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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Double criminality in international extradition law

Blaas, Fey-Constanze 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The object of the thesis is to examine the content and status of the double criminality principle in international extradition law. The double criminality principle says a fugitive c annat be extradited unless the conduct for which his extradition is sought is criminal in both the requesting state and the requested state. This thesis is based on a study of sources of international law and domestic law and ideas presented in legal literature. The double criminality principle has developed over several centuries and it has been embraced by most states in one form or the other. The principle serves several purposes, of which the most dominant is the notion of state sovereignty. States apply the double criminality principle differently due to its multiple rationale. Legal literature has distinguished two main methods of interpretation, called interpretation in abstracto and in concreto. Whereas the in abstracto method focuses on the theoretical punishability of the conduct, the in concreto method attaches importance to all factual, personal and legal aspects. There are also ways of interpretation that are a combination of these two methods. Most states can be classified into one of the two main groups of interpretation, but in general most states have adopted a specific method of interpretation that is unique to each particular state. There is thus no uniform method of interpretation in international extradition law. This thesis attempts to determine whether the double criminality principle has become a rule of customary international law. Though most instruments on international or domestic extradition law include the double criminality principle, the strong disagreement among legal scholars as to the legal status of the principle leads to the conclusion that the double criminality principle is not a rule of international law today. This thesis contains an examination of whether the principle of double criminality can be classified as an international human rights norm. Though the principle of double criminality has striking similarities with human rights as it partly aims at protecting individuals facing extradition, there are also a number of aspects that distinguish the principle from traditional human rights. This is partly attributable to the fact that international extradition law is not the arena where general international human rights have developed. It is therefore concluded that the double criminality principle does not form part of international human rights law. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die oogmerk van hierdie tesis is om die inhoud en status van die beginsel van dubbelkriminaliteit in internasionale uitleweringsreg te ondersoek. Hierdie beginsel behels dat die handeling ten opsigte waarvan die uitlewering versoek is, misdade in beide die staat wat uitlewering versoek as die staat waarvan uitlewering versoek word, is. Die metode wat hierdie tesis onderlê is 'n literatuurstudie van bronne in die internasionale en nasionale reg. Die dubbelkriminaliteitsbeginsel het oor etlike eeue ontwikkel. Dit word gevind in die meeste regstelsels. Die beginsel dien verskeie oogmerke, waarvan staatsoewereiniteit sekerlik die belangrikste is. State pas die beginselop verskillende maniere toe weens die verskeie bestaansredes vir die beginsel. Regsliteratuur tref 'n onderskeid tussen twee belangrike metodes van interpretasie, naamlik die in abstracto en in concreto benaderings. Terwyl die in abstracto metode op die teoretiese strafbaarheid van die handeling fokus, plaas die in concreto benadering klem op die feitelike, persoonlike en konkrete regsaspekte. Daar is kombinasies van hierdie metodes. Meeste state kan geklassifiseer word volgens die twee benaderings, maar tog pas state hierdie benaderings by hul besondere behoeftes aan. Daar is dus geen uniforme metode van interpretasie in internasionale uitleweringsreg nie. Hierdie tesis poog om te bepaal of die dubbelkriminaliteitsbeginsel 'n reël van gemeenregtelike internasionale reg geword het. Alhoewel meeste wetgewing op die terrein van internasionale en nasionale uitleweringsreg die beginsel van dubbelkriminalitiet insluit, is daar sterk meningsverskilonder regsgeleerdes tov die status van die beinsel. Die gevolgtrekking is dat die beginsel nie 'n algemene reël van die internasionale reg is nie. Ten slotte word daar gekyk of die dubbelkriminaliteitsbeginsel as 'n beginsel van internasionale menseregte geklassifiseer kan word. Alhoewel die beginsel ooreemste met menseregtenorme toon - veral die beskerming van die individu in uitleweringsaangeleenthede - is daar 'n aantal aspekte wat d it van menseregte 0 nderskei. I nternasionale uitleweringsreg en internasionale menseregte deel nie dieselfde ontwikkelingsgeskiedenis nie. Die gevolgtrekking is dus dat die dubbelkriminaliteitsbeginsel nie deel vorm van internasionale menseregte nie.


