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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ultrashort Laser Pulse Interaction With Photo-thermo-refractive Glass

Siiman, Leo 01 January 2008 (has links)
Photo-thermo-refractive (PTR) glass is an ideal photosensitive material for recording phase volume holograms. It is a homogeneous multi-component silicate glass that demonstrates all the advantages of optical glass: thermal stability, high laser damage threshold, and a wide transparency range. Moreover the ability to record phase patterns (i.e. spatial refractive index variations) into PTR glass has resulted in the fabrication of volume holograms with diffraction efficiency greater than 99%. The conventional method of recording a hologram in PTR glass relies on exposure to continuous-wave ultraviolet laser radiation. In this dissertation the interaction between infrared ultrashort laser pulses and PTR glass is studied. It is shown that photosensitivity in PTR glass can be extended from the UV region to longer wavelengths (near-infrared) by exposure to ultrashort laser pulses. It is found that there exists a focusing geometry and laser pulse intensity interval for which photoionization and refractive index change in PTR glass after thermal development occur without laser-induced optical damage. Photoionization of PTR glass by IR ultrashort laser pulses is explained in terms of strong electric field ionization. This phenomenon is used to fabricate phase optical elements in PTR glass. The interaction between ultrashort laser pulses and volume holograms in PTR glass is studied in two laser intensity regimes. At intensities below ~10^12 W/cm^2 properties such as diffraction efficiency, angular divergence, selectivity, and pulse front tilt are shown to agree with the theory of linear diffraction for broad spectral width lasers. A volume grating pair arrangement is shown to correct the laser pulse distortions arising from pulse front tilt and angular divergence. At higher intensities of irradiation, nonlinear generation and diffraction of third harmonic is observed for three types of interactions: sum-frequency generation, front-surface THG generation, and THG due to phase-matching with a grating formed by modulation of the nonlinear refractive index of PTR glass.

Análise e estudo de parâmetros para texturização a laser com pulsos ultracurtos para melhoria das propriedades tribológicas de componentes de motor / Analysis and study of parameters for laser surface texturing with ultrashort pulses to improve of tribological properties of engine components

Vieira, Alexandre 13 June 2018 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram realizadas otimizações no processo de fabricação de micro cavidades na superfície do aço DIN 16MnCr5, com o objetivo de reduzir o coeficiente de atrito dinâmico entre duas superfícies. Para a confecção das micro cavidades (dimples) foi utilizado um laser com pulsos ultracurtos, de largura temporal de algumas dezenas de femtossegundos. Além de estudos de variação de fluência do laser, também foi analisado o resultado da utilização de diferentes perfis de energia do feixe. Para a caracterização das micro cavidades, foram utilizadas técnicas como a microscopia eletrônica de varredura, para análise morfológica, interferometria de luz branca e microscopia confocal para análise topográfica, dimensional e perfilométrica. Foram realizados ensaios de desgaste, em tribômetro para análise da variação do coeficiente de atrito após a texturização. Após os ensaios, percebeu-se que a texturização com pulsos ultracurtos apresenta grande vantagem na confecção de micro cavidades devido a precisão e ausência de interação térmica entre o laser e o material. Em relação ao atrito, as amostras texturizadas apresentaram redução da força e do coeficiente de atrito, porém, foram observados sinais de aumento da pressão de contato entre as superfícies. / In this work, optimizations were realized in the dimples manufacturing process on DIN 16MnCr5 steel surface, the target were to reduce the coefficient of dynamic friction between two surfaces. A laser with ultrashort pulses, temporal width of a few tens of femtoseconds, was used to manufacture dimples. In addition to studies of variation of laser beam fluency, the results of the use of different beam energy profiles were also analyzed. For analysis of dimples, techniques such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM), for morphological analysis, white light interferometry and confocal surface microscopy were used for topographic, dimensional and perfilometry. Wear tests were performed to analyze the variation of the friction coefficient in texturing surface. After the tests, it was observed that the texturing with ultrashort pulses presents a great advantage in manufacturing of dimples, due to the precision and absence of thermal interaction between the laser beam and the material. In relation to the friction coefficient, the textured samples presented a reduction of the friction force and consequently of the friction coefficient, but an increase in the contact pressure between the studied surfaces was observed.

