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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mokinių specialiųjų ugdymo(si) poreikių identifikavimas: specialiojo ugdymo komisijos veiklos aspektas / Identification of special (self)-educational needs: the aspect of special development commission’s activity

Tumelienė, Ritonė 17 June 2005 (has links)
XX a. viduryje Vakarų Europoje ir Šiaurės Amerikoje prasidėję socialiniai pokyčiai ir naujos neįgaliųjų ugdymo ir socialinės integracijos teorijos turėjo įtakos ir kuriamai Lietuvos švietimo koncepcijai. Lietuvos švietimo politika grindžiama Vakarų Europos priimtais humaniškumo, demokratiškumo principais, normalizacijos, integracijos idėjomis. R. Rose (2003) teigimu, viso pasaulio vyriausybės, pasirašydamos Salamankoje priimtus dokumentus: ataskaitą ir veiksmų planą specialiųjų poreikių vaikų integracijai vystyti (UNESKO 1994), pasižadėjo stengtis sukurti kuo nešališkesnę švietimo sistemą, apimančią geresnį moksleivių, dar dažnai nustumiamų į šalį, ugdymą. Nors ir buvo padaryti dideli žingsniai vaikų iškritimui iš mokyklos įveikti, dar vis pasitaiko atvejų, kai didelis skaičius vaikų pasijunta už tinkamo (atitinkančio vaiko gebėjimus) ugdymo ribų. Įvairūs tyrimai rodo, kad nesėkmingo mokymosi mastai įvairiose švietimo sistemose, tame tarpe ir Lietuvoje, yra ryškūs (Barkauskaitė M, 2003). Aktualiausia švietimo ir ugdymo problema ES ir Lietuvoje įvardijamas kokybiškas visų švietimas. Kiekvieno vaiko „iškritimas” iš mokyklos yra netektis valstybei, reikalaujanti papildomų investicijų. Sprendžiant šį uždavinį, specialiųjų ugdymo(si) poreikių (SUP) savalaikiškas identifikavimas tampa itin aktualus, nes šalina nesėkmingo mokymosi, neigiamai veikiančio vaiko asmenybę, priežastis, sudaro galimybes mokytis pagal individualius gebėjimus, garantuoja „nubyrėjimo” iš mokyklos prevenciją... [to full text] / The subject of master’s work – Identification of special (self)-educational needs: the aspect of special development commission’s activity. The subject is relevant because the different researches show that the scale of unsuccessful learning in different educational systems including Lithuania is telling. Dealing with educational today’s problems the well-timed identification of special (self)-educational needs (SEN) is becoming especially talking point because it eliminates the reasons of unlucky learning, which negatively affects to the child’s personality, helps to solve the most actual educational problem in EU and Lithuania – the qualitative development of all schoolchildren and guarantees the prevention of dropping out of schools. The schools must be ready to envisage the special needs of pupils, to consider the individual abilities of children and organize the service of social, psychological, special pedagogical help. The purpose of research – to show the situation (problems, reasons) of identification of special (self)-educational needs of schoolchildren in the commissions of special development and formulate the recommendations for improving this work. The purpose is realized by these goals: a) to discover the survey of development of institutions that identify SEN and the conception of special development commission (SDC), b) to discuss the conception of special (self)-educational needs and their identification as well as the matter of activity, c) to estimate... [to full text]

Paauglių agresijos apraiškos specialiojoje mokykloje / The manifestations of aggressiveness in youngsters behaviour in special schools

