil

Singh, Devinder January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Chemical Engineering / Peter H. Pfromm / Mary E. Rezac / Multiphase reactions are often constrained by mass transfer limitations which in many cases lead to low reaction rates and undesirable product distribution. Here we fabricate integral-asymmetric polymeric membranes decorated with metal catalysts, to supply hydrogen directly at or near the surface of the catalyst, thus minimizing mass-transfer limitations. The metal decorated polymeric membranes were used for partial hydrogenation of soybean oil with the goal to minimize trans fatty acid (TFA) formation. It was discovered that polymeric membranes with “defective” metal coatings are well suited to achieve low-TFA hydrogenation of soybean oil at quite moderate process conditions. The metal decorated polymeric membranes studied produced significantly lower trans fatty acid as compared to traditional reactors (3.5 wt% at an Iodine Value of 95 as compared to 8 wt% in slurry reactor), at pressures and temperatures which are compatible with the existing systems. The process concept is simpler than some of the alternatives being studied and no catalyst recovery from the oil is needed since the catalyst is immobilized on the membrane. Metal decorated polymeric membranes having a variety of hydrogen fluxes, skin defects, and catalyst loadings were evaluated. All the metal decorated polymeric membranes evaluated produced low TFA. Membranes with high hydrogen fluxes resulted in higher hydrogenation rates but had little influence on TFA formation. Membranes with higher catalyst loadings resulted in lower TFA but increased saturate formation. Metal decorated polymeric membranes behaved differently to changes in temperature and pressures when compared to traditional slurry reactors. They showed a minor increase in TFA with temperature (50-90 °C) as compared to traditional slurry reactors. The hydrogenation rate and cis-trans isomerization also showed a modest dependence on pressure. Due to the defective nature of the metal layer on the polymeric membrane skin and the low temperatures (50-90 °C) at which the reactor is operating, the hydrogen permeability of metals has a minor influence on hydrogenation reaction. A range of metal catalysts can be used for the given system. Repeat runs using the same membrane showed a decrease in hydrogenation activity, without any change in isomerization or hydrogenation selectivity. Initial results indicate the decreased activity may not be from leaching of catalyst from membrane surface nor from sulfur poisoning.

LRP10 (LDL-related protein 10), un nouveau régulateur du trafic et du clivage de la protéine APP (amyloid precursor protein), est réduit dans la maladie d'Alzheimer

Brodeur, Julie January 2012 (has links)
La maladie d'Alzheimer (MA) est une maladie neurodégénérative progressive et irréversible. Une étape précoce de la MA est la relâche neuronale excessive du peptide amyloïde-[bêta] (A[bêta]), qui s'accumule dans le cerveau, s'assemble et se dépose sous forme de plaques A[bêta] insolubles et neurotoxiques. L'A[bêta] est produit suite au clivage amyloïdogénique de la protéine APP, effectué par les sécrétases [bêta] et [gamma] au niveau des endosomes. Il est bien connu que le trafic intracellulaire de l'APP affecte son clivage. L'étude du trafic intracellulaire de cette protéine est donc cruciale pour comprendre ce qui régit la production d'A[bêta]. Certains membres de la famille des récepteurs de lipoprotéines de faibles densités (LDLR), dont SorLA/LR11, interagissent avec l'APP et modulent son clivage en régulant son trafic et/ou en s'associant avec les sécrétases. LRP10, un nouveau membre peu connu des LDLR, trafique entre le Golgi et les endosomes, tout comme SorLA/LR11. Conséquemment, nous avons émis l'hypothèse selon laquelle LRP10 serait un nouveau récepteur de la protéine APP, impliqué dans la régulation du trafic et du clivage de cette dernière ainsi que dans la relâche d'A[bêta]. Nos résultats démontrent que LRP10 et la protéine APP colocalisent au TGN (trans-Golgi network ) et interagissent de façon directe.La surexpression stable de LRP10 dans les cellules de neuroblastome humain SH-SY5Y, provoque une accumulation de la forme mature de l'APP, ainsi qu'une diminution de son clivage et de la production d'A[bêta].La déplétion de LRP10, par la technique d'ARN interférant, provoque l'augmentation de la production d'A[bêta]. De plus, l'expression d'un mutant de LRP10, redistribué aux endosomes précoces, induit la redistribution intracellulaire de l'APP au niveau de ces mêmes endosomes dans les cellules HeLa et SH-SY5Y, tel qu'observé en microscopie confocale.La surexpression stable du mutant de LRP10 dans les SH-SY5Y a aussi démontré une augmentation du clivage amyloïdogénique de l'APP normalement effectué aux endosomes et donc une augmentation de la production d'A[bêta]. Enfin, la comparaison des niveaux d'expression protéique de LRP10 retrouvés dans le cortex frontal et l'hippocampe de cerveaux de patients âgés sains ou atteints de la MA, révèle que l'expression de LRP10 est réduit dans le cerveau des patients atteints de la MA. En conclusion, LRP10 est un nouveau récepteur de l'APP participant à son triage entre le TGN et les endosomes, protégeant ainsi l'APP du clivage amyloïdogénique et de l'accumulation d'A[bêta]. Ainsi, la réduction de l'expression de LRP10 dans le cerveau pourrait augmenter la production de l'A[bêta] et représenter un facteur de risque dans la MA.

