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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fabricação de microestruturas dopadas com nanofios de ZnO via fotopolimerização por absorção de dois fótons / Fabrication of microstructures doped with ZnO nanowires by two-photon absorption polymerization

Rodriguez, Ruben Dario Fonseca 24 July 2012 (has links)
No presente trabalho produzimos microestruturas, através da técnica de fotopolimerização via absorção de dois fótons, dopadas com nanofios de ZnO, um material que vem sendo amplamente explorado devido as suas interessantes propriedades ópticas e elétricas. Para a fabricação das microestruturas, utilizamos um oscilador laser de Ti:safira que produz pulsos de aproximadamente 100 fs em 800 nm. A intensidade dos pulsos de femtossegundos é alta o suficiente para induzir a absorção¬ de dois fótons em torno do volume focal, localizando a polimerização a esta região. Portanto, através da varredura do feixe na resina polimérica fabrica-se a estrutura desejada. Neste trabalho, desenvolvemos uma metodologia para introduzir nanofios de ZnO às microestruturas fabricadas, a partir da mistura do pó de nanofios de ZnO à resina acrílica. A resina utilizada é uma combinação de duas resinas, o etoxilated(6)trimethylolpropane triacrylate (SR-499) e tris(2-hydroxy ethyl)isocyanurate triacrylate (SR-368). Como fotoiniciador utilizamos o Lucirin TPO-L (2,4,6-trimetilbenzoiletoxifenil phosphine oxide). As microestruturas produzidas foram caracterizadas pelas técnicas de microscopia óptica, microscopia eletrônica de varredura, espectroscopia de energia dispersiva, difração de Raios X e espectroscopia de espalhamento micro-Raman. Através destas técnicas, foi possível observar a presença dos nanofios nas microestruturas, bem como caracterizar suas propriedades morfológicas que se mostram adequadas para o desenvolvimento de microdispositivos. Observamos também a emissão de fluorescência das microestruturas excitadas por um e dois fótons. Sendo assim, a metodologia de fabricação descrita aqui pode ser usada como mais uma opção na concepção de novos dispositivos tecnológicos. / In this study we fabricated microstructures, using the two-photon polymerization technique, containing ZnO nanowires, a material that has been widely exploited due to their interesting optical and electrical properties. For the microstructures fabrication, we used Ti:Sapphire laser oscillator operating at 800 nm with 100 fs pulses. The intensity of the fs-pulses is high enough to induce two-photon absorption, confining the excitation and thus the polymerization to the focal volume. By scanning the beam across the resin the desired microstructure is fabricated. In this work, we developed a method to introduce ZnO nanowires in the fabricated microstructure by mixing the ZnO nanowires powder to the acrylic resin. The used resin is a combination of two compounds, etoxilated(6)trimethylolpropane triacrylate (SR-499) and tris(2-hydroxy ethyl)isocyanurate triacrylate (SR-368). As a photoinitiator we have used Lucirin TPO-L (2,4,6-trimetilbenzoiletoxifenil phosphine oxide).The produced samples were characterized by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction spectroscopy and micro-Raman scattering. From these techniques it was possible to observe the presence of nanowires in the microstructures, as well as to characterize the morphological properties, which has been shown to be interesting for developing microdevices. We have also observed fluorescent emission of the microstructures excites by one and two-photons absorption. Therefore, the methodology described here can be used as an alternative in the design of new optical devices.

Técnica de varredura-Z com pulsos de femtossegundo e geração de terceiro harmônico / Z-scan tecnique with femtosecond pulse and third-harmonic generation