Análise e estudo de parâmetros para texturização a laser com pulsos ultracurtos para melhoria das propriedades tribológicas de componentes de motor / Analysis and study of parameters for laser surface texturing with ultrashort pulses to improve of tribological properties of engine components

Alexandre Vieira 13 June 2018 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram realizadas otimizações no processo de fabricação de micro cavidades na superfície do aço DIN 16MnCr5, com o objetivo de reduzir o coeficiente de atrito dinâmico entre duas superfícies. Para a confecção das micro cavidades (dimples) foi utilizado um laser com pulsos ultracurtos, de largura temporal de algumas dezenas de femtossegundos. Além de estudos de variação de fluência do laser, também foi analisado o resultado da utilização de diferentes perfis de energia do feixe. Para a caracterização das micro cavidades, foram utilizadas técnicas como a microscopia eletrônica de varredura, para análise morfológica, interferometria de luz branca e microscopia confocal para análise topográfica, dimensional e perfilométrica. Foram realizados ensaios de desgaste, em tribômetro para análise da variação do coeficiente de atrito após a texturização. Após os ensaios, percebeu-se que a texturização com pulsos ultracurtos apresenta grande vantagem na confecção de micro cavidades devido a precisão e ausência de interação térmica entre o laser e o material. Em relação ao atrito, as amostras texturizadas apresentaram redução da força e do coeficiente de atrito, porém, foram observados sinais de aumento da pressão de contato entre as superfícies. / In this work, optimizations were realized in the dimples manufacturing process on DIN 16MnCr5 steel surface, the target were to reduce the coefficient of dynamic friction between two surfaces. A laser with ultrashort pulses, temporal width of a few tens of femtoseconds, was used to manufacture dimples. In addition to studies of variation of laser beam fluency, the results of the use of different beam energy profiles were also analyzed. For analysis of dimples, techniques such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM), for morphological analysis, white light interferometry and confocal surface microscopy were used for topographic, dimensional and perfilometry. Wear tests were performed to analyze the variation of the friction coefficient in texturing surface. After the tests, it was observed that the texturing with ultrashort pulses presents a great advantage in manufacturing of dimples, due to the precision and absence of thermal interaction between the laser beam and the material. In relation to the friction coefficient, the textured samples presented a reduction of the friction force and consequently of the friction coefficient, but an increase in the contact pressure between the studied surfaces was observed.

Pushing frontiers in Carrier-Envelope Phase stabilization of ultrashort laser pulses

Borchers, Bastian 16 February 2015 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit ist der Verbesserung der Carrier-Envelope Phasenstabilisierung von ultrakurzen Laserimpulsen gewidmet. Zur Realisierung von Fortschritten auf diesem Gebiet werden die grundlegenden Rauschquellen identifiziert, die das erzielbare Restphasenrauschen limitieren, und geeignete Maßnahmen zu deren Verringerung vorgeschlagen. Es wird gezeigt, dass sowohl die Messung der Carrier-Envelope Phase (CEP) als auch deren Kontrolle durch verschiedene Rauschbeiträge beeinträchtigt wird. Der Detektionsprozess ist dabei einerseits durch technische Rauschquellen beeinflusst, die vor allem in den verwendeten nichtlinearen Interferometern auftreten. Andererseits repräsentiert das Detektionsrauschen während der elektro-optischen Wandlung eine fundamentale Limitierung, da das optische Schrotrauschen sowie das Rauschen des Lichtdetektors die Messung der CEP unausweichlich beeinträchtigen. Es wird demonstriert, wie solche Beschränkungen durch geeignete Wahl der Interferometertopologie, bzw. durch Optimierung des spektralen Verbreiterungsmechanismus verringert werden können. Experimentell gelingt es dadurch den Signal-Rauschabstand der Phasenmessung um 20 Dezibel zu steigern. Hinsichtlich der CEP Kontrolle von Oszillatoren wird in dieser Arbeit ein neuartiges Doppelstabilisierungskonzept vorgestellt, welches eine feed-forward Stabilisierung, die auf einem akustooptischen Frequenzschieber beruht, mit einer klassischen Feedback Regelung kombinert. Mit diesem Konzept gelingt eine Reduzierung des Phasenrestrauschen auf beispiellose 20 Milliradian. Darüber hinaus werden weitere neue Stabilisierungskonzepte vorgestellt, die ohne Feedback zu dem Laseroszillator auskommen. Bei einem dieser Konzepte, handelt es sich um eine gepulste feed-forward Stabilisierung, die speziell für das Zusammenwirken mit einer Verstärkerstufe konzipiert ist. Erste experimentelle Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Phasenrestrauschen von weniger als 100 Milliradian auch für Verstärkersysteme erreichbar sind. / The present thesis is dedicated to improvements of the carrier-envelope phase stabilization of ultrashort laser pulses. In order to realize such improvements, the fundamental noise sources are identified, and suitable measures for their reduction are proposed. It is shown that both, the measurement of the carrier-envelope phase (CEP) as well as its control are corrupted by different noise contributions. On the one hand, the detection process is influenced by technical noise sources, which arise especially in the used nonlinear interferometers. On the other hand, the detection noise in the electro-optic conversion represents a fundamental limitation, since the optical shot noise as well as the noise induced by the light detector inevitably influence the measurement of the CEP. It is demonstrated how such limitations can be minimized by a suitable choice of the interferometer topology and by an optimization of the spectral broadening process in a micro-structured fiber. This way an enormous improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio by 20 dB is obtained experimentally, which significantly reduces the limitation of detection noise. For controlling the CEP of mode-locked oscillators, a novel double stabilization scheme is introduced in this thesis, which combines a feed-forward stabilization based on an acousto-optic frequency shifter, with a classical feedback loop. This method enables a reduction of the residual phase jitter to an unprecedented value of 20 milliradian. Beyond that, several further concepts are introduced that are capable of stabilizing the CEP without any feedback to the laser oscillator. One of these concepts, represents a pulsed feed-forward stabilization, which is specifically designed for the use in combination with a subsequent amplification stage. First experimental results indicate that residual phase jitters of less than 100 milliradian are within reach also for amplified laser systems.

