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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelo de autoavaliação da qualidade dos serviços de saúde com base nas metodologias de acreditação hospitalar: um enfoque em gestão de pessoas

Santos, Saulo da Silva 29 January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Marcia Silva (marcia@latec.uff.br) on 2016-05-31T19:57:15Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERT SAULO DA SILVA SANTOS.pdf: 1152154 bytes, checksum: 155e2922a6d303e0e337f8cc6dd3580c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-31T19:57:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERT SAULO DA SILVA SANTOS.pdf: 1152154 bytes, checksum: 155e2922a6d303e0e337f8cc6dd3580c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-01-29 / Esta dissertação trata da elaboração de um modelo de autoavaliação da gestão da qualidade, com enfoque em padrões de Gestão de Pessoas, no ambiente hospitalar. Inicialmente foi realizada uma pesquisa no intuito de identificar as principais ideias e características dos estudos relacionados à avaliação da qualidade dos serviços de saúde, com maior ênfase na acreditação hospitalar, bem como um comparativo entre as metodologias de acreditação ONA e JCI/CBA. Através de um estudo de caso, com caráter exploratório e a aplicação de um questionário a gestores hospitalares de um hospital universitário, foi possível avaliar a adequabilidade dos padrões que iriam compor o modelo final de autoavaliação; produto final desta dissertação. Os resultados obtidos apontaram que os gestores participantes da pesquisa entendem a relevância do estabelecimento de padrões que apoiem na gestão e acompanhamento da instituição, com vistas ao desenvolvimento e aprimoramento contínuo. / This dissertation deals with the development of a self-assessment model of quality management, focusing on standards of people management in the hospital setting. Initially a survey in order to identify the main ideas and characteristics of studies related to the evaluation of the quality of health services was carried out, with greater emphasis on hospital accreditation, as well as a comparison between the accreditation methodologies ONA and JCI/CBA. Through a case study, with exploratory and applying a questionnaire to hospital managers of a university hospital, it was possible to assess the adequacy of standards that would compose the final model of self-assessment; final product of this work. The results showed that participants of research managers understand the importance of setting standards to support the management and monitoring of the institution, with a view to the development and continuous improvement.


JORGE AURELIO SANTA CRUZ PASTOR 06 July 2015 (has links)
[pt] Apresenta-se a formulação de um modelo isoparamétrico para a análise de viga tridimensional por elementos finitos que inclui a cinemática de deformação axial, de flexão, de torção e do empenamento da seção reta. A geometria do elemento e o campo de deslocamentos são aproximados, na direção longitudinal, por funções cúbicas de interpolação definidas na linha central. O elemento possui três graus-de-liberdade de translação e um grau-de-liberdade de rotação em torno do eixo axial da viga que permitem representar as deformações lineares longitudinais e de cisalhamento devidas aos esforços axiais, de flexão e de torção na viga. Além destes um número de graus-de-liberdade generalizados é utilizado na representação do estado de deformações resultante do empenamento da seção reta. Condições de compatibilidade dos deslocamentos entre elementos contíguos ou entre um elemento e uma parede rígida são obtidas através de um procedimento de penalização na expressão da energia de deformação. A condensação estática dos graus-de-liberdade generalizados na matriz de rigidez do elemento permite reduzir o desenvolvimento a uma formulação com quatro graus-de-liberdade por nó. A formulação foi implementada e resultados numéricos são utilizados para ilustrar as características do elemento em representar análises típicas de engenharia com vigas. / [en] The formulation of a three-dimension isoparametric beam elemento model that includes kinematics of axial, bending, torsional and warping displacements is presented. The element geometry and displacement fields are approximated using cubic interpolation functions along the element lenght coordinate, on the beam center axis. The displacements are represented by three translation and one rotation degrees-of-freedom, that account for linear and shear strains, and a number of generalized degrees-of-freedom to represent strains in the beam due to cross-section warping. Continuity conditions between adjoining element and between an element and a rigid wall are achieved by using rotation compatibility conditions at the common node. These are obtained with a penalty procedure added to the element strain energy. Static condensation of the generalized degrees-of-freedom is performed in the element stiffness matrix such the formulation results into a four degree-of-freedom per node element. The formulation has been implemented and some sample analysis results are furnished to illustrate the element capabilities in handling typical engineering beam analyses.


