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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Can money be made on Mondays? : An empirical investigation of the efficiency on the OMXS30

Jakobsson, Catrin, Henriksson, Ola January 2010 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if abnormal patterns concerning the rates of return during specific weekdays and months are observable for the companies in the OMXS30 during the period 2003-2010. A special focus will be put on the Monday effect anomaly. Background: Investors have a tendency to search for investment opportunities. If errors exist in the pricing of stocks it indicates that anomalies are present and that the stock market is inefficient. Investors then have the possibility to utilize the anomalies in order to receive above average returns. Method: This study is using data of stock prices from Nasdaq OMX in the period of 2003-2010. The strength and existence of the Swedish stock market efficiency is measured through autocorrelation-, chi-square- and regression tests. Average monthly stock returns are calculated on daily-, monthly-, and yearly basis. The returns are compared in order to examine if day-of-the-week and turn-of-the-year anomalies exist. Conclusion: No Monday effect is found in 2003-2010. However, positive Thursday- and positive Friday effects are detected. A negative turn-of-the-year effect as well as a positive April effect is found. The investment opportunities that could be utilized in 2003-2010 due to the specific anomalies in the period do not necessarily imply that the same anomalies can be expected on the OMXS30 in the future.

Moulin Rouge på svenska : Varietéunderhållningens kulturhistoria i Stockholm 1875‐1920 / Moulin Rouge in Swedish : A cultural history of variety entertainment in Stockholm 1875-1920

Ivarsson Lilieblad, Björn January 2009 (has links)
Syfte med den här avhandlingen är att empiriskt kartlägga framväxten och utvecklingen av varietéunderhållningen i Stockholm 1870-1920, för att kunna förstå både förhållandet till dess transnationella förebilder, ekonomiska dynamik, kulturella dragningskraft, samt förklara hur genren kom att uppfattas i den offentliga debatten. Med teorier hämtade från Antonio Gramsci och Pierre Bourdieu diskuteras varietéerna som ett uttryck för det sena 1800-talets samhällsförändringar och marknadskapitalistiska dynamik, som bl.a. synliggjordes i nya urbana livsstilar och mönster. Resultatet av dessa undersökningar visar hur den tyska, brittiska, amerikanska och franska varietéunderhållningen influerade den svenska motsvarigheten. Samtidigt var faktorer som de nationella och lokala ekonomiska, politiska och sociala förhållandena avgörande i skapandet av de specifika uttrycksformer varietéunderhållning fick i Stockholm. Avhandlingen visar också hur varietésalongernas sociala praktiker, genom en medveten disciplineringssträvan från såväl entreprenörer som politiker, kom att genomgå en förändringsprocess där den sociala samvaron minskade till förmån för en allt starkare fokus på föreställningarnas innehåll. Genom sina samhällsutmanande drag kom varietéunderhållningen även att fungera som plattform varifrån viktiga värden och normer förhandlades och medierades. Detta bidrog till att underhållningsformen blev en måltavla för sedlighets- och nykterhetsrörelsen. Moulin Rouge på svenska är, genom att sätta fokus på hur entreprenörer, artister, skribenter, musikkompositörer och kritiker tänkte och agerade i den framväxande offentliga urbaniteten, ett viktigt bidrag i förståelsen av hur den tidiga svenska massproducerade populärkulturen tog form i slutet av 1800-talet. / The purpose of this dissertation is to chart and analyze the growth and development of variety entertainment in Stockholm 1870-1920 in order to reach an understanding of its transnational models, economic dynamics, and cultural attraction, as well as to explain how this genre was understood in the public debate. With the help of theories derived from Antonio Gramsci and Pierre Bourdieu variety entertainment is discussed as an expression of the social changes and the dynamics of market capitalism that became visible in new urban life styles and patterns at the end of the 19th century. The results of this investigation show how German, British, American and French variety entertainment influenced their Swedish counterparts. At the same time factors such as national and local economics and existing political and social conditions were determinants in the creation of the specific forms of expression that variety entertainment assumed in Stockholm. The dissertation also shows how social practice in the variety halls went through a process of change due to a conscious attempt on the part of both the entrepreneurs and politicians to discipline behaviour. In this process social interaction declined and a sharper focus came to be placed on the content of the performances. Because many of its characteristics challenged social values, variety entertainment came to function as a platform for the mediation of important norms and values. This was a contributing factor in making this form of entertainment a target for the temperance and morality movements. By focussing on how the entrepreneurs, actors, writers, composers and critics thought and acted in the growing public urbanity, Moulin Rouge in Swedish makes an important contribution to understanding how early mass produced Swedish culture took shape in the end of the 19th century.