Hagala, Jennifer A 01 June 2017 (has links)
The international community routinely implements embargoes in an effort to restrict the flow of small arms and light weapons into politically unstable regions. The effectiveness of sanctions fall into question when reports indicate that weapons continue to pour into embargoed territories. Using stochastic actor-based modeling, the current study investigates how shipment patterns change over time, and how trade patterns evolve in the presence of endogenous influences, such as embargoes, while controlling for corruption levels and national wealth (e.g., gross domestic product). The analysis here indicated that embargoes did have an effect in diverting illicit weapons trade through indirect ties. This was seen highest during the embargo implementation period and post embargo implementation period. The results stand to improve our understanding of this complex illegal global market and the role national control of corruption and gross domestic product play in the enforceability of these sanctions. In the final analysis what was discovered was that embargoes do effect change in the illegal arms trade network. This effect is seen in the form of indirect ties to end user countries. This suggests that improvements to policies and regulation on transshipment points need to be highly scrutinized.

國際刑事政策視角下的跨國販賣人口犯罪研究 / Transnational human trafficking research from the perspective of international criminal policy

郭晶 January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law

The developing strategy of Kaohsiung after the two sides of the Taiwan Strait joining WTO- The prevention mechanism for interchanged crime in the cross strait

YAN, NING-TSUNG 02 September 2003 (has links)
Abstract Since the two sides of the Taiwan Strait have separately admitted to join WTO (World Trade organization ), the diversity and complexity of economy and trade between Taiwan and mainland china will constantly developing, its influence not only changed the economic structure but bring the series debates and problems, crime is not except. Due to the existence of extremely high dark figure of crime in the cross strait, the characters of transnational crime: low visibility, high complexity can be easily observed but hard to control in Taiwan and china. The cross strait relationship still can¡¦t be advanced for long due to ¡§One China Policy¡¨, but the derivative problems of intercommunion, like guns, drugs, gangs, stow-away, smuggling, marine piracy, newly technical economy crime and transnational organized crime become more and more dangerous ,indeed post a threat to both sides of the Taiwan strait, even begin spreading to the global world. Though the cross strait sign ¡§kin-men degree¡¨ in 1990,the sovereignty dispute and re-president,Teng-hui Lee¡¦s cornell universal-trip in America still obstruct the cross strait to construct the related Matual Legal Assistancein Criminal Matters, in other way, duo to the constantly blockading in diplomacy from China, it become difficult for Taiwan joining the International Matual organism and Matual legal criminal Matters mechanism, undoubtedly, effectively controlling the variable types of transnational crime will be more difficult than before. The researcher team, with the cooperation method, refer the ¡§increasingly develop Kaohsiung and policy after cross strait joining to WTO¡¨ as our theme, another research theme will be aimed on the criminal problem prevention mechanism about the economy and trade intercommunion between the cross strait, combined the different kinds of area(tourism, policy ministry, commerce, building industry¡K. ) the team members used the NGT(Nominal Group Technique) for researching; Beginning present the conference on time since January2002,our team officially invite fourteen experts in industry, authority concerns, studios, populace and media presenting twice NGT interactive studying via interactive management then choosing the ten strategies, producing strengthen construction relation geography in November twenty-sixth and December third 2002 and trying to gain ¡§joining the international police organism & signing the legal assistance criminal matters with China¡¨ specific strategy, elaborating with document analysis and conclusion for interactive proving with NGT result.

兩岸與東南亞國家打擊跨國犯罪與國際合作-以臺菲電信詐欺案為例 / Transnational Crime-fighting and International Cooperation among Cross-strait and Southeast Asian Nations--Case Studies on the Telecom Fraud between Taiwan and the Philippines.