Barbano, Émerson Cristiano 09 February 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho fizemos um estudo da geração de terceiro harmônico (GTH) usando pulsos de femtossegundos (fs). A GTH é uma importante técnica que permite estudar propriedades ópticas não lineares de terceira ordem de materiais. Estudamos a GTH aplicando as técnicas de franjas de Maker e a de varredura-Z em diferentes materiais levando em conta as contribuições de suas interfaces. A técnica de franjas de Maker com GTH permite a determinação de propriedades ópticas lineares e não lineares de volume, mas não de interface, portanto, a técnica de varredura-Z na condição de focalização forte foi implementada para estudar a influência da interface na GTH. Estudamos diversos vidros ópticos (sílica, K10, SK11, LLF1 e LLF6) e também diferentes soluções (acetona, clorofórmio, DMSO e tolueno) em uma cubeta. Em termos de número de interfaces, usando uma lâmina de vidro temos duas, no caso de um sanduíche de dois vidros temos três (entrada, meio e saída) e temos quatro interfaces para a cubeta. Observamos que elas contribuem tanto nas intensidades quanto nos espectros dos terceiros harmônicos (TH) gerados. Dependendo do tipo de interface e do sentido de propagação, tanto a intensidade quanto o espectro do TH são diferentes. Observamos que a reflexão de Fresnel atua significativamente nas diferenças de intensidades da GTH nas interfaces entre dois meios com índices de refração lineares diferentes. Uma interferência construtiva ocorre quando o feixe de laser propaga de um material com índice de refração mais alto para outro com índice mais baixo, aumentando a intensidade do laser e, consequentemente, gerando mais TH. Uma interferência destrutiva ocorre numa propagação oposta. Outro efeito interessante observado foi que, além da magnitude da não linearidade do meio, existem as contribuições da propagação e da modulação de fase cruzada no alargamento espectral do TH. Dessa forma, o alargamento espectral depende da não linearidade do meio e também do sentido de propagação no caso de interfaces. Em resumo, esse estudo nos levou a uma melhor compreensão dos fenômenos não lineares de GTH nas interfaces, e também possibilitou o surgimento de um novo método que pode ser usado para a determinação da susceptibilidade de terceira ordem de materiais. / In this work we did a study of the third-harmonic generation (THG) using femtosecond pulses. The THG is an important technique which allows studying thirdorder nonlinear optical properties of materials. We studied the THG by the Maker fringes and the Z-scan techniques in different materials taking into account their interfaces contributions. The Maker fringes technique with THG allows the determination of the bulk linear and the nonlinear properties, but not of the interface. Therefore, the Z-scan technique in the tight focused condition was implemented to study the interface influences on the THG. We studied several optical glasses (silica, K10, SK11, LLF1 and LLF6) and different solutions (acetone, chloroform, DMSO and toluene) in a cuvette. In term of numbers of interfaces, using a glass slab we have two, in the case of two sandwiched optical glasses we have three (input, middle and output) and for the cuvette we have four interfaces. We have observed that they play an important role on the third-harmonic (TH) intensities and spectra. Depending of the interface type and propagation direction, the TH intensity and spectrum are different. We have observed that the Fresnel reflection has a significant effect on the THG intensity differences between two media with different linear refractive indices. A constructive interference occurs when the laser beam propagates from one material with higher refractive index to one with lower refractive index, increasing the laser intensity and, consequently generating more TH. A destructive interference occurs in the opposite propagation case. Another important effect observed was that, beside the materials nonlinearity magnitude, there are propagation and cross-phase modulation contributions to the TH spectrum broadening. In this way, the spectrum broadening depends on the materials nonlinear properties and the propagation direction on the case of interfaces. In summary, this study leads to a better understanding of the TH nonlinear phenomena, and also, has allowed one new method for third-order nonlinear susceptibility determination.

