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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biographies of an innovation : an ecological analysis of a strategic technology project in the auto-industry

Wiegel, Valeri January 2016 (has links)
The ‘localist turn’ in technology studies, exemplified by Actor-Network Theory (ANT) and Social Construction of Technology (SCOT), emphasises the agency of actors in innovation processes while, arguably, neglecting structural influences. They provide rather little guidance regarding methodological choices apart from encouraging rich description and offer only limited capacity to explain the dynamics of technological change. This thesis addresses the need to articulate a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of the contextually-shaped, often highly contingent processes of technological innovation. For this purpose a single, in-depth longitudinal case study was conducted of the development, implementation and use of a strategic information system - a strategic network planning tool - in a German car company. It was analysed applying a biographical perspective which argues for extended analytical foci across multiple sites, moments and time frames in technology studies to account for the complexities and uncertainties inherent in technological change processes. A mixed repository of historical and ethnographic data has been collected, drawing on public and internal corporate documents as well as 44 interviews and extended periods of participant observation at multiple sites. The data was coded and analysed aided by simultaneously building an extensive data-rich timeline of the innovation journey. As a result, our empirically detailed focus on a twelve-year period is contextualised by a historical narrative considering corporate historical developments over three decades. An ecology metaphor is articulated to appreciate multiple episodes and moments of innovation dispersed in space and time - a view neglected by common metaphors of systems and networks. The metaphor underpins a loose framework, tentatively entitled the Ecological Shaping of Technology, that draws on concepts from science and technology studies and cognate discussions in the sociology of professions to engage with the intricacies of space and scales of time in studying the ‘Biographies of Artefacts and Practices’ (Pollock and Williams, 2009; Hyysalo, 2010). The framework pursues a dynamic, longitudinal understanding of the evolution of a protracted technology development project which went through significant changes in conception and in the players involved and their configuration. This is conceptualised in terms of the development of a ‘kernel’ (Ribes & Polk, 2015) of resources and services managed by, and made available to, an alliance of players. While alliances can shift, the kernel persists and evolves over time as players try to attract more resources by entering into negotiations in promising ‘arenas of expectation’ (Bakker et al., 2011) or navigating around those that are less amenable. Technology is portrayed as an element of a package of instrumentalities (de Solla Price, 1983) comprising theories, methods and instruments that are spread across a wider ecology of distributed boundary objects (Star & Griesemer, 1989). Technologies crystallise from efforts of adopting, testing and developing packages to solve specific problems (Fujimura, 1995). A specific technology is co-developed, according to the set of local constrains and specifications delineated by a kernel's alliance of ecologies. These are understood in terms of Abbott’s (2005) conception of linked ecologies. The historically shaped and contingent ecological topography of an innovation project is highlighted as a major influence in the social shaping of technological artefacts.