Makauskienė, Vida 07 July 2010 (has links)
Visuomenėje jaunimo agresyvumas didėja. Nors mokslinėje literatūroje plačiai išnagrinėta paauglių agresyvaus elgesio problema, tačiau beveik nėra tyrimų apie paauglių, turinčių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių, agresijos apraiškas specialiojoje mokykloje. Įvairūs pasaulio mokslininkai paauglių agresyvaus elgesio priežastis sieja su biologinėmis, socialinėmis, asmenybės ir psichologinėmis priežastimis Šio tyrimo tikslas ir buvo – išsiaiškinti galimas paauglių agresijos specialiojoje mokykloje formas ir priežastis. Kelti uždaviniai – 1. Išanalizuoti agresijos aiškinimo teorijas. 2. Išsiaiškinti paauglių agresyvaus elgesio sąsajas su psichologinės raidos ypatumais 3. Apibūdinti paauglių, turinčių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių, negalės ir agresyvaus elgesio ryšį. 4. Nustatyti paauglių agresijos apraiškų kilmę ir veiksnius,įtakojančius jų agresyvų elgesį specialiojoje mokykloje. Tyrimas atliktas 3 specialiosiose mokyklose. Naudoti tyrimo metodai –anoniminės anketos ir pusiau struktūruotas interviu. 50 pedagogų ir kitų specialistų apibūdino 110 specialiųjų mokyklų paauglių. Trys specialieji pedagogai interviu metodu patikslino gautą anketomis informaciją. Nustatyta, kad specialiosiose mokyklose pasitaiko agresijos apraiškų, tačiau jos nėra dažnos. Dažniausiai reiškiasi verbalinė agresija ( keiksmai, pravardžiavimai, erzinimas), mažiausiai fizinė. Negalė nedaro didelės įtakos paauglių agresyvumo apraiškoms specialiojoje mokykloje. Agresyvų elgesį gali įtakoti paauglystės raidos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aggressiveness of youngsters has been growing in the society. Scientific literature has deeply and widely analyzed the problem of teenagers‘ aggression. However, there are almost no studies on aggression signs in special schools of teenagers having special upbringing needs. Various global scientists relate reasons for teenagers‘ aggression with biological, sociological, personal and psychological problems. The purpose of this study is to explore potential teenagers‘ aggression forms and causes in special schools. The goals are the following: 1. To analyze the theory of aggressiveness. 2. To explore the connections between teenagers’ aggressiveness and psychological development issues. 3. To define the connections between disabilities and aggressiveness of teenagers with special upbringing needs. 4. To determine th origins of aggression manifestations and factors influencing pupils‘ behavior in special schools. The study was carried out in 3 special schools. The methods used for the study – anonymous questionnaires and in-depth interviews. 50 teachers and other specialists described 110 teenagers from special schools. Three teachers helped to revise the information from questionnaires through in-depth interview. It was found that there are aggression sings in special schools, but they are not frequent. The most frequent is verbal aggression (swear-words, passages, raillery), less frequent is physical aggression. Disability has no influence on signs of aggression in special... [to full text]

Mokytojų požiūris į socialinių įgūdžių ugdymo problemas / Teachers‘ attitude towards the problems of social skills development

Subačienė, Vilma 09 July 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbas: „Mokytojų požiūris į socialinių įgūdžių ugdymo problemas“ Darbo vadovas doc. dr. A. Žemgulienė, Vulniaus pedagoginis universitetas, ugdymo pagrindų katedra. Tyrimo objektas: pradinių klasių mokytojų požiūris į socialinių įgūdžių ugdymo problemas. Tyrimo problema: kaip ugdomi socialiniai įgūdžiai. Tyrimo tikslas: nagrinėti socialinių įgūdžių ugdymo sampratą, bei pradinių klasių mokytojų požiūrį į socialinių įgūdžių ugdymo problemas. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Išsiaiškinti socialinių įgūdžių samprata ir jų klasifikacija. 2. Išanalizuoti socialinių įgūdžių vaidmenį atnaujintose Bendrosiose programose. 3. Išanalizuoti lietuvių ir užsienio mokslinę literatūrą nagrinėjančią socialinių įgūdžių ugdymo problemą. 4. Nagrinėti pradinio ugdymo pedagogų požiūrį į socialinių įgūdžių ugdymo problemas, bei atlikti klausimyno analizę. Tyrimo metodai: mokytojų anketinė apklausa, kiekybinio tyrimo duomenų statistinė analizė ir apibendrinimo metodas. Tyrimo imtis: 112 – pradinių klasių mokytojų. Darbe nagrinėjama socialinių įgūdžių ugdymo pradinėse klasėse problematika. Socialinių įgūdžių ugdymo aktualumas grindžiamas teiginiu, kad nuo pradinių klasių pradėti ugdyti socialiniai įgūdžiai padės geresnei vaiko socializacijai ateityje. Šiandien visame pasaulyje siekiama to, kad kuo daugiau mokinių pasiektų kuo aukštesnių kognityvinių gebėjimų ne mechaniškai atkuriant žinias, bet pritaikant jas vis naujoms problemoms spręsti ir perduoti kitiems. Toks mokymosi tikslas ypatingai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Master paper work: „Teachers‘ attitude towards the problems of social skills development“ Darbo vadovas doc. dr. A. Žemgulienė, Vulniaus pedagoginis universitetas, ugdymo pagrindų katedra. Supervisor Senior lecturer Doc. A. Žemgulienė, Vilnius Pedagogical University, Department of Educational Basics The subject of the research is primary school teachers‘ attitude towards the issues of social skills training. The question of the research is how social skills are developed. The aim of research is to analyse the conception of social skills development as well as primary school teachers‘ attitude towards the issues of social skills training. The tasks of research are: 1. To unclose the conception of social skills and their classification. 2. To analyse the role of social skills in the Curriculum Framework. 3. To analyse Lithuanian and foreign scientific literature on social skills development. 4. To analyse primary school teachers‘ attitude towards the issues of social skills development as well as to carry out the evaluation of the questionnaire. The methods of research: teachers‘ questionnaire, statistical analysis of the data of the quantitative research and the method of generalization. Target group of the research: 112 primary school teachers. The paper work deals with the topic of social skills training in primary classes. The relevance of social skills training is predicated on the statement that social skills being trained in primary classes enhance child’s... [to full text]