Novel designs and applications of photonic crystal fibers

Bethge, Jens 20 February 2012 (has links)
Zuerst wird die Idee einer gechirpten photonischen Kristallfaser vorgestellt. Aus einem stark vereinfachten Modell, die qualitativen Eigenschaften dieses neuen Fasertyps abgeleitet. Hier gelingt es, alle wichtigen Designparameter zu bestimmen. Die hervorragenden Leitungseigenschaften dieser Fasern werden dann in Experimenten demonstriert. Ohne jegliche Dispersionskompensation wird die Übertragung eines 25 fs Impulses in einer 1 Meter langen Faser gezeigt. Wird zusätzlich eine Dispersionskompensation verwendet, lassen sich sogar Impulse mit weniger als 20 fs Dauer übertragen. Im Anschluss daran wird eine photonische Kristallfaser untersucht, die mit einer Flüssigkeit gefüllt ist. Die hergestellte Faser ist dahingehend optimiert, einen hoch effizienten Soliton-Fission Mechanismus zu ermöglichen, der zur Erzeugung von Weißlicht genutzt wird. Diese Weißlicht-Impulse haben eine mit Soliton-Fission bisher noch nie erreichte Energie von 390 nJ. Auf Grundlage einer guten Übereinstimmung mit den experimentellen Resultaten lässt sich aus numerischen Simulationen der zugrunde liegende Effekt bestimmen. Abschließend wird über ein Experiment berichtet, das die nichtlineare Wechselwirkung zwischen zwei Impulsen verschiedener Wellenlänge ausnutzt, um einen optischen Schalter zu verwirklichen. Dieses Experiment erfordert genaueste Kontrolle der Dispersion und der Nichtlinearität in der Faser. Bei der gleichzeitigen Propagation von zwei Impulsen wird ein neuartiger Schalteffekt beobachtet. Beide Impulse haben nahezu die gleiche Gruppengeschwindigkeit, und ihre nichtlineare Wechselwirkung basierend auf Kreuz-Phasen-Modulation wird dadurch deutlich verstärkt. Hiermit wird ein voll funktionsfähiger optischer Transistor mit gutem Schaltkontrast experimentell demonstriert, der insbesondere einen schwachen Impuls einen stärkeren Impuls schalten lässt. / First, the concept of a novel chirped photonic crystal fiber is introduced. The qualitative dispersion and loss properties of this new fiber are theoretically derived. The calculated results agree excellently with experimental data obtained from fabricated fiber samples. The superior guiding properties of this new photonic fiber are demonstrated in two experiments. The delivery of 25 fs pulses over a 1 meter distance is realized without any dispersion compensation. Moreover, using dispersion compensation, the delivery of even sub-20-fs pulses becomes possible. Subsequently, a photonic crystal fiber with a liquid core is investigated, work presents effective methods for the preparation and explains a scheme for successfully reducing the insertion loss. The fiber is optimized to support the highly efficient soliton-fission mechanism at unprecedented pulse energies in white-light supercontinuum generation. Because of the liquid core, the supercontinuum generation scheme can be scaled beyond the peak-power limitations of solid-core fibers. The generation of a two-octave spanning supercontinuum with 390 nJ pulse energy is demonstrated. The experimental results are compared to a numerical simulation and the underlying mechanism is identified. Finally, an experiment is presented that exploits strong nonlinear interaction of two pulses inside a photonic crystal fiber for all-optical switching. A novel effect is observed during the co-propagation of two ultrashort pulses with different wavelengths. Because of the dispersion properties in the chosen fiber, these pulses are propagating at nearly identical group velocities, which dramatically increases the nonlinear interaction via cross-phase modulation between the two pulses. Based on this interaction, a fully functional optical transistor is experimentally demonstrated with good switching contrast. In particular, the demonstrated optical transistor enables switching of a strong pulse by a much weaker pulse.

Anwendung ultrakurzer Lichtimpulse in der digital-holographischen Interferometrie