O sujeito da educação em um contexto pós-metafísico

Mendes, Vitor Hugo January 2006 (has links)
A tese O sujeito da educação em um contexto pós-metafísico repõe a problemática do sujeito da educação seguindo o fio condutor da reviravolta lingüística. Tendo em consideração a crise da razão (ocidental) e a crítica do sujeito, – que impugnou uma idéia de ratio (metafísica) dissolvendo a concepção de sujeito (subjectum) soberano, consciente e responsável –, retoma os questionamentos dirigidos ao esclarecimento moderno (Aufklärung), situando a derrocada dos fundamentos normativos da educação (Bildung) em um contexto pós-metafísico. Diante desse quadro social contemporâneo amplo, radicalmente modificado e, densamente complexo, adentrando na conversação teórico-filosófica e pedagógica, O sujeito da educação em um contexto pós-metafísico, busca compreender – no horizonte de uma leitura hermenêutica –, o sujeito da educação em sua configuração lingüística. Para tanto, analisa e distingue, contrastando, a abordagem teórico-metodológica de Richard Rorty e de Jürgen Habermas, autores contemporâneos identificados com a reviravolta lingüísticopragmática. O neopragmatismo de Rorty redescreve o sujeito rede de crenças e desejos; a teoria do agir comunicativo de Habermas reconstrói o sujeito de fala e ação. Explicita-se, assim, o sujeito como agente lingüístico. Contingente e descentrado, o sujeito lingüístico não mais constitui um fundamento subjacente (hypokeimenon) e necessário. Destrancendentalizada a razão metafísica, o sujeito, em um contexto pós-metafísico, no influxo da reviravolta lingüística apresenta-se modesto em suas pretensões, comunicativo em suas interações, intersubjetivo em suas razões. Com base nesses pressupostos, a possibilidade de um sujeito lingüístico constitui uma alternativa para uma outra compreensão do sujeito da educação. Incorporando as demandas do sujeito no plano interativo lingüístico-intersubjetivo, o discurso pedagógico renova o sentido da própria tarefa educativa de assegurar, dinamizar e potencializar o caráter dialogal da formação (Bildung) do sujeito. Quer dizer, a educação é uma interação efetível, tanto quanto, em sua ação, constitui-se enquanto espaço possibilitador da conversação, do diálogo, do processo de socialização-individuação do sujeito lingüístico. O desenvolvimento da competência lingüística do sujeito posicionado intersubjetivamente caracteriza e orienta a ação educativa. / This thesis entitled The subject of the education in a postmetaphysical context replaces the problem of the education’s subject following the connecting thread of the linguistic turn. Considering the crisis of the occidental reason and the critics of the subject – which didn’t accept an idea of metaphysical ratio, dissolving the conception of sovereign subject (subjectum), conscious and responsible – takes up again the questions addressed to the modern Illuminism (Aufklärung), placing the collapse of the normative foundations of the education (Bildung) in a postmetaphysical context. In face of this contemporary survey, radically modified and very complex, involving the conversation in the point of view of philosophical-theoretical and pedadogic aspects, The subject of the education in a postmetaphysical context tries to understand – by means of a hermeneutic reading – the education’s subject in his linguistic configuration. Thus are analysed and distinguished, but also compared, the theoretical and methodical approaches of Richard Rorty and Jürgen Habermas, two contemporary authors identified with the linguistic and pragmatic turn. The Neo Pragmatism of Rorty focuses on the subject as a net of religious convictions, and desires. Habermas’ theory of communicative acts rebuilds the subject as speaking and acting. Thus appears the subject as linguistic agent. As contingent and not more as center, the linguistic subject doesn’t constitute an underlying and necessary foundation (hypokeimenon). Without a transcendence, the metaphysical reason, the subject, in a postmethaphysical context, influenced by the linguistic turn, appears modest in its pretensions, communicative in its interactions, intersubjetive in its reasons. Based on such presupposition the possibility of a linguistic subject is an alternative for an other understanding of the education’s subject. Incorporating the requests of the subject at the interactive and intersubjective level, the pedagogic discourse renews the meaning of the educative task in order to reinforce and ensure with dynamism the dialogical character of the formation (Bildung) of the subject. In other words: the education is a realizable interaction in its action and represents a space which makes possible the conversation, the dialogue, the process of socialization and individuation of the linguistic subject. The evolution of the linguistic competence of the subject intersubjectively considered characterizes and orientates the educative action.

Etude d'une structure d'interrupteur 4 quadrants à faibles pertes à base de transistors à forts gains / No title available

