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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Síntesis y estudio de derivados de 3H-fenoxazin-3-ona y Aminometilantraceno en disolución y soportados sobre sólidos mesoporosos tipo MCM-41 para su aplicación como sensores moleculares ópticos

Descalzo López, Ana Belén 06 May 2008 (has links)
En esta tesis se han desarrollado varias sondas fluorescentes y materiales híbridos para la detección óptica de diversas especies tanto catiónicas (Hg2+ y metales alcalinotérreos), aniónicas (ATP, carboxilatos de cadena larga y fluoruro) como neutras (vapores orgánicos). El núcleo cromofórico principal estudiado ha sido la 7-amino-3H-fenoxazin-3-ona, cuya estructura consiste en un grupo amino que actúa como electrón dador en el proceso de transferencia interna de carga fotoinducida, y un grupo carbonilo como aceptor conectados a través del sistema electrónico p. Este cromóforo posee propiedades ópticas óptimas como elevados coeficientes de absorción molar y rendimientos cuánticos de fluoresecencia, con longitudes de onda de absorción y emisión centradas por encima de los 500 nm. Estudios espectroscópicos de UV/Vis de una serie de sistemas modelo revelan que el aumento de la fuerza electrón dadora del sustituyente introducido a través del grupo amino genera un aumento del rendimiento cuántico de fluorescencia y desplazamientos batocrómicos de las bandas de absorción y emisión. En base a esto, la introducción de un grupo electrón dador débil (urea) como receptor ha permitido obtener un fluoroionóforo capaz de detectar la presencia de aniones (acetato y dihidrogenfosfato) en disolventes orgánicos con un aumento en la fluorescencia y un cambio de color de naranja a rosa inducidos por la coordinación del anión. En el caso del fluoruro, anión más básico, se pone de manifiesto mediante estudios espectroscópicos de UV/Vis y 1H-RMN la desprotonación del colorante. Otro aspecto interesante de este cromóforo es su capacidad para actuar como un receptor ditópico en ciertas situaciones. La protonación y coordinación de cationes metálicos tiene lugar a través del grupo carbonilo. Mediante la introducción de diversos receptores a través del nitrógeno (ligandos macrocíclicos tipo éter corona para la coordinación de cationes alcalinotérreos y tipo aza-tia-oxa para la coordinación d / Descalzo López, AB. (2004). Síntesis y estudio de derivados de 3H-fenoxazin-3-ona y Aminometilantraceno en disolución y soportados sobre sólidos mesoporosos tipo MCM-41 para su aplicación como sensores moleculares ópticos [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/1851

