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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

IKIMOKYKLINIŲ UGDYMO ĮSTAIGŲ VALDYMO OPTIMIZAVIMO STRATEGINĖS KRYPTYS / Strategic directions for management optimization in preschool education institutions

Jankauskienė, Eglė 26 September 2008 (has links)
Ši pagrindinė tezė apima teorinę ir praktinę pusę, analizę ir ikimokyklinių ugdymo įstaigų valdymo optimizavimo strateginių tikslų pagrindimą. Tezė apima: strateginio valdymo teorijos analizę, tam tikrų segmentų empirinį viešos nuomonės tyrimą (ikimokyklinių ugdymo įstaigų direktorių, pavaduotojų, auklėtojų, tėvų), jų nuomones apie ikimokyklinių ugdymo įstaigų valdymo optimizacijos strateginius tikslus, empirinį vadovavimo įvertinimo tyrimą apie dabartinių vaikų darželių direktorius, patikrinant jų gebėjimą vadovauti. Buvo apklausta trisdešimt Šiaulių miesto ir rajono ikimokyklinių ugdymo įstaigų. 30 – direktorių, 30 – direktorių pavaduotojų, 100 pedagogų, 140 tėvų. Išanalizuota 30 įstaigų veiklos planų. Tezė aptaria ikimokyklinių ugdymo įstaigų specifinę valdymo sferą, analizuoja valdymo teorijų formą, veiklos struktūros optimizavimo klausimą, strateginius dokumentus ir dokumentaciją. Po teorinės ir empirinės analizės buvo padarytos sekančios išvados: strateginis valdymas yra esminis ikimokyklinėms ugdymo įstaigoms, nepaisant skirtingų situacijų ir įvairų metodų, pateiktų institucijų veikloje, yra tam tikri valdymo optimizavimo strateginiai tikslai, vedantys į efektyvesnę veiklą ir augimą. / This leading thesis involves aspects of theory and practice, analysis and explanation of strategic aims for management optimization in preschool education institutions. Thesis involves: theoretical analysis of strategic management, empirical research of public opinion in certain segments (of the directors, director’s assistants, educators of preschool education institutions and parents), their opinions about the strategic aims for management optimization in preschool education institutions, empirical research about management assessment of the directors of present preschools, testing their ability to head up. The research included 30 preschool education institutions of Šiauliai town and its region. 30 directors, 30 director’s assistants, 100 educators, 140 parents. There were analyzed thirty management plans of institutions. Thesis discusses about the specific spheres of management in preschools, analysis the forms of management theories, question of the work structure optimization, strategic documents and documentation. The following conclusions have been drawn after theoretical and empirical analysis: strategic management is fundamental for preschool education institutions despite the different situations and various methods which are listed in the work of these institutions; there are certain strategic aims of management which leads to effective work and growth.

Ugdymo įstaigų vadovų ir pedagogų informacinių technologijų naudojimo kompetencijos ir jų tobulinimas / Information technologies operations competence and their improvement of headmasters and pedagogues of scholastic institutions