ZHOU CONG 15 December 2017 (has links)
[pt] Enquanto a topologia do espaço de todas as curvas suaves imersas em 2-esfera começando e terminando em pontos dados e direções dadas é bem conhecido, é uma questão aberta entender o tipo de homotopia e dos seus subespaços consistindo as curvas com a curvatura restrita a um intervalo próprio aberto prescrito. Neste tese provamos que, sob certas circunstancias para os pontos e as direções inicial e final, estes subespaços não são homotopicamente equivalente ao espaço todo. Adicionalmente, fornecemos uma construção explicita dos geradores exóticos para algum grupo de homotopia e cohomologia. As dimensões desses geradores dependem das posições e das direções nas extremidades. Uma versão do princípio h foi usada na prova desses resultados. / [en] While the topology of the space of all smooth immersed curves in 2-sphere that start and end at given points in given direction is well known, it is an open problem to understand the homotopy type of its subspaces consisting of the curves whose geodesic curvatures are constrained to a prescribed proper open interval. In this article we prove that, under certain circumstances for endpoints and end directions, these subspaces are not homotopically equivalent to the whole space. Moreover, we give an explicit construction of exotic generators for some homotopy and cohomology groups. It turns out that the dimensions of these generators depend on endpoints and end directions. A version of the h-principle is used to prove these results.

Answer set programming probabilístico / Probabilistic Answer Set Programming

Eduardo Menezes de Morais 10 December 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho introduz uma técnica chamada Answer Set Programming Probabilístico (PASP), que permite a modelagem de teorias complexas e a verificação de sua consistência em relação a um conjunto de dados estatísticos. Propomos métodos de resolução baseados em uma redução para o problema da satisfazibilidade probabilística (PSAT) e um método de redução de Turing ao ASP. / This dissertation introduces a technique called Probabilistic Answer Set Programming (PASP), that allows modeling complex theories and check its consistence with respect to a set of statistical data. We propose a method of resolution based in the reduction to the probabilistic satisfiability problem (PSAT) and a Turing reduction method to ASP.

Das Leben der Dresdner Hofjuden im Spiegel der Quellen. Handlungsoptionen und -zwänge der jüdischen Minderheit in der Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts

Sterzinger, Clara 31 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Musik zwischen Nation Building und Internationalität. Italien um 1900

Engelhardt, Markus 29 October 2020 (has links)
In this article German contributions to periodicals of the International Musicological Society focussing on Italian musical life in Italy around 1900 are analyzed as testimonies of Italy’s new importance as a music nation at that time. The German perspective on musical culture in the Kingdom of Italy follows hierarchies that are closely linked to political and economic rivalry between the two nations. At different levels (music education, formation of composers and musicians, local repertories, musical genres) well-known concepts of German supremacy can be recognized. Nevertheless, the national music debates include also phenomena which strongly confirm music as art of great potential for international consensus.

Gehobene und exquisite Küche in der Konsumgesellschaft: Dresden um 1900

Krüger, Benedikt 12 March 2019 (has links)
Die Studie analyisiert und beschreibt die wissenschaftlichen, lebensreformerischen und gastronomischen Ernährungsdiksurse zur Zeit des Deutschen Kaisereichs mit dem Ziel ein differenziertes Bild kulinarischer Entwicklungen unter den besonderen Bedingungen der entstehenden Konsumgesellschaft herauszuarbeiten.

Rationale Strukturen in freien improvisatorischen Instrumentalformen am Beispiel venezianischer Tokkaten und Intonationen im ausgehenden 16. Jahrhundert

Schöning, Kateryna 22 October 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Role of forestry in global land use scenarios for mitigating climate change