Exploring Key Orientations of Small Molecules to Disrupt Protein-protein Interactions

Ko, Eunhwa 2012 May 1900 (has links)
Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) are attractive targets because of their therapeutic potential. One approach to design small molecules that can disrupt the PPIs is to use structural information of proteins. With this approach, triazole-based peptidomimetics that mimic beta-turn hot-spot regions in neurotrophins were synthesized. The monovalent mimics were assembled into bivalent mimics via a combinatorial method. Three different bivalent mimics were prepared for different studies. Bivalent mimics with long-linkers bound to TrkA or TrkC receptor and showed partial antagonism for the receptors. Other mimics were conjugated with cytotoxic compounds and they were used for TrkC targeted drug delivery. The last group of bivalent mimics previously showed targeted delivery effects for pancreatic cancer cells. In this study, we synthesized Eu-chelated bivalent mimics to perform a competitive binding assay for pancreatic cancer cells. Previous research in our group focused on design of secondary structures' mimics on rigid scaffolds as "minimalist mimics." We sought to establish structural design criteria for the minimalist mimics, and we wanted to propose that sets of such compounds could mimic local pairs of amino acids in any secondary structures as "universal peptidomimetics." Thus, we designed five compounds, such as oxazoline-, pyrrole-, dyine- "kinked" and "linear" bistrizole-based peptidomimetics, and performed molecular modelings, DFT calculations, and QMD for them to validate our hypothesis. On the concepts of "minimalist mimics" and "universal peptidomimetics," we developed the C alpha ? C beta vector matching program to evaluate preferred orientations of C alpha - C beta coordinates for secondary structures. We applied the program to omegatides and pyrrolinone-pyrrolidine oligomers. The compounds matched better with strands than for helices. We expanded the C alpha ? C beta vector matching idea to a method that ranks preferred conformations of small molecules on any combination of three interface side-chains in all structurally characterized PPIs. We developed a PDB mining program (explores key orientation, EKO) to do this, and EKO applied to pyrrolinone-pyrrolidine oligomers to find targets. EKO found several interesting targets, such as AICAR Tfase, GAPDH, and HIV-1 protease. HIV-1 dimerization inhibition and Zhang-Poorman kinetic assays were performed to validate our hypothesis, and the results showed that pyrrolinone-pyrrolidine derivatives inhibited HIV-1 dimerization.


BERGONZI, SILVIA 01 April 2009 (has links)
La presente ricerca intende indagare alcune tendenze interazionali di discenti giapponesi e svedesi in relazione alla cultura dei parlanti e al processo comunicativo che ha luogo nell’insegnamento dell’italiano all’estero. Gli stili comunicativi e gli stili di apprendimento costituiscono lo sfondo della dinamica di rapporto fra docente e studente. Tali elementi si manifestano in interazioni interculturali attraverso una co-occorrenza di regolarità caratteristiche della comunità linguistica a cui i discenti appartengono. Osservando lo stile comunicativo degli studenti si nota che alcune strategie interazionali riflettono valori culturali a cui è legato il senso della politeness, così come percepito dalla loro comunità linguistica. Il trasferimento di strategie comunicative da una lingua all’altra può dare origine a dissonanze nelle interazioni tra docenti e studenti, inficiando il processo comunicativo che permette di attuare pragmaticamente l’azione didattica, compromettendone talvolta il buon esito. Le modalità interazionali degli studenti riflettono lo stile comunicativo della comunità linguistica di cui fanno parte, mentre la tradizione della didattica delle lingue straniere permette di comprendere gli stili di apprendimento dei discenti. Si comprende così la centralità che hanno la cultura dei parlanti e il processo comunicativo, ai fini dell’insegnamento e dell’apprendimento delle lingue all’estero. / The aim of the present research is to investigate some interactional features of Japanese and Swedish students as regards the culture of the speakers and the process of communication involved in the teaching of Italian as a foreign language. Communication styles and learning styles form the background of the dynamics in the relationship between the lecturer and the student. Such elements can be perceived in intercultural communications, especially by a co-occurrence of regularities that are distinctive of the language community the students belong to. By observing the communication styles of the students one can see that some interactional strategies reflect cultural values that are strictly connected to the sense of politeness, as perceived by a language community. Transferring communicative strategies from one language to another can produce dissonances in the interactions between the lecturer and the students; this in turn can affect the process of communication in its pragmatic application of the teaching, at times making it less successful. The communication styles of the students reflect those of the language community they belong to, whereas the foreign language teaching tradition allows one to comprehend their styles of learning. Thus one can rediscover the central role of culture and communication in the process of teaching a foreign language abroad.