Paulauskienė, Virginija 29 September 2008 (has links)
Paskutinis dešimtmetis pasižymi dinamiškais pokyčiais. Kinta žmonių gyvenimo stilius. Pasaulis įžengė į informacijos amžių, kuriame pagrindinį vaidmenį vaidina žinios. Sparčiai formuojasi informacinė visuomenė. Vis daugiau žmonių, dirbdami savo kasdienį darbą, naudojasi informacinėmis technologijomis. Nuolatos tobulėjančios technologijos siūlo naujus problemų sprendimo būdus, virtualios mokymosi aplinkos siūlo naujas mokymosi galimybes, internetas tampa vis aktualesniu kasdieninio gyvenimo elementu tiek darbo, tiek informacijos paieškos terpe. Šiame kontekste informacinės technologijos vis labiau veikia mokymo ir mokymosi metodus, daro poveikį ne tik mokymo turiniui, bet ir visam ugdymo procesui. Nagrinėjant ugdymo įstaigų vadovų ir pedagogų informacinių technologijų naudojimo kompetencijas buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio metu stengiamasi atskleisti esamą pedagogų ir mokyklos vadovų padėtį žinių amžiuje, ištyrinėti jų informacinių technologijų naudojimo kompetenciją, išsiaiškinti, su kokiomis pagrindinėmis problemomis susiduria šiandieniniai pedagogai ir mokyklų vadovai, numatyti kompetencijų tobulinimo galimybės. Tyrimo išvadose konstatuota, kad informacinių technologijų naudojimo kompetencija, būdama bendrosios kompetencijos dalimi yra žinių, gebėjimų, požiūrių, vertybių, asmenybės komplekso išraiška, atsiskleidžianti asmens veikloje ir turinti įtakos sėkmingiems veiklos rezultatams. Tyrimas nustatė, kad vadovų kompiuterio naudojimo įgūdžiai geresni negu pedagogų. Tačiau... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / As the modern world has stepped into a new age, each individual encounters still new, fast changing situations that require a fast and efficient decision making. Not an industrial but information and command in adequate benefiting from it becomes a new currency in our time. The latter situation has become an urgent one due to constantly improving information technologies that offer new ways of problem solution, determine new contents of education, open new training and learning methods. Perceiving that one of the most important characteristics of a modern manager and teacher becomes the ability to efficiently adapt information technologies in practice, the research problem has been formulated: what are the information communication competencies of managers and teachers of training institutions. In order to examine this problem, a research on competencies of the managers and teachers of training institutions has been conducted, the purpose of which is to examine competencies of managers and teachers of training institutions and to envisage the possibilities for their improvement. Having conducted the aforementioned research, the conclusions have been formulated, which state that skills of using computers and modern technologies are better developed of managers than those teachers. The research established that the part of information competence, which relates to managerial competence, is weakly developed. The latter situation determines a weak ability of managers to prepare... [to full text]

Ugdymo įstaigų vadovų komunikacinių kompetencijų raiška švietimo kaitos kontekste / Expression of communicative competences of the leaders of educational institutions in the context of educational changes

Telksnienė, Laima 07 June 2006 (has links)
Rapid changes, stimulated by globalization, spreading of information (knowledge) society and integration into the European Union economical, cultural and educational space, conditioned the changes in the educational system of Lithuania. The new requirements for the system influenced the development of the management competence model. In the context of the general (transferable) competences, communicative competences are given top priority, development of which in life long learning becomes the most essential challenge for every leader of an educational institution. Therefore, the research question has been raised- what communicative competences the leaders of educational institutions have. Both competences, in foreign languages and information communicative technologies, were being taken into account. The question of which of the two competences manifests stronger in the leadership practice has also been analyzed, the motives and forms of the development of these competences were being questioned. The aim of the research is to analyze the expression of the communicative competences of the leaders of educational institutions in the context of educational changes, revealing the motives and forms for the improvement. Analysis of the theoretical works and documents of foreign and national scientists about the role of communicative competences in the context of educational changes has been carried out and presented in the paper. The place of the communicative competences- foreign... [to full text]

Jaunesniųjų paauglių teatrinio ugdymo individualizavimas / The individualization of the content of dramatic training for the younger teenagers

Babickienė, Sonata 09 June 2006 (has links)
In the teenager year the decisive critical period starts. A person starts to integrate everything what he knows about himself, his aptitude, faculty, social values and in the active way reaches for proficiency, successful activities. In such a period upbringing problems occur which start from the alternation of mood, permanent reactions of protest and the indifferent style of behavior. The majority of such the problems could be reduced and relieve while perceiving and fulfilling spiritual demands of teenagers. One of the training courses is the individualization of educational content. It means the teacher has to consider individual features of a student. The scientific problem of our work is individualization of the content of dramatic training; for the aim to suit younger teenagers’ spiritual demands. The object of our work is individualization of the content of dramatic training while meeting the spiritual demands of younger teenagers. The aim of our work is to find out the most successful ways of the individualization of the content of dramatic training for younger teenagers. The analysis of literature sources has proved that it is essential to individualize the content of training considering the individual peculiarities such as gender, cultural and famility distinction, emotional originality, peculiarities of age range, momentary mood, which determine the spiritual demands of younger teenagers. Artistical training meets aesthetical as well as other personal... [to full text]