Benboujema, Chawki Mohamed 18 July 2011 (has links)
S’inscrivant dans le cadre de la gestion de l’énergie dans l’habitat du programme SESAME du pôle de compétitivité S2E2, l’objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier et de proposer une structure d’interrupteur commandable à l’ouverture et à la fermeture, bidirectionnel en tension et en courant et à faible perte énergétique, destiné à connecter tout type de charges sur le réseau alternatif 230V/50Hz. Il n’existe pas à l’heure actuelle de composants interrupteurs monolithiques de ce type. La première partie du mémoire présente les interrupteurs électroniques existants. La deuxième partie, traite des interrupteurs électroniques à base de transistors MOS et des limites de cette technologie unipolaire en termes de compromis de minimisation de surface de puces et de minimisation de la dissipation de puissance. Nous montrons ensuite que l’on peut repousser ces limites en adoptant des solutions à base de transistors bipolaires de puissances et notamment avec des bases fines autoprotégées (Transistors GAT). Le quatrième chapitre présente les résultats d’une étude des caractéristiques à l’état passant et à l’état bloqué de transistors GAT et valide leur aptitude à fonctionner sur le réseau alternatif. Nous montrons plusieurs voies possibles d’amélioration des caractéristiques de ces transistors avant d’étudier leur comportement dans une fonction interrupteur. Nous terminons ce travail en démontrant l’intérêt de la commande des transistors GAT en mode de conduction inverse, intérêt qui nous conduit ensuite à proposer une structure d’interrupteur totalement novatrice, avec la réduction par deux du nombre de composants et donc une réduction accrue de la puissance dissipée dans l’interrupteur. / As part of the energy management for household appliances of the S2E2 competitive pole SESAME program, the objective of this thesis is to propose a bidirectional switch in current and voltage with full turn-off control and low energy loss, ensuring the control of all loads types connected to the mains. The first part of this thesis presents the advantages and disadvantages of discrete or monolithic switches. In the second part, we were interested in electronic switches composed of MOS transistors. Different associations strategies and controls will be tested to reduce the power dissipation of the switch on the one hand, and facilitate control of the device on the other hand. Then we turned to solutions based on power bipolar transistors. The last one, called GAT distinguished itself by its high current gain and its low voltage drop in the on state. By implementing around the active base heavily doped caissons which create a shielding effect, one can increase the structure performances. After the design of this component in our laboratory, the characteristics of the on state and the off state were improved to validate its functionality in AC mains. The study will then focus on different technologies to confirm its performances. Using low metallization resistance and assembly strategy intelligently defined, it has been demonstrated that the performance of this component can be increased. Finally, we proposed a new switch structure using only two transistors GAT. We show that the interesting GAT reverse mode characteristics permit to deflect the load current flowing in the diodes and delete them. So we reduced the important source of power dissipation in the switch.

A virada educacional nas práticas artísticas e curatoriais contemporâneas e o contexto de arte brasileiro

Gonçalves, Mônica Hoff January 2014 (has links)
A partir do estudo do fenômeno educational turn, que consistiu numa espécie de virada educacional nas práticas artísticas e curatoriais contemporâneas, o presente trabalho busca, com base em pesquisa histórica, empírica e documental, compreender e problematizar às relações construídas historicamente entre arte e educação no âmbito da arte, bem como discutir as relações e tensionamentos do referido fenômeno no que tange ao contexto de arte brasileiro, propondo, para isso, três estudos de caso: os Domingos da Criação, a experiência educativa da Bienal do Mercosul e a obra-intervenção Café Educativo. / Based on the study of the educational turn phenomenon, the present dissertation aims, based on historical, empirical and documental research, to understand and problematize the relations built historically between art and education in the "eld of art, as well as discussing the relations and tensioning of the before mentioned phenomenon regarding the Brazilian context of art, proposing, in order to do so, three case studies: the Domingos da Criação [Sundays of Creation], the educational experience of the Mercosul Biennial and the work-intervention Café Educativo [Educative Coffee].

The Doghouse Plot: History, Construction Techniques, and Application

January 2017 (has links)
abstract: The Doghouse Plot visually represents an aircraft’s performance during combined turn-climb maneuvers. The Doghouse Plot completely describes the turn-climb capability of an aircraft; a single plot demonstrates the relationship between climb performance, turn rate, turn radius, stall margin, and bank angle. Using NASA legacy codes, Empirical Drag Estimation Technique (EDET) and Numerical Propulsion System Simulation (NPSS), it is possible to reverse engineer sufficient basis data for commercial and military aircraft to construct Doghouse Plots. Engineers and operators can then use these to assess their aircraft’s full performance envelope. The insight gained from these plots can broaden the understanding of an aircraft’s performance and, in turn, broaden the operational scope of some aircraft that would otherwise be limited by the simplifications found in their Airplane Flight Manuals (AFM). More importantly, these plots can build on the current standards of obstacle avoidance and expose risks in operation. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Aerospace Engineering 2017