Hansel, Thomas 06 September 2010 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird die digital-holographisch-interferometrische Zwei-Wellenlängen-Formerfassung sehr schnell bewegter Objekte behandelt und dafür unter Nutzung einer Ultrakurzpuls-Laserquelle mit der digitalen Einzelimpuls-Mehr-Wellenlängen-Holographie ein neuartigen Ansatz der digital-holographischen Aufnahme und Auswertung entwickelt. Mit der Entwicklung spezieller Methoden zur Formung der spektralen Signatur einer Ultrakurzpuls-Laserquelle hoher Leistungsdichte wurde zum ersten Mal die Voraussetzung für eine Zwei-Wellenlängen-Formerfassung hochdynamischer Objekte geschaffen. Die intrinsisch kurze Belichtungszeit unter einer Pikosekunde macht das Verfahren absolut stabil gegenüber Umwelteinflüssen. Für die simultane Aufnahme werden die spektral verschiedenen Hologramme mit einem eigens entwickelten Prinzip der Polarisationskodierung räumlich getrennt und zum ersten Mal mit zwei synchron laufenden Kameras gespeichert. Mit den in der digital-holographischen Einzelimpuls-Mehr-Wellenlängen-Interferometrie zusammengefassten numerischen Routinen zur Rekonstruktion und Phasenauswertung wird eine Zwei-Wellenlängen-Formerfassung mit mehreren Kameras möglich. In Anwendung des neuartigen Verfahrens an verschiedenen dynamischen Mikrosystemen konnte eine Genauigkeit von einem Zwanzigstel der erzeugten synthetischen Wellenlänge, bei der Auswertung der spektralen Differenzphase an Objekten in Reflexion erreicht werden. In einer digital-holographischen Hochgeschwindigkeitsformerfassung in Transmission wurden erstmals Bildfolgefrequenz von mehr als 0,4 kHz erreicht und der interferometrische Eindeutigkeitsbereich auf mehr als das 60-fache der optischen Wellenlänge ausgedehnt. Es wurden die Voraussetzungen für eine digitale Vier-Wellenlängen-Holographie geschaffen. Zukünftig wird eine Formerfassung mit einer Genauigkeit von 10nm über einen eindeutigen interferometrischen Bereich einiger 10 μm und die Untersuchungen von Prozessen auf einer Pikosekunden-Zeitskala möglich sein. / This work deals with the digital holographic interferometric two-wavelength contouring of very fast moving objects and develops with the digital single pulse multiwavelength holography a novel approach of digital holographic recording and analysis, using an ultrashort pulse laser source. The development of several methods to shape the spektral signature of an high power ultrashort pulse laser source provides the precondition for a two-wavelength contouring of highly dynamic objects for the first time. The intrinsically short exposure time shorter than a picosecond makes the system stable regarding external impacts. For the simultaneous recording the spektral different holograms are spatially separated in novel interferometric setups by the especially developed principle of polarization encoding and stored with two synchronized cameras for the first time. The digital holographic single pulse multi-wavelength interferometry combines the numeric routines of reconstruction and phase evaluation that make a two-wavelength contouring possible using more than one camera. The novel approach is successfully demonstrated on several dynamic microsystems. Evaluating the spectral phase difference for objects in reflection an accuracy of 2 μm, which corresponds to the twentieth of the realized synthetic wavelength, could be achieved. In a digital holographic high speed contouring in transmission a frame rate higher than 0,4 kHz was achieved for the first time and the interferometric range of unambiguity was extended larger than sixty times the optical wavelength. Furthermore, the developed digital holographic single pulse multi-wavelength interferometry is not limited to the evaluation of two wavelength. The principles of the method allow to perform digital four-wavelength holography. Future a contouring with an accuracy of 10nm over the unambiguous interferometric range of several 10 μm and the investigation of processes on a picosecond time scale will be possible.

Controle coerente do processo de absorção de dois fótons em compostos orgânicos / Coherent control of two-photon absorption process in organic compounds

Silva, Daniel Luiz da 23 October 2009 (has links)
A larga banda espectral, característica de pulsos ultracurtos de luz laser, tem possibilitado o controle coerente da interação da luz com a matéria através da manipulação das componentes espectrais da fase do pulso. Esta nova área de pesquisa tem sido responsável por avanços no entendimento e controle de fenômenos foto-induzidos, especialmente no que diz respeito a processos ópticos não lineares. Nesta tese de doutorado, estudamos o controle coerente da absorção de dois fótons (A2F) em compostos orgânicos usando pulsos de femtossegundos. O processo de A2F em derivados de perilenos foi investigado utilizando pulsos com chirp linear (máscara de fase quadrática), a partir do monitoramento da fluorescência excitada por dois fótons. A otimização da A2F desses compostos, através da formatação da fase do pulso via algorítmo genético, revelou que pulsos limitados por transformada de Fourier induzem maior A2F. Cálculos de Química Quântica, empregando o formalismo da teoria do funcional densidade, foram utilizados para caracterizar a estrutura eletrônica e determinar as transições permitidas por dois fótons nos derivados de perilenos, fundamentando nossos resultados experimentais. Além disso, estudamos também o controle coerente da A2F de compostos orgânicos aplicando uma máscara de fase senoidal ao pulso. Neste caso, demonstramos que a eficiência do controle depende da posição relativa entre o comprimento de onda central do pulso e da banda de A2F do material. Finalmente, o controle coerente da A2F foi investigado com o uso de uma máscara de fase do tipo degrau. Nossos resultados evidenciam a importância da relação entre a banda espectral do pulso e a largura de linha da A2F do material para atingir o controle da A2F. Em conclusão, os resultados obtidos neste trabalho ajudam a esclarecer aspectos do controle coerente, obtido com pulsos ultracurtos formatados, em sistemas moleculares. / The broad spectral band of ultrashort laser pulses has been used to coherently control the lightmatter interaction, by acting on the spectral phase of pulses using the so called pulse shaping methods. This new research area has been held responsible for advances in the understanding and controlling of photo-induced phenomena, especially in nonlinear optics. In this work, we studied the coherent control of two-photon absorption (2PA) processes in organic compounds, employing femtosecond pulses. We investigated the 2PA of perylene derivatives using chirped pulses (quadratic phase mask), by monitoring the two-photon excited fluorescence. Optimization of 2PA in perylene derivatives was achieved by shaping the pulse using a genetic algorithm, which revealed that Fourier transform limited pulses lead to higher 2PA. Quantum chemical calculations, using Density Functional Theory, were carried out to characterize the electronic structure and determine the allowed two-photon transitions of perylene derivatives, backing up our experimental results. Furthermore, we also studied the coherent control of 2PA in organic molecules applying a cosine-like phase mask. In such case, we demonstrated that the control efficiency depends on the detuning between the pulse central wavelength and materials 2PA band. Finally, coherent control of 2PA was explored using a step-like phase mask. Our results indicate that, in this situation, control of 2PA is only attained if a specific ratio between the pulse bandwidth and the 2PA transition bandwidth is used. In conclusion, the results obtained in this work help the understanding of coherent control in molecular systems.