Tėvų pedagoginių kompetencijų, kaip ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų ugdymo tęstinumo prielaidos, ugdymas / Possibilities of development of parent's pedagogical competences as the preconditions of continuity of education of preschool children

Slavikienė, Svetlana 12 June 2006 (has links)
Parents’ interaction with pedagogues as equal partners is an important and unquestionable factor in a successful process of education. The practice shows that a problem of contact with parents arises. Therefore searching for new co-operation forms, seeking to ground the importance of parents’ pedagogical competences for continuity of preschool age children education and to ascertain the competences education possibilities, a research was made, in which parents’ opinions about pedagogical competences have been analysed, negative factors have been examined and parents opinion about the impact of pedagogical competences on children education continuity, parents and pedagogues co-operation was revealed. 282 respondents took part in the research: i.e. 60 parents of Šiauliai aesthetical education Study “Ko-dėl-čia”, 150 parents from the kindergarten “Kulverstukas”, 72 parents from Kužiai Kindergarten “Vyturėlis”. The following research methods were used in the thesis: scientific literature analysis, questionnaire, interview. Statistical analysis was made. Seeking to ensure the validity of the data received and legitimacy of the conclusions, the following data processing methods were used: relative frequency and percent frequency, correlation analysis (analysing data using Kruskal- Wallis test). The hypothesis of the research has proved out: it was established that the parents lack pedagogical knowledge. The results of the research show that education for parents is necessary... [to full text]

Šeimos įtaka 2-3 metų amžiaus vaikų muzikinių gebėjimų plėtotei ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigoje / Family’s influence to the development of 2-3 year-old children musical skills in the preschool educational institutions

Povilaitienė, Eglė 13 June 2006 (has links)
Family’s influence to the development of 2-3 year-old children musical skills in the preschool educational institutions In the master’s degree paper, family’s influence to the development of 2-3 year-old children musical skills is analyzed. Not much attention is paid to the children early musical education in Lithuanian preschool educational institutions; it is also not really effective. How to organize the children early musical education in the preschool educational institutions, how to make it more effective, how to create appropriate conditions for 2-3 year-old children musical skills development, what approaches should be used to achieve unity in musical education in a nursery school and in a family - these are the questions that formulate the topical pedagogical problem. The subject of this study is the development of 2-3 year-old children musical skills; the objective of the study is to examine the development of 2-3 year-old children musical skills with their parents’ participation in the musical education classes. The goals of the study are to analyze pedagogical, psychological, musical literature that deals with this topic; to ascertain the parents and teachers’ attitude to music lessons together with 2-3 year-old children during the musical education classes in the preschool educational institution; to create a model for 2-3 year-old children musical skills development and to check the efficiency of this model during the experiment.. The hypothesis: the child... [to full text]

Ugdymo organizavimo tobulinimas muzikos mokyklose / The Development of Education at Music Schools

Mateikienė, Nijolė 25 May 2005 (has links)
The opportunity of development of education at Music Schools is analyzed in the Master’s Paper. The main purpose is to achieve the improved education programs. The key questions and answers are presented in this paper: why do the students attend the music school, does the education organized by the music school reflect the requirements, interests of the students and a question of expressiveness. To solve this pedagogical problem, the hypothesis has been presented- the musical education of music school students is more effective if the offered programs and the achievements of the students are combined. Also the requests of the students are important and as a result, different types of learning and teaching methods have been chosen to improve the education process. The research subject- the means to organize the education process at music schools. The aim of the research work- to investigate and evaluate the possibility to develop the education process at music schools. To achieve the goal, the following research tasks have been presented: 1) to investigate the problems while organizing the education of music schools; 2) to clear out the efficiency of the proposed programs while meeting the needs and interests of the students; 3) to examine the position of the parents, teachers and students’ about the possibilities to organize the education of the music schools. The questionnaires and pedagogical observation, used during the research work, enabled to affect the analysis of... [to full text]

Ugdymo sąlygų vaidmuo formuojantis kaimo pagrindinių mokyklų moksleivių muzikinėms nuostatoms / The role of educational conditions in shaping atti-tudes towards music of secondary school students