Duitse immigrasie na Suid-Afrika ná 1945: 'n transnasionale geskiedenis, met die fokus op Wolfgang Wehrmeyer (1933-2008)

Wehrmeyer, Hermann Wilfried January 2016 (has links)
The presence of German immigrants - especially the German orphans of 1948, was a known phenomenon to the South African community during the 20th century. After the Second World War, South Africa’s economy developed rapidly and the skills shortage drew immigrants from all over the world. For Germans, South Africa became a prime destination. They were mostly welcomed with open arms. Many of them also played an important role in South African society. Knowledge regarding these Germans, especially those who immigrated between 1945 and 1980, is fading in the 21st century, a century of dramatic changes and challenges. It appears that very little is known with regard to the contribution these German immigrants made towards the development of South Africa and how they integrated into the South African community. Each immigrant brings his own identity, worldview and concepts of how institutions should function. They bridge national borders and entered a new society with its own identity, or in the case of South Africa, multi ethnic identities. The immigrants have to integrate and adapt to the new culture and ways, while they still retain their old cultures. In the process, they develop a new identity, a trans nationality. They influence their environment and the people they came into contact with. In the 1970‟s, it was especially the German historians who developed a new historiography, known as transnational history writing. After the Second World War, the relationships of the Germans and the French became intertwined in Europe. This necessitated a new approach to the communal coexistence of communities in a fast - changing Europe. Previously history was largely written within the context of the national state and within geographic borders. Now history was developing over national borders and people of different nations were starting to live shared lives. By making comparisons and emphasizing differences, a new theory and principles of transnationalism and trans nationality surfaced. This study approaches transnationalism from the context of a family history, with a biographical case study of a single citizen who emigrated from Germany to South Africa. The focus is on how Wolfgang Wehrmeyer was transplanted to a new country and how he developed a transnational identity. This biographical case study is incorporated into a prosopography with the personal experiences of fellow German immigrants in order to gain a comprehensive insight on trans nationality. The findings are analysed and synthesised to come to a comprehensive conclusion as to how German immigrants experienced transnationalism. The purpose of the study is to make a contribution to our knowledge of transnational historiography in South Africa, as well as to our knowledge about the German immigrants and their experiences.

Duitse immigrasie na Suid-Afrika ná 1945: 'n transnasionale geskiedenis, met die fokus op Wolfgang Wehrmeyer (1933-2008)

Wehrmeyer, Hermann Wilfried January 2016 (has links)
The presence of German immigrants - especially the German orphans of 1948, was a known phenomenon to the South African community during the 20th century. After the Second World War, South Africa’s economy developed rapidly and the skills shortage drew immigrants from all over the world. For Germans, South Africa became a prime destination. They were mostly welcomed with open arms. Many of them also played an important role in South African society. Knowledge regarding these Germans, especially those who immigrated between 1945 and 1980, is fading in the 21st century, a century of dramatic changes and challenges. It appears that very little is known with regard to the contribution these German immigrants made towards the development of South Africa and how they integrated into the South African community. Each immigrant brings his own identity, worldview and concepts of how institutions should function. They bridge national borders and entered a new society with its own identity, or in the case of South Africa, multi ethnic identities. The immigrants have to integrate and adapt to the new culture and ways, while they still retain their old cultures. In the process, they develop a new identity, a trans nationality. They influence their environment and the people they came into contact with. In the 1970‟s, it was especially the German historians who developed a new historiography, known as transnational history writing. After the Second World War, the relationships of the Germans and the French became intertwined in Europe. This necessitated a new approach to the communal coexistence of communities in a fast - changing Europe. Previously history was largely written within the context of the national state and within geographic borders. Now history was developing over national borders and people of different nations were starting to live shared lives. By making comparisons and emphasizing differences, a new theory and principles of transnationalism and trans nationality surfaced. This study approaches transnationalism from the context of a family history, with a biographical case study of a single citizen who emigrated from Germany to South Africa. The focus is on how Wolfgang Wehrmeyer was transplanted to a new country and how he developed a transnational identity. This biographical case study is incorporated into a prosopography with the personal experiences of fellow German immigrants in order to gain a comprehensive insight on trans nationality. The findings are analysed and synthesised to come to a comprehensive conclusion as to how German immigrants experienced transnationalism. The purpose of the study is to make a contribution to our knowledge of transnational historiography in South Africa, as well as to our knowledge about the German immigrants and their experiences.

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