Análise e estudo de parâmetros para texturização a laser com pulsos ultracurtos para melhoria das propriedades tribológicas de componentes de motor / Analysis and study of parameters for laser surface texturing with ultrashort pulses to improve of tribological properties of engine components

Vieira, Alexandre 13 June 2018 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram realizadas otimizações no processo de fabricação de micro cavidades na superfície do aço DIN 16MnCr5, com o objetivo de reduzir o coeficiente de atrito dinâmico entre duas superfícies. Para a confecção das micro cavidades (dimples) foi utilizado um laser com pulsos ultracurtos, de largura temporal de algumas dezenas de femtossegundos. Além de estudos de variação de fluência do laser, também foi analisado o resultado da utilização de diferentes perfis de energia do feixe. Para a caracterização das micro cavidades, foram utilizadas técnicas como a microscopia eletrônica de varredura, para análise morfológica, interferometria de luz branca e microscopia confocal para análise topográfica, dimensional e perfilométrica. Foram realizados ensaios de desgaste, em tribômetro para análise da variação do coeficiente de atrito após a texturização. Após os ensaios, percebeu-se que a texturização com pulsos ultracurtos apresenta grande vantagem na confecção de micro cavidades devido a precisão e ausência de interação térmica entre o laser e o material. Em relação ao atrito, as amostras texturizadas apresentaram redução da força e do coeficiente de atrito, porém, foram observados sinais de aumento da pressão de contato entre as superfícies. / In this work, optimizations were realized in the dimples manufacturing process on DIN 16MnCr5 steel surface, the target were to reduce the coefficient of dynamic friction between two surfaces. A laser with ultrashort pulses, temporal width of a few tens of femtoseconds, was used to manufacture dimples. In addition to studies of variation of laser beam fluency, the results of the use of different beam energy profiles were also analyzed. For analysis of dimples, techniques such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM), for morphological analysis, white light interferometry and confocal surface microscopy were used for topographic, dimensional and perfilometry. Wear tests were performed to analyze the variation of the friction coefficient in texturing surface. After the tests, it was observed that the texturing with ultrashort pulses presents a great advantage in manufacturing of dimples, due to the precision and absence of thermal interaction between the laser beam and the material. In relation to the friction coefficient, the textured samples presented a reduction of the friction force and consequently of the friction coefficient, but an increase in the contact pressure between the studied surfaces was observed.

