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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ungdomar läser : om läs- och bokvanor i årskurs nio och gymnasieskolan / Young people read : reading and library habits in ninth grade and upper secondary school

Bergsten, Anna-Lena January 1996 (has links)
This thesis investigates young people's (16-21) preferences in reading through a surveyincluding interviews and questionnaires. The groups attitudes towards reading and libraries,their reading and library habits, and to what extent eight libraries had bought the preferredliterature were also examined.Some reports from the 80's were used to find the changes. The result shows that youngstersread and visit libraries somewhat more frequently. Trivial literature is not as dominant, moreteenage-books were read. Popular themes are love, history, reality, fantasy/sf, and detectivestories. The books should be exciting or emotional. The way they were told was important -something earlier studies did not show.Reading was mainly connected with relaxation and the content was essential. The librarieswere important intermediaries and the majority was happy with the collection. 21% of themost popular titles were missing, and only an average of 1,5-5 books were available of mosttitles.

Ungdomar läser : om läs- och bokvanor i årskurs nio och gymnasieskolan / Young people read : reading and library habits in ninth grade and upper secondary school

Bergsten, Anna-Lena January 1996 (has links)
This thesis investigates young people´s (16-21) preferences in reading through a survey including interviews and questionnaires. The groups attitudes towards reading and libraries, their reading and library habits, and to what extent eight libraries had bought the preferred literature were also examined. Some reports from the 80´s were used to find the changes. The result shows that youngsters read and visit libraries somewhat more frequently. Trivial literature is not as dominant, more teenage-books were read. Popular thems are love, history, reality, fantasy/sf, and detective stories. The books should be exciting or emotional. The way they were told was important - something earlier studies did not show. Reading was mainly connected with relaxation and the content was essential. The libraries were important intermediaries and the majority was happy with the collection. 21% of the most popular titles were missing, and only an average of 1,5-5 books were available of most titles.

Ungdomars informationsbehov : en undersökning av ungdomars informationsbehov och informationssökning på Internet inför gymnasievalet / Young people’s information needs : a study of young people’s information needs and information seeking on the Internet when deciding on what upper secondary education to choose

Holgerson, Malin January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine young people’s information needs whenthey are deciding on what upper secondary education to choose, why they usedInternet to find the information, and how they experienced their informationseeking. A qualitative study was made using interviews. The study’s respondentsconsisted of young people who are soon to be leaving elementary school, andyoung people who have just started their upper secondary education. Thetheoretical framework that was used to analyse the results of the study consisted oftheories and models regarding information needs and information seeking. Theresults of the study shows that, initially, the Internet does not seem to have asignificant role in the search for information. Rather, it was used at the end of thesearch, when they had decided which course of upper secondary education theywere interested in. The study respondents used schools' websites almostexclusively to find the information needed. They were interested mainly ininformation about the upper secondary program of their choice, and photos of theschool. They were very content in using the Internet to get information beforedeciding on which school to choose. They thought that it was simple to use, andthat it was accessible. It appeared, however, that although they were satisfied withthe Internet as information source they did not always understand the informationthat they found; nor were they interested in more or new information that couldaffect their decisions. / Program: Bibliotekarie

”Det känns som en barnavdelning, det är ingen ungdomsdel liksom” : Ungdomar och det egna biblioteksrummet / “It feels like a children’s section, it’s not like a youth section” : Young adults and their own library room

Börjesson, Andréa January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to find out how young adults experience the library and the space that they have access to. I used semi-structured interviews to find out about this and interviewed eight youths between the ages of 15 and 18 in a medium sized city in the province of Västra Götaland in Sweden. I then analyzed the material with the help of Goffman’s theory about front stage and back stage. I also did a small comparison with results from previous studies.The result showed that the youths generally liked the library and the staff but they had opinions on some issues. Several of the youths missed comfortable furniture in the adult section and enjoyed the furniture in the children and youth section. However, several of the young adults experienced that the volume of sound was disturbing in that section. All of them wanted there to be some form of youth room or youth section in the library. My analysis with Goffman’s theory showed that the youths overall saw the library as a front stage area and therefor tended to use it in that way, however, they tended to use the children and youth section more as a back stage area. The way the youths described how a youth room could be like made me realize that they wanted a place with both front and backstage qualities after their own needs. The results also had several things in common with previous studies. / Program: Bibliotekarie