Laserstrukturierung von Mikroprägewerkzeugen und Abformung beugungsoptisch wirksamer Gitterstrukturen

Engel, Andy 28 July 2020 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit werden Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen zur Laserstrukturierung von Prägewerkezeugen sowie zur Abformung von Gitterstrukturen mit Gitterperioden von kleiner gleich 2 µm in verschiedene Folien und Werkstoffverbunde präsentiert und diskutiert. Die hierfür entwickelte Kombination von Laserprozessen wird erläutert. Des Weiteren sind die auf Basis der experimentellen Untersuchungen ermittelten Parameterräume aufgezeigt und in Bezug zu theoretischen Beschreibungsmodellen gesetzt. Limitationen und Potentiale der einzelnen Teilprozesse werden dargelegt. Unter Anwendung der beschriebenen Strukturierungs- und Prozessparameter ist die Erstellung funktional einsetzbarer Prägewerkzeuge möglich. Für die Strukturübertragung konnte die Abformbarkeit der in die Oberflächen der Prägewerkzeuge eingebrachten beugungsoptisch wirksamen Gitterstrukturen mit Gitterperioden von kleiner gleich 2 µm bei Kontaktzeiten im Millisekundenbereich nachgewiesen werden.

Measurement of Pulse Train Instability in Ultrashort Pulse Characterization

Escoto, Esmerando 10 March 2020 (has links)
Die Messung ultrakurzer Laserpulse ist ein Eckpfeiler der ultraschnellen Laserphysik, da die Gültigkeit eines Experiments von der Glaubwürdigkeit seiner Messtechnik abhängt. Etablierte Puls-Charakterisierungstechniken beruhen jedoch häufig auf einer Mittelung über viele Pulse. Daher können sie falsche Informationen liefern, wenn die zeitliche Form von Puls zu Puls variiert. Diese Dissertation bietet Strategien zum sicheren Erfassen und Messen einer Degradierung der Puls-Kohärenz mit Hilfe von frequenzaufgelöstem optischem Gating (FROG), spektraler Phaseninterferometrie für die direkte Rekonstruktion elektrischer Felder (SPIDER) und Dispersionsscan (D-scan). Zu diesem Zweck werden Verbesserungen der Charakterisierungstechniken entwickelt. Die in dieser Arbeit entwickelten neuen Werkzeuge eröffnen nun einen Weg zur Untersuchung der Degradierung der Inter-Puls-Kohärenz, was eine zuverlässige Ultrakurzpulsmetrologie ermöglicht und das zuvor nicht nachweisbare Problem der Pulsfolgeninstabilität löst. / The measurement of ultrashort laser pulses is a cornerstone of ultrafast laser physics, as the validity of any experiment depends on the credibility of its measurement technique. However, established pulse characterization techniques often rely on averaging over many pulses. Therefore, they can return incorrect information if the temporal shape varies from pulse to pulse. This thesis provides strategies to safely detect and measure interpulse coherence degradation, using frequency-resolved optical gating (FROG), spectral phase interferometry for direct electric-field reconstruction (SPIDER), and dispersion scan (d-scan). To this end, improvements of the characterization techniques themselves are devised. The set of new tools developed in this thesis now opens up an avenue for the investigation of interpulse coherence degradation, leading to a more reliable ultrashort pulse metrology and solving the previously undetectable problem of pulse train instability.