Erstcharakterisierung von Histidinkinase-Rhodopsinen aus einzelligen Grünalgen

Luck, Meike 12 December 2018 (has links)
Histidinkinase-Rhodopsine (HKRs) können als besondere Gruppe der Hybrid-Histidinkinasen beschrieben werden, deren N-terminale sensorische Domäne ein mikrobielles Rhodopsin ist. HKR-codierende Sequenzen konnten in den Genomen verschiedener Algen, Pilze und Amoeben gefunden werden doch ihre Aufgaben und Wirkungsweisen sind bisher ungeklärt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden die rekombinanten Rhodopsin-Domänen von zwei HKRs mit verschiedenen spektroskopischen Techniken charakterisiert. Sie zeigten mehrere Besonderheiten. Das Rhodopsin-Fragment von Cr-HKR1 aus Chlamydomonas reinhardtii kann durch alternierende kurzwellige und langwellige Belichtung zwischen zwei stabilen Absorptionsformen konvertiert werden: einer Blaulicht-absorbierenden (Rh-Bl) und einer UVA-Licht-absorbierenden Form (Rh-UV). Dies resultiert aus der ungewöhnlichen thermischen Stabilität des Zustandes mit deprotonierter Schiff’scher Base. Das zweite charakterisierte HKR, die Os-HKR-Rhodopsin-Domäne aus der marinen Picoalge Ostreococcus tauri, zeigt eine Dunkelabsorption von 505 nm. Auch Os-HKR ist photochrom und die deprotonierte Spezies kann effizient akkumuliert werden. Diese P400-Absorptionsform ist jedoch nicht völlig stabil sondern es kommt nach Belichtungsende zur langsamen Dunkelzustands-Regeneration. Überraschenderweise konnte die Bindung sowie die transiente Abgabe eines Anions während des Os-HKR-Photozyklus festgestellt werden. Somit beeinflusst nicht nur das Licht, sondern auch das Salz in der Umgebung die Os-HKR-Reaktionen. Aufgrund ihrer photochromen Eigenschaften werden die HKRs als wirksame lichtinduzierte Schalter für die C-terminalen Signaltransduktionsdomänen postuliert. Schwingungsspektroskopische Analysen deckten eine Heterogenität hinsichtlich der im Protein gebundenen Retinal‐Konfiguration sowie die Existenz von zwei parallelen Photozyklen auf. Jeder dieser Photozyklen geht aus einer der beiden Retinal-Isomere hervor. / Histidine kinase rhodopsins (HKRs) can be described as hybrid histidine kinases with a microbial rhodopsin as N-terminal sensory domain. HKR-encoding sequences were found in the genomes of various unicellular organisms such as algae, fungi and amoeba but their mechanistic and physiologic function is unknown. During this work the absorptive properties of the recombinant rhodopsin domains of two HKRs were studied by the usage of different spectroscopic techniques. Both HKRs showed unusual characteristics. The rhodopsin fragment of Cr‐HKR1 from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii can be interconverted between two stable absorbance forms by the alternate application of short‐ and long‐wavelength light: a blue light-absorbing dark form (Rh-Bl) and a UVA light-absorbing form (Rh-UV). This unusual photocycle results from the uncommon thermal stability of the absorbance state with a deprotonated retinal Schiff base. The second studied HKR, the Os‐HKR rhodopsin domain from the marine picoalga Ostreococcus tauri, shows an absorbance maximum at 505 nm in darkness. Likewise Cr‐HKR1 the Os‐HKR is photochromic and the deprotonated form P400 can be efficiently accumulated. But the Os-HKR P400-form is not completely stable. A slow dark state recovery occurs. Surprisingly the dark state absorbance of Os‐HKR was found to be dependent on anion binding in the protein. Furthermore during the photocycle the transient anion release occurs and therefore not only light but also salt impacts the Os-HKR-reactions. Due to their pronounced photochromic properties, the HKRs are postulated to act as effective molecular switches for the C-terminal signal transduction domains in response to the light conditions. Vibrational spectroscopy revealed the heterogeneity with regard to the retinal configuration bound in the HKRs suggesting the existence of two parallel photocycles. Either of these photocycles originates from one of the two retinal isoforms.

On the nature of different Fe sites on Fe-containing micro and mesoporous materials and their catalytic role in the abatement of nitrogen oxides from exhaust gases