”Hatar gamlingar färg och att sitta skönt eller vad är problemet?” En kvalitativ studie av ungdomars uppfattning om folkbibliotek. / “Do old people hate color and to sit comfortably or what is the problem?” A qualitative study of young people’s perception of public libraries..

Ringmann, Malin January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study 15 and 16-year-olds’ perception of libraries. Despite the fact that the youth is seen as a prioritized group when it comes to library work, the focus is often drawn to the children, and there is a risk that teens and their needs are set aside. My focus is the public library and how the young people in my study use it in their leisure time. The theory of the thesis is a model created by Skot-Hansen, Hvenegaard Rasmussen and Jochumsen and it highlights four possible rooms or functions in a library, concerning inspiration, learning, meetings and creativity. I have interviewed six teenagers in order find out how they perceive the library and its functions.My conclusions are that the teenagers consider libraries good and important, but that the interior as well as the activities can be improved. They want to interact with each other and take part in various creative activities. If the libraries change these functions according to the needs of young people they can transform the library into an attractive place for the youth. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Psykisk hälsa hos ungdomar. En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers upplevelser och bemötande. / Mental health in adolescents. A qualitative study on the school counselors’ experiences and responses.

Smedberg, Angelika, Takamäki, Cajsa January 2018 (has links)
Denna kvalitativa studie syftar till att ge ökad kunskap angående skolkuratorers upplevelser, i arbetet med ungdomar och deras psykiska hälsa. I Sverige är den psykiska hälsan det största hotet främst för ungdomar. Kuratorer är en yrkesgrupp som möter dessa unga dagligen i en miljö där de tillbringar mycket tid, i skolan. Data samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer, gjorda på sex skolkuratorer med en arbetslivserfarenhet på genomsnittligen åtta år. Kuratorerna som intervjuades var yrkesverksamma inom olika gymnasieskolor. Resultaten belyste kuratorernas yrkesroll och deras arbete med ungdomars psykiska hälsa. Vidare tyder resultaten på att den upplevda psykiska hälsan hos ungdomar inte har försämrats över tid. Trots detta fanns stor tyngd på skolkuratorer gällande behovet av individuella samtal och på grund av detta brister i att arbeta förebyggande. Denna studie bidrar till en djupare kunskap om hur skolkuratorer upplever och bemöter ungdomars psykiska hälsa, och vilka åtgärdsinsatser som tillämpas vid uppstående problem eller ohälsa. / The present study is a qualitative study that aims to give increased knowledge of the school counselors’ experiences in working with young people and their psychological health. In Sweden, mental health is the main threats mainly among young people. Counselors in school is the profession that meets these young people daily in an environment where they spend most time, in school. Data was collected through semi structured interviews with six counselors, with work experience on average eight years. Counselors interviewed were active within different high schools. The results highlight the counselors’ professional role and their work with young people. Furthermore, the results indicate that the perceived mental health of young people has not deteriorated over time. Despite this, there was a great deal of emphasis on school counselors regarding the need for individual counseling and because of this there was a lack of preventive work. This study contributes to a deeper knowledge of how counselors experience and meet young people's psychological health, and what are the applying actions in case of problems or mental illness

Samtidens gratisarbetare på jakt efter jaget? : En kvantitativ studie om ungdomars reflektion gällande dess identitetsskapande och roll som kommersiella sändare på sociala medier

Rosenlund, Stina, Ragnarsson, Lisa January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

"De uppfattade socialtjänsten som någon som tog allting ifrån dem". : En kvalitativ studie om orsakerna bakom ungdomars tillit eller misstro till socialtjänsten. / ”They percieved social services as someone who took everything away from them” : A qualitative study on youth’s trust and distrust in social services