李珊 Unknown Date (has links)
自民國76年政府開放民眾赴大陸探親以來,兩岸關係邁入新的里程碑,之後雖受李登輝、陳水扁兩任總統不同的大陸政策影響,雙方縱然在軍事、外交層面歷經緊張情勢時期,但在共同打擊跨境犯罪合作議題上,卻不曾停下腳步,民國79年簽訂之「金門協議書」,作為兩岸遣返違反有關規定進入對方地區人民、刑事犯及嫌疑犯之用,開啟共同打擊犯罪協議及刑事司法互助之門,接著第三次江陳會正式簽定「海峽兩岸共同打擊犯罪及司法互助協議」,據此建立雙方在打擊跨境犯罪合作機制,不致因法律問題致執法過程中產生灰色模糊地帶,而予犯罪者僥倖心理從事不法活動。但往往「道高一尺,魔高一丈」,兩岸犯罪者因雙邊打擊跨境犯罪合作機制日趨成熟,犯案的空間受到壓縮,開始轉往第三地發展,此時法制基礎不建全、地廣人稀、政府行政效能不彰、貪瀆情形嚴重及與華人素有歷史淵源之東南亞諸國即成為首選之地。 1997年亞洲金融風暴,中國固守人民幣匯率的政策,某部分穩定了亞洲的金融秩序,對於東南亞地區的經濟安定有一定程度的正面幫助,這被視為中國與東南亞關係發展的轉捩點,東協在該年年底邀請中國、日本、韓國召開首次「東協加三」會議,正式開啟了其在東南亞區域居於領袖地位的時代。大陸與東南亞各國的交流層面是既深且廣,合作的議題除了傳統軍事外交,在非傳統安全領域,也提供東協國家各項協助。反觀臺灣在東協支持「一中政策」的影響下,始終無法突破與該地區各項交流合作關係。如今兩岸關係趨穩,雙方均認知到除了經濟議題外,在打擊跨國犯罪方面,同樣悠關人民切身利益及社會安定,亦屬可以建立共識相互合作的優先工作,因此本文研究目的,即希望了解兩岸在東南亞地區跨國犯罪現況、雙方偵辦情形、面臨的困難,以及建立兩岸與第三國司法互助合作機制可行方案。 / Since the government began to permit the public to visit relatives in Mainland China in 1987, the cross-strait relations have entered into a new milestone. Although both sides still confront and compete against each other in military and diplomatic aspects, they never stopped cooperating with each other on the issue of jointly fighting cross-border crime. The execution of the Kinmen Agreement in 1990 and the Agreement on Joint Cross-Strait Crime-Fighting and Mutual Judicial Assistance executed during the third round of Chiang-Chen Talks has established the cooperative mechanism between both sides in fights against cross-border crimes. Cross-strait criminals began to move their bases to Southeast Asia because the cooperative mechanism in bilateral cross-border crime fighting has grown mature and the place for crime has been limited. The relations between Mainland China and Southeast Asian countries are deep and extensive in many facets. On the contrary, under the influence of the support of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations for the “One China Policy”, Taiwan is unable to make any breakthrough in interactions and cooperative relations with that area. As the cross-strait relations have become stable, both sides acknowledge that, in addition to the economic issues, the fight against transnational crime is equally of great concern to the interests of people and social stability, and could be the priority to establish the consensus between both sides and cooperate with each other. Therefore, the objective of this research is to understand the current situations of the cross-strait transnational crime in Southeast Asian area, the investigations conducted by both sides and the difficulties faced by them, and to establish practical solutions for cooperative mechanism in mutual judicial assistance among Mainland China, Taiwan and a third country.