Design and Synthesis of Novel AT2 Receptor Ligands : From Peptides to Drug-Like Molecules

Georgsson, Jennie January 2006 (has links)
Many peptide receptors are of pharmaceutical interest and there is thus a need for new ligands for such receptors. Unfortunately, peptides are not suitable as orally administrated drugs since they are associated with poor absorption, rapid metabolism and low sub-receptor selectivity. One approach that should allow identification of more drug-like ligands is to use the structural information of the endogenous ligand to develop peptidomimetic compounds. The main objective of the work described in this thesis was to convert angiotensin II (Ang II, Asp-Arg-Val-Tyr-Ile-His-Pro-Phe) to small drug-like compounds with retained bioactivity at the AT2 receptor. The study was performed step-wise via incorporation of well-defined secondary structure mimetics and repeated truncation of the peptide. Five scaffolds, comprising a benzene ring as a central element, suitable as a γ-turn or dipeptide mimetics were designed and synthesized. In order to decorate the scaffolds, a method of microwave-assisted alkoxycarbonylation was developed. After incorporation of the scaffolds into Ang II-related peptides or peptide fragments, the affinities for both the AT1 and the AT2 receptor were determined. In the first series of ligands, two tyrosine-related scaffolds were introduced as γ-turn mimetics in Ang II. All five pseudopeptides exhibited good affinities for the AT2 receptor. One compound was chosen for functional studies and was shown to act as an AT2 receptor agonist. After truncation of Ang II it was shown that C-terminal pentapeptide analogs were AT2 receptor selective agonists. A series of pseudopeptides comprising tyrosine-related scaffolds, derived from the pentapeptides, displayed high AT2 receptor affinities. Two compounds had agonistic effect at the AT2 receptor. This study revealed that the N-terminal part was of less importance while a C-terminal Ile residue was a key element for enhanced AT2 receptor affinity. In the final set of compounds, the peptide was truncated to tripeptide C-terminal fragments. After replacing His-Pro by a histidine-related scaffold small drug-like peptidomimetic compounds with nanomolar affinity for the AT2 receptor were identified.