Autistiškų mokinių komunikavimo gebėjimų ugdymas / The Education Of Autistic Students‘ Communication Abilities

Monkevičiūtė, Lina 02 September 2010 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojamas autistiškų mokinių komunikavimo gebėjimų ugdymas. Suformuluotas tyrimo tikslas, kuriuo siekiama išnagrinėti, autistiškų mokinių komunikavimo ugdymo ypatumus, išryškinant specialiųjų pedagogų patiriamus sunkumus bei autistiškų mokinių komunikavimo ugdymui taikomus metodus, terapijas. Tyrimas buvo atliktas interviu metodu, o jame dalyvavo 15 specialiųjų pedagogų, kurie ugdo autistiškus mokinius ir galėjo atsakyti į užduotus klausimus apie autistiškų mokinių komunikavimo gebėjimų ugdymą. Interviu metodu buvo siekiama išsiaiškinti, kaip autistiškų mokinių tėvai prisideda prie savo vaikų ugdymo. Kokių sunkumų specialieji pedagogai patiria komunikuodami su autistiškais mokiniais. Svarbiausias tikslas buvo išsiaiškinti, kaip ugdomi autistiškų vaikų komunikavimo gebėjimai. Iš gautų duomenų buvo atlikta turinio analizė. Tyrimu nustatyta, jog specialiųjų pedagogų nuomone tėvai dažniausiai įsitraukia į autistiškų vaikų komunikavimo gebėjimų ugdymą bei bendradarbiauja su pedagogais. Išskirtos didžiausios problemos, kurios trukdo autistiškiems mokiniams komunikuoti: agresyvumas, negebėjimas bendrauti, kalbėti, adekvačiai naudoti kalbą, vengia kontakto. Specialieji pedagogai įžvelgia pozityvius autistiškų mokinių komunikavimo gebėjimų ugdymo pasikeitimus. Nurodyta, jog dažniausiai specialieji pedagogai ugdydami autistiškų mokinių komunikavimo gebėjimus naudoja individualias ugdymo programas bei taiko muzikos terapiją. / He present Bachelor Thesis analyses development of communication abilities of autistic pupils. A research aim has been formulated in order to study the development peculiarities of communication abilities of autistic pupils by emphasizing difficulties encountered by special educators as well as methods, therapies applied for development of communication of autistic pupils. The research has been carried out by applying an interview method. 15 educators, who educate autistic pupils, have participated in the interview and could answer the questions about development of communication abilities of autistic pupils. The aim of the interview was to find out how parents of autistic pupils contributed to education of their children; what difficulties were encountered by special educators within communication to autistic pupils. The key aim was to find out how communication abilities of autistic pupils were developed. Content analysis has been carried out on the basis of the obtained data. By means of the research it has been determined that, according to the opinion of special educators, parents usually involved into development of communication abilities of autistic children and communicated to educators. Major problems causing difficulties for communication of autistic pupils should be emphasized: aggression, failure to communicate, speak, use of the language in an adequate manner, avoidance of contact. Special educators observe positive changes in development of communication... [to full text]

Deviantinio elgesio mokinių profesinio kryptingumo ugdymo ypatumai / The Features of Career Counselling of Deviant Students