Avaliação da virada no nado crawl : efeito do feedback extrínseco nos indicadores biomecânicos de desempenho / Evaluation of turn in front crawl stroke : the effect of extrinsic feedback on biomechanical performance indicators

Freitas, Elinai dos Santos 07 March 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-06T17:07:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PPGCMH Elinai dos Santos Freitas.pdf: 1136182 bytes, checksum: 70fdea265d6747c27beea5e16ef17b2a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-03-07 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This experimental study aimed to evaluate the effect of extrinsic feedback using biomechanical data on the front crawl swimming turn. The sample was composed of 22 male and female swimmers ranging in age from 13 to 37 years and with average practice time of 1.5 years. After the pre-test session the swimmers were paired regarding their average turn time (TT10m). Then one subject of each pair was randomly selected to be part of the control group (CG) and her/his correspondent pair was selected to be part of the experimental group (EG). Subjects of CG returned two weeks after the pre-test session to perform the post-test session. During those two weeks the experimental group received, alternately, two types of feedback: (a) knowledge of results (KR, composed of biomechanical quantitative variables: turn time TT10m, force peak normalized by body weight FPn, contact time CT and impulse IMP); and (b) knowledge of performance (KP, composed of qualitative analyses). In the first analysis KR was provided, in the second analysis KP was provided and so forth until the sixth analysis (relative frequency of feedback of 60%). One week after the post-test session the experimental group performed a retention test. Descriptive and inferential statistics procedures were used to carry out comparisons between CG and EG and comparisons between the different EG analyses. It was verified that the extrinsic feedback using biomechanical data was efficient for the swimmers, who changed their movements mechanical characteristics when performing the front crawl turn. Information provided through KR and KP were useful for the EG subjects when detecting their own technical errors and performing better mechanical patterns of turn execution than those observed in the pre-test session, improving turn performance. Regarding the biomechanical quantitative variables (KR), TT10m was bigger for both groups in the post-test session and better results of FPn and CT were performed by the EG subjects. Regarding the qualitative analyses (KP) the subjects of EG improved movements mechanics in all of the turn phases; however TT10m was bigger when subjects received KP than when KR was provided, which shows that swimmers carried out changes in the turn technique just as they were asked to do. The turn performance index (obtained through the qualitative analyses) had been gradually improved during the analyses independently of the type of feedback received (KR or KP), what shows that swimmers assimilated and added the information they received in each session of analysis. Those improvements were verified until the post-test session and were maintained during the retention test, demonstrating that the extrinsic feedback promoted changes in the subjects behavior and showing that the information provided were clear, objective and appropriate, contributing to the improvement of turn performance. / Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do feedback extrínseco, a partir de avaliações biomecânicas, na virada no nado crawl. Caracterizou-se como um estudo experimental com a participação de 22 nadadores de 13 a 37 anos, de ambos os sexos e com tempo de treinamento de natação superior 1.5 anos. Após o pré-teste os nadadores foram agrupados em pares com base no resultado médio do tempo de virada (TV10m), um elemento de cada par, escolhido aleatoriamente, foi designado para o grupo controle (GC), e o par correspondente para o grupo experimental (GE). O grupo controle retornou duas semanas após o pré-teste para realizar o pós-teste. Nestas duas semanas para ao grupo experimental foram passados dois tipos de feedback, CR (Conhecimento de Resultado, composto pelas variáveis biomecânicas quantitativas: Tempo de Virada TV10m; Pico de Força Normalizado PFn; Tempo de Contato TC; Impulso Imp.) e CP (Conhecimento de Performance, por meio de análises qualitativas) alternadamente, iniciando pelo CR na primeira avaliação, e CP na segunda e assim sucessivamente até a sexta avaliação (freqüência relativa do feedback extrínseco de 60%). Uma semana após o pós-teste, o grupo experimental realizou um teste de retenção. Foi utilizada estatística descritiva e inferencial para a comparação entre os grupos controle e experimental e comparações do grupo experimental nas diferentes avaliações. Verificou-se que o feedback extrínseco, a partir das avaliações biomecânicas foi eficiente para que os nadadores alterassem suas características mecânicas do movimento da virada, e que as informações repassadas por meio de CR e CP permitiram aos sujeitos do grupo experimental detectarem seus erros, apresentando padrões mecânicos de execução da virada diferentes aos apresentados no préteste, contribuindo para a melhora da virada. Para as variáveis biomecânicas quantitativas (CR), o TV10m aumentou para os dois grupos no pós-teste. O PFn e o TC tiveram melhoras mais expressivas no grupo experimental. Nas avaliações qualitativas (CP) o grupo experimental melhorou a mecânica do movimento em todas as fases da virada, porém verificou-se que o TV10m apresentou-se maior nos dias em que os nadadores recebiam o CP quando comparados ao CR, demonstrando que mudanças na técnica da virada estavam sendo executadas pelos nadadores de acordo com as orientações recebidas. O índice de aproveitamento da virada (análise qualitativa) foi melhorando a cada avaliação, independente do tipo de feedback recebido (CR ou CP), o que demonstra que os nadadores foram assimilando e somando as informações a cada nova sessão.