Matam, Santhosh Kumar 21 October 2005 (has links)
Gegenstand der Untersuchungen war die Reduktion von Stickoxiden (NOx und N2O) an verschiedenartig präparierten Eisenkatalysatoren (Fe-MF, Fe-beta, Fe-SBA-15). Die Katalysatoren wurden nach Synthese, Kalzinierung und Katalyse mittels EPR und UV/VIS-DRS charakterisiert, und darüber hinaus auch in-situ während des Kalzinierens. Isolierte Eisenspezies aggregieren im Verlauf der Kalzinierung bei 873 K. Sowohl höhere Heizraten beim Kalziniervorgang, als auch ein höheres Si/Al-Verhältnis des Trägermaterials verstärken die Neigung zur Aggregatbildung leicht. Die Verwendung des Katalysators für die SCR von NO führt zu weiterem Wachstum und zur Restrukturierung der FexOy-Cluster. Die Eisenkatalysatoren wurden weiterhin mittels in-situ Methoden (EPR, UV/VIS-DRS, FTIR) untersucht während der SCR von NO durch NH3 und Isobutan, der SCR von N2O mit CO, und im Strom der entsprechenden reinen Eduktgase. Die Ergebnisse korrelieren mit dem katalytischen Verhalten der Materialien. Verschiedene Fe3+-Spezies, welche sich durch ein unterschiedliches Redoxverhalten auszeichnen, wurden identifiziert. UV/VIS-Messungen erlauben die Schlußfolgerung, daß isolierte, oktaedrisch koordinierte Fe3+?Spezies leichter zu reduzieren sind als tetradrisch koordinierte. Im Gegensatz zu isoliertem Fe3+ lassen sich FexOx-Cluster leichter oxidieren als reduzieren, und verbleiben daher unter Reaktionsbedingungen trivalent. Durch ihr hohes Oxidationspotential kommt es, vor allem für die Reaktion mit Isobutan, zur unerwünschten Totaloxidation des Reduktanden. Der Anteil isolierter Fe3+ Spezies korreliert mit der Aktivität der Katalysatoren für die SCR von NO und N2O. Weiterhin hängt zumindest für die Reaktion zwischen N2O und CO der Reaktionsmechanismus von der Art der vorliegenden Eisenspezies ab: an isolierten Plätzen erfolgt die Reduktion des N2O an dem an Fe3+ gebundenen CO. An FexOy-Clustern hingegen läuft die Reaktion als Redoxprozeß (Fe3+ / Fe2+) unter Bildung eines radikalischen Intermediates O-. Der Einfluß der Porengeometrie des Trägermaterials auf die katalytische Aktivität wurde an Katalysatoren mit ähnlichem Eisengehalt und ähnlicher Art und Verteilung der Eisenspezies studiert (Fe-MFI, Fe-SBA-15). Die drastisch höhere Aktivität von Fe-MFI belegt, daß die Lokalisierung der aktiven Komponente in einer Pore mit passender Geometrie (Größe und Struktur) essentiell für die katalytischen Eigenschaften ist. Als weitere, die Aktivität stark beeinflussen Größe, wurde für die Reaktion von NO mit Ammoniak und auch mit Isobutan die Azidität identifiziert, die jedoch für die katalytische Zersetzung oder Reduktion mit N2O keine Rolle spielt. / The reduction of nitrogen oxides (NOx and N2O) was investigated over Fe-catalysts (Fe-MFI, Fe-beta and Fe-SBA-15) which were prepared by different methods have been analyzed by EPR and UV/VIS-DRS ex situ after synthesis, calcination and use in catalysis as well as in situ during calcination. It was found that aggregated species are formed at the expense of isolated Fe species upon calcination at 873 K, and that aggregate formation is slightly favored by calcination with higher heating rates as well as by high Si/Al ratio of the support. Use in SCR of NO leads to further growth and restructuring of FexOy clusters. These Fe-catalysts were studied by in situ EPR, in situ UV/VIS-DRS and in situ FT-IR spectroscopy during SCR of NO with NH3 or isobutane and during SCR of N2O with CO as well as during interaction with single feed components. The results were related to the catalytic behaviour. Different types of isolated Fe3+ sites with different reducibility were identified. Based on FT-IR results which revealed that NO reacts preferably with trivalent Fe, it is concluded that Fe3+ ions reduced under reaction conditions to Fe2+ do probably not contribute to catalytic activity. In general, the degree of steady-state Fe site reduction during NH3-SCR is markedly lower than during isobutane-SCR. This might be the reason for the lower activity of Fe-catalysts in the latter reaction. UV/VIS-DRS results suggest that isolated Fe3+ in octahedral coordination is easier reduced than tetrahedral Fe3+. In contrast to isolated Fe3+ species, FexOy clusters are much faster reoxidized than reduced and, thus, remain essentially trivalent under reaction conditions. Due to their higher oxidation potential, they cause undesired total oxidation of the reductant being much more severe in the case of isobutane. A correlation was found between the fraction of isolated Fe+3 sites in the catalysts and their activity for SCR of NO and N2O. The reaction mechanism of SCR of N2O with CO is Fe site dependent. Over isolated Fe sites, the reduction of N2O occurs via coordinated CO species on Fe3+ sites. The reaction over FexOy sites proceeds via a redox Fe3+/Fe2+ process with intermediate formation of O- radicals. The effect of pore geometry of the support on the catalytic activity was studied by comparing catalytic performance of Fe-MFI and Fe-SBA-15 which contain similar iron content and show similar nature and distribution of Fe species as evidenced by UV/VIS-DRS and EPR. Fe-MFI revealed to be much more active than Fe-SBA-15 in all reactions studied. This clearly illustrates that the confinement of the iron species in pores of suitable geometry (structure and size) is essential to originate their remarkable catalytic properties. Acidity is essential for SCR of NO with NH3 or isobutane but it is not mandatory for direct decomposition or SCR of N2O.