Sauspreikšaitytė, Ignė 16 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas: profesinio kryptingumo ugdymas. Tyrimo metodai: 1. Mokslinės literatūros studijavimas ir analizė. 2. Anketinė mokinių apklausa ir interviu su mokytojais. 3. Tyrimų duomenų statistinė analizė ir interpretacija. 1. Tyrimo rezultatai: Kryptingumo ugdymo pagrindiniai bruožai yra profesinių savybių plėtojimas, dvasinių vertybių bei nuostatų perteikimas, teigiamas poveikis besiformuojančių mokinių asmens savybėms. Pagrindiniai profesinio kryptingumo ugdymo metodai: teoriniai ir praktiniai. Tam, kad profesinio kryptingumo ugdymas būtų sėkmingas dirbant su deviantinio elgesio jaunuoliais, labai svarbu tinkamai parinkti ugdymo metodus. 2. Tirti pagrindinės ir internatinės mokyklos mokiniai labiausiai pasižymi praktine asmenybės tipo orientacija, silpniau išreikštos dalykinė ir socialinė orientacijos, ir jiems visiškai nebūdinga norminė ir tiriamoji asmenybės tipo orientacijos. Įvertinus asmenybės tipo atitikimą pasirinktai profesijai, nustatyta, kad daugumos deviantinių mokinių asmenybės tipas atitinka jų profesinę orientaciją. Neatitinka trečdalio pagrindinės mokyklos mokinių pasrinkimų. 3. Internatinės mokyklos ir bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos mokinių profesiniam apsisprendimui didžiausią poveikį daro tėvai. Deviantinio elgesio mokiniams taip pat svarbūs draugų, mažiau – klasės auklėtojo patarimai. Pagrindinės mokyklos mokiniams poveikį daro dalykų mokytojai ir kalės auklėtojas. Šiame tyrime nustatyta, jog deviantino elgesio mokiniai, priimdami profesinį sprendimą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Subject-matter: Career Counseling Methods: 1. Analysis of reference books; 2. Questionnaires for students and interviews with teachers; 3. Statistic analysis and interpretation of the data. The findings: 1. The key features of career counseling are development of professional characteristics, conveyance of values and attitudes and positive influence on developing character features. The main career counseling methods both academic and practical should be applied properly to make career counseling successful working with deviant students. 2. Questioned students of basic and boarding schools have every sign of hands-on personality. Having poor academic and social skills deviant students have no standard and exploratory features. After paralleling the type of personality with the chosen vocation it has been found out that most students have a match between their personality and profession. A third of basic school students didn‘t have a match between their personality and choice. 3. Parents have the major influence on boarding and comprehensive school students‘ career choice. Deviant students consider friends‘ and sometimes class teacher‘s advice. Tutors and subject teachers influence pupils in the basic school. The survey revealed that deviant pupils have recourse to the school psychologist and social worker while basic school students do not do it. 4. The methods of informing students are different in the schools: deviant students are provided with more personal and sectional... [to full text]

Socialinės pedagoginės pagalbos komandos organizavimo ugdymo institucijose prielaidos / The organizing of Team work for Social pedagogical Help in the Educational institutions

Žemaitytė, Giedrė 09 June 2004 (has links)
New challenges and possibilities for society, traditional attitude, emphasising the importance of factual knowledge, does not fit the developing society and its activity needs. In educational institutions education, orientied to special skills, abilities and the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, exausted its possibilities in attitude of modified requirements of activity system and the needs of society. Developing a social service system for children and families, the subject matter of students’ social favour needs becomes very topical and important while foreseeing the organisation forms, trends, modes and methods of social aid at school. Society and different state institutions, as well as education system, consider the needs of social aid at school to be a certain generally acknowled problem that has eventually to be solved. This problem is undesirable and menaces for the future in Lithuania. This conditioned the introduction of shifts of social educationists. The purpose of those educationists are to help to work productively with children and families which experience social risk, children with special needs, also to take up the activity of the prevention of alcoholism and drug-addiction as waell as healthy way of living and others. School in society is highly respected for developing functional skills, for the preparation for a professional career and forming the nationalism. While solving complicated maturity, social intergration, healthy way of living, social... [to full text]

Ugdymo dalyvių bendradarbiavimo modelio veiksmingumas tenkinant specialiuosius poreikius bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos praktikoje / Efficiency of Education members cooperation form supplying of speciality education needs in the comprehensive school practice