Modelación físico-matemática y simulaciones computacionales para guiar el diseño y fabricación de nanoestructuras plasmónicas optimizadas para aplicaciones energéticas

Castro Palacio, Juan Carlos 25 October 2021 (has links)
[ES] La irradiación de nanopartículas de oro (AuNPs) esféricas en una suspensión coloidal con pulsos láser de nanosegundos puede inducir su metamorfosis, dando lugar a la aparición de esferas con cavidades internas. La concentración del surfactante estabilizador de las partículas, el uso de fluencias de láser moderadas y el tamaño de las partículas, determinan la eficiencia y características del proceso. Las partículas huecas resultantes se obtienen cuando las moléculas del medio circundante (ej., agua, materia orgánica del surfactante) quedan atrapadas durante la irradiación láser. Estas observaciones experimentales sugieren la existencia de un balance sutil entre los procesos de calentamiento y enfriamiento. El primero induce la expansión y paso a un estado amorfo y, el segundo, la subsecuente recristalización manteniendo en su interior el material atrapado. Estas observaciones experimentales han sido explicadas satisfactoriamente con las simulaciones de dinámica molecular clásica desarrolladas en el marco de esta tesis. Específicamente, la dinámica molecular confirma que es necesaria la existencia de moléculas en el interior de las cavidades que se forman dentro de las AuNPs para que se produzca su estabilización. En la segunda parte de esta tesis, se detallan las simulaciones de dinámica molecular clásica y los cálculos de propiedades ópticas de la irradiación de nanopartículas esféricas de oro con pulsos láser de femtosegundos, para predecir los cambios de forma que se producen en las mismas, bajo una exploración de los diferentes parámetros involucrados, es decir, la fluencia y duración del láser, el tamaño de las nanopartículas cristalinas esféricas y la capacidad de enfriamiento del medio circundante. El objetivo fundamental de las simulaciones es brindar una guía para la síntesis de nanopartículas con morfologías determinadas. Los resultados de las simulaciones indican que, para la formación de nanopartículas huecas, las mismas deben ser calentadas hasta una temperatura entre 2500 y 3500 K, seguido por un enfriamiento exponencial rápido, con una constante de tiempo menor de 120 ps. Por lo tanto, se describen las condiciones experimentales para la producción eficiente de nanopartículas huecas, lo que abre un amplio rango de posibilidades de aplicación en áreas fundamentales, tales como el almacenamiento de energía y la catálisis. En la última parte de esta memoria se exponen las simulaciones de dinámica molecular clásica implementadas para profundizar en los experimentos pumpprobe con nanoesferas plasmónicas de oro, desarrollados en la referencia [R.Fuentes-Domínguez et al. Appl. Sci. 2017, 7(8), 819.]. Tras la irradiación láser y consecuente deposición de energía, las partículas vibran, lo que se puede medir mediante la fuerte modulación producida en la sección eficaz de dispersión. La vibración mecánica de las AuNPs esféricas, tras ser irradiadas con láseres ultracortos, las convierte en generadores termoelásticos eficientes de ultrasonido y, por tanto, en excelentes candidatos para transductores luz-sonido en diversas aplicaciones. / [CA] La irradiació de nanopartícules d'or (AuNPs) esfèriques en una suspensiócolloidal amb polsos làser de nanosegons pot induir la seua metamorfosi, donant lloc a l'aparició d'esferes amb cavitats internes. La concentració del surfactante estabilitzador de les partícules, l'ús de fluencias de làser moderades i la grandària de les partícules, determinen l'eficiència i característiques del procés. Les partícules buides resultants s'obtenen quan les molècules del mitjà circumdant (ex., aigua, matèria orgànica del surfactante) queden atrapades durant la irradiació làser. Aquestes observacions experimentals suggereixen l'existència d'un balanç subtil entre els processos de calfament i refredament. El primer indueix l'expansió i passe a un estat amorf i, el segon, la subseqüent recristalización mantenint en el seu interior el material atrapat. Aquestes observacions experimentals han sigut explicades satisfactòriament amb les simulacions de dinàmica molecular clàssica desenvolupades en el marc d'aquesta tesi. Específicament, la dinàmica molecular confirma que és necessària l'existència de molècules a l'interior de les cavitats que es formen