Controle coerente das bandas de emissão do ZnO através de algoritmo genético / Coherent control of the emission bands of ZnO using genetic algorithms

Martins, Renato Juliano 14 February 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho, investigamos o controle coerente das bandas de emissão, excitadas via absorção multifotônica, em um cristal de óxido de Zinco (ZnO) através das formatação de pulsos laser ultracurtos (790 nm, 30 fs, 80 MHz e 5 nJ). O ZnO vem se mostrado um possível candidato a dispositivos fotônicos devido a sua grande energia de ligação de éxciton (60 meV).Inicialmente, implementamos a montagem experimental do sistema de formatação de pulsos, bem como de excitação e coleta da fluorescência do ZnO. O controle coerente foi feito através de um programa baseado em um algoritmo genético (GA), também desenvolvido no transcorrer deste trabalho. Através do algoritmo genético, observamos um ganho significativo da emissão do ZnO por meio de fases espectrais impostas ao pulso laser. Monitorando o traço de autocorrelação do pulso, inferimos que este se torna mais longo após a otimização das bandas de emissão via GA. Além disso, verificamos que as funções de fase que otimizam o processo são complexas e oscilatórias. Através da análise das componentes principais (PCA), fizemos uma análise do conjunto de dados providos pelo GA, onde observamos que este método pode ser usado como um filtro para os dados, suavizando as curvas e enfatizando os aspectos mais importantes das máscaras de fase obtidas pelo controle coerente. Por fim investigamos qual a importância das máscaras suavizadas para o entendimento físico do processo. / In this work, we investigate the coherent control of the emission bands, excited via multiphoton absorption, in a zinc oxide crystal (ZnO) by pulse shaping ultrashort laser pulses (790 nm, 30 fs, 5 nJ and 80 MHz). ZnO has been preposed as a potential material for photonic devices due to its strong exciton binding energy(60 meV). Initially, we have implemented the pulse shaper experimental setup, as well as the fluorescence measurements of ZnO. The coherent control was carried out through genetic algorithm (GA) based software, also developed in the course of this work. Using the genetic algorithm, we have observed a significant increase in the ZnO emission when appropriated spectral phase masks are applied to the laser pulse. Autocorrelation measurements were used to infer the pulse duration, which get longer after optimization of the emission band via GA. Additionally, we have found that the phase masks that optimize the process are complex oscillatory functions. Through the Principal Component Analysis, we analyzed the data provided by the GA and observed that it can be used to filter the data, smoothing the curves and highlighting the most important aspects of phase masks obtained by the coherent control. Finally we investigate how important the smoothed masks are for the physical understanding of the process.

Ultrafast Lorentz Microscopy using High-Coherence Electron Pulses

Rubiano da Silva, Nara 29 March 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Análise e estudo de parâmetros para texturização a laser com pulsos ultracurtos para melhoria das propriedades tribológicas de componentes de motor / Analysis and study of parameters for laser surface texturing with ultrashort pulses to improve of tribological properties of engine components

Alexandre Vieira 13 June 2018 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram realizadas otimizações no processo de fabricação de micro cavidades na superfície do aço DIN 16MnCr5, com o objetivo de reduzir o coeficiente de atrito dinâmico entre duas superfícies. Para a confecção das micro cavidades (dimples) foi utilizado um laser com pulsos ultracurtos, de largura temporal de algumas dezenas de femtossegundos. Além de estudos de variação de fluência do laser, também foi analisado o resultado da utilização de diferentes perfis de energia do feixe. Para a caracterização das micro cavidades, foram utilizadas técnicas como a microscopia eletrônica de varredura, para análise morfológica, interferometria de luz branca e microscopia confocal para análise topográfica, dimensional e perfilométrica. Foram realizados ensaios de desgaste, em tribômetro para análise da variação do coeficiente de atrito após a texturização. Após os ensaios, percebeu-se que a texturização com pulsos ultracurtos apresenta grande vantagem na confecção de micro cavidades devido a precisão e ausência de interação térmica entre o laser e o material. Em relação ao atrito, as amostras texturizadas apresentaram redução da força e do coeficiente de atrito, porém, foram observados sinais de aumento da pressão de contato entre as superfícies. / In this work, optimizations were realized in the dimples manufacturing process on DIN 16MnCr5 steel surface, the target were to reduce the coefficient of dynamic friction between two surfaces. A laser with ultrashort pulses, temporal width of a few tens of femtoseconds, was used to manufacture dimples. In addition to studies of variation of laser beam fluency, the results of the use of different beam energy profiles were also analyzed. For analysis of dimples, techniques such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM), for morphological analysis, white light interferometry and confocal surface microscopy were used for topographic, dimensional and perfilometry. Wear tests were performed to analyze the variation of the friction coefficient in texturing surface. After the tests, it was observed that the texturing with ultrashort pulses presents a great advantage in manufacturing of dimples, due to the precision and absence of thermal interaction between the laser beam and the material. In relation to the friction coefficient, the textured samples presented a reduction of the friction force and consequently of the friction coefficient, but an increase in the contact pressure between the studied surfaces was observed.