Mishra, Abhijeet 31 March 2023 (has links)
Land ist eine begrenzte Ressource, und die steigende Nachfrage nach Lebensmitteln, Futtermitteln und Holz treibt den Wettbewerb zwischen verschiedenen Landnutzungsarten voran. Landnutzungsmodelle, die Landnutzungsmuster optimieren und negative Kompromisse zwischen verschiedenen Landnutzungen minimieren, können bei der Bewertung solcher Landkonkurrenzdynamiken helfen. Angesichts des langen Planungshorizonts der Forstwirtschaft ist die Modellierung der Dynamik des Forstsektors in einem einzigen Modell eine Herausforderung. Diese Dissertation zeigt, dass zwischen Land- und Forstwirtschaft auf feinen räumlichen Skalen (halbe Grad Gitterauflösung) ein Wettbewerb um Land besteht, und die Berücksichtigung eines dynamischen Forstsektors in einem rekursiven dynamischen Modell wie MAgPIE verbessert die Bewertung der Landnutzung und der damit verbundenen Emissionen. Die Speicherung von Kohlenstoff in seit langem bestehenden Infrastrukturen wie städtischen Gebäuden könnte eine zusätzliche Option zur Abschwächung des Klimawandels sein und gleichzeitig Hotspots der biologischen Vielfalt und Grenzwälder vor der Umwandlung in andere Landnutzungsformen schützen, zusätzlich zu den bereits gut verstandenen und quantifizierten landbasierten Abschwächungsoptionen. Auf diese Weise wird nicht nur Kohlenstoff über lange Zeiträume in den Holzstädten der Zukunft gespeichert, sondern es wird auch dazu beigetragen, Emissionen aus der Produktion von Zement und Stahl für den Bau von Infrastrukturen in der Zukunft zu vermeiden. Auf der COP26 wurde eine Erklärung zum Ende der Entwaldung bis 2030 abgegeben. Eine mögliche Politik zur Umsetzung dieser Erklärung vor Ort wäre das Verbot der Ausdehnung landwirtschaftlicher Flächen auf bewaldete Flächen. Dies würde bedeuten, dass nicht bewaldete Flächen in einem noch nie dagewesenen Ausmaß in landwirtschaftliche Flächen umgewandelt würden. / Land is a limited resource and the increasing demand for food, feed and timber drives competition between different land use types. Land-use models, which optimize land-use patterns and minimize negative trade-offs across land uses, can assist in assessing such land competition dynamics. Given the long planning horizon of forest management and competition for land with agriculture, modeling forestry sector dynamics in a single model is challenging. The Inclusion of a dynamic forest sector in the Model of Agricultural Production and its Impact on the Environment (MAgPIE) helps in answering the overarching research question: What is the role of forestry in future land use? This dissertation shows that competition for land exists between agriculture and forestry on fine spatial scales (half degree grid resolution), and the consideration of a dynamic forestry sector in a recursive dynamic model like MAgPIE improves the assessment of land-use and its associated emissions. Understanding how production of roundwood influences the competition for land would help in quantifying how wood can be produced for timber cities of the future. Storing carbon in long-standing infrastructure like urban buildings could be an additional mitigation option, whilst protecting biodiversity hotspots and frontier forests from being converted to other land uses, on top of already well understood and quantified land-based mitigation options. This way, not only carbon is stored over long time spans in timber cities of the future, it also helps in avoiding emissions from production of cement and steel for construction of infrastructure in the future. Additionally, A declaration to end deforestation by 2030 was made at COP26. A potential policy implementing this declaration on the ground would be to prohibit the expansion of agricultural land into forested land. This would mean that non-forested land will be converted at unprecedented levels into agricultural land.


PAULA CESARI BORGES B DE OLIVEIRA 17 July 2018 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar os laços observados no coletivo, a partir das coordenadas sugeridas por Freud na análise dos fenômenos da massa. Freud aponta a premissa do líder como fundamento de qualquer agrupamento, elo primordial nas relações entre os membros da massa. O seu caráter, ao mesmo tempo, maleável e homogêneo se definiria a partir do sugestionamento feito pelo líder. A identificação é o conceito norteador neste processo, desde sua apreensão primitiva e coletiva - através do Pai da horda, até o seu desdobramento no complexo de Édipo. Essa dissertação pretende inquirir a função do cartel enquanto ferramenta para o tratamento dos efeitos de massa; e analisar o papel do mais-um como agente provocador da incompletude no grupo. Pra tanto, observaremos um estudo dos grupos clínicos da Associação Digaí-Maré que, inspirados no cartel, buscam a inclusão da singularidade no grupo, normalmente afeito ao universal. O trabalho do clínico nos grupos do Digaí-Maré aposta nas diretrizes do mais-um, tentando descompletar a pretensa união do grupo. Os casos analisados discutem a possibilidade de sustentação do laço pela diferença. A inserção do estranho no conjunto se apresentaria como alternativa para a conservação das singularidades, assegurando o espaço para o sintoma de cada um. / [en] This study aims to investigate the ties notated in collective, started with the co-ordenates introduced by Freud in his analysis about the mass. The major premise of a pressing leader happened in any grouping. The leader induce the mass that introduce itself malleable by him. The identification is the essential concept since its origin apprehension with the horde s father till its development in the Oedipus. The cartel is an important instrument to treat the mass effects; and the plus-one is responsible to deflate the group. The groups of Digaí-Maré Association intent to include the singularity in the united that generally tends to universal. The psychoanalyst that works on Digaí-Maré Association supposes to be the plus-one that defly the mass effects. The pretend tie on group is with the insupportable difference that can interlace each member. The only possibility to conserve the uniqueness is to include the strange peculiarity that owns us.

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