Samtalsanalys som intervention med en ungdom som använder bliss

Björnestrand, Sophia, Kindstrand, Caroline January 2011 (has links)
Conversation Analysis (CA) is a tool to facilitate analysis of everyday conversations. A small number of studies have used CA as an intervention for people with aphasia and have seen positive effects as an outcome of the intervention. The authors of the present study have not found any other studies where CA was used as an intervention in other target groups. The purpose of this study was to investigate if CA may be used in intervention with an adolescent who uses Bliss. The main participants in the present study, which the intervention was based upon, were a sixteen year old girl who communicates through Bliss, and her assistant. The participants were filmed in everyday situations. The video recordings were transcribed and primarily analysed according to CA principles by the authors. The authors of the present study observed both well functioning and not so well functioning communication patterns. The three interventions were based on video recordings, transcriptions and analyses. During the interventions, the authors of the study discussed patterns in communication with the participants. The participants were then given information about selected transcriptions, video recordings and analyses that the authors considered contained interesting patterns. Focus of each intervention was on turn-taking, repair, topic and non-verbal communication. The results of the intervention showed that certain communication patterns that the authors had previously regarded to be less functioning had subsequently improved in certain aspects. Comparisons made before and after the intervention showed that the girl had been given more emancipation to decide topic of conversation and take own initiative in the communication after the intervention. The results also showed that CA can be used to find new Bliss symbols that could be used in addition to the Swedish Bliss standard chart. In regard to turn-taking, repairs and non-verbal communication, similar patterns were observed prior to and after the intervention was carried out. / Conversation Analysis (CA) tillhandahåller verktyg för att analysera samtal i vardagen. Ett fåtal studier har använt CA i intervention med personer med afasi och har sett positiva effekter av interventionen. Författarna till föreliggande studie har inte funnit några andra studier där CA används som intervention för andra målgrupper. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka om CA kan användas vid intervention med en ungdom som använder sig av bliss i kommunikationen. Huvuddeltagarna i studien, som interventionen baserades på, var en 16-årig flicka som kommunicerar genom bliss, samt hennes assistent. Deltagarna filmades i vardagliga situationer. Videoinspelningarna transkriberades och analyserades huvudsakligen enligt CAs principer av uppsatsförfattarna. Kommunikationsmönster, både välfungerande och mindre välfungerande, konstaterades. Videoinspelningarna, transkriptionerna och analyserna låg sedan till grund för de tre interventionstillfällena där nya videoinspelningar utfördes mellan interventionerna. Under interventionerna diskuterade uppsatsförfattarna, tillsammans med deltagarna, mönster i kommunikationen. Deltagarna fick då ta del av utvalda transkriptioner, videoinspelningar samt analyser som ansågs ha intressanta mönster. De områden som interventionerna fokuserade på var turtagning, reparation, samtalsämne och icke-verbal kommunikation. Resultatet av interventionen i studien visar att vissa mönster i kommunikationen, som uppsatsförfattarna innan interventionen ansåg fungerade mindre bra, nu hade förbättrats i vissa avseenden. Jämförelserna innan samt efter intervention visade att flickan givits mer utrymme att bestämma samtalsämne och ta egna initiativ i kommunikationen efter intervention. Resultatet visade även att CA kan användas för att upptäcka vilka nya blissymboler som skulle behövas som komplement till standardblisskartan. Inom områdena turtagning, reparation och icke-verbal kommunikation konstaterades liknande mönster både före samt efter intervention.

Literarisches Sachsen. Studie zur Verbindung von Literaturmuseen und literarischen Gedenkstätten in einer Sächsischen Literaturstraße. / Literary Saxony. A Study on Connecting Literary Museums and Literary Memorials at a Saxon Literary Route.

Lehmann, Corinna 08 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
„Während über das Geschichtsbewusstsein einer Nation die chronologisch geordneten Geschichtsbücher Aufschluß geben, findet das Gedächtnis einer Nation seinen Niederschlag in der Gedächtnislandschaft seiner Erinnerungsorte.“ schreibt Aleida Assmann in Erinnerungsräume. Formen und Wandlungen des kulturellen Gedächtnisses (München: Verlag C. H. Beck oHG, 1999. S. 337.). In der vorliegenden Masterarbeit wird auf Basis dieser Definition eine Anwendung auf den Bereich der Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften, im Sinne einer Fokussierung auf literarische Erinnerungsorte, vollzogen, die als Grundlage des kulturellen Gedächtnisses angesehen werden und demzufolge zur Identitätsstiftung einer Region beitragen. Hierbei steht die Vernetzung ausgewählter literarischer Erinnerungsorte, bestehend aus Literaturmuseen und literarischen Gedenkstätten der Region Sachsen, im Vordergrund. Das Ziel dieser Masterarbeit ist einerseits die literaturwissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit Schriftstellern, die in Sachsen gelebt und/ oder gewirkt haben und andererseits die Darstellung des kulturellen Einflusses der bestehenden literarischen Gedenkstätten und Literaturmuseen in der ‚Region’ Sachsen. Im Rahmen dieser Masterarbeit wurde eine Bestandsaufnahme von 231 Schriftstellern angefertigt, die im heutigen Gebiet des Freistaates Sachsen gelebt und/ oder gewirkt haben, aber auch alle Museen, Denkmäler, Grabmäler, Gedenktafeln und Büsten, die an den jeweiligen Schriftsteller erinnern. Hieraus wurden für die vorliegende Masterarbeit 15 Schriftsteller nach spezifischen Kriterien ausgewählt und diese, ebenso wie die zugehörigen Literaturmuseen und literarischen Gedenkstätten, vorgestellt.