Pushing frontiers in Carrier-Envelope Phase stabilization of ultrashort laser pulses

Borchers, Bastian 16 February 2015 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit ist der Verbesserung der Carrier-Envelope Phasenstabilisierung von ultrakurzen Laserimpulsen gewidmet. Zur Realisierung von Fortschritten auf diesem Gebiet werden die grundlegenden Rauschquellen identifiziert, die das erzielbare Restphasenrauschen limitieren, und geeignete Maßnahmen zu deren Verringerung vorgeschlagen. Es wird gezeigt, dass sowohl die Messung der Carrier-Envelope Phase (CEP) als auch deren Kontrolle durch verschiedene Rauschbeiträge beeinträchtigt wird. Der Detektionsprozess ist dabei einerseits durch technische Rauschquellen beeinflusst, die vor allem in den verwendeten nichtlinearen Interferometern auftreten. Andererseits repräsentiert das Detektionsrauschen während der elektro-optischen Wandlung eine fundamentale Limitierung, da das optische Schrotrauschen sowie das Rauschen des Lichtdetektors die Messung der CEP unausweichlich beeinträchtigen. Es wird demonstriert, wie solche Beschränkungen durch geeignete Wahl der Interferometertopologie, bzw. durch Optimierung des spektralen Verbreiterungsmechanismus verringert werden können. Experimentell gelingt es dadurch den Signal-Rauschabstand der Phasenmessung um 20 Dezibel zu steigern. Hinsichtlich der CEP Kontrolle von Oszillatoren wird in dieser Arbeit ein neuartiges Doppelstabilisierungskonzept vorgestellt, welches eine feed-forward Stabilisierung, die auf einem akustooptischen Frequenzschieber beruht, mit einer klassischen Feedback Regelung kombinert. Mit diesem Konzept gelingt eine Reduzierung des Phasenrestrauschen auf beispiellose 20 Milliradian. Darüber hinaus werden weitere neue Stabilisierungskonzepte vorgestellt, die ohne Feedback zu dem Laseroszillator auskommen. Bei einem dieser Konzepte, handelt es sich um eine gepulste feed-forward Stabilisierung, die speziell für das Zusammenwirken mit einer Verstärkerstufe konzipiert ist. Erste experimentelle Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Phasenrestrauschen von weniger als 100 Milliradian auch für Verstärkersysteme erreichbar sind. / The present thesis is dedicated to improvements of the carrier-envelope phase stabilization of ultrashort laser pulses. In order to realize such improvements, the fundamental noise sources are identified, and suitable measures for their reduction are proposed. It is shown that both, the measurement of the carrier-envelope phase (CEP) as well as its control are corrupted by different noise contributions. On the one hand, the detection process is influenced by technical noise sources, which arise especially in the used nonlinear interferometers. On the other hand, the detection noise in the electro-optic conversion represents a fundamental limitation, since the optical shot noise as well as the noise induced by the light detector inevitably influence the measurement of the CEP. It is demonstrated how such limitations can be minimized by a suitable choice of the interferometer topology and by an optimization of the spectral broadening process in a micro-structured fiber. This way an enormous improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio by 20 dB is obtained experimentally, which significantly reduces the limitation of detection noise. For controlling the CEP of mode-locked oscillators, a novel double stabilization scheme is introduced in this thesis, which combines a feed-forward stabilization based on an acousto-optic frequency shifter, with a classical feedback loop. This method enables a reduction of the residual phase jitter to an unprecedented value of 20 milliradian. Beyond that, several further concepts are introduced that are capable of stabilizing the CEP without any feedback to the laser oscillator. One of these concepts, represents a pulsed feed-forward stabilization, which is specifically designed for the use in combination with a subsequent amplification stage. First experimental results indicate that residual phase jitters of less than 100 milliradian are within reach also for amplified laser systems.

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