FTIR-spektroskopische Untersuchungen am Phytochrom Agp2

Piwowarski, Patrick 18 May 2017 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der lichtinduzierte Reaktionszyklus des bakteriellen Phytochroms Agp2 aus Agrobacterium tumefaciens mit FTIR‑ und UV‑Vis‑Spektroskopie untersucht. Der Photorezeptor besteht aus einem photosensorischen Modul und einer signalgebenden Histidin-Kinase-Domäne. Das photosensorische Modul bindet das Tetrapyrrol Biliverdin als Chromophor. Der Grundzustand von Agp2 (Pfr, 750 nm) ist gegenüber dem lichtaktivierten Zustand (Pr, 700 nm) rotverschoben, weshalb Agp2 den Bathyphytochromen zugeordnet wird. Die Untersuchungen erfolgten unter Verwendung von Isotopenmarkierung, H/D-Austauschexperimenten und ortsspezifischer Mutagenese. Daraus ließen sich folgende molekulare Änderungen charakterisieren, welche im Reaktionszyklus von Agp2 erfolgen: Die lichtinduzierte Isomerisierung des Chromophors führt zu einem Übergang vom Pfr- in den Pr-Zustand, wobei zwei Intermediate, Lumi‑F und Meta‑F, durchlaufen werden. Neben der Konformationsänderung des Chromophor‑D‑Rings ist auch die C‑Ring-Propionsäureseitenkette an der Photoreaktion beteiligt. Die C-Ring-Propionsäureseitenkette ist im Pfr-Zustand protoniert und wird im Übergang von Meta-F zu Pr deprotoniert. Der Pr-Zustand weist eine pH-Abhängigkeit auf, welche auf die pH-abhängige Ladung des Histidins 278 der Chromophortasche zurückzuführen ist. Je nach Ladung des Histidins 278 wird die Keto‑ bzw. Enolform der C(19)=O‑Gruppe des D‑Rings stabilisiert. Die Keto/Enol-Tautomerie ist auf eine innerhalb des Chromophors erfolgende Protontranslokation zurückzuführen und moduliert die Relaxation in den Pfr-Zustand. Änderungen der Amid-I-Absorption im Pfr-Pr-Übergang werden der Umstrukturierung der Tongue-Region des photosensorischen Moduls von einer Alpha-helikalen zu einer Beta‑Faltblatt-Struktur zugeordnet. Diese Strukturänderung wird als möglicher Weg der proteininternen Signaltransduktion zwischen photosensorischem und signalgebendem Modul vorgeschlagen. / In this thesis the light-induced reaction cycle of the bacterial phytochrome Agp2 from Agrobacterium tumefaciens was investigated using FTIR and UV‑vis spectroscopy. The photoreceptor comprises a photosensitive module and a signalling histidine kinase domain. The photosensitive module binds the biliverdin tetrapyrrol as chromophore. The Agp2 ground state (Pfr, 750 nm) is red-shifted in comparison with its light-activated state (Pr, 700 nm). Therefore, Agp2 is assigned to the group of bathy phytochromes. The investigations were conducted using isotopically labelled protein, labelled chromophore as well as hydrogen‑deuterium (H‑D) exchange and site-directed mutagenesis. Based on these the following molecular changes could be characterized that occur in the reaction cycle of Agp2: The light-induced isomerization of the chromophore leads to a transition from the Pfr to the Pr state, involving two intermediates, Lumi-F and Meta-F. Besides conformational changes of the chromophore D-ring, the C-ring propionic side chain is involved in the photoreaction as well. The C-ring propionic side chain is protonated in the Pfr state and gets deprotonated in the Meta-F to Pr transition. The Pr state exhibits pH‑dependent alterations which can be explained by pH dependent polarity changes of histidine 278 in the chromophore pocket. Depending on the charge of histidine, the D‑ring C(19)=O group is stabilized either in keto or enol form. The keto/enol tautomerism involves a proton translocation within the chromophore and modulates the relaxation to the Pfr state. The changes in the amide I region in the Pfr-Pr transition are associated with an alpha‑helix to beta‑sheet secondary structure change of the PHY domain tongue‑region. This structural change is proposed as the potential path of signal transduction between the photosensitive and the signalling module.