Vaidogienė, Regina 25 May 2005 (has links)
The way a person views something or tends to behave towards something or some-body often is defined using a term attitudes. The role of attitudes in pedagogy is especially important. In the postgraduate work “The role of educational conditions in shaping atti-tudes towards music of secondary school students” there are given findings of educational research, which analyse the influence of educational conditions in shaping attitudes to-wards music of rural secondary school students. In the first part of the work, “Features of musical education in Lithuanian rural schools” there are analysed peculiarities of the development of attitudes towards musical education in Lithuania’s rural schools, traditions of musical education at Pastrėvys, Kietaviškės and Beižonys rural schools; peculiarities of teenagers psychophysiological devel-opment and their musical education. There is also examined influence of current rural so-ciocultural environment on shaping students’ attitudes towards music; in addition there is done a research comparing conditions of musical education in rural and urban secondary schools. In the part “Developing students’ musical skills as a condition for shaping musical at-titudes” there are given findings of students’ intonation and rhythm abilities as well as de-pendence of their musical attitudes on the music abilities they posses. Purpose of this work is to examine pedagogical conditions of musical education in rural schools, to determine the influence of them... [to full text]

Socialinės paslaugos šeimoms, auginančioms specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių vaikus / The requirement of social services in families with invalid children

Staškevičienė, Bronė 07 June 2005 (has links)
The requirement of social services is growing constantly in Lithuania. It is necessary to increase the number of social services because the number of them is too little at this time. Especially there are many social problems in the country. The goodness and health of the family and children depend on the social condition of family. Families having invalid children often need some help and some social service. The aim of the master’s work is to analyse in the requirement of social services in families, have invalid children. Also there is a purpose to find out if invalid children who live in country have good possibilities to go to educational institutions. For the research there was used questionnaire of parents who have invalid children. The analysis the needs of social sevices has shown that families need varioes consulations and advice. Also they need possibility of using transport services and possibility of taking children to day centres. Families, which live in the country, need help in agricultural works very much too. Having estimated the results of the research analysed in the bachelor’s work, we suggest to extend groups of children’s upbringing and educational classes. Otherway invalid children still need to go to Šiauliai, Vilnius, Panėvežys. Also we suggest providing children with day care service because there children could feel home surroundings.

Ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigų vadovų kompetencijų diagnostika (Šiaulių miesto pavyzdžiu) / Managerial Competences Diagnostics of Preschool Education Institutions (by the Example of Šiauliai City)

Kazlauskienė, Ilona 16 August 2007 (has links)
Magistro darbe yra suformuluotas tikslas - diagnozuoti Šiaulių miesto ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigų vadovų kompetencijas bei atskleisti ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigų vadovų ir pedagogų požiūrį į vadovų kompetencijas. Remiantis teoriniais šaltiniais apibrėžta kompetencijos samprata. Išanalizuoti ir susisteminti Lietuvos ir kitų šalių mokslininkų požiūriai į asmeninę, socialinę, profesinę, komunikacinę kompetencijas. Atskleistas vadovo darbo ir kompetencijos ryšys. Ištirta respondentų nuomonė apie vadovų turimas įsisavintas kompetencijas ir kompetencijas, kurių labiausiai trūksta vadovams. Išsiaiškinta kurios kompetencijos yra svarbiausios vadovo darbe. Tyrimo rezultatai taikytini organizuojant seminarus ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigų vadovams bei vykdant ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigų vadovų atrankos ir vertinimo procesus. / An objective, which is formulated in the master’s work is to diagnose the managerial competences of preschool education institutions of Šiauliai city and to reveal the attitude of managers and educators of preschool education institutions towards the managerial competences. The conception of competence was made with the help of theoretical resources. Lithuania’s and other countries’ scientists’ attitudes towards the personal, social, professional and communicative competences were analysed and systematized. The connection between a manager’s work and a competence was revealed. Respondents’ opinion about the managers’ competence, which they have attained and the competence that managers lack mostly were investigated. It was cleared which competences are most important in a manager’s work. Research results can be applied while organising seminars for the managers of preschool education institutions, also while realizing the processes of their selection and evaluation.

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