dins de les AuNPs perquè es produïsca la seua estabilització. En la segona part d'aquesta tesi, es detallen les simulacions de dinàmica molecular clàssica i els càlculs de propietats òptiques de la irradiació de nanopartícules esfèriques d'or amb polsos làser de femtosegundos, per a predir els canvis de manera que es produeixen en aquestes, sota una exploració dels diferents paràmetres involucrats, és a dir, la fluencia i duració del làser, la grandària de les nanopartícules cristal·lines esfèriques i la capacitat de refredament del mitjà circumdant. L'objectiu fonamental de les simulacions és brindar una guia per a la síntesi de nanopartícules amb morfologies determinades. Els resultats de les simulacions indiquen que, per a la formació de nanopartícules buides, les mateixes han de ser calfades fins a una temperatura entre 2500 i 3500 K, seguit per un refredament exponencial ràpid, amb una constant de temps menor de 120 pg. Per tant, es descriuen les condicions experimentals per a la producció eficient de nanopartícules buides, la qual cosa obri un ampli rang de possibilitats d'aplicació en àrees fonamentals, tals com l'emmagatzematge d'energia i la catàlisi. En l'última part d'aquesta memòria s'exposen les simulacions de dinàmica molecular clàssica implementades per a aprofundir en els experiments pumpprobe amb nanoesferas plasmónicas d'or, desenvolupats en la referència [R. Fuentes-Domínguez et al. Appl. Sci. 2017, 7(8), 819.]. Després de la irradiació làser i conseqüent deposició d'energia, les partícules vibren, la qual cosa es pot mesurar mitjançant la forta modulació produïda en la secció eficaç de dispersió. La vibració mecànica de les AuNPs esfèriques, després de ser irradiades amb làsers ultracortos, les converteix en generadors termoelásticos eficients d'ultrasò i, per tant, en excel·lents candidats per a transductors llum-so en diverses aplicacions. / [EN] The irradiation of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) in a colloid with nanosecond laser pulses can give rise to the formation of cavities. The concentration of the surfactant used to stabilize the particles, the laser fluency, and the size of the nanoparticles, determine the efficiency and features of the process. The resulting hollow particles are obtained when the right balance between the heating and cooling processes is given. The first process induces an expansion and the melting of the particle, while the second, leads to the recrystallization, keeping the extraneous matter trapped in the inside. These experimental observations have been satisfactorily explained by the molecular dynamics simulations carried out in this thesis. Specifically, the simulations have confirmed that it is necessary the existence of trapped molecules in the inside of the cavities to stabilize the cavities. In the second part of this thesis, the molecular dynamics simulations and calculation of optical properties when gold nanoparticles (in a colloid) are irradiated with femtosecond laser pulses. The simulations allowed to predict the the shape changes under different conditions for the laser fluency and duration, the size of the nanoparticles and the cooling rate, which is driven by the properties of the solvent and the surfactant. These simulations provide a guidance for the synthesis of nanoparticles with specific morphological features. The results show that the nanospheres should be heated up to 2500 y 3500 K, followed by a fast cooling (time constant of 120 ps). Therefore, the experimental conditions for the efficient production of hollow nanoparticles are described what opens a broad range of possibilities for applications in areas such as energy storage and catalysis. MD simulations are carried out in the last part of this thesis to gain insights into the pump-probe experiments using AuNPs in reference [R. Fuentes-Domínguez et al. Appl. Sci. 2017, 7(8), 819.]. Upon femtosecond laser irradiation and deposition of energy, the nanospheres vibrate which can be measured by means of the scattering cross section. This fact becomes the AuNPs in ideal thermoelastic ultrasound generators and therefore in excellent candidates for light-sound transducers in different applications. / Castro Palacio, JC. (2021). Modelación físico-matemática y simulaciones computacionales para guiar el diseño y fabricación de nanoestructuras plasmónicas optimizadas para aplicaciones energéticas [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/175557