中國區際犯罪被害人研究 / Research of the victim in cross border crime

商聰聰 January 2005 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law

The cost of dreaming : identifying the underlying social and cultural structures which push/pull victims into human traffic and commercial sexual exploitation in Central America

Warden, Tara S. January 2013 (has links)
This investigation explores the international perspectives of causality of human traffic, specifically, traffic into commercial sexual exploitation. Current Western approaches to combat trafficking centre around law and order, immigration issues, and victim protection programs. While these are important for a holistic effort to deter traffic, these foci overlook prevention endeavors, thereby acting as a band-aid on a bullet wound, addressing the symptoms, but not the foundation of trafficking. Western perspectives toward prevention concentrate on economic aspects of supply and demand while crediting the root cause to be poverty. Using social exclusion theory, this thesis demonstrates that the current paradigm of viewing human trafficking in purely economic terms is an oversimplification. This project proposes to widen the focus of prevention efforts those cultural and social structures which push and pull victims into trafficking. The research is a response to an international call for further initiatives to prevent human trafficking, the recent rise of human traffic in Guatemala, Central America and the lack of research which focuses on the social links with trafficking and mainstream society. Research conducted in Guatemala, included a thirteen-month ethnography and involved one-hundred and thirteen qualitative interviews conducted in nine Guatemalan cities strategically located along trafficking routes. The target research population included women sex workers and former traffic victims from Central America and included insights from non-governmental organizations workers. Twenty-three interviewees were Central American migrants which provided insight in the wider regional structures of traffic and commercial sexual exploitation. The interviews aimed at understanding the lived experiences of exploitation in order to determine whether social exclusion affects human traffic within commercial sexual exploitation. The findings revealed the underlying social and cultural structures which reinforce human trafficking. Empirical data collected provides real-time data on trafficking networks, commercial sexual exploitation and reveals the geo-political significance of Guatemala as a hot-spot for traffic. Analysis of interviews illustrates variations in the experience of human traffic and commercial sexual exploitation which challenges current western stereotypical ideas on traffic victims. Conceptually, macro-structures—political, economic, social, and violence—are presented as a back drop for the formation of wider networks of exploitation. The exploration of violence as a push factor challenges international forced repatriation policies. Micro-structures—gender roles, family, violence, and coping strategies—are examined in the ways they perpetuate social systems of trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation. Theoretically, the thesis argues against the current paradigm which narrowly focuses on economics, but calls for the incorporation of social exclusion theory to understand the multi-dimensionality of human traffic and its wider links to society in order to open up new dialogue for prevention between the West and the majority world.

Money laundering and countermeasures : a comparative security analysis of selected case studies with specific reference to South Africa

Moodley, M.S. (Maiendra Sadanandan) 15 December 2008 (has links)
This study focuses on examining the security implications of money laundering and countermeasures, with reference to South Africa. The purpose of this study was to establish the following: <ul> <li> What is the extent, and what are the security implications of money laundering in South Africa;</li> <li> whether the current money laundering countermeasures in South Africa were effectively implemented from 1994 up to the end of 2006;</li> <li> if South Africa could implement better money laundering controls when compared to the G7/8 countries; and</li> <li> what the factors were that influenced money laundering in South Africa, compared to the G7/8 countries</li> </ul> This study also examined the validity of the following assumptions: <ul> <li>That there are still shortcomings in the practical application of money laundering countermeasures in South Africa, despite these countermeasures being based on the legislative measures adopted by the G7/8 countries; and</li> <li> money laundering promotes crime and corruption in South Africa.</li> </ul> An analysis of the South African anti-money laundering legislation indicated that South Africa had legislatively adopted all of the Financial Action Task Force money laundering recommendations. It was found that despite the strong legislative framework to combat money laundering in South Africa, these efforts were undermined by a lack of capacity; poor coordination that led to a large volume of reports being filed without a corresponding track record of successful prosecutions; and the failure to adopt advances in information technology. This led to a lack of effectively and efficiently translating the anti-money laundering legislation into practice in South Africa. / Dissertation (M(Security Studies))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Political Sciences / unrestricted

La contrebande d'armes à feu au Canada : influence et contrôle sous une perspective transnationale