The Study on Management of Financial Problems among Taiwan Travel Industry

Chang, King-Ming 26 June 2012 (has links)
Operation scales of the travel agencies can be giant or tiny in term of sizes. No matter in Taiwan or abroad, most trvel agents are SMEs (small and medium enterprises), while some large-scale foreign or mainland travel agencies are even bigger than ordinary banks or airlines. Travel agents play a role as an important channel for travelers. They collect a considerable huge amount of money from travelers and pay to the suppliers just like a temporary God of Wealth. Airline tickets and tour fares end up to some hundred millions or even some billions of turn over (in total amount counting method) commonly. This is an industry which charges in advance before providing services. In addition to the shorter term of airline credit, six elements of travel - meals, accommodations, transportations, sightseeing, shopping, and entertainments, are allowed routinely credited periodically, especially tours fares often accumulated to an astronomical figures. This sevice industry is quite different from other manufacture suffered from the "inventories" problem, but with something in common, it has a huge amount of outstanding accounts remain unsettled, or even worse to cause the phoenomenon of financial black hole with "assets virtually inflated and liabilities virtually reduced". Several large tours wholesalers in Taiwan went bankruptcy might be owing to these reasons. Even the subsidiary of TUI, the world's largest tours group, outbroke similar news incident in early 2011. It was not singly but in pairs, Reuters reported that Europe's second largest travel company Thomas Cook facing financial crisis in late 2011, were forced to acquire ¢G 2 billion loan from banks to survive in the coming low winter season. A great amount of accumulated money often causes a crisis of credit expansion, if any ambitious entrepreneur seeks to gain more profits from other reinvestments, intends to get real estates, accquitions, mergers, and other risky investments, possibly resulted in large scale damage with both investments and foreign currency exchange losses, when facing an economy downturn or political turmoils. "Financial management" is always the primary course of business running. Emphasis on the "financial problems management" is not just a slogon, and not just to watch bank deposits closely, but also to realize how and what sholuld be seriously paid attention to. Revenue increasing and cost cutting are always the true value of financial management on business development. The differences of corporate finance from time to time are as same as different figures of human pulse, blood presure, or blood suguar that varies at diffent times or in different conditions. Financial management of a company is just like personal health management, such as people in different stages faces different situations and needs. So companies must grasp the pulse of business development in different stages to plan for the future direction. Many companies seek to maximize profits at the same time, yet ignoring the strong managing and decision-guiding functions of financial management. Newspapers and magazines often report how many employees and consumers are impacted by the closing of plants or travel agencies, many of them are wellknown enterprises. Although the global economic downturns, the failure of business diversification or reinvestment hold-up losses and other factors might take the blames. But as the old saying: "There is no sunset industry but only sunset enterprises." How to survive in the harsh environment? We must strengthen to master financial management, through analysis and control of "financial problems management" to generate necessary resources and to cut the costs to enhance the business performance. "The management of financial problems among travel industry" is really the weakest point of this industry. Practical financial management books or informations for travel agencies are not easy to be found in stores or other resources. In past decades we have seen the rotation of rises and falls in the industry, we strongly believe "Accounting and Financial Management" is the basis for all kinds of management. This thesis contains the examples of Phoenix Tours International and other travel agents among Taiwan travel industry. The real experiences of daily practices are the most important contents. I attempt to integrate academic theories into daily practices, a little theoretical but more practical argument, to provide better healthy informations for the industry. Despite the company accounting system, I had also tried to establish a basic financial training material for my management team. Wish all our colleagues will not repeat the same financial errors of their predecessors. Under the guideline of Taiwan Tourism Bureau which is committed to developing tourism with ¡§Vanguard for excellences and piloting for all projects¡¨, I tried to do my best to write down personal experiences and researches knowledge as basic works. Hope to bring up some echoes and brainstormings, to lead a brighter future and better progress for the industry. All the appendixes to this thesis are important references to the main text. Many of them are also my writings in the past. At last, IFRSs regulations will soon be implemented, we have to find out its impacts on the enterprises that should not be underestimated. Not only affect financial and accounting areas, information system, performance reward systems, investor relations, tax and legal aspects will also have significant impacts. IFRSs conversion or convergence may not only be an easy task, but provides an excellent opportunity for companies to re-examine the existing financial strategies, accounting policies, management systems, process efficiencies, risk managements, internal controls, system functions, corporate governances and investor relations practices, such as whether to meet current and future needs, and take this opportunity to enhance their strengths by improving inadequacies.