Proposição de uma metodologia para coleta de dados da virada no nado crawl / Propose a procedure for swimming turns analysis

Silveira, Graziela Aveline 17 August 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-06T17:07:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Graziela Aveline Silveira.pdf: 1332545 bytes, checksum: 1fe1462c582ad215775d8d0f43aab4a7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-08-17 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study aimed to propose, through biomechanical methods, a procedure for swimming turns analysis, regarding the distance of performance measurement and the number of executions. The study was characterized as descriptive. Data collection was carried out at the swimming pool of CEFID/UDESC and in Aquatic Biomechanics Research Laboratory. The sample was composed by 11 subjects of Limit Swimming Team, from Florianópolis, SC, all of them associated to the Aquatic Federation of Santa Catarina (FASC). Six video cameras (f = 30Hz) and an underwater force plate were used. Because of its thickness, the force plate was placed in a frame in order to simulate the real conditions of the swimming pool wall. Each swimmer performed 8 turns. Dynamic data were analyzed in SAD 32 System and kinematic data were analyzed through image edition software. Analyzed variables: normalized force peak (PMn), contact time (TC), impulse (Imp), total turn time in 10 meters (TV10m) and total turn time in 15 meters (TV15m). Descriptive statistics was used to present data and the relationship between the variables was verified through Spearman s test (p<0,05). In order to determine the number of executions, Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis test were used, and also values of accumulated average and accumulated coefficient of variation. The results showed that for athletes with the same characteristics of the analyzed swimmers, the turn performance should be measured in 10 meters, because when analyzing turn performance in 15 meters, 67% of total time corresponds to stroke time, while in the 10 meters analysis, stroke time represents 48% of total turn time. Besides, the relationship between the PMn, TC and Imp with turn performance is very similar when comparing TV10m and TV15m. On this way, considering turn performance in 10 meters, one could collect data with fewer cameras and still the evaluation would be focused on turn actions and not on the stroke phase. Regarding the number of executions, all of the tests comparing groups of executions showed no difference. Otherwise, the values of accumulated coefficient of variation graphically showed stabilization starting on the third execution. The values of accumulated average showed that increasing the number of executions, the turn performance decreases, which could be related to swimmer s fatigue. So, one suggest that for turn performance analysis, as a safety procedure, four executions should be performed (one more than results observed) in order to be able to ignore a non-valid one. / Este estudo teve como objetivo propor uma metodologia para realização de coletas de dados na virada no nado Crawl, através de métodos de medições biomecânicas levando em consideração a distância para analise da performance e o número de execuções. É caracterizado como um estudo descritivo. Os dados foram coletados nas dependências da piscina do CEFID/UDESC e tratados no Laboratório de Pesquisas em Biomecânica aquática da mesma instituição. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram 11 nadadores da Equipe da Academia Limit, Florianópolis, SC, federados junto a Federação Aquática de Santa Catarina (FASC). Para coleta de dados foram utilizadas seis câmeras filmadoras (f=30Hz) e uma plataforma de força subaquática, acoplada a um suporte para fixação na parede da piscina e embutida em uma moldura com a finalidade de fornecer aos atletas a sensação de estarem tocando na parede da piscina. Cada nadador realizou 8 execuções. Os dados dinamométricos foram processados pelo sistema SAD 32 e os cinemático por softwares de edição de imagem. Variáveis analisadas: pico de força (PMn), tempo de contato (TC), impulso (Imp), tempo de virada em 10 metros (TV10M) e tempo de virada em 15 metros (TV15m). Foi utilizada estatística descritiva e para relacionar as variáveis foi utilizado o teste de Spearman (p<0,05). Para determinar o número de execuções foi utilizado o teste U de Mann-Whitney e Kruskal-Wallis, assim como valores de média acumulada e coeficiente de variação acumulado. Através dos resultados foi possível observar que para avaliar um grupo de atletas com características semelhantes as dos atletas deste estudo, a performance na virada deve ser verificada em 10 metros, pois quando analisada a performance em 15 metros, 67% do tempo total de virada corresponde ao nado, enquanto que ao se analisar a performance em 10 metros, o tempo de nado representa 48% do tempo total de virada. Considerando a performance em 10 metros facilita a coleta de dados, utilizando menor número de câmeras focando a análise na virada propriamente dita e não na fase de nado. Com relação ao número de execuções, todos os testes utilizados para comparar os grupos de execuções não mostraram diferenças. Entretanto, os valores de coeficiente acumulado apresentaram graficamente uma estabilização a partir da terceira repetição. Através dos valores de média acumulada foi observado que quando o número de execuções aumenta, a performance da virada diminui, o que poderia ser relacionado a fadiga do nadador. Portanto, sugere-se que a performance da virada, seja avaliada com quatro execuções (uma a mais que observada nos resultados), como forma de segurança para o pesquisador.