3-(2-Benzylbenzoyl)-4(1H)-quinolinones : une nouvelle classe de composés photochromiques photoréversibles / 3-(2-Benzylbenzoyl)-4(1H)-quinolinones : a new class of photoreversible photochromic compounds

Larina, Nina 19 November 2010 (has links)
Actuellement, les photochromes photoréversibles présentent un intérêt important en vue de leurs applications éventuelles comme interrupteurs optiques ou pour le traitement et le stockage de données. L’objectif principal de ce travail de thèse a été d’évaluer les 3-­-(2-­-benzylbenzoyl)-­-4-­-quinolones en tant que système photochromique photoréversible. Afin d’étudier la relation entre la structure chimique et le comportement photochromique de ce système, une série de nouvelles 3-­-(2-­-benzylbenzoyl)-­-4-­-quinolones à substitution variée a été préparée à l’aide de procédures connues ainsi qu’élaborées lors de ce travail. La photoréaction de ces nouveaux molecules étant très complexe, une méthode d’étude a été établie avec des 2-­-benzyl-­-3-­-benzoyl-­-4-­-quinolones photoénolisables au comportement plus simple. Leurs spectres d’absorption modélisés à l’aide de fonctions pekariennes ont été comparés avec les résultats des calculs quantiques. Le mécanisme selon lequel la réaction de décoloration se fait par l’ionisation des photoénols fortement acides via protonation des molécules du solvant a été établi. Enfin, la troisième partie est consacrée à l’étude des nouveaux dérivés de quinolones. D’après l’analyse de leurs spectres d’absorption, ainsi que les résultats des calculs quantiques, nous proposons un mécanisme où le transfert d’hydrogène photo-­-induit conduirait à la formation d’un intermédiaire biradicalaire, capable de se cycliser en dibenzo[b]acrydinones hydroxysubstituées. Un tel mécanisme expliquerait la forte influence qu’ont la nature des substituants en positions 1 et 2, ainsi que la température et la présence d’oxygène sur la régio-­- et stéréo-­-sélectivité de cette photoréaction. / Photoreversible photochromic compounds are currently of considerable interest from the point of view of their potential applications as molecular switches and for data storage and processing. The main target of the present investigation is to evaluate the scope and limitations of 3-­-(2-­-benzylbenzoyl)-­-4-­-quinolones as a photoreversible photochromic system. In order to investigate the relationship between quinolone chemical structures and photochemical behavior, a large series of new 3-­-(2-­-benzylbenzoyl)-­-4-­-quinolones with different substituents has been prepared using known as well as newly elaborated synthetic procedures. In the second part of the work a series of simpler photoenolizable 2-­-benzyl-­-3-­-benzoyl quinolones is studied by the means of fitting their UV-­-Vis absorption spectra and comparison with the results of quantum mechanical calculations at the TD DFT level. It was concluded that the mechanism of the reverse reaction involves ionization of the strongly acidic photoenols via protonation of the solvent molecules. The third part of the work includes investigation of the new quinolone derivatives. From the analyses of their absorption spectra and the results of quantum mechanical calculations, we propose a tentative mechanism, according to which the photoinduced hydrogen transfer yields a biradical, capable of cyclization into the hydroxy substituted dibenzo[b]acrydinones. This mechanism accounts for the observation that the nature of substituents in positions 1 and 2, the temperature and the presence of oxygen strongly affect regio-­- and stereoselectivity of the cyclization.