Role of nuclear rotation in H[subscript]2[superscript]+ dissociation by ultra short laser pulses

Anis, Fatima January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Physics / Brett D. Esry / The nuclear rotational period of the simplest molecule H[subscript]2[superscript]+ is about 550 fs, which is more than 35 times longer than its vibrational period of 15 fs. The rotational time scale is also much longer than widely available ultra short laser pulses which have 10 fs or less duration. The large difference in rotational period and ultra short laser pulse duration raises questions about the importance of nuclear rotation in theoretical studies of H[subscript]2[superscript]+ dissociation by these pulses. In most studies, reduced-dimensionality calculations are performed by freezing the molecular axis in one direction, referred to as the aligned model. We have systematically compared the aligned model with our full-dimensionality results for total dissociation probability and field-free dynamics of the dissociating fragments. The agreement between the two is only qualitative even for ultra short 10 fs pulses. Post-pulse dynamics of the bound wave function show rotational revivals. Significant alignment of H[subscript]2[superscript]+ occurs at these revivals. Our theoretical formulation to solve the time-dependent Schrodinger equation is an important step forward to make quantitative comparison between theory and experiment. We accurately calculate observables such as kinetic energy, angular, and momentum distributions. Reduced-dimensionality calculations cannot predict momentum distributions. Our theoretical approach presents the first momentum distribution of H[subscript]2[superscript]+ dissociation by few cycle laser pulses. These observables can be directly compared to the experiment. After taking into account averaging steps over the experimental conditions, we find remarkable agreement between the theory and experiment. Thus, our theoretical formulation can make predictions. In H[subscript]2[superscript]+ dissociation by pulses less than 10 fs, an asymmetry in the momentum distribution occurs by the interference of different pathways contributing to the same energy. The asymmetry, however, becomes negligible after averaging over experimental conditions. In a proposed pump-probe scheme, we predict an order of magnitude enhancement in the asymmetry and are optimistic that it can be observed.

Combinaison cohérente d'amplificateurs à fibre en régime femtoseconde / Coherent combining of femtosecond fiber amplifiers