Norman Sjödahl, Rebecca, Skalja, Stella January 2018 (has links)
Studien ämnade att undersöka skälen bakom intervjupersonernas upplevda tillit eller misstro gentemot socialtjänsten. Vidare var det även av intresse att få en ökad förståelse för hur detta påverkade individernas benägenhet att vid behov uppsöka myndigheten för stöd. Studien baserades på intervjuer med högstadieelever på en skola i Sverige. Undersökningens slutsatser visade på att intervjupersonernas benägenhet att anförtro sig åt myndigheten var tydligt förankrade i olika skäl, vilka sammanfattades till tre huvudteman. Det framkom att intervjupersonerna upplevde att de inte var tillräckligt informeradeavseende myndigheten och dess förfarande, vilket försämrade förutsättningarna till ett ökat tillitskapital. Vidare påvisade resultatet att intervjupersonerna uppfattade att det råder ojämn maktbalans- socialarbetare och klient - emellan. Det fanns även en rädsla för socialtjänstens befogenheter och hur dessa tillämpas. Detta då det förelåg en uppfattning om att maktutövandet kunde användas för att bestraffa den enskilde. Risken för stigmatisering var ännu ett skäl till varför intervjupersonerna upplevde en känsla av misstro gentemot socialtjänsten. Rädslan för att bli socialt bestraffad minskade benägenheten att uppsöka stöd, vilket medförde att intervjupersonerna i största möjliga mån valde att undvika myndigheten.

Deprimerade barn och ungdomar : En fördjupad litteraturstudie om socionomens perspektiv i behandling

Dahlqvist, Maria, Friberg, Therese January 2019 (has links)
Psykisk ohälsa hos barn och ungdomar har eskalerat markant på senare tid. Främst ses den negativa trenden i ökningen av depression och ångestsyndrom. Det har utvecklats till en samhällsproblematik som inte visar några tecken på avmattning. Syftet med uppsatsen har därför varit att undersöka hur barn och ungdomar som upplever den problematiken kan stöttas, främst ur ett socionomperspektiv. Metodvalet för arbetet har varit en fördjupad litteraturstudie eftersom det ansågs vara det som passade bäst för studiens syfte. Materialet, i form av artiklar, sammanställdes till de teman som ses som nyckelord för arbetet. Konklusionen av studien är att det är svårt att upptäcka depression hos barn och ungdomar, men samhället har blivit bättre på att uppmärksamma problematiken. Behandlingarna som finns tillgängliga för de som drabbas är många och kan vara svåra att överblicka. De råder även oenighet i vad som anses verksamt, vilket blir en utmaning för de som möter individerna. / <p>2019-01-17</p>

Kristendomsundervisningens innehåll : En kvalitativ studie om lärare och prästers uppfattningar

Eriksson, Elin, Hjalmarsson, Klara January 2018 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka vad lärare och präster anser är viktig kunskap inom kristendomen och vad som bör läras ut till ungdomar. Eftersom präster är betydelsefulla representanter för kristendomen ansåg vi det vara av intresse att undersöka deras uppfattningar i relation till lärares åsikter samt granska eventuella skillnader och likheter. För att undersöka dessa likheter och skillnader har två stycken frågeställningar formulerats som uppsatsen utgått från. För att under intervjuernas gång få svar på de tidigare formulerade frågeställningarna utformades fyra stycken intervjufrågor som ställdes till samtliga informanter. Den använda metoden för intervjuerna är semistrukturerade intervjuer, vilket sedan analyserades med hjälp av en tematisk analys samt framework. Resultatet visade fler likheter än skillnader mellan lärare och prästers uppfattningar och att det viktigaste innehållet var relationer, upplevelser, kristen värdegrund, kristendomens särdrag och likheter i förhållande till andra världsreligioner samt förståelse. Inom dessa teman uppfattades ett flertal subteman där likheter och skillnader mellan de båda yrkesgruppernas uppfattningar om vad som är viktig kunskap kunde utrönas.

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