Zpracování vybraných částí techniky a metodiky paralelních oblouků formou DVD \\ / Elaboration of selected parts of technique and methodology of parallel turns in DVD format

PAZDÍRKOVÁ, Petra January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to facilitate better knowledge both in a written form and by an instructional video record to those who have not become familiar with this popular winter sport with a long tradition yet. The thesis includes a brief history introduction and explains equipment and safety rules. It provides general ski exercises for beginners and thus prepares them for learning of basic ski skills. Games are included as a mean of better acquirements and enjoyment. They are followed by parallel turns which are primarily defined by technique and biomechanics perspectives. Most frequent mistakes and selected preparatory exercises together with turns are presented as well. The DVD is supposed to introduce a beginner skier into commonly practised and well-proven parallel turns.

O sujeito da educação em um contexto pós-metafísico

Mendes, Vitor Hugo January 2006 (has links)
A tese O sujeito da educação em um contexto pós-metafísico repõe a problemática do sujeito da educação seguindo o fio condutor da reviravolta lingüística. Tendo em consideração a crise da razão (ocidental) e a crítica do sujeito, – que impugnou uma idéia de ratio (metafísica) dissolvendo a concepção de sujeito (subjectum) soberano, consciente e responsável –, retoma os questionamentos dirigidos ao esclarecimento moderno (Aufklärung), situando a derrocada dos fundamentos normativos da educação (Bildung) em um contexto pós-metafísico. Diante desse quadro social contemporâneo amplo, radicalmente modificado e, densamente complexo, adentrando na conversação teórico-filosófica e pedagógica, O sujeito da educação em um contexto pós-metafísico, busca compreender – no horizonte de uma leitura hermenêutica –, o sujeito da educação em sua configuração lingüística. Para tanto, analisa e distingue, contrastando, a abordagem teórico-metodológica de Richard Rorty e de Jürgen Habermas, autores contemporâneos identificados com a reviravolta lingüísticopragmática. O neopragmatismo de Rorty redescreve o sujeito rede de crenças e desejos; a teoria do agir comunicativo de Habermas reconstrói o sujeito de fala e ação. Explicita-se, assim, o sujeito como agente lingüístico. Contingente e descentrado, o sujeito lingüístico não mais constitui um fundamento subjacente (hypokeimenon) e necessário. Destrancendentalizada a razão metafísica, o sujeito, em um contexto pós-metafísico, no influxo da reviravolta lingüística apresenta-se modesto em suas pretensões, comunicativo em suas interações, intersubjetivo em suas razões. Com base nesses pressupostos, a possibilidade de um sujeito lingüístico constitui uma alternativa para uma outra compreensão do sujeito da educação. Incorporando as demandas do sujeito no plano interativo lingüístico-intersubjetivo, o discurso pedagógico renova o sentido da própria tarefa educativa de assegurar, dinamizar e potencializar o caráter dialogal da formação (Bildung) do sujeito. Quer dizer, a educação é uma interação efetível, tanto quanto, em sua ação, constitui-se enquanto espaço possibilitador da conversação, do diálogo, do processo de socialização-individuação do sujeito lingüístico. O desenvolvimento da competência lingüística do sujeito posicionado intersubjetivamente caracteriza e orienta a ação educativa. / This thesis entitled The subject of the education in a postmetaphysical context replaces the problem of the education’s subject following the connecting thread of the linguistic turn. Considering the crisis of the occidental