Study of III-N heterostructure field effect transistors

Narayan, Bravishma 01 September 2010 (has links)
This thesis describes the design, fabrication and characterization of AlGaN/GaN Heterostructure Field E ect Transistors (HFETs) grown by a Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) on sapphire substrates. The objective of this research is to develop AlGaN/GaN power devices with high breakdown voltage (greater than 1 kV) and low turn-on resistance. Various characteristics such as current drive (Idss), transconductance (gm) and threshold voltage (Vth) have also been measured and the results have been discussed. Two major challenges with the development of high breakdown voltage AlGaN/GaN HFETs in the past have been high material defect density and non-optimized fabrication technologies which gives rise to bu er leakage and surface leakage, respectively. In this thesis, mesa isolation, ohmic and gate metal contacts, and passivation techniques, have been discussed to improve the performance of these power transistors in terms of low contact resistance and low gate leakage. The relationship between breakdown voltage and Rds(ON)A with respect to the gate-drain length (Lgd) is also discussed. First, unit cell devices were designed (two-fingered cells with Wg = 100, 300, 400 m) and characterized, and then they were extended to form large area devices (upto Wg = 40 mm). The design goals were classied into three parts: - High Breakdown Voltage: This was achieved by designing devices with variations in Lgd, - Low turn-on resistance: This was achieved by optimizing the annealing temperatures as well as incorporating additional thick metal pads, as well as optimizing the passivation etch recipe, - Low Gate Leakage: The gate leakage was reduced signicantly by using a gate metal with a larger barrier height. All devices with Lgd larger than 10 m exhibited excellent breakdown voltage characteristics of over 800 V, and it progressed as the Lgd increased. The turn-on resistance was also reduced signicantly below 20 m-cm2, for devices with Lgd = 15, 25, and 20 m. The gate leakage was measured for all devices upto 200 V, and was in the range of 10-100 nA, which is one of the best values reported for multi-ngered devices with Lgd in the range of 2.4-5 mm. Some of the key challenges faced in fabrication were determining a better gate metal layer to reduce gate leakage, optimizing the passivation via etch recipe, and reducing surface leakage.

Can money be made on Mondays? : An empirical investigation of the efficiency on the OMXS30

Jakobsson, Catrin, Henriksson, Ola January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Purpose: </strong>The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if abnormal patterns concerning the rates of return during specific weekdays and months are observable for the companies in the OMXS30 during the period 2003-2010. A special focus will be put on the Monday effect anomaly.</p><p><strong>Background: </strong>Investors have a tendency to search for investment opportunities. If errors exist in the pricing of stocks it indicates that anomalies are present and that the stock market is inefficient. Investors then have the possibility to utilize the anomalies in order to receive above average returns.<strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Method: </strong>This study is using data of stock prices from Nasdaq OMX in the period of 2003-2010. The strength and existence of the Swedish stock market efficiency is measured through autocorrelation-, chi-square- and regression tests.<strong> </strong>Average monthly stock returns are calculated on daily-, monthly-, and yearly basis. The returns are compared in order to examine if day-of-the-week and turn-of-the-year anomalies exist.</p><p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>No Monday effect is found in 2003-2010. However, positive Thursday- and positive Friday effects are detected. A negative turn-of-the-year effect as well as a positive April effect is found. The investment opportunities that could be utilized in 2003-2010 due to the specific anomalies in the period do not necessarily imply that the same anomalies can be expected on the OMXS30 in the future.</p>

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