B(C6F5)3-catalyzed reductions with hydrosilanes: scope and implications to the selective modification of poly(phenylsilane)

Lee, Peter Tak Kwong 23 December 2015 (has links)
New complex silicon-containing molecules were made by B(C6F5)3-catalyzed hydrosilation, dehydrocoupling, and dealkylative coupling reactions starting from Si-H reagents. The scope of reactions starting from disilane was expanded to include the formation of silicon-sulfur1, silicon-oxygen and silicon-alkyl side-chains. Reaction inhibition was found with some heteroatom substrates, such as phenols and imines, that strongly bound to B(C6F5)3, and was consistent with the proposed mechanism (Chapter 2). B(C6F5)3 was found to be selective for Si-H activation in reactions of disilane and no competing Si-Si bond cleavage side-reactions were observed. This result will guide future studies and application of B(C6F5)3-catalyzed reactions with polysilanes. A different type of selectivity, the competing B(C6F5)3-catalyzed over-reduction, is evaluated and discussed in Chapter 3. This over-reduction reaction was classified into two distinct cases: alkyl groups for which over-reduction reaction was dependent on the steric bulk of the alkyl group and benzylic groups for which over-reduction was dependent on having an alpha-aryl group. These reactions are consistent with the proposed Piers-Oestreich mechanism (see Chapter 3) and suggest the rate-determining step for over-reduction is the nucleophilic attack of the alkoxysilane (R -O-SiR3) to the R3Si•••H•••B(C6F5)3 complex. Benzylic side-chains were over-reduced regardless of the steric bulk of the aryl groups. Literature precedents suggest that benzyl over-reductions must undergo an alternative mechanism to the Piers-Oestreich mechanism. A number of mechanisms have been proposed in the literature and in Chapter 3, suggesting conventional heteroatom substrate borane or silane-borane complexation. Furthermore, over-reduction of benzylic sulfur containing side-chains was found and this reaction was exploited in the B(C6F5)3-catalyzed synthesis of unique silicon-sulfur silicon-containing products. These over-reduction reactions highlighted the role of the silane for over-reduction and the challenges associated with the post-polymerization modification of poly(phenylsilane). The advances in B(C6F5)3-catalyzed synthesis of small silane molecules suggested reaction conditions and gave spectroscopic benchmarks that were applied to the post polymerization modification of poly(phenylsilane) (Chapter 4). New X-modified poly(phenylsilane) derivatives with thiolato (sulfur), alkoxy/aryloxy (oxygen), amido (nitrogen) and alkyl(carbon) side-chains were prepared with 10-40% incorporation of the ‘X’ group into poly(phenylsilane). These new polysilanes were characterized by the following methods: 1H/13C/29Si NMR, IR, MALS-GPC, EA, and UV-vis absorption spectroscopy. Together, these characterization methods showed that the polysilane had not undergone Si-Si cleavage and thus demonstrated the utility of B(C6F5)3 for the selective activation of Si-H bonds. Thermal decomposition of X-modified poly(phenylsilane) derivatives and parent poly(phenylsilane) showed interesting redistribution pathways (Chapter 5). The thermal decomposition products of poly(phenylsilane) were identified: volatile monosilanes, a structurally complex not-yet-identified phenylsilicon-containing material generated at 500 °C, and a mixture of silicon carbide (SiC) and elemental carbon generated at 800 °C. The B(C6F5)3-catalyzed post-polymerization method (Chapter 4) was evaluated based on the substitution percentage for X-functionalized poly(phenylsilane) derivatives. Reactions of highly electron-donating substrates gave a low amount of X incorporation (10%, e.g. aryloxy side-chains derived from phenol). Aryloxy groups were alternatively introduced via demethanative coupling, which gave a polymer with a greater substitution percentage (25%). The overall impact of the H-to-X substitution reactions was gauged by UV-vis absorption spectra and desirable UV absorption properties would require the modified poly(phenylsilane) to have a high degree of substitution. / Graduate / 2017-09-02