Hannequin-Bouchard, Catherine 11 1900 (has links)
La prolifération des armes à feu illégales en territoire canadien a un impact sur l’augmentation de la violence armée observée au cours des dernières années. La mobilité des armes illégales au Canada a été étudiée par des chercheurs. Toutefois, le sujet des sources alimentant ce marché illicite n’a été que très peu abordé au sein de la littérature scientifique. L’une des possibilités reliées à cette thématique présente les États-Unis comme source d’approvisionnement en armes à feu illégales au Canada. C’est à travers cette idée que s’inscrit l’objectif principal de ce mémoire. En effet, cette étude vise une recontextualisation de la problématique du trafic d’armes à feu au Canada en tant qu’enjeu sécuritaire transnational selon le postulat identifiant les États-Unis comme la principale source d’alimentation du marché noir des armes à feu au Canada. Afin de répondre à cet objectif, nous décrivons d’abord l’environnement au travers duquel s’articulent les dynamiques de contrebande d’armes à feu au Canada. Ensuite, nous portons notre regard sur la réponse institutionnelle reliée au contrôle et à la lutte contre le trafic transfrontalier d’armes à feu. Une méthodologie qualitative basée sur l’analyse d’entretiens semi-dirigés avec des acteurs impliqués au sein d’organisations d’application de la loi, de rapports et de documents gouvernementaux ainsi que de documentation juridique a été utilisée dans le cadre de cette étude. Les résultats découlant des analyses présentées dans ce mémoire permettent tout d’abord de contextualiser l’enjeu de la contrebande transfrontalière d’armes à feu entre les États-Unis et les Canada ainsi que les efforts des organisations d’application de la loi en matière de contrôle. Ils permettent également de mettre en lumière les disparités existantes entre la nécessité d’une utilisation efficiente du renseignement et la réalité sur le terrain. En effet, les lacunes quant à la collecte et à l’analyse des données reliées à la contrebande transfrontalière d’armes à feu ont un impact sur le ciblage et l’orientation des mesures visant à lutter contre cet enjeu. / The proliferation of illegal firearms on Canadian soil has had an impact on the increase in gun violence observed in recent years. The mobility of illegal firearms in Canada has been studied by researchers. However, the topic of the sources of this illicit market has received very little attention in the scientific literature. One of the possibilities related to this theme presents the United States as a source of supply of illegal firearms in Canada. It is through this idea that the main objective of this thesis lies. Indeed, this study aims to recontextualize the problem of firearms trafficking in Canada as a transnational security issue based on the premise that the United States is the main source of supply for the black market in firearms in Canada. More specifically, in such a context, firearms would be brought into Canada through cross-border smuggling. First, we define the environment through which the dynamics of firearms smuggling in Canada are articulated. Secondly, we examine the institutional response to controlling and combating cross-border firearms trafficking. A qualitative methodology based on the analysis of semi-structured interviews with actors involved in law enforcement organizations, government reports and documents, and legal documentation was used in this study. The results of the analyses presented in this paper first contextualize the issue of cross-border firearms smuggling between the United States and Canada and the control efforts of law enforcement agencies. They also highlight the disparities between the need for efficient use of intelligence and the reality of the operational environment. Gaps in data collection and analysis related to crossborder firearms smuggling have an impact on the targeting and direction of measures to combat this issue.

Organised crime in the Southern African development community with specific reference to motor vehicle theft

Lebeya, Seswantsho Godfrey 30 November 2007 (has links)
International police co-operation is a recipe for success in the fight against transnational organised crime. Such cooperation has never been without challenges, especially in the light of disharmonious national laws. SARPCCO has made promising advances towards the elimination of blockages which hamper police cooperation. The joint, bilateral, simultaneous operations which are continuously carried out and the transferring of skills through training are exemplary to the rest of the world. SARPCCO is, however, struggling to make serious inroads into the organised motor vehicle theft because of the problems in returning them to their lawful owners. The objective of this study is to analyse the laws used by the SARPCCO member countries in fighting motor vehicle theft, transnational organised crime, recoveries, repatriation, prosecution and extradition of offenders. The SARPCCO member countries on which the analysis is done are Lesotho, South Africa, Swaziland and Zambia. / Jurisprudence / LL. M.

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