Daniault, Louis 05 December 2012 (has links)
Pour un grand nombre d'applications, les sources laser impulsionnelles femtoseconde (fs) doivent fournir des puissances toujours plus importantes. En régime impulsionnel, on recherche d'une part une forte puissance crête par impulsion, et d'autre part une forte puissance moyenne, c'est à dire un taux de répétition élevé. Parmi les technologies existantes, les amplificateurs à fibre optique dopée ytterbium présentent de nombreux avantages pour l'obtention de fortes puissances moyennes, cependant le fort confinement des faisceaux dans la fibre sur de grandes longueurs d'interaction induit inévitablement des effets non-linéaires, et limite ainsi la puissance crête accessible. Nous avons étudié lors de cette thèse la combinaison cohérente d'impulsions fs appliquée aux systèmes fibrés.Ayant déjà fait ses preuves dans les régimes d'amplification continu et nanoseconde, la combinaison cohérente de faisceaux (dite combinaison spatiale) permet de diviser une seule et unique source en N voies indépendantes, disposées en parallèle et incluant chacune un amplificateur. Les faisceaux amplifiés sont ensuite recombinés en espace libre en un seul et unique faisceau, qui contient toute la puissance des N amplificateurs sans accumuler les effets non-linéaires. Cette architecture permet théoriquement de monter d'un facteur N le niveau de puissance crête issu des systèmes d'amplification fibrés. Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons démontré la compatibilité et l'efficacité de cette méthode en régime d'amplification fs avec deux amplificateurs, selon différents procédés. Les expériences démontrent d'excellentes efficacités de combinaison ainsi qu'une très bonne préservation des caractéristiques temporelles et spatiales initiales de la source. Les procédés de combinaison cohérente nécessitent cependant un accord de phase entre différents amplificateurs stable dans le temps, assuré en premier lieu par une boucle de rétroaction. Nous avons poursuivi notre étude en concevant une architecture totalement passive, permettant une implémentation plus simple d'un système de combinaison à deux faisceaux sans asservissement électronique. Enfin, une méthode passive de combinaison cohérente dans le domaine temporel est étudiée et caractérisée dans le domaine fs, et implémentée simultanément avec la méthode passive de combinaison spatiale proposée précédemment. Ces expériences démontrent la validité et la variété des concepts proposés, ainsi que leurs nombreuses perspectives pour les systèmes d'amplification fs fibrés. / Applications addressed by femtosecond (fs) laser sources are requiring increasing pulse energies and increasing average powers. Ytterbium-doped fiber amplifiers are excellent candidates to generate high average powers at high repetition rates, but present strong disadvantages in terms of peak power. Indeed, the tight confinement of the beam over long interaction length induces nonlinear effects at high peak-powers that affect the overall performances of fiber systems. This work describes coherent combining methods that can be used to scale the performances of femtosecond laser sources.Coherent beam combining has been widely used in CW regime and more recently in the nanosecond range. It consists in splitting a single seed into N beam replicas, amplified each by independent amplifiers in parallel. Their respective outputs are combined in free space into one single beam that carries the power of the N amplifiers without cumulating nonlinearities. This architecture allows scaling both peak and average powers of the amplification systems. We have studied and demonstrated the efficiency of active coherent beam combining in the fs regime with two fiber amplifiers, which are peak-power limited. The experiments show the preservation of the temporal/spectral/spatial properties of the combined pulses, with high combination efficiencies.Coherent beam combining methods require phase-matching between all the beams to combine. This is usually achieved by an active feedback loop on each amplifier along with a phase detection scheme. We demonstrate that a Sagnac interferometer can be used to ensure perfect and stable phase-matching over time, which considerably simplifies the setup. Finally, another passive combining method known as divided-pulse amplification, acting in the temporal domain, is studied and demonstrated in the fs regime. It is coupled with the passive spatial combining method described above to scale the number of pulse divisions. All these experiments show the compatibility of coherent combining concepts in the fs regime and provide new opportunities for fiber amplifier systems.