Self-Organization of β-Peptide Nucleic Acid Helices for Membrane Scaffolding

Höger, Geralin 14 February 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Caracterização da matéria orgânica humificada (ácido húmico) de solo por técnicas espectroscópicas, análise térmica e microscopia eletrônica

Schardosin, Janaina 09 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Angela Maria de Oliveira (amolivei@uepg.br) on 2018-06-05T14:40:04Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Schardosin, Janaina.pdf: 3840457 bytes, checksum: ffe3148238384650d2997e09aff27ed0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-05T14:40:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 811 bytes, checksum: e39d27027a6cc9cb039ad269a5db8e34 (MD5) Schardosin, Janaina.pdf: 3840457 bytes, checksum: ffe3148238384650d2997e09aff27ed0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-04-09 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O processo de humificação, conversão de resíduos orgânicos em húmus, é um fator importante na compreensão da dinâmica da matéria orgânica. A sua quantificação, é fundamental para o estudo da evolução química dessa substância. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar as amostras de ácidos húmicos (AHs) e quantificar o grau de humificação do solo e das frações físicas (por tamanho de partículas). As análises de Espectroscopias de Fluorescência de Raios X por Dispersão de Comprimento de Onda, Fluorescência na região do Visível, Espectroscopia Vibracional na região de Infravermelho e de Absorção na região do Ultravioleta e Vísivel, Espectrocospia Raman, acompanhadas das técnicas de Análise Térmica, Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura com Canhão Eletrônico por Efeito de Campo e Espalhamento Dinâmico da Luz foram utilizadas. A quantificação do grau de humificação mostrou que AHs extraídos da profundidade (10- 20 cm) possuem estruturas aromáticas mais condensadas. A fração de AH que apresentou maior grau de humificação foi a extraída do solo com a adição de calagem, o que demonstra uma influência do calcário na aceleração do processo de humificação. O estudo das frações granulométricas do solo, determinou, com espectroscopia de infravermelho, os atributos orgânicos que estão associados as frações do solo e, que a maioria dos minerais presentes nas frações granulométricas, foram identificados como sendo caulinita, haloisita, quartzo e gibbsita. Já para o estudo da humificação dos AHs extraídos das frações granulométricas, a quantificação do grau de humificação, do maior para o menor, é procedente da fração silte, seguidos da fração argila e, por fim, a fração areia. / The humification process, conversion of organic waste into humus, is an important factor to understand the organic matter dynamics. Its quantification is vital for the study of this substance chemical evolution. This study aimed at characterizing humic acid (HA) samples and quantify the degree of soil humification and physical fractions (particle size). The analysis of Spectroscopies of wavelenght dispersive X-ray fluorescence, visible fluorescence, vibrational infrared region, ultraviolet and visible light absorption and Raman along with the techniques of Thermal Analysis, scanning electron microscopy with field effect gun and dynamic light scattering were employed. The humification degree quantification revealed that the HA extracted from the 10-20cm depth presented more polycondensed structures. The HA fraction that presented the highest humification degree was extracted from the soil with the addition of liming, which demonstrates the limestone influence in the acceleration of the humification process. The study of the soil granulometric fractions determined, with infrared spectroscopy, the organic properties that are associated to soil fractions and that most of the minerals present in the granulometric fractions, were identified as kaolinite, halloysite, quartz and gibbsite.The study of the humification in the HA extracted from the granulometric fractions quantified the humification degree and revealed the highest values in the silt fraction followed by the clay fraction and, finally, the lowest values were found in the sand fraction.