reason and the critics of the subject – which didn’t accept an idea of metaphysical ratio, dissolving the conception of sovereign subject (subjectum), conscious and responsible – takes up again the questions addressed to the modern Illuminism (Aufklärung), placing the collapse of the normative foundations of the education (Bildung) in a postmetaphysical context. In face of this contemporary survey, radically modified and very complex, involving the conversation in the point of view of philosophical-theoretical and pedadogic aspects, The subject of the education in a postmetaphysical context tries to understand – by means of a hermeneutic reading – the education’s subject in his linguistic configuration. Thus are analysed and distinguished, but also compared, the theoretical and methodical approaches of Richard Rorty and Jürgen Habermas, two contemporary authors identified with the linguistic and pragmatic turn. The Neo Pragmatism of Rorty focuses on the subject as a net of religious convictions, and desires. Habermas’ theory of communicative acts rebuilds the subject as speaking and acting. Thus appears the subject as linguistic agent. As contingent and not more as center, the linguistic subject doesn’t constitute an underlying and necessary foundation (hypokeimenon). Without a transcendence, the metaphysical reason, the subject, in a postmethaphysical context, influenced by the linguistic turn, appears modest in its pretensions, communicative in its interactions, intersubjetive in its reasons. Based on such presupposition the possibility of a linguistic subject is an alternative for an other understanding of the education’s subject. Incorporating the requests of the subject at the interactive and intersubjective level, the pedagogic discourse renews the meaning of the educative task in order to reinforce and ensure with dynamism the dialogical character of the formation (Bildung) of the subject. In other words: the education is a realizable interaction in its action and represents a space which makes possible the conversation, the dialogue, the process of socialization and individuation of the linguistic subject. The evolution of the linguistic competence of the subject intersubjectively considered characterizes and orientates the educative action.

A virada educacional nas práticas artísticas e curatoriais contemporâneas e o contexto de arte brasileiro

Gonçalves, Mônica Hoff January 2014 (has links)
A partir do estudo do fenômeno educational turn, que consistiu numa espécie de virada educacional nas práticas artísticas e curatoriais contemporâneas, o presente trabalho busca, com base em pesquisa histórica, empírica e documental, compreender e problematizar às relações construídas historicamente entre arte e educação no âmbito da arte, bem como discutir as relações e tensionamentos do referido fenômeno no que tange ao contexto de arte brasileiro, propondo, para isso, três estudos de caso: os Domingos da Criação, a experiência educativa da Bienal do Mercosul e a obra-intervenção Café Educativo. / Based on the study of the educational turn phenomenon, the present dissertation aims, based on historical, empirical and documental research, to understand and problematize the relations built historically between art and education in the "eld of art, as well as discussing the relations and tensioning of the before mentioned phenomenon regarding the Brazilian context of art, proposing, in order to do so, three case studies: the Domingos da Criação [Sundays of Creation], the educational experience of the Mercosul Biennial and the work-intervention Café Educativo [Educative Coffee].

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