Quantum dissipative dynamics with a surrogate Hamiltonian

Koch, Christiane 18 October 2002 (has links)
Diese Dissertation untersucht Quantensysteme in kondensierter Phase, welche mit ihrer Umgebung wechselwirken und durch ultrakurze Laserpulse angeregt werden. Die Zeitskalen der verschiedenen beteiligten Prozessen lassen sich bei solchen Problemen nicht separieren, weshalb die Standardmethoden zur Behandlung offener Quantensysteme nicht angewandt werden können. Die Methode des Surrogate Hamiltonian stellt ein Beispiel neuer Herangehensweisen an dissipative Quantendynamik dar. Die Weiterentwicklung der Methode und ihre Anwendung auf Phänomene, die zur Zeit experimentell untersucht werden, stehen im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden die einzelnen dissipativen Prozesse klassifiziert und diskutiert. Insbesondere wird ein Modell der Dephasierung in die Methode des Surrogate Hamiltonian eingeführt. Dies ist wichtig für zukünftige Anwendungen der Methode, z.b. auf kohärente Kontrolle oder Quantencomputing. Diesbezüglich hat der Surrogate Hamiltonian einen großen Vorteil gegenüber anderen zur Verfügung stehenden Methoden dadurch, daß er auf dem Spin-Bad, d.h. auf einer vollständig quantenmechanischen Beschreibung der Umgebung, beruht. Im nächsten Schritt wird der Surrogate Hamiltonian auf ein Standardproblem für Ladungstransfer in kondensierter Phase angewandt, zwei nichtadiabatisch gekoppelte harmonische Oszillatoren, die in ein Bad eingebettet sind. Dieses Modell stellt eine große Vereinfachung von z.B. einem Molekül in Lösung dar, es dient hier jedoch als Testbeispiel für die theoretische Beschreibung eines prototypischen Ladungstransferereignisses. Alle qualitativen Merkmale eines solchen Experimentes können wiedergegeben und Defizite früherer Behandlungen identifiziert werden. Ultraschnelle Experimente beobachten Reaktionsdynamik auf der Zeitskala von Femtosekunden. Dies kann besonders gut durch den Surrogate Hamiltonian als einer Methode, die auf einer zeitabhängigen Beschreibung beruht, erfaßt werden. Die Kombination der numerischen Lösung der zeitabhängigen Schrödingergleichung mit der Wignerfunktion, die die Visualisierung eines Quantenzustands im Phasenraum ermöglicht, gestattet es, dem Ladungstransferzyklus intuitiv Schritt für Schritt zu folgen. Der Nutzen des Surrogate Hamiltonian wird weiterhin durch die Verbindung mit der Methode der Filterdiagonalisierung erhöht. Dies gestattet es, aus mit dem Surrogate Hamiltonian nur für relative kurze Zeite konvergierte Erwartungswerten Ergebnisse in der Frequenzdomäne zu erhalten. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der theoretischen Beschreibung der laserinduzierten Desorption kleiner Moleküle von Metalloxidoberflächen. Dieses Problem stellt ein Beispiel dar, in dem alle Aspekte mit derselben methodischen Genauigkeit beschrieben werden, d.h. ab initio Potentialflächen werden mit einem mikroskopischen Modell für die Anregungs- und Relaxationsprozesse verbunden. Das Modell für die Wechselwirkung zwischen angeregtem Adsorbat-Substrat-System und Elektron-Loch-Paaren des Substrats beruht auf einer vereinfachten Darstellung der Elektron-Loch-Paare als ein Bad aus Dipolen und auf einer Dipol-Dipol-Wechselwirkung zwischen System und Bad. Alle Parameter können aus Rechnungen zur elektronischen Struktur abgeschätzt werden. Desorptionswahrscheinlichkeiten und Desorptionsgeschwindigkeiten werden unabhängig voneinander im experimentell gefundenen Bereich erhalten. Damit erlaubt der Surrogate Hamiltonian erstmalig eine vollständige Beschreibung der Photodesorptionsdynamik auf ab initio-Basis. / This thesis investigates condensed phase quantum systems which interact with their environment and which are subject to ultrashort laser pulses. For such systems the timescales of the involved processes cannot be separated, and standard approaches to treat open quantum systems fail. The Surrogate Hamiltonian method represents one example of a number of new approaches to address quantum dissipative dynamics. Its further development and application to phenomena under current experimental investigation are presented. The single dissipative processes are classified and discussed in the first part of this thesis. In particular, a model of dephasing is introduced into the Surrogate Hamiltonian method. This is of importance for future work in fields such as coherent control and quantum computing. In regard to these subjects, it is a great advantage of the Surrogate Hamiltonian over other available methods that it relies on a spin, i.e. a fully quantum mechanical description of the bath. The Surrogate Hamiltonian method is applied to a standard model of charge transfer in condensed phase, two nonadiabatically coupled harmonic oscillators immersed in a bath. This model is still an oversimplification of, for example, a molecule in solution, but it serves as testing ground for the theoretical description of a prototypical ultrafast pump-probe experiment. All qualitative features of such an experiment are reproduced and shortcomings of previous treatments are identified. Ultrafast experiments attempt to monitor reaction dynamics on a femtosecond timescale. This can be captured particularly well by the Surrogate Hamiltonian as a method based on a time-dependent picture. The combination of the numerical solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation with the phase space visualization given by the Wigner function allows for a step by step following of the sequence of events in a charge transfer cycle in a very intuitive way. The utility of the Surrogate Hamiltonian is furthermore significantly enhanced by the incorporation of the Filter Diagonalization method. This allows to obtain frequency domain results from the dynamics which can be converged within the Surrogate Hamiltonian approach only for comparatively short times. The second part of this thesis is concerned with the theoretical treatment of laser induced desorption of small molecules from oxide surfaces. This is an example which allows for a description of all aspects of the problem with the same level of rigor, i.e. ab initio potential energy surfaces are combined with a microscopic model for the excitation and relaxation processes. This model of the interaction between the excited adsorbate-substrate complex and substrate electron-hole pairs relies on a simplified description of the electron-hole pairs as a bath of dipoles, and a dipole-dipole interaction between system and bath. All parameters are connected to results from electronic structure calculations. The obtained desorption probabilities and desorption velocities are simultaneously found to be in the right range as compared to the experimental results. The Surrogate Hamiltonian approach therefore allows for a complete description of the photodesorption dynamics on an ab initio basis for the first time.

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