Electronic and Geometrical Structure of Phthalocyanines on Surfaces : An Electron Spectroscopy and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study

Åhlund, John January 2007 (has links)
Core- and Valence Photoelectron Spectroscopy (PES), X-ray- and Ultraviolet-Visible Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS and UV-Vis), Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) and Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations are used to study the electronic and geometrical structure of a class of macro-cyclic molecules, Phthalocyanines (Pc), on surfaces. These molecules are widely studied due to their application in many different fields. Multilayer and monolayer coverages of Iron Phthalocyanine (FePc) and metal-free Phthalocyanine (H2Pc) deposited on different surfaces are investigated in order to get insight in the electronic and geometrical structure of the obtained overlayers, of crucial importance for the understanding of the film functionality. Sublimation of molecular thick films on Si(100) and on conducting glass results in films with molecules mainly oriented with their molecular plane orthogonal to the surface. Ex-situ deposited H2Pc films on conductive glass show different molecular orientation and morphology with respect to the vacuum sublimated films. We study the monolayer adsorption structure of FePc and H2Pc and compare our results with other Pc’s adsorbed on graphite. We find that the molecular unit cell and the superstructure is characteristic for each Pc adsorbed on graphite, even if the geometrical size of the compared molecules is the same. The PE- and XA- spectra of FePc on graphite are essentially identical for the mono- and multilayer preparations, evidencing weak intermolecular and molecular-substrate interactions of van der Waals nature. Furthermore, we characterize Pc’s on InSb (001)-c(8x2). The substrate In rows are observed to be the adsorption site for Pc’s. We find that the growth of the two-dimensional islands of FePc is prolonged in the [-110] direction, in contrast to ZnPc adsorbed on the same substrate at room temperature. We interpret this result as an indication that the adsorption is controlled by the substrate corrugation observed at 70 K.

Charge Transport through Organized Organic Assemblies in Confined Geometries

Schuckman, Amanda Eileen 2011 May 1900 (has links)
Organic molecules such as porphyrins and alkanethiols are currently being investigated for applications such as sensors, light-emitting diodes and single electron transistors. Porphyrins are stable, highly conjugated compounds and the choice of metal ion and substituents bound to the macrocycle as well as other effects such as chemical surrounding and cluster size modulate the electronic and photonic properties of the molecule. Porphyrins and their derivatives are relatively non-toxic and their very rich photo- and electro-chemistry, and small HOMO-LUMO gaps make them outstanding candidates for use in molecularly-enhanced electronic applications. For these studies, self-assembled tri-pyridyl porphyrin thiol derivatives have been fully characterized on Au(111) surfaces. A variety of surface characterization techniques such as Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM), FT-IR spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) have been implemented in order to obtain information regarding the attachment orientation based on the angle and physical height of the molecule, conductivity which is determined based on the apparent height and current-voltage (I-V) measurements of the molecule, conductance switching behavior due to conformational or other effects as well as the stability of the molecular ensembles. Specifically, the transport properties of free base and zinc coordinated tri-pyridyl porphyrin thiol molecular islands inserted into a dodecanethiol matrix on Au(111) were investigated using STM and cross-wire inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy (IETS). The zinc porphyrin thiol islands observed by STM exhibited reversible bias induced switching at high surface coverage due to the formation of Coulomb islands of ca. 10 nm diameter driven by porphyrin aggregation. Low temperature measurements (~ 4 K) from crossed-wire junctions verified the appearance of a Coulomb staircase and blockade which was not observed for single molecules of this compound or for the analogous free base. Scanning probe lithography via nanografting has been implemented to directly assemble nanoscale patterns of zinc porphyrin thiols and 16-mercapotohexadecanoic acid on Au surfaces. Matrix effects during nanopatterning including solvent and background SAMs have been investigated and ultimately ~ 10 nm islands of zinc porphyrins have been fabricated which is the optimal size for the observed switching effect.

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