Pučkorienė, Irma 29 May 2006 (has links)
In the year 2006, in the Joniskio district ,,N” secondary school, accomplished master’s work research under the guidance of J.Ruskui and consulting with doc. Done scientific academic material analysis and moved it to experience, notice, that cooperation reason supplying special education needs put together corporate work of command members planning, tackling problems and taking solutions. Cooperation result associated with specific social cultural and institution context (politics structure, laws, cultural peculiarity, involved people provisions and ...), responsible people competence to organize work procedure in particular situation. In the work describe fundamental components of cooperation environment and devices prevision and estimation. If let to substantiate method and model construction process. Took account of particular secondary school situation suggest cooperation method, which was structuring work analysis, using concentrate group method. Realize work in concentrate groups, practical situation, discussions, and changes roles with somebody’s, analysis of individual events, where all education process members together tackling problems and taking part in, develop work positive changes in the secondary school level. It allow for members to look for actively collective problems solution, to include all education members and to realize cooperation model in the education reality. The main cooperation model components suit broad-brush academic model structure. Is... [to full text]

Požiūris į mentorių ikimokyklinėse ugdymo įstaigose / The Standpoint towards a Mentor in Pre – School Educational Institutions

Barauskienė, Rasa Laima 22 June 2006 (has links)
The aim of the research is: to definite the standpoint’s towards a Mentor peculiarities in pre – school educational institutions. The statistic research was carried out. Through the help of questionnaires the need of wardship of pedagogues, who start their work, and students – trainees was cleared up and the situation of its satisfaction in pre – school educational institutions too. The standpoint towards a mentor in pre – school institutions of pedagogues, who start their work, students – trainees, educators and the head of institution was cleared up as well. The research has shown, that pedagogues, who start their work, and students – trainees meet quite much difficulties during the first year of their work or practice. Students – trainees and pedagogues, who start their work, lack detailed help, so it is necessary for them to get such help. It was established, that the situation of the wardship of pedagogues, who start their work, and students – trainees is not good in pre – school educational institutions. The wardship for pedagogues, who start their work, is not organized in pre – school institutions. The majority of pedagogues – beginners are let take care of themselves. The mentor’s work in institutions is often carried out by educators, who are partners in a pair, and rarely is fulfilled by director’s assistant for education. However, the wardship, they render, is not sufficient, especially we can tell that about pedagogues, who start their work. It was established... [to full text]

Mokinių, turinčių specialiųjų ugdymo (si) poreikių, profesinis kryptingumas / Professional course for learners having special prastise need

Mazaliauskaitė, Inga 23 June 2006 (has links)
As highly important personal and social approach, the choice of professional studies and policy is essential at the age of teens or in the early youth. In the same breath, it is the most relevant question among the students with special needs (SNS) as they are in need of help to key their intentions and desires to their possibilities according to their knowledge, skills and state of health, as well as to embrace the right occupation. This work is focused on ventilation of students’ familiarization with the professions, vocational training and development of their purposeful motivation in choosing the occupation. The basis of purposeful development into career education is general education, vocational training, practical work, as well as analysis of its results in the context of impersonal self-evaluation. The objective of the research is to investigate the purposeful career education of students with special needs. The goals of the research: 1. To analyses scientific pedagogical and psychological literature on investigative matter. 2. To ascertain how pre-career education and training of students with special needs is implement at comprehensive school. 3. To investigate the professional choice of students with special needs. 4. To work up a purposeful career model of students with special needs. 5. To give recommendations for the purposeful career training of students with special needs. Qualitative type of research – (the survey of experts, interview). Fifteen assistant... [to full text]

Kai kurie mokytojų kompetencijos aspektai integruotai ugdyti specialiųjų poreikių mokinius / The competence of teachers educating children with special needs

Dubauskaitė, Rima 30 June 2006 (has links)
This article discusses the psychological, methodological, practical and partially administrative communicative competence of teachers at one Vilkaviškis secondary school (SSCH) to educate children with special needs (SN) in integrated teaching conditions. It presents the results of teachers‘ questionnaire, recommendations for national pedagogical studies for BA, MA and qualification courses. The article draws five conclusions: 1.Teachers in Vilkaviškis SSCH do not possess the psychological competence for integrated education of children with SN. Due to the dominating psychological stereotypical bias some teachers are not interested in special education, partially take the individual qualities of children with SP into consideration, do not seek better quality of education, refuse to cooperate, leave education to the competence of a special educator or speech therapist. 2. The methodological competence of teachers in Vilkaviškis SSCH is insufficient since the majority of teachers have not heard a course of lectures on special education, 1/5 of teachers have not been certified, 65,1% of teachers regard their abilities to recognize a pupil with SN as unsatisfactory or insufficient, they do not know the main principles of work with children with SN. 3. The low quality practical competence of teachers in Vilkaviškis SSCH is mainly determined by the negative attitude of the school community to the integrated education of children with SN and by the lack of methodological... [to full text]

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